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Acoels are among the simplest worms and therefore have often been pivotal in discussions of the origin of the Bilateria. Initially thought primitive because of their “planula-like” morphology, including their lumenless digestive system, they were subsequently dismissed by many morphologists as a specialized clade of the Platyhelminthes. However, since molecular phylogenies placed them outside the Platyhelminthes and outside all other phyla at the base of the Bilateria, they became the focus of renewed debate and research. We review what is currently known of acoels, including information regarding their morphology, development, systematics, and phylogenetic relationships, and put some of these topics in a historical perspective to show how the application of new methods contributed to the progress in understanding these animals. Taking all available data into consideration, clear-cut conclusions cannot be made; however, in our view it becomes successively clearer that acoelomorphs are a “basal” but “divergent” branch of the Bilateria.  相似文献   

Fungi encompass, in addition to classically well‐studied lineages, an ever‐expanding diversity of poorly known lineages that include, among others, zoosporic chytrid‐like parasites. According to recent phylogenetic analysis based on 18S + 28S rRNA concatenated genes two unusual chytrid‐like fungi Amoeboradix gromovi and Sanchytrium tribonematis form a monophyletic group, the family Sanchytriaceae, which represents a new divergent taxon that remains incertae sedis within Fungi. Zoospores of Amoeboradix gromovi contain one of the longest kinetosomes known in eukaryotic cells, which are composed of microtubular singlets or doublets. However, the ultrastructure of S. tribonematis, the type species of the genus had not been yet studied. Here, we provide the results of TEM investigations of zoospores and sporangia from two strains of S. tribonematis. The two strains are endowed with unusual features. Like in A. gromovi, amoeboid zoospores of S. tribonematis contain a long kinetosome composed of microtubular singlets, and the two orthogonal centrioles in their sporangia have nine microtubular singlets with an internal ring. The morphological and ultrastructural features of S. tribonematis are now included in the improved taxonomic diagnosis for this species.  相似文献   

Kelps are ecologically important seaweeds that dominate the subtidal zones of rocky coasts. In Northern Europe, Saccorhiza polyschides is a pioneer species suspected of outcompeting the harvested kelp, Laminaria digitata. To examine how the process of species competition affects species distribution and genetic diversity in coastal environments, we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite markers for S. polyschides using an enriched library (microsatellites are already available for L. digitata). These loci showed from three to 24 alleles with heterozygosities ranging from 0.36 to 0.92. This polymorphism is high enough for fine-scale population analyses including assignment tests to determine the origin of recruits.  相似文献   

A new genus, Falsocalcifolium is described. The type species is F. punctatum (Maslov) emend. The genus is placed in the tribe Calcifolieae Shuysky emend. of the family Calcifoliaceae Termier, Termier and Vachard nomen translat. Consequently, the generic make-up of the tribe is emended, and is now considered to be composed of Frustulata Saltovskaya emend., Falsocalcifolium nov. gen., and Calcifolium Shvetsov and Birina emend. Evolution within the tribe is shown by the progressive development of more petaloid morphologies and changes in the number and relationships of the internal structures called filaments (interpreted here as the emplacements containing endosymbiotic cyanobacteria). This evolution is also related to palaeoecological factors. The representatives of the tribe are considered excellent biostratigraphic markers in several western Tethyan regions (e.g. Great Britain, Ireland, southern France, southern Spain), where they are widely represented, but their geographical distribution in other basins seems to be incomplete, and thus their use in biostratigraphic correlation is at the moment limited.  相似文献   

Best known for aquatic colonial algae such as Hydrodictyon, Pediastrum, or Scenedesmus, the order Sphaeropleales also contains numerous coccoid taxa from aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Recent findings indicate that coccoid lineages in this order are very diverse genetically and may be the prevalent form, although their diversity is often hidden morphologically. This study characterizes coccoid algae recently discovered from desert soil crusts that share morphological and ecological features with the genera Bracteacoccus, Pseudomuriella, and Chromochloris. Analyses of a multi‐gene data set that includes members from all sphaeroplealean families are used to examine the monophyly of these morphologically similar taxa, which are shown instead to be phylogenetically distinct and very divergent. We propose new generic names for these lineages: Bracteamorpha, Rotundella, and Tumidella. In addition, we propose an updated family‐level taxonomy within Sphaeropleales that includes ten new families of coccoid algae to accommodate the newly presented genera and many incertae sedis taxa in the order: Bracteamorphaceae, Chromochloridaceae, Dictyococcaceae, Dictyochloridaceae, Mychonastaceae, Pseudomuriellaceae, Rotundellaceae, Schizochlamydaceae, Schroederiaceae, and Tumidellaceae.  相似文献   

Cryothecomonas longipes Schnepf and Kühn sp. nov. is a colourless biflagellate organism, 9–14 μm long and 7–9 μm wide when not filled with food vacuoles. It was detected in the North Sea, feeding with pseudopodia on diatoms. It penetrates the host shell, while the main body of the flagellate remains outside the frustule. Cells are covered with a multilayered theca. The pseudopodium protrudes through a preformed slit in the theca. Each flagellum also emerges through a pit in which the theca forms a funnel of complex structure that girdles each flagellum. The anterior flagellum is 9–15 μm long and oriented forward; the ventral flagellum, posteriorly directed, is 20–24 μm long and bears fine hairs. The flagellar roots consist of microtubules that emerge at satellites around the basal bodies and run along the flagellar pits. In addition, the ventral flagellum is accompanied by a band of six microtubules. It is proximally attached to a small fibrillar band, which interconnects the basal bodies. Cryothecomonas longipes has two or three types of extrusomes which pierce the theca when discharged. Their mode of discharge is discussed. Microbody-like vesicles containing small tubules are closely associated with older digestion vacuoles. Cryothecomonas longipes is compared with other species of the genus and a diagnosis is given. Received: 4 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 28 July 1999 / Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

The paper is an attempt to attack the old problem of the origin of Bilateria by the methods of evolutionary tetrad (i.e. combination of comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, paleontology, and molecular biology). Three groups of theories of classical comparative anatomy (planulod-turbellarian, archicoelomate, and metameric) are discussed. Comparative embryology brings out clearly that the ventral side of embryo comes from the blastoporal region in all groups of Bilateria (except Chordata, where the blastoporal region corresponds to the dorsal side that is come out of the upside-down morphology of chordates) and mouth and anus comes from the anterior and posterior ends of elongated blastopore. From the point of view of paleontology, some of vendian metazoans demonstrate transitional conditions between the Radiata and Bilateria. Vendian bilaterians are metameric organisms with normal or asymmetric position of segments and could be pictured as "bilateral coelenterates" creeping on the oral surface. In Cnidaria, the expression of homologues of "Brachyury", "goosecoid", and "fork head" genes are revealed in the circular region around the mouth. In Bilateria, these genes are expressed along the elongated blastopore and around the mouth and anus. These results support the old conception on the amphistomic origin of mouth and anus as well as the homology between the oral disc of cnidarians and ventral side of Bilateria. The combination of four mentioned approaches enables us to propose the conception of the origin of Bilateria from vendian bilateral coelenterates with numerous metameric pouches of gastral cavity. Bilaterian ancestors crawled on the oral disc (= ventral side). These ancestors gave rise to both phanerosoic cnidarians and triploblastic bilaterians. Cnidarian ancestors attached to bottom by the aboral pole with the resulting degradation of aboral nerve ganglion. Bilateral symmetry of anthozoans is considered to be primitive feature for cnidarians. In case of triploblastic Bilateria, the elongated blastopore closed in the middle and subdivided into mouth and anus (amphistomy) and gastral pouches separated from the central part of gastral cavity and transformed to metameric coelomic chambers. The primary bilaterians are supposed to be complicated organisms having coelom and segmentation. The complexity of primary Bilateria provides an explanation for the abundance of highly organized organisms (arthropods, mollusks etc.) in Cambrian time. It is postulated that Ctenophora is the only group recent eumetazoans with primary axial symmetry.  相似文献   

A large number of genera in the tropical fish family Characidae are incertae sedis. Cytogenetic analysis was made of four of these species: Astyanax eigenmanniorum, Deuterodon stigmaturus, Hyphessobrycon luetkenii, and H. anisitsi, collected from various hydrographic basins: hydrographic system from Laguna dos Patos/RS, Tramandaí basin/RS and Tibagi River basin/PR. The first two species were collected in their type locality in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The 2n = 48 karyotype was observed only in A. eigenmanniorum, while the other species had 2n = 50 chromosomes, with different karyotypic formulas. There was weak heterochromatin staining in the pericentromeric region of A. eigenmanniorum, D. stigmaturus and H. luetkenni chromosomes. In H. anisitsi, heterochromatin appeared to be more abundant and distributed in the pericentromeric and terminal regions of the chromosomes; three pairs showed more evident heterochromatic blocks. There were multiple Ag-NORs in all populations, visualized by FISH with an 18S rDNA probe. While D. stigmaturus and H. luetkenii had conserved AgNOR, CMA3 and 18S rDNA sites, the other two species showed intra- and interindividual variation at these sites. The karyotype variability was high, as is common in this group of fish. Different species arising from isolated hydrographic basins maintain an elevated level of karyotype differentiation, mainly with respect to chromosome structure, heterochromatin distribution and rDNA localization. This is the first report with cytogenetic data for D. stigmaturus and H. luetkenii.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Syllidae is assessed in two parsimony analyses of 107 morphological characters. The first analysis included one species of each of the 71 genera of the Syllidae, as well as members of other close families. In the second analysis, 23 poorly known genera were excluded. Character information is based on the examination of available types, additional non-types and newly collected material. Syllidae, except Bollandia Glasby, 1994 is monophyletic. Both analyses supported three of the four traditional subfamilies (Exogoninae, Syllinae and Autolytinae) as monophyletic, whereas Eusyllinae was clearly a polyphyletic group. The genera Anoplosyllis Claparède, 1868, Astreptosyllis Kudenov & Dorsey, 1982 , Streptosyllis Webster & Benedict, 1884, Streptospinigera Kudenov, 1983 and Syllides Örsted, 1845 comprise a well-supported monophyletic group, which we classified as a new subfamily: Anoplosyllinae n. subfam. Our results indicated high levels of homoplasy in the morphological characteristics that traditionally used to differentiate groups, such as the fusion of palps and the presence of nuchal epaulettes. Considering the reproductive modes, schizogamy has appeared twice in the family as the derived condition evolving from epigamy, and Exogoninae may be divided into two monophyletic groups based on the brood system.  相似文献   

Phylogenetics of Echinodorus (Alismataceae) based on morphological data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Echinodorus (Alismataceae) is a genus of aquatic and semi-aquatic herbs naturally distributed from Argentina to the USA but commonly used as ornamentals in aquaria worldwide. The phylogeny of the genus was studied on the basis of 96 morphological characters. The analysis resulted in a single most-parsimonious tree supporting a polyphyletic origin of the genus. However, subgenus Echinodorus together with Echinodorus nymphaeifolius formed a clade. Two large clades can be recognized in Echinodorus s.s. , but previous subdivisions of the genus are not supported and some earlier proposed subspecific combinations were shown to be non-monophyletic. Addition of continuous characters coded as value ranges enhanced both the resolution and the support values of the tree. Hence, inclusion of continuous overlapping data is encouraged in phylogenetic studies.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 291–305.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a phylogeny based on a study of the general morphology of 61 of the ca. 80 species ofDuguetia. Analyses were performed with PAUP. The resulting phylogeny is compared with the classification ofDuguetia as suggested byFries (1934, 1937, 1939, 1959). The results are partly corresponding withFries's classification. SectionAlcmene includingD. rionegrensis, and sects.Geanthemum, Synsepalantha, andCalothrix withoutD. uniflora, are upheld by this analysis. It is concluded that sect.Xylopipetalum should be united with sect.Duguetia. Before other taxonomic decisions at the section level can be made, more solid data must be available. Most dissimilarities found are considered to be not strong enough to propose alterations.Studies inAnnonaceae XXIII. For 22nd part seeZuilen & Maas (1994).  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Aphroditiformia, benthic polychaetes carrying dorsal elytra, is assessed from nuclear 18S rDNA, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), and 31 morphological characters. Two non-elytrabearing taxa, Palmyra and Pisione, are included to assess their relationship to the elytrabearers. The data are analysed both separately and combined, with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. In total, 19 terminal taxa are examined, including 12 elytrabearing taxa from all scale-worm groups, Palmyra, Pisione, and five outgroup taxa. The results show that Palmyra and Pisione are nested within Aphroditiformia. Palmyra is sister to Aphrodita, and both Pisione and Pholoe are positioned within Sigalionidae, suggesting that both family names Pisionidae and Pholoidae should be treated as junior synonyms of Sigalionidae.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the phylogenetic relationships between Stephaniellaceae, Arnelliaceae, Southbyaceae, and Gymnomitriaceae, and between genera and species of the Stephaniellaceae. We analysed morphological data obtained from herbarium specimens and from the literature under the parsimony criterion using equal weightings and implied weightings. The inclusion of Stephaniella and Stephaniellidium within Arnelliaceae, Southbyaceae or Gymnomitriaceae is not supported in this analysis. The clade Stephaniellaceae had a moderately high Jackknife support and the family was characterized by the following synapomorphies: presence of paraphyllia and presence of longitudinal folds in female bracts. Within the Stephaniellaceae, Stephaniella is corroborated as monophyletic and Stephaniellidium is resolved as its sister group. The relationship between Stephaniella uncifolia Winkler and Stephaniella hamata Stephani was strongly supported in both analyses while the relationship between Stephaniella paraphyllina Jack and Stephaniella boliviensis Stephani was weakly supported. With these results, S. boliviensis is proposed as a synonym of S. paraphyllina. We propose changes in the taxonomic position of Stephaniella and Stephaniellidium and in their classification in consideration of the complex morphology of the species and the lack of sexual structures and collections.  相似文献   

Microbial biohydrogenation of dietary poly‐unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to saturated fatty acids (SFA) in the rumen results in the high ratio of SFA/PUFA in ruminant products, such as meat and milk. In vitro, Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus‐related bacteria extensively biohydrogenate PUFA to SFA, yet their contribution in the rumen has not been confirmed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus group bacteria in ruminal biohydrogenation and to assess the possible role of other bacteria. Fish oil at 0%, 1.5% and 3% dry matter intake was fed to eight Holstein × Friesian steers, in order to elicit changes in the extent of PUFA biohydrogenation. Fatty acid and B. proteoclasticus group 16S rRNA concentrations in rumen digesta were determined. Correlation between digesta 18:0 concentration and B. proteoclasticus group 16S rRNA concentration was low. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) coupled with multivariate statistics revealed that many terminal restriction fragments (T‐RFs) and DGGE bands were linked to cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 18:1 trans‐11 and 18:0 ruminal concentrations. MiCA T‐RF predictive identification software showed that these linked T‐RFs were likely to originate from as yet uncultured bacteria classified as Prevotella, Lachnospiraceae incertae sedis, and unclassified Bacteroidales, Clostridiales and Ruminococcaceae. Sequencing of linked DGGE bands also revealed that as yet uncultured bacteria classified as Prevotella, Anaerovoax (member of the Lachnospiraceae incertae sedis family), and unclassified Clostridiales and Ruminococcaceae may play a role in biohydrogenation.  相似文献   

Two samples from the base of the Rosella Formation(Nevadella Zone) in the Cassiar Mountains, British Columbia, yielded a new species of the enigmatic genusLapworthella, L. filigrana n. sp., that is characterized by denticulate growth ridges and ornamented inter-ridge areas. As with other species ofLapworthella, intra-specific variation is considerable. One variant is comparable toL. lucida Meshkova 1969, from northern Siberia, but shows differences in the ornamentation of the more apical inter-ridge areas. The high degree of morphological variation inLapworthella finds parallels in certain other Lower Cambrian organisms. This variability may be the result of a low level of competition rather than a previous proposal of a primitive and inefficient genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

Both sexes of a new species of Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis ) are described from sandy beaches along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. The genus Taurocletodes is removed from its synonymy with Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and re-instated as a valid genus, accommodating the type species T. dubius (Noodt, 1958) comb. nov. and T. tumenae sp. nov. Both genera can be differentiated by major differences in the segmentation of P1–P3 endopods, the absence/presence of penicillate setae on P1 endopod, the number of outer spines on P2–P4 exp-3, the armature of P2–P4 endopods and the sexual dimorphism of P2 endopod and P3 exopod. T. tumenae sp. nov. and T. dubius are morphologically very similar, differing in morphometric characters related to the endopodal segmentation of P1 and P4, and armature of the male P5. The controversial taxonomic status of Parepactophanes and Taurocletodes within the family Canthocamptidae is discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 469−486.  相似文献   

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