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Candida intermedia PYCC 4715 was previously shown to grow well on xylose and to transport this sugar by two different transport systems: high-capacity and low-affinity facilitated diffusion and a high-affinity xylose-proton symporter, both of which accept glucose as a substrate. Here we report the isolation of genes encoding both transporters, designated GXF1 (glucose/xylose facilitator 1) and GXS1 (glucose/xylose symporter 1) respectively. Although GXF1 was isolated by functional complementation of an HXT-null (where Hxt refers to hexose transporters) Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, isolation of the GXS1 cDNA required partial purification and micro-sequencing of the transporter, identified by its relative abundance in cells grown on low xylose concentrations. Both genes were expressed in S. cerevisiae and the kinetic parameters of glucose and xylose transport were determined. Gxs1 is the first yeast xylose/glucose-H+ symporter to be characterized at the molecular level. Comparison of its amino acid sequence with available sequence data revealed the existence of a family of putative monosaccharide-H+ symporters encompassing proteins from several yeasts and filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

1. In the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis several amino sugars were actively transported. Glucosamine, which is largely protonated at physiological pH (pK 7.75) was used as a model substrate. At pH 6.75 its half-saturation constant was 1 mM and the maximal velocity was 50 nmol/min per mg dry wt. 2. Amino sugars were taken up via the monosaccharide carrier. The transport of glucosamine was strongly restricted by monosaccharides. D-Xylose inhibited competitively the uptake of glucosamine. The inhibition constant was 1 mM. Cells preloaded with D-xylose showed exchange transport on subsequent addition of glucosamine. 3. Transport of glucosamine was energized by the membrane potential. Uncoupling agents such as carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone and the lipophilic cation TPP+ (tetraphenylphosphonium ion) at concentrations that depolarized the membrane potential inhibited the uptake of glucosamine. Conversely the transport of glucosamine partly dissipated the membrane potential, which was monitored by radioactively labelled lipophilic cations. 4. The translocated charges were electrically compensated by the extrusion of protons and K+ (1 glucosamine molecule/0.85 H+ + 0.15 K+). 5. An increase of the pH in the range 4.75-8.75 lead to a decrease of the half-saturation constant from 5 mM to 1 mM and to an optimum of the maximal velocity at pH 6.75. We suggest that this fair constancy is due to the carrier not distinguishing between the protonated form of glucosamine (pH less than 7.75) and the deprotonated form (pH greater than 7.75). The increase of V(T) (maximal transport velocity) between pH 4.75 and 6.75 is due to the increase of the membrane potential: the decrease between pH 6.75 and 8.75 is due to the deprotonization of the carrier.  相似文献   

A kinetic method which allows one to evaluate whether an enzyme acting on two different substrates has one or two active sites was employed to study the active site of glucose isomerase which catalyses the isomerization of both glucose and xylose. The experimental data on the rates of hydrolysis of mixtures of various concentrations of glucose and xylose by the glucose isomerase from Streptomyces coincides well with the theoretical values calculated for the case of a single active site.  相似文献   

Summary A low-affinity and a high-affinity sylose proton symport operated simultaneously in both starved and non-starved cells of Pichia stipitis. Glucose competed with xylose for transport by the low-affinity system and inhibited xylose transport by the high-affinity system non-competitively. The low affinity system was subject to substrate inhibition when glucose but not when xylose was the substrate. The differences between the characteristics of monosaccharide transport by Pichia stipitis and its imperfect state, Candida shehatae, are discussed.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression of a highly functional xylose isomerase pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae would have significant advantages for ethanol yield, since the pathway bypasses cofactor requirements found in the traditionally used oxidoreductase pathways. However, nearly all reported xylose isomerase-based pathways in S. cerevisiae suffer from poor ethanol productivity, low xylose consumption rates, and poor cell growth compared with an oxidoreductase pathway and, additionally, often require adaptive strain evolution. Here, we report on the directed evolution of the Piromyces sp. xylose isomerase (encoded by xylA) for use in yeast. After three rounds of mutagenesis and growth-based screening, we isolated a variant containing six mutations (E15D, E114G, E129D, T142S, A177T, and V433I) that exhibited a 77% increase in enzymatic activity. When expressed in a minimally engineered yeast host containing a gre3 knockout and tal1 and XKS1 overexpression, the strain expressing this mutant enzyme improved its aerobic growth rate by 61-fold and both ethanol production and xylose consumption rates by nearly 8-fold. Moreover, the mutant enzyme enabled ethanol production by these yeasts under oxygen-limited fermentation conditions, unlike the wild-type enzyme. Under microaerobic conditions, the ethanol production rates of the strain expressing the mutant xylose isomerase were considerably higher than previously reported values for yeast harboring a xylose isomerase pathway and were also comparable to those of the strains harboring an oxidoreductase pathway. Consequently, this study shows the potential to evolve a xylose isomerase pathway for more efficient xylose utilization.  相似文献   

Candida shehatae gene xyl1 and Pichia stipitis gene xyl2, encoding xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD) respectively, were amplified by PCR. The genes xyl1 and xyl2 were placed under the control of promoter GAL in vector pYES2 to construct the recombinant expression vector pYES2-P12. Subsequently the vector pYES2-P12 was transformed into S. cerevisiae YS58 by LiAc to produce the recombinant yeast YS58-12. The alcoholic ferment indicated that the recombinant yeast YS58-12 could convert xylose to ethanol with the xylose consumption rate of 81.3%. __________ Translated from Microbiology, 2006, 33(3): 104–108 [译自:微生物学通报]  相似文献   

Candida shehatae gene xyll and Pichia stipitis gene xyl2,encoding xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD) respectively,were amplified by PCR.The genes xyl1 and xyl2 were placed under the control of promoter GAL in vector pYES2 to construct the recombinant expression vector pYES2-PI2.Subsequently the vector pYES2-P12 was transformed into S.cerevisiae YS58 by LiAc to produce the recombinant yeast YS58-12.The alcoholic ferment indicated that the recombinant yeast YS58-12 could convert xylose to ethanol with the xylose consumption rate of 81.3%.  相似文献   



Xylose is a second most abundant sugar component of lignocellulose besides glucose. Efficient fermentation of xylose is important for the economics of biomass-based biorefineries. However, sugar mixtures are sequentially consumed in xylose co-fermentation with glucose due to carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in microorganisms. As xylose transmembrance transport is one of the steps repressed by CCR, it is therefore of interest to develop a transporter that is less sensitive to the glucose inhibition or CCR.  相似文献   



The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses multiple glucose transporters with different affinities for glucose that enable it to respond to a wide range of glucose concentrations. The steady-state levels of glucose transporters are regulated in response to changes in the availability of glucose. This study investigates the glucose regulation of the low affinity, high capacity glucose transporter Hxt1.

Methods and results

Western blotting and confocal microscopy were performed to evaluate glucose regulation of the stability of Hxt1. Our results show that glucose starvation induces endocytosis and degradation of Hxt1 and that this event requires End3, a protein required for endocytosis, and the Doa4 deubiquitination enzyme. Mutational analysis of the lysine residues in the Hxt1 N-terminal domain demonstrates that the two lysine residues, K12 and K39, serve as the putative ubiquitin-acceptor sites by the Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase. We also demonstrate that inactivation of PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase A) is needed for Hxt1 turnover, implicating the role of the Ras/cAMP-PKA glucose signaling pathway in the stability of Hxt1.

Conclusion and general significance

Hxt1, most useful when glucose is abundant, is internalized and degraded when glucose becomes depleted. Of note, the stability of Hxt1 is regulated by PKA, known as a positive regulator for glucose induction of HXT1 gene expression, demonstrating a dual role of PKA in regulation of Hxt1.  相似文献   

T Endo  M Kasahara  A Kobata 《Biochemistry》1990,29(39):9126-9134
The asparagine-linked sugar chain of glucose transporter from human erythrocytes was quantitatively released as oligosaccharides from the polypeptide backbone by hydrazinolysis. They were converted to radioactive oligosaccharides by NaB3H4 reduction after N-acetylation and fractionated by anion-exchange column chromatography and Bio-Gel P-4 column chromatography after sialidase treatment. Structural study of each oligosaccharide by exo- and endoglycosidase digestion and methylation analysis indicated that the glycoprotein contains a high-mannose-type oligosaccharide, Man9.GlcNAc.GlcNAc, and biantennary complex-type oligosaccharides with Man alpha 1----6(+/- GlcNAc beta 1----4)(Man alpha 1----3) Man beta beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----4(+/- Fuc alpha 1----6)GlcNAc as their cores and the poly-N-acetyllactosamine composed of about 16 N-acetyllactosaminyl units as their outer chains. These structural features of the sugar moiety of glucose transporter are quite different from those of two major intrinsic glycoproteins of human erythrocytes, glycophorin A and band 3.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins and lipids in the Golgi complex are modified by the addition of sugars. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these terminal Golgi carbohydrate modifications primarily involve mannose additions that utilize GDP-mannose as the substrate. The transport of GDP-mannose from its site of synthesis in the cytosol into the lumen of the Golgi is mediated by the VRG4 gene product, a nucleotide sugar transporter that is a member of a large family of related membrane proteins. Loss of VRG4 function leads to lethality, but several viable vrg4 mutants were isolated whose GDP-mannose transport activity was reduced but not obliterated. Mutations in these alleles mapped to a region of the Vrg4 protein that is highly conserved among other GDP-mannose transporters but not other types of nucleotide sugar transporters. Here, we present evidence that suggest an involvement of this region of the protein in binding GDP-mannose. Most of the mutations that were introduced within this conserved domain, spanning amino acids 280-291 of Vrg4p, lead to lethality, and none interfere with Vrg4 protein stability, localization, or dimer formation. The null phenotype of these mutant vrg4 alleles can be complemented by their overexpression. Vesicles prepared from vrg4 mutant strains were reduced in luminal GDP-mannose transport activity, but this effect could be suppressed by increasing the concentration of GDP-mannose in vitro. Thus, either an increased substrate concentration, in vitro, or an increased Vrg4 protein concentration, in vivo, can suppress these vrg4 mutant phenotypes. Vrg4 proteins with alterations in this region were reduced in binding to guanosine 5'-[gamma-(32)P]triphosphate gamma-azidoanilide, a photoaffinity substrate analogue whose binding to Vrg4-HAp was specifically inhibited by GDP-mannose. Taken together, these data are consistent with the model that amino acids in this region of the yeast GDP-mannose transporter mediate the recognition of or binding to nucleotide sugar prior to its transport into the Golgi.  相似文献   

An NaCl-independent stability-enhanced mutant of glucose dehydrogenase (GlcDH) was obtained by using in vitro directed evolution. The family shuffling method was applied for in vitro directed evolution to construct a mutant library of GlcDH genes. Three GlcDH-coding genes from Bacillus licheniformis IFO 12200, Bacillus megaterium IFO 15308 and Bacillus subtilis IFO 13719 were each cloned by direct PCR amplification into the p Trc99A expression vector and expressed in the host, Escherichia coli. In addition to these three GlcDH genes, a gene encoding a previously obtained GlcDH mutant, F20 (Q252L), derived from B. megaterium IWG3, was also subjected to directed evolution by the family shuffling method. A highly thermostable mutant, GlcDH DN-46, was isolated in the presence or absence of NaCl after the second round of family shuffling and filter-based screening of the mutant libraries. This mutant had only one novel additional amino acid residue exchange (E170K) compared to F20, even though DN-46 was obtained by family shuffling of four different GlcDH genes. The effect of temperature and pH on the stability of the GlcDH mutants F20 and DN46 was investigated with purified enzymes in the presence or absence of NaCl. In the absence of NaCl, F20 showed very poor thermostability (half-life =1.3 min at 66 degrees C), while the half-life of isolated mutant DN-46 was 540 min at 66 degrees C, i.e., 415-fold more thermostable than mutant F20. The activity of the wild-type and F20 enzymes dropped critically when the pH value was changed to the alkaline range in the absence of NaCl, but no such decrease was apparent with the DN-46 enzyme in the absence of NaCl.  相似文献   

We have recently discovered unusual sugar chains [xylose-glucose and (xylose)2-glucose] linked to a serine residue in the first epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains of human and bovine coagulation factors VII, IX, and protein Z. The sequence surrounding this serine residue has a common -Cys-X-Ser-X-Pro-Cys- structure. Since one (residues 533-538) of the three EGF-like domains found in human thrombospondin contains the conserved sequence, we examined the presence of such O-linked sugar chains in bovine thrombospondin (bTSP) and its 210-kDa fragment. Component sugar analysis after pyridylamination (PA) of the acid hydrolysates of the S-aminoethylated proteins revealed that the proteins contain glucose (Glc) and xylose (Xyl). The oligosaccharide moieties released from intact bTSP by hydrazinolysis followed by pyridylamination were separated into two PA-oligosaccharides by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Component sugar analysis of these PA-oligosaccharides indicated that they consist of Glc and Xyl in molar ratios of 1:1 and 1:2 (or 1:3). The reducing ends of both PA-sugar chains were found to be PA-Glc, as judged from the retention time of the HPLC peak of their hydrolysates. The presence of these PA-sugar chains in bTSP was confirmed by HPLC mapping with two different columns, using standard PA-di- or PA-trisaccharide derived from coagulation factors. From these results, we concluded that bTSP contains O-linked sugar chains consisting of Glc and Xyl in one of its three EGF-like domains.  相似文献   

Fermentation of cellulosic and hemicellulosic sugars from biomass could resolve food-versus-fuel conflicts inherent in the bioconversion of grains. However, the inability to coferment glucose and xylose is a major challenge to the economical use of lignocellulose as a feedstock. Simultaneous cofermentation of glucose, xylose, and cellobiose is problematic for most microbes because glucose represses utilization of the other saccharides. Surprisingly, the ascomycetous, beetle-associated yeast Spathaspora passalidarum, which ferments xylose and cellobiose natively, can also coferment these two sugars in the presence of 30 g/liter glucose. S. passalidarum simultaneously assimilates glucose and xylose aerobically, it simultaneously coferments glucose, cellobiose, and xylose with an ethanol yield of 0.42 g/g, and it has a specific ethanol production rate on xylose more than 3 times that of the corresponding rate on glucose. Moreover, an adapted strain of S. passalidarum produced 39 g/liter ethanol with a yield of 0.37 g/g sugars from a hardwood hydrolysate. Metabolome analysis of S. passalidarum before onset and during the fermentations of glucose and xylose showed that the flux of glycolytic intermediates is significantly higher on xylose than on glucose. The high affinity of its xylose reductase activities for NADH and xylose combined with allosteric activation of glycolysis probably accounts in part for its unusual capacities. These features make S. passalidarum very attractive for studying regulatory mechanisms enabling bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials by yeasts.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of xylose in nature, the production of chemicals from C5 sugars remains challenging in metabolic engineering. By deleting xylFGH genes and using adaptive evolution, an efficient E. coli strain capable of producing d-lactate from xylose was engineered. Quantitative proteomics and genome sequencing were used to understand the new phenotype and the metabolic limitations of xylose conversion to d-lactate. Proteomics identified major changes in enzyme concentration in the glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid pathways. Whole genome sequencing of the evolved strain identified a point mutation in the gatC gene, which resulted in a change from serine to leucine at position 184 of the GatC protein. The knockout of gatC in a number of strains and the insertion of the mutation in the non-evolved strain confirmed its activity as a xylose transporter and demonstrated that the mutation is responsible for the high xylose consumption phenotype in the evolved strain. The newly found xylose transporter is a candidate for future strain engineering for converting C5-C6 syrups into valuable chemicals.  相似文献   

皮状丝孢酵母( Trichosporon cutaneum)能够同步利用葡萄糖和木糖生产油脂。以2脱氧葡萄糖(2 DOG)为底物,考察皮状丝孢酵母糖跨膜运输的转运动力学。结果表明:2 DOG转运符合米氏方程,表观米氏常数Km为0.19 mmol/L,最大转运速率Vmax为14.1 nmol/( min·mg)。葡萄糖和木糖均竞争性抑制2 DOG转运,葡萄糖表观抑制常数Ki远低于木糖,表明存在一个共用转运体系,且该转运体系对葡萄糖亲和力更高。大量木糖与2 DOG同时转运到胞内,进一步说明木糖与葡萄糖共运输。代谢抑制剂和pH对糖转运有明显影响,说明质子/底物同向运输系统是该酵母的主要糖转运系统。  相似文献   

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