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Growth Hormone is essential for the regulation of growth and the homeostatic control of intermediary metabolism. GH actions are mediated by the Growth Hormone Receptor; a member of the cytokine receptor super family that signals chiefly through the JAK2/STAT5 pathway. Target tissue responsiveness to GH is under regulatory control to avoid excessive and off-target effects upon GHR activation. The suppressor of cytokine signalling 2 (SOCS) is a key regulator of GHR sensitivity. This is clearly shown in mice where the SOCS2 gene has been inactivated, which show 30–40% increase in body length, a phenotype that is dependent on endogenous GH secretion. SOCS2 is a GH-stimulated, STAT5b-regulated gene that acts in a negative feedback loop to downregulate GHR signalling. Since the biochemical basis for these actions is poorly understood, we studied the molecular function of SOCS2. We demonstrated that SOCS2 is part of a multimeric complex with intrinsic ubiquitin ligase activity. Mutational analysis shows that the interaction with Elongin B/C controls SOCS2 protein turnover and affects its molecular activity. Increased GHR levels were observed in livers from SOCS2−/− mice and in the absence of SOCS2 in in vitro experiments. We showed that SOCS2 regulates cellular GHR levels through direct ubiquitination and in a proteasomally dependent manner. We also confirmed the importance of the SOCS-box for the proper function of SOCS2. Finally, we identified two phosphotyrosine residues in the GHR to be responsible for the interaction with SOCS2, but only Y487 to account for the effects of SOCS2. The demonstration that SOCS2 is an ubiquitin ligase for the GHR unveils the molecular basis for its physiological actions.  相似文献   

Many proteins are targeted to proteasome degradation by a family of E3 ubiquitin ligases, termed SCF complexes, that link substrate proteins to an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. SCFs are composed of three core proteins-Skp1, Cdc53/Cull, Rbx1/Hrt1-and a substrate specific F-box protein. We have identified in Drosophila melanogaster the closest homologues to the human components of the SCF(betaTrCP) complex and the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcH5. We show that putative Drosophila SCF core subunits dSkpA and dRbx1 both interact directly with dCu11 and the F-box protein Slmb. We also describe the direct interaction of the UbcH5 related protein UbcD1 with dCul1 and Slmb. In addition, a functional complementation test performed on a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrt1p-deficient mutant showed that Drosophila Rbx1 is able to restore the yeast cells viability. Our results suggest that dRbx1, dSkpA, dCullin1, and Slimb proteins are components of a Drosophila SCF complex that functions in combination with the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UbcD1.  相似文献   

Krsmanović T  Kölling R 《FEBS letters》2004,577(1-2):215-219
The HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase Rsp5, a yeast member of the Nedd4 family, has been implicated in many different aspects of cell physiology. Here, we present evidence that Rsp5 function is important for ubiquitin homeostasis. Several observations suggest that ubiquitin is limiting in the rsp5-1 mutant. Reduced synthesis of ubiquitin appears to contribute to ubiquitin depletion. A transient inhibition of general protein synthesis is observed in a wildtype strain upon heat-shock. While the wildtype cells quickly recover from this transient arrest, the rsp5-1 cells remain arrested. This suggests that Rsp5 is important for recovery from heat-induced protein synthesis arrest. Our results suggest that rsp5 phenotypes should be interpreted with caution, since some of the phenotypes could be simply the result of ubiquitin limitation.  相似文献   

Rsp5p is an essential yeast ubiquitin protein ligase that ubiquitinates multiple proteins involved in various processes. Recent studies indicate that ubiquitination also affects translation. Here, we show that the strain with the rsp5-13 mutation exhibits altered sensitivity to antibiotics and a slower rate of translation. Using a sensitive dual-gene reporter system, we demonstrate that stop codon readthrough efficiency is decreased in the rsp5-13 mutant, while both +1 and -1 frameshifting were unaffected. The effect of the rsp5-13 mutation on readthrough could be reversed by increased expression of ubiquitin and partially suppressed by overproduction of the elongation factor eEF1A. As assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization, the rsp5-13 mutant cells accumulate tRNA nuclear pools, perhaps depleting tRNA from the cytoplasm. Nuclear accumulation of tRNA is observed only when rsp5-13 cells are grown in media with high amino acid content. This defect, also reversed by overproduction of the elongation factor eEF1A, may be the primary reason for altered translational decoding accuracy.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde strongly binds to the wine preservative SO2 and, on average, causes 50–70 mg l?1 of bound SO2 in red and white wines, respectively. Therefore, a reduction of bound and total SO2 concentrations necessitates knowledge of the factors that affect final acetaldehyde concentrations in wines. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the acetaldehyde production and degradation kinetics of 26 yeast strains of oenological relevance during alcoholic fermentation in must under controlled anaerobic conditions. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-Saccharomyces strains displayed similar metabolic kinetics where acetaldehyde reached an initial peak value at the beginning of fermentations followed by partial reutilization. Quantitatively, the range of values obtained for non-Saccharomyces strains greatly exceeded the variability among the S. cerevisiae strains tested. Non-Saccharomyces strains of the species C. vini, H. anomala, H. uvarum, and M. pulcherrima led to low acetaldehyde residues (<10 mg l?1), while C. stellata, Z. bailii, and, especially, a S. pombe strain led to large residues (24–48 mg l?1). Acetaldehyde residues in S. cerevisiae cultures were intermediate and less dispersed (14–34 mg l?1). Addition of SO2 to Chardonnay must triggered significant increases in acetaldehyde formation and residual acetaldehyde. On average, 0.33 mg of residual acetaldehyde remained per mg of SO2 added to must, corresponding to an increase of 0.47 mg of bound SO2 per mg of SO2 added. This research demonstrates that certain non-Saccharomyces strains display acetaldehyde kinetics that would be suitable to reduce residual acetaldehyde, and hence, bound-SO2 levels in grape wines. The acetaldehyde formation potential may be included as strain selection argument in view of reducing preservative SO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Glucose-dependent regulation of carbon metabolism is a subject of intensive studies. We have previously shown that the switch from gluconeogenesis to glycolysis is associated with ubiquitin-proteasome linked elimination of the key enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Seven glucose induced degradation deficient (Gid)-proteins found previously in a genomic screen were shown to form a complex that binds FBPase. One of the subunits, Gid2/Rmd5, contains a degenerated RING finger domain. In an in vitro assay, heterologous expression of GST-Gid2 leads to polyubiquitination of proteins. In addition, we show that a mutation in the degenerated RING domain of Gid2/Rmd5 abolishes fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase polyubiquitination and elimination in vivo. Six Gid proteins are present in gluconeogenic cells. A seventh protein, Gid4/Vid24, occurs upon glucose addition to gluconeogenic cells and is afterwards eliminated. Forcing abnormal expression of Gid4/Vid24 in gluconeogenic cells leads to fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase degradation. This suggests that Gid4/Vid24 initiates fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase polyubiquitination by the Gid complex and its subsequent elimination by the proteasome. We also show that an additional gluconeogenic enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, is subject to Gid complex-dependent degradation. Our study uncovers a new type of ubiquitin ligase complex composed of novel subunits involved in carbohydrate metabolism and identifies Gid4/Vid24 as a major regulator of this E3.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin system plays a role in nearly every aspect of eukaryotic cell biology. The enzymes responsible for transferring ubiquitin onto specific substrates are the E3 ubiquitin ligases, a large and diverse family of proteins, for which biological roles and target substrates remain largely undefined. Studies using model organisms indicate that ubiquitin signaling mediates key steps in developmental processes and tissue regeneration. Here, we used the freshwater planarian, Schmidtea mediterranea, to investigate the role of Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL) complexes in stem cell regulation during regeneration. We identified six S. mediterranea cullin genes, and used RNAi to uncover roles for homologs of Cullin-1, ?3 and ?4 in planarian regeneration. The cullin-1 RNAi phenotype included defects in blastema formation, organ regeneration, lesions, and lysis. To further investigate the function of cullin-1-mediated cellular processes in planarians, we examined genes encoding the adaptor protein Skp1 and F-box substrate-recognition proteins that are predicted to partner with Cullin-1. RNAi against skp1 resulted in phenotypes similar to cullin-1 RNAi, and an RNAi screen of the F-box genes identified 19 genes that recapitulated aspects of cullin-1 RNAi, including ones that in mammals are involved in stem cell regulation and cancer biology. Our data provides evidence that CRLs play discrete roles in regenerative processes and provide a platform to investigate how CRLs regulate stem cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The origin of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that are responsible for spontaneous grape must fermentation was investigated in a long-established industrial winery by means of two different approaches. First, seven selected components of the analytical profiles of the wines produced by 58 strains of S. cerevisiae isolated from different sites and phases of the production cycle of a Grechetto wine were subjected to Principal Components Analysis. Secondly, the same S. cerevisiae isolates underwent PCR fingerprinting by means of delta primers. The results obtained by both methods demonstrate unequivocally that under real vinification conditions, the S. cerevisiae strains colonising the winery surfaces are the ones that carry out the natural must fermentation.  相似文献   

Degradation of specific protein substrates by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC) is critical for mitotic exit. We have identified the protein Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (Xnf7) as a novel APC inhibitor able to regulate the timing of exit from mitosis. Immunodepletion of Xnf7 from Xenopus laevis egg extracts accelerated the degradation of APC substrates cyclin B1, cyclin B2, and securin upon release from cytostatic factor arrest, whereas excess Xnf7 inhibited APC activity. Interestingly, Xnf7 exhibited intrinsic ubiquitin ligase activity, and this activity was required for APC inhibition. Unlike other reported APC inhibitors, Xnf7 did not associate with Cdc20, but rather bound directly to core subunits of the APC. Furthermore, Xnf7 was required for spindle assembly checkpoint function in egg extracts. These data suggest that Xnf7 is an APC inhibitor able to link spindle status to the APC through direct association with APC core components.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis in mammals necessitates an extensive remodeling and loss of many cellular organelles and proteins as the spermatozoa undergo maturation. The removal of proteins and organelles depends on the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Here we show that the E3 ubiquitin ligase Herc4, though ubiquitously expressed in all tissues, is most highly expressed in the testis, specifically during spermiogenesis. Mice homozygous for a Herc4 mutation are overtly normal; however, overall the males produce litter sizes some 50% smaller whereas female homozygotes show normal fertility. The reduced fertility in males is associated with about 50% of mature spermatozoa having reduced motility. Many of the spermatozoa possess an angulated tail with a cytoplasmic droplet being retained at the angulation. Our results show that Herc4 ligase is required for proper maturation and removal of the cytoplasmic droplet for the spermatozoon to become fully functional.  相似文献   

In both insects and mammals, spermatids eliminate their bulk cytoplasm as they undergo terminal differentiation. In Drosophila, this process of dramatic cellular remodeling requires apoptotic proteins, including caspases. To gain further insight into the regulation of caspases, we screened a large collection of sterile male flies for mutants that block effector caspase activation at the onset of spermatid individualization. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a testis-specific, Cullin-3–dependent ubiquitin ligase complex that is required for caspase activation in spermatids. Mutations in either a testis-specific isoform of Cullin-3 (Cul3Testis), the small RING protein Roc1b, or a Drosophila orthologue of the mammalian BTB-Kelch protein Klhl10 all reduce or eliminate effector caspase activation in spermatids. Importantly, all three genes encode proteins that can physically interact to form a ubiquitin ligase complex. Roc1b binds to the catalytic core of Cullin-3, and Klhl10 binds specifically to a unique testis-specific N-terminal Cullin-3 (TeNC) domain of Cul3Testis that is required for activation of effector caspase in spermatids. Finally, the BIR domain region of the giant inhibitor of apoptosis–like protein dBruce is sufficient to bind to Klhl10, which is consistent with the idea that dBruce is a substrate for the Cullin-3-based E3-ligase complex. These findings reveal a novel role of Cullin-based ubiquitin ligases in caspase regulation.  相似文献   

Summary An enrichment procedure that exploits the difference in heat-sensitivity between exponentially growing and stationary phase cells has been developed for the isolation of yeast mutants. Enrichments of up to 12-fold for temperature-sensitive lethal mutants and of up to 15-fold for auxotrophs have been obtained with single cycles of selection. Still higher enrichments (to frequencies of greater than 90% and 80% for temperature-sensitive lethals and auxotrophs, respectively) have been obtained with multiple cycles of selection. The method requires no special parent strain, and seems adaptable to the selection of a wide variety of types of mutants.  相似文献   

Human Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase is involved in protein trafficking, signal transduction and oncogenesis. Nedd4 with an inactive WW4 domain is toxic to yeast cells. We report here that actin cytoskeleton is abnormal in yeast cells expressing the NEDD4 or NEDD4w4 gene and these cells are more sensitive to Latrunculin A, an actin-depolymerizing drug. These phenotypes are less pronounced when a mutation inactivating the catalytic domain of the ligase has been introduced. In contrast, overexpression of the LAS17 gene, encoding an activator of the Arp2/3 actin nucleating complex, is detrimental to NEDD4w4-expressing cells. The level of Las17p is increased in cells overproducing Nedd4w4 and this depends partially on its catalytic domain. Expression of genes encoding Nedd4 variants, like overexpression of LAS17, suppresses the growth defect of the arp2-1 strain. Our results suggest that human Nedd4 ligase inhibits yeast cell growth by disturbing the actin cytoskeleton, in part by increasing Las17p level, and that Nedd4 ubiquitination targets may include actin cytoskeleton-associated proteins conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

Many DNA lesions cause pausing of replication forks at lesion sites; thus, generating gaps in the daughter strands that are filled‐in by post‐replication repair (PRR) pathways. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PRR involves translesion synthesis (TLS) mediated by Polη or Polζ, or Rad5‐dependent gap filling through a poorly characterized error‐free mechanism. We have developed an assay to monitor error‐free and mutagenic TLS across single DNA lesions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. For both main UV photolesions, we have delineated a major error‐free pathway mediated by a distinct combination of TLS polymerases. Surprisingly, these TLS pathways require enzymes needed for poly‐ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as well as those required for mono‐ubiquitination. For pathways that require several TLS polymerases the poly‐ubiquitin chains of PCNA may facilitate their recruitment through specific interactions with their multiple ubiquitin‐binding motifs. These error‐free TLS pathways may at least partially account for the previously described poly‐ubiquitination‐dependent error‐free branch of PRR. This work highlights major differences in the control of lesion tolerance pathways between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae despite the homologous sets of PRR genes these organisms share.  相似文献   

Several isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) are degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway after phorbol ester-mediated activation. However, little is known about the ubiquitin ligase (E3) that targets activated PKCs. We recently showed that an E3 complex composed of HOIL-1L and HOIP (LUBAC) generates linear polyubiquitin chains and induces the proteasomal degradation of a model substrate. HOIL-1L has also been characterized as a PKC-binding protein. Here we show that LUBAC preferentially binds activated conventional PKCs and their constitutively active mutants. LUBAC efficiently ubiquitinated activated PKC in vitro, and degradation of activated PKCalpha was delayed in HOIL-1L-deficient cells. Conversely, PKC activation induced cleavage of HOIL-1L and led to downregulation of the ligase activity of LUBAC. These results indicate that LUBAC is an E3 for activated conventional PKC, and that PKC and LUBAC regulate each other for proper PKC signaling.  相似文献   

AIMS: Isolation and characterization of indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from 12 grape varieties grown in an experimental vineyard of Apulia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty to 40 colonies from each of the 12 fermentations were obtained at the end stage of spontaneous fermentation. By using morphological and physiological methods and by the PCR analysis of internal transcribed ITS1-5,8S-ITS2, the isolates belonging to Saccharomyces genus were identified. These isolates were further characterized by amplification with S. cerevisiae species- and delta element-specific primers, thus allowing the identification of S. cerevisiae strains selected from each of the 12 fermentations. By means of RFLP analysis of mtDNA, each S. cerevisiae population isolated from a single fermentation appeared to constitute a genetically homogenous group. The comparison of the 12 cultivar-specific mtDNA RFLP patterns, allowed classifying the 12 S. cerevisiae populations into three genetically homogenous groups. The isolated strains fermented vigorously in synthetic and grape juice medium and showed high alcohol and sulphur dioxide (SO(2)) resistance and low hydrogen sulphite (H(2)S) production. CONCLUSIONS: The molecular analysis, in conjunction with the traditional morphological and physiological methods, was useful in discriminating at strain level the indigenous population of S. cerevisiae present in a vineyard of Apulia. The dominant S. cerevisiae strains identified in the 12 fermented musts showed potentially important oenological characteristics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The characterization of natural S. cerevisiae strains from several typical Italian grapes grown in a restricted experimental vineyard is an important step towards the preservation and exploitation of yeast biodiversity of Apulia, a relevant wine-producing region. The close relationship between the S. cerevisiae strains from different grapes grown in the same vineyard indicated that the occurrence of native strains is representative of the area rather than of the variety of grapes.  相似文献   

The competition between selected or commercial killer strains of type K2 and sensitive commercial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied under various conditions in sterile grape juice fermentations. The focus of this study was the effect of yeast inoculation levels and the role of assimilable nitrogen nutrition on killer activity. A study of the consumption of free amino nitrogen (FAN) by pure and mixed cultures of killer and sensitive cells showed no differences between the profiles of nitrogen assimilation in all cases, and FAN was practically depleted in the first 2 days of fermentation. The effect of the addition of assimilable nitrogen and the size of inoculum was examined in mixed killer and sensitive strain competitions. Stuck and sluggish wine fermentations were observed to depend on nitrogen availability when the ratio of killer to sensitive cells was low (1:10 to 1:100). A relationship between the initial assimilable nitrogen content of must and the proportion of killer cells during fermentation was shown. An indirect relationship was found between inoculum size and the percentage of killer cells: a smaller inoculum resulted in a higher proportion of killer cells in grape juice fermentations. In all cases, wines obtained with pure-culture fermentations were preferred to mixed-culture fermentations by sensory analysis. The reasons why killer cells do not finish fermentation under competitive conditions with sensitive cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Cells must regulate the abundance and activity of numerous nutrient transporters in different organelle membranes to achieve nutrient homeostasis. As the recycling center and major storage organelle, lysosomes are essential for maintaining nutrient homeostasis. However, very little is known about mechanisms that govern the regulation of its membrane proteins. In this study, we demonstrated that changes of Zn2+ levels trigger the downregulation of vacuolar Zn2+ transporters. Low Zn2+ levels cause the degradation of the influx transporter Cot1, whereas high Zn2+ levels trigger the degradation of the efflux channel Zrt3. The degradation process depends on the vacuole membrane recycling and degradation pathway. Unexpectedly, we identified a RING domain–containing E3 ligase Tul1 and its interacting proteins in the Dsc complex that are important for the ubiquitination of Cot1 and partial ubiquitination of Zrt3. Our study demonstrated that the Dsc complex can function at the vacuole to regulate the composition and lifetime of vacuolar membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Polycomb group proteins Bmi-1 and Ring1B are core subunits of the PRC1 complex, which plays important roles in the regulation of Hox gene expression, X-chromosome inactivation, tumorigenesis, and stem cell self-renewal. The RING finger protein Ring1B is an E3 ligase that participates in the ubiquitination of lysine 119 of histone H2A, and the binding of Bmi-1 stimulates the E3 ligase activity. We have mapped the regions of Bmi-1 and Ring1B required for efficient ubiquitin transfer and determined a 2.5-A structure of the Bmi-1-Ring1B core domain complex. The structure reveals that Ring1B "hugs" Bmi-1 through extensive RING domain contacts and its N-terminal tail wraps around Bmi-1. The two regions of interaction have a synergistic effect on the E3 ligase activity. Our analyses suggest a model where the Bmi-1-Ring1B complex stabilizes the interaction between the E2 enzyme and the nucleosomal substrate to allow efficient ubiquitin transfer.  相似文献   

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