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The processes that occur at the micro‐scale site of calcification are fundamental to understanding the response of coral growth in a changing world. However, our mechanistic understanding of chemical processes driving calcification is still evolving. Here, we report the results of a long‐term in situ study of coral calcification rates, photo‐physiology, and calcifying fluid (cf) carbonate chemistry (using boron isotopes, elemental systematics, and Raman spectroscopy) for seven species (four genera) of symbiotic corals growing in their natural environments at tropical, subtropical, and temperate locations in Western Australia (latitudinal range of ~11°). We find that changes in net coral calcification rates are primarily driven by pHcf and carbonate ion concentration []cf in conjunction with temperature and DICcf. Coral pHcf varies with latitudinal and seasonal changes in temperature and works together with the seasonally varying DICcf to optimize []cf at species‐dependent levels. Our results indicate that corals shift their pHcf to adapt and/or acclimatize to their localized thermal regimes. This biological response is likely to have critical implications for predicting the future of coral reefs under CO2‐driven warming and acidification.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - The decrease in liana diversity with increasing latitude has been indicated as the major physiognomic difference between tropical and temperate forests’ ecosystem. Despite the...  相似文献   

Escudero V  Mendoza R 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(4):291-299
We studied seasonal variation in population attributes of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi over 2 years in four sites of temperate grasslands of the Argentinean Flooding Pampas. The sites represent a wide range of soil conditions, hydrologic gradients, and floristic composition. Lotus glaber, a perennial herbaceous legume naturalised in the Flooding Pampas, was dominant at the four plant community sites. Its roots were highly colonised by AM fungi. Temporal variations in spore density, spore type, AM root colonisation, floristic composition and soil chemical characteristics occurred in each site and were different among sites. The duration of flooding had no effect on spore density but depressed AM root colonisation. Eleven different types of spores were recognized and four were identified. Two species dominated at the four sites: Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus intraradices. Spore density was highest in summer (dry season) and lowest in winter (wet season) with intermediate values in autumn and spring. Colonisation of L. glaber roots was highest in summer or spring and lowest in winter or autumn. The relative density of G. fasciculatum and G. intraradices versus Glomus sp. and Acaulospora sp. had distinctive seasonal peaks. These seasonal peaks occurred at all four sites, suggesting differences among AM fungus species with respect to the seasonality of sporulation. Spore density and AM root colonisation when measured at any one time were poorly related to each other. However, spore density was significantly correlated with root colonisation 3 months before, suggesting that high colonisation in one season precedes high sporulation in the next season.  相似文献   

To test whether aquatic invertebrates are able to adjust their diel migratory cycle to different day length and presence of predators, we performed standardized enclosure experiments in shallow lakes at four different latitudes from southern Spain, with strong night–day cycles, to Finland where daylight is almost continuous during summer. We show here that nearly continuous daylight at high latitudes causes a relaxation in diel migratory behaviour in zooplankton irrespective of predation risk. At lower latitudes, however, similar conditions lead to pronounced diel rhythms in migration. Hence, zooplankton may show local behavioural adaptations in their circadian rhythm. They are also able to make risk assessments as to whether diel migration is beneficial or not, manifested in a lack of diel migration at near constant daylight, irrespective of predator presence. Our results provide an additional explanation to previous knowledge regarding diel migrations among aquatic invertebrates by showing that both physical (light) and biological (predation) factors may affect the migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

Most studies of hibernation physiology sample individuals from populations within a single geographic area, yet some species have large ranges meaning populations likely experience area-specific levels of energetic challenges. As well, few studies have assessed within-season variation. Since physiological adjustments often are influenced by environmental factors, and the types of environments vary with geography, we expected variance in hibernation patterns among geographically separated populations. Our specific goal was to measure intraspecific variation in torpid metabolic rate (TMR) and body temperature (T b) as a function of ambient temperature (T a) for a non-migratory and migratory species to determine whether there is a continuum in physiological responses based on latitude. We chose big brown (Eptesicus fuscus) and eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) as model species and sampled individuals from populations throughout each species’ winter range. In both species, individuals from southern populations maintained higher TMR at cooler T as and lower TMR at warmer T as than those from northern populations. Big brown bats from southern populations regulated T b during torpor at higher levels and there was no significant difference in T b between populations of eastern red bats. Although metabolic responses were similar across the gradient between species, the effect was more dramatic in big brown bats. Our data demonstrate a continuum in thermoregulatory response, ranging from classic hibernation in northern populations to a pattern more akin to daily torpor in southern populations. Our research highlights the potential usefulness of bats as model organisms to address questions about within-species physiological variation in wild populations.  相似文献   

Walker BK 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30466
Marine organism diversity typically attenuates latitudinally from tropical to colder climate regimes. Since the distribution of many marine species relates to certain habitats and depth regimes, mapping data provide valuable information in the absence of detailed ecological data that can be used to identify and spatially quantify smaller scale (10 s km) coral reef ecosystem regions and potential physical biogeographic barriers. This study focused on the southeast Florida coast due to a recognized, but understudied, tropical to subtropical biogeographic gradient. GIS spatial analyses were conducted on recent, accurate, shallow-water (0-30 m) benthic habitat maps to identify and quantify specific regions along the coast that were statistically distinct in the number and amount of major benthic habitat types. Habitat type and width were measured for 209 evenly-spaced cross-shelf transects. Evaluation of groupings from a cluster analysis at 75% similarity yielded five distinct regions. The number of benthic habitats and their area, width, distance from shore, distance from each other, and LIDAR depths were calculated in GIS and examined to determine regional statistical differences. The number of benthic habitats decreased with increasing latitude from 9 in the south to 4 in the north and many of the habitat metrics statistically differed between regions. Three potential biogeographic barriers were found at the Boca, Hillsboro, and Biscayne boundaries, where specific shallow-water habitats were absent further north; Middle Reef, Inner Reef, and oceanic seagrass beds respectively. The Bahamas Fault Zone boundary was also noted where changes in coastal morphologies occurred that could relate to subtle ecological changes. The analyses defined regions on a smaller scale more appropriate to regional management decisions, hence strengthening marine conservation planning with an objective, scientific foundation for decision making. They provide a framework for similar regional analyses elsewhere.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Payne JL 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38603
Geographic gradients in body size within and among living species are commonly used to identify controls on the long-term evolution of organism size. However, the persistence of these gradients over evolutionary time remains largely unknown because ancient biogeographic variation in organism size is poorly documented. Middle Permian fusulinoidean foraminifera are ideal for investigating the temporal persistence of geographic gradients in organism size because they were diverse and abundant along a broad range of paleo-latitudes during this interval (~275-260 million years ago). In this study, we determined the sizes of Middle Permian fusulinoidean fossils from three different paleo-latitudinal zones in order to examine the relationship between the size of foraminifers and regional environment. We recovered the following results: keriothecal fusulinoideans are substantially larger than nonkeriothecal fusulinoideans; fusulinoideans from the equatorial zone are typically larger than those from the north and south transitional zones; neoschwagerinid specimens within a single species are generally larger in the equatorial zone than those in both transitional zones; and the nonkeriothecal fusulinoideans Staffellidae and Schubertellidae have smaller size in the north transitional zone. Fusulinoidean foraminifers differ from most other marine taxa in exhibiting larger sizes closer to the equator, contrary to Bergmann's rule. Meridional variation in seasonality, water temperature, nutrient availability, and carbonate saturation level are all likely to have favored or enabled larger sizes in equatorial regions. Temporal variation in atmospheric oxygen concentrations have been shown to account for temporal variation in fusulinoidean size during Carboniferous and Permian time, but oxygen availability appears unlikely to explain biogeographic variation in fusulinoidean sizes, because dissolved oxygen concentrations in seawater typically increase away from the equator due to declining seawater temperatures. Consequently, our findings highlight the fact that spatial gradients in organism size are not always controlled by the same factors that govern temporal trends within the same clade.  相似文献   

Sex‐dependent gene expression is likely an important genomic mechanism that allows sex‐specific adaptation to environmental changes. Among Drosophila species, sex‐biased genes display remarkably consistent evolutionary patterns; male‐biased genes evolve faster than unbiased genes in both coding sequence and expression level, suggesting sex differences in selection through time. However, comparatively little is known of the evolutionary process shaping sex‐biased expression within species. Latitudinal clines offer an opportunity to examine how changes in key ecological parameters also influence sex‐specific selection and the evolution of sex‐biased gene expression. We assayed male and female gene expression in Drosophila serrata along a latitudinal gradient in eastern Australia spanning most of its endemic distribution. Analysis of 11 631 genes across eight populations revealed strong sex differences in the frequency, mode and strength of divergence. Divergence was far stronger in males than females and while latitudinal clines were evident in both sexes, male divergence was often population specific, suggesting responses to localized selection pressures that do not covary predictably with latitude. While divergence was enriched for male‐biased genes, there was no overrepresentation of X‐linked genes in males. By contrast, X‐linked divergence was elevated in females, especially for female‐biased genes. Many genes that diverged in D. serrata have homologs also showing latitudinal divergence in Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster on other continents, likely indicating parallel adaptation in these distantly related species. Our results suggest that sex differences in selection play an important role in shaping the evolution of gene expression over macro‐ and micro‐ecological spatial scales.  相似文献   

A geographically extended model of the dynamics of tree size structure of forests is proposed to simulate the change of forest zonation along latitude in response to global environmental change. To predict the response of forests to global change, it is necessary to construct functional models of forest tree populations. The size-structure-based model requires far less memory and steps of calculation compared with individual-based models, and it is easy to incorporate the dimension of geographic locations into the model to describe large-scale dynamics of forest-type distributions. The effect of increasing size growth rate, expected from increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, was diminished at the stand-level basal area density, because of regulation by one-sided competition. Model simulations of a century-long global warming at around 3 °C predicted that (1) biomass changed in resident forests rather simultaneously in response to warming, and that (2) there was a considerable time lag in movement at the boundaries of different forest types, particularly under the existence of resident forest types that would be finally replaced. It required several thousand years after a century-long warming spell for forest types to attain new steady-state distributions after shifting. As a consequence, global warming created a zigzag pattern of biomass distribution along a latitudinal gradient, i.e., an increase in the cooler-side boundary of forest types and a decrease in the warmer-side boundary.  相似文献   

The European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) was first introduced to Massachusetts in 1869 and within 150 years has spread throughout eastern North America. This large‐scale invasion across a heterogeneous landscape allows examination of the genetic signatures of adaptation potentially associated with rapid geographical spread. We tested the hypothesis that spatially divergent natural selection has driven observed changes in three developmental traits that were measured in a common garden for 165 adult moths sampled from six populations across a latitudinal gradient covering the entirety of the range. We generated genotype data for 91,468 single nucleotide polymorphisms based on double digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing and used these data to discover genome‐wide associations for each trait, as well as to test for signatures of selection on the discovered architectures. Genetic structure across the introduced range of gypsy moth was low in magnitude (FST = 0.069), with signatures of bottlenecks and spatial expansion apparent in the rare portion of the allele frequency spectrum. Results from applications of Bayesian sparse linear mixed models were consistent with the presumed polygenic architectures of each trait. Further analyses indicated spatially divergent natural selection acting on larval development time and pupal mass, with the linkage disequilibrium component of this test acting as the main driver of observed patterns. The populations most important for these signals were two range‐edge populations established less than 30 generations ago. We discuss the importance of rapid polygenic adaptation to the ability of non‐native species to invade novel environments.  相似文献   

Information about the global distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes is scarce, despite the primary importance of these fungi in stream ecosystem functioning. In particular, the relationship between their diversity and latitude remains unclear, due to a lack of coordinated surveys across broad latitudinal ranges. This study is a first report on latitudinal patterns of aquatic hyphomycete diversity associated with native leaf-litter species in five streams located along a gradient extending from the subarctic to the tropics. Exposure of leaf litter in mesh bags of three different mesh sizes facilitated assessing the effects of including or excluding different size-classes of litter-consuming invertebrates. Aquatic hyphomycete evenness was notably constant across all sites, whereas species richness and diversity, expressed as the Hill number, reached a maximum at mid-latitudes (Mediterranean and temperate streams). These latitudinal patterns were consistent across litter species, despite a notable influence of litter identity on fungal communities at the local scale. As a result, the bell-shaped distribution of species richness and Hill diversity deviated markedly from the latitudinal patterns of most other groups of organisms. Differences in the body-size distribution of invertebrate communities colonizing the leaves had no effect on aquatic hyphomycete species richness, Hill diversity or evenness, but invertebrates could still influence fungal communities by depleting litter, an effect that was not captured by the design of our experiment.  相似文献   

Tripp  Nicole K.  Kabalan  Bana A.  Stoeckel  James  Reisinger  Lindsey S. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(16):3565-3579
Hydrobiologia - Species are often exposed to novel thermal regimes as a result of anthropogenic activities. Understanding the extent to which populations are locally adapted to the thermal regime...  相似文献   

Increased N deposition in Europe has affected mire ecosystems. However, knowledge on the physiological responses is poor. We measured photosynthetic responses to increasing N deposition in two peatmoss species (Sphagnum balticum and Sphagnum fuscum) from a 3-year, north–south transplant experiment in northern Europe, covering a latitudinal N deposition gradient ranging from 0.28 g N m−2 year−1 in the north, to 1.49 g N m−2 year−1 in the south. The maximum photosynthetic rate (NPmax) increased southwards, and was mainly explained by tissue N concentration, secondly by allocation of N to the photosynthesis, and to a lesser degree by modified photosystem II activity (variable fluorescence/maximum fluorescence yield). Although climatic factors may have contributed, these results were most likely attributable to an increase in N deposition southwards. For S. fuscum, photosynthetic rate continued to increase up to a deposition level of 1.49 g N m−2 year−1, but for S. balticum it seemed to level out at 1.14 g N m−2 year−1. The results for S. balticum suggested that transplants from different origin (with low or intermediate N deposition) respond differently to high N deposition. This indicates that Sphagnum species may be able to adapt or physiologically adjust to high N deposition. Our results also suggest that S. balticum might be more sensitive to N deposition than S. fuscum. Surprisingly, NPmax was not (S. balticum), or only weakly (S. fuscum) correlated with biomass production, indicating that production is to a great extent is governed by factors other than the photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

The expression of phenotypic plasticity may differ among life stages of the same organism. Age-dependent plasticity can be important for adaptation to heterogeneous environments, but this has only recently been recognized. Whether age-dependent plasticity is a common outcome of local adaptation and whether populations harbor genetic variation in this respect remains largely unknown. To answer these questions, we estimated levels of additive genetic variation in age-dependent plasticity in six species of damselflies sampled from 18 populations along a latitudinal gradient spanning 3600 km. We reared full sib larvae at three temperatures and estimated genetic variances in the height and slope of thermal reaction norms of body size at three points in time during ontogeny using random regression. Our data show that most populations harbor genetic variation in growth rate (reaction norm height) in all ontogenetic stages, but only some populations and ontogenetic stages were found to harbor genetic variation in thermal plasticity (reaction norm slope). Genetic variances in reaction norm height differed among species, while genetic variances in reaction norm slope differed among populations. The slope of the ontogenetic trend in genetic variances of both reaction norm height and slope increased with latitude. We propose that differences in genetic variances reflect temporal and spatial variation in the strength and direction of natural selection on growth trajectories and age-dependent plasticity. Selection on age-dependent plasticity may depend on the interaction between temperature seasonality and time constraints associated with variation in life history traits such as generation length.  相似文献   

Despite being one of the most intensely studied habitat types worldwide, the intertidal region around Antarctica has received little more than superficial study. Despite this, the first detailed study of a single locality on the Antarctic Peninsula reported previously unanticipated levels of species richness, biomass and diversity in cryptic intertidal habitats. The current study extends the coverage achieved from this single locality. The intertidal zone at sites in the Scotia Arc, the Falkland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula was investigated. At all the study sites selected, a wide range of macrofauna was found inhabiting the littoral fringe. These communities, although generally cryptic and occupying predominantly the undersides of boulders and protected interstices, at some locations and sites were rich at multiple taxonomic levels. Across the study locations species richness in the intertidal zone ranged from 7 to 30 species. The highest species richness and diversity were found at high latitude localities, which experienced the highest physical disturbance due to ice scour, and appeared superficially to be denuded of life. Species assemblages varied with latitude with Adelaide Island having a high proportion of bryozoans relative to all other localities.  相似文献   

Determining how thermal variability will affect the structure, stability, and function of ecological communities is becoming increasingly important as global warming is predicted to affect not only average temperatures but also increase the frequency of long runs of high temperatures. Latitudinal differences in the responses of ecological communities to changes in their thermal regimes have also been predicted based on adaptations over evolutionary time to different thermal environments. We conducted an experiment to determine whether variability in temperature leads to consistent changes in community structure, temporal dynamics, and ecosystem functioning in laboratory analogues of natural freshwater supralittoral rock pool communities inhabited by meiofauna and zooplankton collected from sub‐Arctic, temperate, and tropical regions. Thermal variability of +4 °C around mean temperature led to increased extinction frequency, decreases in consumer abundance, increases in temporal variability of consumer abundance, and shifts from predominately negative interactions observed under constant temperature to positive interactions in the temperate and tropical communities but not in the sub‐Arctic communities. That sub‐Arctic zooplankton communities may be more robust to thermal variability than temperate or tropical communities’ supports recent studies on macrophysiological adaptations of species along latitudinal gradients and suggests that increasing thermal variability may have the greatest effects on community structure and function in tropical and temperate regions.  相似文献   

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