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在深化医药卫生体制改革的背景下,区域医疗中心传统的管理模式越来越难以适应新的形势。根据战略管理理论,在全面分析上海市浦东新区中南部区域医疗中心——浦东医院内、外部环境变化的基础上,探讨了浦东医院的战略发展战略。  相似文献   

亚洲栽培稻分散起源的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析中国、东南亚和南亚的96份普野的12个等位酶位点,及885份地方品种的10个酶位点的遗传多样性。结果表明,中国与南亚普野和栽培稻在Est—2、Est—10、Mal—1、Cat—1四个位点发生了地理分化。中国普野以Acp-1^2、Acp-2^0、Amp-2^2、Est—2^0、Cat—1^2、Mal—1^1基因型为主,是偏粳型。南亚普野以Acp-1^2、Acp-2^0、Amp—2^2、Est—2^1/Est—2^0、Cat—1^1、Mal—1^2基因型为主,是偏籼型。中国和南亚是两个独立的稻作起源中心。  相似文献   

Ecosystems - The origin of resources supporting metazoan biomass in rivers has long been a subject of debate. The river wave concept (RWC) postulates that the energetic basis of food webs varies...  相似文献   

The Cerrado, the savanna biome in central Brazil, mostly comprised of woodland savanna, is experiencing intense and fast land use changes. To understand the changes in Cerrado carbon stocks, we present an overview of biomass distribution in different Cerrado vegetation types (i.e., grasslands, shrublands and forestlands). We surveyed 26 studies including 170 Cerrado sites. The grasslands presented mean total biomass of 24 Mg/ha, with 70 percent allocated in the belowground portion. In shrublands, the mean total biomass was 58 Mg/ha being 58 percent in the belowground portion. Finally, in forestlands the mean total biomass was 98 Mg/ha with 18 percent as belowground biomass. The surveyed studies presented 12 allometric equations for biomass estimate, most involving both diameter and height. Data on wood density for Cerrado shrubs and trees are not abundant and the average value was 0.66 g/cm3, similar to that found in the central portion of the Amazon Forest. We also examined the relationship between total precipitation and dry‐season intensity with biomass variation in the Cerrado shrubland using data from tropical rainfall measurement mission (TRMM) for the period 2000–2010. Dry‐season precipitation amount in cerrado areas in severe drought regions explained 29 percent of the variation in aboveground woody biomass. This finding is important in the face of the predictions of longer and more severe dry seasons in the region due to climate change.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is one of four herbaceous dedicated bioenergy crops the U.S. Department of Energy identified as critical to annually produce one billion tons of dry biomass. Of these four crops, sorghum is unique as it is a drought-tolerant, annual crop established from seed that is readily tractable to genetic improvement. The purpose of this study was to assess the yield potential and stability of sorghums grown across diverse production environments in the USA. For this study, six sorghum genotypes (one cultivar, five hybrids) were grown in yield trials in seven locations in six states for 5 years (2008–2012). Variation in dry and fresh yield was attributable to not only genotypes, but also to the effects of year, location, and year × location. Even with the highest yielding genotype, environmental conditions were a major factor in determining the yield in a given year. This variability affects the consistency of the biomass supply for ethanol production. In general, the southeastern USA had the highest mean yields for fresh weight and dry weight, indicating that this area may be the most reliable for biomass production. A significant variation was detected among genotypes for fresh weight, dry weight, moisture content, and brix, revealing that sufficient variation within sorghum exists for continued improvement and that certain hybrids are more tractable for biomass/bioenergy production. With dedicated bioenergy sorghum germplasm and proper production environments, sorghum will be a valuable tool in the goal of the sustainable production of one billion tons of dry biomass each year in the USA.  相似文献   

Jacek Tomczyk 《Human Evolution》2006,21(3-4):203-213
The origins of Homo sapiens is a central issue of modern paleoanthropology. The available fossil material serves as a basis for postulating different hypotheses and models, but as is widely appreciated, anthropologists have yet to reach a consensus about human origins. It seems possible that the main reasons behind such an irreducible divergence of opinions are different methodological approaches rather than the analyses of fossil material. Some scientists would say that it is the fragmentary nature of fossil material which accounts for the debates about the origins of H. sapiens. Had the debate been only a matter of the empirical considerations many disagreements concerning H. sapiens would have probably disappeared long ago. But since the controversies are imbued in methodological reality the closure of the debate is not to be expected soon. There are three research methods: morphological, archaeological and genetic. Each approach has a specific definition of H. sapiens at its disposal, which largely accounts for the different scenarios for the origin of our species. Any debate concerning this problem must therefore begin with a discussion about the research methods. The controversy about our origins thus appears to be of secondary importance. The present paper aims at presenting the methodological controversy in relation to the origins of H. sapiens. The discussion about the genealogy of H. sapiens certainly is in urgent need of a new, more integrated way of approaching the past.  相似文献   

Summary The ecology, strain evaluation, genetics of host strain interactions and physiology of nitrogen fixation ofRhizobium japonicum in association with the soybean,Glycine max, were studied. Results of inoculation experiments with selected strains ofRhizobium japonicum indicated that indigenous strains occupied most of the nodules of soybeans grown in highRhizobium japonicum populated soils. Nodule sampling indicated that inoculation did not result in quicker nodulation or a higher incidence of root nodules (primary or secondary) than uninoculated checks. Rhizosphere studies indicated that colonization by introduced strains did occur but did not compete successfully with field strains for nodule sites. Recovery of specific serological types from nodules was influenced by planting intervals. The distribution of the serotypes varied with the time of planting and the age of the plant. Temperature studies indicated that the distribution of serotypes recovered from the nodules was influenced by temperature. Field studies showed the selectivity of soybean genotypes on strains ofRhizobium japonicum. Some strains were more common in the nodules of some varieties than in others. Closely related varieties had similar populations in their nodules. Three genes which control nodule response in soybeans are reported. Nitrogen fixation profiles were determined for some variety-strain interactions. Combinations previously classified as inefficient showed some nitrogenase activity as measured by the acetylene reduction technique. Research Microbiologist; Research Agronomist; Research Plant Physiologist, Soybean Investigations, Crops Research Division, Beltsville, Md. (USDA, ARS); and Plant Pathologist currently located at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.  相似文献   

The study of development and comparisons of the adult structures of the several groups of protochordate animals reveals something of their interrelationships and origin. The hemichordates are perhaps closer to the echinoderms than to the chordates, but these groups appear to have been derived from a bilaterally symmetrical dipleurula ancestor, not from a sessile pterobranch-like form. The origin of the chordates is speculative but the idea of a prototunicate stage is rejected. The tunicate is viewed as a highly modified end product, with fewer similarities to the ancestral form than amphioxus. Amphioxus is quite suggestive of the vertebrate, yet it is more like the tunicate in the details of its embryology and along with that rather extreme peripheral group is best thought of as constituting a subphylum, the Acraniata. The idea of the early vertebrate as a filter feeder must be rejected since it is assumed here that perfection of that function led to a sessile or inactive way of life (as in the acraniates or lamprey larva) and failed to lead to the active creature with highly developed sensory, neural, and locomotor systems identified here as the protovertebrate. Further, the muscular plastic pharynx and moveable mouth of the protovertebrate suggest feeding on larger organisms, predation, and the abandonment of ciliary water-current feeding.  相似文献   

生物质能源是一种绿色的可以替代化石能源的一种可再生的能源。尽管高温分解生物质处于发展阶段,但在目前水平,高温裂解因其可以在氧存在下热分解将生物材料直接转化为固态,液态和气态能源产品而受到广泛关注。本文介绍了生物质的热裂解,包括慢速热裂解、快速热裂解、闪解、催化热裂解等过程,重点讨论了在各种生物质材料的热裂解过程中各种操作参数如温度和生物粒子大小等对生物燃料收率的影响。  相似文献   

植物生物量研究概述(综述)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了生物量的概念、发展历史和现状,将生物量的测定方法分为传统方法和现代方法进行论述,对各种生物量测定方法的利弊做了比较分析,并对生物量测定的发展趋势进行预测。  相似文献   

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