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Symmetric somatic hybrid plants between Gossypium hirsutum Coker 201 and G. klotzschianum were obtained through electrofusion. The fusion products were cultured in KM8P medium supplemented with 2.685 M -naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.465 M kinetin, and the regenerated plants were morphologically, genetically, and cytologically characterized. Nuclear-DNA flow cytometric analysis revealed that the plants tested (31 of 40) had a relative DNA content close to the total DNA contents of the two parents. Subsequent genome DNA analysis using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers revealed 16 of 18 plants were true somatic hybrids. Cytological investigation of the metaphase root-tip cells of seven hybrids revealed there were 72–81 chromosomes in the hybrids, a value close to the expected 78 chromosomes. The morphology of the hybrids was distinct from that of the parents and from that of the regenerants from protoplasts of Coker 201. Somatic hybridization represents a potent and novel tool for transferring genomes of wild cottons containing economically important traits to cultivars in breeding programs. This is the first report on the regeneration of somatic hybrids via protoplast fusion in cotton.  相似文献   

AnAgrobacterium-mediated gene transfer system with recovery of putative transformants was developed for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. Cocker-312. Two-month-old hypocotyl-derived embryogenic calli were infected through agroinfiltration for 10 min at 27 psi in a suspension ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 carrying tDNA with theGUS gene, encoding β-glucuronidase (GUS), and the neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) gene as a kanamycin-resistant plant-selectable marker. Six days after the histochemicalGUS assay was done, 46.6% and 20%GUS activity was noted with the vacuum-infiltration and commonAgrobacterium-mediated transformation methods, respectively. The transformed embryogenic calli were cultured on selection medium (100 mg/L and 50 mg/L kanamycin for 2 wk and 10 wk, respectively) for 3 mo. The putative transgenic plants were developed via somatic embryogenesis (25 mg/L kanamycin). In 4 independent experiments, up to 28.23% transformation efficiency was achieved. PCR amplification and Southern blot analysis fo the transformants were used to confirm the integration of the transgenes. Thus far, this is the only procedure available for cotton that can successfully be used to generate cotton transformants.  相似文献   

A reliable and high-efficiency system of transforming embryogenic callus (EC) mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was developed in cotton. Various aspects of transformation were examined in efforts to improve the efficiency of producing transformants. LBA4404 and C58C3, harboring the pgusBin19 plasmid containing neomycin phosphortransferase II (npt-II) gene as a selection marker, were used for transformation. The effects of Agrobacterium strains, acetosyringone (AS), co-cultivation temperature, co-cultivation duration, Agrobacterium concentration and physiological status of EC on transformation efficiency were evaluated. Strain LBA4404 proved significantly better than C58C3. Agrobacterium at a concentration of 0.5 × 108 cells ml–1 (OD600=0.5) improved the efficiency of transformation. Relatively low co-cultivation temperature (19 °C) and short co-cultivation duration (48 h) were optimal for developing a highly efficient method of transforming EC. Concentration of AS at 50 mg l–1 during co-cultivation significantly increased transformation efficiency. EC growing 15 days after subculture was the best physiological status for transformation. An overall scheme for producing transgenic cotton is presented, through which an average transformation rate of 15% was obtained.  相似文献   


Key message

qFS07.1 controlling fiber strength was fine-mapped to a 62.6-kb region containing four annotated genes. RT-qPCR and sequence of candidate genes identified an LRR RLK gene as the most likely candidate.


Fiber strength is an important component of cotton fiber quality and is associated with other properties, such as fiber maturity, fineness, and length. Stable QTL qFS07.1, controlling fiber strength, had been identified on chromosome 7 in an upland cotton recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from a cross (CCRI35?×?Yumian1) described in our previous studies. To fine-map qFS07.1, an F2 population with 2484 individual plants from a cross between recombinant line RIL014 and CCRI35 was established. A total of 1518 SSR primer pairs, including 1062, designed from chromosome 1 of the Gossypium raimondii genome and 456 from chromosome 1 of the G. arboreum genome (corresponding to the QTL region) were used to fine-map qFS07.1, and qFS07.1 was mapped into a 62.6-kb genome region which contained four annotated genes on chromosome A07 of G. hirsutum. RT-qPCR and comparative analysis of candidate genes revealed a leucine-rich repeat protein kinase (LRR RLK) family protein to be a promising candidate gene for qFS07.1. Fine mapping and identification of the candidate gene for qFS07.1 will play a vital role in marker-assisted selection (MAS) and the study of mechanism of cotton fiber development.

Transgenic cotton with an increased level of phytase activity was generated from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. ND94-7 by subjecting shoot-apex explants to particle bombardment. These tissues were transformed with plasmid pC-KSA2300 carrying a selectable marker (for kanamycin) and a target gene (phytase, or phyA, from Aspergillus ficuum). Primary plants were regenerated in a medium containing 75 mg l−1 kanamycin. Of 1,534 shoot apices, 52 (3.4%) survived on this selection medium. Southern and Northern blot analyses confirmed that phyA was stably integrated and expressed in those primary transgenics. The progenies of the primary transgenic plants were found to have a 3.1- to 3.2-fold increase in root extracellular phytase activity, resulting in improved phosphorus (P) nutrition. Growth also was enhanced when they were supplied with phytate, and their P content was equivalent to that of wildtype plants supplied with inorganic phosphate. These results demonstrate that the expression of phyA in cotton plants improves their ability to utilize organic P in response to a deficiency.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Coker 312) hypocotyl explants were transformed with three strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, LBA4404, EHA101 and C58, each harboring the recombinant binary vector pBI121 containing the chi gene insert and neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene, as selectable marker. Inoculated tissue sections were placed onto cotton co-cultivation medium. Transformed calli were selected on MS medium containing 50 mg l−1 kanamycin and 200 mg l−1 cepotaxime. Putative calli were subsequently regenerated into cotton plantlets expressing both the kanamycin resistance gene and βglucuronidase (gus) as a reporter gene. Polymerase chain reaction was used to confirm the integration of chi and nptII transgenes in the T1 plants genome. Integration of chi gene into the genome of putative transgenic was further confirmed by Southern blot analysis. ‘Western’ immunoblot analysis of leaves isolated from T0 transformants and progeny plants (T1) revealed the presence of an immunoreactive band with MW of approximately 31 kDa in transgenic cotton lines using anti-chitinase-I polyclonal anti-serum. Untransformed control and one transgenic line did not show such an immunoreactive band. Chitinase specific activity in leaf tissues of transgenic lines was several folds greater than that of untransformed cotton. Crude leaf extracts from transgenic lines showed in vitro inhibitory activity against Verticillium dahliae.Transgenic plants currently growing in a greenhouse and will be bioassayed for improved resistance against V. dahlia the causal against of verticilliosis in cotton.  相似文献   

A novel stress tolerance cDNA fragment encoding GhDRIN1 protein was identified and its regulation was studied in cotton boll tissues and seedlings subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Phylogenetic and conserved domain prediction indicated that GhDRIN1 was annotated with a hypothetical protein of unknown function. Subcellular localization showed that GhDRIN1 is localized in the chloroplasts. The promoter sequence was isolated and subjected to in silico study. Various cis-acting elements responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses and hormones were found. Transgenic tobacco seedlings exhibited better growth on amended MS medium and showed minimal leaf damage in insect bioassays carried out with Helicoverpa armigera larvae. Transgenic tobacco showed better tolerance to water-deficit and fast recovered upon rewatering. Present work demonstrated that GhDRIN1, a novel stress tolerance gene of cotton, positively regulates the response to biotic and abiotic stresses in transgenic tobacco.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different light-emitting diode (LED) light sources on the growth of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plantlets. Shoot bud apex cuttings of upland cotton (1.0 cm) were transplanted on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 0.5 mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and cultured in vitro for 45 days. They were exposed to 50 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) and a 12-h photoperiod under six different lights: fluorescent lamp (CON), monochromatic blue LED (B), three blue and red LED mixtures (B:R = 3:1, 1:1, 1:3) and monochromatic red LED (R). The effects of the six light sources on growth and morphogenesis of upland cotton plantlets grown in vitro were investigated. Fresh weight, dry weight, stem length and second internode length were greatest in plantlets cultured under the B:R = 1:1 blue and red LED light, followed by blue LED light, and they were lowest in plantlets cultured under a fluorescent lamp. Chlorophyll content, leaf thickness, palisade tissue length, leaf and stomata area were highest in plantlets cultured under blue LED light. Root activity, sucrose, starch and soluble sugar contents were highest in plantlets cultured under red LED light. Our results showed that larger, healthier plantlets and a greater biomass of upland cotton were produced in the presence of red LED supplemented with a quantity of blue LED light. Blue and red LED (B:R = 1:1) was the most suitable light for the growth of upland cotton plantlets in vitro, and it may be used as alternative light source for an upland cotton culture system.  相似文献   


Key message

Map-based cloning identified a candidate gene for resistance to the anthracnose fungal pathogen Colletotrichum orbiculare in cucumber, which reveals a novel function for the highly conserved STAYGREEN family genes for host disease resistance in plants.


Colletotrichum orbiculare is a hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen that causes anthracnose disease in cucumber and other cucurbit crops. No host resistance genes against the anthracnose pathogens have been cloned in crop plants. Here, we reported fine mapping and cloning of a resistance gene to the race 1 anthracnose pathogen in cucumber inbred lines Gy14 and WI 2757. Phenotypic and QTL analysis in multiple populations revealed that a single recessive gene, cla, was underlying anthracnose resistance in both lines, but WI2757 carried an additional minor-effect QTL. Fine mapping using 150 Gy14?×?9930 recombinant inbred lines and 1043 F2 individuals delimited the cla locus into a 32 kb region in cucumber Chromosome 5 with three predicted genes. Multiple lines of evidence suggested that the cucumber STAYGREEN (CsSGR) gene is a candidate for the anthracnose resistance locus. A single nucleotide mutation in the third exon of CsSGR resulted in the substitution of Glutamine in 9930 to Arginine in Gy14 in CsSGR protein which seems responsible for the differential anthracnose inoculation responses between Gy14 and 9930. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that CsSGR was significantly upregulated upon anthracnose pathogen inoculation in the susceptible 9930, while its expression was much lower in the resistant Gy14. Investigation of allelic diversities in natural cucumber populations revealed that the resistance allele in almost all improved cultivars or breeding lines of the U.S. origin was derived from PI 197087. This work reveals an unknown function for the highly conserved STAYGREEN (SGR) family genes for host disease resistance in plants.

Studies of phenolic compounds were performed during cell suspension cultures in relation with the induction of embryogenic structures in two cultivars of cotton. Coker 312 produced embryogenic structures, unlike R405-2000 which was found to be a non-embryogenic cultivar. Embryogenesis induction in Coker 312 was strongly linked to a higher content of caffeic, ferulic and salicylic acids and to the appearance of p-coumaric acid, benzoic acid, trans-resveratrol, catechin and naringenin.  相似文献   

We studied effects of рН and СО2 enrichment on the physiological condition and biochemical composition of a carotenogenic microalga Coelastrella (Scotiellopsis Vinatzer) rubescens Kaufnerová et Eliás (Scenedesmaceae, Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae), a promising source of natural astaxanthin. The microalga was grown at a constant pH (5, 6, 7 or 8) maintained by direct СО2 injection. The air-sparged culture served as the control. Cell division rate and size, dry biomass productivity, the rates of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake as well as photosynthetic pigment and total lipid content and fatty acid composition were followed. С. rubescens possessed a narrow-range рН tolerance (the optimum рН 6–7). Under these conditions, the highest values of the maximum (1.0–1.1 1/day) and average (0.3–0.35 1/day) specific growth rate, chlorophyll а (4.8–4.9%) and total carotenoid dry weight percentages (1.7–1.8%) were recorded. Cell lipid fatty acid unsaturation index (1.851) and polyunsaturated fatty acid percentage (36–39%) and С18:3 ω3/С18:1 ω9 ratio (3.8–4.5) were also the highest under these conditions. A decline of рН to 5 brought about severe stress manifesting itself as a cell division cessation, photosynthetic apparatus reduction, two-fold increase in cell volume, accumulation of dry weight and lipids and a considerable decline in fatty acid unsaturation. Cultivation of С. rubescens without СО2 enrichment resulted in a rapid alkalization of the medium to рН 9.5–10.5 impairing the physiological condition of the cells. Reasons of the deteriorative effects of suboptimal pH values on the physiological condition of C. rubescens are discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), mainly caused by Fusarium graminearum (F.g), is a destructive fungal disease worldwide. FHB can not only cause considerable reduction in yield, but more seriously, can contaminate grain by trichothecene toxins released by the fungus. Here, we report new insights into the function and underlying mechanisms of a UDP-glycosyltransferase gene, Ta-UGT 3 , that is involved in FHB resistance in wheat. In our previous study, Ta-UGT 3 was found to enhance host tolerance against deoxynivalenol (DON) in Arabidopsis. In this study, four transgenic lines over-expressing Ta-UGT 3 in a FHB highly susceptible wheat variety, Alondra’s, were obtained and characterized. 3 years of assays using single floret inoculation with F.g indicated that all four transgenic lines exhibited significantly enhanced type II resistance to FHB and less DON accumulation in the grains compared to the untransformed control. Histological observation using GFP labelled F.g was in agreement with the above test results since over-expression of Ta-UGT 3 dramatically inhibited expansion of F.g. To explore the putative mechanism of resistance mediated by Ta-UGT 3 , microarray analysis, qRT-PCR and hormone measurements were performed. Microarray analysis showed that DON up-regulated genes, such as TaNPR1, in the susceptible control, and down-regulated genes in F.g inoculated transgenic lines, while qRT-PCR showed that some defence related genes were up-regulated in F.g inoculated transgenic lines. Ta-UGT 3 over-expression also changed the contents of the endogenous hormones SA and JA in the spikes. These data suggest that Ta-UGT 3 positively regulates the defence responses to F.g, perhaps by regulating defence-related and DON-induced downstream genes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of excess copper (Cu) in agricultural soils can decrease growth and quality of crops grown on these soils and a little information is available on the role of silicon (Si) in reducing Cu toxicity in plants. A hydroponic study was conducted to investigate the effects of Si (1.0 mM) on growth and physiology of cotton seedlings grown on different Cu (0, 25, and 50 µM) concentrations. Elevated levels of Cu decreased growth, biomass, photosynthetic pigments, and gas exchange characteristics, and increased the electrolyte leakage (EL), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) contents in leaf, stem, and roots of cotton seedlings. Cu stress alone decreased the activities of key antioxidant enzymes in cotton seedlings. Exogenous application of Si alleviated the toxic effects of Cu on cotton seedlings by improving growth, photosynthetic pigments, and gas exchange characteristics under Cu stress. The Si application decreased Cu concentrations in leaves, stem, and roots as compared with the control plants. Furthermore, Si decreased oxidative stress as evidenced by decreased EL, H2O2, and TBARS contents, and increased the antioxidant enzyme activities in cotton seedlings. This study provides evidences of Si-mediated reduction of Cu toxicity in cotton seedlings at physiological and biochemical levels.  相似文献   



Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is produced in over 30 countries and represents the most important natural fiber in the world. One of the primary factors affecting both the quantity and quality of cotton production is water. A major facilitator of water movement through cell membranes of cotton and other plants are the aquaporin proteins. Aquaporin proteins are present as diverse forms in plants, where they function as transport systems for water and other small molecules. The plant aquaporins belong to the large major intrinsic protein (MIP) family. In higher plants, they consist of five subfamilies including plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIP), tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIP), NOD26-like intrinsic proteins (NIP), small basic intrinsic proteins (SIP), and the recently discovered X intrinsic proteins (XIP). Although a great deal is known about aquaporins in plants, very little is known in cotton.  相似文献   

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) is one of the most popular cultivated vegetables worldwide. Cabbage has rich phenotypic diversity, including plant height, head shape, head color, leaf shape and leaf color. Leaf color plays an important role in cabbage growth and development. At present, there are few reports on fine mapping of leaf color mutants in B. oleracea. In this study, a naturally occurring yellow-green leaf cabbage mutant (YL-1), derived from the self-pollinated progenies of the hybrid ‘Hosom’, was used for inheritance analysis and gene mapping. Segregation populations including F2 and BC1 were generated from the cross of two inbred lines, YL-1 and 01–20. Genetic analysis with the F2 and BC1 populations demonstrated that the yellow-green leaf color was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, ygl-1. Insertion–deletion (InDel) markers, designed based on the parental re-sequencing data, were used for the preliminary mapping with BSA (bulked segregant analysis) method. A genetic map constructed with 15 InDels indicated that ygl-1 was located on chromosome C01. The ygl-1 gene is flanked by InDel markers ID2 and M8, with genetic distances of 0.4 cM and 0.35 cM, respectively. The interval distance between two markers is 167 kb. Thus, it enables us to locate the ygl-1 gene for the first time in B. oleracea. This study lays the foundation for candidate gene prediction and ygl-1gene cloning.  相似文献   

Wild relatives of barley disperse their seeds at maturity by means of their brittle rachis. In cultivated barley, brittleness of the rachis was lost during domestication. Nonbrittle rachis of occidental barley lines is controlled by a single gene (btr1) on chromosome 3H. However, nonbrittle rachis of oriental barley lines is controlled by a major gene (btr2) on chromosome 3H and two quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 5HL and 7H. This result suggests multiple mutations of the genes involved in the formation of brittle rachis in oriental lines. The btr1 and btr2 loci did not recombine in the mapping population analyzed. This result agrees with the theory of tight linkage between the two loci. A high-density amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) map of the btr1/btr2 region was constructed, providing an average density of 0.08 cM/locus. A phylogenetic tree based on the AFLPs showed clear separation of occidental and oriental barley lines. Thus, barley consists of at least two lineages as far as revealed by molecular markers linked to nonbrittle rachis genes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   


Key message

This report demonstrates the usefulness of ptxD/phosphite as a selection system that not only provides a highly efficient and simple means to generate transgenic cotton plants, but also helps address many of the concerns related to the use of antibiotic and herbicide resistance genes in the production of transgenic crops.


Two of the most popular dominant selectable marker systems for plant transformation are based on either antibiotic or herbicide resistance genes. Due to concerns regarding their safety and in order to stack multiple traits in a single plant, there is a need for alternative selectable marker genes. The ptxD gene, derived from Pseudomonas stutzeri WM88, that confers to cells the ability to convert phosphite (Phi) into orthophosphate (Pi) offers an alternative selectable marker gene as demonstrated for tobacco and maize. Here, we show that the ptxD gene in combination with a protocol based on selection medium containing Phi, as the sole source of phosphorus (P), can serve as an effective and efficient system to select for transformed cells and generate transgenic cotton plants. Fluorescence microscopy examination of the cultures under selection and molecular analyses on the regenerated plants demonstrate the efficacy of the system in recovering cotton transformants following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Under the ptxD/Phi selection, an average of 3.43 transgenic events per 100 infected explants were recovered as opposed to only 0.41% recovery when bar/phosphinothricin (PPT) selection was used. The event recovery rates for nptII/kanamycin and hpt/hygromycin systems were 2.88 and 2.47%, respectively. Molecular analysis on regenerated events showed a selection efficiency of ~?97% under the ptxD/Phi system. Thus, ptxD/Phi has proven to be a very efficient, positive selection system for the generation of transgenic cotton plants with equal or higher transformation efficiencies compared to the commonly used, negative selection systems.

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