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Summary Samples from temperate forest communities across the North American continent were analysed for correlations of plant species diversity with environment and community structure.Alpha diversity relationships are complicated by different vegetation patterns and community history. The differences in community diversity patterns may be due to the independent evolution of communities in different regions.Results of analyses were: 1) on a continental scale plant species diversity is related to mean annual temperature, but not precipitation; 2) diversity is substantially greater in continental climates than in maritime regions; 3) diversity-community structure relationships are generally weak, except 4) there is an inverse relationship between diversity and abundance of conifer tree species. Attempts to relate diversity to environmental parameters with multiple regression techniques met with only moderate success.I thank R. H. Whittaker, R. K. Peet and H. G. Gauch, Jr., for their help and comments. I am especially grateful to R. H. Whittaker for making his data available to me. Computation was supported in part by N.S.F. grant No. GB-30679. I was supported by a Nat. Inst. of Health Traineeship during part of this study.  相似文献   

One hundred and eight mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used in combination with multilocus genotypes generated from 19 nuclear microsatellite loci to assess the genetic diversity in the North American captive African elephant collection. The analysis of 4488 bp of mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogenenase subunit 4-cytochrome b (ND4-cyt b ) sequence revealed the existence of three distinct mtDNA lineages (Haplogroups I–III). The genetic distance between Haplogroups I/II and Haplogroup III was determined to be 0.046. The nucleotide diversity for the elephant mtDNA ND4-cyt b was <0.004. Analysis of multilocus genotypes indicated an average observed heterozygosity of 0.53 compared with the expected heterozygosity of 0.64. No subdivision in the data was detected including data partitioned by mtDNA haplogroup. Relatedness among the 108 individuals did not differ from that expected in random mating populations.  相似文献   

Qian  Hong  Klinka  Karel  Kayahara  Gordon J. 《Plant Ecology》1998,138(2):161-178
Spatial patterns of plant diversity in the North American boreal forest were examined according to three plant life forms (woody plants, herbaceous plants, and bryophytes) and two taxonomic levels (species and genus), using sixty 9-ha plots sampled in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and black spruce (Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P.) ecosystems along a transcontinental transect from the Pacific coast eastwards to the Atlantic coast. The patterns of inventory diversity (represented by alpha diversity), differentiation diversity (represented by the similarity index, habitat-heterogeneity index, similarity decay rate, and length of the first axis in detrended correspondence analysis), and pattern diversity (represented by the mosaic diversity index) were assessed along the transect in both ecosystem types. At the stand level, central North America had the highest alpha diversity in terms of the number of species or genera, and western North America had a higher alpha diversity than eastern North America. At the continental scale, herbaceous plants had the highest beta diversity in terms of floristic change from the eastern to western North America, bryophytes had the lowest beta diversity, and woody plants were in the middle, regardless of ecosystem type and taxonomic level. Central North America had the lowest mosaic diversity across the boreal transect of North America. The white spruce ecosystems had a higher alpha diversity than the black spruce ecosystems regardless of plant life form, taxonomic level and geographic location. The white spruce ecosystems tended to have more bryophytes, less woody plants, and higher species:genus ratio than the black spruce ecosystems. In general, the white spruce and black spruce ecosystems shared the same patterns in diversity changes at different spatial scales, plant life forms, and taxonomic levels across the transect studied. The existing patterns of plant diversity in the North American boreal forest area resulted from a combination of ecological processes and spatial configuration.  相似文献   

McGrath S  Hodkinson TR  Barth S 《Heredity》2007,99(5):531-544
Ten chloroplast microsatellite markers were used to characterise chloroplast genetic diversity at allelic and haplotypic level in 104 accessions of Lolium perenne, other Lolium species, Festuca species and x Festulolium cultivars. Furthermore, genetic relationships between the accessions and biogeographic distribution of haplotypes were investigated using a range of Nei's population genetic diversity measures and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). An extremely high number (511) of haplotypes was detected in 1575 individuals. Nei's gene diversity values among L. perenne accessions ranged between 0 and 0.333. Much of the L. perenne European ecotype diversity (61%), as calculated using AMOVA, could be attributed to within-population variance and this is likely caused by, and maintained by, high levels of natural and anthropogenic seed dispersal. Plastid gene pools and maternal lineages for L. perenne could be clearly identified. Evidence was found, using AMOVA, to show a likely migration route of L. perenne from Southern regions of Europe northwards.  相似文献   

Origin and diversity of North American hard spring wheats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Genetic diversity is an important safeguard against crop vulnerability to biotic and abiotic stresses. Coefficient-of-parentage (COP) values of 248 North American hard spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) cultivars released from 1901 to 1991 were used to estimate the genetic similarity of cultivars. COP values were used: to (1) quantify germ plasm sources and their contributions to the North American hard spring wheat gene pool; (2) measure changes in genetic diversity through time; and (3) identify major groupings of related cultivars. Landraces and local cultivars that contributed to the formation of the gene pool were: spring wheat (64%), winter wheat (16%), T. turgidum var. durum L. (10%), and T. turgidum var. emmer L. (8%). Fife, Hard Red Calcutta, and Turkey Red accounted for 18%, 13%, and 8%, respectively, of the hard spring wheat origins. Era and Butte in the US, and Neepawa and HY 320 in Canada, were the most commonly used named parents of cultivars released from 1981 to 1991. Both Canada and US had the greatest level of similarity among new cultivar releases in the 1930s (Canada: r=0.39, US: r=0.34). Genetic similarity in the US declined to r=0.14 in the 1940s and remained relatively constant thereafter. Similarity among released Canadian cultivars remained relatively high until the 1970s when the introduction of new market classes resulted in a 50% reduction in genetic similarity to approximately the same level of similarity found in the US. Cluster analysis was used to group cultivars released after 1941 into 13 clusters of similar genotypes. The cultivar clusters may have value for the stratified sampling of spring wheat germ plasm or in identifying diverse germ plasm for intermating.Contribution of the Idaho Agric. Exp. Stn. publication no. 95731. Missouri Pub. No. 12338  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Sex pheromone‐mediated mating disruption can be used to provide economic control of the North American grape berry moth in commercial vineyards. Controlled release devices that use a plastic tube or polymer to regulate the emission of pheromone have been registered for use in Canada for controlling this pest. These dispensers require manual application, whereas a newly developed microencapsulated formulation can be applied using a vineyard airblast sprayer. 2 The efficacy of 3M Sprayable Pheromone was compared with the efficacy of Isomate® GBM pheromone dispensers and organophosphorus insecticide for controlling the grape berry moth during the 1997 and 1998 growing seasons. Two application schedules of sprayable pheromone were tested during 1997 and two formulations of sprayable pheromone were tested during 1998. The mating disruption efficiency of the pheromone treatments was compared using pheromone‐baited traps and the efficacy of the pheromone and insecticide treatments was compared by inspecting grape clusters for feeding injury caused by grape berry moth larvae. 3 The estimated mating disruption efficiency of the pheromone treatments ranged from 67 to 100%. There was no difference in the efficiency of the two application schedules of 3M Sprayable Pheromone during 1997. The estimated efficiency of Isomate® GBM was greater than that of 3M Sprayable Pheromone during the first two flights of 1997. During 1998, the estimated efficiency of 3M Sprayable Pheromone and Isomate® GBM was similar. 4 The average percentage of grape clusters with grape berry moth feeding injury was greater in the border than in the interior zone on 13 ocassions, and greater in the interior zone than in the border zone of experimental plots on six of the 72 occasions when clusters were inspected during the 2‐year study. 5 The average percentage of grape clusters with feeding injury was similar in plots treated with 3M Sprayable Pheromone, Isomate® GBM and insecticide during both years of the study. There was no difference in feeding injury in plots treated with 3M Sprayable Pheromone and Isomate® GBM, despite the greater estimated mating disruption efficiency of Isomate® GBM. 6 The use of sprayable pheromone may have several operational and cost advantages compared with a hand‐applied dispensing system such as Isomate® GBM.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis proposes that frequency-dependent selection by parasites may be responsible for the evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction. We sought to determine whether parasites could be responsible for variation in the occurrence of sexual reproduction in 21 populations of Daphnia pulex (Crustacea; Cladocera) that previous studies have shown to consist of either cyclical parthenogens, obligate parthenogens, or a mixture of both. We measured parasite prevalence over a four-week period (which essentially encompasses an entire season for the temporary snow-melt habitats we sampled) and regressed three different measures of sexuality against mean levels of parasite prevalence. Levels of parasitism were low and we found no relationship between levels of sexuality and mean parasite prevalence. Genetic variation with infection level was detected in 2 of the 21 populations, with several different clones showing signs of overparasitism or underparasitism. Overall, however, our results suggest that parasites are not a major source of selection in these populations and it thus seems unlikely they are responsible for maintaining breeding system variation across the study region.  相似文献   

Advanced-generation domestication programs for forest-tree species has raised some concerns about the maintenance of genetic diversity in forest-tree breeding programs. Genetic diversity in natural stands was compared with two genetic conservation options for a third-generation elite Pinus taeda breeding population. The breeding population was subdivided either on the basis of geographic origin and selection goals (multiple-population or MPBS option) or stratified according to genetic value (hierarchical or HOPE option). Most allelic diversity in the natural stands of loblolly pine is present in the domesticated breeding populations. This was true at the aggregate level for both multiple-population (MPBS) and the hierarchical (HOPE) populations. Individual subpopulations within each option had less genetic diversity but it did not decline as generations of improvement increased. Genetic differentiation within the subdivided breeding populations ranged from 1 to 5%, genetic variability is within each subpopulation rather than among subpopulations for both MPBS (>95%) and the HOPE approaches (>98%). Nei's Gst estimates for amongpopulation differentiation were biased upwards relative to estimates of from Weir and Cockerham (1984).  相似文献   

Several hypotheses attempt to explain the latitudinal gradient of species diversity, but some basic aspects of the pattern remain insufficiently explored, including the effect of scales and the role of beta diversity. To explore such components of the latitudinal gradient, we tested the hypothesis of covariation, which states that the gradient of species diversity should show the same pattern regardless of the scale of analysis. The hypothesis implies that there should be no gradients of beta diversity, of regional range size within regions, and of the slope of the species-area curve. For the fauna of North American mammals, we found contrasting results for bats and non-volant species. We could reject the hypothesis of covariation for non-volant mammals, for which the number of species increases towards lower latitudes, but at different rates depending on the scale. Also, for this group, beta diversity is higher at lower latitudes, the regional range size within regions is smaller at lower latitudes, and z, the slope of the species-area relationship is higher at lower latitudes. Contrarily bats did not show significant deviations from the predictions of the hypothesis of covariation: at two different scales, species richness shows similar trends of increase at lower latitudes, and no gradient can be demonstrated for beta diversity, for regional range size, or for the slopes of the species-area curve. Our results show that the higher diversity of non-volant mammals in tropical areas of North America is a consequence of the increase in beta diversity and not of higher diversity at smaller scales. In contrast, the diversity of bats at both scales is higher at lower latitudes. These contrasting patterns suggest different causes for the latitudinal gradient of species diversity in the two groups that are ultimately determined by differences in the patterns of geographic distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Organisms can affect one another's phenotypes when they socially interact. Indirect genetic effects occur when an individual's phenotype is affected by genes expressed in another individual. These heritable effects can enhance or reduce adaptive potential, thereby accelerating or reversing evolutionary change. Quantifying these social effects is therefore crucial for our understanding of evolution, yet estimates of indirect genetic effects in wild animals are limited to dyadic interactions. We estimated indirect phenotypic and genetic effects, and their covariance with direct effects, for the date of spring breeding in North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) living in an array of territories of varying spatial proximity. Additionally, we estimated indirect effects and the strength of selection at low and high population densities. Social effects of neighbours on the date of spring breeding were different from zero at high population densities but not at low population densities. Indirect phenotypic effects accounted for a larger amount of variation in the date of breeding than differences attributable to the among‐individual variance, suggesting social interactions are important for determining breeding dates. The genetic component to these indirect effects was however not statistically significant. We therefore showcase a powerful and flexible method that will allow researchers working in organisms with a range of social systems to estimate indirect phenotypic and genetic effects, and demonstrate the degree to which social interactions can influence phenotypes, even in a solitary species.  相似文献   

From 1987 to 1991, the North American captive cheetah population increased by 38% (to 266 animals), due to importation and captive breeding. This population constitutes 26% of the world's captive cheetahs and 36% of all reproductively successful animals. Since 1956, 33% of all cubs born in North America occurred during this 5-year period. Because of importation of animals from breeding programs abroad, East African (A. jubatus raineyi) genes have been introduced into the North American cheetah population, and 39% of all cubs born during 1987--1991 were South African/East African hybrids. Also during this time, the breeding population and effective breeding population increased by 86% and 72.6%, respectively. The incidence of infant mortality decreased from 37% (last recorded for the years 1956 to 1986) to 28% (averaged over 5 years), although infant mortality during the latter period ranged from 15% (for unrelated parents) to 41% (for related parents). Management recommendations implemented to increase fecundity and population size appear to be successful, although the founder base of the population still has only been increased from 52 cheetahs in 1986 to 72 animals in 1991. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Large, herbivorous mammals have profound effects on ecosystem structure and function and often act as keystone species in ecosystems they inhabit. Density-dependent processes associated with population structure of large mammals may interact with ecosystem functioning to increase or decrease biodiversity, depending on the relationship of herbivore populations relative to the carrying capacity (K) of the ecosystem. We tested for indirect effects of population density of large herbivores on plant species richness and diversity in a montane ecosystem, where increased net aboveground primary productivity (NAPP) in response to low levels of herbivory has been reported. We documented a positive, linear relationship between plant-species diversity and richness with NAPP. Structural equation modeling revealed significant indirect relationships between population density of herbivores, NAPP, and species diversity. We observed an indirect effect of density-dependent processes in large, herbivorous mammals and species diversity of plants through changes in NAPP in this montane ecosystem. Changes in species diversity of plants in response to herbivory may be more indirect in ecosystems with long histories of herbivory. Those subtle or indirect effects of herbivory may have strong effects on ecosystem functioning, but may be overlooked in plant communities that are relatively resilient to herbivory.  相似文献   

The seasonal patterns of oviposition by the North American grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were monitored in juice grape (Vitis labrusca) vineyards in southwest Michigan. Egg deposition was recorded throughout the growing season at two vineyards in 2006, and at four vineyards from 2007 to 2009. In each vineyard, a random sample of 100 grape clusters was visually inspected twice‐weekly and the number of newly laid eggs was counted. We found that oviposition was continuous but variable throughout the season. Egg deposition started in early June coinciding with early grape bloom, continued at low level until mid‐ to late July, intensified in August close to veraison, and ended in September often before harvest. There were no consistent periods without oviposition that would indicate distinct generations. To determine the contribution of moth immigration into the vineyard to the pattern of oviposition, six grape plants located at the edge of a vineyard next to woods were covered with field cages and stocked with infested fruit. Oviposition and berry infestation were followed weekly on covered and exposed plants. Although higher numbers of eggs and infested berries were found on fruit of exposed vines than enclosed vines, egg deposition and berry infestation followed the same pattern in both treatments. This result indicates that the seasonal pattern of egg deposition is not dependent on immigration of grape berry moth of wild grape origin. The pattern of oviposition by grape berry moth described here contributes to the difficulty of controlling this pest using conventional insecticides with short residual activity.  相似文献   

Captive populations of endangered species are managed to preserve genetic diversity and retain reproductive fitness. Minimizing kinship (MK) has been predicted to maximize the retention of gene diversity in pedigreed populations with unequal founder representation. MK was compared with maximum avoidance of inbreeding (MAI) and random choice of parents (RAND) using Drosophila melanogaster. Forty replicate populations of each treatment were initiated with unequal founder representation and managed for four generations. MK retained significantly more gene diversity and allelic diversity based on six microsatellite loci and seven allozyme loci than MAI or RAND. Reproductive fitness under both benign and competitive conditions did not differ significantly among treatments. Of the methods considered, MK is currently the best available for the genetic management of captive populations. Zoo Biol 16:377–389, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Community ecologists are increasingly aware that the regional history of taxon diversification can have an important influence on community structure. Likewise, systematists recognize that ecological context can have an important influence on the processes of speciation and extinction that create patterns of descent. We present a phylogenetic analysis of 33 species of a North American radiation of damselflies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae: Enallagma Selys), which have been well studied ecologically, to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms that have contributed to differences in diversity between larval habitats (lakes with and without fish predators). Analysis of molecular variation in 842 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II subunit and of the intervening Leu-tRNA and 37 morphological characters resulted in three well-defined clades that are only partially congruent with previous phylogenetic hypotheses. Molecular and morphological data partitions were significantly incongruent (p < .01). Lack of haplotype monophyly within species and small amounts of sequence divergence (< 1%) between related species in three of the four clades suggest that recent, and parallel, speciation has been an important source of community diversity. Reconstruction of habitat preference over the phylogeny suggests that the greater species diversity in fish-containing lake habitats reflects the recency of shifts into the fishless lake habit, although a difference in speciation or extinction rates between the two habitats is difficult to exclude as an additional mechanism.  相似文献   

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