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To identify where gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis and signaling occur, we analyzed the expression of four genes involved in GA biosynthesis, GA 20-oxidase1 and GA 20-oxidase2 (OsGA20ox1 and OsGA20ox2), and GA 3-oxidase1 and GA 3-oxidase2 (OsGA3ox1 and OsGA3ox2), and two genes involved in GA signaling, namely, the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (Galpha), and SLENDER RICE1 (SLR1), which encodes a repressor of GA signaling. At the vegetative stage, the expression of OsGA20ox2, OsGA3ox2, Galpha, and SLR1 was observed in rapidly elongating or dividing organs and tissues, whereas the expression of OsGA20ox1 or OsGA3ox1 could not be detected. At the inflorescence or floral stage, the expression of OsGA20ox2, OsGA3ox2, Galpha, and SLR1 was also observed in the shoot meristems and stamen primordia. The overlapping expression of genes for GA biosynthesis and signaling indicates that in these tissues and organs, active GA biosynthesis occurs at the same site as does GA signaling. In contrast, no GA-biosynthesis genes were expressed in the aleurone cells of the endosperm; however, the two GA-signaling genes were actively expressed, indicating that the aleurone does not produce bioactive GAs, but can perceive GAs. The expression of OsGA20ox1 and OsGA3ox1 was observed only in the epithelium of the embryo and the tapetum of the anther. Based on the specific expression pattern of OsGA20ox1 and OsGA3ox1 in these tissues, we discuss the unique nature of the epithelium and the tapetum in terms of GA biosynthesis. The epithelium and the tapetum are considered to be an important source of bioactive GAs for aleurone and other organs of the flower, respectively.  相似文献   

Little is known of the mechanisms that induce the dedifferentiation of a single somatic cell into a totipotent embryogenic cell that can either be regenerated or develop into an embryo and subsequently an entire plant. In this Opinion article, we examine the cellular, physiological and molecular similarities and differences between different plant stem cell types. We propose to extend the plant stem cell concept to include single embryogenic cells as a totipotent stem cell based on their capacity to regenerate or develop into an embryo under certain conditions. Our survey suggests that differences in chromatin structure might ensure that meristem-localized stem cells have supervised freedom and are pluripotent, and that embryogenic stem cells are unsupervised, autonomous and, hence, freely totipotent.  相似文献   

The creation of the ProAlcool (National Alcohol Programme) late in 1975 for the production of fuel alcohol has raised varied criticisms as to the possible consequences for food production in Brazil. This food ‘problem’ in Brazil is embedded in its socio-economic and political system. Agricultural production has kept ahead of population growth, but the main beneficiaries have been commodity export crops; the issue can be identified as ‘commodity export crop production versus crop production for the domestic market’ rather than ‘food versus fuel’. The possible effects of the ProAlcool on food production have been exaggerated and the real implications largely overlooked. The sugar and alcohol sector is today among Brazil's largest industries and, with all its faults, the ProAlcool remains the world's most successful biomass energy programme and as such its importance extends beyond Brazil's national boundaries. Biomass has been demonstrated by a Third World country to be a viable alternative or complement to oil on a national scale. Despite the current (1986) low oil prices an interministerial commission has recently recommended that the ProAlcool programme should be maintained.  相似文献   

Frizzled receptors can activate two alternative signal transduction pathways: the canonical Wnt pathway or the planar cell polarity pathway. Recent studies of the Naked cuticle protein suggest a mechanism for the inactivation of the canonical pathway and concomitant activation of the planar cell polarity pathway.  相似文献   

ROS signaling: the new wave?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a multitude of signaling roles in different organisms from bacteria to mammalian cells. They were initially thought to be toxic byproducts of aerobic metabolism, but have now been acknowledged as central players in the complex signaling network of cells. In this review, we will attempt to address several key questions related to the use of ROS as signaling molecules in cells, including the dynamics and specificity of ROS signaling, networking of ROS with other signaling pathways, ROS signaling within and across different cells, ROS waves and the evolution of the ROS gene network.  相似文献   

In 1992, in a special paper in the American Journal of Botany, Ernst Mayr attempted to ‘prove’ the biological species concept (BSC) worked as well in plants as it did in animals by analyzing the flora of the Concord region of northern Massachusetts. He concluded that there were minimal difficulties when applying the BSC for the plants of this particular area, and concluded that botanists were misguided in not accepting the BSC. He suggested that what he called ‘typological’ thinking was prevalent in the taxonomic community, and that this was a factor in botanical resistance to the BSC. Typology, as defined by Mayr in his 1992 foray into botany, is to a certain extent a straw‐man and, by the late 20th Century, no longer a way of thinking in widespread use in the taxonomic community in any organismal group. Here, I examine his analysis in the light of current interest in plant diversity. Species can be characterized as hypotheses about the distribution of variation in nature, subject to test with new data of many kinds. Species concepts like the BSC, although of interest philosophically and to researchers looking at mechanisms of speciation, may actually get in the way of achieving a baseline understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 17–25.  相似文献   

The activation of the mitogen-activated protein(MAP) kinases extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK)1/2 was traditionally used as a readout of signaling of G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs) via arrestins, as opposed to conventional GPCR signaling via G proteins. Several recent studies using HEK293 cells where all G proteins were genetically ablated or inactivated, or both non-visual arrestins were knocked out, demonstrated that ERK1/2 phosphorylation requires G protein activity, but does not necessarily require the presence of non-visual arrestins. This appears to contradict the prevailing paradigm. Here we discuss these results along with the recent data on gene edited cells and arrestinmediated signaling. We suggest that there is no real controversy. G proteins might be involved in the activation of the upstream-most MAP3Ks, although in vivo most MAP3K activation is independent of heterotrimeric G proteins, being initiated by receptor tyrosine kinases and/or integrins. As far as MAP kinases are concerned, the best-established role of arrestins is scaffolding of the three-tiered cascades(MAP3K-MAP2 K-MAPK). Thus, it seems likely that arrestins, GPCRbound and free, facilitate the propagation of signals in these cascades, whereas signal initiation via MAP3K activation may be independent of arrestins. Different MAP3Ks are activated by various inputs, some of which are mediated by G proteins, particularly in cell culture, where we artificially prevent signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases and integrins, thereby favoring GPCR-induced signaling. Thus, there is no reason to change the paradigm: Arrestins and G proteins play distinct non-overlapping roles in cell signaling.  相似文献   

The way species and subspecies names are applied in African trypanosomes of subgenera Trypanozoon and Nannomonas is reviewed in the light of data from molecular taxonomy. In subgenus Trypanozoon the taxonomic importance of pathogenicity, host range and distribution appear to have been inflated relative to actual levels of genetic divergence. The opposite is true for subgenus Nannomonas, where current taxonomic usage badly underrepresents genetic diversity. Data from molecular characterisation studies are revealing a growing number of genotypes, which may represent distinct taxa. Unfortunately few of these genotypes are yet supported by sufficient biological data to be recognized taxonomically. But we may be missing fundamental epidemiological information, because of our inability to distinguish these trypanosomes in host blood morphologically or in tsetse by their developmental cycle. Molecular taxonomy has led the way in identifying these new genotypes and now offers the key to elucidating the biology of these organisms.  相似文献   

McFarland MJ  Barker EL 《Life sciences》2005,77(14):1640-1650
The endocannabinoids are endogenous agonists of the cannabinoid receptors and some members of the transient receptor potential, vanilloid type (TRPV), family of cation channels. Endocannabinoids along with their target receptors comprise a signaling system that is not well characterized. There have been many advances in our collective understanding of endocannabinoid signaling in the last decade and experimental evidence is mounting that pharmacological augmentation of endocannabinoid tone might have a significant therapeutic benefit in several disease states. However, the mechanisms responsible for the biosynthesis, cellular uptake, and intracellular processing of endocannabinoids are not well understood and have been the source of much debate. Recent studies have revealed a role for detergent insoluble membrane domains called lipid rafts in various aspects of signaling associated with the endocannabinoid anandamide. Intact detergent insoluble membrane domains appear to play a role in an anandamide-induced signaling cascade that is independent of G protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors or TRPV channels. Furthermore, detergent insoluble membrane domain-related endocytosis and recycling to lipid rafts appear to regulate the organization and localization of anandamide metabolites. We will discuss the implications that these findings have on the way we view endocannabinoid signaling, trafficking, and processing.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses continue to pose a severe threat worldwide, causing thousands of deaths and an enormous economic loss every year. The major problem in fighting influenza is the high genetic variability of the virus, resulting in the rapid formation of variants that escape the acquired immunity against previous virus strains, or have resistance to antiviral agents. Every virus depends on its host cell and, hence, cellular functions that are essential for viral replication might be suitable targets for antiviral therapy. As a result, intracellular signaling cascades induced by the virus, in particular mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, have recently come into focus.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a major phytohormone mediating important stress-related processes. We recently unveiled an ABA-activated MAPK signaling module constituted of MAP3K17/18-MKK3-MPK1/2/7/14. Unlike classical rapid MAPK activation, we showed that the activation of the new MAPK module is delayed and relies on the MAP3K protein synthesis. In this addendum, we discuss the role of this original and unexpected activation mechanism of MAPK cascades which suggests that MAPKs can regulate both early and long-term plant stress responses.  相似文献   

Notch signaling: a rheostat regulating oligodendrocyte differentiation?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies suggest that Notch signaling provides both instructive and inhibitory cues for oligodendroglial differentiation, depending on the developmental stage and the stimulatory ligand. In the October 17 issue of Cell, Hu et al. present the axonal cell adhesion molecule contactin as a functional Notch ligand, and suggest interesting potential roles for axoglial interactions in regulating oligodendroglial maturation.  相似文献   

Papers on sexual selection often highlight the incredible diversity of sexually selected traits across animals. Yet, few studies have tried to explain why this diversity evolved. Animals use many different types of traits to attract mates and outcompete rivals, including colours, songs, and horns, but it remains unclear why, for example, some taxa have songs, others have colours, and others horns. Here, we first conduct a systematic survey of the basic diversity and distribution of different types of sexually selected signals and weapons across the animal Tree of Life. Based on this survey, we describe seven major patterns in trait diversity and distributions. We then discuss 10 unanswered questions raised by these patterns, and how they might be addressed. One major pattern is that most types of sexually selected signals and weapons are apparently absent from most animal phyla (88%), in contrast to the conventional wisdom that a diversity of sexually selected traits is present across animals. Furthermore, most trait diversity is clustered in Arthropoda and Chordata, but only within certain clades. Within these clades, many different types of traits have evolved, and many types appear to have evolved repeatedly. By contrast, other major arthropod and chordate clades appear to lack all or most trait types, and similar patterns are repeated at smaller phylogenetic scales (e.g. within insects). Although most research on sexual selection focuses on female choice, we find similar numbers of traits (among sampled species) are involved in male contests (44%) and female choice (55%). Overall, these patterns are largely unexplained and unexplored, as are many other fundamental questions about the evolution of these traits. We suggest that understanding the diversity of sexually selected traits may require a shift towards macroevolutionary studies at relatively deep timescales (e.g. tens to hundreds of millions of years ago).  相似文献   

A proper balance between synthesis, maturation and degradation of cellular proteins is crucial for cells to maintain physiological functions. The costly process of protein synthesis is tightly coupled to energy status and nutrient levels by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), whereas the quality of newly synthesized polypeptides is largely maintained by molecular chaperones and the ubiquitin-proteasome system. There is a wealth of evidence indicating close ties between the nutrient signaling pathway and the intracellular stress response. Dysregulation of both systems has been implicated in aging and age-associated pathologies. In this review, we describe molecular mechanisms underlying the connection between mTOR and the chaperone network and discuss the importance of their functional interaction in growth and aging.Key words: target of rapamycin, stress response, ribosome, chaperone, translation, folding, degradation, aging  相似文献   

A subset of genetic mutations in photoreceptor-specific genes results in abnormally prolonged activation of transducin-mediated photosignaling in rod cells. In humans and animal models, these mutations cause visual dysfunctions ranging from a mild stationary night blindness to severe, early-onset retinal degeneration. There are mechanistic differences between mutations causing night blindness and those causing retinal degeneration. Here, we hypothesize that mutations causing continuous activation of the visual cascade as the result, for example, of the inability of the photoreceptor to regenerate rhodopsin, lead to retinal degeneration; those mutations that can terminate signaling, even if only partially and intermittently, slow the rate of degeneration sufficiently to give rise to stationary night blindness. Furthermore, we hypothesize that a prolonged decrease in intracellular calcium concentration resulting from persistent activation is responsible for triggering apoptotic rod-cell death.  相似文献   

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