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A statistical approach using sequentially principal component analysis (PCA) clustering and discriminant analysis was developed to disclose morphometric sperm subpopulations. In addition, we used a similar approach to disclose subpopulations of spermatozoa with different degrees of DNA fragmentation. It is widely accepted that sperm morphology is a strong indicator of semen quality and since the sperm head mainly comprises the sperm DNA, it has been proposed that subtle changes in sperm head morphology may be related to abnormal DNA content. Semen from four mongrel dogs (five replicates per dog) were used to investigate DNA quality by means of the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), and for computerized sperm morphometry (ASMA). Each sperm head was measured for nine primary parameters: head area (A), head perimeter (P), head length (L), head width (W), acrosome area (%), midpiece width (w), midpiece area (a), distance (d) between the major axes of the head and midpiece, angle (theta) of divergence of the midpiece from the head axis; and four parameters of head shape: FUN1 (L/W), FUN2 (4pi A/P2), FUN3 ((L - W)/(L + W)) and FUN 4 (pi LW/4A). The data matrix consisted of 2361 observations, (morphometric analysis on individual spermatozoa) and 63,815 observations for the DNA integrity. The PCA analysis revealed five variables with Eigen values over 1, representing more than 79% of the cumulative variance. The morphometric data revealed five sperm subpopulations, while the DNA data gave six subpopulations of spermatozoa with different DNA integrity. Significant differences were found in the percentage of spermatozoa falling in each cluster among dogs (p < 0.05). Linear regression models including sperm head shape factors 2, 3 and 4 predicted the amount of denatured DNA within each individual spermatozoon (p < 0.001). We conclude that the ASMA analysis can be considered a powerful tool to improve the spermiogram.  相似文献   

Mean global air temperatures have steadily increased during recent decades, resulting in an earlier timing of lake ice breakup. In Sweden’s largest lakes, Vänern and Vättern, the breakup of ice has occurred considerably earlier since 1979 and ice-free winters have become more frequent. Comparison between the years when the lakes were ice covered with those when they remained ice-free in terms of 37 lake variables revealed significant differences in water temperatures, sulphate concentrations and the biomass of diatoms in May after ice breakup (P < 0.01). In particular, the biomass of the genus Aulacoseira increased significantly, which may explain increasing complaints about algae that clog fishing-nets, filter-beds and micro-strainers in waterworks in Vänern and Vättern. We assume that Aulacoseira is mainly affected by changes in climate-driven water circulation patterns. In contrast, other observed water quality changes such as changes in sulphate concentration might rather be attributed to changes in atmospheric deposition. To explain water quality changes in Sweden’s largest lakes it is important to consider changes in both climate and atmospheric deposition as well as catchment measures.  相似文献   

This article measures the impact of fostering on children’s outcomes in Niger. We estimate a simultaneous equations model with three outcomes for children (school attendance, hours of market work and hours of domestic work) and a treatment variable (fostering). Nonlinearity provides identification by functional form of the causal effect of fostering. We further use information on the historical level of community integration of the child’s ethnicity and the relative importance of the ethnicity in the neighborhood to build a plausibly exogenous exclusion restriction in order to correct for the potential endogeneity of fostering. Our results sustain the overall conclusion that fostering has a positive impact on children’s school attendance and hours of domestic work. However, while foster boys and girls are both engaged in longer hours of domestic labor, only foster boys are advantaged in terms of schooling.  相似文献   

We aimed in the first part of our work to study the effect of cryopreservation on the human sperm DNA integrity and the activation of caspase 3, the main apoptosis indicator. In the second part, we were interested in testing the effect of quercetin, as an antioxidant, in preventing sperm damage during the freeze–thawing process. Seventeen semen samples were obtained from 17 men recruited for infertility investigations. Liquefied sperm was cryopreserved using spermfreeze®. Nine of the used samples were divided into two aliquots; the first one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze only (control) and the second one was cryopreserved with spermfreeze supplemented with quercetin to a final concentration of 50 μM. Sperm motility and viability were assessed according to WHO criteria. We used TUNEL assay and the Oxy DNA assay to assess sperm DNA integrity. Activated caspase 3 levels were measured in spermatozoa using fluorescein-labeled inhibitor of caspase (FLICA). Cryopreservation led to a significant increase in sperm DNA fragmentation, DNA oxidation and caspase 3 activation (p < 0.01). Supplementation of the cryopreservation medium with quercetrin induced a significant improvement in post thaw sperm parameters, compared to those of control, regarding sperm motility (p = 0.007), viability (p = 0.008) and DNA integrity (p = 0.02); however, it had no effect on caspase 3 activation (p = 0.3). We conclude that oxidative stress plays a major role in inducing sperm cryodamage but implication of apoptosis in this impairment requires further investigations. Quercetin could have protective effect during cryopreservation but further research is needed to confirm this effect.  相似文献   

Reproductive medicine and commercial sperm banking have facilitated an evolutionary shift in how women are able to choose who fathers their offspring, by notionally expanding women’s opportunity set beyond former constraints. This study analyses 1546 individual reservations of semen by women from a private Australian assisted reproductive health facility across a ten year period from 2006 to 2015. Using the time that each sample was available at the facility until reservation, we explore women’s preference for particular male characteristics. We find that younger donors, and those who hold a higher formal education compared to those with no academic qualifications are more quickly selected for reservation by women. Both age and education as proxies for resources are at the centre of Parental Investment theory, and our findings further build on this standard evolutionary construct in relation to female mate preferences. Reproductive medicine not only provides women the opportunity to become a parent, where previously they would not have been able to, it also reveals that female preference for resources of their potential mate (sperm donor) remain, even when the notion of paternal investment becomes redundant. These findings build on behavioural science’s understanding of large-scale decisions and human behaviour in reproductive medical settings.  相似文献   

In modernized lifestyle smoking is one of the trendy, psychological, and socioeconomic scenarios of young adolescents mainly in the age of the reproductive stage. Based on a number of cigarettes smoked, age, and duration of the smoke, the study aims to search for the profound effects of smoking and its impact on semen parameters, sperm-DNA integrity, and fragmentation of sperm DNA with cotinine and apoptotic caspase-3 marker in the seminal plasma of fertile and infertile smokers. To determine oxidative damage by 8-hydroxy deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) from isolated sperm DNA (steps: reactive oxygen species washing by nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), sperm lysis, salt digestion, ethanol washing, and finally with high-performance liquid chromatography analysis). Level of DNA fragmentation (percentage) in native and intact DNA, the activity of caspase-3 in infertile smokers will be compared with the control group of nonsmokers. Also, the sperm viability was visualized by eosin-nigrosin and aniline blue staining. Cotinine is one of the best markers of smoking. The cotinine level (2224.24 ± 1.19 *** ng/mL), when abundant it negative correlates with morphology and rapid motility in infertile smokers than nonsmokers. Gel preprogram measured the sperm integrity and was found to be less in smokers than nonsmokers. The spermatic oxidative marker 8-OHdG was high and gave an R 2 value of 0.9104 with morphology and 0.9007 for rapid motility of infertile sperm, respectively. Infertile smoking subjects (<10 cigarettes/day) had significant changes increase in sperm fragmentation, caspase-3, and cotinine while negative impact with motility, morphology, and pH of semen compared with fertile, infertile nonsmoking subjects.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1201-1208
Early shift start time and night shifts are associated with reduced sleep duration and poor sleep quality that often lead to increased fatigue levels, performance decrements and adverse safety and health outcomes. This study investigates the impact of shift starting time on sleep patterns, including the duration and quality of sleep and alertness/sleepiness at the time of injury, in a large epidemiological field study of hospitalized adults with severe work-related hand injury in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from multiple industries with severe work-related traumatic hand injury were recruited from 11 hospitals in three industrially-developed cities in the PRC: Ningbo, Liuzhou and Wuxi. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare sleep duration, sleep quality and alertness/sleepiness across 3?h increments of shift start time, while adjusting for age, gender, work hours, shift duration, day of injury and several transient work-related factors. Effect modification by gender was also evaluated. Seven-hundred and three hospitalized adults (96.4%) completed a face-to-face interview within 4 days of injury; 527 (75.0%) were male, with a mean (±SEM) age of 31.8?±?0.4 years. Overall, these adults worked relatively long weekly (55.7?±?0.6?h) and daily hours (8.6?±?0.07?h). Average sleep duration prior to injury was 8.5?h (±0.07), and showed significant variations (p value <0.05) across shift starting time increments. Overall mean prior sleep duration was shortest for individuals starting shifts from “21:00–23:59” (5.6±0.8?h) followed by midnight “00:00–02:59” (6.1?±?0.6?h). However, a statistically significant interaction (p?<?0.05) was observed between gender and shift starting time on mean sleep duration. For males the shortest sleep duration was 5.6?h (“21:00–23:59”) and for females the shortest was 4.3?h (“24:00–02:59” and “15:00–17:59”). Sleep quality (generally quite well) and alertness/sleepiness based on the KSS (generally alert) did not vary significantly across shift starting time. Results suggest that sleep duration is shortest among injured PRC adults starting shifts late night and early morning. However, with more than 8.5?h of sleep on average work days, Chinese slept much longer than typical US day workers (Sleep in America Poll, 2012, 6:44 on workdays, 7:35 on free days), and this may help to explain higher than expected alertness/sleepiness scores at the time of injury.  相似文献   

The woodpecker does not suffer head/eye impact injuries while drumming on a tree trunk with high acceleration(more than 1000×g) and high frequency.The mechanism that protects the woodpecker’s head has aroused the interest of ornithologists,biologists and scientists in the areas of mechanical engineering,material science and electronics engineering.This article reviews the literature on the biomechanisms and materials responsible for protecting the woodpecker from head impact injury and their applications in engineering and human protection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different concentrations of catalase in a TRIS-egg yolk extender on sperm quality and embryonic development after in vitro fertilization of frozen-thawed bull sperm. For this purpose, from each of 7 bulls 2 ejaculates were collected and diluted with a TRIS-egg yolk extender containing 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 IU catalase/mL. Sperm quality was evaluated 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after thawing by using computer assisted analysis of motility and by flow cytometric assays. Embryonic development was determined after in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes. Semen diluted with TRIS-egg yolk extender containing different concentrations of catalase showed more motile sperm, more sperm with intact plasma membranes, acrosomes and DNA, a high mitochondrial membrane potential, a high esterase activity, a low calcium level, a lower amount of synthesis of reactive oxygen species and lower degree of lipid peroxidation of sperm compared to semen frozen without catalase (P < 0.05), but not before 3 h after thawing. There was a dose-response relationship with the most prominent effect of 20 IU catalase/mL. However, the improvement of sperm quality had no effect (P ≥ 0.05) on embryonic development after in vitro fertilization with 20 IU catalase/mL. In conclusion, the addition of catalase to the sperm extender improved sperm quality with no obvious effect on in vitro fertility.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s patients suffer from circadian dysregulation. The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11:00, 14:00, 18:00) in order to identify whether Alzheimer’s patients were more likely to fall at certain periods of the day. Spatio-temporal parameters of centre of foot pressure displacements were measured with a force platform and spatio-temporal parameters of walking were evaluated with a gait analysis device. The results highlighted that balance control was worse in the evening and the afternoon than in the morning. Furthermore, the walking speed was faster and support duration, swing duration and cycle duration were shorter in the evening than in the morning and afternoon. The combined analysis of balance control and gait parameters revealed that balance control and walking are concomitantly altered in the evening which increases the fall risk in the evening, in comparison with the morning, for Alzheimer’s patients.  相似文献   



In humans, it is now well documented that rising paternal age is correlated with decreased sperm DNA integrity and embryonic developmental failures. On the other side of the coin, it is also reported that very young fathers such as teenagers carry an increased risk of adverse birth outcomes. These observations suggest that, at least in humans, there is an age window for optimal sperm DNA integrity. In bovine, little is known about sperm DNA quality in young bulls and how it evolves with age. This study aimed to fill in this gap as it may be of importance for the bovine industry to know when exactly a bull is an optimal performer for reproductive programs.


Forty Nellore bulls were divided into three age groups: 1.8 to 2 years – young bulls; 3.5 to 7 years – adult bulls; and 8 to 14.3 years – aged bulls. Three ejaculates were collected from each bull, cryopreserved and evaluated for various parameters including: computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), plasma membrane and acrosome integrity, mitochondrial potential, sperm nuclear protamination, DNA oxidative damage, and Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA).


We report here that young bulls presented superior values for motility, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, and high mitochondrial potential. However, they also presented higher values for sperm morphological abnormalities compared to adult and aged animal groups (p?<?0.05). In addition, young bulls exhibited more defective protamination than older animals did. The oldest bulls showed more nuclear oxidative damage than the younger groups of bulls while both the young and aged groups were found more susceptible to DNA denaturation as revealed with the SCSA test (p?<?0.05).


These results indicate that young bulls spermatozoa best survived the freezing procedure, followed by adult and aged bulls. However, young and aged bulls were found to be more susceptible to DNA damage, respectively caused by protamine deficiency and oxidation. Therefore, although young bulls have correct semen parameters according to classical evaluation, our results indicate that they may show some structural nuclear immaturity.

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were treated with 17- estradiol to induce vitellogenin synthesis in liver. This led to an increase in liver wet weight and total DNA. After incubation with micrococcal nuclease (EC less soluble chromatin was obtained from nuclei of the estradiol treated than the control fish, but active gene regions were solubilized by the nuclease. Thus, in the estradiol treated fish soluble mononucleosomes contained hybridizable vitellogenin gene sequences. As a result of estradiol treatment the content in total liver of putrescine rose 3-fold, that of spermidine 2-fold, while spermine was unchanged. In muscle no significant changes were observed. The regulatory functions of polyamines during gene expression were investigated by binding (14C)spermine to isolated liver nuclei depleted of endogenous polyamines. The number of binding sites was higher in nuclei of estradiol treated than control fish. (14C)spermine associated preferentially with micrococcal nuclease insensitive chromatin. Thus, the high content of putrescine and spermidine in liver supported the view of polyamine accumulation in proliferating tissues. The preferential binding to condensed chromatin indicated a stabilizing effect of polyamines on the organization of inactive chromatin structures.Abbreviations MNase micrococcal nuclease - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride  相似文献   



Male infertility related to professional reprotoxic exposure has been assessed in several studies. Collaboration between occupational physicians and patients can yield information about the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid such exposure. The use of preventive measures is determined by the collaboration between reproductive medicine and occupational medicine and also by the patient’s awareness of reprotoxic occupational exposures. Our andrology laboratory developed a systematic environmental interview that an occupational physician administers before semen analysis to assess patients’ occupational reprotoxic chemical and physical exposures. This observational prospective study evaluated patients’ feelings regarding this interview. The main outcome measure was the participants’ score to determine their general reprotoxicant knowledge. The study also evaluated the patients’ satisfaction about the interview with occupational physician and their attitude about reproductive toxicants.


The mean score for general knowledge of reprotoxicants was 9.6?±?2.7/16. The most frequently underestimated reprotoxic factor was excessive heat (34.7 % correct responses). In cases of semen parameter abnormalities AND recognized occupational reprotoxic exposure, 63.2 % of the patients said they would use individual protective devices, and 55.1 % said they would temporarily adapt their workstation. Regarding the interview with the laboratory’s occupational physician, 80.7 % considered it moderately or very useful. Of the interviewed patients, 46.2 % reported having changed their living habits 2 months after the interview, and 88.5 % were satisfied or very satisfied with the care they received. All of the respondents said it would be useful to extend the interview to include their wives.


The data suggest that patients’ knowledge about reprotoxic exposures can be improved, particularly knowledge related to physical exposure. The vast majority of patients were satisfied with the introduction of this new collaboration between reproductive and occupational medicine.

Ecosystem carbon stocks and their changes in China’s grasslands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The knowledge of carbon (C) stock and its dynamics is crucial for understanding the role of grassland ecosystems in China’s terrestrial C cycle. To date, a comprehensive assessment on C balance in China’s grasslands is still lacking. By reviewing published literature, this study aims to evaluate ecosystem C stocks (both vegetation biomass and soil organic C) and their changes in China’s grasslands. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) biomass C density (C stock per area) of China’s grasslands differed greatly among previous studies, ranging from 215.8 to 348.1 g C m−2 with an average of 300.2 g C m−2. Likewise, soil C density also varied greatly between 8.5 and 15.1 kg C m−2. In total, ecosystem C stock in China’s grasslands was estimated at 29.1 Pg C. (2) Both the magnitude and direction of ecosystem C changes in China’s grasslands differed greatly among previous studies. According to recent reports, neither biomass nor soil C stock in China’s grasslands showed a significant change during the past 20 years, indicating that grassland ecosystems are C neutral. (3) Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of grassland biomass were closely correlated with precipitation, while changes in soil C stocks exhibited close associations with soil moisture and soil texture. Human activities, such as livestock grazing and fencing could also affect ecosystem C dynamics in China’s grasslands.  相似文献   

IntroductionWeight loss is common in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and sometimes may precede the diagnosis. Weight loss is associated with multiple factors but its impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in PD remains unknown. We sought to investigate the factors associated with weight change and to quantify its effect on HRQL.MethodsThe National Parkinson Foundation Quality Improvement Initiative (NPF-QII) data was used to analyze PD patients longitudinally between two visits, separated by 12±6 months. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to assess the associations between baseline covariates and body weight change per month, and to evaluate whether, and to what degree, Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) scores were affected.ResultsA higher Hoehn & Yahr stage, higher number of comorbidities, older age, lower MOCA estimate, and higher rate of levodopa usage were observed in patients who lost weight. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that age and levodopa usage were significantly associated with weight loss. Furthermore, monthly body weight loss was significantly associated with HRQL decline in PD patients. Loss of 1 lb (0.45 kg) per month was associated with a decline in QOL: an increase of 0.5% in PDQ-39 Summary Index score (p=0.004), and 1.1% and 1.5% increases in the mobility and ADL dimensions, respectively.ConclusionWeight loss in PD is common and seems to correlate with worsened HRQL. Awareness of factors associated with weight loss and its relation to HRQL may help practitioners improve patient management and expectations.  相似文献   

Exposure to enhanced levels of ambient ultraviolet (UV) radiation (UVR) can have adverse effects on aquatic organisms including damage at the cellular and molecular level and impairment of development, fecundity and survival. Much research has been conducted on the role of the harmful UVB radiation. However, due to its greater penetration in water the more abundant UVA radiation can also act as an environmental stressor. Little is known about UVR effects on sperm characteristics although sperm cells should be especially prone to UV-induced oxidative stress. Moreover, UV-related changes in oxidative status may affect the phenotypic expression of energetically costly sexual ornaments. We investigated the effects of long-term exposure to ecologically relevant levels of simulated UVA radiation on sperm quality and sexual ornamentation in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Males were assigned to three spectral exposure treatments differing in the UV spectral part so that they received either enhanced, moderate or no UVA radiation. The results reveal that exposure to enhanced ambient UVA levels had detrimental effects on both male breeding coloration and sperm velocity providing evidence that UVR affects traits targeted by pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection. By highlighting the role of UVA as a factor influencing fitness-relevant traits, our findings may contribute to a better understanding of the consequences of current and future levels of solar UVR for mating systems and life history.  相似文献   

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