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Biological Invasions - The introduction of species into new environments provides the opportunity for the evolution of new forms through admixture and novel selection pressures. The common...  相似文献   

Studies on competing mammalian species in the past have focused mainly on the competitive exclusion of one species from the preferred habitat of the other. Investigations on effects of competition and coexistence on individual fitness are rare . In this study we were able to measure effects of interspecific competition on major fitness components, using a system with two vole species in asymmetric competition. Survival, reproduction and space use of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus females were monitored in 32 enclosed populations over four replicates of eight parallel run enclosures. Into half of the enclosures we introduced an additional number of field voles Microtus agrestis , a dominant competitor.
Survival of bank vole females was lower under competitive conditions. Total number of breeding females was lower in populations coexisting with competitors. Territory size of bank vole females decreased. Females body weight and litter size bank vole litters conceived during the experiment were not affected by interspecific competition. These characteristics should respond to differences in food resources, and territory size should increase if food was scarce, thus we found no indication of direct exploitation competition between the two species. Space use was overlapping between the species, but individuals of both species were never caught together in the same trap, indicating avoidance behaviour.
We conclude that adult bank vole females do suffer fitness consequences through interference competition with field voles, probably basing on increased number of aggressive encounters in the presence of the dominant species. Our results suggest, that direct interference rather than indirect exploitation competition may be the cause for observed fitness decrease in bank vole females.  相似文献   

The extent and nature of biological invasions are mainly influenced by either the genotype of the invading species, the suitability of the new habitat or by genotype-habitat interactions expressed in adaptations to the new environment. The relevance of these factors was assessed for the invasive evergreen shrub Rhododendron ponticum. Habitat characteristics of soil, climate and community properties were analysed in six native populations in both Georgia (Caucasus) and Spain and in six invasive ones in Ireland. Growth variables of rhododendron individuals and seedling occurrences in the field served as response variables. We performed a reciprocal transplant experiment with rhododendron cuttings and determined survival of transplants in all countries. Due to low survival rates in Georgia and Spain, vegetative increase was only analysed for Ireland. The Irish sites benefited from significantly higher nutrient supply than the Spanish and Georgian sites. We found both strong positive correlations of nutrient supply and negative correlations of seasonal temperature amplitude with growth variables of shoots and seedling density. Origin, target site and interaction effects were significant in the survival of transplanted rhododendron individuals. The Irish site was more favorable for all genotypes, but the invasive genotypes did not perform better than the native ones. The total increase in shoot length of transplants in Ireland was highest in the Irish genotypes, which might suggest adaptation of the Irish populations to their new area. In conclusion, we found evidence for invasiveness of Irish Rhododendron ponticum populations, but only in the invaded habitat. Nonetheless, habitats in the new range also seem to be well suited to native Spanish populations, supporting the idea that invasibility of these new sites also contributes to rhododendron invasion success.  相似文献   

Interference competition with wolves Canis lupus is hypothesized to limit the distribution and abundance of coyotes Canis latrans, and the extirpation of wolves is often invoked to explain the expansion in coyote range throughout much of North America. We used spatial, seasonal and temporal heterogeneity in wolf distribution and abundance to test the hypothesis that interference competition with wolves limits the distribution and abundance of coyotes. From August 2001 to August 2004, we gathered data on cause-specific mortality and survival rates of coyotes captured at wolf-free and wolf-abundant sites in Grand Teton National Park (GTNP), Wyoming, USA, to determine whether mortality due to wolves is sufficient to reduce coyote densities. We examined whether spatial segregation limits the local distribution of coyotes by evaluating home-range overlap between resident coyotes and wolves, and by contrasting dispersal rates of transient coyotes captured in wolf-free and wolf-abundant areas. Finally, we analysed data on population densities of both species at three study areas across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) to determine whether an inverse relationship exists between coyote and wolf densities. Although coyotes were the numerically dominant predator, across the GYE, densities varied spatially and temporally in accordance with wolf abundance. Mean coyote densities were 33% lower at wolf-abundant sites in GTNP, and densities declined 39% in Yellowstone National Park following wolf reintroduction. A strong negative relationship between coyote and wolf densities (beta = -3.988, P < 0.005, r(2) = 0.54, n = 16), both within and across study sites, supports the hypothesis that competition with wolves limits coyote populations. Overall mortality of coyotes resulting from wolf predation was low, but wolves were responsible for 56% of transient coyote deaths (n = 5). In addition, dispersal rates of transient coyotes captured at wolf-abundant sites were 117% higher than for transients captured in wolf-free areas. Our results support the hypothesis that coyote abundance is limited by competition with wolves, and suggest that differential effects on survival and dispersal rates of transient coyotes are important mechanisms by which wolves reduce coyote densities.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Bifidobacteria are among the first microbial colonisers of the human infant gut post-partum. Their early appearance and dominance in the human infant gut...  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that species with similar functional traits will have similar effects on ecosystems, but evidence for redundancy of species impacts is limited. Here we use a long‐term experiment to gain insight into functional relationships within a desert rodent community. Experimental removal of kangaroo rats, Dipodomys spp., coupled with the recent, serendipitous colonization of a single species of large pocket mouse Chaetodipus baileyi yielded treatments that differed in the diversity of large granivorous rodents present. We evaluated functional overlap of C. baileyi and the other resident large granivores (i.e. the kangaroo rats) by comparing total energy use of granivorous rodents and total abundance and species richness of small granivores across treatments before and after the arrival of C. baileyi. We found that C. baileyi almost completely compensated for the changes in these key ecosystem‐level properties caused by kangaroo rat removal, but it differentially impacted the population dynamics of individual small granivorous rodent species. Thus, its effects were largely complementary, rather than redundant, to those of the missing kangaroo rats. Although short‐term or single‐measure analyses may suggest redundancy, our results support the longstanding dictum that niches of coexisting species are often similar but rarely, if ever, identical.  相似文献   

Most Recent bryozoan species are encrusting sheets, and many of these colonies have densely packed feeding zooids. In this study, I tested whether tight packing of feeding zooids affects food capture. Colonies of a bryozoan with an encrusting sheet form (Membranipora membranacea) were dissected to produce individuals whose feeding zooids were (1) closely packed, (2) more widely spaced, or (3) isolated. For each type, rates of particle ingestion were measured in still water and in a freestream velocity of 2.7 cm s(-1). Ingestion rate increased when zooids were closest together, probably because of reduced refiltration and increased feeding current strength farther from the lophophores. The mean incurrent velocity within 0.02 cm above the center of the lophophore was 0.28 cm s(-1) regardless of zooid spacing; however, when the incurrent velocity was measured more than 0.1 cm from the lophophores, zooids that were close together or spaced one zooid's width apart had significantly faster incurrent velocities than single zooids. Flow visualization suggests that isolated zooids and those spaced far apart refilter more water than zooids that are close together. These results along with the observed trend of increased zooid integration over evolutionary time suggest that the benefits of increasing coordination outweigh the consequences of intrazooid competition.  相似文献   

The origin of RNA interference (RNAi) is usually explained by a defense-based hypothesis, in which RNAi evolved as a defense against transposable elements (TEs) and RNA viruses and was already present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA). However, since RNA antisense regulation and double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) are ancient and widespread phenomena, the origin of defensive RNAi should have occurred in parallel with its regulative functions to avoid imbalances in gene regulation. Thus, we propose a neutral evolutionary hypothesis for the origin of RNAi in which qualitative system drift from a prokaryotic antisense RNA gene regulation mechanism leads to the formation of RNAi through constructive neutral evolution (CNE). We argue that RNAi was already present in the ancestor of LECA before the need for a new defense system arose and that its presence helped to shape eukaryotic genomic architecture and stability.

Where does RNA interference come from? This Essay describes a new step-by-step evolutionary model of how RNA interference might have originated in early eukaryotes through neutral events from the molecular machinery present in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the impact of weight regain and weight loss on health‐related quality of life. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 122 (106 women, 16 men) overweight and obese participants in a weight reduction program (phentermine‐fenfluramine and dietary counseling) who had initially lost at least 5% of their total body weight and then regained at least 5% of their weight during the follow‐up period. Follow‐up periods ranged from 10 to 41 months (mean, 28 months). Participants completed the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life‐Lite, an obesity‐specific health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measure, at 3‐month intervals. Results: Mean BMI at baseline was 40.9 ± 6.6 kg/m2 (range, 29.2 to 63.7 kg/m2). Average weight loss from entry was 18.8 ± 6.7% (range, 6.0% to 43.7%), and average regain was 10.1 ±4.4% of baseline weight (range, 5.0% to 30.6%). The effects of weight regain on HRQOL mirrored the effects of weight loss—rates of HRQOL change were similar in magnitude but different in direction for comparable weight loss and regain. Those with more severe initial impairments in HRQOL experienced greater improvements in HRQOL during weight loss as well as greater deterioration during weight regain than those with less severe impairments. Discussion: Weight loss and regain produced mirror image changes in HRQOL. The initial severity of HRQOL impairment had a greater impact on the magnitude of HRQOL change than the direction of weight change. Findings underscore the importance of maintaining weight loss for the purposes of retaining obesity‐specific HRQOL benefits.  相似文献   

Understanding the ability of species to shift their geographic range is of considerable importance given the current period of rapid climate change. Furthermore, a greater understanding of the spatial population dynamics underlying range shifting is required to complement the advances made in climate niche modelling. A simulation model is developed which incorporates three key features that have been largely overlooked in studies of range shifting dynamics: the form of intraspecific competition, density dependent dispersal and the transient dynamics of habitat patches. The results show that the exact shape of the response depends critically on both local and patch dynamics. Species whose intraspecific competition is contest based are more vulnerable than those whose competition is scramble based. Contesters are especially sensitive when combined with density dependent dispersal. Species living in patches whose carrying capacity grows slowly are also susceptible to rapid shifts of environmental conditions. A complementary analytic approach further highlights the importance of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

How does competition between resources affect the interaction between consumer species that share those resources? Existing theory suggests that high resource competition can lead to mutualism. However, this is based on an analysis that need only apply near equilibrium, and experimental demonstrations of such mutualism are rare. Two alternative approaches to measuring food web mutualism are examined here. These are based on the population-level effects of adding or removing a consumer species or on the amount of additional mortality that can be applied to one consumer without excluding it. Both measures suggest that mutualism is likely to be confined to two situations: when overlap in resource use by the consumers is very low and when the consumers are inefficient users of their resources. Competition between resources is also likely to increase the occurrence and magnitude of "hypercompetition" between consumers, where the reduction in population size caused by the introduced consumer is greater than that caused by a consumer that is identical to the resident species. Competition between resources can also increase the negative interaction between consumers by destabilizing the dynamics of the system. Such destabilization can cause negative indirect interactions between specialist consumers having no overlap in resource use.  相似文献   

The processes underlying plant invasions have been the subject of much ecological research. Understanding mechanisms of plant invasions are difficult to elucidate from observations, yet are crucial for ecological management of invasions. Hieracium lepidulum, an asteraceous invader in New Zealand, is a species for which several explanatory mechanisms can be raised. Alternative mechanisms, including competitive dominance, disturbance of resident vegetation allowing competitive release or nutrient resource limitation reducing competition with the invader are raised to explain invasion. We tested these hypotheses in two field experiments which manipulated competitive, disturbance and nutrient environments in pre‐invasion and post‐invasion vegetation. H. lepidulum and resident responses to environmental treatments were measured to allow interpretation of underlying mechanisms of establishment and persistence. We found that H. lepidulum differed in functional response profile from native species. We also found that other exotic invaders at the sites were functionally different to H. lepidulum in their responses. These data support the hypothesis that different invaders use different invasion mechanisms from one another. These data also suggest that functional differentiation between invaders and native resident vegetation may be an important contributing factor allowing invasion. H. lepidulum appeared to have little direct competitive effect on post‐invasion vegetation, suggesting that competition was not a dominant mechanism maintaining its persistence. There was weak support for disturbance allowing initial establishment of H. lepidulum in pre‐invasion vegetation, but disturbance did not lead to invader dominance. Strong support for nutrient limitation of resident species was provided by the rapid competitive responses with added nutrients despite presence of H. lepidulum. Rapid competitive suppression of H. lepidulum once nutrient limitation was alleviated suggests that nutrient limitation may be an important process allowing the invader to dominate. Possible roles of historical site degradation and/or invader‐induced soil chemical/microbial changes in nutrient availability are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research on the Assateague horses found that high-ranking females had more surviving offspring than low-ranking females. Variance in reproductive success may be the result of a variety of proximate processes that affect sexual behavior such as mate choice and mate competition. A study was done to determine whether patterns of courtship, social, and sexual behavior could be identified that would suggest mate choice and/or mate competition. Behavioral data were collected from approximately 40 sexually mature mares living in harem bands. Stallions showed more interest in the eliminations of dominant mares than subordinate mares. Males also engaged in significantly more high-intensity (e.g., mounts and copulations) sexual behavior with dominant mares than subordinate mares, and there was a trend for males to engage in more low-intensity (e.g., flehmen and ano-genital sniffing) sexual behavior with dominant mares than subordinate mares. There was no effect of mare rank on spatial relationships with the stallion; however, dominant mares did attempt to restrict reproductive access to the stallion by harassing and disrupting copulations. Higher foaling rates among dominant mares on Assateague Island could therefore be the result of rank-related mate choice by stallions and direct female competition for mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Attack by Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) on the maize and cassava stored by small‐holder farmers in Africa is sporadic, varying considerably within and between years. The risk that food in store will become infested is related to the number of beetles dispersing by flight. A means of predicting years with high dispersal rates is needed to warn farmers when to be vigilant. 2 The relationship between climatic variables and pheromone trap catches was observed in a forest‐savannah transition zone in Ghana. These observations were used to devise a model using a mix of biological and empirical rules that operate on temperature and humidity data. The predicted and actual trap catch deviated by only +5% to ?1% in years when there were high dispersal rates. 3 The first part of the model estimates the numbers of beetles with potential for dispersal. The second part predicts the proportion likely to disperse. This is based on the apparent effect that those P. truncatus developing under low temperature conditions (about 24 °C) have a lowered propensity for flight, a response previously observed in a related species. 4 The model was validated using climate data and trap catches from a woodland–savannah zone and a short grass steppe zone. With minor adjustment, the model worked well for these two habitats.  相似文献   

Ring vaccination can be a highly effective control strategy for an emerging disease or in the final phase of disease eradication, as witnessed in the eradication of smallpox. However, the impact of behavioural dynamics on the effectiveness of ring vaccination has not been explored in mathematical models. Here, we analyze a series of stochastic models of voluntary ring vaccination. Contacts of an index case base vaccinating decisions on their own individual payoffs to vaccinate or not vaccinate, and they can also imitate the behaviour of other contacts of the index case. We find that including imitation changes the probability of containment through ring vaccination considerably. Imitation can cause a strong majority of contacts to choose vaccination in some cases, or to choose non-vaccination in other cases-even when the equivalent solution under perfectly rational (non-imitative) behaviour yields mixed choices. Moreover, imitation processes can result in very different outcomes in different stochastic realizations sampled from the same parameter distributions, by magnifying moderate tendencies toward one behaviour or the other: in some realizations, imitation causes a strong majority of contacts not to vaccinate, while in others, imitation promotes vaccination and reduces the number of secondary infections. Hence, the effectiveness of ring vaccination can depend significantly and unpredictably on imitation processes. Therefore, our results suggest that risk communication efforts should be initiated early in an outbreak when ring vaccination is to be applied, especially among subpopulations that are heavily influenced by peer opinions.  相似文献   

Plant allelochemical interference or soil chemical ecology?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While allelopathy has been defined as plant-plant chemical interference, there has been much confusion about what the concept encompasses and how important it is in nature. We distinguish between (1) direct plant-plant interference mediated by allelochemicals, and (2) the effects of secondary compounds released by plants on abiotic and biotic soil processes that affect other plants.It very difficult to demonstrate direct effects of chemicals released by a plant on nearby plants. Although soil ecology-mediated effects of secondary plant compounds do not fit the classical concept of allelopathy, we find support in the literature for the hypothesis that the most important effects of compounds released into the soil environment by plants on other plants occur through such indirect effects. The emphasis on, and skepticism of, direct plant-plant allelopathic interference has led some researchers to demand unreasonably high standards of evidence for establishing even the existence of allelopathic interactions, standards that are not demanded for other plant-plant interactions such as resource competition. While the complete elucidation of the mechanisms by which allelochemicals function in the field is many years away, such elucidation is not necessary to establish the existence of allelopathic interactions.We propose that most of the phenomena broadly referred to as allelopathic interference are better conceptualized and investigated in terms of soil chemical ecology. Even when direct plant-plant allelochemical interference occur, the levels of allelochemicals in the environment and their effects on plants are heavily influenced by abiotic and biotic components of the soil ecosystem. Putting allelopathy in the context of soil ecology can further research and reduce some of the less fruitful controversy surrounding the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that certain plants can identify their kin in competitive settings through root recognition, and react by decreasing root growth when competing with relatives. Although this may be a necessary step in kin selection, no clear associated improvement in individual or group fitness has been reported to qualify as such. We designed an experiment to address whether genetic relatedness between neighbouring plants affects individual or group fitness in artificial populations. Seeds of Lupinus angustifolius were sown in groups of siblings, groups of different genotypes from the same population and groups of genotypes from different populations. Both plants surrounded by siblings and by genotypes from the same population had lower individual fitness and produced fewer flowers and less vegetative biomass as a group. We conclude that genetic relatedness entails decreased individual and group fitness in L. angustifolius. This, together with earlier work, precludes the generalization that kin recognition may act as a widespread, major microevolutionary mechanism in plants.  相似文献   

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