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Endemic species are assumed to have a high risk of extinction because their restricted geographic range is often associated with low abundance and high ecological specialization. This study examines the abundance of Chaetodon butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island in the south‐west Pacific, and compares interspecific differences in local abundance to the feeding behavior and geographic range of these species. Contrary to expected correlations between abundance and geographic range, the single most abundant species of butterflyfish was Chaetodon tricinctus, which is endemic to Lord Howe Island and adjacent reefs; densities of C. tricinctus (14.1 ± 2.1 SE fish per 200m2) were >3 times higher than the next most abundant butterflyfish (Chaetodon melannotus), and even more abundant than many other geographically widespread species. Dietary breadth for the five dominant butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island was weakly and generally negative correlated with abundance. The endemic C. tricinctus was a distinct outlier in this relationship, though our extensive feeding observations suggest some issues with the measurements of dietary breadth for this species. Field observations revealed that all bites taken on benthic substrates by C. tricinctus were from scleractinian corals, but adults rarely, if ever, took bites from the benthos, suggesting that they may be feeding nocturnally and/or using mid‐water prey, such as plankton. Alternatively, the energetic demands of C. tricinctus may be fundamentally different to other coral‐feeding butterflyfishes. Neither dietary specialization nor geographic range accounts for interspecific variation in abundance of coral reef butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island, while much more work on the foraging behavior and population dynamics of C. tricinctus will be required to understand its’ abundance at this location.  相似文献   

Lord Howe Island, at 31°33S, supports the southern-most coral reef in the Indo-Pacific region, located approximately 150 and 200 km south of Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs and 1000 km south of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Systematic SCUBA searches in 1987 indicated that Acanthaster planci was present at 3 of 10 sites surveyed, at densities of up to 5 individuals ha-1. Further surveys in 1989 indicated that the population was increasing, with densities of 20–46 ha-1 recorded from 7 of 13 sites. The size structures of the 1987 and 1989 populations were suggestive of annual recruitment since 1985. Individuals larger than 25 cm diameter were gravid during both surveys, raising the possibility that the population may be self-seeding. Alternatively, the population may be maintained by larvae dispersed in the East Australian Current from the southern GBR or in eddies from Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs. This study provides the first records for distribution of 7 species of scleractinian coral at Lord Howe Is. Reef.  相似文献   

The symbiotic dinoflagellates of corals and other marine invertebrates (Symbiodinium) are essential to the development of shallow-water coral reefs. This genus contains considerable genetic diversity and a corresponding range of physiological and ecological traits. Most genetic variation arises through the accumulation of somatic mutations that arise during asexual reproduction. Yet growing evidence suggests that occasional sexual reproductive events also occur within, and perhaps between, Symbiodinium lineages, further contributing to the pool of genetic variation available for evolutionary adaptation. Intra-genomic variation can therefore arise from both sexual and asexual reproductive processes, making it difficult to discern its underlying causes and consequences. We used quantitative PCR targeting the ITS2 locus to estimate proportions of genetically homogeneous symbionts and intra-genomically variable Symbiodinium (IGV Symbiodinium) in the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis at Lord Howe Island, Australia. We then sampled colonies through time and at a variety of spatial scales to find out whether the distribution of these symbionts followed patterns consistent with niche partitioning. Estimated ratios of homogeneous to IGV Symbiodinium varied between colonies within sites (metres to tens of metres) and between sites separated by hundreds to thousands of metres, but remained stable within colonies through time. Symbiont ratios followed a temperature gradient, with the local thermal maximum emerging as a negative predictor for the estimated proportional abundance of IGV Symbiodinium. While this pattern may result from fine-scale spatial population structure, it is consistent with an increased susceptibility to thermal stress, suggesting that the evolutionary processes that generate IGV (such as inter-lineage recombination and the accumulation of somatic mutations at the ITS2 locus) may have important implications for the fitness of the symbiont and that of the coral host.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns of scleractinian corals were investigated at the Gneering Shoals, a coral-dominated rocky-reef south of the Great Barrier Reef, in subtropical Queensland. The density of recruits (mean of 0.8 to 6.3 recruits per tile (15 cm × 15 cm) pair from 4 sites) was the lowest ever recorded from six regions in tropical or subtropical eastern Australia that have been studied using directly comparable methods. Recruitment in summer was dominated by recruits from the Family Acroporidae, while corals from the Family Pocilloporidae recruited throughout the year. Recruits of massive corals andTurbinaria sp., which dominate the established coral communities, were absent. Possible explanations for the low recruitment rate in the region, include the depth of most sites (> 10m), competition for space with fouling organisms, and isolation, that is the failure of the south flowing East Australian Current to supply tropical larvae regularly from the Great Barrier Reef, 250 km to the north. The low coral recruitment rate at Gneering Shoals indicates that this region is unlikely to act as a stepping-stone for dispersal of tropical corals to more southern regions, which are more directly influenced by the East Australian Current.  相似文献   

Coralline algal nodules off Fraser Island, eastern Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Calcareous red algal nodules growing on mobile substrates have been sampled from 28 to 117m off Fraser Island in southern Queensland, eastern Australia. This is a subtropical, transitional area between the tropical Great Barrier Reef to the north and temperate, cooler waters to the south. Red algal nodules are the most common components in bioclastic gravels that extend from about 50 to 110 m and locally cover 40–50% of the seafloor. Variations in the overall character and floristic composition of the nodules with depth can be observed. Algal nodules comprise algal covered pebbles/cobbles and rhodoliths in depths shallower than 60 m whereas only rhodoliths occur in deeper settings. No changes in nodule shape occur but shallower algal nodules have larger mean size with higher standard deviation than the deeper ones (39.2 vs. 30.5 mm and 20.5 vs. 6.3 mm s.d.). Living and subrecent red algae in nodules shallower than 60 m are mainly Melobesioideae and peyssonneliaceans with minor Lithophylloideae and Mastophoroideae. Most plants belong to a few species of the generaPhymatolithon andLithothamnion. Below 68 m, rhodoliths are dominated by the family Sporolithaceae, melobesioids and peyssonneliaceans.Sporolithon is the main component below 80 m. Algal growth forms are mostly smooth encrusting to warty with no depth variation. Maximum plant thickness, however, decreases with increasing depth. Thallus thickness in the deeper water samples is more than three times smaller than in those from shallower waters. These data are important for understanding the paleoenvironmental context of deposition of the abundant coralline algal limestones with similar algal nodules found in the geological record.  相似文献   

Invasive species may have negative impacts on many narrow range endemics and species restricted to oceanic islands. Predicting recent impacts of invasive species on long-lived trees is difficult because the presence of adult plants may mask population changes. We examined the impact of introduced black rats (Rattus rattus) on two palm species restricted to cloud forests and endemic to Lord Howe Island, a small oceanic island in the southern Pacific. We combined estimates of the standing size distribution of these palms with the proximal impacts of rats on fruit survival in areas baited to control rats and in unbaited areas. The size distribution of palms with trunks was comparable across baited and unbaited sites. Small juvenile palms lacking a trunk (<50 cm tall) were abundant in baited areas, but rare in unbaited sites for Lepidorrhachis mooreana, and rare or absent in 3 out of 4 unbaited Hedyscepe canterburyana sites. All ripe fruits were lost to rats in the small fruited L. mooreana. Fruit removal was widespread but less (20–54%) in H. canterburyana. Both palms showed evidence of a reduced capacity to maintain a juvenile bank of palms through regular recruitment as a consequence of over 90 years of rat impact. This will limit the ability of these species to take advantage of episodic canopy gaps. Baiting for rat control reduced fruit losses and resulted in the re-establishment of a juvenile palm bank. Conservation of both endemic palms necessitates control (or eradication) of rat populations on the unique cloud forest summits of the island.  相似文献   

The abundance of newly settled recruits of coral reef fishes was monitored at a total of 11 sites at two islands and two coastal locations in the central Philippines for a 20-month period (February 2008 to September 2009) that included two monsoon cycles. Recruitment occurred throughout the year. Most of the abundant species exhibited protracted recruitment seasons. This confirms the expectation of extended breeding of reef fishes at lower latitudes. The annual pattern of recruitment of reef fishes as a group was predictable. Annual fluctuations of sea surface temperature and wind strength largely explained the pattern. Rainfall, however, did not significantly influence the pattern of recruitment. Peaks in density and species richness of recruits occurred during the southwest monsoon and the second inter-monsoonal period of the year (July to October) when temperatures were highest and when most of the sites were sheltered from winds or when winds were weak. Conversely, lowest density and species richness were observed during the northeast monsoon (November to March) when temperatures were lowest and most sites were exposed to winds. The same pattern could also be seen in the recruitment of both damselfishes (Pomacentridae) and wrasses (Labridae), notwithstanding a tenfold difference in abundance of recruits between the two families. The pattern was fairly consistent across most sites, among most of the species that were examined, and between the 2 years that were sampled. This study is one of the few to provide insights into the influence of environmental factors on the recruitment patterns of fishes on Indo-Pacific coral reefs situated at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of size-fractionated phytoplankton biomassin a coral reef area were investigated off Sesoko Island, Okinawa,Japan. Chlorophyll (Chl) a and nutrient concentrations werelow almost all year round, showing no clear seasonal variabilitywith values similar to those in some other coral reef areas.Picoplankton dominated the phytoplankton community; averagecontributions of pico-, nano- and microplankton to the totalChl a biomass were 52, 34 and 11%, respectively. However, in1998, when the seawater temperature was extremely high and coralbleaching occurred due to the ENSO event, low Chl a coupledwith high nutrient concentrations were observed. This was associatedwith a decrease in the picoplankton size fraction. We suggestthat the high seawater temperature in 1998 decreased the growthrate of the picoplankton; however, the micro- and nanoplanktonmay also be limited by other factors such as low nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Subtidal reef surveys within the Lord Howe Island Marine Park revealed that populations of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla underwent an explosive outbreak in some regions of the park over a 2-year period. This urchin was rare or absent during 2006 surveys at 33 sites studied, but at sites off northern Lord Howe Island in 2008, densities averaged >1.3 m−2. Dramatic increases in T. gratilla density (exceeding 4 m−2) were observed at some sites. We quantify community-level impacts of T. gratilla using ‘before-after’ and ‘control-impact’ data. Zones closed to fishing exhibited similar increases in T. gratilla density to zones open to fishing. Although not previously reported as a keystone species affecting coral habitat, T. gratilla was found to possess an ‘ecosystem engineer’ function. Outbreak sites were characterised by significant declines in cover of foliose algae, including red algae, which decreased from 11.2% in 2006 compared to 2.5% in 2008. Brown foliose algae also declined at sites where T. gratilla outbreaks occurred, averaging 20.4% in 2006 compared to 1.8% in 2008. By contrast, crustose coralline algal cover increased at sites where high T. gratilla densities were observed, from 2.7% in 2006 to an average of 42.6% in 2008. We found no clear indication of impacts on sessile invertebrates or flow-on effects to other levels of the food web, with no significant change in coral cover or densities of mobile invertebrates or fish populations associated with the T. gratilla outbreak.  相似文献   

This study examined recruitment patterns and microhabitat associations for three carnivorous fishes, Plectropomus maculatus, Lutjanus carponotatus and Epinephelus quoyanus, at the Keppel Islands, southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Habitat selectivity was highest for recruits that were found mostly with corymbose Acropora, predominantly on patches of live coral located over loose substrates (sand). Adults were more commonly associated with tabular Acropora. The proportion of P. maculatus (72 %) found with live corals was higher than for L. carponotatus (68 %) and E. quoyanus (44 %). Densities of recruits were highly variable among locations, but this was only partly related to availability of preferred microhabitats. Our findings demonstrate that at least some carnivorous reef fishes, especially during early life-history stages, strongly associate with live corals. Such species will be highly sensitive to increasing degradation of coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - The Great Barrier Reef is a diverse ecosystem of outstanding universal value that is under an increasing level of cumulative threat. The status of biodiversity, particularly that of...  相似文献   

Coral recruitment was examined on terracotta tiles deployed for four six-month periods between March 2001 and April 2003 on the West Fore Reef at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. During each sampling period, four tiles were deployed on each of two arrays at six depths ranging from 3 m to 33 m. Only three Acropora spat recruited to the tiles over the sampling period. The Acropora spat recruited during only one of the four six-month sampling periods and at only one depth, 3m. That represents a density of 8 spat m(-2) at 3 m depth for one six-month sampling period. Acropora recruitment represented <1 % of the total spat recruiting to the tiles deployed at 3 m during the four sampling periods. Density of acroporids on the West Fore Reef is low. Only one Acropora colony (an A. palmata) was recorded during Point-Quarter surveys of coral cover and density at depths of 3 m, 9 m, 14 m and 19 m. Considering the paucity of acroporid colonies and the infrequent settlement of acroporid spat on the West Fore Reef, it is unlikely that the historic abundance of A. palmata and A. cervicornis will return soon.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified a relationship between the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, , and the mass-transfer-limited rate of uptake by a surface, herein called the 1/4 law, and suggests this law may be applicable to nutrient uptake on coral reefs. To test this suggestion, nitrate uptake rate and gravitational potential energy loss have been measured for a section of Warraber Island reef flat, Torres Strait, northern Australia. The reef flat section is 3 km long, with a 3 m tidal range, and on the days measured, subject to 6 m s–1 tradewinds. The measured nitrate uptake coefficient, S , on two consecutive days during the rising tide was 1.23±0.28 and 1.42±0.52×10–4 m s–1. The measured loss of gravitational potential energy across the reef flat, GPE , on the same rising tides over a 178 m section was 208±24 and 161±20 kg m–1 s–2. Assuming the GPE is dissipated as turbulent kinetic energy in the water column, and using the 1/4 law, the mass-transfer-limited nitrate uptake coefficient, SMTL , on the two days was 1.57±0.03 and 1.45±0.04×10–4 m s–1. Nitrate uptake on Warraber Island reef flat is close to the mass-transfer limit, and is determined by oceanographic nitrate concentrations and energy climate.Communicated by B.C. Hatcher  相似文献   

The density of recruits of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Lord Howe Island, a small isolated sub-tropical island 630 km off the Australian coastline, was within the range of values reported for comparable studies on the Great Barrier Reef. However, there was a difference in the relative abundance of taxonomic groups, with recruitment at Lord Howe Island during the summer of 1990/91 dominated by corals from the Family Pocilloporidae, Family Poritidae, and sub-genus Acropora (Isopora) (in order of abundance). By contrast, on the Great Barrier Reef, recruits are generally predominantly species from the Family Acroporidae (other than the Acropora (Isopora) group). Both the recruits and the established coral communities at Lord Howe Island are dominanted by corals which release brooded planulae, as opposed to the pattern of mass-spawning with external fertilisation more typical of Great Barrier Reef corals. I hypothesise that the release of brooded planulae would be advantageous in an isolated reef community because (a) brooded larvae can travel large distances and survive the journey to the isolated reef and/or (b) brooded larvae have a shorter period before they are competent to settle and are therefore more likely to be retained on the parental reef once a population has been established.  相似文献   

Large‐scale environmental disturbances may impact both partners in coral host–Symbiodinium systems. Elucidation of the assembly patterns in such complex and interdependent communities may enable better prediction of environmental impacts across coral reef ecosystems. In this study, we investigated how the community composition and diversity of dinoflagellate symbionts in the genus Symbiodinium were distributed among 12 host species from six taxonomic orders (Actinaria, Alcyonacea, Miliolida, Porifera, Rhizostoma, Scleractinia) and in the reef water and sediments at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef before the 3rd Global Coral Bleaching Event. 454 pyrosequencing of the ITS2 region of Symbiodinium yielded 83 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at a 97% similarity cut‐off. Approximately half of the Symbiodinium OTUs from reef water or sediments were also present in symbio. OTUs belonged to six clades (A‐D, F‐G), but community structure was uneven. The two most abundant OTUs (100% matches to types C1 and A3) comprised 91% of reads and OTU C1 was shared by all species. However, sequence‐based analysis of these dominant OTUs revealed host species specificity, suggesting that genetic similarity cut‐offs of Symbiodinium ITS2 data sets need careful evaluation. Of the less abundant OTUs, roughly half occurred at only one site or in one species and the background Symbiodinium communities were distinct between individual samples. We conclude that sampling multiple host taxa with differing life history traits will be critical to fully understand the symbiont diversity of a given system and to predict coral ecosystem responses to environmental change and disturbance considering the differential stress response of the taxa within.  相似文献   

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