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A pasteurized, non-composted substrate (basal mixture) consisting of oak sawdust (28%), millet (29%), rye (8%), peat (8%), alfalfa meal (4%), soybean flour (4%), wheat bran (9%), and CaCO3 (10%) was adapted from shiitake culture to produce the common cultivated mushroom (brown; portabello), Agaricus bisporus. Percentage biological efficiency (ratio of fresh mushroom harvested/oven-dry substrate weight, %BE) ranged from a low of 30.1% (when wheat straw was substituted for sawdust) to 77.1% for the basal mixture. Special, high gas-exchange bags were required to optimize mycelial growth during spawn run. Our formula may allow specialty mushroom growers to produce portabello mushrooms on a modified, pasteurized (110 degrees C for 20 min) substrate commonly used for shiitake production without the added expense of compost preparation.  相似文献   

Pleurotus sajor-caju was produced on a basal medium containing spent shiitake substrate plus 10% wheat bran and 10% millet. An analysis of the fibrous composition of the spent shiitake substrate revealed that 85% of the original hemicellulose, 44% of the original cellulose and 77% of the original lignin was not consumed during production of a full crop (78% biological efficiency) of shiitake (63-day harvest period). To produce P. sajor-caju, the spent shiitake substrate was ground, air dried, supplemented, pasteurized with live steam and spawned. Highest yields (79% biological efficiency) of P. sajor-caju were obtained by supplementing the spent shiitake basal medium with 12% soybean and 1% CaCO3. Increases in percentage biological efficiency and mushroom size were positively correlated with increasing levels of CaCO3 added to the basal medium.  相似文献   

Selection of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus strains for laccase production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A comparison of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus strains for laccase production was carried out. A dikaryotic strain, I-937 strain, producing a high level of laccase (9500 U l(-1)) was selected. The study of the life cycle in vitro of this dikaryotic strain led to isolation of monokaryons. Forty-eight monokaryotic strains were isolated and screened for laccase production. One of these strains, ss3, produced a higher level of laccase than the parental strain I-937. The maximum production reached 29000 U l(-1) in medium supplemented with ferulic acid.  相似文献   

Of the many yeast specie scapable of fermenting inulin, some can produce sufficient amounts of ethanol from the substrate, in particularKluyverotmyces fragilis andTorulopsis colliculosa. The results indicate the feasibility of producing ethanol from inulin-rich plants, such as Jerusalem artichoke.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast isolates were obtained from different stages in the sugar refining process in an attempt to isolate thermotolerant strains which would grow on a molasses urea medium. Several strains which gave biomass yields of 30–41% at 40° were isolated and identified. Four of these strains were shown to be more resistant to a 15 minute incubation at 55° than three mesophilic strains.  相似文献   

We obtained isoenzyme patterns by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis (PGGE) of water-soluble protein fractions prepared from trophozoites of 11 axenic G. lamblia strains. The strains were isolated from animals and humans (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) from various geographic locations. Isoenzymes were also separated by isoelectric focusing. Of 12 enzymes attempted, eight exhibited well-defined and reproducible isoenzyme patterns by PGGE, based on which the strains were grouped into four zymodemes. Although the 11 strains were grouped into four zymodemes based on PGGE, no correlation between zymodeme and the known characteristics of the strains existed. Thus, a high degree of characteristic sharing appears to occur among genetically different G. lamblia strains.  相似文献   

A pure bacterial culture capable of utilizing either L-lysine or 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) as sole carbon source was isolated and used in continuous culture experiments to determine its response to dual substrate limitation by those two compounds. Dilution rate and feed composition were each set at three levels in a two factorial experimental design. The total chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the feed was fixed at 225 mg/L and its composition was varied by changing the ratio of lysine to 2-CP. The effects of the two independent variables (dilution rate and feed composition) on the concentrations of cells, lysine, COD, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the reactors were systematic whereas the effects on the 2-CP concentration were less predictable. The concentrations of the two substrates responded to the two independent variables in a complex interactive manner which is not explained by existing models for dual, substitutable substrates. Rather, the results suggested that the prediction of the fate of a single organic component in a reactor receiving a multicomponent feed is a very difficult task.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the genotyping of shiitake (Lentinula edodes, Berk.), one of commercially and widely grown edible mushrooms, we examined group of total 89 strains that are registered in Korea, Japan, and China respectively, using five microsatellite markers (Led A2, Led A8, Led B2, Led B6, and Led D6) registered in NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). After we prepared synthesis of primers modified with 5′-FAM fluorescent dye and conducted PCR program, we obtained reasonable products. And then we performed microsatellite genotyping analysis using an ABI 3730xl Genetic Analyzer. According to genotyping analysis, the number of alleles of each microsatellite marker ranged from 5 to 14 with the average value of 8.2. The expected and the observed heterozygosity over all microsatellite ranged from 0.27–0.83 and 0.14–0.61. Among 5 microsatellite markers PIC (Polymorphism Information Content) values of Led A8, Led D6, and Led B6 resulted 0.82, 0.60, and 0.57 respectively. We observed that these values showed relatively high values discriminating from other values of microsatellite marker. The average of total values of Led A8, Led D6, and Led B6 came out 0.53 as result, which is higher than 0.5. As a result, this average can be subject to significant value to be used as marker. By using microsatellite marker we can analogically establish population relationships among shiitake (L. edodes) strains grown in East Asian region, develop new varieties, and propose discriminative criteria for different breeding and variety classification. Moreover, microsatellite markers enable us to obtain the genetic inheritance and information that can be used for protection of intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

From several native clover species, growing in six different soil types, 170 Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strains were isolated, covering the central and southern regions of Portugal. The effectiveness of the strains varied from ineffective to highly effective on T. subterraneum cv. Clare and on T. fragiferum cv. Palestine, with a predominance of medium and high effectiveness on both host plants. The effectiveness was not influenced by provenence (soil or plant), except for the strains from the rankers soils and for the strains isolated from T. pratense, that were ineffective or medium effective on T. subterraneum.Selected strains were evaluated for effectiveness on T. subterraneum cv. Clare, using the commercial strain TA1 as reference. Several of the isolated strains were more effective than TA1, indicating that local strains may be used to produce better inoculants.  相似文献   

1. Six axenic strains of Blastocystis hominis varied in content of lipids from 12 to 43 pg total lipid/cell. With all strains, phospholipid content was about 39% of total lipids. 2. Neutral lipid fractions of B. hominis were resolved into nine constituents, of which seven were identified tentatively. Sterol esters, principally esters of cholesterol, were the major neutral lipid constituent, accounting for 49-63% of the neutral lipids, and at least 30% of the total lipids. 3. Polar lipids were resolved into eleven constituents, of which nine were identified tentatively. Phosphatidylcholine was the major polar lipid constituent of all strains, accounting for 53-63% of the polar lipids, and about 22% of the total lipids.  相似文献   

The possibility of using hazelnut husk (HH) as a new basal ingredient for substrate preparation in Lentinula edodes cultivation was investigated. Some chemical properties of the substrates prepared by HH alone and its mixtures with wheat straw (WS), beech wood-chip (BWC) and wheat bran (WB) in different ratios were compared, and their effects on spawn run time, days to first harvest (earliness), yield and biological efficiency (BE) were determined. The N content of the substrate prepared from HH alone was very high (0.82%), and thus the C:N ratio of substrates decreased with an increase in the rate of HH in the mixtures. Yield and BE in the HH alone substrate was considerably low compared with the controls (80BWC:10WS:10M and 60BWC:20WS:20WB), and decreased with an increase in the rate of HH in the mixtures. However, when the HH content in the mixtures was kept below 50%, the yield was relatively high (50HH:50WS and 50HH:50BWC). Even when the HH content increased to 75% in the mixture, the comparable yield and BE to the controls could be obtained by adding 10% of WB as nutrients (75HH:15WS:10WB and 75HH:15BWC:10WB). The results revealed that HH could be used as a new basal ingredient for substrate preparation in L. edodes cultivation.  相似文献   

We describe a generally applicable method of adapting Dictyostelium from growth on a bacterial food source to axenic growth. Cells are initially selected by growth on a plastic substratum but subsequently acquire the ability to grow in suspension culture. These strains can be transformed efficiently by DNA-mediated gene transfer.  相似文献   

The water contaminant N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a probable human carcinogen whose appearance in the environment is related to the release of rocket fuel and to chlorine-based disinfection of water and wastewater. Although this compound has been shown to be biodegradable, there is minimal information about the organisms capable of this degradation, and little is understood of the mechanisms or biochemistry involved. This study shows that bacteria expressing monooxygenase enzymes functionally similar to those demonstrated to degrade NDMA in eukaryotes have the capability to degrade NDMA. Specifically, induction of the soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) expressed by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b, the propane monooxygenase (PMO) enzyme of Mycobacterium vaccae JOB-5, and the toluene 4-monooxygenases found in Ralstonia pickettii PKO1 and Pseudomonas mendocina KR1 resulted in NDMA degradation by these strains. In each of these cases, brief exposure to acetylene gas, a suicide substrate for certain monooxygenases, inhibited the degradation of NDMA. Further, Escherichia coli TG1/pBS(Kan) containing recombinant plasmids derived from the toluene monooxygenases found in strains PKO1 and KR1 mimicked the behavior of the parent strains. In contrast, M. trichosporium OB3b expressing the particulate form of MMO, Burkholderia cepacia G4 expressing the toluene 2-monooxygenase, and Pseudomonas putida mt-2 expressing the toluene sidechain monooxygenase were not capable of NDMA degradation. In addition, bacteria expressing aromatic dioxygenases were not capable of NDMA degradation. Finally, Rhodococcus sp. RR1 exhibited the ability to degrade NDMA by an unidentified, constitutively expressed enzyme that, unlike the confirmed monooxygenases, was not inhibited by acetylene exposure.  相似文献   

Axenic cultures of Agaricus bisporus were used to show that the rise in ethylene production during fruiting derives from its own metabolism.  相似文献   

Wood chips from four commercial hardwood sawmills were screened with 10 US standard sieves (4-0.21 mm) to assess particle size distributions. 96-98% of wood chips were < 4 mm while 95-99% of particles were > 0.21 mm. The majority (mean = 64.5%) of wood chips passed through US standard sieve size 14 (< 1.4 mm). Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) was grown in three crops to determine the effect of four particle size classes (1 = 2.8-4 mm; 2 = 1.7-2.8 mm; 3 = 0.85-1.7 mm; 4 = < 0.85 mm) on mushroom yield. Yields from substrates prepared with wood chips from class 4 (< 0.85 mm) were lower by 27.7%, 12.4% and 2% (mean = 14.9%) for Crops I, II, and III, respectively, when compared to controls. Profiling of wood chips may help growers optimize their production media and reduce production costs.  相似文献   

We describe a generally applicable method of adapting Dictyostelium from growth on a bacterial food source to axenic growth. Cells are initially selected by growth on a plastic substratum but subsequently acquire the ability to grow in suspension culture. These strains can be transformed efficiently by DNA-mediated gene transfer.  相似文献   

The production ofl(+)-lactic acid and formation ofγ-linolenic acid by 50Rhizopus strains growing on saccharidic substrates were investigated. Formation of acids was observed on solid cultivation media but mainly during submerged fermentation. Strains with the highest selectivity of bothl(+)-lactic acid production andγ-linolenic acid formation were tested in a laboratory fermenter. The best producer was treated by UV irradiation to increase the fatty acid content in the biomass, especially that ofγ-linolenic acid. The conversion of 10% saccharidic substrate by this newly prepared strainRhizopus arrhizus CCM 8109 results in more than 95% of theoretical yield ofl(+)-lactic acid and permits a volume productivity of 0.4 gγ-linolenic acid per liter.  相似文献   

All of five strains of Entamoeba histolytica, isolated from symptomatic cases of amoebiasis, could be adapted to axenic growth on the TP-S-1 medium of Diamond (1968). Four axenic strains were started from amoeba-Crithidia cultures; one could be axenized directly after isolation from a case of cutaneous amoebiasis. Attempts to monoxenize, resp. axenize strains, isolated from Dutch, asymptomatic carriers, were less successful. Only three out of ten strains could be submitted to bacteria-free growth. These three strains, however, originated probably from a recent case of intestinal amoebiasis. The results, suggesting that highly virulent strains can be easier cultivated bacteria-free than those with low or no virulence, are further discussed. The yield of axenic amoebae per tube fluctuates largely depending on many factors such as the strain, the number of transfers (i.e. degree of establishment), the quality of Panmede liver digest and serum in the TP-S-1 medium, and the care of manipulating the cultures. For optimal growth, a more acid medium was required in an amoeba-Crithidia culture than in an axenic culture. Multinucleated, giant amoebae were frequently observed in axenic cultures.  相似文献   

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