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Differences of EEG synchronization between normal old and young people during a working memory (WM) task were investigated. The synchronization likelihood (SL) is a novel method to assessed synchronization in multivariate time series for non-stationary systems. To evaluate this method to study the mechanisms of WM, we calculated the SL values in brain electrical activity for both resting state and task state. EEG signals were recorded from 14 young adults and 12 old adults during two different states, respectively. SL was used to measure EEG synchronization between 19 electrodes in delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands. Bad task performance and significantly decreased EEG synchronization were found in old group compared to young group in alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands during the WM task. Moreover, significantly decreased EEG synchronization in beta band in the elder was also detected during the resting state. The findings suggested that reduced EEG synchronization may be one of causes for WM capacity decline along with healthy aging.  相似文献   

We used fMRI to investigate how moment-to-moment neural activity contributes to success or failure on individual trials of a visual working memory (WM) task. We found that different nodes of a distributed cortical network were activated to a greater extent for correct compared to incorrect trials during stimulus encoding, memory maintenance during delays, and at test. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the fMRI signal amplitude during the delay interval in a network of frontoparietal regions predicted successful performance on a trial-by-trial basis. Differential delay activity occurred even for only those trials in which BOLD activity during encoding was strong, demonstrating that it was not a simple consequence of effective versus ineffective encoding. Our results indicate that accurate memory depends on strong sustained signals that span the delay interval of WM tasks.  相似文献   

目的:针对不同COMT基因型健康青年被试,进行连续3-back任务1h共12Block,探讨健康成人数字工作记忆能力变化情况。方法:将112名健康青年分组抽取出18名不同基因型作为被试,利用视觉事件相关电位P3来观测被试连续工作记忆任务中COMT基因多态型与脑皮层电生理的关系。结果:Val/Val基因型的被试P3波幅显著高于Val/Met基因型(P<0.01),但和Met/Met基因型被试的波幅无差异。结论:Val/Met基因型被试关联着最差的工作记忆任务的成绩,被试者的P3波幅和3-back任务成绩成正相关。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the amplitude and phase of the steady-state visual-evoked potential (SSVEP) can be influenced by a cognitive task, yet the mechanism of this influence has not been understood. As the event-related potential (ERP) is the direct neural electric response to a cognitive task, studying the relationship between the SSVEP and ERP would be meaningful in understanding this underlying mechanism. In this work, the traditional average method was applied to extract the ERP directly, following the stimulus of a working memory task, while a technique named steady-state probe topography was utilized to estimate the SSVEP under the simultaneous stimulus of an 8.3-Hz flicker and a working memory task; a comparison between the ERP and SSVEP was completed. The results show that the ERP can modulate the SSVEP amplitude, and for regions where both SSVEP and ERP are strong, the modulation depth is large.  相似文献   

Trace fixation and comparison with incoming information was studied using event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from various cortical areas during passive viewing and matching of two consecutive pictures. Visual stimuli differing in the spatial location of elements (4 × 4 square patterns with random positions of 4 black and 12 white squares) and phonological stimuli (differently written letters) were used. Trace fixation was studied by comparing the ERPs generated in response to the first (reference) stimulus in the pair with those generated during passive viewing. Sensory analysis of the reference stimuli was observed in the time interval 128–196 ms. For the patterns presented, it was reflected by an increased amplitude of the N1 component in the caudal areas as compared with passive viewing. The phonological stimuli produced a higher amplitude of a positive wave in the frontotemporal area in the same time interval. Processing of subsequent information to be stored in memory was observed in the interval 232–452 ms. Processing of patterns was reflected by a decreased positivity, most pronounced in the left temporo-parieto-occipital area. Comparison of a trace with incoming information was studied by comparing the ERPs generated in response to the first (reference) and second (test) stimuli. The number of cortical areas involved in the sensory analysis of the test stimuli was larger than the number involved in the analysis of the reference stimuli. Comparison of the new information with the trace was reflected by an increased amplitude of the late positive wave (components P3, Pc, and Pc-Nc) in the frontocentral and caudal cortical areas. The topographic changes in the late positive components depended on the type of stimulus.  相似文献   

To what extent are the left and right visual hemifields spatially coded in the dorsal frontoparietal attention network? In many experiments with neglect patients, the left hemisphere shows a contralateral hemifield preference, whereas the right hemisphere represents both hemifields. This pattern of spatial coding is often used to explain the right-hemispheric dominance of lesions causing hemispatial neglect. However, pathophysiological mechanisms of hemispatial neglect are controversial because recent experiments on healthy subjects produced conflicting results regarding the spatial coding of visual hemifields. We used an fMRI paradigm that allowed us to distinguish two attentional subprocesses during a visual search task. Either within the left or right hemifield subjects first attended to stationary locations (spatial orienting) and then shifted their attentional focus to search for a target line. Dynamic changes in spatial coding of the left and right hemifields were observed within subregions of the dorsal front-parietal network: During stationary spatial orienting, we found the well-known spatial pattern described above, with a bilateral hemifield representation in the right hemisphere and a contralateral preference in the left hemisphere. However, during search, the right hemisphere had a contralateral preference and the left hemisphere equally represented both hemifields. This finding leads to novel perspectives regarding models of visuospatial attention and hemispatial neglect.  相似文献   

Behavioral reactions and brain mechanisms involved in processing two matching or mismatching (conflicting) visual stimuli were studied in healthy subjects (mean age 22.57 ± 0.46 years). Line orientations (vertical, horizontal, or 45°) were used as stimuli and were presented with an interval of 1500–1800 ms. The reaction time was shown to increase in the case of a conflict of two orientations as compared with matching orientations. The reaction time depended on the orientation of the reference stimulus and was minimal when a vertical line was used as a reference. An increase in N2 negativity (time window 200–280 ms) in the frontal and parietal cortical areas was identified as an informative indicator of a conflict between the current orientation and the orientation stored in working memory. The dipole sources of N2 were localized to the prefrontal cortex (middle frontal gyrus, frontal pole, and pars orbitalis). The N2 amplitude was found to depend on the orientation of the first stimulus in a pair, being higher in the case of a 45° orientation. The visual areas were shown to play a role in detecting a conflict of two consecutive signals because the early sensory components increased in amplitude. The results implicate cortical structures, including the sensory-specific visual, parietal, and prefrontal areas, in comparing consecutive visual signals and detecting their conflict.  相似文献   

An experiment is described which compares the performance of a neural network to human performance on a visual task which consists of detecting a target in a background image of correlated noise. A three-layer, feed-forward, multi-layer perceptron is trained to indicate the presence or absence of a target in images also presented to human observers. The basis for the comparison between the network and the human observers is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Network performance is comparable to human performance for this particular task.  相似文献   

The pattern of cortical functional connectivity in the source space was studied in a group of righthanded adult participants (N = 44:17 women, 27 men, aged M = 29.61 ± 6.45 years). Participants retained the traces of realistic pictures of positive, neutral, and negative emotional valences in their working memory (WM) while performing the same-different task. Within the framework of this task, participants had to compare the initial picture against a target picture that followed after a specified delay. The coherence (COH) between the pairs of cortical sources chosen in advance according to fMRI data was estimated in the theta frequency range for the period preceding the initial stimulus, during the retention of the initial stimulus in WM, and during the rest interval between successive trials. Two distinct sets of functional links were found. The links of the first type that presumably reflected the involvement of sustained attention were between the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, the prefrontal areas, and temporal areas of the right hemispheres. When compared to the rest period, the links of this type showed strengthening not only during the retention period but also during the period preceding the initial picture. The links of the second type presumably reflected a progressive neocortex-to-hippocampus functional integration with increasing memory load and strengthened exclusively during the retention period. These links were between the parietal, temporal and prefrontal cortices in the lateral surface of both hemispheres with the additional inclusion of the posterior cingulate cortex and the medial parietal cortex in the left hemisphere. The impact of emotional valence on the strength and topography of the functional links of the second type was found. In the left hemisphere, the increase of strength of cortical interaction was more pronounced for the pictures of positive valence than for the pictures of either neutral or negative valences. When compared to the pictures of neutral valence, the retention of pictorial information of both positive and negative valence showed some extraneous integration of the cortical areas for the theta rhythm. This finding might be related to the additional load exerted by emotionally colored pictures onto the mechanisms of short-time retention of visual information.  相似文献   

The goal of this review is to introduce a theory of task-driven visual attention and working memory (TRAM). Based on a specific biased competition model, the ‘theory of visual attention’ (TVA) and its neural interpretation (NTVA), TRAM introduces the following assumption. First, selective visual processing over time is structured in competition episodes. Within an episode, that is, during its first two phases, a limited number of proto-objects are competitively encoded—modulated by the current task—in activation-based visual working memory (VWM). In processing phase 3, relevant VWM objects are transferred via a short-term consolidation into passive VWM. Second, each time attentional priorities change (e.g. after an eye movement), a new competition episode is initiated. Third, if a phase 3 VWM process (e.g. short-term consolidation) is not finished, whereas a new episode is called, a protective maintenance process allows its completion. After a VWM object change, its protective maintenance process is followed by an encapsulation of the VWM object causing attentional resource costs in trailing competition episodes. Viewed from this perspective, a new explanation of key findings of the attentional blink will be offered. Finally, a new suggestion will be made as to how VWM items might interact with visual search processes.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) was studied in 10 young (mean age = 19.1) and 10 older (mean age = 62.8) subjects during two recognition tasks: verbal and visuo-spatial. The difficulty of these tasks varied according to the difficulty to distinguish between targets and distractors. EEGs recorded from 29 electrodes were used to compute ERDs from 14 source derivations in 125 msec intervals. Thereafter, they were displayed as spatio-temporal maps. The results show that desynchronization was more widespread in the visuo-spatial compared to the verbal task. This was observed in the two age groups, although it was more pronounced in the young subjects. The effect of task complexity was also influenced by the kind of material to be remembered: more differences between the two levels of difficulty were observed during the verbal task.The results revealed significant influences of the task and time variables on the ERD patterns. A distinct time course of the desynchronization phenomenon was observed to be related to the kind of recognition task. Age and task complexity interacted with the other variables.  相似文献   

The use of marine protected area (MPA) networks to sustain fisheries and conserve biodiversity is predicated on two critical yet rarely tested assumptions. Individual MPAs must produce sufficient larvae that settle within that reserve's boundaries to maintain local populations while simultaneously supplying larvae to other MPA nodes in the network that might otherwise suffer local extinction. Here, we use genetic parentage analysis to demonstrate that patterns of self-recruitment of two reef fishes (Amphiprion percula and Chaetodon vagabundus) in an MPA in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, were remarkably consistent over several years. However, dispersal from this reserve to two other nodes in an MPA network varied between species and through time. The stability of our estimates of self-recruitment suggests that even small MPAs may be self-sustaining. However, our results caution against applying optimization strategies to MPA network design without accounting for variable connectivity among species and over time.  相似文献   

In models of working memory, transient stimuli are encoded by feature-selective persistent neural activity. Network models of working memory are also implicitly bistable. In the absence of a brief stimulus, only spontaneous, low-level, and presumably nonpatterned neural activity is seen. In many working-memory models, local recurrent excitation combined with long-range inhibition (Mexican hat coupling) can result in a network-induced, spatially localized persistent activity or “bump state” that coexists with a stable uniform state. There is now renewed interest in the concept that individual neurons might have some intrinsic ability to sustain persistent activity without recurrent network interactions. A recent visuospatial working-memory model (Camperi and Wang 1998) incorporates both intrinsic bistability of individual neurons within a firing rate network model and a single population of neurons on a ring with lateral inhibitory coupling. We have explored this model in more detail and have characterized the response properties with changes in background synaptic input Io and stimulus width. We find that only a small range of Io yields a working-memory-like coexistence of bump and uniform solutions that are both stable. There is a rather larger range where only the bump solution is stable that might correspond instead to a feature-selective long-term memory. Such a network therefore requires careful tuning to exhibit working-memory-like function. Interestingly, where bumps and uniform stable states coexist, we find a continuous family of stable bumps representing stimulus width. Thus, in the range of parameters corresponding to working memory, the model is capable of capturing a two-parameter family of stimulus features including both orientation and width.  相似文献   

Lee H  Simpson GV  Logothetis NK  Rainer G 《Neuron》2005,45(1):147-156
Working memory has been linked to elevated single neuron discharge in monkeys and to oscillatory changes in the human EEG, but the relation between these effects has remained largely unexplored. We addressed this question by measuring local field potentials and single unit activity simultaneously from multiple electrodes placed in extrastriate visual cortex while monkeys were performing a working memory task. We describe a significant enhancement in theta band energy during the delay period. Theta oscillations had a systematic effect on single neuron activity, with neurons emitting more action potentials near their preferred angle of each theta cycle. Sample-selective delay activity was enhanced if only action potentials emitted near the preferred theta angle were considered. Our results suggest that extrastriate visual cortex is involved in short-term maintenance of information and that theta oscillations provide a mechanism for structuring the recurrent interaction between neurons in different brain regions that underlie working memory.  相似文献   

Force exertion against different mechanical environments can affect motor control strategies in order to account for the altered environmental dynamics and to maintain the ability to produce force. Here, we investigated the change of muscular activity of selected muscles of the lower extremities while the participants interacted with an external mechanical device of variable stability. Twenty-five healthy participants exerted force against the device by performing a unilateral ballistic leg extension task under 1 or 3 degrees of freedom (DoF). Directional force data and electromyographic responses from four leg muscles (TA, VM, GM, PL) were recorded. Muscle responses to the altered experimental conditions were analyzed by calculating time to peak electrical activity (TTP), peak electrical activity (PEA), slope of EMG-signal and muscle activity. It was found that neuromuscular system adjustments to the task are expressed mainly by temporal (TTP) rather than amplitude (PEA) scaling of muscular activity. This change was specific for the investigated muscles. Moreover, a selective increase of muscle activity occurred while increasing external DoF. This scheme was accompanied by a significant reduction of applicable force against the device in the unstable 3 DoF condition. The findings suggest that orchestration of movement control is linked to environmental dynamics also affecting the ability to produce force under dynamic conditions. The adjustments of the neuromuscular system are rather temporal in nature being consistent with the impulse timing hypothesis of motor control.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that the maintenance of an item in working memory is achieved through persistent activity in selective neural assemblies of the cortex. To understand the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, it is essential to investigate how persistent activity is affected by external inputs or neuromodulation. We have addressed these questions using a recurrent network model of object working memory. Recurrence is dominated by inhibition, although persistent activity is generated through recurrent excitation in small subsets of excitatory neurons.Our main findings are as follows. (1) Because of the strong feedback inhibition, persistent activity shows an inverted U shape as a function of increased external drive to the network. (2) A transient external excitation can switch off a network from a selective persistent state to its spontaneous state. (3) The maintenance of the sample stimulus in working memory is not affected by intervening stimuli (distractors) during the delay period, provided the stimulation intensity is not large. On the other hand, if stimulation intensity is large enough, distractors disrupt sample-related persistent activity, and the network is able to maintain a memory only of the last shown stimulus. (4) A concerted modulation of GABA A and NMDA conductances leads to a decrease of spontaneous activity but an increase of persistent activity; the enhanced signal-to-noise ratio is shown to increase the resistance of the network to distractors. (5) Two mechanisms are identified that produce an inverted U shaped dependence of persistent activity on modulation. The present study therefore points to several mechanisms that enhance the signal-to-noise ratio in working memory states. These mechanisms could be implemented in the prefrontal cortex by dopaminergic projections from the midbrain.  相似文献   

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