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Production of ulcers in isolated frog gastric mucosa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Dopamine (DA) and DA agonists have been shown to exert a protective role against the formation of duodenal ulcers. The effect of stimulation of DA receptors on the development of stress-induced gastric ulcers is currently unknown. Accordingly, we evaluated the effect of several DA agonists on the development of gastric ulcers induced by 3 h of cold + restraint stress (CRS) in rats. Apomorphine, d-amphetamine, methylphenidate, and threo-dl-p-hydroxymethylphenidate (an hydroxylated analog of methylphenidate), significantly reduced both the incidence and severity of CRS-induced gastric ulcers. The gastric cytoprotection afforded by these agents was dose-related, and completely antagonized by pretreatment with the peripheally acting DA antagonist domperidone. Because domperidone blocks peripheral, but not central, DA receptors, and since the entry of threo-dl-p-hydroxymethylphenidate across the blood-brain barrier into the brain is restricted to a great extent, we conclude that stimulation of peripheral DA receptors is primarily involved in the gastric cytoprotection induced by dopamimetics.The pathogenesis of stress-induced gastric ulcers remains largely unknown, and significant efforts have been made over the last decade to functionally characterize some of the factors involved in the etiology of this disease. Considerable attention has been focused on gastric acid secretion, but its primary role in stress-induced gastric ulcer disease remains uncertain. In fact, agents which effectively inhibit or neutralize gastric acid secretion such as cimetidine or antacids do not necessarily exert protection against stress-induced gastric ulcers (1,2). Moreover, in our original studies with neurotensin, a brain and gastrointestinal peptide, we have found that central administration of this neuropeptide, which completely prevents the development of cold + restraint stress (CRS)-induced gastric ulcers, does not appreciably alter gastric acid secretion (2). These findings support the contention that gastric acid secretion may not be an important factor in the development of this type of gastric ulcer.There is, however, considerable evidence that the automatic nervous system plays an intermediary role in the development of these ulcers (3,4). In this regard, surgical or pharmacological blockade of the vagal (cholinergic) division of the autonomic nervous system prevents the appearance of stress-associated gastric ulcers (5,6). Direct stimulation of catecholamine receptors, or indirect activation via increased sympathetic outflow to the periphery (7,4,8–11) appears to produce a salutary effect of stress-induced gastric ulcers.Szabo and his associates (12, 13, 14) have extensively studied the anti ulcer effects of dopamine (DA) in duodenal ulcer formation. Whether DA also modifies the development of stress-induced gastric ulcers is currently unknown.We have therefore evaluated the effect of selected DA receptor agonists and antagonists on CRS-induced gastric ulcer formation in rats.  相似文献   

Solcoseryl, a deproteinized extract of calf blood, protects the gastric mucosa against various topical irritants and enhances the healing of chronic gastric ulcerations but the mechanisms of these effects have been little studied. This study was designed to elucidate the active principle in Solcoseryl and to determine the role of prostaglandins (PG) and polyamines in the antiulcer properties of this agent. Using both, the radioimmunoassay and radioreceptor assay, EGF-like material was detected in Solcoseryl preparation. Solcoseryl given s.c. prevented the formation of stress-induced gastric lesions and this was accompanied by an increase in the generation of PGE2 in the gastric mucosa. Similar effects were obtained with EGF. Pretreatment with indomethacin, to suppress mucosal generation of prostaglandins (PG), greatly augmented stress-induced gastric ulcerations and antagonized the protection exerted by both Solcoseryl and EGF. Solcoseryl, like EGF, enhanced the healing of chronic gastro-duodenal ulcerations. This effect was abolished by the pretreatment with difluoromethylornithine, an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines. The healing effects of Solcoseryl and EGF was also reduced by prednisolone which decreased the angiogenesis in the granulation tissue in the ulcer area. These results indicate that Solcoseryl 1. contains EGF-like material, 2. displays the protective and ulcer healing effects similar to those of EGF and involving both PG and polyamines and 3. acts via similar mechanism as does EGF.  相似文献   

The effect of low-fat diets on appearance of stress-induced gastric ulcers was tested in rats consuming phenobarbital (0.25 ml/100g/day) during 1 week. The results showed a significant increase of the ulcerated area in the stomachs of the rats fed by low-fat diets, versus controls. It seemed that a diet adequate in lipids may decrease the ulcerogenic effects induced by chronic use of phenobarbital.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of leukotrienes (LTs) in the genesis of water immersion stress-induced gastric ulcers. Peptide LTs were detected after 4 h stress (3.7 +/- 0.5 ng/g tissue), although they were not detected after 2 h stress, and considerable amounts (20.3 +/- 2.3 ng/g tissue) were detected after 6 h stress. In contrast, AA-861 (100 mg/kg, p.o.), a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, reduced ulcer indices significantly after 6 h stress, although no significant changes were observed after 2 or 4 h stress compared with the control group. Peptide LTs were not detected after 4 h and those detected after 6 h stress were remarkably reduced by AA-861 treatment. The role of LTs in the healing of water immersion stress-induced gastric ulcers was also investigated. Significant ulcer healing was not observed within 24 h after stress but was significantly recovered after 48 h. Peptide LTs decreased time-dependently and 48 h after treatment they were not detected. In the rats treated with AA-861, ulcer indices and peptide LTs levels were remarkably reduced after 12 h, concomitantly. These results suggest that the increase in mucosal peptide LTs might be an inhibitory factor to ulcer healing.  相似文献   

A protective effect on stress-induced gastric ulcers has been d monstrated for PGE2 and PGF in rats. Pretreatment with indomethacin 5 mg/kg/per os increases the severity of gastric lesions, but this effect is completely antagonized by PGE2 administration.  相似文献   

To date there is a lot of data of literature indicating that microcirculatory disorders play the main role in the development of gastric mucosal damages induced by stress, ethanol, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and tobacco smoke. Under stress gastric mucosal blood flow disorders may be caused by the actication of sympathetic nervous system. Ulcer healing is accompanied by the angiogenesis and by the increase of blood flow in the ulcer border and tissues surrounding the ulcer. Therefore now the main studies are concentrated on the search of defence-enhancing agent rather than drugs for antisecretory therapy. Therapeutic strategy suggests the use of some potential vasodilators such as NO donors, prostaglandin analogues, oxygen radical scavengers, endothelin, leukotrienes, platelet-activating factor antagonists and/or their synthesis inhibitors. At present, the therapeutic possibilities seem to be restricted and nothing indicates that stimulation of the defensive factor only, is more effective in the treatment of peptic ulcer than inhibition of aggressive factors. However we suggest that blood flow correction may be very important for the treatment of refractory ulcers or for prophylaxis of stress ulceration and peptic ulcer recurrence.  相似文献   

The effect of paracetamol on the gastric mucosa was examined in seven healthy volunteers. The dose used (2 g instilled in 100 ml isotonic saline) was equivalent to about six tablets taken with water. Biopsy specimens were taken before and 10 and 60 minutes after instillation. The mean incidence of damaged surface cells in the control period was 1.7%. Ten minutes after instillation 3.5% of the surface cells were damaged. This increase was not significant. Light microscopy showed focal cell disruption and infiltration of red blood cells. Scanning electronmicroscopy showed minimal loss of normal cell apices. No erosions were seen on microscopy. Biopsy specimens taken 60 minutes after paracetamol showed similar changes. These findings differ appreciably from the extensive cell damage and microscopic erosions caused by therapeutic doses of 600 mg (two tablets) of aspirin. We conclude that large "analgesic" doses of paracetamol cause minimal ultrastructural changes in normal human gastric mucosa. The continued use of paracetamol in place of aspirin appears to be justified when there is a possibility of gastric mucosal injury.  相似文献   

An unusual type of gastric lesions, clearly different from erosions, was produced in rats by prolonged immobilization and application of adrenaline at the first and the third hour of stress. The lesions are large, round, highly hyperaemic elevations of the glandular part of the rat stomach. Necrosis of the superficial 2/3 of the mucosa with haemorrhages and leucocytic infiltration as well as marked oedema, focal haemorrhages, necrotic vasculitis and darkly stained phagocytes in the submucosa are the most prominent histological features of it. Some special conditions seem to be necessary for the development of this "superficial gastric necrosis".  相似文献   

Prolactin inhibits the development of stress-induced ulcers in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyperprolactinaemia, as induced by pituitary homografts under the kidney capsule, was accompanied by an inhibition of development of gastric ulcers following the application of cold-plus-restraint stress in male rats. This effect was mimicked by intracisternal administration of a low dose of the hormone. Peripheral injection of the dopamine receptor antagonist, domperidone, also inhibited the development of stress-induced ulcers. However, no effect was found after peripheral injection of another dopamine receptor antagonist, haloperidol. This latter drug appeared to antagonize the cytoprotective effect of prolactin (PRL) on stress-induced ulcers. Furthermore, peripheral injection of the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor, indomethacin, increased the incidence of gastric ulcers in hyperprolactinaemic rats subjected to cold -plus-restraint stress. These data suggest that the cytoprotective effect of PRL on development of gastric ulcers in stressed animals may involve both central (i.e. dopamine transmission) and peripheral (i.e. prostaglandin synthesis) mechanisms.  相似文献   

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