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Haemophilus influenzae lipopolysaccharide (LPS) contains structures, defined by monoclonal antibodies, which undergo phase variation. This investigation reports the nucleotide sequence of lic2A, which is required for the expression of at least three phase-variable LPS epitopes, one of which has the structure αGal(1–4)βGal. lic2A contains multiple tandem repeats of the tetramer 5′-CAAT-3′ Previous studies have correlated changes in the number of 5′-CAAT-3′ repeats with the phase-variable expression of the αGal(1–4)βGal epitope. To obtain direct evidence for this, the 5′-CAAT-3′ repeat region from lic2A was amplified directly from immunostained colonies and sequenced. This demonstrated that the variable expression of LPS epitopes, including αGal(1–4)βGal, is in part directly dependent upon the number of copies of 5′-CAAT-3′ within lic2A.  相似文献   

A strain of Escherichia coli originally isolated from urine of a patient with acute pyelonephritis was studied in detail for binding to glycosphingolipids. Bacteria labeled metabolically with [14C]glucose were layered over a glycolipid chromatogram and bound bacteria were detected by autoradiography. The detection was down to a few ng of glycolipid (pmol level) under these assay conditions. At a test level of 500 ng all glycolipids (more than a dozen molecular species analyzed) with Gal alpha 1----4Gal as an internal or terminal part bound the bacteria strongly while glycolipids known to lack this sequence were negative. Conformational analysis using hard sphere calculations including the exo-anomeric effect showed a bend in the saccharide chain at this disaccharide with a largely hydrophobic surface of the convex side, probably being part of the binding epitope. Mixtures of glycolipids isolated from a human ureter scraping and from urinary sediments bound bacteria in the 2- to 7-sugar interval. Thus, this infectious strain of E. coli recognizes glycolipids being present in epithelial cells lining the urinary tract.  相似文献   

Abstract Escherichia coli exc mutants able to release the plasmid pBR322-encoded β-lactamase (EC into the extracellular medium have been isolated using a new in situ plate assay.
A preliminary characterization of the exc mutants was carried out: the presence of exc mutations was associated with a specific or pleiotropic pattern of excretion of periplasmic enzymes, an increased sensitivity to different growth inhibitors (EDTA, chloramphenicol, cholic acid) and a poor growth on various carbon sources.
After quantitative analysis, three groups of exc mutants were identified on the basis of their temperature-dependent or -independent pattern of growth and β-lactamase synthesis and excretion.  相似文献   

Intimin is essential for attaching and effacing lesions by pathogens such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), and the antigenic polymorphism of intimin determines distinct subtypes. Our aim was to investigate the presence of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies reactive to α, β and γ intimins in serum and colostrum from healthy Brazilian adults. We found seric IgG and secretory IgA antibodies reactive to conserved and variable regions of α, β and γ intimins and a positive correlation between the concentrations of these antibodies in both serum and colostrum that suggested cross reactivity among anti-intimin antibodies, as was confirmed by immunoblotting and absorption. The concentrations of anti-conserved region antibodies were higher than those of variable region antibodies. The presence of antibodies reactive to EHEC antigens could result from contact with EPEC or with other bacteria of the environment even though this bacterium is not frequent in Brazil, and suggests possible protection against EHEC.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intense immunohistochemical staining of the intermediate lobe of the pituitary was observed by using an antiserum raised against synthetic dynorphin(1-13) treated with a water-soluble carbodiimide (CDI). Subsequent studies showed that the immunostaining was blocked by preincubation of the antiserum with acetylated derivatives of both β-endorphin and dynorphin(1-13) as well as by CDI-treated dynorphin(1-13), but only weakly by authentic dynorphin(1-13). Neither nonacetylated β-endorphin nor any other fragments of the ACTH/endorphin precursor blocked the immunostaining of the intermediate lobe. Analysis of the CDI-treated dynorphin(1-13) used as an antigen showed that most of the peptide was acetylated at primary amino groups. CDI treatment of dynorphin(1-13) results in the formation of an acetyl derivative because the commercially available peptide is supplied as the acetate salt. The antibodies responsible for the intermediate lobe staining were isolated by affinity chromatography, using a column containing partially purified intermediate lobe extract linked to an affinity resin and a radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed with CDI-treated dynorphin(1-13) used as a trace and as a standard. Competition studies showed 0.5-1% cross-reactivity with α-N-acetyl β-endorphin(1-31), α-N-acetyl β-endorphin(1-27), and totally acetylated β-endorphin(1-31). Nonacetylated β-endorphins did not cross-react. Posterior-intermediate lobe extracts from rat and beef were fractionated by gel filtration. Rat posterior-intermediate lobe extracts were also fractionated by cation-exchange chromatography. Fractionated extracts were analyzed by RIAs for β-endorphin, CDI-treated dynorphin(1-13), and authentic dynorphin(1-13). The results suggested that the peptides responsible for the intermediate lobe staining were mainly four different derivatives of β-endorphin bearing an acetyl group at the amino terminus. No immunostaining was seen in the posterior and anterior lobes of the pituitary. This suggests that the intermediate lobe is the main source of acetylated β-endorphins in the pituitary.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa employs pili to mediate adherence to epithelial cell surfaces. The pilus adhesin of P. aeruginosa strains PAK and PAO has been shown to bind to the glycolipid asialo-GM1 (Lee et al., 1994 —accompanying article). PAK and PAO pili were examined for their abilities to bind to the synthetic βGalNAc(1–4)βGal (a minimal structural carbohydrate receptor sequence of asialo-GM1 and asialo-GM2 proposed by Krivan et al., 1988a) using solid-phase binding assays. Both pill specifically bound to βGalNAc(1–4)βGal. The binding of βGal-NAc(1–4)βGal-Biotin to the Immobilized PAK and PAO pili was inhibited by corresponding free pili. The receptor binding domain of the PAK pilus resides in the C-terminal disulphide-looped region (residues 128–144) of the pilin structural subunit (Irvin et al., 1989). Biotinylated synthetic peptides corresponding the C-terminal residues 128–144 of P. aeruginosa PAK and PAO pilin molecules were shown to bind to the βGalNAc(1–4)βGal-(bovine serum albumin (BSA)). The binding of biotinylated peptides to βGalNAc-(1–4)βGal-BSA was inhibited by PAK pili, Ac-KCTSDQDEOFIPKGCSK-OH (AcPAK(128–144)ox-OH) and Ac-ACKSTQDPMFTPKGCDN-OH (AcPAO(128–144)ox-OH) peptides. (In these peptides Ac denotes Nα -acetylation of the N-terminus, -OH means a peptide with a free a-carboxyl group at the C-terminus and the‘ox’denotes the oxidation of the sulphhydryl groups of Cys–129 and Cys–142.) Both acetylated peptides were also able to inhibit the binding of βGalNAc(1–4)βGal-biotin to the corresponding BSA-Peptide(128–144)ox-OH conjugates. The βGlcNAc(1–3)βGal(1–4)βGlc-biotin conjugate was unable to specifically bind to either Immobilized PAK and PAO pili or the respective C-termlnal peptides. The data above demonstrated that the P. aeruginosa pili recognize asialo-GM1 receptor analogue and that βGalNAc(1–4)βGal disaccharlde is sufficient for binding. Furthermore, the binding to βGalNAc(1–4)βGal was mediated by residues 128–144 of the pilin subunit.  相似文献   

The cDNA for a β-glucosidase (EC3.2.1.21) was isolated from rye ( Secale cereale , cv Motto) and the sequence corresponding to the mature protein cloned into pET21a expression vector and used for transformation of Escherichia coli. The recombinant β-glucosidase expressed in E. coli was recognized by antibodies to maize β-glucosidase and exhibited the same kinetic properties on the endogenous substrates hydroxamic acid glucosides and artificial substrates as the native enzyme purified from rye. The enzyme monomer had an apparent molecular weight of about 67 kDa. The isolated cDNA was analysed with web-based chloroplast targeting prediction programs. The programs predicted a chloroplast targeting peptide with a cleavage site between amino acid 49 and 50. Sequence alignment of the plastidic rye β-glucosidase showed that the putative sites for substrate specificity of maize Glu1, W378 and F198 (F197) are conserved in the rye enzyme, whereas F205, F466 and A467 of maize Glu1 are exchanged for histidine, glycine and serine, respectively, in rye. The plastidic β-glucosidase is expressed in all plant parts and the highest levels were found in the coleoptile and mesocotyl.  相似文献   

Previously, we constructed a set of mutants from which eight penicillin binding protein (PBP) genes were deleted in 192 combinations from Escherichia coli (S. A. Denome, P. K. Elf, T. A. Henderson, D. E. Nelson, and K. D. Young, J. Bacteriol. 181:3981-3993, 1999). Although these mutants were constructed correctly as determined by restriction mapping and the absence of relevant protein products, we recently discovered by PCR mapping that strains from which mrcA (PBP 1a) was deleted were also missing two neighboring genes of unknown function (yrfE and yrfF). We created a new deletion mutation in mrcA and reconstructed 63 strains lacking PBP 1a and other PBP mutant combinations. The new mrcA mutants do not exhibit mucoidy, phage resistance, temperature sensitivity, growth rate defects, or antibiotic resistance, suggesting that these phenotypes require the loss of either yrfE or yrfF alone or in combination with the absence of multiple PBPs.  相似文献   

Abstract Plasmid pBR322 and penP -encoded β-lactamase activities were examined in cell fractions from wild-type and murein lipoprotein-deficient Escherichia coli strains. The specific activity of the Bacillus licheniformis penP gene product, a lipoprotein when expressed in E. coli , was increased in the outer membrane of a murein-lipoprotein deficient mutant. The activities of the 2 enzymes in wild-type E. coli exposed to the translational inhibitor puromycin were also investigated. Synthesis of penP was more susceptible to inhibition by puromycin than the pBR322-encoded TEM1 β-lactamase. The implications of these results for mechanisms of secretion and insertion of lipoproteins into the E. coli outer membrane are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Prevotella ruminicola B14 is a strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative, polysaccharide-degrading rumen bacterium. Xylanase activity in this strain was found to be inducible, the specific activity of cells grown on xylan being increased at least 20-fold by comparison with cells grown on glucose. Ten bacteriophage clones expressing xylanase activity were isolated from a A EMBL3 genomic DNA library of P. ruminicola B14. These clones were shown to represent four distinct chromosomal regions, based on restriction enzyme analysis and DNA hybridisation. Three groups of clones encoded activity against oat spelt xylan but not carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). In one of these groups, represented by clone 5, activities against pNP-arabinofuranoside and pNP-xyloside were found to be encoded separately from endoxylanase activity. The fourth region encoded activity against CM cellulose and lichenan, in addition to xylan, and contains an endoglucanase/xylanase gene isolated previously.  相似文献   

Abstract: The β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), a main constituent in both senile and diffuse plaques in Alzheimer's disease brains, was previously shown to be neurotoxic and to be able to interact with several macromolecular components of brain tissue. Previous investigations carried out in our laboratory demonstrated free radical species formation in aqueous solutions of Aβ(1–40) and its C-end fragment, Aβ(25–35). Toxic forms of Aβ rapidly inactivate the oxidation-sensitive cytosolic enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS). In this regard, we suggested and subsequently demonstrated that Aβ radicals can cause an oxidative damage of cell proteins and lipids resulting in disruption of membrane functions, enzyme inactivation, and cell death. Because GS can be a substrate for Aβ-derived oxidizing species, the present study was conducted to determine if GS could protect against Aβ neurotoxicity. In contrast to this initial hypothesis, we here report that GS significantly enhances the neurotoxic effects of Aβ(1–40). The Aβ-mediated inactivation of GS was found to be accompanied by the loss of immunoreactive GS and the significant increase of Aβ(1–40) neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - Aurantiochytrium mangrovei BT3, a heterotrophic marine microalga, has the ability to produce high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and bioactive...  相似文献   

The branch specificity of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (EC was studied by analyzing the cleavage of the branched hexasaccharide Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3(Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6)[14C(U)]Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc (1). This hexasaccharide was cleaved to pentasaccharides Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3(GlcNAc beta 1-6) [14C(U)]Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc (3) and GlcNAc beta 1-3(Gal-beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6) [14C(U)]Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc (4) without any appreciable branch specificity. Even the further conversions of the pentasaccharides 3 and 4 into the tetrasaccharide GlcNAc beta 1-3(GlcNAc beta 1-6)[14C(U)]Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc seemed to proceed at similar rates, without any appreciable branch specificity. In marked contrast to the hexasaccharide 1, the pentasaccharide Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3(Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6)[14C(U)]Gal (2), missing the reducing end GlcNAc, is known to be cleaved selectively at the 6-branch; this finding was confirmed in the present study. The different behaviour of hexasaccharide 1 and pentasaccharide 2 reflects differences in the reactivity of their 6-branches; the preferred conformations of these closely related molecules may be quite different.  相似文献   

Protoplasma - The role of α-carbonic anhydrase 4 (α-CA4) in photosynthetic machinery functioning in thylakoid membranes was studied, using Arabidopsis thaliana wild type plants (WT) and...  相似文献   

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