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Populations of naturally growing woody species valued for their contribution to human livelihoods are threatened with extinction. Most at risk are those existing in human inhabited areas outside protected areas that are subjected to high population pressure and to a variety of land use demands. The sustainable utilization of these plants requires as a first step knowledge, including, their ecology and an understanding of the peoples attitudes to conservation. This study was conducted to generate data that would contribute to the management for conservation and sustainable use of woody resources. The study objectives were to document local knowledge covering the uses, status, threats, habitats and management solutions of woody species; determine the abundances, distribution and population structure of 16 woody species, and assess the conservation status of the selected woody species. The study was carried out in Gadumire Sub-county, Uganda using both an ethnobotanical approach and quantitative ecological methods. The species are multipurpose and are exploited to satisfy different subsistence needs. They had population densities ranging between 3.6 and 2630 individuals ha−1, and distributions ranging between 0.3 and 39.5%. The species Acacia hockii, Albizia zygia, Acacia seyal, Markhamia lutea and Albizia coriaria had a good conservation status. The remainder of the species appear threatened either because they had low densities, frequencies or less steep size class distribution (SCD) slopes. Securidaca longipedunculata Fres. was not encountered at all in the study plots. Community perceptions collaborated the measured population dynamics. The major threats believed to be impacting the species by the community are the growing human population, expanding crop agriculture, poor harvesting methods and over-exploitation of the species.  相似文献   

中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
广义的龙脑香科植物是泛热带分布,中国有5属13种,其中1种为引种栽培,仅分布于云南、广西、海南和西藏。许多龙脑香科植物具有很高的经济价值。由于近年来各地森林遭受强度破坏,加之其自身特殊的生物生态学特征和种子生物学特性,大多数种类的生存受到严重威胁。该文主要介绍中国龙脑香科植物目前的受威胁状况、具体保护研究工作及其不足,并提出了进行迁地群落建设的保护策略。  相似文献   

This paper contains first systematical revision of the results on traditional use of wild medicinal and aromatic herbs on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)--west of Balkan Peninsula; Southeast of Europe. There have been detected 227 plants belonging to 71 different plant families, which are being used with ethno therapeutic purpose. Results were obtained by method of open ethno botanical interview which comprised 150 persons, whose average age was 63. Medicinal plants in ethno therapy are being used either in fresh, raw or dried condition. Different herbal parts, depending on period of vegetation season, sometimes even in winter, are basis for preparation of infusions (59%), decoct (19%), tinctures (4%). Especially original are balms known as Bosnian "mehlems", which are fresh cuted herbal parts mixed with lukewarm resin, raw cow butter or honey. In ethno therapy are mostly being used aerial plant organs. Majority of herbs is being used for treatment of illnesses of respiratory (22%), gastrointestinal (19%) and urinary and genital system (9%), for treatment of skin conditions (11%), as well as for nervous system and heart diseases (16%). The most original plants on the field of ethno pharmacology, comparing with ethno therapy practice of other regions, are as follows: Ballota nigra, Aesculus hippocastanum, Calluna vulgaris, Centaurea cyanus, Euphrasia rostkoviana, Geranium robertianum, Gentiana asclepiadea, Helichrysum italicum, Lycopodium clavatum, Marrubium vulgare, Nepeta cataria, Populus tremula, Ruta graveolens, Tamus communis, Teucrium montanum, T. chamaedrys, and endemic plants Gentiana lutea subsp. symphyandra, Teucrium arduini, Micromeria thymifolia, Satureja montana, S. subspicata, Rhamnus fallax and Viola elegantula. There haven't been noticed significant differences in the frequencies of medicinal plants use among different ethnical groups. But, it has been perceived that longer ethno therapeutic tradition possess inhabitants of sub- and Mediterranean areas, as well as inhabitants of the mountain areas of B&H, regardless their ethnicity.  相似文献   

杜仲种质资源的现状及保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在野外调查的基础上,根据杜仲的分布特点,划分了7个主要分布区,并对种内存在的形态差异进行了描述。在评述杜仲种质资源现状的基础上,对种质资源的破坏以及造成遗传流失的原因进行了分析。提出了有效保护杜仲种质资源的原理和方法,并强调了迁地保护的重要性。  相似文献   

The ecological changes of Echuya afromontane bamboo forest, Uganda   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Echuya forest reserve was gazetted in 1939 and was then mainly a bamboo forest with very few hardwood trees. However, the current ecological situation shows that hardwood trees are replacing bamboo. This study analysed the current ecological situation in relationship to past ecological changes and influences. Line transects were laid systematically at 1000 m intervals across the forest in order to describe the current vegetation variation. Echuya forest has changed in size and composition from 1954 to the present. The area occupied by pure bamboo has decreased from 20.5% to 12.5%, bamboo–hard wood mixture decreased from 48.2% to 26.2% and pure hardwood stands increased from 16% to 51%. It can be suggested that the exclusion of fire, herbivores and human activities after reservation of Echuya have gradually led to the conversion of the grassland–bamboo ecosystem into a hardwood forest ecosystem. Macaranga kilimandscharia Pax. is the major colonizing hardwood tree species. Most of the gaps are covered with heavy loads of Mimulopsis species climbers, which suppress bamboo growth.  相似文献   

This study documents the utilization aspects and distribution of ethnobotanical knowledge of the local people of Morogoro, Tanzania, as a first step towards sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical woodlands. A total of 133 arborescent species in 31 families was identified of which 69% had a variety of uses. These uses were classified into 12 categories and major uses were charcoal, firewood, medicine, and poles. Most tree species have occasional uses, but a few are exceptionally useful and thus their levels of utilization may far exceed their regeneration and production. The questionnaire survey indicated that 62% of the respondents agreed that traditional medical services were more available than modern services. Utilization surveys indicated that wooden poles are the building material used in 98% of the dwellings and storage structures, wild foods were useful for food security especially during drought years, and high quality timber trees have been depleted in the forest because of earlier exploitation by pit-sawing. The distribution of ethnobotanical knowledge indicated that much of the relevant ethnobotanical and utilization information was held by more aged members of the society and hence there is a clear need to capture this knowledge before it is lost. This study has shown that resources are defined by use and culture, and some components of ethnobotanical knowledge have potential for the sustainable management of miombo woodlands.  相似文献   

本文以河南省封丘县鲁冈乡境内的泡桐-小麦-玉米(paulownia-wheat-maize)间作为研究对象,对农桐间作系统的土壤养分与小气候,林木与农作物的生物生产力等进行了系统测定,分析了林带间环境因子与农作物产量之间的相互关系,运用Logistic曲线拟合林带内农作物产量,设计了农桐间作的最优行距,为探讨农林复合系统的结构优化提出了新方法。  相似文献   

林业生态工程措施对滨海盐碱地草本植物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林业生态工程是当前国内滨海盐碱地生态改良的重要措施,这一措施对滨海盐碱地的自然生态系统产生了一定的影响。为揭示林业生态工程措施对滨海盐碱地草本植物的影响,在杭州湾余姚段滨海盐碱地上,应用生态工程措施营造一条长约3.5km、宽约30m的人工林带,分别以林带两侧农田和荒地为对照,运用目测法和样方法,以盐生和耐盐草本植物的种类、物种-面积关系、频度、单位面积生物量、综合优势度比、丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数、Shannon指数和Simpson指数为指标,研究了滨海盐碱地不同处理的草本植物在群落结构和物种多样性上的差异。结果表明:研究区草本植物共有14科30属31种,不同处理的草本植物均以禾本科和菊科为主;与荒地和农田草本群落相比,林业生态工程改良带草本群落的物种数目没有显著变化,但种类组成有了显著的改变,最小面积显著扩大,群落结构复杂化,物种多样性有提高趋势;林业生态工程改良区生境过滤作用发挥着主要作用,而物种间的竞争排斥作用还不明显。林业生态工程措施有效地改变了滨海盐碱地原生草本植物的群落结构和物种多样性,促使研究区草本植物进入一个新的演替进程,显示出较高的生态效益。  相似文献   

克隆水分整合是克隆植物有效利用异质性生境资源的重要对策,也是在恶劣生境下得以定植、存活的重要生存策略。本研究以塔里木河下游的胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)为对象,结合野外调查、稳定同位素技术、生理生态监测实验,调查胡杨的克隆水分整合特征并分析其生态意义。结果显示,胡杨母株与其克隆幼株间存在显著水分生理整合,水分整合以顶向传输为主,水分整合过程与整合水量受到母株生理节律及母株到幼株间隔子长度的影响;克隆幼株因水分整合而能够获取与母株相似的深层土壤水分,比同一区域实生幼株拥有更好的水分获取能力,并使胡杨克隆幼株比实生幼株保持相对更高的水力导度、叶片水分含量及叶水势;在极端干旱生境下的这种水分获取及利用策略使胡杨克隆幼株比实生幼株具有更高的光化学效率与光合性能,有助于克隆幼株在不利生境下定植、存活并保持更高的生存优势。  相似文献   

This study tests the justification for displacement and compensation of persons in a previously settled land for natural ecological recovery, and helps in the understanding of patch dynamics in a semi‐mountain tropical rain forest environment. The study area comprised parts of the Mbwa River Tract in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda that had been settled and cultivated for at least 20 years prior to park reclassification. The extent, state and speed of regeneration of the cleared forest (CF) after resettlement were not known. There was therefore need for a baseline study as prerequisite for future ecological monitoring of forest recovery. Strip‐plots at 200 m intervals running across the tract were therefore established for this study. 1.17 km2 of forest had been cleared for cultivation in the tract and regeneration in adjacent forest (MF) was better than in the CF, based on the abundance of seedlings. The CF was more diverse in species composition than the MF, and with predominantly pioneer tree species growing. The CF was ecologically important as a water catchment area and a habitat for several animal species, and there were indications that it was heading for ecological recovery.  相似文献   

Albizia saman is a multipurpose tree species of seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) of Mesoamerica and northern South America typically cultivated in silvopastoral and other agroforestry systems around the world, a trend that is bound to increase in light of multimillion hectare commitments for forest and landscape restoration. The effective conservation and sustainable use of A. saman requires detailed knowledge of its genetic diversity across its native distribution range of which surprisingly little is known to date. We assessed the genetic diversity and structure of A.saman across twelve representative locations of SDTF in Colombia, and how they may have been shaped by past climatic changes and human influence. We found four different genetic groups which may be the result of differentiation due to isolation of populations in preglacial times. The current distribution and mixture of genetic groups across STDF fragments we observed might be the result of range expansion of SDTFs during the last glacial period followed by range contraction during the Holocene and human‐influenced movement of germplasm associated with cattle ranching. Despite the fragmented state of the presumed natural A. saman stands we sampled, we did not find any signs of inbreeding, suggesting that gene flow is not jeopardized in humanized landscapes. However, further research is needed to assess potential deleterious effects of fragmentation on progeny. Climate change is not expected to seriously threaten the in situ persistence of A. saman populations and might present opportunities for future range expansion. However, the sourcing of germplasm for tree planting activities needs to be aligned with the genetic affinity of reference populations across the distribution of Colombian SDTFs. We identify priority source populations for in situ conservation based on their high genetic diversity, lack or limited signs of admixture, and/or genetic uniqueness.  相似文献   

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