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A temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli defective in peptidoglycan synthesis was characterized. The incorporation of radiolabeled meso-diaminopimelate into peptidoglycan by the mutant was inhibited at the restrictive growth temperature, resulting in autolysis. The defective step appeared to be part of the terminal stage in peptidoglycan synthesis involving the incorporation of disaccharide peptide units into the wall peptidoglycan. The mutation was assigned to a new locus, designated murH, at 99.2 min on the E. coli linkage map.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight band has been detected in Western immunoblots of nonboiled Escherichia coli samples incubated with polyclonal antiserum against penicillin-binding protein 1B (PBP 1B). This band was shown to be a dimer of PBP 1B. The dimer was more strongly associated with the envelope than the monomer, and it was still able to bind penicillin G. Analysis of the binding of fusion proteins of PBP 1B and beta-lactamase showed that the part of PBP 1B necessary for complex formation lies in the amino-terminal half of the protein.  相似文献   

Lytic transglycosylases catalyze the cleavage of the beta-1, 4-glycosidic bond between N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) in peptidoglycan with concomitant formation of a 1,6-anhydro bond in the MurNAc residue. To understand the reaction mechanism of Escherichia coli lytic transglycosylase Slt35, three crystal structures have been determined of Slt35 in complex with two different peptidoglycan fragments and with the lytic transglycosylase inhibitor bulgecin A. The complexes define four sugar-binding subsites (-2, -1, +1, and +2) and two peptide-binding sites in a large cleft close to Glu162. The Glu162 side chain is between the -1 and +1 sugar-binding sites, in agreement with a function as catalytic acid/base. The complexes suggest additional contributions to catalysis from Ser216 and Asn339, residues which are conserved among the MltB/Slt35 lytic transglycosylases.  相似文献   

The construction of hybrid proteins of PBP1B and PBP3 has been described. One hybrid protein (PBP1B/3) contained the transglycosylase domain of PBP1B and the transpeptidase domain of PBP3. In the other hybrid protein, the putative transglycosylase domain of PBP3 was coupled to the transpeptidase domain of PBP1B (PBP3/1B). The hybrid proteins were localized in the cell envelope in a similar way as the wild-type PBP1B. In vitro isolates of the strains containing the hybrid proteins had a transglycosylase activity intermediate between that of wild-type PBP1B-producing strain and that of a PBP1B overproducer. Analysis with specific antibiotics against PBP1A/1B and PBP3 and mutant analysis in strains containing PBP3/1B revealed no detectable effects in vivo compared with wild-type strains. The same was shown for PBP1B/3 when the experiments were performed in a recA background. The data indicate that the hybrid proteins cannot replace native penicillin-binding proteins. This finding suggests that functional high-molecular-weight penicillin-binding protein specificity is at least in part determined by the unique combination of the two functional domains.  相似文献   

Cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis in Escherichia coli is under stringent control. During amino acid deprivation, peptidoglycan synthesis is inhibited in re1A+ bacteria but not in re1A mutants. The relaxed synthesis of peptidoglycan by amino acid deprived re1A bacteria was inhibited by several beta-lactam antibiotics at concentrations which inhibited cell elongation in growing cultures suggesting that the transpeptidase activity of penicillin-binding protein (PBP-1B) was involved in this process. Structural studies on the peptidoglycan also indicated the involvement of transpeptidation in relaxed peptidoglycan synthesis. The peptidoglycan synthesized during amino acid deprivation was cross-linked to the existing cell wall peptidoglycan, and the degree of cross-linkage was the same as that of peptidoglycan synthesized by growing control cells. The relaxed synthesis of peptidoglycan was also inhibited by moenomycin, an inhibitor of the in vitro transglycosylase activities of PBPs, but the interpretation of this result depends on whether the transglycosylases are the sole targets of moenomycin in vivo. Most of the peptidoglycan lipoprotein synthesized by histidine-deprived re1A+ bacteria was in the free form as previously reported, possibly because of the restriction in peptidoglycan synthesis. In support of this proposal, most of the lipoprotein synthesized during histidine deprivation of re1A mutants was found to be covalently linked to peptidoglycan. Nevertheless, the peptidoglycan synthesized by amino acid deprived re1A bacteria was apparently deficient in bound lipoprotein as compared with peptidoglycan synthesized by normal growing control bacteria suggesting that the rate of lipoprotein synthesis during amino acid deprivation may be limiting.  相似文献   

[3H]Diaminopimelic acid (Dap) was incorporated exclusively into peptidoglycan by Escherichia coli strains auxotrophic for both lysine and Dap. The rate of [3H]Dap incorporation by stringent (rel+) strains was significantly decreased when cells were deprived of required amino acids. The addition of chloramphenicol to amino acid-starved rel+ cultured stimulated both peptidoglycan and ribonucleic acid synthesis. In contrast, a relaxed (relA) derivative incorporated [3H]Dap at comparable rates in the presence or absence of required amino acids. Physiologically significant concentrations of guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) inhibited the in vitro synthesis of both carrier lipid-linked intermediate and peptidoglycan catalyzed by a particulate enzyme system. The degree of inhibition was dependent on the concentration of ppGpp in the reaction mixture. Thus, the results of in vivo and in vitro studies indicate that peptidoglycan synthesis is stringently controlled in E. coli.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of an inactive mutant (D308A) of the lytic transglycosylase MltA from Escherichia coli have been determined in two different apo-forms, as well as in complex with the substrate analogue chitohexaose. The chitohexaose binds with all six saccharide residues in the active site groove, with an intact glycosidic bond at the bond cleavage center. Its binding induces a large reorientation of the two structural domains in MltA, narrowing the active site groove and allowing tight interactions of the oligosaccharide with residues from both domains. The structures identify residues in MltA with key roles in the binding and recognition of peptidoglycan and confirm that Asp-308 is the single catalytic residue, acting as a general acid/base. Moreover, the structures suggest that catalysis involves a high energy conformation of the scissile glycosidic linkage and that the putative oxocarbenium ion intermediate is stabilized by the dipole moment of a nearby alpha-helix.  相似文献   

PBP1B is a major bifunctional murein (peptidoglycan) synthase catalyzing transglycosylation and transpeptidation reactions in Escherichia coli. PBP1B has been shown to form dimers in vivo. The K(D) value for PBP1B dimerization was determined by surface plasmon resonance. The effect of the dimerization of PBP1B on its activities was studied with a newly developed in vitro murein synthesis assay with radioactively labeled lipid II precursor as substrate. Under conditions at which PBP1B dimerizes, the enzyme synthesized murein with long glycan strands (>25 disaccharide units) and with almost 50% of the peptides being part of cross-links. PBP1B was also capable of synthesizing trimeric muropeptide structures. Tri-, tetra-, and pentapeptide compounds could serve as acceptors in the PBP1B-catalyzed transpeptidation reaction.  相似文献   

The absolute configurations of fenvalerate and other related cyanohydrin esters were studied by circular dichroism (CD) measurements and by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Fenvalerate has UV absorption peaks around 278 nm associated with the 1Lb phenyl transitions and corresponding positive CD peaks were observed around 281 nm for the enantiomers of (S)-configuration at the cyanohydrin chiral center. Most of the other cyanohydrin esters also gave positive CD peaks for the enantiomers of (S)-configuration. CD spectra in the 180 to 250 nm range were also studied.

By HPLC, the elution order of the diastereoisomers of cyanohydrin esters were closely correlated with their absolute configuration and the (RS,SR)-pair consistently eluted earlier than the (RR,SS)-pair for α-substituted phenylacetic acid esters.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa soluble lytic transglycosylase (Slt70) from Escherichia coli is an exo-muramidase, that catalyses the cleavage of the glycosidic bonds between N -acetylmuramic acid and N -acetylglucosamine residues in peptidoglycan, the main structural component of the bacterial cell wall. This cleavage is accompanied by the formation of a 1,6-anhydro bond between the C1 and O6 atoms in the N -acetylmuramic acid residue (anhMurNAc). Crystallographic studies at medium resolution revealed that Slt70 is a multi-domain protein consisting of a large ring-shaped alpha-superhelix with on top a catalytic domain, which resembles the fold of goose-type lysozyme. Here we report the crystal structures of native Slt70 and of its complex with a 1,6-anhydromuropeptide solved at nominal resolutions of 1.65 A and 1.90 A, respectively. The high resolution native structure reveals the details on the hydrogen bonds, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions that stabilise the catalytic domain and the alpha-superhelix. The building-block of the alpha-superhelix is an "up-down-up-down" four-alpha-helix bundle involving both parallel and antiparallel helix pairs. Stabilisation of the fold is provided through an extensive packing of apolar atoms, mostly from leucine and alanine residues. It lacks, however, an internal consensus sequence that characterises other super-secondary helical folds like the beta-helix in pectate lyase or the (beta-alpha)-helix in the ribonuclease inhibitor. The 1, 6-anhydromuropeptide product binds in a shallow groove adjacent to the peptidoglycan-binding groove of the catalytic domain. The groove is formed by conserved residues at the interface of the catalytic domain and the alpha-superhelix. The structure of the Slt70-1, 6-anhydromuropeptide complex confirms the presence of a specific binding-site for the peptide moieties of the peptidoglycan and it substantiates the notion that Slt70 starts the cleavage reaction at the anhMurNAc end of the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

The localization of penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2) in Escherichia coli has been studied using a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)-PBP2 fusion protein. PBP2 localized in the bacterial envelope in a spot-like pattern and also at mid-cell during cell division. PBP2 disappeared from mid-cell just before separation of the two daughter cells. It localized with a preference for the cylindrical part of the bacterium in comparison with the old cell poles, which are known to be inert with respect to peptidoglycan synthesis. In contrast to subunits of the divisome, PBP2 failed to localize at mid-cell when PBP3 was inhibited by the specific antibiotic aztreonam. Therefore, despite its dependency on active PBP3 for localization at mid-cell, it seems not to be an integral part of the divisome. Cells grown for approximately half a mass doubling time in the presence of the PBP2 inhibitor mecillinam synthesized nascent cell poles with an increased diameter, indicating that PBP2 is required for the maintenance of the correct diameter of the new cell pole.  相似文献   

Five moeA mutants were generated by replacing some conserved amino acids of MoeA by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutants were assayed for the ability to restore in vivo nitrate reductase activity of the moeA mutant Escherichia coli JRG97 and in vitro Neurospora crassa nit-1 nitrate reductase activity. The replacements Asp59AlaGly60Ala, Asp259Ala, Pro298AlaPro301Ala abolished the function of MoeA in Mo-molybdopterin formation and stabilization, reflected in the inability to restore nitrate reductase activity. The replacements Gly251AlaGly252Ala reduced, and that of Pro283Ala had no effect, on nitrate reductase activity. E. coli JRG97 cells transformed with mutants that failed to restore nitrate reductase activity showed by HPLC analysis a decreased level of molybdopterin-derived dephospho FormA as compared to bacteria transformed with wild-type moeA. The effects of the amino acid replacements on MoeA function may be explained in correlation with the MoeA crystal structure.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase mutants of Escherichia coli are resistant to amdinocillin (mecillinam), a beta-lactam antibiotic which specifically binds penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2) and prevents cell wall elongation with concomitant cell death. The leuS(Ts) strain, in which leucyl-tRNA synthetase is temperature sensitive, was resistant to amdinocillin at 37 degrees C because of an increased guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) pool resulting from partial induction of the stringent response, but it was sensitive to amdinocillin at 25 degrees C. We constructed a leuS(Ts) delta (rodA-pbpA)::Kmr strain, in which the PBP2 structural gene is deleted. This strain grew as spherical cells at 37 degrees C but was not viable at 25 degrees C. After a shift from 37 to 25 degrees C, the ppGpp pool decreased and cell division was inhibited; the cells slowly carried out a single division, increased considerably in volume, and gradually lost viability. The cell division inhibition was reversible when the ppGpp pool increased at high temperature, but reversion required de novo protein synthesis, possibly of septation proteins. The multicopy plasmid pZAQ, overproducing the septation proteins FtsZ, FtsA, and FtsQ, conferred amdinocillin resistance on a wild-type strain and suppressed the cell division inhibition in the leuS(Ts) delta (rodA-pbpA)::Kmr strain at 25 degrees C. The plasmid pAQ, in which the ftsZ gene is inactivated, did not confer amdinocillin resistance. These results lead us to hypothesize that the nucleotide ppGpp activates ftsZ expression and thus couples cell division to protein synthesis.  相似文献   

As one of the final steps in the bacterial growth cycle, daughter cells must be released from one another by cutting the shared peptidoglycan wall that separates them. In Escherichia coli, this delicate operation is performed by several peptidoglycan hydrolases, consisting of multiple amidases, lytic transglycosylases, and endopeptidases. The interactions among these enzymes and the molecular mechanics of how separation occurs without lysis are unknown. We show here that deleting the endopeptidase PBP 4 from strains lacking AmiC produces long chains of unseparated cells, indicating that PBP 4 collaborates with the major peptidoglycan amidases during cell separation. Another endopeptidase, PBP 7, fulfills a secondary role. These functions may be responsible for the contributions of PBPs 4 and 7 to the generation of regular cell shape and the production of normal biofilms. In addition, we find that the E. coli peptidoglycan amidases may have different substrate preferences. When the dd-carboxypeptidase PBP 5 was deleted, thereby producing cells with higher levels of pentapeptides, mutants carrying only AmiC produced a higher percentage of cells in chains, while mutants with active AmiA or AmiB were unaffected. The results suggest that AmiC prefers to remove tetrapeptides from peptidoglycan and that AmiA and AmiB either have no preference or prefer pentapeptides. Muropeptide compositions of the mutants corroborated this latter conclusion. Unexpectedly, amidase mutants lacking PBP 5 grew in long twisted chains instead of straight filaments, indicating that overall septal morphology was also defective in these strains.  相似文献   

D-Alanine-requiring cell wall mutant of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
K Olden  S Ito    T H Wilson 《Journal of bacteriology》1975,122(3):1310-1321
A mutant of Escherichia coli is described whose cells show a spherical or irregular morphology, associated with leakage of beta-galactosidase and other intracellular proteins. The expression of the morphologic abnormality is most marked when the mutant is grown in rich media and is suppressed by D-alamine, D-serine, D-glutamate, or glycine supplementation. D-Alanine is the most effective amino acid supplement, half maximally supressing this anomalous property at a concentration of 75 mug/ml, as measured by the reduction in beta-galactosidase released from the cells. The mutant is more sensitive to penicillin G, D-methionine, and D-valine and it is relatively resistant to lysozyme. These phenotypic abnormalities are likewise corrected by the above supplementations. The relative rates of peptidoglycan synthesis in mutant and parent, grown under restrictive conditions, were measured both in vivo and in vitro by rates of incorporation of L-[14-D]alanine and uridine-5'-diphosphate-N-acetyl-D-[1-15C-A1-glucosamine, respectively. There is not metabolic block in the biosynthesis of uridine-5'-diphosphate-N-acetyl-muramyl-pentapeptide as shown by enzymic analysis and the lack of accumulation of uridine-5'-diphosphate-N-acetylmuramyl-peptide precursors. These preliminary studies suggest that the mutant possesses a defect in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan although the exact lesion has not yet been established.  相似文献   

During diaminopimelic acid starvation of Escherichia coli W7, a large fraction of the preexisting murein cross-links are opened by murein endopeptidase and the resulting uncross-linked material is degraded. This is reflected morphologically in a general loss of rigidity of the murein sacculus long before lysis occurs. In growing cells, a dynamic situation is demonstrable. When cells whose murein sacculi are uniformly labeled with [14C]diaminopimelic acid were chased with unlabeled DAP, a significant, rapid shift of [14C]diaminopimelic acid from the donor to the acceptor half of dimers was observed. The shift can be explained by the presence of about 100 separate sites where new murein strands were being inserted between old radioactive strands of murein. Thus, the gradual loss of rigidity of the murein sacculus as endopeptidase continues to function during starvation of E. coli W7 suggests an even distribution of the active endopeptidases. This is consistent with the kinetic data which suggest that endopeptidase, along with murein synthetase and transpeptidase, acts at about 100 distinct sites to elongate the murein sacculus.  相似文献   

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