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We studied the indirect effects of an aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum on density and performance of herbivorous insects through tending ants and modification of plant traits on a tall goldenrod Solidago altissima in Japan. To examine ant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on the leafhopper and geometrid moth caterpillars, we conducted an experiment in which we manipulated aphid densities. The aphid decreased the density of these herbivorous insects through ant-mediated indirect effects, because honeydew scattered by the aphid-attracted ants that then removed them. To examine plant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on two temporally separated insects, a scale insect and a grasshopper, we compared the density and performance of these herbivorous insects on aphid-inoculated plants and aphid-free plants. Aphid-induced plant modifications had different effects on the scale insect and grasshopper. The aphid indirectly decreased the density and survivorship of the scale insect. On the other hand, the number of grasshoppers increased as a result of the increased number of leaves and the increased nitrogen content induced by prior aphid feeding. However, aphid infestation did not affect the survival of the grasshopper. Thus, the aphid has large indirect effects on co-occurring herbivorous insects through the removal behavior of tending ants and on temporally separated herbivorous insects through changes in quality and quantity of the tall goldenrod.  相似文献   

Summary We tested predictions of sex allocation theory with a series of field experiments on sex allocation in an herbivorous, haplodiploid, sawfly, Euura lasiolepis. Our experiments demonstrated the following points. 1) Adult females allocated progeny sex in response to plant growth. 2) Population sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased where plant growth was slow and female-biased where plant growth was rapid. 3) Family sex ratios varied in response to plant quality, being male-biased on slow-growing plants and female-biased on rapidly-growing plants. 4) Female fitness increased more rapidly as the result of developing on more rapidly-growing plants than male mass. We conclude from these results that there are unequal returns on investment in male and female progeny. This results in facultatively biased sawfly sex ratios as an adaptive response to variation in plant quality.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of root herbivory by larvae of the scarabaeid, Phyllopertha horticola, on the growth of Capsella bursa-pastoris were examined. Individuals of Aphis fabae were reared on the leaves to determine what effect, if any, root feeding has on the performance of this insect. The experiment was conducted under two watering regimes (low and high). Low watering and root feeding caused water stress in the plants and this was reflected in a reduction in vegetative biomass and an increase in the proportion of material allocated to reproduction. Supplying plants with ample water in the high treatment enabled the water stress caused by root herbivory to be offset, but not completely overcome. Low watering and root feeding caused an increase in aphid weight and growth rate, while root feeding also increased fecundity and adult longevity. These effects are attributed to an improvement in food quality, measured by total soluble nitrogen, and caused by amino acid mobilization due to the water stress. The implications of these results in agricultural and ecological situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have emphasised that community composition alters species trait evolution. Here, we demonstrate that differences in composition of local herbivore communities lead to divergent trait evolution of the leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora through plant‐mediated indirect interactions. Our field surveys, genetic analyses and community‐manipulation experiments show that herbivore community composition determines the degree of herbivore‐induced regrowth of willows (Salicaceae), which in turn, promotes the divergent evolution of feeding preference in the leaf beetle from exclusive preference for new leaves to a lack of preference among leaf‐age types. Regrowth intensity depends both on the differential response of willows to different herbivore species and the integration of those herbivore species in the community. Because herbivore‐induced regrowth involves phenological changes in new leaf production, leaf beetle populations develop divergent feeding preferences according to local regrowth intensity. Therefore, herbivore community composition shapes the selection regime for leaf beetle evolution through trait‐mediated indirect interactions.  相似文献   

沙门菌病(Salmonellosis)是全世界最普遍的食源性疾病之一,不仅对养殖业造成经济损失,还对人类安全构成威胁。禽沙门菌感染肠道后,可诱导肠上皮细胞表达多种TLRs和炎症反应的发生,在分泌的趋化因子作用下免疫效应细胞迁移到感染部位。细菌通过肠上皮细胞屏障后被巨噬细胞或树突状细胞吞噬,其中巨噬细胞是沙门菌的主要定殖场所。天然免疫系统将抗原递呈给淋巴细胞后,机体能够在2–3周内通过以Th1为主的免疫应答清除在肠道和深层组织中的沙门菌。而宿主特异性血清型鸡白痢沙门菌从肠道侵入后,在肝脾和其他器官中定殖,进而引发全身感染。早期感染阶段不会引起肠道炎症反应,主要诱导以Th2为主的免疫应答,而Th1型应答相对较弱,有利于鸡白痢沙门菌在机体内的持续存在和感染。本文围绕禽沙门菌的致病机理和免疫应答特性进行阐述,尤其对鸡白痢沙门菌免疫逃逸和持续载菌的特性进行深入分析,为禽沙门菌病的防控提供新靶标和新见解。  相似文献   

Adaptation of the gypsy moth to an unsuitable host plant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pattern of adaptation with regard to life history traits and traits thought to be important in feeding habits of caterpillars in two populations of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) originating from the locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia; Fabaceae) and oak (Quercus petrea; Fagaceae) forests were investigated in the laboratory. The Robinia population has experienced unsuitable locust tree leaves as an exclusive food resource for more than 40 years. Since Quercus species are the principal host plants of the gypsy moth, the specific objectives of this study have been to measure the extent of differentiation between ancestral and derived populations in several life history traits (egg-to-adult viability, duration of larval and pupal stages, and pupal weight) and nutritional indices – relative growth rate (RGR), relative consumption rate (RCR), assimilation efficiency (AD), gross growth efficiency (ECI), and net growth efficiency (ECD). Significant differences between the Quercus and Robinia populations were detected in pupal duration, RGR, RCR, and AD. The presence of a significant population × host interaction in traits such as preadult viability, duration of pupal stage, RGR, and ECI suggests that adaptation of the gypsy moth to the unsuitable host might be ongoing. Using a full-sib design, we screened for genetic variation in life history traits within both populations, and examined the genetic correlations of performance across oak and locust leaves within both populations. The genetic variances for analyzed life history traits were lower under conditions that are commonly encountered in nature. Our data show that positive cross-host genetic correlations preponderate within both populations.  相似文献   

The resistance of accession PI 134417 of the wild tomato Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull to Manduca sexta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Spingidae) and Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is conditioned by the high densities of 2-tridecanone-containing, glandular trichomes associated with the foliage. In laboratory experiments, rates of parasitism of M. sexta eggs by Telenomus sphingis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) were lower among eggs on PI 134417 foliage than among eggs on foliage of the cultivated tomato L. esculentum Mill. (cv. Better Boy). The latter is characterized by a significantly lower density of type VI glandular trichomes than PI 134417 and an absence of 2-tridecanone. Parasitism by T. sphingis was also reduced among eggs on foliage of the F1 hybrid between PI 134417 and L. esculentum. The hybrid foliage lacks 2-tridecanone but has a density of type VI glandular trichomes that is intermediate between those of PI 134417 and L. esculentum, indicating that elevated densities of type VI glandular trichomes adversely affect T. sphingis. This conclusion was further substantiated by the finding that there were no differences among plant lines in the levels of parasitism of M. sexta eggs when the eggs were on foliage that had been divested of glandular trichomes.In bioassays in which T. sphingis adults or immatures in host eggs were exposed to filter paper treated with 2-tridecanone at rates comparable to those associated with PI 134417 foliage, 2-tridecanone was acutely toxic and caused high levels of mortality. In addition, at high concentrations, 2-tridecanone vapors were repellent to T. sphingis adults. However, when exposed to PI 134417 foliage, few T. sphingis adults were killed.Parasitism of M. sexta eggs was unaffected when the eggs were deposited by moths reared as fifth instar larvae on diet containing 2-tridecanone and/or 2-undecanone at levels comparable to those associated with PI 134417 foliage.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress factors can interfere with the emission of herbivore-induced plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and thus disrupt chemical communication channels between plants and other organisms. We investigated whether copper (Cu) stress alone or in conjunction with insect damage modifies the kinetics of (1) VOCs, (2) the VOC-inducing phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) and (3) its putative antagonist salicylic acid (SA). Hydroponically grown Zea mays exposed to 10 and 80 µM of Cu showed no increases in JA or VOC levels in the absence of herbivory. However when challenged by herbivores, Cu (80 µM) caused ROS generation in root tissues and primed for increased JA accumulation and VOC emission in leaves. SA synthesis was equally primed but higher concentrations were also apparent before insects started feeding. In contrast, plants grown at 10 µM Cu did not differ from controls. These results show that abiotic and biotic stresses result in concentration-dependent, non-additive defense responses. Further support is given to the notion that JA-SA antagonism is absent in Z. mays.  相似文献   

Recently the role of micro-organisms as mediators of plant-herbivore interactions has been increasingly acknowledged in ecological research. We investigated the interaction between an unspecialized root fungal endophyte (Acremonium strictum) and the polyphagous moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in greenhouse and laboratory bioassays. Specifically we examined in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) the systemic effects of the endophytic fungus on the host selection behaviour of female moths for oviposition and the volatile profiles of host plants to understand the mechanisms acting in this multi-trophic model system. Both laboratory and field strains of H. armigera moths oviposited more on leaves of A. strictum inoculated plants as compared to endophyte-free plants, both in free flight cages and in tethered moth laboratory experiments; the moth’s preferences were significant between 10 and 18 days after inoculation. The analysis of volatile profiles showed strong quantitative differences between treatments. Endophyte inoculated plants emitted diverse terpenes and sesquiterpenes at significantly lower amounts as compared to endophyte free-plants, except for α-terpinene, which did not differ between the treatments, and trans-β-caryophyllene, which was emitted in significantly higher amounts on inoculated plants. β-Thujene and α-phellandrene accounted for 73.3 and 12.0% of total amounts of volatiles emitted from endophyte-free and inoculated plants, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that A. strictum is able to systemically influence the host selection of H. armigera moths for oviposition; conceivably mediated by the induced changes in volatile emissions (and probably additional biochemical parameters of the host plants, which have not been analysed so far). We argue for a more detailed assessment of micro-organisms invisibly colonizing plants, when studying plant-herbivore or multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   

Toxic plants with sequestering specialists are presented with a problem because plant derived toxins protect herbivores against natural enemies. It has been suggested that early induction of toxins and later relaxation of these defenses may help the plant resolve this problem because neonate caterpillars incur the physiological cost of dealing with toxins in early life, but are denied toxins when they are able to sequester them efficiently. In California, the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), feed exclusively on Aristolochia californica Torrey (Aristolochiaceae), an endemic vine that contains toxic alkaloids called aristolochic acids that caterpillars sequester to provide chemical defense in immature and adult stages. In a field experiment, the concentration of aristolochic acids doubled in the plant following leaf damage and returned to constitutive levels after six days. Neonate pipevine swallowtail caterpillars showed no aversion to high levels of aristolochic acid in a preference test. Caterpillars reared on leaves with supplemented aristolochic acid showed no physiological cost or increased mortality compared to caterpillars reared on un-supplemented leaves. Searching efficiency and capture rate of lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla), a common predator of first instar caterpillars, was compromised significantly after feeding on caterpillars reared on leaves with supplemented concentrations of aristolochic acid compared to caterpillars feeding on control plants. Additionally, mortality of lacewings increased when they were provided with a diet of B. philenor caterpillars reared on supplemented leaves compared to caterpillars reared on control leaves. Thus, the induction of aristolochic acids in the plant following leaf damage does not resolve the problem confronted by the plant and may confer benefits to this sequestering specialist.  相似文献   

Constraints on an induced defense: the role of leaf area   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Folivory results in both leaf damage and the loss of photosynthetic capacity. Leaf damage activates the production of induced defenses, but diminished photosynthetic capacity resulting from lost leaf area may impair a plant's ability to respond defensively. Because damage-induced nicotine production in Nicotiana sylvestris (Solanaceae) is an energy-demanding, active process, we predicted that the loss of leaf area would constrain this plant's ability to produce an induced nicotine pool. We examined our prediction in an experiment which combined leaf puncture and removal protocols, quantified induced nicotine pools on a whole-plant basis, and accounted for losses in the nicotine pool due to removed leaves and lost growth potential. In contrast to our prediction, leaf removal did little to diminish the growth-corrected estimates of the induced nicotine pool in plants with sufficient damage cue; only when plants had lost 88% or more of their leaf area did the induced nicotine pool decline significantly. These results demonstrate that the induced defense is relatively insensitive to current photosynthetic capacity. In contrast to the size of the induced nicotine pool, the concentration of nicotine in the remaining shoot tissues continued to rise as puncture damage increased over all defoliation levels tested. The mechanisms responsible for inducible nicotine production may have evolved as a means of providing shoot tissues with protection that is proportional to the amount of damage incurred while keeping production costs constant for the remaining plant parts.  相似文献   

In this study, interactive effects of plant competition and herbivory on plant quality and herbivore development were examined in a greenhouse experiment where cabbage plants [Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata (Brassicaceae)] were intercropped with red clover [Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae)]. Cabbages were grown with two red clover densities and attack rates by the root feeding herbivore the turnip root fly, Delia floralis Fall. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Above ground and below ground cabbage biomass was reduced through intercropping and larval damage. Intercropping also resulted in lower nitrogen and higher carbon root levels compared with levels in the roots of monocultured cabbage. Furthermore, both root nitrogen and carbon levels increased with herbivory. Root neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and lignin content increased in response to both increased plant competition and higher egg densities. For lignin, an interaction effect was observed in the form of elevated levels in intercropped plants subjected to larval damage, while levels in roots of monocultured cabbage remained unchanged. The quality changes brought about by clover competition affected D. floralis development negatively, which resulted in reduced pupal weight. In addition, increased egg density also decreased larval growth. The effects on the development of D. floralis in relation to host plant quality are discussed. Handling editor: Gimme Walter  相似文献   

The low degree of infection ofHedysarum coronarium L. (sulla) exposed to inoculum of the VAM endophyteGlomus caledonium was investigated. Infection began after a prolonged lag phase and remained at very low levels even after three months’ growth. Neither very high rates of inoculum, nor very low P content of the soil raised the low infection level of the sulla plants. There appeared to be some differences in rate of infection among ten different ecotypes of sulla but the level of infection remained low in all cases. In all tested populations some plants remained uninfected. The low infection rate of sulla may therefore have a genetic basis. It was shown that the growth ofH. coronarium is hardly improved by phosphate fertilization. This may explain the poor response of this plant species, adapted to grow in nutrient-deficient soil, to VAM. Programmes aimed at increasing the productivity in marginal soils through the introduction of efficient VAM endophytes should take into account the fact that certain plant species growing in marginal soils may not always benefit from mycorrhizal inoculation, due to their inherently low mycorrhizal dependency.  相似文献   

A regulatory hrpL non-virulent mutant of Erwinia amylovora is effective in controlling fire blight disease when inoculated on apple seedlings simultaneously with the pathogenic parental strain. Mechanisms involved in this protective effect were investigated. The use of two marker genes, uidA and lacZ, expressed in the hrpL mutant and the pathogenic strain, respectively, allowed to localize simultaneously the two inoculated strains in plant tissue. An anti-β-glucuronidase antibody was also used to detect the hrpL mutant. Both techniques indicated that the two strains localized mainly in separate areas of the leaf tissue. In addition, leaves infiltrated with the hrpL mutant exhibited a significant increase in peroxidase activity in contrast to a hrp secretion mutant known to be less effective in the protection. It is suggested that protection obtained with the hrpL mutant relies on the physical separation between the mutant and the parental strain after co-inoculation and the rapid and sustained activation of plant defense mechanisms in reactive tissue, i.e. not invaded by the virulent strain.  相似文献   

The responses of gravid female cabbage root flies, Delia radicum (L.), to brassica odour and allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) presented in either a discrete plume or uniformly dispersed in air passing through a wind tunnel were investigated. Relatively fast, straight flights occurred in diffuse odour conditions, while in discrete plumes flights were slower with more frequent changes of direction.Flies maintained a constant ground speed and track angle over the straight legs of their flight tracks in two different wind speeds by changing air speed and course. As flies approached an odour source in a discrete plume ground speed was progressively decreased and frequency of turning increased but track angles remained constant. This was achieved by reducing air speed and course angle.Flies released at increasing distances from an odour source moved upwind towards it in a series of short flights, the number relating to distance.The results are discussed in the light of current theories of anemotactic odour source locations and a sequence of orientated behaviour for host plant finding is proposed.
Les réactions olfactives de Delia radicum à l'allylisothiocyanate volatil émis par les plantes-hôtes
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les réactions de femelles fécondées de Delia radicum L. à l'odour de chou et à l'allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) offerts, soit sous forme d'un fin panache, soit uniformément répartis dans l'air traversant un tunnel à vent.Avec une odeur diffuse les vols étaient relativement rapides et rectilignes, tandis qu'avec un fin panache les vols étaient plus lents avec des changements de direction plus fréquents.En présence de deux vitesses du courant d'air les mouches ont maintenu leur vitesse au sol et leur angle de vol par rapport à la direction du déplacement constants en modifiant leur vitesse de vol et leur direction.Quand les mouches approchaient de la source odorante dans un fin panache, la vitesse au sol diminuait progressivement et la fréquence des virages augmentait, les angles de vol restant constant. Ceci était obtenu en réduisant de la vitesse de l'air et l'angle du déplacement.Les mouches paraissent utiliser une anémotaxie optomotrice et mécanique pendant la localisation de l'hôte. Les résultats sont discutés à la lumière des théories classiques sur la localisation anémotactique des sources odorantes.

Summary Loblolly pines (Pinus taeda) are rapidly killed by colonizing southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). The female beetles carry two species of fungi (Ceratocystis minor var. barrasii and an unnamed basidiomycete) within a mycangium. The insects are also frequently associated with a blue-staining form of C. minor. These fungi are inoculated into the tree during colonization. The tree has an induced defensive response that involves resin soaking and necrosis of affected tissue isolating the invading organlsms. The blue-staining fungus stimulates formation of this response in the tree, but the two mycangial fungi do not. These results suggest that the beetles are closely associated with two highly pathogenic fungi that do not stimulate one of the critical components of tree defense.  相似文献   

Performance of nymphs and adults of the southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) feeding on immature fruits of radish,Raphanus raphanistrum L. (Brassicaceae) was poor compared with feeding on immature soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] pods, but a change from radish to soybean from nymph to adult alleviated some of the detrimental effects of this food on adult performance. Over 50% of nymphs died on radish, while only 15% died on soybean. To complete nymph development (stadia 2 through 5), male and female nymphs required 9.5 and 13.3 days longer on radish compared to soybean. Fresh body weight of 1-d-old adult females and males was ≅65% greater for those reared as nymphs on soybean than on radish, with females being significantly heavier than males on both foods. Survivorship and longevity of females, however, was greater for those fed on radish as nymphs and as adults, as compared to those that fed on soybean or radish followed by soybean. Males lived longer when fed exclusively on soybean. In general, reproductive performance and percentage gain in adult body weight was greatest for insects fed on soybean only, and were better for those whose food was switched from nymph to adult, as compared to those insects fed on radish solely.  相似文献   

【背景】蝇蛹俑小蜂是实蝇类害虫蛹期重要的寄生蜂之一。有关植物果实和寄主挥发物在蝇蛹俑小蜂寻找寄主过程中的作用尚不明确。【方法】采用"Y"型嗅觉仪测试了寄主和果实(健康果实和虫害诱导果实)对蝇蛹俑小蜂的引诱作用。【结果】虫伤1 d的番石榴和杨桃果实对蝇蛹佣小蜂雌蜂具有显著的引诱作用;寄主蛹——3日龄橘小实蝇蛹和4日龄瓜实蝇蛹对蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂也具有显著的引诱作用。蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂对雄蜂有显著的吸引作用。橘小实蝇性诱剂甲基丁香酚对蝇蛹俑小蜂的搜索行为则无显著影响。【结论与意义】寄主蛹和幼虫危害1 d的果实能释放对蝇蛹俑小蜂有引诱作用的物质,这可为利用蝇蛹俑小蜂防治实蝇类害虫提供基础信息。  相似文献   

S Chi  W Cai  P Liu  Z Zhang  X Chen  L Gao  J Qi  L Bi  L Chen    Z Qi 《Cell death & disease》2010,1(1):e13
Stroke is a long-term disability and one of the leading causes of death. However, no successful therapeutic intervention is available for the majority of stroke patients. In this study, we explored a traditional Chinese medicine Baifuzi (Typhonium giganteum Engl.). We show, at first, that the ethanol extract of Baifuzi exerts neuroprotective effects against brain damage induced by transient global or focal cerebral ischemia in rats and mice. Second, the extract activated large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) channels, and BKCa channel blockade suppressed the neuroprotection of the extract, suggesting that the BKCa is the molecular target of Baifuzi. Third, Baifuzi cerebroside (Baifuzi-CB), purified from its ethanol extract, activated BKCa channels in a manner similar to that of the extract. Fourth, the stress axis hormone-regulated exon (STREX) domain of the BKCa channel directly interacted with Baifuzi-CB, and its deletion suppressed channel activation by Baifuzi-CB. These results indicate that Baifuzi-CB activated the BKCa channel through its direct interaction with the STREX domain of the channel and suggests that Baifuzi-CB merits exploration as a potential therapeutic agent for treating brain ischemia.  相似文献   

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