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The ecosystem approach to environmental management is viewed by many as being fundamental to the development of appropriate management strategies. While this approach represents a major advance in the way researchers view environmental assessment, the approach in itself does not provide practical information as to what questions to ask and what tools to use in assessing and managing ecosystems. Similarly, the concept of ecosystem health, as it is usually defined, has little practical value for ecosystem managers. We suggest the next stage in environmental assessment will be the development of specific frameworks designed to assess individual ecosystems. Of primary importance is the need to consider the basic structure and function of the ecosystem itself. Such consideration, together with explicit identification of anthropogenic stresses particular to the system, serves to identify those components most at risk and those issues most deserving of attention. Researchers should explore critical linkages between environmental stressors and their observable, measurable and predictable effects on ecological parameters and use this understanding to develop a management strategy that incorporates appropriate ecological indicators. The importance of these considerations will be illustrated using examples from the Northern River Basins Study.  相似文献   

1. An Index of Stream Condition (ISC) has been developed to assist broad scale management of waterways by providing an integrated measure of their environmental condition. 2. The ISC provides scores for five components of stream condition: (i) hydrology (based on change in volume and seasonality of flow from natural conditions); (ii) physical form (based on bank stability, bed erosion or aggradation, influence of artificial barriers, and abundance and origin of coarse woody debris); (iii) streamside zone (based on types of plants; spatial extent, width, and intactness of riparian vegetation; regeneration of overstorey species, and condition of wetlands and billabongs); (iv) water quality (based on an assessment of phosphorus, turbidity, electrical conductivity and pH); and (v) aquatic life (based on number of families of macroinvertebrates). 3. The ISC is intended for use by managers at state and regional levels and can be used to report on stream condition, assist with priority setting, judge the long-term effectiveness of rehabilitation programs and assist with adaptive management. The best available scientific information was used by a multidisciplinary group of scientists and managers to create a stream assessment procedure that can be used routinely by people with limited scientific training. 4. ISC development included trials in four catchments in Victoria, Australia. Over 80 stream reaches were assessed and the results were used to refine the ISC to improve the ease of measurement and ensure that outcomes met the expectations of users. The ISC is now available to be used more widely for reporting on stream condition.  相似文献   

This paper provides a synthesis of the presentations made by participants at the International Symposium on Aquatic Ecosystem Health (July 23–26, 1990, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). A working definition of the ecosystem concept and a framework for defining ecosystem health, are proposed, based on both hard and soft science. Assessment of ecosystem health can be approached either from the bottom up (reductionist approach) or from the top down (holistic approach). The Symposium clearly followed the former approach; present approaches to science and management are also generally reductionist. It is argued that realistic solutions require primarily holistic approaches; such are often claimed but rarely attained. Reductionist approaches are useful for diagnosis and prediction (i.e., warning of potential problems), provided that they are based on appropriate statistical, biological, and societal levels of significance.  相似文献   

基于有害干扰的森林生态系统健康评价指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁菲  张星耀  梁军 《生态学报》2012,32(3):964-973
在分析国内外提出的众多森林生态系统健康评价指标的不足后,对评价指标进行研究和筛选。最终在森林生态系统健康评价指标体系的构建上提出了一个新的思路,即从森林火灾、林业有害生物、大气污染、人为有害干扰以及森林生态系统内部的增益干扰5个方面选取20个指标构建森林生态系统健康评价指标体系。其中森林火灾干扰包括平均降水量、平均气温、郁闭度、海拔、坡度、坡向、易燃树种的比例和林道距离8个指标,林业有害生物包括有害生物等级、危害程度和寄主树的比例3个指标,大气污染干扰通过叶片、土壤和污染物的分析测定,人为有害干扰包括森林经营措施、采伐措施和林下植被管理3个方面,而森林生态系统内部的增益干扰由物种多样性、群落结构和近自然度3个指标构成。同时对关键评价指标的意义进行了具体分析。此指标体系摒弃传统的评价观念,结合了近年来影响全国森林健康的几个重要原因,更能准确的反应目前森林生态系统的健康状况。研究思路和方法的提出在一定程度上可以丰富森林生态系统健康评价研究理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. In Europe, water policy is currently undergoing considerable change as emphasised by the recent European Water Framework Directive (WFD), which requires the restoration and maintenance of 'healthy' aquatic ecosystems by the assessment of their hydromorphological, chemical and biological characteristics. If the requirements of the WFD are to be met, effective biological tools are needed to measure the 'health' of rivers at scales large enough to be useful for management. These tools need to be ecologically based, efficient, rapid and applicable in different ecological regions. Among potential indicators, fish assemblages are of particular interest because of their ability to integrate environmental variability at different spatial scales. To meet the goals of the WFD, the French Water Agencies and the Ministry of the Environment initiated a research programme to develop a fish-based index that would be applicable nationwide.
2. A variety of metrics based on occurrence and abundance data and reflecting different aspects of the fish assemblage structure and function were selected from available literature and for their potential to indicate degradation.
3. Logistic and multiple linear regression procedures were applied, using an initial data set of 650 reference sites fairly evenly distributed across French rivers and defined by some easily measured regional and local characteristics, to elaborate the simplest possible response model that adequately explained the observed patterns of each metric for a given site.
4. Models obtained for each metric were validated using two independent data sets of 88 reference sites and 88 disturbed sites. These procedures allowed us to select the most effective metrics in discriminating between reference and disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Estuarine habitats, and the fish assemblages associated with them, are potentially impacted upon by many anthropogenic influences which can have a direct influence on the food resources, distribution, diversity, breeding, abundance, growth, survival and behaviour of both resident and migrant fish species. The direct and indirect coupling between ichthyofaunal communities and human impacts on estuaries reinforces the choice of this taxonomic group as a biological indicator that can assist in the formulation of environmental and ecological quality objectives, and in the setting of environmental and ecological quality standards for these systems. This review examines the rationale and value of selecting fishes as bio-indicators of human induced changes within estuaries, using examples from both the northern and southern hemispheres. The monitoring of estuarine 'health' using fish studies at the individual and community level is discussed, with an emphasis on the potential use of estuarine fishes and their monitoring and surveillance in national and international management programmes. In illustrating the above concept, examples are presented of the way in which fishes are threatened by anthropogenic impacts and of the way in which teleosts can contribute to a monitoring of estuarine ecosystem health.  相似文献   

In the last decades, soil is facing numerous environmental threats and climatic changes that are causing a rapid decline of soil fertility and biodiversity. Soil organic matter (SOM), has the most widely recognized influence on soil quality, but it hardly puts in evidence processes associated to the new soil threats, because of its insensitivity in assessing soil quality changes in the short-term. A series of chemical and biochemical analyses were carried out in agricultural and forestry soil ecosystems subjected to different threats, to identify the parameters that better evidence changes in soil characteristics in a short term, but the identification of basic universal indicators and the choice of the number of estimated measures are still under investigation and discussion. The main aim of this paper was to identify biochemical markers to be used routinely and applicable to different soil ecosystems, as early warning indicators of alteration in soil ecosystem functioning. The results obtained allowed to identify three indicators, microbial biomass (MBC), water soluble phenols (WSP), and fluorescein diacetate hydrolase (FDA), as effective tools in the evaluation of soil quality changes in the short term, showing also a threat-indicator specificity. MBC reflected changes mainly induced by abiotic stress, FDA displayed modification caused by climate, and WSP pointed out alteration due to the organic amendment.  相似文献   

Dead animal biomass (carrion) is present in all terrestrial ecosystems, and its consumption, decomposition, and dispersal can have measurable effects on vertebrates, invertebrates, microbes, parasites, plants, and soil. But despite the number of studies examining the influence of carrion on food webs, there has been no attempt to identify how general ecological processes around carrion might be used as an ecosystem indicator. We suggest that knowledge of scavenging and decomposition rates, scavenger diversity, abundance, and behavior around carrion, along with assessments of vegetation, soil, microbe, and parasite presence, can be used individually or in combination to understand food web dynamics. Monitoring carrion could also assist comparisons of ecosystem processes among terrestrial landscapes and biomes. Although there is outstanding research needed to fully integrate carrion ecology and monitoring into ecosystem management, we see great potential in using carrion as an ecosystem indicator of an intact and functional food web.  相似文献   

Algae as indicators of environmental change   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Despite an increased awareness by governments and the general public of the need for protecting all types of aquatic habitats, human impacts continue to impair the services that these ecosystems provide. Increased monitoring activities that locus on all major biological compartments are needed to quantify the present condition of Earth's aquatic resources and to evaluate the effectiveness of regulations designed to rehabilitate damaged ecosystems. Algae are an ecologically important group in most aquatic ecosystems but are often ignored as indicators of aquatic ecosystem change. We attribute this situation both to an underappreciation of the utility of algal indicators among non-phycologists and to a lack of standardized methods for monitoring with algae.Because of their nutritional needs and their position at the base of aquatic foodwebs, algal indicators provide relatively unique information concerning ecosystem condition compared with commonly used animal indicators. Algae respond rapidly and predictably to a wide range of pollutants and, thus, provide potentially useful early warning signals of deteriorating conditions and the possible causes. Algal assemblages provide one of the few benchmarks for establishing historical water quality conditions and for characterizing the minimally impacted biological condition of many disturbed ecosystems. Preliminary comparisons suggest that algal indicators are a cost-effective monitoring tool as well.Based on available evidence from field studies, we recommend development of taxonomic indicators based on diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) as a standardized protocol for monitoring ecosystem change. Both population- and community-level indices have inherent strengths, and limitations and information from both levels of biological organization should be utilized in tandem. However, further information concerning species tolerances to a variety of anthropogenic stressors is needed if autecological indices are to be used routinely for monitoring purposes. While functional measures (e.g. productivity) may also prove useful as monitoring tools, further investigation is required to characterize the reliability of alternative methodologies and to assess the consistency of these indicators under varying field conditions.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the feasibility of bacteriophages as a complementary tool for water quality assessment in surface waters from different parts of the globe. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faecal coliform bacteria, enterococci, spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia, somatic coliphages, F-specific RNA bacteriophages and bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis were determined by standardized methods in raw sewage and in 392 samples of river water from 22 sampling sites in 10 rivers in Argentina, Colombia, France and Spain, which represent very different climatic and socio-economic conditions. The results showed that the indicators studied maintained the same relative densities in the raw sewage from the different areas. Classifying the river water samples according to the content of faecal coliform bacteria, it can be observed that the relative densities of the different bacterial indicators and bacteriophages changed according to the concentration of faecal coliform bacteria. There was a relative increase in the densities of all groups of bacteriophages and sulphite-reducing clostridia with respect to faecal coliforms and enterococci in the samples with low counts of faecal coliform bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: The numbers of bacterial indicators and bacteriophages were similar in the different geographical areas studied. Once released in rivers, the persistence of the different micro-organisms differed significantly. Bacteriophages and spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia persisted longer than faecal coliforms and enterococci. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bacteriophages in river water samples provide additional information to that provided by bacteria about the fate of faecal micro-organisms in river water. The easy, fast and cheap methods for phage determination are feasible both in industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   

It is well known that the classical river dolphins are not a natural group, but up to now the phylogenetic relationships among them are not very clear because different views have been referred from different studies. In the present study, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), the most endangered cetacean species, and conducted phylogenetic analyses for the classical river dolphins based on data from cetacean mitochondrial genomes available. In our analyses, the classical river dolphins split into two separate lineages, Platanista and Lipotes+(Inia+Pontoporia), having no sister relationship with each other, and the Platanista lineage is always within the odontocete clade instead of having a closer affinity to Mysticeti. The position of the Platanista is more basal, suggesting separate divergence of this lineage well before the other one. The Lipotes has a sister relationship with Inia+pontoporia, and they together formed the sister group to the Delphinoidea. This result strongly supports paraphyly of the classical river dolphins, and the nonplatanistoid river dolphins do represent a monophyletic grouping, with the Lipotidae as the sister taxa to (Iniidae+Pontoporiidae), and is well congruent with the studies based on short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs).  相似文献   

Assessment of risk to public health or environmental resources requires competent characterization of stressors and corresponding effects. Because of the complexity of most stressor-response relationships, it is impossible to completely characterize all the variables, so a select set of measurements is made to reflect the most critical components. Such measurements, or indicators, are included in monitoring programs to estimate trend, stressor source, or magnitude of effects and lead to thresholds for management action or restoration. Although a wide variety of programs and program objectives exists, there are some common challenges for indicator development, including a strong link to management actions. Indicator measurements used in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) risk assessment activities must stem from collaboration among managers, risk assessors, scientists and stakeholders. The primary objective of the USEPA's Fifth Symposium of the National Health and Ecological Effects Research Laboratory was to improve health and ecological risk assessment through dedicated sessions that maximized interaction and discussion among these groups. Existing measurements were challenged for appropriateness, efficiency and scientific validity. Emerging science was explored for greater understanding, better interpretation, and improved methodology. A secondary objective was to uncover and exploit common indicators and supporting data for human health and ecological models.  相似文献   

Dryland rivers occur over much of Australia’s inland and have some of the most variable patterns of flow in the world. Despite their dominance in terms of Australia’s river types, dryland rivers have not been the focus of the recent increase in research on indicators of river health, mostly owing to their spatial remoteness and relatively low levels of water resource development and human disturbance. Most rivers in arid and semi-arid regions are ephemeral, and only carry significant flows during the wetter months or following infrequent but intense rainfall events. It is not known which, if any, of the existing approaches to river health assessment can be used to accurately assess the health of these large ephemeral rivers. This paper considers why the standard methods for interpreting the currently-used indicators for river health may need to be adapted for variable systems and suggests the use of trends that recognise natural variation in indicator values for undertaking this.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades there has been increasing interest in developing indicators to monitor environmental change. Remote sensing techniques have been primarily used to generate information on land use/land cover changes. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has used this technology to monitor wetland trends and recently developed a set of remotely-sensed indicators to characterize and assess trends in the integrity of natural habitat in watersheds. The indices largely focus on the extent of “natural” cover throughout a given watershed, with an emphasis on locations important to fish, wildlife, and water quality. Six indices address natural habitat extent and four deal with human-caused disturbance. A composite index of natural habitat integrity combining the habitat extent and habitat disturbance indices may be formulated to provide an overall numeric value for a watershed or subbasin. These indices facilitate comparison between watersheds (and subbasins) and assesssment of trends useful for environmental monitoring. This paper describes the indices and presents an example of their application for characterizing and assessing conditions of subbasins within Delaware’s Nanticoke River watershed.  相似文献   

The perception that better information on environment and development is the determinant of effective rational decision- and policy-making processes provide the impetus for global interest in the use of sustainable development indicators (SDIs). Accordingly, proposals for SDIs are framed either on organisational goals or on disciplinary and multidisciplinary theories—aiming to reduce uncertainties in choosing the best alternative among a set of options concerning sustainability. Despite the fact that many SDI initiatives are explicitly aimed at improving policy-making, it is not apparent that political settings and organisational realities are taken into consideration in designing the framework for sustainability assessment. Ignoring the realities of policy-making dynamics can result in poor institutionalisation of the SDI development process, and therefore reduced impact of indicators. Linkage of SDIs to policy processes must also take into account the complex role of information in policy processes. The importance of societal values, cultural contexts and behaviour of bureaucracies must be understood and used to assist the assessment of progress towards sustainability using SDIs. Essentially, objective knowledge must be tampered with pragmatism in governance. This paper highlights the case of SDI development in the state of Selangor where the notion of instrumental rationality is balanced with the ‘incrementalism’ of the policy process that provided the foundation for institutionalising the reporting and use of SDIs. The ideals and paradoxes of participatory decision-making, the principles of the rational model and decision-making processes within a state government are critically examined.  相似文献   

Paleolimnology: an important tool for effective ecosystem management   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Effective management of aquatic resources requires long-term environmental data. However, because long-term observations are rarely available, indirect proxy methods must be used to substitute for these missing historical data sets. Major advances have been made in paleolimnology over the last decade, and many of these advances can be applied directly to integrated and cost-effective assessments of aquatic ecosystem health. This commentary uses the analogy of human health to argue that paleolimnological data provide information crucial to the decision-making processes of ecosystem managers.Keynote lecture, presented at the International Sumposium on Aquatic Ecosystem Health, Waterloo, Ontario, July 23, 1990.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地生态系统健康评价   总被引:74,自引:10,他引:74  
以生态系统健康及压力 -状态 -响应 (PSR)模型作为研究方法 ,根据湿地生态系统的特点 ,建立一套湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系。以遥感数据及统计监测数据为基础 ,以小流域为评价单元 ,采用 RS和 GIS技术 ,对每个小流域湿地进行单因子和综合评价 ,揭示盘锦市湿地生态系统健康状况的空间分布规律。研究结果表明 :(1)辽河三角洲盘锦市湿地生态系统健康相对较好的区域面积占 2 2 % ,相对一般的占 5 2 % ,相对较差的占 2 6 %。 (2 )双台河口国家级自然保护区湿地生态系统健康相对较好 ,但其中局部地区湿地生态系统健康已经受到威胁 ,健康状况转为一般。 (3)辽河三角洲湿地资源破坏的主要原因是水稻田开发与油田开发  相似文献   

Soils are one of the most important features of the natural capital of terrestrial ecosystems. There is a strong and increasing policy requirement for effective monitoring of soils at local, regional and national-scales. However, it remains unclear which properties of soils are most appropriately monitored. This is partly due to the wide range of goods and services that soils provide, but also their inherent chemical, physical and biological complexity. Given that the biota plays such fundamental roles in the majority of ecosystem services provided by soils, biological properties are logical candidates as effective indicators, to complement soil physico-chemical properties. A plethora of biological methods have been suggested as indicators for monitoring soils but few are used in national-scale monitoring or are published as international standards. A framework for selecting ecologically relevant biological indicators of soil quality, for national-scale soil monitoring, that cover the range of functions and services of soil was devised. The literature was surveyed to identify 183 candidate biological indicators which were then scored by experts and stakeholders against a wide range of scientific and technical criteria. The framework used the scores and weightings to then rank, prioritise and select the indicators. This semi-objective approach using a “logical sieve” allowed repeated iterations to take account of end-user requirements and expert opinion. A ranked list of 21 indicators was produced that covered a range of genotypic-, phenotypic- and functional-based indicators for different trophic groups. Four of these were not deemed sufficiently robust for ready deployment in a national-scale monitoring scheme without further methodological development. The suite of indicators identified offers the strongest potential candidates for deployment in national-scale soil monitoring schemes. However, standard operating procedures, their inherent sensitivity, ability to discriminate between soil:land use combinations, ecological interpretation all need to be confirmed. The power of the approach adopted here is that it provides a clear record and audit trail on the decision-making process, enables different priorities to be set contingent on the nature of the desired monitoring, and can direct and allow the inclusion of further methods or indicators into the framework.  相似文献   

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