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We report the 0.75 A crystal structure of a racemic mixture of the 12-residue designed peptide "Alpha-1" (Acetyl-ELLKKLLEELKG), the L-enantiomer of which is described in the accompanying paper. Equivalent solutions of the centrosymmetric bilayers were determined by two direct phasing programs in space groups P1 and P1bar. The unit cell contains two L-alpha-helices and two D-alpha-helices. The columnar-sheet bilayer motif seen in L-Alpha-1 is maintained in the D,L-Alpha-1 structure except that each sheet of head-to-tail helices is composed of one enantiomer and is related to its neighboring sheets by inversion symmetry. Comparison to the L-Alpha-1 structure provides further insight into peptide design. The high resolution and small asymmetric unit allowed building an intricate model (R = 13.1%, Rfree = 14.5%) that incorporates much of the discrete disorder of peptide and solvent. Ethanolamine and 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) molecules bind near helix termini. Rigid body analysis identifies sites of restricted displacements and torsions. Side-chain discrete disorder propagates into the backbone of one helix but not the other. Although no side chain in Alpha-1 is rigid, the environments in the crystal restrict some of them to no or only one active torsion.  相似文献   

alpha t alpha is a 38-residue peptide designed to adopt a helical hairpin conformation in solution (Fezoui Y, Weaver DL Osterhout JJ, 1995, Protein Sci 4:286-295). A previous study of the carboxylate form of alpha t alpha by CD and two-dimensional NMR indicated that the peptide was highly helical and that the helices associated in approximately the intended orientation (Fezoui Y, Weaver DL, Osterhout JJ, 1994, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:3675-3679). Here, the solution structure of alpha t alpha as determined by two-dimensional NMR is reported. A total of 266 experimentally derived distance restraints and 20 dihedral angle restraints derived from J-couplings were used. One-hundred initial structures were generated by distance geometry and refined by dynamical simulated annealing. Twenty-three of the lowest-energy structures consistent with the experimental restraints were analyzed. The results presented here show that alpha t alpha is comprised of two associating helices connected by a turn region.  相似文献   

The introduction of disulfide crosslinks is a generally useful method by which to identify regions of a protein that are close together in space. Here we describe the use of disulfide crosslinks to investigate the structure and flexibility of a family of designed 4-helix bundle proteins. The results of these analyses lend support to our working model of the proteins' structure and suggest that the proteins have limited main-chain flexibility.  相似文献   

The structure of onconase C30A/C75A double mutant has been determined at 1.12Å resolution. The structure has high structural homology to other onconase structures. The changes being results of mutation are relatively small, distributed asymmetrically around the two mutated positions, and they are observed not only in the mutation region but expanded to entire molecule. Different conformation of Lys31 side chain that influences the hydrogen bonding network around catalytic triad is probably responsible for lower catalytic efficiency of double mutant. The decrease in thermal stability observed for the onconase variant might be explained by a less dense packing as manifested by the increase of the molecular volume and the solvent accessible surface area. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 454–460, 2014.  相似文献   

The first crystal structure of an archaeal Rieske iron-sulfur protein, the soluble domain of Rieske iron-sulfur protein II (soxF) from the hyperthermo-acidophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, has been solved by multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) and has been refined to 1.1 A resolution. SoxF is a subunit of the terminal oxidase supercomplex SoxM in the plasma membrane of S. acidocaldarius that combines features of a cytochrome bc(1) complex and a cytochrome c oxidase. The [2Fe-2S] cluster of soxF is most likely the primary electron acceptor during the oxidation of caldariella quinone by the cytochrome a(587)/Rieske subcomplex. The geometry of the [2Fe-2S] cluster and the structure of the cluster-binding site are almost identical in soxF and the Rieske proteins from eucaryal cytochrome bc(1) and b(6)f complexes, suggesting a strict conservation of the catalytic mechanism. The main domain of soxF and part of the cluster-binding domain, though structurally related, show a significantly divergent structure with respect to topology, non-covalent interactions and surface charges. The divergent structure of soxF reflects a different topology of the soxM complex compared to eucaryal bc complexes and the adaptation of the protein to the extreme ambient conditions on the outer membrane surface of a hyperthermo-acidophilic organism.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of plastocyanin from spinach has been determined using molecular replacement, with the structure of plastocyanin from poplar as a search model. Successful crystallization was facilitated by site-directed mutagenesis in which residue Gly8 was substituted with Asp. The region around residue 8 was believed to be too mobile for the wild-type protein to form crystals despite extensive screening. The current structure represents the oxidized plastocyanin, copper (II), at low pH (approximately 4.4). In contrast to the similarity in the core region as compared to its poplar counterpart, the structure shows some significant differences in loop regions. The most notable is the large shift of the 59-61 loop where the largest shift is 3.0 A for the C(alpha) atom of Glu59. This results in different patterns of electrostatic potential around the acidic patches for the two proteins.  相似文献   

A series of designed short helical peptides was used to study the effect of nonpolar interactions on conformational specificity. The consensus sequence was designed to obtain short helices (17 residues) and to minimize the presence of interhelical polar interactions. Furthermore, the sequence contained a heptad repeat (abcdefg), where positions a and d were occupied by hydrophobic residues Leu, Ile, or Val, and positions e and g were occupied by Ala. The peptides were named according to the identities of the residues in the adeg positions, respectively. The peptides llaa, liaa, ilaa, iiaa, ivaa, viaa, lvaa, vlaa, and vvaa were synthesized, and their characterization revealed marked differences in specificity. An experimental methodology was developed to study the nine peptides and their pairwise mixtures. These peptides and their mixtures formed a vast array of structural states, which may be classified as follows: helical tetramers and pentamers, soluble and insoluble helical aggregates, insoluble unstructured aggregates, and soluble unstructured monomers. The peptide liaa formed stable helical pentamers, and iiaa and vlaa formed stable helical tetramers. Disulfide cross-linking experiments indicated the presence of an antiparallel helix alignment in the helical pentamers and tetramers. Rates of amide proton exchange of the tetrameric form of vlaa were 10-fold slower than the calculated exchange rate for unfolded vlaa. In other work, the control of specificity has been attributed to polar interactions, especially buried polar interactions; this work demonstrated that subtle changes in the configuration of nonpolar interactions resulted in a large variation in the extent of conformational specificity of assemblies of designed short helical peptides. Thus, nonpolar interactions can have a significant effect on the conformational specificity of oligomeric short helices.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the extracellular bacterial serine protease α-lytic protease (αLP) has been solved at 0.83 Å resolution at pH 8. This ultra-high resolution structure allows accurate analysis of structural elements not possible with previous structures. Hydrogen atoms are visible, and confirm active-site hydrogen-bonding interactions expected for the apo enzyme. In particular, His57 Nδ1 participates in a normal hydrogen bond with Asp102 in the catalytic triad, with a hydrogen atom visible 0.83(±0.06) Å from the His Nδ1. The catalytic Ser195 occupies two conformations, one corresponding to a population of His57 that is doubly protonated, the other to the singly protonated His57. Based on the occupancy of these conformations, the pKa of His57 is calculated to be ∼8.8 when a sulfate ion occupies the active site. This 0.83 Å structure has allowed critical analysis of geometric distortions within the structure. Interestingly, Phe228 is significantly distorted from planarity. The distortion of Phe228, buried in the core of the C-terminal domain, occurs at an estimated energetic cost of 4.1 kcal/mol. The conformational space for Phe228 is severely limited by the presence of Trp199, which prevents Phe228 from adopting the rotamer observed in many other chymotrypsin family members. In αLP, the only allowed rotamer leads to the deformation of Phe228 due to steric interactions with Thr181. We hypothesize that tight packing of co-evolved residues in this region, and the subsequent deformation of Phe228, contributes to the high cooperativity and large energetic barriers for folding and unfolding of αLP. The kinetic stability imparted by the large, cooperative unfolding barrier plays a critical role in extending the lifetime of the protease in its harsh environment.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Clostridium thermocellum endoglucanase CelA in complex with cellopentaose has been determined at 0.94 A resolution. The oligosaccharide occupies six D-glucosyl-binding subsites, three on either side of the scissile glycosidic linkage. The substrate and product of the reaction occupy different positions at the reducing end of the cleft, where an extended array of hydrogen-bonding interactions with water molecules fosters the departure of the leaving group. Severe torsional strain upon the bound substrate forces a distorted boat(2,5) B conformation for the glucosyl residue bound at subsite -1, which facilitates the formation of an oxocarbenium ion intermediate and might favor the breakage of the sugar ring concomitant with catalysis.  相似文献   

The construction of a template-assembled synthetic protein (TASP) designed to contain both a 4-helix bundle and a beta-barrel as two folding "domains" is described. For the de novo design of proteins, amphiphilic helices (alpha) and beta-sheets (beta) are covalently attached to a template peptide (T) carrying functional side chains suitably oriented to promote intramolecular folding of the secondary structure blocks into a characteristic packing arrangement, i.e., T8-(4 alpha)(4 beta). The design of this new macromolecule was assisted by computer modeling, which suggested a low-energy conformation with tight hydrophobic packing of the secondary structure subunits. Solid-phase synthesis of the "two-domain" TASP molecule was achieved using orthogonal protection techniques. The solution properties as well as circular dichroism (CD) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) data under various experimental conditions are consistent with the folded conformation suggested by modeling.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of cleaved and uncleaved forms of the YscU cytoplasmic domain, an essential component of the type III secretion system (T3SS) in Yersinia pestis, have been solved by single‐wavelength anomolous dispersion and refined with X‐ray diffraction data extending up to atomic resolution (1.13 Å). These crystallographic studies provide structural insights into the conformational changes induced upon auto‐cleavage of the cytoplasmic domain of YscU. The structures indicate that the cleaved fragments remain bound to each other. The conserved NPTH sequence that contains the site of the N263‐P264 peptide bond cleavage is found on a β‐turn which, upon cleavage, undergoes a major reorientation of the loop away from the catalytic N263, resulting in altered electrostatic surface features at the site of cleavage. Additionally, a significant conformational change was observed in the N‐terminal linker regions of the cleaved and noncleaved forms of YscU which may correspond to the molecular switch that influences substrate specificity. The YscU structures determined here also are in good agreement with the auto‐cleavage mechanism described for the flagellar homolog FlhB and E. coli EscU.  相似文献   

Ultra‐high resolution protein crystal structures have been considered as relatively reliable sources for defining details of protein geometry, such as the extent to which the peptide unit deviates from planarity. Chellapa and Rose (Proteins 2015; 83:1687) recently called this into question, reporting that for a dozen representative protein structures determined at ~1 Å resolution, the diffraction data could be equally well fit with models restrained to have highly planar peptides, i.e. having a standard deviation of the ω torsion angles of only ~1° instead of the typically observed value of ~6°. Here, we document both conceptual and practical shortcomings of that study and show that the more tightly restrained models are demonstrably incorrect and do not fit the diffraction data equally well. We emphasize the importance of inspecting electron density maps when investigating the agreement between a model and its experimental data. Overall, this report reinforces that modern standard refinement protocols have been well‐conceived and that ultra‐high resolution protein crystal structures, when evaluated carefully and used with an awareness of their levels of coordinate uncertainty, are powerful sources of information for providing reliable information about the details of protein geometry.  相似文献   

Human coactosin-like protein (CLP) shares high homology with coactosin, a filamentous (F)-actin binding protein, and interacts with 5LO and F-actin. As a tumor antigen, CLP is overexpressed in tumor tissue cells or cell lines, and the encoded epitopes can be recognized by cellular and humoral immune systems. To gain a better understanding of its various functions and interactions with related proteins, the crystal structure of CLP expressed in Escherichia coli has been determined to 1.9 A resolution. The structure features a central beta-sheet surrounded by helices, with two very tight hydrophobic cores on each side of the sheet. CLP belongs to the actin depolymerizing protein superfamily, and is similar to yeast cofilin and actophilin. Based on our structural analysis, we observed that CLP forms a polymer along the crystallographic b axis with the exact same repeat distance as F-actin. A model for the CLP polymer and F-actin binding has therefore been proposed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of cholesterol oxidase, a 56kDa flavoenzyme was anisotropically refined to 0.95A resolution. The final crystallographic R-factor and R(free) value is 11.0% and 13.2%, respectively. The quality of the electron density maps has enabled modeling of alternate conformations for 83 residues in the enzyme, many of which are located in the active site. The additional observed structural features were not apparent in the previous high-resolution structure (1.5A resolution) and have enabled the identification of a narrow tunnel leading directly to the isoalloxazine portion of the FAD prosthetic group. The hydrophobic nature of this narrow tunnel suggests it is the pathway for molecular oxygen to access the isoalloxazine group for the oxidative half reaction. Resolving the alternate conformations in the active site residues provides a model for the dynamics of substrate binding and a potential oxidation triggered gating mechanism involving access to the hydrophobic tunnel. This structure reveals that the NE2 atom of the active site histidine residue, H447, critical to the redox activity of this flavin oxidase, acts as a hydrogen bond donor rather than as hydrogen acceptor. The atomic resolution structure of cholesterol oxidase has revealed the presence of hydrogen atoms, dynamic aspects of the protein and how side-chain conformations are correlated with novel structural features such as the oxygen tunnel. This new structural information has provided us with the opportunity to re-analyze the roles played by specific residues in the mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The HK97 bacteriophage capsid is a unique example of macromolecular catenanes: interlocked rings of covalently attached protein subunits. The chain mail organization of the subunits stabilizes a particle in which the maximum thickness of the protein shell is 18A and the maximum diameter is 550A. The electron density has the appearance of a balloon illustrating the extraordinary strength conferred by the unique subunit organization. The refined structure shows novel qualities of the HK97 shell protein, gp5 that, together with the protease gp4, guides the assembly and maturation of the virion. Although gp5 forms hexamers and pentamers and the subunits exist in different structural environments, the tertiary structures of the seven protein molecules in the viral asymmetric unit are closely similar. The interactions of the subunits in the shell are exceptionally complex with each subunit interacting with nine other subunits. The interactions of the N-terminus released after gp5 cleavage appear important for organization of the loops that become crosslinked to the core of a neighboring subunit at the maturation. A comparison with a model of the Prohead II structure revealed that the surfaces of non-covalent contact between the monomers that build up hexamers/pentamers are completely redefined during maturation.  相似文献   

A transcarbamylase-like protein essential for arginine biosynthesis in the anaerobic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis has been purified and crystallized in space group P4(3)2(1)2 (a=b=153.4 A, c=94.8 A). The structure was solved using a single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS) and was refined at 2.0 A resolution to an R-factor of 20.6% (R-free=25.2%). The molecular model is trimeric and comprises 960 amino acid residues, two phosphate groups and 422 water molecules. The monomer has the consensus transcarbamylase fold with two structural domains linked by two long interdomain helices: the putative carbamoyl phosphate-binding domain and a binding domain for the second substrate. Each domain has a central parallel beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices and loops with alpha/beta topology. The putative carbamoyl phosphate-binding site is similar to those in ornithine transcarbamylases (OTCases) and aspartate transcarbamylases (ATCases); however, the second substrate-binding site is strikingly different. This site has several insertions and deletions, and residues critical to substrate binding and catalysis in other known transcarbamylases are not conserved. The three-dimensional structure and the fact that this protein is essential for arginine biosynthesis suggest strongly that it is a new member of the transcarbamylase family. A similar protein has been found in Xylella fastidiosa, a bacterium that infects grapes, citrus and other plants.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a highly infectious Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes the fulminating disease tularemia and is considered to be a potential bioweapon. F. tularensis pathogenicity island proteins play a key role in modulating phagosome biogenesis and subsequent bacterial escape into the cytoplasm of macrophages. The 23 kDa pathogenicity island protein IglC is essential for the survival and proliferation of F. tularensis in macrophages. Seeking to gain some insight into its function, we determined the crystal structure of IglC at 1.65 A resolution. IglC adopts a beta-sandwich conformation that exhibits no similarity with any known protein structure.  相似文献   

We report here the first three-dimensional structure of a mammalian thioltransferase as determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography at 2.2 A resolution. The protein is known for its thiol-redox properties and dehydroascorbate reductase activity. Recombinant pig liver thioltransferase expressed in Escherichia coli was crystallized in its oxidized form by vapor diffusion technique. The structure was determined by multiple isomorphous replacement method using four heavy-atom derivatives. The protein folds into an alpha/beta structure with a four-stranded mixed beta-sheet in the core, flanked on either side by helices. The fold is similar to that found in other thiol-redox proteins, viz. E. coli thioredoxin and bacteriophage T4 glutaredoxin, and thus seems to be conserved in these functionally related proteins. The active site disulfide (Cys 22-Cys 25) is located on a protrusion on the molecular surface. Cys 22, which is known to have an abnormally low pKa of 3.8, is accessible from the exterior of the molecule. Pro 70, which is in close proximity to the disulfide bridge, assumes a conserved cis-peptide configuration. Mutational data available on the protein are in agreement with the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Isomerization of aspartate to isoaspartate occurs spontaneously in proteins, causes changes in protein structures, and correlates positively with the aging processes of many organisms, including Alzheimer disease in humans. Aspartate isomerization proceeds through an unstable cyclic succinimide intermediate. There are few protein structure determinations that have characterized the intermediates and products of this isomerization reaction. Here we report the discovery of an unusually stabilized succinimide ring in the 1.1A structure of the Escherichia coli CheY protein, as determined from a crystal eight years old. The ring is formed by the side-chain of aspartate 75 and the backbone nitrogen of glycine 76 in an exposed loop of the molecule. Stabilization of the succinimide is through interaction of a sulfate ion oxygen atom with the imide nitrogen atom. Formation of the ring caused conformational changes in the loop, but did not alter the overall structure of the protein.  相似文献   

Matoba Y  Sugiyama M 《Proteins》2003,51(3):453-469
We have found a secreted phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2), EC from Streptomyces violaceoruber A-2688, which is the first PLA(2) identified in prokaryote, and determined its tertiary structure by NMR and X-ray analyses. In this study, we collected the X-ray diffraction data of the bacterial PLA(2) at room temperature (297 K) using conventional MoK(alpha) radiation and refined the structure at a 1.05 A resolution. The atomic resolution analysis led us to introduce disordered conformations and hydrogen atoms into a full anisotropic model. The molecular motion, which is expressed as the sum of rigid-body motion and internal motion of protein, is roughly estimated as the thermal motion when the X-ray diffraction data are collected at room temperature. In this study, we applied a TLS (rigid-body motion in terms of translation, libration, and screw motions) model to analyze the rigid-body motion of the bacterial PLA(2) and calculated the internal motion by subtracting the estimate of the rigid-body motion from the observed anisotropic temperature factor. We also subjected the TLS model to estimate the internal motion of the bovine pancreatic PLA(2) using the anisotropic temperature factor deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Both results indicate that the localization of regions exhibiting larger internal motion in the bacterial PLA(2) is almost the same as that in the bovine pancreatic PLA(2), suggesting that although the tertiary structure of the bacterial PLA(2) is strikingly different from that of the bovine pancreatic PLA(2), the internal motion, which is associated with the calcium(II) ion-binding, phospholipid-binding, and allosteric interfacial activation, is commonly observed in both PLA(2)s.  相似文献   

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