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Plasmalemmal vesicles (PVs) or caveolae are plasma membrane invaginations and associated vesicles of regular size and shape found in most mammalian cell types. They are particularly numerous in the continuous endothelium of certain microvascular beds (e.g., heart, lung, and muscles) in which they have been identified as transcytotic vesicular carriers. Their chemistry and function have been extensively studied in the last years by various means, including several attempts to isolate them by cell fractionation from different cell types. The methods so far used rely on nonspecific physical parameters of the caveolae and their membrane (e.g., size-specific gravity and solubility in detergents) which do not rule out contamination from other membrane sources, especially the plasmalemma proper. We report here a different method for the isolation of PVs from plasmalemmal fragments obtained by a silica-coating procedure from the rat lung vasculature. The method includes sonication and flotation of a mixed vesicle fraction, as the first step, followed by specific immunoisolation of PVs on anticaveolin-coated magnetic microspheres, as the second step. The mixed vesicle fraction, is thereby resolved into a bound subfraction (B), which consists primarily of PVs or caveolae, and a nonbound subfraction (NB) enriched in vesicles derived from the plasmalemma proper. The results so far obtained indicate that some specific endothelial membrane proteins (e.g., thrombomodulin, functional thrombin receptor) are distributed about evenly between the B and NB subfractions, whereas others are restricted to the NB subfraction (e.g., angiotensin converting enzyme, podocalyxin). Glycoproteins distribute unevenly between the two subfractions and antigens involved in signal transduction [e.g., annexin II, protein kinase C alpha, the G alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (alpha s, alpha q, alpha i2, alpha i3), small GTP-binding proteins, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and nonreceptor protein kinase c-src] are concentrated in the NB (plasmalemma proper-enriched) subfraction rather than in the caveolae of the B subfraction. Additional work should show whether discrepancies between our findings and those already recorded in the literature represent inadequate fractionation techniques or are accounted for by chemical differentiation of caveolae from one cell type to another.  相似文献   

Capillary endothelial cells have a large population of small (65-80 nm diameter in transmission electron microscopy) vesicles of which a large fraction is associated with the plasmalemma of the luminal and abluminal side. We studied the fine structure and distribution of these plasmalemmal vesicles by high resolution scanning electron microscopy in cultured endothelial cells obtained from bovine adrenal cortical capillaries. Cell monolayers were covered with polylysine-coated silicon chips, split in high potassium buffer, fixed in aldehyde mixtures, and then treated with OsO4 and thiocarbohydrazide. After critical point drying, the specimens were coated with a thin (less than 2 nm) continuous film of chromium. On the cytoplasmic aspect of the dorsal plasmalemmal fragments seen in such specimens, plasmalemmal vesicles appear as uniform vesicular protrusions approximately 70-90 nm in diameter, preferentially concentrated in distinct large fields in which they occur primarily as single units. Individual plasmalemmal vesicles exhibit a striped surface fine structure which consists of ridges approximately 10 nm in diameter, separated by furrows and oriented as meridians, often ending at two poles on opposite sides of the vesicles in a plane parallel to the plasmalemma. This striped surface structure is clearly distinct from the cage structure of coated pits found, at low surface density, on the same specimens. The cytoplasmic aspect of the plasmalemma proper is covered by a fibrillar infrastructure which does not extend over plasmalemmal vesicles but on which the latter appear to be anchored by fine filaments.  相似文献   

The numbers of plasmalemmal vesicles in endothelial cells of rat blood vessels were determined on electron microscopic sections. In all vessels examined which included aorta and carotid and femoral arteries, vena cava and femoral vein, and lung and brain capillaries, the numbers were of the same order of magnitude. For arteries the numbers were about double those for the corresponding veins. About one-third of all vesicles could be stained with ruthenium red after its infusion into the vessels. The results make it improbable that differences in numbers of 'transport' vesicles in different types of blood vessel contribute significantly to the selective accumulation of atherogenic plasma proteins in arteries.  相似文献   

The interaction of homologous and heterologous albumin-gold complex (Alb-Au) with capillary endothelium was investigated in the mouse lung, heart, and diaphragm. Perfusion of the tracer in situ for from 3 to 35 min was followed by washing with phosphate-buffered saline, fixation by perfusion, and processing for electron microscopy. From the earliest time examined, one and sometimes two rows of densely packed particles bound to some restricted plasma membrane microdomains that appeared as uncoated pits, and to plasmalemmal vesicles open on the luminal front. Morphometric analysis, using various albumin-gold concentrations, showed that the binding is saturable at a very low concentration of the ligand and short exposure. After 5 min, tracer-carrying vesicles appeared on the abluminal front, discharging their content into the subendothelial space. As a function of tracer concentration 1-10% of plasmalemmal vesicles contained Alb-Au particles in fluid phase; from 5 min on, multivesicular bodies were labeled by the tracer. Plasma membrane, coated pits, and coated vesicles were not significantly marked at any time interval. Heparin or high ionic strength did not displace the bound Alb-Au from vesicle membrane. No binding was obtained when Alb-Au was competed in situ with albumin or was injected in vivo. Gold complexes with fibrinogen, fibronectin, glucose oxidase, or polyethyleneglycol did not give a labeling comparable to that of albumin. These results suggest that on the capillary endothelia examined, the Alb-Au is adsorbed on specific binding sites restricted to uncoated pits and plasmalemmal vesicles. The tracer is transported in transcytotic vesicles across endothelium by receptor-mediated transcytosis, and to a lesser extent is taken up by pinocytotic vesicles. The existence of albumin receptors on these continuous capillary endothelia may provide a specific mechanism for the transport of albumin and other molecules carried by this protein.  相似文献   

From rat hippocampal homogenate, we recently isolated a novel subcellular fraction richly containing glial plasmalemmal vesicles (GPV), which takes up glutamate remarkably as a synaptosomal fraction [Y. Nakamura et al. (1993) Glia, 9, 48–56]. In the present study, we prepared GPV from different regions of rat CNS, namely olfactory bulb (Ob), cerebral cortex (Cx), caudatoputamen (Cp), hippocampus (Hp), cerebellum (Ce) and spinal cord (Sc), and analyzed their activities of Na+-dependent uptake of following neurotransmitters and a related compound; glutamate, -aminobutyrate (GABA), glycine, dopamine and choline. The uptake activities of these amino acids were not significantly different between GPV and synaptosomes in each region. Regionally, however, the activities were varied considerably. The activities of glutamate uptake revealed in the following rank order: Cx, Hp, Cp>Ce, Ob>Sc. GABA uptake activities were: Ce>Ob, Cx, Hp>Cp, while glycine uptake activities were: Sc, Ce>Ob, Cp, Cx, Hp. On the other hand, the uptake activities of dopamine and choline were quite different between GPV and synaptosomes. Synaptosomal fraction from Cp took up dopamine in a high activity; however, GPV from the same tissue hardly showed the uptake activity. Choline was taken up by synaptosomes prepared from Hp but not by GPV.  相似文献   

The presence of an Na/Ca exchange system in fasciculata cells of the bovine adrenal gland was tested using isolated plasmalemmal vesicles. In the presence of an outwardly Na(+) gradient, Ca(2+) uptake was about 2-fold higher than in K(+) condition. Li(+) did not substitute for Na(+) and 5 mM Ni(2+) inhibited Ca(2+) uptake. Ca(2+) efflux from Ca(2+)-loaded vesicles was Na(+)-stimulated and Ni(2+)-inhibited. The saturable part of Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+) uptake displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The relationship of Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+) uptake versus intravesicular Na(+) concentration was sigmoid (apparent K(0.5) approximately 24 mM; Hill number approximately 3) and Na(+) acted on V(max) without significant effect on K(m). Na(+)-stimulated Ca(2+) uptake was temperature-dependent (apparent Q(10) approximately 2.2). The inhibition properties of several divalent cations (Cd(2+), Sr(2+), Ni(2+), Ba(2+), Mn(2+), Mg(2+)) were tested and were similar to those observed in kidney basolateral membrane. The above results indicate the presence of an Na/Ca exchanger located on plasma membrane of zona fasciculata cells of bovine adrenal gland. This exchanger displays similarities with that of renal basolateral cell membrane.  相似文献   

The anti-calmodulin drugs calmidazolium (CMZ) and trifluoperazine (TFP) were shown to have a number of effects on 45Ca transport by plasmalemmal vesicles from gastric smooth muscle. Although these compounds produced the expected dose-dependent inhibition of the plasmalemmal ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport system, they also evoked a Ca2+ release comparable to that observed in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin. This increased transmembrane Ca2+ flux was so large that it accounted for much of the apparent decrease in 45Ca uptake produced by these agents. Thus, direct effects of CMZ and TFP on ATP-dependent 45Ca uptake could only be reliably assessed for brief (less than or equal to 30 seconds) drug exposures. The explanation for the observed effects of CMZ and TFP on membrane Ca2+ permeability is unclear. The increased transmembrane Ca2+ flux may reflect nonspecific effects on membrane permeability or it may reflect a specific interaction of the anticalmodulin drugs with a Ca2+ release channel or with the Ca2+ transport ATPase. In any case, these results suggest the need for caution in the design and interpretation of studies using both CMZ and TFP as anticalmodulin agents.  相似文献   

The 125I- uptake by plasmalemmal vesicles from porcine thyroid was measured by a Millipore filtration method using 2 mM ClO4- as a reaction stopper. Effective uptake occurred in the presence of high concentrations of extravesicular Na+ (Na+o). In the presence of Na-ionophores such as monensin and nigericin, no uptake was observed and the accumulated I- was released. The initial rate of I- uptake increased with the concentration of extravesicular I- (I-o) according to simple saturation kinetics and [I-o] giving a half-maximum rate of about 5 microM. The dependence of the rate on [Na+o] showed cooperativity with a Hill coefficient of 1.8, and a KNa value of 0.0064 M2, suggesting that the binding of at least 2 Na+ ions to a carrier molecule was required to transport an I- ion. Further kinetic data were consistent with a mechanism in which bindings of the ions were rapid and the Na+ binding occurred prior to the I- binding. Intravesicular Na+ inhibited the I- uptake and the inhibition constant (KiNa) was about 4 mM, independently of [I-o] and [Na+o]. Intravesicular I- inhibited the I- uptake with an apparent KiI value of about 100 microM. The results suggest that the differences in the Na+- and I- -binding modes between outside and inside of the vesicles are important factors causing the I- uptake against its concentration gradient.  相似文献   

G C Newman  C Huang 《Biochemistry》1975,14(15):3363-3370
The homogeneous, single-walled phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol mixed vesicles were prepared by ultrasonic irradiation of egg phosphatidylcholine in the presence of various amounts of cholesterol in solution at 4 degrees under a nitrogen atmosphere followed by molecular sieve chromatography on a Sepharose 4B column. Physicochemical studies performed on these systems invluding sedimentation velocity, diffusion, partial specific volume, intrinsic viscosity, and trapped volume measurements allowed estimation of the weight-average vesicle weight, the vesicle shape, and bilayer membrane thickness of the binary mixture of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. Vesicle hydration was calculated using two different methods and the agreement between them was excellent up to cholesterol concentration of 0.32 mole fraction. It was observed that the structural parameters change slowly with increasing cholesterol content up to around 0.3 mole fraction and a relatively abrupt structural alteration occurs above this cholesterol content. This abrupt structural change is consistent with the asymmetrical distribution of lipid composition between the inner and outer bilayer face.  相似文献   

To obtain small membrane markers easily accessible to the charged groups of the cell surface, we prepared, from hemeundecapeptide (HUP), three derivatives that maintain the peroxidatic activity: the anionized hemeundecapeptide, Mr 1,963, estimated diameter 1.68 nm, pl 3.5, for the detection of basic groups; and both a cationized hemeundecapeptide containing predominantly tertiary amino groups, Mr 2,215, estimated diameter 1.75 nm, pl 9.0, and a cationized hemeundecapeptide containing only primary amino groups, Mr 2,271, estimated diameter 1.75 nm, pl 10.6, for labeling acidic residues. The markers were perfused in situ in mice to label the luminal surface of fenestrated endothelium of pancreatic capillaries. Specimens were processed through the cytochemical reaction for peroxidatic activity and examined by electron microscopy. The anionized HUP and HUP (pl 4.85) marked the plasmalemma proper, the coated pits, and the membrane and diaphragms of plasmalemmal vesicles and transendothelial channels. The cationized HUP containing predominantly tertiary amino groups (pl 9.0) decorated all cell surface components with the exception of plasmalemmal vesicles and channels; the latter were, however, labeled by the cationized HUP containing only primary groups (pl 10.6), which suggests that these structures contain on their luminal surface very weak acidic residues of high pKa values. The fact that the membrane of plasmalemmal vesicles can discriminate against permeant cationic macromolecules only up to a pl of approximately 9.0 indicates that in the electrostatic restriction there is a charge limit. In the case of fenestrated capillary endothelium, the upper charge limit seems to be a pl of approximately 9.0. In these vessels, the charge discrimination is effective for molecules as small as 2 nm.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of labeled clathrin and coated vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clathrin (8 S) and coated vesicles have been covalently labeled by using the sulfhydryl-labeling fluorescent probe N-(1-anilinonaphthalene)maleimide. A large increase in energy transfer from Trp to anilinonaphthalene (AN) residues was observed in clathrin in the pH range approximately 6.5-6.0, where the rate of clathrin self-association increased rapidly. The change in energy transfer was indicative of a conformational rearrangement, which could be responsible for the initiation of the clathrin self-association reaction to form coat structure. The AN label was found in both the coat and membrane proteins after dissociation of coated vesicles at pH 8.5. The labeled coat and membrane proteins readily recombined to form coated vesicles after reducing the pH to 6.5, indicating that the labeling did not interfere with the ability of clathrin to self-associate and interact with uncoated vesicles to form coat structure. A comparison of the AN fluorescence with the Coomassie blue pattern after electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels revealed that a 180,000-Da protein (clathrin) was mainly labeled in coated vesicles, while a 110,000-Da protein was also strongly labeled in uncoated vesicles. AN-labeled baskets and coated vesicles have been prepared. Trypsin digestion reduced the sedimentation rate of baskets from 150 S to 120 S and of coated vesicles from 200 S to 150 S. Gel electrophoresis of baskets and coated vesicles showed extensive conversion of clathrin (Mr 180,000) to a product of Mr approximately equal to 110,000, suggesting equivalent structural organization of the coat in coated vesicles as in baskets. In both cases, the peptide(s) released from the vesicles by digestion were essentially free of fluorescent label. In the case of the uncoated vesicles, tryptic digestion released most of the proteins remaining after coat removal.  相似文献   

The morphological features of boar seminal vesicles were examined by light and transmission microscopy. Boar seminal vesicles consist of glandular tissue arranged in multiple lobules containing a system of ramified secretory tubules. The secretory tubules are composed of a mucosa formed by an epithelium and an underlying lamina propria and, are surrounded by a muscular layer. The epithelium is made up of columnar cells and occasional basal cells. Mast cells are frequently found among epithelial cells. Three types of columnar cells, considered different stages of the secretory cell cycle, are present: principal cells, clear cells and dense cells. Principal cells are functionally differentiated cells characterised by abundant mitochondria, great development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and presence of secretory granules in their cytoplasm. The apical surface of many principal cells shows apical blebs filled with PAS-positive material. No acid mucosubstances are detected. Microvilli cover the apical surface except in the apical blebs. Dense cells, arranged between principal cells, are also functional differentiated cells but with signs of cellular degeneration. Clear cells are an initial differentiated stage of columnar cells and are characterised by the presence of a poorly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and by the absence of secretory granules. Proliferating cells are present among columnar cells. Basal cells contain scarce cytoplasm, few organelles and no secretory granules. The lack of mitotic activity in these cells suggests that they do not act as precursors of columnar cells.  相似文献   

The novel ether phospholipid, 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (AGEPC), isometrically contracted helically cut rat ileal smooth muscle strips in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Utilizing an enriched plasma membrane vesicular preparation from rat ileal longitudinal smooth muscle, AGEPC specifically stimulated Na+-Ca2+ exchange in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Concomitant with the AGEPC stimulation of Na+-dependent Ca2+ influx in plasma membrane vesicles is an enhanced turnover of the polyphosphoinositides, an elevated concentration of phosphatidic acid and also an enhanced phosphorylation of an Mr 40,000 plasmalemmal protein. The mechanisms by which AGEPC may regulate ileal plasmalemmal Ca2+ flux and contractility are considered.  相似文献   

Gross ultrastructural and histochemical details of the integumental milk glands of the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans have been examined during the pregnancy cycle. Structural evidence for protein secretion is found between Days 3-8 of the nine-day cycle: termination of activity is completed on the day of parturition. Onset of lactation is synchronized with the eclosion of the first instar larva. The changes in cell volume (notably in the extracellular reservoir) occurring throughout the pregnancy cycle are illustrated in electron micrographs, and a one hundred-fold volume increase in the reservoir volume between the inactive phase and the active period is illustrated and discussed in terms of membrane modulation of the limiting membrane of the reservoir. Intracellular membrane changes during the cycle, particularly the development of extensive ER arrays in the actively secreting cell, are illustrated and discussed. It is suggested that cytoplasmic microtubules play a part in maintaining the form of the distended secretory cell, at the height of secretory release and storage. Histochemical observations on the milk secretion, and the contents of the larval gut are presented.  相似文献   

The molecular identity of the protein forming "hemichannels" at non-junctional membranes is disputed. The family of gap junction proteins, innexins, connexins, and pannexins share several common features, including permeability characteristics and sensitivity to blocking agents. Such overlap in properties renders the identification of which of these protein species actually establishes the non-junctional membrane conductance and permeability quite complicated, especially because in vertebrates pannexins and connexins have largely overlapping distributions in tissues. Recently, attempts to establish criteria to identify events that are "hemichannel" mediated and those to allow the distinction between connexin- from pannexin-mediated events have been proposed. Here, I present an update on that topic and discuss the most recent findings related to the nature of functional "hemichannels" focusing on connexin43 and pannexin1. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The Communicating junctions, composition, structure and characteristics.  相似文献   

The transmembrane orientation of the human erythrocyte glucose transporter was assessed based on polarized Fourier transform infrared and ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopic data obtained from oriented multilamellar films of the reconstituted transporter vesicles. Infrared spectra revealed that there are distinct vibrations for alpha-helical structure while the vibrational frequencies specific to beta-structure are characteristically absent. Analysis of linear dichroism of the infrared spectra further indicated that these alpha-helices in the transporter are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the lipid bilayer plane forming an effective tilt of less than 38 degrees from the membrane normal. Such a preferential orientation was further supported by ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra which reveal that the 208 nm Moffit band found in the detergent-solubilized preparation is absent in the film preparation. Linear dichroism data further indicated that D-glucose, a typical substrate, further reduces this effective tilt angle slightly.  相似文献   

Tetanolysin binding to lipid vesicles was found to depend on the molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid, being low in vesicles containing up to 20 mol% cholesterol and high in vesicles containing more than 33 mol%. High concentrations of purified tetanolysin preparations formed arc- and ring-shaped structures. The structures were not readily detectable in diluted preparations unless incubated with lipid vesicles containing high molar ratios of cholesterol to phospholipid. It is suggested that the toxin is concentrated on the vesicles to local concentrations high enough to form the arcs and rings.  相似文献   

Summary An abundant epidermal mechanosensory calcium-selective ion channel appears able not only to detect mechanical stimuli such as those that initiate gravitropism but also to detect thermal, electrical, and various chemical stimuli. Because it responds to multimodal input with a second messenger output, this channel system seems likely to be an integrator that can engage in feedbacks with many other systems of the cell — and feedback is the hallmark of regulation. In general, the mechanical tension required for channel activation is likely transmitted from the relatively rigid cell wall to the plasma membrane system via linkage or adhesion sites that display antigenicities recognized by antibodies to animal -1 integrin, vitronectin, and fibronectin and which have mechanical connections to the cytoskeleton. Thus, functionally, leverage exerted against any given adhesion site will tend to control channels within a surrounding domain. Reactions initiated by passage of calcium ions through the channels could presumably be more effectively regulated if channels within the domains were somewhat clustered and if appropriate receptors, kinases, porters, pumps, and some key cytoskeletal anchoring sites were in turn clustered about them. Accumulating evidence suggests not only that activity of clusters of channels may contribute to control of cytoskeletal architecture and of regulatory protein function within their domain, but also that both a variety of regulatory proteins and components of the cortical cytoskeleton may contribute to control of channel activity. The emerging capabilities of electronic optical microscopy are well suited for resolving the spatial distributions of many of these cytoskeletal and regulatory molecules in living cells, and for following some of their behaviors as channels are stimulated to open and cytosolic calcium builds in their vicinity. Such microscopy, coupled with biochemical and physiological probing, should help to establish the nature of the feedback loops putatively controlled by the linkage sites and their channel domains.Dedicated to Gladys and Glenn Allen on the occasion of the establishment of the Gladys Levis Allen Laboratory of Plant Sensory PhysiologyThis review has been solicited to provide a perspective on an emerging model of the plant cell. It is not intended as a comprehensive assessment of the literature.  相似文献   

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