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L.E. Ehler 《BioControl》2004,49(2):121-135
Eggs and small to medium-sizedlarvae of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are exploited by acomplex of natural enemies in spring-plantedsugarbeet fields in northern California. Fieldstudies revealed that predation on sentinel eggmasses ranged from 20 to 100%egg mass;predation rate was lowest in fields previouslytreated with methomyl and highest innon-treated fields. Predators typicallydestroyed all of the eggs in a given egg mass;percentage predation per egg mass was densityindependent (spatial context). Survival of eggs(to neonate larvae) in cages that excludedpredators ranged from 80 to $>$90%. Theegg-predator guild consisted of adults andnymphs of Orius tristicolor(White)(Anthocoridae), Nabis americoferusCarayon (Nabidae), Lygus hesperus Knight(Miridae), and Geocoris punctipes (Say)(Geocoridae); larvae of Chrysoperlacarnea (Stephens) (Chrysopidae); and adults ofCollops vittatus (Say) (Melyridae). Laboratory evaluation revealed that largelarvae of C. carnea and the adults of theother species (except for O. tristicolor)could consume 100 eggs of S. exigua in a48 h period. The parasite guild associatedwith small and medium-sized larvae consisted ofthree species: Hyposoter exiguae(Viereck) and Pristomerus spinator (F.)(Ichneumonidae), both larval endoparasites; andChelonus insularis Cresson (Braconidae),an egg-larval endoparasite. Parasitization in field samples ranged from 30 to 65%. Smalland medium-sized larvae were also infected witha nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV); rates ofNPV infection ranged from 0 to 35% in fieldsamples. These results are consistent withanecdotal evidence that natural enemies,primarily generalist predators, are largelyresponsible for maintaining populations ofS. exigua at relatively low levels innontreated sugarbeet fields.  相似文献   

The effects of diet during the fifth stadium on performance of adult N. viridula were determined through comparing growth, fecundity, and duration of tethered flight of insects reared on four axenic diets: fresh green bean, raw-shelled peanut, a combination of the two and soaked soybean seed. Females reared on the combination diet were heavier than those reared on green beans and oviposited more than those reared on peanuts. Three-day-old adult females reared on peanuts flew longer than those reared on green beans. More females reared on diets containing mature seed showed a capacity for extended flight and had larger fat bodies at 34-days postemergence. Thus, inadequate diet during the fifth stadium irreversibly affected growth, development, reproduction and flight capacity.
Résumé Les effets du régime alimentaire pendant le 5ème stade sur les performances imaginales de N. viridula ont été déterminés en comparant la croissance, la fécondité, la durée du vol captif, et l'accumulation de corps gras chez des insectes élevés sur 4 régimes stérilisés. A partir de la formation des larves de 5ème stade, elles ont été alimentées sur haricots verts et arachides, ou transférées sur un régime formé exclusivement d'arachides, ou de haricots verts, ou de graines de soja trempées, cependant la durée du 5ème stade. Les insectes ont été transférés sur un régime de haricots verts et arachides à leur émergence.Les femelles élevées continuellement de haricots verts et arachides étaient plus lourdes (P<0,01) à l'émergence (161,6 mg) que celles élevées sur haricots verts (146,3 mg) pendant le 5ème stade, et pondent plus d'oeufs (P<0,08) pendant une durée de 34 jours (100,9 oeufs) que celles élevées sur arachides (54,7 oeufs). Plus de femelles élevées sur haricots verts et arachides (76,2%) pondent que celles élevées sur arachides (61,1%), soja trempé (62,5%), ou haricots verts (60,9%).Les femelles élevées sur arachides volaient plus longtemps (P < 0,01) (42,9 mn) que celles élevées sur haricots verts (19,8 mn) pendant des vols captifs le 3ème jour après l'émergence. 78% de toutes les femelles élevées sur arachides volaient >-30 mn, contre 50% pour celles élevées sur haricots verts et arachides, ou soja trempé, et 35% pour celles élevées sur haricots verts. Seulement 7% des femelles élevées sur haricots verts volaient à la 60ème minute à la fin du test, contre 25% pour les femelles soja trempé, 33% pour les femelles haricots verts et arachides, et 47% pour celles élevées sur arachides. Les femelles ont été disséquées 34 jours après l'émergence pour déterminer l'importance du corps gras. Les indices de corps gras (Kiritani, 1963) montraient que les femelles élevées sur arachides (1,8) et graines de soja (1,7) ont apparemment un corps gras plus développé que celles élevées sur haricots verts et arachides (1,5), our haricots verts (1,2), pendant le 5ème stade.Ces résultats montrent que l'alimentation pendant le dernier stade larvaire de N. viridula affecte irréversiblement la croissance, la fécondité et l'aptitude au vol des femelles. En estimant que des résultats semblables auraient été obtenus avec des insectes élevés sur ces 4 aliments depuis l'éclosion, haricots verts et arachides constituent le meilleur aliment pour l'élevage de N. viridula. Ce régime fournit une graine mûre, vraisemblablement nécessaire pour l'accumulation d'un corps gras suffisant et une aptitude au vol migratoire, et une plante verte qui fournit les aliments apparement essentiels à l'ovogenèse.

Laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies with Euschistus heros (F.) and Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in northern Paraná, Brazil, demonstrated greater survival and longevity with E. heros than N. viridula when fed the weed Acanthospermum hispidum DC. (Compositae). E. heros was better adapted to A. hispidum than N. viridula but neither species reproduced on this plant. Stink bugs moved from soybean to A. hispidum mainly during mid-March to mid-April when soybean plants matured. The infestation reached 60 and 100% with a maximum of ca. 3 and 10 stink bugs/plant in 1988 and 1989, respectively. Surprisingly, E. heros and N. viridula, which are normally seed-feeders, strongly preferred the high moisture stems of A. hispidum. Both species demonstrated similar feeding frequencies. These results suggest that in northern Paraná, the common weed, A. hispidum functions as a temporary host providing water and nutrients to those two pentatomid pests of soybean. Finally, both species do not seem to recognize A. hispidum as an unsuitable or perhaps toxic plant.  相似文献   

In vitro rearing of the egg parasitoidTrissolcus basalis (WOLL.) from eggs collected on the natural hostNezara viridula (L.) was initiated. Several oligidic diets containing insect material (Manduca sexta hemolymph or host egg content) were tested. Our initial medium with 50% hemolymph induced a high egg mortality, but by decreasing the hemolymph concentration, increasing the hen egg yolk concentration and adding 15% of free amino acids mixture, a hatching rate of 85% of the parasitoid eggs was obtained with 39% reaching the second instar and 33% the third instar. In a medium without hemolymph, but with 18% liquid from parasitized host eggs we obtained 90% to 100% hatching, 25 to 27% reaching the second instar and 8% the third instar. We did not obtain pupation from eggsin vitro, but did get pupae and adults from larvae rearedin vivo to second instar and transfered to anin vitro system.   相似文献   

Percent parasitism of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera:Pentatomidae) by Trichopoda pennipes F.(Diptera: Tachinidae) ten years after itsfortuitous introduction was evaluated in someareas of Italy. The parasitoid is acclimatisedin central Italy with a parasitism in 1998 of21.3% in the west coast area (Lazio) and of24.8% in the inland area (Umbria). Host adultsof both sexes were attacked with the same ratein 1998, whereas this was higher in males thanfemales in 1991 and 1992. Parasitism of nymphswas lower in all three years. In 1998parasitized bugs showed 1 (54.1%) to a maximumof 15 (0.4%) macrotype eggs per individual,distributed preferentially on the thorax ascompared with other body parts. None of theother pentatomid species collected in the sameareas were parasitized by T. pennipes,indicating that there have not been indirecteffects of this fortuitous introduction tillnow.  相似文献   

The potential for classical biological control to cause unintended harm to native species was evaluated in the case of the endemic Hawaiian koa bug, Coleotichus blackburniae White (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), and parasitoids introduced to Hawaii for control of an agricultural pest, the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Parasitism of C. blackburniae eggs, nymphs and adults by biocontrol agents was quantified across a wide range of habitats and compared to other sources of mortality. Egg mortality due to the biocontrol agent Trissolcus basalis Wollaston (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was low (maximum 26%) and confined to elevations below 500 m on a single host plant. Predation, mainly by alien spiders and ants, was the greatest source of egg mortality (maximum 87%). Parasitism of adult C. blackburniae by the biocontrol agent Trichopoda pilipes (F.) (Diptera: Tachinidae) was near zero at 21 of 24 sites surveyed. Three sites with high bug density had higher levels of T. pilipes parasitism, reaching maxima of 70% among adult female bugs, 100% among males and 50% among fifth instars. Male-biased parasitism indicated that T. pilipes is adapted to using male aggregation pheromone for finding C. blackburniae hosts. The relative impacts of biocontrol agents and other sources of mortality were compared using life tables. Invasive species, particularly generalist egg predators, had the greatest impacts on C. blackburniae populations. Effects of intentionally introduced parasitoids were relatively minor, although the tachinid T. pilipes showed potential for large impacts at individual sites. In retrospect, non-target attacks by biological control agents on C. blackburniae were predictable, but the environmental range and magnitude of impacts would have been difficult to foresee.  相似文献   

We observed mate location behavior in Nezara viridulaon the ivy Hedera helix.The female stays motionless on the plant stem, calling with rhythmic repetitions of her calling song. The male walks on the plant, answering with his calling and courtship songs. On encountering petioles or branching points, the male stops and straddles his legs across the fork. Only after another repetition of the female's call does the male proceed to walk again. This behavior may enable the male to compare the vibrations in the two substrates and choose the stronger one to follow. On plants where visual and airborne acoustic communication can be prevented by leaves, substrateborne vibrational signals perceived by receptors in legs would enhance the likelihood of mate location in N. viridula.  相似文献   

Summary The system formed byN. viridula and its almost specific parasitoidT. giacomellii has been studied in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina for 26 generations of the former and 20 generations of the latter. An intensive study over 9 host generations and key factor analysis made possible the identification and quantification of different mortality factors. The main factors determining the fluctuations in total generation mortality were: egg mortality due mainly to parasitism byT. basalis; nymphal predation on 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs and migration; and adult mortality and reduction on potential natality due to parasitism byT. giacomellii. Adult mortality and reduction of potential natality, due to parasitism byT. giacomellii, was density dependent. This factor is capable of maintaining the simulations generated by a simple model based on key factor analysis, within the range of observed densities. These results suggest that parasitism byT. giacomellii can regulate the population, even in a small area of 450 m2.  相似文献   

L.E. Ehler 《BioControl》2007,52(3):323-338
A long-term study of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) revealed that a complex of native predators and parasites exploit this introduced pest in alfalfa-hay fields in northern California. In field trials, predators typically fed on >50% of sentinel egg masses during a given sample interval; mean predation rate ranged from 40 to 100% and percentage predation per individual egg mass was density-independent (spatial context) for 16 of 17 sample intervals. The egg-predator guild consisted primarily of adults and nymphs of Lygus hesperus Knight & L. elisus Van Duzee (Miridae), Nabis americoferus Carayon (Nabidae), and Orius tristicolor (White) (Anthocoridae); and adults of Collops vittatus (Say) (Melyridae) and Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville (Coccinellidae). In laboratory feeding trials, these species readily fed on eggs, as well as neonate larvae of S. exigua. The parasite guild associated with small- to medium-sized larvae consisted of Hyposoter exiguae (Viereck) and Pristomerus spinator (F.) (Ichneumonidae), both larval endoparasites; and Chelonus insularis Cresson (Braconidae), an egg-larval endoparasite. Total parasitization by these species in field samples ranged from 5 to 75%, and was density-independent (spatial context) for each of four sample dates. A few larvae were infected with a nuclear polyhedrosis virus but no epizootics were observed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that native natural enemies, especially generalist predators, can maintain populations of S. exigua at levels well below the treatment threshold for this exotic pest of alfalfa grown for hay.  相似文献   

In 1988, Encarsia aurantii (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was introduced into northern California to control an isolated infestation of obscure scale, Melanaspis obscura (Comstock) (Coccoidea: Diaspididae), on native and exotic oaks (Quercus spp.) in Sacramento’s Capitol Park. By 2002, there was no longer any need for chemical control of the scale (i.e., complete biological control). Both parasite and host are univoltine; peak emergence of adult parasites coincides with the peak of newly settled, first-instar scales. Increase of the parasite and concomitant decline of the scale from 1992 to 2004 are documented for one native and one exotic oak tree. During spring of 2004, mean density of female scales (based on 100 twigs per tree) on 12 previously infested oak trees was generally low, ranging from <1 (eight trees) to ∼15 (single tree) scales/twig. Mean percentage parasitization (per twig) ranged from ∼30 to ∼85%, and was density independent (spatial context) for each of five trees. Two refuges for the scale population were noted: some scale crawlers settled and developed under the parental scale cover (spatial refuge) and some female scales continued to produce crawlers into late summer and early fall, when adult parasites were no longer available (temporal refuge). This case illustrates how an introduction strategy (i.e., single-species release of E. aurantii), which was derived from an analysis of the parasite guild of the pest, was executed in the field and ultimately led to successful biological control.  相似文献   

Supercooling points were estimated for seven populations of >Aphelinus albipodus, five populations of >Aphelinus asychis, and four populations of >Diaeretiella rapae to assess whether their supercooling points were sufficiently low to provide the potential for overwintering survival in colder temperate climatic areas. Test individuals from all 16 of the parasitoid populations were collected originally from mummies of the Russian wheat aphid, >Diuraphis noxia. Mummies containing parasitoid pupae were maintained for 1 wk under three different temperature conditions (treatments): at room temperature (24.8 ± 0.2 °C), 1 wk at 0 °C, and 1 wk –5 °C, and the supercooling points across treatments, and within and among species were compared. Statistical differences in supercooling points were found among populations of >A. albipodus for each treatment, and for >A. asychis when maintained for 1 wk at room temperature. No differences in supercooling points were found among populations of >D. rapae mummies maintained under the three temperature treatments. The lowest supercooling points obtained for the three parasitoid species maintained at room temperature were the >A. albipodus population from Montana (–31.68 °C), the >A. asychis population from Greece (–32.04 °C), and the >D. rapaepopulation from the Caucasus (–33.12 °C). Preconditioning the parasitoid mummies to cold had no effect on the supercooling points for >A. albipodus, and in some cases unexpectedly increased the supercooling points for >A. asychisand >D. rapae. In comparing the overall mean supercooling points of the three parasitoid species, no differences were found within species (among temperature treatments), nor among species (within temperature treatments). It was concluded that observed differences in supercooling points of only a few degrees Centigrade among parasitoid populations and species would not be expected to cause differences in their overwintering success, especially given the expected variability in temperatures within and among overwintering sites.  相似文献   

The ichneumonid >Diadromus collaris(Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is amajor solitary, pupal endoparasitoid of thediamondback moth, >Plutella xylostella(Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).Experiments to examine parasitism of the hostpupae of different ages by the parasitoid wereconducted in the laboratory. >Diadromuscollaris preferred host pupae that were in thefirst half of their pupal development. Survivalfrom larva to adult, and size and parasitizingcapacity of the resultant female adultsdecreased dramatically as host pupal ageincreased. When ovipositions were made intohost pupae that were in the last quarter oftheir development, all parasitoids died beforeadult emergence. The performance of >D.collaris, as affected by host pupal age,agrees with the simple diet theory thatpredicts female wasps should select hosts ofhigher nutritional quality for oviposition.  相似文献   

Yugal K. Prasad 《BioControl》1989,34(3):391-395
The obscure occurrence of the cottony-cushion scaleIcerya purchasi Maskell in its native country Australia is generally attributed to its natural enemies. Twelve natural-enemy-exclusion experiments were conducted at monthly intervals to confirm the role of natural enemies. Each experiment had uncaged, open-caged, and caged treatments. The natural enemies were active throughout the year. The percentage of scales surviving to adults in the cages was significantly higher than in the open-caged treatments, except the April (first) cohort. In both open-caged and uncaged treatments, the percentage of scales surviving to adults was similar and matched the changes in the numbers of natural enemies, thus confirming their importance in controllingI. purchasi in South Australia.   相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the tephritid fly Eurosta solidaginis induce ball-shaped galls on the stem of tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima. Survival probability depends on gall size; in small galls the larva is vulnerable to parasitoid oviposition, whereas larvae in large galls are more frequently eaten by avian predators. Fly populations from 20 natural old fields in central Pennsylvania were monitored in 1983 and 1984 to examine the distribution of the selection intensity imposed by natural enemies, the parasitoids Eurytoma gigantea and E. obtusiventris, the inquiline Mordellistena unicolor, and the predatory birds Dendrocopus pubescens and Parus atricapillus. Mordellistena and E. obtusiventris are able to attack galls of all diameters while E. gigantea and the predatory birds preferentially assaulted small and large diameter galls, respectively. Eurosta in intermediate sized galls had the highest survivorship, hence selection had a stabilizing component. However, parasitoid attack was more frequent than bird attack, and the two did not exactly balance, thus there was also a directional component. The mean directional selection intensity on gall size was 0.21 standard deviations of the mean, indicating that larger gall size was favored. Interactions among the insect members of the Eurosta natural enemy guild are complex and frequent.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the quasi-gregarious egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) was investigated under field conditions. Trissolcus basalis has female-biased sex ratios and is a protandrous species, with males emerging 1–2 days before females. Males competed aggressively for control of the egg mass, with one male assuming dominance and control of the egg mass, although changes in dominance occurred at least once on each egg mass observed. Typical mating behavior involved the dominant male mating his sisters immediately upon their emergence from the egg mass. These behaviors are characteristic of an inbreeding species that manifests local mate competition. However, several aspects of the mating behavior of T. basalis are inconsistent with that of an inbreeding species. Over 18% of emerging females were not mated by the dominant male upon emergence, 13% of females were not observed to be mated at all and may have left their natal site as virgins, 25% of females were mated multiple times and sometimes by multiple males, females remained near the natal site for up to several hours after emergence before emigrating, and males dispersed away from the natal site during female emergence. Trissolcus basalis may be a predominantly inbreeding species but its emergence and mating behavior suggest that low-frequency outbreeding is also likely to occur.  相似文献   

We report and discuss effects of four insect growth regulators: buprofezin, fenoxycarb pyriproxyfen and chlorfluazuron, at concentrations recommended for agricultural use on six species of natural enemies of homopteran pests. Dipping in buprofezin had no appreciable effect on adult mortality, oviposition and development ofComperiella bifasciata (Howard), (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). When exposed to hosts treated with buprofezin, percentage mortality of adultEncyrtus infelix Embleton (Encyrtidae) was low; buprofezin had some detrimental effect on immature stages ofE. infelix when applied prior to parasitization, but not when introduced after parasitization. Buprofezin had a slight effect on the immature stages ofCryptochaetum iceryae Williston (Diptera: Cryptochaetidae), while fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen had marked detrimental effects on parasitization and/or development of the parasitoid fly. None of the larvae ofRodolia cardinalis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) developed into adults after application of buprofezin, fenoxycarb or pyriproxyfen. Buprofezin and chlorfluazuron completely prevented egg hatch ofChilocorus bipustulatus L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Buprofezin did not adversely affect egg hatch and larval development ofElatophilus hebraicus Pericart (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae); fenoxycarb or pyriproxyfen applied either before or after oviposition on pine needles caused total suppression of egg hatch.  相似文献   

The hoopoe (Upupa epops L.) is an insectivorousbird often preying on larvae and pupae of the pineprocessionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoeapityocampa Denis & Schiffermüller), the mostimportant defoliator of pines in Southern Europe andNorthern Africa. The first half of the breeding seasonof this migratory bird coincides with the pupal stageof the insect. Bird predation of pupae was quantifiedin two years in a Pinus nigra stand of northernItaly by periodic counting of the empty cocoons lefton the soil surface after extraction. The predationrate, estimated on 20 pupation sites representing thewhole stand, was 74.1% in 1993 and 68.3% in 1994.Predation was higher in the upper part of the soil andthen progressively decreased with increasing depth.The hoopoe may also prey on cocoons containing pupaeinfected by pathogenic fungi or parasitoids. Anexclosure experiment showed that the bird mayinterfere with these other mortality factors. Threepupal parasitoids, the ichneumonids Erigorgusfemorator Aubert and Coelichneumon rudis (Boyerde Fonscolombe) and the pteromalid Conomoriumpityocampae Graham, were significantly less frequentin the exposed sites. The fungus Beauveriabassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and the most abundantpupal parasitoid, Villa brunnea Becker (Diptera:Bombyliidae), caused the highest pupal mortality atboth protected and exposed sites. The bird seems to bean incompletely additive mortality factor acting onthe pest and it can also alter the relativemortalities imposed by the other natural enemies.  相似文献   

The sexual pattern and sexual development of the leopard grouper, Mycteroperca rosacea, were investigated from 483 specimens collected from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Histological and population data indicated a gonochoric sexual pattern. Some juveniles passed through an immature bisexual phase of gonadal development, but no evidence of post-maturational sex change was found. The immature bisexual phase is believed to be associated only with male development. The size distribution and size at sexual maturity were similar for both males and females. In accordance with predictions of the size-advantage model, the gonochoric sexual pattern of M. rosacea is likely influenced by its group-spawning mating system.
Brad E. ErismanEmail:

Delia radicum (L. 1758) is a major pest of cabbage crops in northern Europe. Due to more constraining laws relating to insecticide use, new strategies to control this pest are urgently needed. Manipulating insect behavior through infochemicals is a promising approach. The recent identification of dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) as a compound that both attracts the main predators of D. radicum and inhibits oviposition by the fly gives a challenging opportunity to develop such strategy. The aim of the present study was to confirm such potential of DMDS, in the field. Through the 8 weeks of the first egg laying peak of the fly we assessed, the potential of artificially increasing the levels of this molecule in the close vicinity of broccoli plants to 1/attract predators, 2/stimulate predatory activity and 3/limit damage done by the fly. Despite a lower number of D. radicum eggs as food resource, DMDS effectively increased predator catches in treated plots (119 Aleochara bilineata (Gyllenhal, 1810) caught in treated plot, while only 21 in control plots). However, damages done by the fly were of the same magnitude order in treated plots than in control ones. Number of D. radicum larvae and pupae recovered in plant roots were similar, despite the important decrease in eggs laid. This result, together with the observation that the numbers of eggs predated in artificial patches were lowered in the presence of the molecule, seems to indicate that increasing DMDS amounts disturbed the foraging activity of the fly predators. Consequences of these findings for the future of DMDS use in crop protection against D. radicum are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural enemies of Marucavitrata (Geyer) feeding concealed inside leafwhorls of a green manure legume, Sesbaniacannabina, were monitored during the 1996 and1997 summer seasons in Taiwan. A braconid,Apanteles taragamae, accounted for anaverage of 92% of all parasitoid specimensreared from M. vitrata larvae and pupae.Other parasitoid species included two otherbraconids: Bassus asper and Dolichogenidea sp., three ichneumonids: Trichomma sp., Triclistus sp., and Plectochorus sp., and two unidentifiedtachinids. All parasitoid species attacked M. vitrata larvae and emerged as mature larvaefrom host larvae (braconids) or as adults fromhost pupae (ichneumonids and tachinids). Oneunidentified predatory staphylinid and threeentomopathogenic fungi: Fusarium sp.Paecilomyces sp. and Beauveriabassiana were also observed attacking M.vitrata larvae. Apanteles taragamae is a solitary endoparasitoid. Its parasitismreached as high as 63% of M. vitratalarvae found attacking S. cannabina. Theparasitism was higher during June to August andreduced during September to November when otherparasitoid species were more active. Ninespecies of hyperparasitoids, all belonging toHymenoptera, were recovered, mainly from thebraconids.  相似文献   

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