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The speed of signal conduction is a factor determining the temporal properties of individual neurons and neuronal networks. We observed very different conduction velocities within the receptive field of fast-type On-Off transient amacrine cells in carp retina cells, which are tightly coupled to each other via gap junctions. The fastest speeds were found in the dorsal area of the receptive fields, on average five times faster than those detected within the ventral area. The asymmetry was similar in the On- and Off-part of the responses, thus being independent of the pathway, pointing to the existence of a functional mechanism within the recorded cells themselves. Nonetheless, the spatial decay of the graded-voltage photoresponse within the receptive field was found to be symmetrical, with the amplitude center of the receptive field being displaced to the faster side from the minimum-latency location. A sample of the orientation of varicosity-laden polyaxons in neurobiotin-injected cells supported the model, revealing that approximately 75% of these processes were directed dorsally from the origin cells. Based on these results, we modeled the velocity asymmetry and the displacement of amplitude center by adding a contribution of an asymmetric polyaxonal inhibition to the network. Due to the asymmetry in the conduction velocity, the time delay of a light response is proposed to depend on the origin of the photostimulus movement, a potentially important mechanism underlying direction selectivity within the inner retina.  相似文献   

It is envisaged that the motor control of the intercostal musculature--an assembly of mobile structures--can be characterized in terms of a conceptual spatially continuous control function, that underlies the discretely distributed muscular activity and reflects an inferred global dynamic control of the thoracic cage during breathing. The global control function is estimated by the spatio-temporal pattern obtained by averaging in time and space and interpolation of multichannel simultaneous intercostal EMG recording in the anaesthetized cat. Different examples of the experimental preparation in the presence of stimuli of different kinds are analysed. The resultant signal patterns are found to be self-consistent and capable of exhibiting systematically differing features in systematically differing experimental conditions, thus supporting the validity of the analysis and the choice of the estimator. It is concluded that a more detailed analysis of the requirements of this approach is then warranted. Such requirements are discussed, and, specifically, results that bear on the adequacy of spatial sampling rate are presented. It is suggested that such methods offer a promising approach in the study of motor control strategies of the respiratory apparatus.  相似文献   

Changes of the activity of cortical neurons were studied in the posterior crucial gyrus and in the middle parts of the suprasylvian and ectosylvian gyri on cooling the brain to 18°C and below. In exact experiments it was noted that cooling the cortex to 18.8–21.8° causes a complete cessation of neuron activity. The kinetics of the change of activity under these conditions follows a definite order: first an increase of the frequency of spike discharges is observed (31–27°), then a decrease of their amplitude (at 25–22°), and finally a complete disappearance of neuron activity (at 21.8–18.8°). Discontinuation of the cooling leads to restoration of the activity of the nerve cells in inverse order: low-amplitude high-frequency discharges manifest (at 23–26°), the amplitude of the spikes increases (at 29–31°) and then the initial activity is restored (at 31–32°). The decrease of neuron activity depends on the rate of temperature drop in the cortex. The faster the cortex is cooled, the lower is the temperature at which the neurons cease to function. And conversely, slow cooling of the cortex causes an inactivation of the spike potentials at a higher temperature.S. M. Kirov Gorki State Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 59–63, January–February, 1970.  相似文献   

Summation was studied by a procedure close to that used in producing a conditioned reflex. Subthreshold electrical stimulation, which gave rise to a dominant focus in the cat motor cortex, was applied after photic stimulation. Under these conditions, summation occurred both when the two stimuli were applied simultaneously and when the weaker stimulus preceded the stronger one by a very short interval (tens of milliseconds). Increased excitability was characteristic of the dominant focus. An excessive increase in excitability weakened the summation reflex. Electrographically, this type of conditioning was reflected in an increase in amplitude of the primary negative wave of the direct cortical response, recorded in the motor area at a distance of 2–3 mm from the stimulation point. It is concluded from analysis of this electrophysiological phenomenon and comparison of the results with data in the literature that different mechanisms are involved in the summation process during different sequences of stimulation ("photic+electrical" and "electrical+photic").Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 293–302, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

Previous histological and neurophysiological studies have shown that the innervation density of rapidly adapting (RA) mechanoreceptive fibers increases towards the fingertip. Since the psychophysical detection threshold depends on the contribution of several RA fibers, a high innervation density would imply lower thresholds. However, our previous human study showed that psychophysical detection thresholds for the Non-Pacinian I channel mediated by RA fibers do not improve towards the fingertip. By recording single-unit spike activity from rat RA fibers, here we tested the hypothesis that the responsiveness of RA fibers is asymmetric in the proximo-distal axis which may counterbalance the effects of innervation density. RA fibers (n?=?32) innervating the digital glabrous skin of rat hind paw were stimulated with 40-Hz sinusoidal mechanical bursts at five different stimulus locations relative to the receptive field (RF) center (two distal, one RF center, two proximal). Different contactor sizes (area: 0.39, 1.63, 2.96?mm2) were used. Rate-intensity functions were constructed based on average firing rates, and the absolute spike threshold and the entrainment threshold were obtained for each RA fiber. Thresholds for proximal stimulus locations were found to be significantly higher than those for distal stimulus locations, which suggests that the mechanical stimulus is transmitted better towards the proximal direction. The effect of contactor size was not significant. Mechanical impedance of the rat digital glabrous skin was further measured and a lumped-parameter model was proposed to interpret the relationship between the asymmetric response properties of RA fibers and the mechanical properties of the skin.  相似文献   

Electrical activity of the stellate ganglion was studied in newborn, 10-, 20-, 30-day-old, two- and six-month-old kittens using the spectral analysis. The development of sympathetic activity patterns was different during ontogenesis. The amplitude of discharges increased from the period of birth until the second month of kittens' life. In newborn and 10-day-old kittens, synchronous discharges of postganglionic fibers were represented by slow and low frequency impulses with frequencies of breathing and heart rate. ppears in 20-day-old kittens. The formation of the sympathetic discharge patterns ends at the second month of animals life.  相似文献   

Nude men were exposed to neutral environments (Ta = 28 degrees C, Pw = 20 mbar) changing to warm environments (Ta = 50 degrees C, Pw = 20 mbar). The transient period from neutral to warm environment lasted 4 min (dTA/DT = 5.50 degrees C/min) or 20 min (DTa/dt = 1.10 degrees C/min) or 40 min (dTa/dt = 0.55 degrees C/min) or 60 min (dTa/dt = 0.37 degrees C/min). Continuous measurements were made of rectal and mean skin temperatures and of body weigth loss. Sweating started before appreciable variation in rectal temperature. Onset of sweating could be explained by a peripheral proportional and rate control. Unsteady-state sweating can be predicted by summated stimulation of skin and rectal temperatures. This stimulation could be increased for some subjects by a multiplicative effect due to differences in local skin temperatures. This multiplicative effect occurred during the first transient period.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the breath-by-breath activity of single motor units in the diaphragm slip of allobarbital-anesthetized cats during quiet breathing and during continuous positive- and negative-pressure breathing. Our objective was to determine whether single motor units, on the basis of their activities, can be separated into discrete subpopulations or whether they fall on a continuum analogous to that of motor units of hindlimb muscles. The firing profiles of each unit were characterized for each pressure level by the onset and peak firing frequencies, onset latency, duration of firing, number of impulses per breath, and minimal frequency, when appropriate. Units with shorter onset latencies had higher peak frequencies, longer firing durations, and increased firing frequencies than did units with longer onset latencies. These comparative relationships persisted even though the activity of every motor unit was altered during pressure breathing. During positive-pressure breathing onset latencies were lengthened, and durations of firing were shortened with little change in onset or peak frequencies. Late units might be silenced. During negative-pressure breathing onset latencies were shortened, and durations of firing were lengthened, sufficiently in some cases to fill the expiratory pause. In addition, previously inactive units were recruited late in inspiration for short, relatively high frequency bursts during inspiration. The results support the concept that the phrenic motoneuron pool is comprised of three discrete subpopulations.  相似文献   

The time course of neuronal response to presentation of a static flashing slit at different angles and both light spots and light strips moving in different directions was investigated in the Clare-Bishop area of the cat cortex. It was found that orientational and directional tuning patterns were mainly determined by the bursting constituent of the response and could be measured according to the number of spikes per burst or the actual number of bursts. A closed-loop model for pattern detection is introduced to shed light on bursting activity.V. Kapsuko State University, Vil'nius. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 335–343, May–June, 1987.  相似文献   

Functional connections between neurones of various types in microareas and between microareas of the motor cortex in cats have been studied during elaboration of an electro-defensive reflex to sound. A difference has been shown between neighbouring neurones in formation of their contacts with nearby neurones located within an area of 500 mc. Neurones generating spikes of high amplitude had more active "outputs" to neurones situated at different distances, while neurones generating spikes of low amplitude had more active "inputs" to them. On the other hand, as a result of conditioning "inputs" to distant neurones underwent more significant changes in the first type of neurones, and in the second type--the "outputs" changed more markedly.  相似文献   

Intracellular correlates of complex sets of rhythmic cortical "spike and wave" potentials evoked in sensorimotor cortex and of self-sustained rhythmic "spike and wave" activity were examined during acute experiments on cats immobilized by myorelaxants. Rhythmic spike-wave activity was produced by stimulating the thalamic relay (ventroposterolateral) nucleus (VPLN) at the rate of 3 Hz; self-sustained afterdischarges were recorded following 8–14 Hz stimulation of the same nucleus. Components of the spike and wave afterdischarge mainly correspond to the paroxysmal depolarizing shifts of the membrane potential of cortical neurons in length. After cessation of self-sustained spike and wave activity, prolonged hyperpolarization accompanied by inhibition of spike discharges and subsequent reinstatement of background activity was observed in cortical neurons. It is postulated that the negative slow wave of induced spike and wave activity as well as slow negative potentials of direct cortical and primary response reflect IPSP in more deep-lying areas of the cell bodies, while the wave of self-sustained rhythmic activity is due to paroxysmal depolarizing shifts in the membrane potential of cortical neurons.I. S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 298–306, May–June, 1986.  相似文献   

Local 10-min and 40-min myocardial ischemia was accompanied by a significant depression in the rat blood fibrinolytic activity. During 40-min postischemic myocardial reperfusion after short-term (10-min) myocardial ischemia fibrinolytic reactions were activated and after prolonged (40-min) myocardial ischemia they were suppressed.  相似文献   

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