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Cloning vectors for studies of Caulobacter crescentus genes should be transferable between Escherichia coli and C. crescentus since a transformation system has not been developed for C. crescentus. We have tested a large number of vectors containing IncP or IncQ replicons and found that many of the vectors containing IncQ replicons, and all but one of the vectors containing IncP replicons, are readily transferred by conjugation into C. crescentus. All of the plasmids tested were maintained in C. crescentus at 1 to 5 copies per cell, but plasmids containing IncP replicons were more stable than plasmids containing IncQ replicons. Further studies with a derivative of the IncQ plasmid R300B showed that when a promoterless kanamycin (Km)-resistance gene (npt2) was inserted into the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC (SuR-SmR) operon, Km resistance was expressed only when the npt2 gene was inserted such that it would be transcribed from the sul promoter. These data indicate that R300B does not contain sequences which would provide promoter function in C. crescentus in the orientation opposite to that of the sul operon and that any genes cloned in this orientation would require native promoters for expression. To provide greater versatility for cloning into R300B, additional vectors were constructed by the addition of multiple cloning sites in the intercistronic region of the sul-aphC operon. In addition, chromosomal DNA libraries were constructed in R300B and in the cosmid vector pLAFR1-7. Specific clones from these libraries containing genes of interest were identified by complementation of the appropriate C. crescentus mutants.  相似文献   

Human adenovirus cloning vectors based on infectious bacterial plasmids   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By making use of the fact that human adenovirus DNA circularizes in infected cells, and that circular forms of the viral genome are infectious, we have developed an improved adenovirus-based cloning system. A deletion mutant of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) with deletions in early regions 1 (E1) and 3 (E3) was converted to a bacterial plasmid which can regenerate infectious virus following transfection into human 293 cells. A single XbaI recognition site in the deleted E3 region serves as a site for the insertion of foreign DNA. We have used this system to clone a number of genes into the Ad5 genome and describe the insertion of the neomycin/G418 resistance marker into Ad5 as an example.  相似文献   

Mark C. Fagan  John F. Scott   《Gene》1985,40(2-3):217-229
Yeast acentric-ring plasmid 1 (YARpl), comprising 1453 bp of entirely yeast chromosomal DNA, is maintained in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a high-copy, relatively stable plasmid. To determine the feasibility of using YARp1 as a yeast cloning vehicle, we subcloned the GAL1-10 promoter and the URA3 gene into YARp1 at different locations. To facilitate these constructions, a class of permuted YARpl construction vectors was generated which enabled us to use various restriction sites in YARp1 as insertion points. Transformation frequencies, plasmid stabilities, and copy numbers of these YARp1 derivatives remained elevated, comparable to those of YARp1 itself. Also, when OMP decarboxylase was assayed using strains containing URA3-YARp's, specific activities of 100–300 times that of wild type were found. This evidence supports the use of YARpl as a high-copy yeast-expression vector or for analyzing structural and regulatory DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is a bacterium with a distinctive life cycle and so it is studied as a cell development model. In addition, we have adapted this bacterium for recombinant protein production and display based on the crystalline surface protein (S)-layer and its C-terminal secretion signal. We report here the development of small, high-copy-number plasmid vectors and methods for producing an obligate expression host. The vectors are based on a narrow-host-range colE1-replicon-based plasmid commonly used in Escherichia coli, to which was added the replication origin of the IncQ plasmid RSF1010. C. crescentus strains were modified to enable plasmid replication by introduction of the RSF1010 repBAC genes at the recA locus. The small (4.0-4.5 kb) plasmids were in high copy numbers in both C. crescentus and E. coli and amenable to rapid methods for plasmid isolation and DNA sequencing. The method for introducing repBAC is suitable for other C. crescentus strains or any bacterium with an adequately homologous recA gene. Application of the vector for protein expression, based on the type I secretion system of the S-layer protein, when compared to constructs in broad-host-range plasmids, resulted in reduced time and steps required from clone construction to recombinant protein recovery and increased protein yield.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is widely used as a powerful model system for the study of prokaryotic cell biology and development. Analysis of this organism is complicated by a limited selection of tools for genetic manipulation and inducible gene expression. This study reports the identification and functional characterization of a vanillate-regulated promoter (Pvan) which meets all requirements for application as a multi-purpose expression system in Caulobacter, thus complementing the established xylose-inducible system (Pxyl). Furthermore, we introduce a newly constructed set of integrating and replicating shuttle vectors that considerably facilitate cell biological and physiological studies in Caulobacter. Based on different narrow and broad-host range replicons, they offer a wide choice of promoters, resistance genes, and fusion partners for the construction of fluorescently or affinity-tagged proteins. Since many of these constructs are also suitable for use in other bacteria, this work provides a comprehensive collection of tools that will enrich many areas of microbiological research.  相似文献   

Using the cloning of part of the T-DNA of pTiC58 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens as an example, techniques are described which enable recombinant plasmids to be mapped and used as hybridization probes. In all cases the starting material is a colony of cells grown on an agar plate which is then subjected to lysis by lysozyme and Triton X-100 in volumes of the order of 300 microliters thus eliminating the need for handling and centrifuging liquid cultures under restrictive containment conditions.  相似文献   

The genetic improvement of biomining bacteria including Acidithiobacillus caldus could facilitate the bioleaching process of sulfur-containing minerals. However, the available vectors for use in A. caldus are very scanty and limited to relatively large broad-host-range IncQ plasmids. In this study, a set of small, mobilizable plasmid vectors (pBBR1MCS-6, pMSD1 and pMSD2) were constructed based on plasmid pBBR1MCS-2, which does not belong to the IncQ, IncW, or IncP groups. The function of the tac promoter on 5.8-kb pMSD2 was determined by inserting a kanamycin-resistant reporter gene. The resulting recombinant pMSD2-Km was successfully transferred by conjugation into A. caldus MTH-04 with transfer frequency of 1.38 ± 0.64 × 10?5. The stability and plasmid copy number of pMSD2-Km in A. caldus MTH-04 were 75 ± 2.7% and 5–6 copies per cell, respectively. By inserting an arsABC operon into pMSD2, an arsenic-resistant recombinant pMSD2-As was constructed and transferred into A. caldus MTH-04 by conjugation. The arsenic tolerance of A. caldus MTH-04 containing pMSD2-As was obviously increased up to 45 mM of NaAsO2. These vectors could be applied in genetic improvement of A. caldus as well as other bioleaching bacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract Glycine added to the growth medium of Caulobacter crescentus was found to substitute Cterminal alanine in the peptide side chains of the murein of this species. Murein synthesized in vivo and in vitro in the presence of glycerine was poorly crosslinked as was new murein formed in the presence of the amino acid. The reduced cross-linkage seems to be due to the effect of glycine on the formation of trimeric muropeptides as revealed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) muropeptide analysis of murein formed in the presence and absence of the amino acid.  相似文献   

The ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-encoding genes (rDNA) in flax, estimated to be present in about 2400 copies per diploid nucleus, have been reported as a single homogeneous repeat unit of 8.6 kb. In situ hybridization analysis indicated that these genes were located at a single site on one pair of chromosomes. However, an analysis of a flax variety, CI 1303, has revealed heterogeneity in the intergenic spacer of the rDNA repeat unit. A genetic analysis of rDNA inheritance in two flax lines, Stormont Cirrus and CI 1303, has again supported the observation that there is a single rDNA locus in this plant species. Screening of four different genomic libraries made in methylation-sensitive and -insensitive systems, and the analysis of 40 phage clones, demonstrate a much higher number than that expected of junctions between rDNA and non-rDNA. Direct evidence of rRNA-encoding genes being present in tandem comes from a few phage clones that contain more than two rDNA repeats. The evidence presented here indicates that rDNA, although present at a single locus in tandem arrays, may be interrupted frequently by other non-rDNA sequences, thus giving rise to questions about their organization into long tandem arrays.  相似文献   

Background  Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein that plays an important role in combating a wide range of pathogens and contributes innate protective defenses of mammals.
Methods  We cloned and sequenced the full-length cDNA for LF from Taiwan macaque. The antimicrobial activity and iron-binding ability of the purified recombinant macaque LF (rmLF) were determined and compared with those of human LF (hLF).
Results and conclusions  The complete mLF cDNA (GenBank: EU523857 ) encoded a 710-aa precursor with a 19-aa signal peptide. The nucleotide sequence of mLF showed the highest identity to the rhesus monkey LF (98%), whereas the putative amino acid sequence of mLF showed the highest identity to the hLF (90%). The rmLF and natural hLF showed almost equivalent antibacterial activities against Klebsiella pneumoniae and mLF presented a slightly lower activity against Listeria monocytogenes than natural hLF. In addition, the patterns of iron release from mLF and hLF were nearly identical.  相似文献   

The gene for the phosphate-starvation-inducible outer membrane protein OprP, of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was introduced into Caulobacter crescentus CB2A on a plasmid vector. As is the case in P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli the oprP gene was inducible under conditions of limiting phosphate in C. crescentus. However, the maximal medium concentration of phosphate which still permitted induction of OprP was lower in C. crescentus (50 microM) than in P. aeruginosa (200 microM). Induction of OprP was coincident with the process of stalk elongation, known to occur in C. crescentus under phosphate starvation conditions. When induced, OprP was localized to the cell envelope and became a major membrane protein, indicating that the Pseudomonas promoter was efficiently recognized in C. crescentus and that the gene product was targeted to the appropriate region of the cell. Our data provide support for the hypothesis that the mechanism for regulation of phosphate-starvation-inducible genes is highly conserved amongst the eubacteria.  相似文献   

The Baculoviridae are a large family of enveloped DNA viruses exclusively pathogenic to arthropods. Baculoviruses have been extensively used in insect cell-based recombinant protein expression system and as biological pesticides. They have been deomostrated to be safe to mammals, birds and fish. Recently, baculoviruses has been shown to transduce different mammalian cells in spite of the fact that they cannot replicate in mammalian cells (11, 73, 76). This has resulted in the development of baculoviruses as mammalian expression systems and even as vestors for gene therapy. Foundation item: National Nature Science Foundations of China (30325002, 30470075).  相似文献   

Abstract We describe the subcloning of plasmids present in Vibrio cholerae 01 strain V58: the P factor, the large cryptic plasmid (lcp) and small cryptic plasmid (scp). Strains harbouring fragments of the P sex factor and the lcp were examined for plasmid encoded proteins by Coomassie blue staining and analysis in Escherichia coli K-12 minicells.
The distribution of these three plasmids in a variety of Vibrio species has been examined using some of the cloned fragments as DNA probes. Most recent clinical isolates of V. cholerae were found to contain the scp. None of the strains contained the lcp. The P factor was only detected in one clinical isolate in addition to the scp. While plasmids appear to be generally uncommon among V. cholerae , and do not appear to differentiate biovars, the presence of plasmids may be a useful epidemiological adjunct.  相似文献   

The characteristic ability of Gluconobacter oxydans to incompletely oxidize numerous sugars, sugar acids, polyols, and alcohols has been exploited in several biotechnological processes, for example vitamin C production. The genome sequence of G. oxydans 621H is known but molecular tools are needed for the characterization of putative proteins and for the improvement of industrial strains by heterologous and homologous gene expression. To this end, promoter regions for the genes encoding G. oxydans ribosomal proteins L35 and L13 were introduced into the broad-host-range plasmid pBBR1MCS-2 to construct two new expression vectors for gene expression in Gluconobacter spp. These vectors were named pBBR1p264 and pBBR1p452, respectively, and have many advantages over current vectors for Gluconobacter spp. The uidA gene encoding β-D-glucuronidase was inserted downstream of the promoter regions and these promoter-reporter fusions were used to assess relative promoter strength. The constructs displayed distinct promoter strengths and strong (pBBR1p264), moderate (pBBR1p452) and weak (pBBR1MCS-2 carrying the intrinsic lac promoter) promoters were identified.  相似文献   

The cells of Pseudomonas pseudomallei and Pseudomonas mallei have been shown to serve as recipients for the plasmid RSF1010 and its recombinant derivatives pVA1 and pVA4. The conjugative plasmids RP1 and pTH10 of the incompatibility group P1 are able to mobilize the nontransmissive vector plasmids for conjugation transfer into Pseudomonas pseudomallei and Pseudomonas mallei strains. The SmR determinant of the plasmid RSF1010 is expressed in the latter strains. These data makes the mentioned vector plasmids the candidates for DNA cloning in these strains.  相似文献   

Calcium was found to stimulate stalk development in Caulobacter crescentus and to relieve the inhibition of development long known to be caused by phosphate. This suggested that phosphate inhibition could be attributed to its interaction with Ca2+, thereby depriving the cells of a factor that promoted development. Calcium was also found to promote phosphate acquisition by the cells, observed as acceleration of growth at extremes of phosphate concentration, as promotion of carbon-source utilization rather than storage, and as support for phosphate-dependent resistance to arsenate inhibition of growth. Cytological studies of dividing cells revealed that stalked siblings had greater access to exogenous phosphate for use in growth or for storage as polyphosphate, and that access of non-stalked sibling to phosphate was dependent on the length of the stalk of the dividing cell. It was concluded that the physiologic role of the stalk is enhancement of phosphate acquisition. The stimulatory role of calcium in this process was attributed to its support of stalk development and to its stabilization of internal membrane/cell envelope association within the cell-stalk juncture.Abbreviations EGTA (ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid) - PHB (poly--hydroxybutyric acid) - Pn (inorganic polyphosphate) This report is dedicated to the memory of an outstanding teacher, Roger Y. Stanier. If he were available to evaluate this work, I could be confident of his providing the most incisive criticism; if not convinced, the reason(s) for his dissatisfaction would be made quite clear, and if convinced, his defense undoubtedly would enlarge my understanding of this microorganism  相似文献   

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