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The addition of either cathepsin-G or leukocyte elastase to endotoxin-stimulated human peripheral blood monocytes decreased the immunoreactive tumor necrosis factor (TNF) detected in culture supernatants in a concentration-dependent manner. Both enzymes also induced a loss of supernatant cytolytic activity as determined on the WEHI-164 target cell line. Incubation of recombinant human TNF and lymphotoxin (LT) with either cathepsin-G or leukocyte elastase resulted in a loss of cytokine bioactivity. Examination of enzyme-treated recombinant cytokines by gel electrophoresis revealed that cathepsin-G cleaved LT into a 12.6-kDa fragment and leukocyte elastase fragmented LT into a 14.1-kDa product. On Western blots cathepsin-G and leukocyte elastase degraded TNF into 11- and 7.6-kDa fragments, respectively. Incubating leukocyte elastase with plasma elastase inhibitor alpha-1-antitrypsin prevented the loss of recombinant TNF bioactivity and blocked the degradation of this cytokine. This study suggests that two of the most abundant neutrophil proteases, cathepsin-G and leukocyte elastase, may be important regulators of TNF and LT bioactivity.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of recombinant human lymphotoxin (residues 24-171 of the mature protein) has been determined by x-ray crystallography at 1.9-A resolution (Rcryst = 0.215 for I greater than 3 sigma (I)). Phases were derived by molecular replacement using tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) as a search model. Like TNF-alpha, lymphotoxin (LT) folds to form a "jellyroll" beta-sheet sandwich. Three-fold related LT subunits form a trimer stabilized primarily by hydrophobic interactions. A cluster of 6 basic residues around the 3-fold axis may account for the acid lability of the trimer. Although the structural cores of TNF-alpha and LT are similar, insertions and deletions relative to TNF-alpha occur in loops at the "top" of the LT trimer and significantly alter the local structure and the overall shape trimer is highly conserved. The sites of two mutations (Asp-50 and Tyr-108) that abolish the cytotoxicity of LT are contained within poorly ordered loops of polypeptide chain that flank the cleft between neighboring subunits at the base of the molecule, suggesting that the receptor recognizes an intersubunit binding site.  相似文献   

Human Tumor Necrosis Factor and Lymphotoxin are cytotoxic proteins which have similar biological activities and share 30 percent amino acid homology. The single copy genes which encode these proteins share several structural features: each gene is approximately three kilobase pairs in length and is interrupted by three introns. In addition, these genes are closely linked and have been mapped to human chromosome 6. However, only the last exons of both genes, which code for more than 80 percent of each secreted protein, are significantly homologous (56 percent).  相似文献   

Genetic variability at the human tumor necrosis factor loci.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Variability in the structure of the human tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) or lymphotoxin (TNF-beta) genes may contribute to the functional polymorphism of the HLA gene complex. We have characterized an allelic restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the TNF-beta gene by using the restriction endonuclease NcoI. Digestion of genomic DNA with NcoI and Southern blotting by using TNF-alpha gene probes show 5.4-kb and 10.5-kb hybridizing fragments. In Caucasian populations, the 10.5-kb fragment is present in 64 to 72% of haplotypes. The polymorphic NcoI site is located within the first intron of the TNF-beta gene. Additional restriction fragment variability was demonstrated by digestion with AccI; however, this restriction fragment variability was not allelic in nature. Rather, it was a consequence of variable DNA methylation at AccI sites within and upstream of the TNF-beta gene. In peripheral blood leukocytes, methylation of the TNF-beta AccI sites was greatest in neutrophils (TNF-beta nonproducers), and lowest in T lymphocytes (the major producers of TNF-beta). These results suggest strongly that variation in DNA methylation may play an important role in regulation of the expression of the TNF-beta gene.  相似文献   

Single amino acid substitutions were generated in predicted hydrophilic loop regions of the human tumour necrosis factor beta (TNF-beta) molecule, and the mutant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Mutants with single amino acid changes at either of two distinct loop regions, at positions aspartic acid 50 or tyrosine 108, were found to have greatly reduced receptor binding and cytotoxic activity. These two regions in TNF-beta correspond to known loop regions where mutations also result in loss of biological activity of TNF-alpha, a related cytokine which shares the same cellular receptors with TNF-beta. The two distinct loops at positions 31-34 and 84-89 in the known three-dimensional structure of TNF-alpha (equivalent to positions 46-50 and 105-110 respectively in TNF-beta), lie on opposite sides of the TNF-alpha monomer. When the TNF-alpha monomer forms a trimer, the two loops, each from a different subunit of the trimer, come together and lie in a cleft between adjacent subunits. Together, these findings suggest that a TNF receptor binds to a cleft between subunits via surface loops at amino acid residues 31-34 and 84-89 in TNF-alpha, and similarly via surface loops including amino acids aspartic acid 50 and tyrosine 108 in TNF-beta.  相似文献   

Cytokines with bone-resorbing activity include IL 1 beta (pI 7), IL 1 alpha (pI 5), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and lymphotoxin (LT). Possible interaction between IL 1 beta, the major mediator with osteoclast-activating factor (OAF) activity, and other cytokines was studied. By itself, IL 1 beta was 13-fold more potent than IL 1 alpha and 1000-fold more potent than either TNF or LT in stimulating bone resorption. Suboptimal concentrations of IL 1 beta or IL 1 alpha in combination with suboptimal concentrations of TNF or LT resulted in synergistic bone-resorptive responses (1.5 to 10 times the expected responses if their effects were additive). Synergy between either form of IL 1 and TNF or LT resulted in a twofold increase in activity of IL 1, and a 100-fold increase in activity of TNF or LT. However, even with optimal synergy, IL 1 beta remained 20-fold more potent in inducing bone resorption than TNF or LT. Because IL 1 beta is considerably more potent than TNF and LT in stimulating bone resorption either alone or under synergistic conditions, it is unlikely that TNF and LT are responsible for more than a minor proportion of the total bone-resorbing activity formerly referred to as OAF.  相似文献   

The relative ability of TNF and lymphotoxin (LT) to inhibit the growth of five human tumor cell lines was examined both in the presence and absence of IFN-gamma. Two adenocarcinoma lines, HT-29 and SK-CO-1, were 20- and 320-fold more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of TNF and LT in 3- to 4-day proliferation assays. In contrast, the breast carcinoma line BT-20 showed only a one- to twofold difference. The MCF-7 and ME-180 cell lines exhibited intermediate behavior. These results parallel the reported disparate potencies of TNF and LT in their effects on endothelial cells, hematopoietic development and their abilities to sustain a mixed lymphocyte response. Radiolabeled TNF binding studies showed two classes of receptors (Kd 0.04 to 0.15 nM and 0.2 to 1.0 nM) on the highly sensitive SK-CO-1 line. HT-29 cells also appeared to possess some high affinity-binding sites, whereas the BT-20 line completely lacked the high affinity form. Thus the presence of high affinity-binding sites correlated with increased sensitivity to the antiproliferative effects of TNF. Cold TNF competed with the binding of radiolabeled human TNF three- to fivefold better than LT for binding to all three lines. These relatively small differences between the TNF and LT receptor-binding characteristics are insufficient to explain the dramatic disparity in their antiproliferative properties. Likewise, the absolute concentrations of the unlabeled cytokines necessary to block the binding of 125I-TNF were 10- to 150-fold higher than the levels necessary to elicit the biologic response. Thus, the receptor binding data conflict with the growth inhibitory effects. This discrepancy is discussed in terms of either separate receptors for TNF and LT or more complex phenomena such as receptor cooperativity possibly resulting from multivalent interactions with the trimeric form of TNF.  相似文献   

The expression of membrane-associated forms of lymphotoxin (LT) and TNF were examined on cell lines of T, B, and myeloid origin, IL-2 dependent T cell clones, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Inducible and constitutive patterns of surface LT expression were found on T cells as exemplified by the II-23.D7, a CD4+T cell hybridoma, and HUT-78, a T cell lymphoma. Phorbol ester induced surface LT expression on Ramos, an EBV transformed B cell line, but at a slower rate of appearance when compared to the II-23.D7. Secretion of LT was rapidly inducible by phorbol ester in II-23.D7 and also in HUT-78 but with slower kinetics; surface LT expression continued in both lines after secretion had ceased. Low levels of membrane TNF were transiently induced on II-23.D7 and HUT-78, but none was observed on Ramos. Peripheral blood monocytes and some myeloid tumor lines did not express surface LT. Several T cell clones expressed surface LT after Ag-specific stimulation, and expression persisted several days. Stimulation through the TCR or by IL-2 rapidly induced surface LT on resting peripheral T cells and CD56+ NK cells; pokeweed mitogen activation induced expression on CD20+ B cells. Consistent with previous results, immunoprecipitation with anti-LT mAb showed that LT was complexed with a distinct 33 kDa glycoprotein (p33) on cells that expressed surface LT, whereas secreted LT was not associated with p33. Surface and secreted modes of LT expression by activated T, B, and NK cells suggests that LT can be utilized as either a localized or diffusible mediator in immune responses.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha and lymphotoxin (LT, TNF-beta) genes are tandemly arranged and map within the MHC centromeric to HLA-B and telomeric to the class III genes. Both cytokines encoded by these genes are potent immunomodulators. On the other hand, some MHC-linked autoimmune diseases are characterized by abnormal levels of their expression or inducibility. A search for the putative disease-associated TNF/LT alleles depends on the informative genetic markers at the TNF locus. Previously, a low degree of genetic polymorphism at the human TNF locus has been reported, mostly bi-allelic RFLP. To localize and define additional polymorphic markers, we probed the collection of genomic clones with synthetic tandemly repeated dinucleotides, corresponding to the sequences known as microsatellites. We mapped and characterized three (TC/GA) and one (AC/GT) repeats within cloned 40-kb DNA comprising the human TNF locus. Using a polymerase chain reaction-based technique, we analyzed three of these four microsatellites and observed their length of polymorphism. Using DNA samples from blood donors, two families, and three human cell lines, we detected 13 distinct alleles of the AC/GT microsatellite neighboring human TNF genes. The variability was further increased by simultaneous analysis of the second linked microsatellite. This linked TC/GA repeat showed at least five alleles, whereas the least polymorphic TC/GA repeat located in the first intron of LT (TNF-beta) gene had two alleles. TNF alleles defined by microsatellites were stably inherited and segregated in the Mendelian way. Therefore, we describe thus far the most informative level of DNA sequence polymorphism in this part of human MHC. We propose a nomenclature for microsatellite tagged LT/TNF alleles based on their size and variability, which could also be extended to include RFLP and other not yet identified polymorphic markers. Microsatellite tagged polymorphism described here can be used in systematic linkage studies of HLA-associated diseases.  相似文献   

We report here a comparative study of the effects of several cytokines known to affect myeloid cell differentiation on functional properties of human mature granulocytes. We show that recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma), recombinant granulocyte/macrophage-colony stimulating factor (rGM-CSF), recombinant tumor necrosis factor (rTNF), and lymphotoxin (LT) purified to homogeneity are potent stimulators of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) activity. All cytokines enhance antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (Ab-CMC) mediated by human PMN; however, rGM-CSF, rTNF, and LT have an immediate and short-lived effect on the PMN, whereas the activation by rIFN-gamma requires several hours of induction but can be observed up to 24 to 48 hr of culture. Only the effect of rIFN-gamma is in part dependent on induction of a high-affinity FcR for monomeric IgG on PMN, as suggested by two-color sorting analysis, and on mechanisms that result in prolonged survival of PMN in a functionally active state to mediate oxidative burst, phagocytosis, and bactericidal activity. Greater enhancement of Ab-CMC is obtained by using rIFN-gamma in combination with the other cytokines. Our data indicate that cytokines previously defined on the basis of their cytotoxic effects mediate a wide spectrum of activities on mature myeloid cells and provide evidence for their possible role in vivo, alone or in combination with rIFN-gamma, in modulating functional activities of cells responsible for non-adaptive systems of defense.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to tumor necrosis factor receptor-I (TNFRI) can promote cell survival or activate the apoptotic caspase cascade. Cytoplasmic interaction of TNFRI with TRAF2 and RIP allows for the activation of JNK and NFkappaB pathways. Alternatively, a carboxy terminal death domain protein interaction motif can recruit TRADD, which then recruits FADD/MORT1, and finally procaspase 8. Aggregation of these components form a death inducing signaling complex, leading to the cleavage and activation of caspase 8. We have found that during apoptosis human TNFRI protein is lost in a caspase-dependent manner. The cytoplasmic tail of human TNFRI was found to be susceptible to caspase cleavage but not by caspase 8. Instead, the downstream executioner caspase 7 was the only caspase capable of cleaving TNFRI, in vitro. Identification and characterization of the cleavage site revealed a derivative of the classic EXD motif that incorporates a glutamate (E) in the P1 position. Using several criteria to establish that caspase activity was responsible for cleavage at this site, we confirmed that caspase 7 can cleave at a GELE motif. Mutation of the cleavage site prevented the apoptosis-associated cleavage of TNFRI. This ability of caspase 7 to cleave at a non-EXD or -DXXD motif suggests that the specificity of caspases may be broader than is currently held.  相似文献   

Recombinant murine and human tumor necrosis factor (mTNF and hTNF, respectively) were radioiodinated to high specific activity using a solid-phase lactoperoxidase method. A single class of high affinity receptors for 125I-TNF was identified on TNF-sensitive murine L cells and human HeLa S2 cells. Competitive radioligand binding assays were used to study the species specificity of TNF preparations. Unlabeled hTNF competed 30-fold less effectively than mTNF for binding to L cell receptors, whereas mTNF competed to approximately the same extent as hTNF for binding to HeLa cell receptors. A similar species specificity was observed in cytotoxicity assays; hTNF was more cytotoxic for HeLa cells than mTNF. Conversely, mTNF was more growth inhibitory and cytotoxic for L cells than hTNF. mTNF. and hTNF.receptor complexes were compared by gel filtration chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis before and after cross-linking with bis[2-(succinimidooxycarbonyloxy)ethyl]sulfone (BSOCOES). These complexes eluted in gel filtration at a position corresponding to a globular protein of 350,000 Mr. Gel autoradiographs of the fractions containing cross-linked complexes showed bands of 95,000 and 75,000 Mr as well as small amounts of higher Mr bands. mTNF and hTNF treated with BSOCOES formed cross-linked dimers and trimers. Therefore, we were unable to determine whether the 95,000 and 75,000 Mr bands represented two distinct subunits of receptors or one subunit to which either a dimer or a monomer of TNF was cross-linked. These results demonstrate species specificity in the TNF-receptor interaction. In addition, the affinity labeling studies in two species give an identical pattern for the TNF X receptor complexes, suggesting that the receptors have similar subunit composition.  相似文献   

Recombinant human lymphotoxin (LT) was compared with recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) for direct actions on cultured human endothelial cells (HEC). At equivalent half-maximal concentrations (based on L929 cytotoxicity units) LT and TNF each caused rapid and transient induction (peak 4 to 6 hr) of an antigen associated with leukocyte adhesion (detected by monoclonal antibody H4/18), a rapid but sustained increased expression (plateau 24 hr) of a lymphocyte adhesion structure (ICAM-1), a gradual (plateau 4 to 6 days) increase in expression of HLA-A,B antigens, and gradual (4 to 6 days) conversion of HEC culture morphology from epithelioid to fibroblastoid, an effect enhanced by immune interferon (IFN-gamma). Induction of H4/18 binding by maximal concentrations of LT or TNF could not be augmented by addition of the other cytokine, and 24 hr pretreatment with LT or TNF produced hyporesponsiveness to both mediators for reinduction. H4/18 binding can be transiently induced by tumor-promoting phorbol esters. Pretreatment with either LT or TNF also fully inhibited induction of H4/18 binding by phorbol ester, whereas phorbol ester pretreatment only variably and partially inhibited reinduction by LT or TNF. These actions of LT on endothelium shared with TNF may serve in vivo to promote lymphocyte and inflammatory leukocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration. Recombinant human interleukin 1 species (IL 1 alpha and IL 1 beta) shared many of the actions of LT and TNF and were indistinguishable from each other. However, IL 1 species could be distinguished from LT/TNF by their relative inability to enhance HLA-A,B expression, by their ability to augment H4/18 binding caused by maximally effective concentrations of LT or TNF, and by their inability to inhibit reinduction of H4/18 binding by LT or TNF. In contrast to the actions of LT or TNF, pretreatment with IL 1 alpha or IL 1 beta only partially inhibited induction of H4/18 binding by phorbol ester, and phorbol ester pretreatment consistently, albeit partially, inhibited induction by IL 1 species. These studies suggest that activated T cells through the secretion of LT can in turn activate the local endothelial lining so as to promote homing and extravasation of inflammatory cells. Furthermore, these LT actions can be augmented or complemented by other locally produced mediators such as IFN-gamma or IL 1.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells from human umbilical vein (HEC) express several distinct integrin complexes that mediate the interaction with the basal membrane components. In this paper we show that treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) down-regulates the expression of the laminin receptor alpha 6.beta 1 integrin in cultured HEC. After 48 h of treatment with TNF alpha, the level of expression of the alpha 6.beta 1 complex reached 20% of the control value. The down-regulation of the alpha 6.beta 1 integrin is caused by a decreased expression of the alpha 6 subunit, whereas the synthesis of the beta 1 subunit remains constant. Northern blot analysis shows that the decreased level of alpha 6 subunit synthesis is caused by down-regulation of alpha 6 mRNA in TNF alpha-treated HEC. TNF alpha treatment does not alter the expression of alpha 2, alpha 3, and alpha 5 integrins, also present on endothelial cell surface, thus showing that this cytokine has a selective action on distinct integrin complexes. Down-regulation of alpha 6.beta 1 correlates with pronounced reduction in adhesion of TNF alpha-treated HEC to laminin, but not to fibronectin-coated culture dishes. In addition to TNF alpha, interleukin-1 beta also decreases the expression of the alpha 6.beta 1 integrin and reduces adhesion to laminin, thus suggesting that this regulation plays an important role in inflammation.  相似文献   

Media from murine pre-B and B lymphoma cell cultures, but not from myeloma cell cultures, was cytotoxic to WEHI 164 cells, causing these TNF-sensitive targets to release 51Cr. The cytotoxic activity in the culture medium reached maximum levels approximately 4 days after the cell culture was initiated. The constitutive production of the factors was not influenced by depletion of serum from the medium or by the addition of either phorbol ester or bacterial endotoxin. The factor has a Mr greater than 10 kDa, and its cytotoxicity was abolished by anti-serum against murine TNF. Northern blot analysis with the use of cDNA probes to murine tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) and lymphotoxin (LT, TNF-beta) showed high levels of TNF-mRNA in the pre-B cell lines, lower levels in the mature B cell lines and no TNF-mRNA in the myeloma cell lines. LT mRNA was present in pre-B cell lines, at a much lower concentration in only one of the B cell lines, and was not present in three other B lymphomas or in the myelomas tested. The results show a positive correlation between the presence of TNF and/or LT mRNA and the 51Cr-releasing activity present in the cell culture medium. Our data indicate that TNF and LT can be produced by murine B cells and that the synthesis of these cytokines may be restricted to certain differentiation stages of the B cell lineage.  相似文献   

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