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The effect of food concentration on the life history of three types of Brachionus calyciflorus females (amictic, unfertilized mictic and fertilized mictic female) was studied with replicated individual cultures at 25 ° and at four food concentrations (1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 × 106 cells mL—1) of Scenedesmus obliquus. There were highly significant effects of both food concentration and female type, independently and in interaction on the duration of juvenile period of the rotifer, but neither were the effects on the duration of post‐reproductive period and mean life‐span. The duration of juvenile period of unfertilized mictic female at the food concentration of 9.0 × 106 cells mL—1 was the longest among all the food concentration‐female type combinations. Both food concentration and female type influenced significantly the duration of reproductive period and the number of eggs produced by each type of female per life cycle, respectively. There was, however, no significant interaction between food level and female type. Among the three types of females, the number of eggs produced by an unfertilized mictic female was the largest, and that of a fertilized mictic female was the smallest.  相似文献   

1. Life‐table experiments with Brachionus calyciflorus test several hypotheses related to the idea that sexual reproduction in monogonont rotifers should occur when food resources are favourable. 2. The food concentration necessary for a fertilised mictic female to produce one phenotypically normal resting egg was higher than that for an amictic female to produce one daughter. At the lowest concentration of Cryptomonas erosa (1.25 × 103 cells mL?1), the lifetime fecundity of these two types of females was 0.9 and 1.4, respectively. 3. The lifetime fecundity of both fertilised mictic females and amictic females increased with food concentration to 3.4 resting eggs and 15.2 daughters female?1, respectively. The approach to maximal fecundity with increasing food concentration was more rapid for fertilised mictic females, such that their lifetime fecundity relative to that of amictic females gradually decreased from 0.64 (at 1.25 × 103 C. erosa mL?1) to 0.22 (at 2.5 × 104 C. erosa mL?1). 4. The probability of a fertilised mictic female producing one or more abnormal resting eggs during her lifetime was high (approximately 75%). The mean proportion of abnormal eggs produced per female varied among the different food‐concentration treatments (26–38%) but was not higher at the low food concentrations. 5. The proportion of normal resting eggs that hatched was high (51–71%); those produced at low food concentrations were no less likely to hatch than those produced at high food concentrations. No abnormal resting eggs hatched. 6. The probability of a fertilised mictic female producing an abnormal resting egg increased rapidly with her age at all food concentrations. The probability of a normal resting egg hatching declined with maternal age at the low food concentration in one of two experiments. 7. The results support the idea that induction of mictic females should occur when food resources are good. Coincidence of sexual reproduction with low food availability risks low production of resting eggs for several reasons. Population size may be small, with a low probability of encounters between young mictic females and males, and fertilised mictic females may be unable to mature and produce resting eggs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Sexual reproduction in the heterogonic life cycle of many rotifers occurs when amictic females, which produce diploid eggs developing parthenogenetically into females, are environmentally induced to produce mictic females. Mictic females produce haploid eggs which develop parthenogenetically into males or, if fertilised, into resting eggs – encysted embryos which develop into amictic females after an obligatory diapause. 2. A Florida strain of Brachionus calyciflorus was used to test the prediction that amictic females hatching from resting eggs (Generation 1), and those from the next few parthenogenetic generations, have a lower propensity to produce mictic daughters in response to crowding than those from later parthenogenetic generations. In 10 replicate clones, populations initiated by amictic females from generations 1, 5, 8, 12 and 18 were exposed to a standardised crowding stimulus, and the proportion of mictic females in the populations was determined. These proportions varied significantly across generations and clones. They were very low in the early generations and gradually increased to a mean of about 0.5 at Generation 12. 3. The mechanism for the transgenerational plasticity in response to crowding is not known. One possibility is that resting eggs contain an agent from their fertilised mictic mother's yolk gland that prevents development into mictic females and is transmitted in increasingly low concentrations through successive parthenogenetic generations of amictic females. 4. This parental effect may contribute to clonal fitness by ensuring that a clone developing from a resting egg will attain a higher population size through female parthenogenesis before maximising its commitment to sexual reproduction, even in the presence of a crowding stimulus from a high population density of other clones. Therefore, the number of resting eggs to which a clone contributes its genes should be maximised. 5. The clonal variation in propensity to produce mictic females in this strain indicates genetic variation in the trade‐off between maximising population growth via female parthenogenesis and increasing the probability of producing at least some resting eggs before local extinction from the plankton.  相似文献   

This work explores theoretical patterns of reproduction that maximize the production of resting eggs and the long-term fitness of genotypes in cyclical parthenogens. Our focus is on density-dependent reproduction as it influences the consequences of a trade-off between producing amictic daughters – which reproduce parthenogenetically and subitaneously – and producing mictic daughters – which undergo meiosis and bisexual reproduction. Amictic females increase competitive ability and allow the population to achieve a larger size; mictic females directly contribute to population survival through harsh periods by producing resting eggs. Although morphologically indistinguishable, the two types of females differ greatly in their ecological and reproductive roles. What factors underlie the differential allocation of resources to produce amictic and mictic females? Using a demographic model based on readily accessible parameters we demonstrate the existence of a frequency of mictic females that will maximize the population's long-term fitness. This frequency, termed the optimal mictic ratio, mo, is 1 ? (q/b)1/2, where q is the mortality rate and b is the maximum birth rate. Using computer simulation we compared the fitness of a population with this constant mictic ratio with populations having multiple switches from complete parthenogenetic growth to complete allocation in mixis (mictic ratio either 0 or 1). Two important conclusions for optimal mixis in density-dependent growth conditions are: (1) intermediate mictic ratios are optimal, and (2) optimal mictic ratios are higher when habitat conditions are better. Physiological cues responding to differences in birth and death rates are common so that it is possible that populations may adjust their relative rates of mictic and amictic female production in response to environmentally induced changes to the optimum mictic ratio. Our analysis demonstrates that different patterns of mixis are expected in different type of habitats. Since the optimal mictic ratio is sensitive to the effects of a variety of environmental challenges, our model makes possible a new means to evaluate life history evolution in cyclical parthenogens.  相似文献   

1. One at a time during the reproductive period of amictic females, oocytes fill with yolk and undergo a mitotic maturation division (oogenesis), are oviposited as single cells, and then develop parthenogenetically into females. Sexual reproduction in Brachionus and several other genera is initiated when amictic females are crowded and oviposit some eggs induced to differentiate into mictic females. Mictic females produce haploid eggs that can develop parthenogentically into males or be fertilised and develop into diapausing embryos called resting eggs. 2. This study examines the time when oocytes in amictic females respond to maternal population density. Is the fate of all oocytes in the germarium irreversibly determined during the early postnatal life of the mother, or is each oocyte labile until just before oviposition? In the former case, the probability of an amictic female producing a mictic daughter at any time throughout her reproductive period would reflect the population density she experienced while young and not that at the time she oviposited an egg. 3. Amictic females of two clones of a Florida strain of B. calyciflorus were cultured singly from birth at a low or high density (in a large or small volume) until about halfway through their reproductive period and then switched (experimental treatment), or not (control treatment), to the other density condition. The results indicate that the female fate of an oocyte is determined by maternal population density during oogenesis. Eggs oviposited soon after transfer from low to high density had the same, or a higher, probability of becoming mictic females compared with those produced by control females kept at the high density; eggs oviposited after transfer from the high to the low density had the same low probability of becoming mictic females as those produced by control females kept at the low density. 4. Control females kept at the high density were less likely to produce mictic daughters as they aged. This decline is not because of a decreased propensity of older females to respond to crowding, as older females responded maximally when transferred from a low to a high population density. 5. As oocytes in amictic females respond to maternal population density only during oogenesis, there is a negligible lag between the population‐density signal in the environment and the commitment to sexual reproduction. This minimises the obligatory two‐generation lag between this signal and production of resting eggs, and thus reduces the possibility that crowding will lead to food limitation before production of these eggs.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding experiments with three geographically distinct strains (E, S, and L) of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis have been carried out in an attempt to elucidate the apparent male sterility of strain L, which is unable to produce resting eggs.The 9 crossing possibilities of the three strains have been investigated in 27 experiments. The results refute the concept of male sterility. L-males copulate successfully with mictic as well as with amictic females of strains E and S. Fertilized amictic E and S females produce defective resting eggs, which have only one thin shell and, which disintegrate after deposition. L-females cannot, as a rule, be fertilized. Moreover, crosses between strain E and S are succesful only in one direction; the reciprocal crosses failed.To explain the present results a hypothesis is suggested that the thickness of the body wall of newborn females differs in the three strains, and between mictic and amictic individuals. A sequence of gradually increasing body wall thickness of all types of females involved, together with a comparably increasing penetration ability of the males of strain E, S, and L explains the success or failure of all crosses, including the unilateral cross E × S.  相似文献   

汪成  赵艳 《微生物学报》2018,58(8):1453-1464
【目的】研究自养和兼养两种培养方式对蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)生长、细胞分裂和生化组分积累的影响,探讨人工培养蛋白核小球藻的昼夜节律响应机制和优化技术。【方法】小球藻自养培养采用BG11培养基,兼养培养基在BG11培养基中添加4种不同浓度(1、5、10、20 g/L)的葡萄糖,培养周期为10 d。血球板计数法测定藻细胞浓度,干重法测定藻细胞生物量。显微观察藻细胞大小和分裂情况。脂染色法测定小球藻总脂的含量,藻细胞的叶绿素、蛋白和淀粉分别采用甲醇、氢氧化钠、硝酸钙浸提后通过紫外分光光度法定量测定。【结果】葡萄糖兼养培养对蛋白核小球藻具有显著的促生长效应,最适浓度为10 g/L。10 d收获时,兼养组(10 g/L葡萄糖)藻细胞浓度和干重分别是自养组的2.57倍和6.73倍。分析一昼夜中的藻细胞增殖规律可知,第2天和第5天时自养组中增殖的新生子细胞约有76.00%在黑暗期分裂产生,而兼养组中第2天和第5天光照期的新细胞增殖量占比分别达到40.90%和67.50%。一昼夜内藻细胞大小的迁移动态监测表明,第2天自养组藻细胞的体积变化静息期为8 h,兼养组只有4 h;第5天两组藻细胞大小迁移动态的昼夜节律明显,但兼养组黑暗结束后较大细胞(D6μm)占比显著高于自养组。第8天时,兼养组藻细胞已处于稳定期,总脂和蛋白含量均显著高于自养组,藻细胞总脂和色素含量在一昼夜中相对稳定,但蛋白和淀粉含量分别在光照8 h和12 h左右达到峰值。从第2天开始,对兼养组细胞每天进行2 h光延长,收获时藻细胞浓度和干重分别比对照组提高13%和11%。【结论】葡萄糖兼养培养能大幅提高蛋白核小球藻的生物量。蛋白核小球藻生长增殖与生化组分积累均受昼夜节律调控,自养条件下藻细胞以光照期生长黑暗期增殖为主。兼养培养提高藻细胞生物量的机制在于缩短藻细胞生长静息期,在昼夜节律中加速藻细胞生长并显著提高通过细胞周期检查点的细胞比例,光照期效应尤其明显。藻细胞蛋白和淀粉含量昼夜节律明显,最佳收获时间分别在光照8 h和12 h后。  相似文献   

The effects of organophosphate pesticide, diazinon, on life history parameters and hatchability of resting eggs of rotifer Brachionus plicalitis were assessed. Newly hatched (<1 h-old) neonates were individually cultured in six varying concentrations (0/control, 0.1, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/l) of diazinon. The life history parameters such as time (h) the rotifers bear first egg and release first neonate, reproductive period, net reproductive rate, mixis, intrinsic rate of population increase, and life span were evaluated. Results showed that among the life history parameters, the time the rotifers took to release neonates is the most sensitive, giving the lowest EC50 value of 1.24 mg/l. The fecundity of maternal females, amictic and mictic daughters was also investigated. Rotifers exposed to 10.0 mg/l produced significantly fewer amictic daughters, and at this concentration, rotifers did not produce any mictic daughter. At 5.0 mg/l, the number of male offspring was significantly lower than the control. Furthermore, the hatchability of resting eggs produced by the rotifers was evaluated when exposed to diazinon: from birth until they produced resting eggs (early development); during late developmental stage of resting eggs (before diapause); and during diapausing stage. The hatchability of the resting eggs was not affected when exposure was timed at late developmental and diapausing stages. Overall results showed that even though amictic females reproduced normally in the presence of low-concentration of diazinon, sexual reproduction is severely affected, especially the hatchability of resting eggs when the exposure was timed on its early developmental stages. Guest editors: S. S. S. Sarma, R. D. Gulati, R. L. Wallace, S. Nandini, H. J. Dumont & R. Rico-Martínez Advances in Rotifer Research  相似文献   

采用单个体培养方法,研究了孤雌生殖的累积世代数和雌体年龄对萼花臂尾轮虫混交雌体形成和产卵量的影响,结果表明,随着轮虫孤雌生殖累积世代数和增加,各代中的总混交雌体百分率呈减小的趋势,年轮的雌体可产生较多的混交雌体,非混交雌体所产后代中的总混交雌体百分率具有随其祖母年龄的增大而增大的趋势,孤雌生殖的累积世代数对轮对轮虫非混交雌体的平均产卵量无显著的影响,非混交雌体的年龄对其报代的平均产卵量亦无显著的影响。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on algal growth and photosynthesis, the influence of CO2 concentration was tested on three planktonic algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Scenedesmus obliquus). Increased CO2 concentration enhanced significantly the growth rate of all three species. Specific growth rates reached maximal values at 30, 100, and 60 M CO2 in C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus, respectively. Such significant enhancement of growth rate with enriched CO2 was also confirmed at different levels of inorganic N and P, being more profound at limiting levels of N inC. pyrenoidosa and P in S. obliquus. The maximal rates of net photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiency and light-saturating point increased significantly (p < 0.05) in high-CO2-grown cells. Elevation of the CO2 levels in cultures enhanced the photoinhibition of C. reinhardtii, but reduced that of C. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus when exposed to high photon flux density. The photoinhibited cells recovered to some extent (from 71% to 99%) when placed under dim light or in darkness, with better recovery in high-CO2-grownC. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus. Although pH and pCO2 effects cannot be distinguished from this study, it can be concluded that increased CO2 concentrations with decreased pH could affect the growth rate and photosynthetic physiology of C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus.  相似文献   

The egg deposition behavior of the turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), is described. Both unmated and mated females lay eggs individually inside of fresh young leaves of cruciferous plants. During an oviposition event, females exhibit a distinct pause in abdominal contractions just before the actual egg deposition act. Unmated females show a longer pause (11.31 s on average) than mated females (4.38 s on overall average). By employing an eye color mutation, the sex of the eggs laid by females was ascertained. Females mated once lay mostly fertilized (diploid female) eggs initially but begin to lay a considerable number of unfertilized (haploid male) eggs later in life. The laying of an unfertilized egg is associated with a longer pause (6.98 s on average) than the laying of a fertilized egg (3.76 s on average). These results are in contrast to previous reports on apocritan Hymenoptera, where the presence of a pause or a longer pause during oviposition was associated with the deposition of fertilized eggs rather than unfertilized eggs. The possibility that mated Athalia rosae females control fertilization and its implications for sex allocation strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Induction of mictic females, and hence initiation of sexuality, in the life cycle of some Brachionus requires an environmental stimulus associated with crowding. The inducing stimulus appears to be a taxonomically specific chemical released into the environment by the rotifers. Oocytes are induced to develop into mictic females before they are oviposited by their amictic mothers and begin cleavage divisions. Thus, the inducer affects the oocyte in the maternal body cavity either directly or indirectly by altering the physiology of its mother. The level of sexual reproduction expressed in populations of a Florida strain of B. calyciflorus is controlled by two types of endogenous factors and by the degree of crowding. First, some fraction of genetically identical oocytes in a clonal population fails to respond to even extreme crowding conditions, thus ensuring some potential for continued population growth by female parthenogenesis. Second, the propensity of amictic females to produce mictic daughters is extremely low when they hatch from fertilized resting eggs and then gradually increases to an asymptote after about 12 parthenogenetic generations. This multigenerational parental effect likely is due to a cytoplasmic factor in fertilized eggs that inhibits expression of the mictic-female phenotype and that is gradually diluted in successive parthenogenetic generations. The effect may increase a clone's genetic contribution to the resting-egg bank by increasing its population size through parthenogenetic generations before mictic females are induced.  相似文献   

1. In the life cycle of monogonont rotifers it is generally assumed that diapausing eggs invariably hatch into amictic stem females which produce female offspring parthenogenetically. Diapausing eggs are only produced by later generations after sexual reproduction has been induced by environmental cues. 2. We show that populations of an undescribed Hexarthra species inhabiting small temporary ponds in the Chihuahuan Desert deviate from this life cycle pattern. These ponds may dry within days and up to 85% of females were mictic. Females producing male offspring and diapausing eggs were observed 1 or 2 days, respectively, after ponds had filled with water. 3. Under laboratory conditions, 7–46% of females hatching from re‐hydrated sediments were sexual. Male offspring of these females can fertilise other mictic stem females leading to diapausing egg formation. In laboratory experiments, females produced fully developed diapausing eggs within 1.9 days at 20 °C and 1.2 days at 30 °C. 4. In addition, embryonic development time (1.1–0.3 days at temperatures between 12 and 30 °C) and juvenile period (2.1–0.5 days for the same temperature range) are shorter than those of other rotifer species. In short‐lived habitats, the potential for rapid population development and production of new diapausing eggs may be crucial in the long‐term survival of populations.  相似文献   

Martha S. Hunter 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):421-428
Autoparasitoid wasps lay fertilized eggs in homopteran nymphs, and these eggs develop into female primary parasitoids. Unfertilized, male-producing eggs are laid in immatures of the wasps' own or another primary parasitoid species; males then develop as secondary or hyperparasitoids. In the population of Encarsia pergandiella studied in Ithaca, NY, fertilized eggs were laid in the nymphs of the whitefly Trialeurodes packardi (primary hosts) and unfertilized eggs were laid almost exclusively in pupal females of their own species (secondary hosts). In the two years the population was studied, secondary hosts were always much less abundant than primary hosts at both sites. However, secondary hosts were parasitized at a significantly greater rate than primary hosts. In a laboratory experiment, the encounter rate of females with primary and secondary hosts was not significantly different. Moreover, there was no evidence from the field that wasps found leaves bearing secondary hosts more frequently than leaves without secondary hosts. Dissections of field-collected females showed them to be mated, and thus capable of laying both unfertilized and fertilized eggs. These results suggest that wasps did not encounter secondary hosts at a greater rate, nor were they constrained to lay unfertilized eggs, but rather secondary hosts were preferred. The oviposition sex ratios were influenced by the proportion of secondary hosts, but were less female-biased than would be predicted from the proportion of secondary hosts alone. The results do not support the predictions of Godray and Waage (1990) for either strictly host-limited autoparasitoids (sex ratio should reflect the proportion of secondary hosts) or for egg-limited autoparasitoids (sex ratio should be equal, and independent of the proportion of secondary hosts).  相似文献   

Ingestion of one prey rotifer containing about 0.02 pg tocopherol was sufficient to cause young amictic females to produce a high proportion of mictic daughters. Varying the concentration of emulsified tocopherol ol and the population density of amictic females suggested that mictic-female induction approached an all-or-nothing response at relatively high population densities and increased with population density only when population densities were very low. Amictic females hatching from resting eggs were less likely to produce mictic daughters than those hatching from parthenogenetic eggs.  相似文献   

Brachionus plicatilis raised in our laboratory in sea water reproduces asexually even under high crowding conditions (at least 40 individuals per ml). Amictic females were induced to produce mictic females, males and resting eggs by reducing the concentration of the sea water culture medium. Mictic females and males appeared predominantly among the progeny produced by the amictic females during 4 days following their transfer into 25% sea water. Resting eggs appeared first 5–12 days after the onset of the experiment. Following the disappearance of males, the culture consisted of amictic females.Resting eggs produced by the method described above may be preserved for at least three months at –14°C or by desiccation at room temperature. Under the appropriate experimental conditions, resting eggs hatch into amictic females. Since B. plicatilis is one of the most commonly used food sources of fish larvae in aquaculture, the methods reported here may offer an easy and versatile way of preserving rotifer culture stock to be used on demand.  相似文献   

E. Lubzens  G. Minkoff 《Oecologia》1988,75(3):430-435
Summary The sequence of the appearance of mixis in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was followed among the descendents of amictic rotifers transferred from a high salinity media (40 S) to a low one (9 S). All the neonates that hatched from the amictic eggs, after being transferred to a low salinity, were amictic. Each one of these neonates was cultured individually and its offspring removed periodically every 8–10 h. It was observed that throughout their reproductive phase, these parental females retained their potential to produce either mictic or amictic offspring. All the first produced neonates developed into amictic females, but among those produced later, three patterns were prevalent. The prevalent pattern (type A) was one in which the probability of a neonate being mictic increased towards the middle of the parents' reproductive phase and was followed by a slow decline. In the second pattern (type B), the probability of a daughter being mictic was constant throughout the parents' reproductive phase. It is suspected that the quality of food supplied to the rotifers determines the appearance of patterns, A, B or C. It is postulated that the innate capacity of rotifers to undergo mixis is genetically controlled, while its expression is modulated by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Tengku Dahril 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):211-215
Brachionus calyciflorus is one of freshwaterrotifers found in fish ponds in Pekanbaru, Riau,Indonesia. Its density varied depending on that ofphytoplankton. Maximum of 2.5 ×103 ind. l–1 was found in ponds fertilised with animal wastes.The fecundity and population growth of B.calyciflorus was studied. Results indicated that the fecundity of amictic females was higher thanthat of unfertilized mictic females. During their life span, amictic and mictic females produced29.7 and 12.5 eggs per female, respectively. In the mass culture of 500 ml media, the highestdensity of female and male rotifers was 975.8 and 9.6 ind. ml–1, respectively. During 8 days cultureperiod, they also produced eggs as many as 124.2 ml–1.Human and animal wastespromoted the growth of phytoplankton as food forrotifers in the pond. A laboratory study confirms this. The best growth of B. calyciflorus at a density of 109 ind. ml–1 was found at 0.5 g l–1 of humanexcreta. A high density of B. calyciflorus (542ind. ml–1) was also found in semi-continuous culturewith chicken excreta.  相似文献   

The burrowing polymitarcyid mayfly Ephoron shigae is distributed widely in Japan. Some populations are bisexual, others are unisexual, and the distributions of the two types overlap broadly. Experimental evidence of parthenogenetic reproduction, long suspected in unisexual populations, is presented here, based on a comparative analysis of the developmental rate of fertilized and unfertilized eggs. The developmental rate of fertilized eggs from 20 mated females in a bisexual population was 98.4% ± 0.73% (mean ± SD), and no unfertilized eggs from 20 virgin females in that population developed. The developmental rates of unfertilized eggs in two unisexual populations were 89.0% ± 4.59% and 84.2% ± 1.96%, respectively. This article presents experimental evidence of geographic parthenogenesis in E. shigae and provides support for the previous interpretation. In addition, we discuss the relationship between the sex ratio of each population and the developmental rate of fertilized versus unfertilized eggs from the females in those populations.  相似文献   

In the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus mictic-female production is density-dependent and appears to be induced by a chemical—a quorum sensing molecule—produced by the females themselves. Even at the highest densities, however, populations never become entirely mictic: i.e., some amictic females continue to be produced. Surprisingly, the phenomenon also occurs in clonal laboratory populations with genetically identical individuals. Here, we study how this ecologically adaptive phenomenon is generated at the level of individual reproducing females. In a life-history experiment we subjected 123 amictic females of a clone of B. calyciflorus separately to a daily renewed stimulus of culture medium conditioned at a density of 30 females ml−1. For each of these mothers we isolated the lifetime offspring individually and recorded whether these females were amictic or mictic. Mothers produced on average 16 offspring but none of the mothers produced 100% mictic offspring; the average proportion of mictic females was 30%, despite the extremely strong stimulus. The distribution of amictic vs. mictic offspring was not uniform over the mothers’ lifetime. Early and late offspring had a low probability of being mictic whereas mid-aged mothers produced the highest proportion of mictic daughters (up to 56%). We conclude that not all oocytes of B. calyciflorus can be turned into mictic females, even when the mictic-female-inducing stimulus is extremely high. Propensity to become a mictic female also depends on the rank of an egg within a female’s offspring production. Despite these regularities, we observed considerable stochastic variability with respect to individual mothers’ life histories. Guest editors: S. S. S. Sarma, R. D. Gulati, R. L. Wallace, S. Nandini, H. J. Dumont & R. Rico-Martínez. Advances in Rotifer Research.  相似文献   

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