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This paper describes the genetic analysis of X-ray-induced mutations at several visible loci (yellow, white, Notch, vermilion and forked) located on the X-chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster after recovery in excision repair-deficient condition (mus-201). A total of 118 mutations observed in 83636 F1 females were analyzed. The white mutations in particular have been investigated at the molecular level. The results show that: (1) the frequency of recovered whole-body mutations is similar or slightly lower in repair-deficient than in repair-proficient condition (respectively 1.5 x 10(-4)/locus/15 Gy and 2.3 x 10(-4)/locus/15 Gy); (2) the frequency of observed mosaic mutations is significantly higher in the repair-deficient condition than in the proficient condition (respectively 2.7 x 10(-4)/locus/15 Gy and 0.9 x 10(-4)/locus/15 Gy); (3) the analysis of F2 male lethal mutations and the cytological analysis of the recovered mutations in the excision repair-deficient condition indicate a decrease in mutations associated with gross chromosomal aberrations (including multilocus deletions); (4) at the molecular level, the spectrum of recovered intragenic mutations is similar after excision-deficient and -proficient repair. These results indicate that excision repair is involved in X-ray-induced DNA damage that is repaired efficiently in the normal repair condition, but bypassed in the excision repair-deficient condition, leading to mosaic mutations. In addition, lesions that apparently cannot be bypassed by DNA replication lead to a decrease in the fraction of mutations due to gross chromosomal aberrations among the whole-body mutations.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of spontaneous mutations affecting age-specific mortality was conducted using 29 lines of Drosophila melanogaster that had accumulated spontaneous mutations for 19 generations. Divergence among the lines was used to estimate the mutational variance for weekly mortality rates and the covariance between weekly mortality rates at different ages. Significant mutational variance was observed in both males and females early in life (up to approximately 30 days of age). Mutational variance was not significantly different from zero for mortality rates at older ages. Mutational correlations between ages separated by 1 or 2 wk were generally positive, but they declined monotonically with increasing separation such that mutational effects on early-age mortality were uncorrelated with effects at later ages. Analyses of individual lines revealed several instances of mutation-induced changes in mortality over a limited range of ages. Significant age-specific effects of mutations were identified in early and middle ages, but surprisingly, mortality rates at older ages were essentially unaffected by the accumulation procedure. Our results provide strong evidence for the existence of a class of polygenic mutations that affect mortality rates on an age-specific basis. The patterns of mutational effects measured here relate directly to recently published estimates of standing genetic variance for mortality in Drosophila, and they support mutation accumulation as a viable mechanism for the evolution of senescence.  相似文献   

Yang HP  Tanikawa AY  Kondrashov AS 《Genetics》2001,157(3):1285-1292
To investigate the molecular nature and rate of spontaneous mutation in Drosophila melanogaster, we screened 887,000 individuals for de novo recessive loss-of-function mutations at eight loci that affect eye color. In total, 28 mutants were found in 16 independent events (13 singletons and three clusters). The molecular nature of the 13 events was analyzed. Coding exons of the locus were affected by insertions or deletions >100 nucleotides long (6 events), short frameshift insertions or deletions (4 events), and replacement nucleotide substitutions (1 event). In the case of 2 mutant alleles, coding regions were not affected. Because approximately 70% of spontaneous de novo loss-of-function mutations in Homo sapiens are due to nucleotide substitutions within coding regions, insertions and deletions appear to play a much larger role in spontaneous mutation in D. melanogaster than in H. sapiens. If so, the per nucleotide mutation rate in D. melanogaster may be lower than in H. sapiens, even if their per locus mutation rates are similar.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) degradation was studied under normal and stress conditions in young and matured females of Drosophila melanogaster strains having mutations in different genes involved in responses to stress It was shown that (1) the impairment in heat shock response elicits an alteration in stress-reactivity of the JH system; (2) the impairment JH reception causes a decrease of JH-hydrolysing activity and of stress-reactivity in young females, while in mature ones stress reactivity is completely absent; (3) the absence of octopamine results in higher JH-hydrolysis level under normal conditions and altered JH stress-reactivity; (4) the higher dopamine content elicits a dramatic decrease of JH degradation under normal conditions and of JH stress-reactivity. Thus, the impairments in any component of the Drosophila stress reaction result in changes in the reponse of JH degradation system to stress. The role of JH in the development of the insect stress reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin is a dimeric phospholipid with a characteristic acyl composition that is generated by fatty acid remodeling after de novo synthesis. Several enzymes have been proposed to participate in acyl remodeling of cardiolipin. In order to compare the effect of these enzymes, we determined the pattern of cardiolipin molecular species in Drosophila strains with specific enzyme deletions, using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with internal standards. We established the linear range of the method for cardiolipin quantification, determined the relative signal intensities of several cardiolipin standards, and demonstrated satisfying signal-to-noise ratios in cardiolipin spectra from a single fly. Our data demonstrate changes in the cardiolipin composition during the Drosophila life cycle. Comparison of cardiolipin spectra, using vector algebra, showed that inactivation of tafazzin had a large effect on the molecular composition of cardiolipin, inactivation of calcium-independent phospholipase A(2) had a small effect, whereas inactivation of acyl-CoA:lysocardiolipin-acyltransferase and of the trifunctional enzyme did not affect the cardiolipin composition.  相似文献   

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is known to be of significance as opportunistic pathogen as well as a source of biocontrol and bioremediation activities. S. maltophilia strains have been isolated from rhizospheres, soil, clinical material, aquatic habitats, but little is known about Stenotrophomonas strains recovered from marine environments. During a survey of the biodiversity of Pseudomonas-like bacteria associated with deep-sea invertebrates six Stenotrophomonas strains were isolated from sponge, sea urchin, and ophiura specimens collected from differing Pacific areas, including the Philippine Sea, the Fiji Sea and the Bering Sea. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis confirmed an assignment of marine isolates to the genus Stenotrophomonas as it placed four strains into the S. maltophilia CIP 60.77T cluster and two related to the S. rhizophila DSM 14405T. Together with a number of common characteristics typical of S. maltophilia and S. rhizophila marine isolates exhibited differences in pigmentation, a NaCl tolerance, a range of temperatures, which supported their growth, substrate utilization pattern, and antibiotics resistance. Strains displayed hemolytic and remarkable inhibitory activity against a number of fungal cultures and Gram-positive microorganisms, but very weak or none against Candida albicans. This is the first report on isolation, taxonomic characterization and antimicrobial activity of Stenotrophomonas strains isolated from deep-sea invertebrates.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of transposition memory was earlier demonstrated for the cut locus and mdg4. This work has been aimed at finding out, in what way the transposition memory can be realized. An unstable stock cmMR17ctMRpN17 was analysed which had high frequency of double cm+ct+ reversions and cmMRctMRpN repeated mutations. A series of five such transpositions could be followed. The ctMRpN17 mutation is a result of insertion at the cut locus mdg4 with the jockey element inserted within it. As seen from in situ hybridization analysis, transitions to the normal phenotype correlate, as a rule, with the excision of mdg4 and the jockey from the cut locus. Analysis of distribution of mdg1, mdg2, mdg3 and jockey on the X-chromosome of unstable revertants and repeated mutants indicated that not only transpositions of mdg4 and jockey, but also those of all mobile elements tested occur. So, we propose that the transposition memory in our genetic system is manifested in the process of transposition bursts.  相似文献   

Several important biological phenomena, including genetic recombination and sexual reproduction, could have evolved to counteract genome contamination by deleterious mutations. This postulate would be especially relevant if it were shown that deleterious mutations interact in such a way that their individual negative effects are reinforced by each other. The hypothesis of synergism can be tested experimentally by crossing organisms bearing deleterious mutations and comparing the fitness of the parents and their progeny. The present study used laboratory strains of the budding yeast burdened with mutations resulting from absence of a major DNA mismatch repair function. Only in one, or possibly two, crosses out of eight did fitness of the progeny deviate from that of their parents in a direction indicating synergism. Furthermore, the distributions of progeny fitness were not skewed as would be expected if strong interactions were present. The choice of experimental material ensured that genetic recombination was extensive, all four meiotic products were available for fitness assays, and that the mutations were probably numerous. Despite this generally favourable experimental setting, synergism did not appear to be a dominating force shaping fitness of yeast containing randomly generated mutations.  相似文献   

Summary The mutagenic activity of ozone was investigated by the isolation of streptomycin-resistant mutants (Sm1) in different strains of Escherichia coli. RecA, lexA, polA and parental strains were ozonated and streptomycin-resistant mutants were scored after a short or long phenotypic delay. Our results suggest that ozone is an active mutagen for forward mutation and that this oxidizing agent could be able to induce mutations via two mechanisms: directly and indirectly by the rec-lex error-prone repair system.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of Drosophila subobscura that had been maintained in laboratory conditions during different periods of time were examined for evidence of genetic divergence in mating activity. The results indicate that mating activity increases with the time of maintenance under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

A A Peijnenburg  S Bron  G Venema 《Plasmid》1987,17(2):167-170
Plasmid pGP1, containing a fusion between the penicillinase gene of Bacillus licheniformis and the beta-galactosidase gene of Escherichia coli, was constructed. This plasmid enabled a study of structural plasmid instability in Bacillus subtilis wild-type cells and a variety of B. subtilis strains, defective in recombination- and DNA-repair functions. Large differences with respect to the level of stability of this plasmid were observed in the various genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Mackay TF  Lyman RF  Lawrence F 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1723-1735
Our ability to predict long-term responses to artificial and natural selection, and understand the mechanisms by which naturally occurring variation for quantitative traits is maintained, depends on detailed knowledge of the properties of spontaneous polygenic mutations, including the quantitative trait loci (QTL) at which mutations occur, mutation rates, and mutational effects. These parameters can be estimated by mapping QTL that cause divergence between mutation-accumulation lines that have been established from an inbred base population and selected for high and low trait values. Here, we have utilized quantitative complementation to deficiencies to map QTL at which spontaneous mutations affecting Drosophila abdominal and sternopleural bristle number have occurred in 11 replicate lines during 206 generations of divergent selection. Estimates of the numbers of mutations were consistent with diploid per-character mutation rates for bristle traits of 0.03. The ratio of the per-character mutation rate to total mutation rate (0.023) implies that >2% of the genome could affect just one bristle trait and that there must be extensive pleiotropy for quantitative phenotypes. The estimated mutational effects were not, however, additive and exhibited dependency on genetic background consistent with diminishing epistasis. However, these inferences must be tempered by the potential for epistatic interactions between spontaneous mutations and QTL affecting bristle number on the deficiency-bearing chromosomes, which could lead to overestimates in numbers of QTL and inaccurate inference of gene action.  相似文献   

We have examined the addition of Escherichia coli to the diet at day 0 of adult life of females from two Oregon R Drosophila melanogaster strains, selected for different longevities: a short-life with an average adult life span of 10 days and a long-life standard R strain with an average adult life span of 50 days. The addition of bacteria to the diet significantly prolonged the fly longevity in both strains and affected the structure and histochemical reactivity of the fat body. The increased survival was characterized by great amount of glycogen accumulated in fat body cells from both strains. In aged control animals, fed with standard diet, lipid droplets were seen to be stored in fat body of short-lived, but not long-lived, flies. On the whole, our data indicate that exogenous bacteria are able to extend the survival of Drosophila females, and suggest that such a beneficial effect can be mediated, at least in part, by the fat body cells that likely play a role in modulating the accumulation and mobilization of reserve stores to ensure lifelong energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

L A Mamon  L V Barabanova 《Genetika》1991,27(9):1541-1546
Frequency and localization of spontaneous and induced by high temperature (37 degrees C) recessive lethal mutations in X-chromosome of females belonging to the 1(1) ts 403 strain defective in synthesis of heat-shock proteins (HSP) were studied. No differences in frequencies of both spontaneous and induced lethals between 1(1) ts 403 and control strain were found, thus implying that the disturbances in HSP synthesis have no effect on this process in oocytes of Drosophila melanogaster females. Surprisingly, distribution of spontaneous and induced lethals along the X-chromosome of 1(1) ts 403 strain appeared to be non-random: they primarily are located in its distal portion (1-44 cM of genetic map or in I-II sections of the Bridges cytogenetic map). This correlates with non-random distribution of mobile elements in the X-chromosome of D. melanogaster (Leibovich, 1990).  相似文献   

Induction of back mutations to prototrophy by methylene blue (MB)-sensitized photodynamic (PD) treatment has been studied in wild-type and repair-deficient strains of Salmonella typhimurium carrying either the base-pair substitution mutation hisG46 or the frameshift mutation hisD3052. We found that reversion of the hisG46 mutation was increased in a strain carrying a uvrB deletion and decreased in a strain carrying a recA-type mutation. Reversion of the hisD3052 (frameshift) mutation, on the other hand, was decreased in both uvrB deletion and recA-type strains. The former results are consistent with the hypothesis that the majority of MB-sensitized PD-induced base-pair substitution mutations arise by a mechanism similar to that currently believed to be involved in UV mutagenesis. The latter results suggest that PD-induced frameshift mutations may arise in some other way, and two possible mechanisms involving sequential action of the excision repair and recombinational repair pathways are considered.  相似文献   

Toxicity of organic acids for repair-deficient strains of Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The wild-type strain and four DNA repair-deficient strains (uvrA6, uvrB5, recA56, and polA1) of Escherichia coli K-12 were treated with acetic acid, lactic acid, and p-aminobenzoic acid at pH 3.5 during their stationary phase of growth. All three acids were highly toxic to the polymerase-deficient strain. The greater sensitivity of the strain carrying the polA1 gene than its isogenic pol+ derivatives suggested that damage caused by acidity requires polA+ gene products for repair.  相似文献   

Repair replication was studied in UV-irradiated cell populations obtained after fusion of cell strains originating from different xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients. The capacity to perform repair replication appeared to be restored completely in multinucleate heterokaryons resulting from fusion between a classic XP-strain and a De Sanctis-Cacchione (DSC) strain. In cell populations obtained by fusion of either two different classic XP strains or two different DSC strains no repair replication was observed.These results, obtained with the technique of density labelling and isopycnic centrifugation of DNA, confirm our previously reported results of autoradiographic studies of unscheduled DNA synthesis. The occurrence of complementation between a classic XP strain and a DSC strain indicates that the defect in the two forms of the disease is caused by different mutations.  相似文献   

The wild-type strain and four DNA repair-deficient strains (uvrA6, uvrB5, recA56, and polA1) of Escherichia coli K-12 were treated with acetic acid, lactic acid, and p-aminobenzoic acid at pH 3.5 during their stationary phase of growth. All three acids were highly toxic to the polymerase-deficient strain. The greater sensitivity of the strain carrying the polA1 gene than its isogenic pol+ derivatives suggested that damage caused by acidity requires polA+ gene products for repair.  相似文献   

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