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Using a model of acute zymosan‐induced paw edema in NMRI mice, we test the hypothesis that anti‐inflammatory effects of extremely high‐frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR) can be essentially modified by application of pulse modulation with certain frequencies. It has been revealed that a single exposure of animals to continuous EHF EMR for 20 min reduced the exudative edema of inflamed paw on average by 19% at intensities of 0.1–0.7 mW/cm2 and frequencies from the range of 42.2–42.6 GHz. At fixed effective carrier frequency of 42.2 GHz, the anti‐inflammatory effect of EHF EMR did not depend on modulation frequencies, that is, application of different modulation frequencies from the range of 0.03–100 Hz did not lead to considerable changes in the effect level. On the contrary, at “ineffective” carrier frequencies of 43.0 and 61.22 GHz, the use of modulation frequencies of 0.07–0.1 and 20–30 Hz has allowed us to restore the effect up to a maximal level. The results obtained show the critical dependence of anti‐inflammatory action of low‐intensity EHF EMR on carrier and modulation frequencies. Within the framework of this study, the possibility of changing the level of expected biological effect of modulated EMR by a special selection of combination of carrier and modulation frequencies is confirmed. Bioelectromagnetics 30:454–461, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using a model of acute zymosan-induced footpad edema in NMRI mice, the frequency and power dependence of anti-inflammatory effect of low-intensity extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR) was found. Single whole-body exposure of animals to EHF EMR at the intensity of 0.1 mW/cm(2) for 20 min at 1 h after zymosan injection reduced both the footpad edema and local hyperthermia on average by 20% at the frequencies of 42.2, 51.8, and 65 GHz. Some other frequencies from the frequency range of 37.5-70 GHz were less effective or not effective at all. At fixed frequency of 42.2 GHz and intensity of 0.1 mW/cm(2), the effect had bell-shaped dependence on exposure duration with a maximum at 20-40 min. Reduction of intensity to 0.01 mW/cm(2) resulted in a change of the effect dependence on exposure duration to a linear one. Combined action of cyclooxygenase inhibitor sodium diclofenac and EHF EMR exposure caused a partial additive effect of decrease in footpad edema. Combined action of antihistamine clemastine and EHF EMR exposure caused a dose-dependent abolishment of the anti-inflammatory effect of EHF EMR. The results obtained suggest that arachidonic acid metabolites and histamine are involved in realization of anti-inflammatory effects of low-intensity EHF EMR.  相似文献   

It is found that for Enterococcus hirae ATCC9790 bacteria grown in anaerobic conditions, one-hour exposure to low-intensity (radiant power of 0.06 mW/cm2) coherent extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation (from 45 to 53 GHz), or millimeter electromagnetic radiation, leads to an appreciable increase in latent growth time and to a decrease in specific growth rate; herein, the effects intensify as the frequency increases from 49 to 53 GHz. The result is enhanced at an increase in the radiation duration from 30 min to 1 h; however, a further increase in the exposure time up to 2 h does not lead to intensification of the effect. It is shown that the effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation on Enterococcus hirae does not depend on pH of the medium (pH 6.0 or 8.0). It may be expected that these bacteria have protective or reparation mechanisms that compensate long-term action of this radiation; it is not improbable that various mechanisms of pH regulation are present as well.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test whether extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF‐EMF) could enhance the apoptosis‐induction effect of X‐ray radiotherapy on liver cancer cell line BEL‐7402 in vitro. EMF exposure was performed inside an energized solenoid coil. X‐ray irradiation was performed using a linear accelerator. Apoptosis rates of BEL‐7402 cells were analyzed using Annexin V‐Fit Apoptosis Detection kit. Apoptosis rates of EMF group and sham EMF group were compared when combined with X‐ray irradiation. Our results suggested that the apoptosis rate of BEL‐7402 cells exposed to low doses of X‐ray irradiation could be significantly increased by EMF. More EMF exposures obtain significantly higher apoptosis rates than fewer EMF exposures when combined with 2 Gy X‐ray irradiation. These findings suggested that ELF‐EMF could augment the cell apoptosis effects of low doses of X‐ray irradiation on BEL‐7402 cells in a synergistic and cumulative way. Bioelectromagnetics 30:163–165, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments designed to evaluate the synergistic production of clastogenic effects by ionizing radiation and 60 Hz magnetic fields were performed using human lymphocytes from peripheral blood. Following exposure to ionizing radiation, cells were cultured in 60 Hz magnetic fields having field strengths up to 1.4 mT. Cells exposed to both ionizing radiation and 60 Hz magnetic fields demonstrated an enhanced frequency of near tetraploid chromosome complements, a feature not observed following exposure to only ionizing radiation. The results are discussed in the context of a multiple-stage model of cellular transformation, employing both initiating and promoting agents. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

生物膜是将细胞与环境分开的第一道屏障,是环境胁迫造成损伤的主要位点.脂肪酸是生物膜的主要组成成分,不饱和脂肪酸在决定生物膜的生理特性中具有重要作用,增加脂肪酸的不饱和程度能增加膜脂的流动性.近年来,很多研究发现,生物通过脂肪酸脱饱和维持膜的流动性来适应外界环境变化.本文主要从不饱和脂肪酸在环境温度胁迫、盐胁迫、氧化胁迫、酸碱胁迫、干旱胁迫、乙醇胁迫及铝胁迫中的作用研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

In isolated rat hepatocytes flavaspidic acid, a competitor with free fatty acids for the fatty-acid-binding-protein, decreased the uptake of oleic acid and triglyceride synthesis but stimulated the formation of CO2 and ketone bodies from oleic acid. Flavaspidic acid had no effect on the utilization of octanoic acid. Stimulation of the microsomal fatty-acid-activating enzyme by the fatty-acid-binding protein was reversed by flavaspidic acid. In contrast, the binding protein inhibited the mitochondrial fatty-acid-activating enzyme. Flavaspidic acid not only prevented this inhibition but actually stimulated the enzyme activity. The results indicate that the cytosol fatty-acid-binding protein directs the metabolism of long chain fatty acids toward esterification as well as enhancing their cellular uptake.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore parallel and divergent features of the daily rhythms of melatonin and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) in goats exposed to different lighting conditions. From these features, we attempted to analyze whether the endogenous melatonin rhythm plays any role in the maintenance of the FFA rhythm. Seven Finnish landrace goats were kept under artificial lighting that simulated the annual changes of photoperiod at 60°N (longest photoperiod, 18 h; shortest, 6 h). The ambient temperature and feeding regimen were kept constant. Blood samples were collected 6 times a year at 2 h intervals for 2 d, first in the prevailing light‐dark (LD) conditions and then after 3 d in constant darkness (DD). In LD conditions, the melatonin levels always increased immediately after lights‐off and declined around lights‐on, except in winter (18 h darkness), when the low daytime levels were restored clearly before lights‐on. The FFA levels also displayed a consistent rhythmicity, with low levels at night and a transient peak around lights‐on. In DD conditions, the melatonin profiles were very similar to those found in the habitual LD conditions, but the rhythm tended to advance. The FFA rhythm persisted also in DD, and the morning peak tended to advance. There was an overall parallelism between the two rhythms, with one significant exception. In winter in LD conditions, the morning rise in FFA levels coincided with lights‐on and not with the declining phase of melatonin, whereas in DD conditions, the FFA peak advanced several hours and coincided with the declining phase of melatonin. From this finding and comparisons of the calculated rhythm characteristics, i.e., phase‐shifts, phase differences, and correlations, we conclude that the daily rhythm of FFA levels is most probably generated by an endogenous oscillator, primarily adjusted by dawn, whereas the melatonin rhythm in this species is regulated by an oscillator primarily adjusted by dusk. The results did not exclude a modulatory effect of melatonin on the daily FFA profiles, but melatonin secretion, alone, does not explain the patterns sufficiently.  相似文献   

Heterothermic mammals increase the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in their body fats prior to entering torpor. Because PUFA have low melting points, it is thought that they play an important role in maintaining the fluidity of depot fats and membrane phospholipids at low body temperatures. However, PUFA are more prone to autoxidation when exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) during torpor and during the periodic arousals that characterize hibernation. A lack of PUFA or an excess of PUFA may constrain the use of torpor by heterothermic mammals. We performed a mixed model meta-analysis of 17 controlled-feeding studies to test the effect of dietary PUFA on the depth and expression of torpor by daily heterotherms and hibernators. We also reviewed the literature on the PUFA content of the diet and depot fats of heterothermic mammals to address two principal topics: (1) Do low dietary levels of PUFA reduce the expression of torpor under laboratory conditions and, if so, are free-ranging animals constrained by a lack of PUFA? (2) Do high dietary levels of PUFA result in a reduction in the use, depth, and duration of torpor and, if so, do free-ranging animals seek to optimize rather than maximize PUFA intake? Low-PUFA diets consistently increase the lower setpoint for body temperature and minimum metabolic rate for both hibernators and daily heterotherms. Above the lower setpoint, low-PUFA diets usually increase body temperature and metabolic rate and decrease the duration of torpor bouts and this effect is similar for hibernators and daily heterotherms. Free-ranging rodent hibernators have dietary PUFA intakes that are far higher than those of the low-PUFA diets offered in controlled-feeding experiments, so these hibernators may never experience the constraints associated with a lack of PUFA. Diets of free-ranging insectivorous bats and echidnas have PUFA levels that are less than half as high as those offered in experimental low-PUFA diets, yet they exhibit deep and extended bouts of torpor. We argue that alternate mechanisms exist for maintaining the fluidity of body fats and that high-PUFA intake may not be a prerequisite for deep and extended bouts of torpor. Four studies indicate that animals that were fed high-PUFA diets are reluctant to enter torpor and show shallower and shorter torpor bouts. Although authors attribute this response to autoxidation, these animals did not have a higher PUFA content in their depot fats than animals where PUFA was shown to enhance torpor. We suggest that these contradictory results indicate inter-specific or inter-individual variation in the ability to control ROS and limit autoxidation of PUFA. High dietary levels of PUFA will constrain the expression of torpor only when the oxidative challenge exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant defence system. Studies of diet selection indicate that insectivorous species with low dietary PUFA levels seek to maximize PUFA intake. However, herbivorous species that have access to plants and plant parts of high-PUFA content do not appear to maximize PUFA intake. These data suggest that animals attempt to optimize rather than maximize PUFA intake. The effect of PUFA should be viewed in the light of a cost-benefit trade-off, where the benefit of high-PUFA intake is an easier access to low body temperatures and the cost is increased risk of autoxidation.  相似文献   

The effects of long‐term extremely low‐frequency magnetic field (ELF‐MF) exposure on bone formation and biochemical markers were investigated in ovariectomized rats. Sixty mature female Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into four different groups (n = 15): (i) unexposed control (CTL); (ii) ovariectomized only (OVX); (iii) non‐ovariectomized, exposed (SHAM + ELF‐MF); and (iv) ovariectomized, exposed (OVX + ELF‐MF). The third and fourth groups were exposed to 1.5 mT ELF‐MF for 4 h a day for 6 months. Bone mineral density (BMD) was determined using dual energy X‐ray absorption (DEXA) measurements. The formation and resorption of bone were evaluated using bone‐specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP), osteocalcin, osteoprotogerin, and N‐telopeptide. After 6 months of ELF‐MF therapy, BMD values were significantly lower in the OVX group and higher in the OVX + ELF‐MF and SHAM + ELF‐MF groups than they were before therapy (P < 0.001). Although there was no significant difference in BMD values among the groups before therapy, the BMD values increased significantly after 6 months in the OVX + ELF‐MF and SHAM + ELF‐MF groups and were reduced in the OVX group compared to the CTL group (P < 0.001). The concentrations of BAP, osteocalcin, osteoprotogerin, and N‐telopeptide in the three experimental groups also changed in a significant way compared to the CTL group. The results of the present study suggest that osteoporosis can be inhibited by ELF‐MF stimulation treatments. It was also concluded that ELF‐MF may be useful in the prevention of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats. Bioelectromagnetics 33:543–549, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the neurotoxicity of formaldehyde on prefrontal cortex and the protective effects of omega-3 essential fatty acids against these toxic effects. For this purpose, 21 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. The rats in group I comprised the controls, while the rats in group II were injected every other day with formaldehyde (FA). The rats in group III received omega-3 fatty acids daily while exposed to formaldehyde. At the end of the 14-day experimental period, all rats were killed by decapitation. The brains of the rats were removed and the prefrontal cortex tissues were obtained from all brain specimens. Some of the prefrontal cortex tissue specimens were used for determination of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The remaining prefrontal cortex tissue specimens were used for light microscopic and immunohistochemical evaluation. The levels of SOD and GSH-Px were significantly decreased, and MDA levels were significantly increased in rats treated with formaldehyde compared with those of the controls. Furthermore, in the microscopic examination of this group, formation of apoptotic bodies, pycnotic cells, and apoptotic cells including nuclear fragmentation and membrane budding were observed. However, increased SOD and GSH-Px enzyme activities, and decreased MDA levels were detected in the rats administered omega-3 fatty acids while exposed to formaldehyde. Additionally, cellular damage caused by formaldehyde was decreased, and structural appearance was similar to that of the control rats in this group. The biochemical and histological findings observed in all groups were also confirmed by immunohistochemical evaluation. It was determined that formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex was prevented by administration of omega-3 essential fatty acids.  相似文献   

Each fatty acid (FA) or class of FAs has a different behavior in the pathologies of atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in the concentration of each fatty acid in the fraction of free fatty acids (FFAs) and total lipids in human plasma after short-term therapy with rosuvastatin as a cholesterol-lowering statin drug. Six hypercholesterolemic men on a habitual diet were studied in a randomized, double-blind, and crossover process. They received 20 mg rosuvastatin or placebo in random order, each for 4 weeks and after 2 weeks of washout period, they received another medication (placebo or rosuvastatin) for another period of 4 weeks. Rosuvastatin treatment significantly decreased the absolute concentrations of saturated and monounsaturated FAs in the total FAs as well as in FFAs. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids with 20 and 22 carbon atoms in the molecule had no significant change in the fraction of FFAs. Rosuvastatin is directly involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and indirectly through cholesterol homeostasis in the biosynthesis of other plasma lipids.In conclusion, our findings show that rosuvastatin treatment leads to significant changes in the concentration of each fatty acid, except for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in FFAs. Our observations indicate that cholesterol homeostasis through its regulatory mechanisms appears to be the main cause of changes in the concentration of each plasma fatty acid during rosuvastatin treatment. These changes can be a source of beneficial consequences, in addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of fatty acids (FAs) (C12–C24) on the functioning of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mitochondria was studied. Such fatty acids as C12:0, C16:0, and C18:0 and unsaturated FAs, such as C18:1 (n-9 cis), C18:1 (n-12 cis), C18:2 (n-9, 12), (18:3, n-3), and C22:1 (n-9 cis) caused efficient uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, i.e., an increase in the nonphosphorylating respiration rate and a decrease in the respiratory control value. It was established that C16:0 had the strongest uncoupling effect among all saturated FAs, and C18:3, among unsaturated FAs. The uncoupling effect of saturated FAs is provided by the ADP/ATP-antiporter, while plant uncoupling proteins play an important role in the uncoupling effect of unsaturated FAs. In addition, unsaturated, as well as saturated FAs might serve as oxidative substrates for mitochondria. It was concluded that the role of FAs in energetic metabolism of winter wheat seedlings consisted of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and of serving as substrates for oxidation.  相似文献   

The aim of our studies was to test the effect and role of vitamin E and selenium supplements on yeast cell. In this study, the effects of selenium (Se), vitamin E (Vit. E), and their combination (Se plus Vit. E) on the composition of fatty acids and proteins were examined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains WET136 and 522. S. cerevisiae cells were grown up in YEPD medium supplemented with Se, Vit. E or their combination. It was found that the level of stearic acid was increased in all supplemented groups (p<0·05; p<0·001). The content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids was decreased (p<0·05; p<0·01; p<0·001) in Vit. E and Vit. E plus Se supplemented S. cerevisiae. On the other hand, Se alone caused an increase (p<0·001) in the saturated fatty acids but a decrease (p<0·05; p<0·001) in the unsaturated fatty acids. Total proteins in S. cerevisiae were significantly increased (p<0·001) by Vit. E supplement. There was no significant change observed in S. cerevisiae supplemented with Se. These findings indicate that membrane composition of S. cerevisiae is affected by both Vit. E and Se supplements. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an overall term that comprises a number of related pathologies, these include peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease (CHD), venous thromboembolism, and rheumatic and congenital heart diseases. Fatty acids in the diet have been reported to affect CVD. The OPG/RANKL/RANK system appears to have a role in CVD outcomes. However, there have been few studies on the impact of diet-gene interaction for effects of fatty acids consumption on the OPG/RANKL/RANK system in CVD. This review focuses on the effects of fatty acids on OPG/RANKL/RANK in CVD.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of acyl carrier protein (ACP) in determining the fate of the acyl moieties linked to it in the course of de-novo fatty acid biosynthesis in higher plants, we carried out in vitro experiments to reconstitute the fatty acid synthase (FAS) reaction in extracts of spinach (Spinaciaoleracea L.) leaves, rape (Brassicanapus L.) seeds and Cuphea lanceolata Ait. seeds. The action of two major C. lanceolata ACP isoforms (ACP 1 and ACP 2) compared to ACP from Escherichia coli was monitored by saponification of the corresponding FAS products with subsequent analysis of the liberated fatty acids by high-performance liquid chromatography. In a second approach the preference of the medium-chain acyl-ACP-specific thioesterase (EC of C. lanceolata seeds for the hydrolysis of acyl-ACPs prepared from the three ACP types was investigated. Both ACP isoforms from C. lanceolata seeds supported the synthesis of medium-chain fatty acids in a reconstituted FAS reaction of spinach leaf extracts. Compared to the isoform ACP 1, ACP 2 was more effective in supporting the synthesis of such fatty acids in the FAS reaction of rape seed extracts and caused a higher accumulation of FAS products in all experiments. No preference of the medium-chain thioesterase for one specific ACP isoform was observed. The results indicate that the presence of ACP 2 is essential for the synthesis of decanoic acid in C. lanceolata seeds, and its expression in the phase of accumulation of high levels of this fatty acid provides an additional and highly efficient cofactor for stimulating the FAS reaction. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

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