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Summary When host quality varies, parasitoid wasps are expected to oviposit selectively in high-quality hosts. We tested the assumption underlying host-size models that, for solitary species of wasps, quality is based on host size. Using Ephedrus californicus, a solitary endoparasitoid of the pea aphid, we evaluated the influence of aphid size (= mass), age and defensive behaviours on host selection. Experienced parasitoid females were given a choice among three classes of 5-day-old apterous nymphs: small aphids that had been starved daily for 4 h (S4) and 6 h (S6) respectively, and large aphids permitted to feed (F) normally. Wasps attacked more, and laid more eggs in, small than large aphids (S6>S4>F). This rank-order for attack did not change when females could choose among aphids of the same size that differed in age; however, wasps oviposited in all attacked aphids with equal probability. Host size did not influence parasitoid attack rates when aphids were anaesthetized so that they could not escape or defend themselves. As predicted by host-size models, wasp size increased with host size (F>S4; S6), but large wasps required longer to complete development than their smaller counterparts (S4E. californicus reflects a trade-off between maximization of fitness gains per egg and the economics of search-time allocation. Because large aphids are more likely to escape parasitization, a wasp must balance her potential gain in fitness by ovipositinng in a high-quality (large) aphid against her potential cost in terms of lost opportunity time if the attack fails.  相似文献   

European and American populations of the parasitoid Cotesiaglomerata show pronounced differences in foraging behavior acrossplants and leaves. This variation in spatial aspects of foragingbehavior was observed about 350 generations after the introductionof C. glomerata from Europe to North America. We used a simulationmodel to study how these behavioral differences affect lifetimereproductive success in environments that differ in the spatialdistribution of hosts. The preferred gregarious host Pierisbrassicae occurs in rare large clusters in Europe but is absentin North America. The solitary caterpillars of Pieris rapaeare negative binomially distributed across plants during summerin North America, whereas they are Poisson-distributed in Europe,and early and late in the season in North America. Simulationsshowed that the foraging strategy of American C. glomerata resultedin a higher lifetime reproductive success than did the strategyof European C. glomerata on a Poisson P. rapae distribution,but did not differ on the more clustered negative binomial distribution.American parasitoids spend less time on exploration flights,focusing on the exploitation of P. rapae patches. This suggeststhat C. glomerata has adapted to the North American environmentthrough the loss of exploration traits necessary for the locationof rare clusters of P. brassicae. Lifetime reproductive successof the European strategy was most sensitive to an increase inthe giving up time on infested leaves. This behavioral parameterwas more than twice as high in the American parasitoids comparedwith their European conspecifics.  相似文献   

Responses of female Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to larval Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) feeding on cabbage leaves were investigated in a flight tunnel. Latency of flight was shorter and the proportion of female wasps flying to leaves was greater when cabbage was infested with hosts. This indicated that wasps detected hosts prior to taking flight and were attracted to them. Wind speed was varied (18, 54, 100 cm/s) to examine its effect on the response of wasps to hosts. Flight was inhibited by increasing wind speed and was accompanied by less frequent but longer bouts of pointing (antennae raised and spread, facing into the wind). The accuracy of landing but not the duration of flight to the plant was affected by increasing wind speed. The results indicated that increasing wind speed will reduce the rate of parasitoid oviposition.
Résumé Cette étude concerne les réactions des femelles de C. rubecula Marshall (Hyméno., Braconidae) aux chenilles de P. rapae (Lépido, Pieridae) alimentées sur feuilles de choux. Le tunnel fournit un flux laminaire et l'air est recyclé avec désodorisation par circulation sur un filtre de charbon de bois. La période de latence avant l'envol est plus brève et la proportion de femelles volant vers les feuilles plus élevée quand les choux sont contaminés par les chenilles. Ceci montre que les femelles détectent les hôtes avant l'envol et qu'ils les attirent. Le vent peut influer sur la libération de kairomones, sur les caractéristiques du panache d'odeurs et sur l'énergétique du vol; en conséquence, différentes vitesses de vent (18, 54, 100 cm/S) ont été utilisées pour examiner leurs effets sur la réaction des braconides. Le vol a été inhibé par une augmentation de la vitesse du vent et était accompagné par de plus longues, mais moins fréquentes poussées de pointage (antennes dressées et étendues, face au vent). La précision de l'atterrissage a été affectée par l'augmentation de la vitesse du vent, mais non la durée du vol vers la plante. Ces résultats ont montré que l'augmentation de la vitesse du vent peut réduire le taux de ponte du parasitoïde en inhibant le vol. La signification de ces résultats est discutée en relation avec la situation dans la nature.

K. M. Kester  P. Barbosa 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):151-157
To test the hypothesis that natural enemy populations differ in their behavioral responses to plants or to plant allelochemicals, we compared two populations of the gregarious larval endoparasitoid, Cotesia congregata (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) that differed in their historical and present exposure to tobacco. The major hosts for both populations were Manduca sexta L. and M. quinquemaculata (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), but these hosts were typically encountered on tobacco by parasitoids in one population (Upper Marlboro) and on tomato by parasitoids in another population (Wye). Early in the season, Wye parasitoids preferred to oviposit in M. sexta on tomato rather than on tobacco and Upper Marlboro parasitoids showed no preference; neither population showed any preference later in the season. Neither of the strains originating from the two populations showed a landing preference for tobacco or tomato in flight chamber trials, but Upper Marlboro parasitoids searched longer on tobacco than on tomato, and Wye parasitoids searched longer on tomato. When nicotine solutions were applied to tobacco leaf, searching responses of Upper Marlboro parasitoids were enhanced by 0.001–1.0% nicotine, and searching responses of Wye parasitoids were decreased by 0.01–1.0% nicotine. We speculate that population differences in searching responses to tobacco and nicotine may explain the differential parasitism responses found early in the season.  相似文献   

Hodge S  Powell G 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):387-397
Plant viruses modify the development of their aphid vectors by inducing physiological changes in the shared host plant. The performance of hymenopterous parasitoids exploiting these aphids can also be modified by the presence of the plant pathogen. We used laboratory and glasshouse microcosms containing beans (Vicia faba) as the host plant to examine the interactions between a plant virus (pea enation mosaic virus; PEMV) and a hymenopterous parasitoid (Aphidius ervi) that share the aphid vector/host Acyrthosiphon pisum. Neither PEMV-infection of V. faba, nor the carriage of PEMV virions by A. pisum, affected the growth or morphology of the aphid, or the oviposition behaviour and development of A. ervi. The presence of developing Aphidius ervi larvae within Acyrthosiphon pisum did not affect the ability of the aphids to transmit PEMV. However, by reducing their longevity, parasitism ultimately decreased the time viruliferous aphids were able to inoculate plants. In terms of virus dispersal, parasitized aphids exhibited more movement around experimental arenas than unparasitized controls, causing a slight increase in the proportion of beans infected with PEMV. Exposure to adult Aphidius ervi caused Acyrthosiphon pisum to rapidly drop off bean plants and disperse to new hosts, resulting in considerably higher plant infection rates (70%) than that seen in control arenas (25%). The results of this investigation demonstrate that when parasitoids are added to a plant-pathogen-vector system, benefits to the host plant due to reduced herbivore infestation must be balanced against the consequences of parasitoid-induced aphid dispersal and a subsequent increase in the level of plant infection.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Direct observations of Aphidius colemani foraging for Aphis glycines demonstrated that A. colemani attacks large aphid size classes selectively, in contrast to other Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) species that generally prefer small or medium-sized nymphs of different host species.
2. To determine the effect of this size preference on the potential ability of A. colemani to control A. glycines outbreaks, the stage-dependent survival and fecundity of A. glycines were measured to parameterise a stage-structured demographic model for the density-independent population growth rate of the aphid.
3. Compared with hypothetical parasitoids that show either no size preference or preference for medium-sized host nymphs, the preference of A. colemani for large hosts caused a greater reduction in the population growth rate of A. glycines . This occurs in the model because, by attacking reproductive adults, A. colemani kills those aphids that have the greatest immediate effect on the population growth rate.
4. The strong effect of size preference by A. colemani is diminished somewhat by the continued reproduction of A. glycines adults, which can reproduce for up to 3 days following parasitism. Nonetheless, reproduction by parasitised aphids is not enough to compensate for the stronger, negative effect of the preference of A. colemani for large aphids, which removes individuals with the greatest reproductive value from the A. glycines population.  相似文献   

Telenomus lobatus Johnson & Bin (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), previously known only from the eggs of a berothid species, emerged from field-collected eggs of the chrysopid Mallada macleodi. In the laboratory, host species differentially influenced development, survival, and size of the parasitoid. Females parasitized between 55 and 65% of the available eggs of Chrysoperla (C. carnea, C. harrisii, and C. rufilabris), and these yielded 98 to 100% adult parasitoids within an average of 13 days. In contrast, eggs of Chrysopa were parasitized less frequently, (C. chi: 50%; C. oculata: 16%; C. quadripunctata: 1.3%) and relatively few (C. chi: 5.6%; C. oculata: 21%) or no (C. quadripunctata) parasitoids survived to adult emergence. Preimaginal development of T. lobatus in eggs of C. chi and C. oculata was approximately two days longer than in eggs of Chrysoperla spp. Although eggs of Meleoma dolicharthra were parasitized infrequently (approx. 16%), they yielded 100% adult parasitoids. Anomalochrysa maclachlani eggs were parasitized at low rates (1.8%) and parasitoid survival was intermediate (40.7%). Among all species, size of the host egg was positively related to the size of the emerging parasitoid adult.
Résumé T. lobatus Johnson & Bin (Hym. Scelionidae) connu jusqu'ici uniquement comme parasitoïde des ufs de Berothidae, a étè obtenu d'ufs du chrysope, Mallada macleodi récoltés dans la nature. Au laboratoire, l'espèce de l'hôte influe sur le développement, la survie et la taille du parasitoïde. Les femellles ont parasité 55 à 65% des ufs disponibles de Chrysoperla (C. carnea, C. harrisii, C. rufilabris) et ceux-ci ont donné 98 à 100% de parasitoïdes adultes en 13 jours en moyenne. Par contre, les ufs de Chrysopa étaient moins souvent parasités,-C. chi: 50%; C. oculata: 16%; C. quadripunctata: 1,3%-, et relativement peu de parasitoïdes avaient survecu jusqu'à l'émergence,-C. chi: 5,6%; C. oculata: 21%; C. quadripunctata: 0. Le développment préimaginal est approximativement 2 jours plus long dans les ufs de C. chi et C. oculata que dans ceux de Chrysoperla spp. Bien que les ufs de Meleoma dolicharthra aient été peu parasités,-environ 16%-, 100% ont donné des parasitoïdes adultes. Les ufs de Anomalochrysa maclachlani ont été peu parasités,-1,8%-, et le taux de survie a été moyen: 40,7%. Pour toutes les espèces, la taille de l'uf de l'hôte était liée positivement à la taille du parasitoïde obtenu.

Summary Decaying petioles of giant hogweed,Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier, are used as a breeding site by six species ofDrosophila and the drosophilidScaptomyza pallida. The most numerous parasitoid species associated with this community isLeptopilina australis. BecauseL. australis was previously unknown in western Europe, we present the characters to distinguish it form its close relativeL. clavipes. Experiments on host species selection and survival ofL. australis showed that this parasitoid mainly usesD. limbata as host. Olfactometer experiments showed thatL. australis is attracted by the odour of decaying hogweed stalks, especially when these contain larvae ofD. limbata. L. australis is also strongly attracted by the odour of stinkhorns, a habitat in which it has never been found in nature.D. phalerata is the dominant fly species in stinkhorns, and is not a host ofL. australis. We offer a possible functional explanation for this unexpected habitat choice, by showing thatD. transversa andD. kuntzei, both species found to breed in fungi, are also suitable hosts forL. australis. We also discuss habitat choice with regard to a proposed phylogeny of theLeptopilina species in temperate Europe. Finally, we discuss niche overlap ofL. australis with the otherLeptopilina species.  相似文献   

Eriosoma aphids form leaf-roll galls on various elm species. Eriosoma yangi occurring on the Japanese elm is an obligatory "cuckoo" parasite, invading and usurping galls of other Eriosoma species. But another host race of E. yangi induces its own galls on the Chinese elm. Multivariate morphometries show that the two host races differ significantly in quantitative characters. Overwintering eggs of the parasitic form were experimentally transferred to the Chinese elm. The resultant larvae still exhibited a parasitic habit and developed into adults, which multivariate morphometries classified as the parasitic form. This form is considered different enough from the gall maker to be given a species rank. Eriosoma aphids facultatively invade other Eriosoma galls, where they sometimes deposit offspring. It is hypothesized that the parasitic form on the Japanese elm originated from a founder population which had migrated from the Chinese elm. On this new host, only those fundatrices that invade other species' galls will be able to leave offspring, because aphid fundatrices cannot gall plants other than their primary hosts. It is assumed that the parasitic form was established under intense selective pressure following a population bottleneck. This hypothesis was corroborated by field investigations at sites where the two forms occur sympatrically.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) occurs when consumers competing for a resource also engage in predatory interactions. A common type of IGP involves aphid predators and parasitoids: since parasitoid offspring develop within aphid hosts, they are particularly vulnerable to predation by aphid predators such as coccinellid beetles. Other intraguild interactions that include non-lethal behavioral effects, such as interference with foraging and avoidance of IGP, may also hamper parasitoid activity and reduce their effectiveness as biological control agents. In this study, we quantified mortality in and behavioral effects on Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) by its IG-predator Coccinella undecimpunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), and compared the impact of two release ratios of these natural enemies on aphid populations. Parasitoids did not leave the plant onto which they were first introduced, regardless of the presence of predators, even when alternative prey was offered on predator-free plants nearby. In 2-hour experiments, predator larvae interfered with wasp activity, and the level of aphid parasitism was lower in the presence of predators than in their absence. In these experiments, the parasitoids contributed more to aphid mortality than the predators and aphid suppression was higher when a parasitoid acted alone than in combination with a predator larva. These results were confirmed in a 5-day experiment, but only at one parasitoid:predator release ratio (4:3) not another (2:3). The over-all impact on aphid population growth was non-the-less stronger when both enemies acted together than when only one of them was present. Results indicate that for given release ratios and time scale, the negative lethal and non-lethal effects of the predator on parasitoid performance did not fully cancelled the direct impact of the predator on the aphid population.  相似文献   

  1. Analysis of life tables of the oriental moth, Monema flavescens, obtained for 8 generations over 4 years, disclosed that the cocoon parasitoid, Praestochrysis shanghaiensis, acted as a density-disruptive factor.
  2. The density of the host cocoon remained stable (max./min.=3.2), whereas that of the host adult varied (max./min.=14.3) although both showed similar fluctation patterns.
  3. Stability of the host population was associated with the density-dependence in the ratio of first generation cocoons to overwintered generation moths, which was the key factor for the rate of change throughout the year. Chrysidid parasitism among the first generation cocoons ranged from 37.7 to 70.1%, and that among the second generation cocoons from 16.7 to 63.2%, each showing an inverse density-dependence and acting as the main determinant (key-factor) of the between-year variation in the density of the adult moths.
  4. The density-dependence of the rate of change from overwintered generation adults to first generation cocoons was so strong that the parasitism on the second generation hosts had not effect on the cocoon density of the first generation. On the other hand, the density-dependence of the rate of change from first generation adults to second generation cocoons was weak, and the parasitism on the first generation hosts became the key factor for the between-year variation of the second generation cocoons.
  5. It is suggested that the stability of the parasitoid-host system will be disrupted without three parasitism-restricting factors: asynchrony in the parasitoid attack on the second generation hosts, high mortality among parasitoid larvae of the second generation, and the high proportion of those first generation parasitoids that enter diapause. These factors are considered to be effective only in cooler parts of the distribution of the parasitoid.

Host range studies of the parasitoid Allotropa sp. near mecrida (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) were conducted prior to applying for a permit to release it against the pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), in southern California. Using M. hirsutus as a control, four mealybug species were tested as potential hosts. Allotropa sp. near mecrida did not successfully reproduce in any of the mealybug species tested, except for the target species, M. hirsutus. The parasitoid was found to host feed upon one of the non-target species within the confined test environment. Subsequently a USDA-APHIS importation and release permit was granted.  相似文献   

Determining the impact of genetically modified (GM) crops on beneficial organisms is an important aspect of the environmental risk assessment of GM crops. In the present study, the impact of Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab on the development and behaviour of the parasitoid Campoletis sonorensis was compared to individuals reared on hosts fed conventionally bred plants partially resistant to the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) and on susceptible maize hybrids. Adult parasitoids reared on Bt maize-fed Spodoptera frugiperda larvae were significantly smaller (15–30%) than those reared in hosts fed either of the conventional maize hybrids. The magnitude of this effect was dependent on the size of the host at oviposition and its subsequent growth rate. The development time of C. sonorensis was not affected by the maize treatment. In choice tests, female parasitoids displayed no preference for hosts fed a specific maize hybrid. No Cry1Ab was detected within adult parasitoids.  相似文献   

Postemergence experience with one of six plant species, in the presence of the host larva, modified the searching response of reproductively mature females of Cotesia congregata(Say) to these plants in at least one of three ways: (1) an increased response to the plant experienced at emergence, (2) an increased response to other plants, or (3) an inhibited response to other plants. Landing and searching responses were differentially affected by postemergence experience. For example, postemergence experience with tobacco (a common plant) in the presence of the host larva induced a landing preference for this plant over parsley (a novel plant) but did not affect searching responses to either plant, whereas experience with parsley and the host larva induced an increased searching response to parsley but a landing preference for tobacco. Differential effects of postemergence experience may reflect the type of stimuli involved in searching or landing and may have adaptive significance.  相似文献   

The hymenopteran wasp Leptopilina boulardi (Figitidae) is a larval solitary parasitoid of Drosophila larvae of the melanogaster sub-group. The factors used by parasitoid females to prevent encapsulation of their eggs by the host are localized in the female long gland and reservoir. We report here the physiological effects of these factors on host haemocytes using in vivo injection experiments. The total number of haemocytes, the number of plasmatocytes and the number of crystal cells were not modified by injection of long gland extracts. In contrast, long gland extracts either from virulent or avirulent strains had a significant effect on the lamellocyte number. Compared to the Ringer control, the avirulent long gland products induced an increase of the lamellocyte number while virulent extracts induced a drastic decrease together with an alteration of the morphology of these cells. Interestingly, changes in the lamellocyte morphology were also observed following injection of the P4 protein, a major component of L. boulardi female long glands that displays a strong immune suppressive effect on Drosophila larvae. The implication of the P4 protein in suppressing the host cellular immunity is discussed in correlation with its predicted molecular function as a Rho-GAP protein.  相似文献   

Encarsia transvena is an 'autoparasitoid' in the hymenopteran family Aphelinidae. In this species, female eggs are laid in whitefly nymphs. Male eggs are laid externally on immature parasitoids enclosed within the whitefly integument, either their own species, or other primary parasitoids. We explored parasitism by E. transvena of conspecific female immatures and those of a native primary parasitoid, Eretmocerus eremicus, in laboratory experiments. In the first experiment, female E. transvena were offered different combinations of two stages of E. transvena (late larvae – prepupae (ET2), and early pupae (ET3)), and one stage of E. eremicus (prepupae – early pupae (EE2)) in paired choice tests. The results indicated very little parasitism of ET3 relative to the host it was paired with, either EE2 or ET2. However, when EE2 was offered with ET2, there was no statistically significant difference in parasitism. In a no-choice experiment in which oviposition patterns and male progeny development were examined in four stages of both species of wasp, clear differences were observed between the host species. Only one stage of E. transvena (ET2) was parasitized and supported development of male E. transvena to any significant degree. In contrast, in E. eremicus, EE2, EE3 (red-eyed pupae), and EE4 (late pupae) were all parasitized, and male E. transvena emerged from all three stages, although fewer males emerged from EE4. In both species, wasp larvae that were still enclosed within the wet whitefly remains (ET1 and EE1) were parasitized at a very low rate. Lastly, an experiment that determined the length of the later developmental stages of E. transvena and E. eremicus suggested that the duration of the period in which E. transvena is susceptible to parasitism by conspecific females is less than half the period of susceptibility of E. eremicus. These results taken together suggest the potential for interference of E. eremicus by E. transvena, but other factors not examined here may also influence the outcome of interactions in the field.  相似文献   

Agosta SJ 《Oecologia》2008,157(1):69-82
That fitness varies as a function of using different hosts is a basic premise of theory addressing the ecology and evolution of oviposition behavior and host selection. Few data exist demonstrating: (1) the effects of different hosts on fitness in the field, and (2) how these effects vary spatially or temporally. Cohorts of caterpillars were followed from hatching to adulthood to test the hypotheses that: (1) hosts have significant effects on herbivore performance in nature, and (2) host "quality" for performance varies predictably (i.e., the rank order is consistent) across herbivore generations. In total, the fates of >2,000 caterpillars were followed on 238 individual host trees. Host species had significant effects on most, but not all, measured components of caterpillar performance in the field. Variation among generations was mainly quantitative rather than qualitative, with few changes in the rank order of hosts in their effects on performance. There was also a strong seasonal effect on performance such that caterpillar growth and survival were higher in the early wet season compared to the late wet season. Using estimates derived from these data, correlations among larval growth rate, larval survival, total development time, and final adult size were examined at the level of host plant species. Across generations, larval survival was consistently poor, development time was long, but final adult size attained was large on the host Spondias mombin. The converse was true for the host Exostema mexicanum. Relative performance on the host Casearia nitida was variable between the other two hosts. Overall, the data suggest that host use involves a predictable tradeoff between larval survival and final adult size, but argue that which is the "better" host from the female perspective will depend on the fitness consequences of producing a few, relatively large offspring versus producing more, relatively small offspring.  相似文献   

There are limitations imposed by current methodologies to detect and quantify insect predation. However, there has been relatively little effort to experimentally document the sources of biases associated with the various methodologies. In this study, we examined how predation estimates in the field using predator exclusion cages may be biased when one fails to account for antipredator behavioral responses. To do this, we did the usual comparison of the number of insects missing from plants where predators were allowed access to the number missing from plants where predators were excluded, but also determined how many of the missing insects reacted to predators by dropping from plants and how many were actually preyed upon. Our results provide evidence that estimates of insect mortality in the field are significantly reduced if prey antipredator behavior is taken into account. As it is commonly assumed that prey missing in the field are predated, documenting the incidence of predator‐mediated ‘disappearance’ and capturing insect prey before they escape can provide with a relevant estimate of bias.  相似文献   

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