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Background and Aims
The sedge genus Carex, the most diversified angiosperm genus of the northern temperate zone, is renowned for its holocentric chromosomes and karyotype variability. The genus exhibits high variation in chromosome numbers both among and within species. Despite the possibility that this chromosome evolution may play a role in the high species diversity of Carex, population-level patterns of molecular and cytogenetic differentiation in the genus have not been extensively studied.Methods
Microsatellite variation (11 loci, 461 individuals) and chromosomal diversity (82 individuals) were investigated in 22 Midwestern populations of the North American sedge Carex scoparia and two Northeastern populations.Key Results
Among Midwestern populations, geographic distance is the most important predictor of genetic differentiation. Within populations, inbreeding is high and chromosome variation explains a significant component of genetic differentiation. Infrequent dispersal among populations separated by >100 km explains an important component of molecular genetic and cytogenetic diversity within populations. However, karyotype variation and correlation between genetic and chromosomal variation persist within populations even when putative migrants based on genetic data are excluded.Conclusions
These findings demonstrate dispersal and genetic connectivity among widespread populations that differ in chromosome numbers, explaining the phenomenon of genetic coherence in this karyotypically diverse sedge species. More generally, the study suggests that traditional sedge taxonomic boundaries demarcate good species even when those species encompass a high range of chromosomal diversity. This finding is important evidence as we work to document the limits and drivers of biodiversity in one of the world''s largest angiosperm genera. 相似文献4.
Harrihar A. Pershadsingh Evan B. Stubbs Jr. William D. NoteboomMarie L. Vorbeck Arlene P. Martin 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》1985,821(3)
The involvement of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in the regulation of the plasma membrane potential and electrogenic uptake of glycine in SP 2/0-AG14 lymphocytes was investigated using the potentiometric indicator 3,3′-diethylthiodicarbocyanine iodide. The resting membrane potential was estimated to be −57 ± 6 mV (n = 4), a value similar to that of normal lymphocytes. The magnitude of the membrane potential and the electrogenic uptake of glycine were dependent on the extracellular K+ concentration, [K+]o, and were significantly enhanced by exogenous calcium. The apparent Vmax of Na+-dependent glycine uptake was doubled in the presence of calcium, whereas the K0.5 was not affected. Ouabain had no influence on the membrane potential under the conditions employed. Additional criteria used to demonstrate the presence of Ca2+-activated K+ channels included the following: (1) addition of EGTA to calcium supplemented cells elicited a rapid depolarization of the membrane potential that was dependent on [K+]o; (2) the calmodulin antagonist, trifluoperazine, depolarized the membrane potential in a dose-dependent and saturable manner with an IC50 of 9.4 μM; and (3) cells treated with the Ca2+-activated K+ channel antagonist, quinine, demonstrated an elevated membrane potential and depressed electrogenic glycine uptake. Results from the present study provide evidence for Ca2+-activated K+ channels in SP 2/0-AG14 lymphocytes, and that their involvement regulates the plasma membrane potential and thereby the electrogenic uptake of Na+-dependent amino acids. 相似文献
Tida Ge Shiwei Song P. Roberts D.L. Jones Danfeng Huang K. Iwasaki 《Environmental and Experimental Botany》2009,66(3):357-361
Direct uptake of organic nitrogen (ON) compounds, rather than inorganic N, by plant roots has been hypothesized to constitute a significant pathway for plant nutrition. The aim of this study was to test whether tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Huying932) can take up ON directly from the soil by using 15NH4Cl, K15NO3, 1, 2-13C215N-glycine labeling techniques. The 13C and 15N in the plants increased significantly indicating that a portion of the glycine-N was taken up in the form of intact amino acids by the tomatoes within 48 h after injection into the soil. Regression analysis of excess 13C against excess 15N showed that approximately 21% of the supplied glycine-N was taken up intact by the tomatoes. Atom% excesses of 15N and 13C in the roots were higher than in any shoots. Results also indicated rapid turnover of amino acids (e.g., glycine) by soil microorganisms, and the poor competitive ability of tomatoes in absorbing amino acids from the soil solution. This implies that tomatoes can take up ON in an intact form from the soil despite the rapid turnover of organic N usually found under such conditions. Given the influence of climatic change and N pollution, further studies investigating the functional ecological implications of ON in horticultural ecosystems are warranted. 相似文献
An NMR spectroscopy study ((31)P, (1)H, (13)C) of the postulated crosslinking mechanism of sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) on polysaccharides is reported using methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside as a model. In a first step, reaction of STMP with Glc-OMe gives grafted sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP(g)). On the one hand, STTP(g) can react with a second alcohol functionality to give a crosslinked monophosphate. On the other hand, a monophosphate (grafted phosphate) could be obtained by alkaline degradation of STPP(g). NMR spectroscopy allows to detect the various species formed and to obtain the crosslinking density of STMP-polysaccharides hydrogels. 相似文献
Activated neutrophils generate the potent oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from the enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO). A proposed bio-marker for MPO-derived HOCl in vivo is 3-chlorotyrosine, elevated levels of which have been measured in several human inflammatory pathologies. However, it is unlikely that HOCl is produced as the sole oxidant at sites of chronic inflammation as other reactive species are also produced during the inflammatory response. The work presented shows that free and protein bound 3-chlorotyrosine is lost upon addition of the pro-inflammatory oxidants, HOCl, peroxynitrite, and acidified nitrite. Furthermore, incubation of 3-chlorotyrosine with activated RAW264.7 macrophages or neutrophil-like HL-60 cells resulted in significant loss of 3-chlorotyrosine. Therefore, at sites of chronic inflammation where there is concomitant ONOO− and HOCl formation, it is possible measurement of 3-chlorotyrosine may represent an underestimate of the true extent of tyrosine chlorination. This finding could account for some of the discrepancies reported between 3-chlorotyrosine levels in tissues in the literature. 相似文献