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Cdc14-family phosphatases play a conserved role in promoting mitotic exit and cytokinesis by dephosphorylating substrates of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk). Cdc14-family phosphatases have been best studied in yeast (for review, see [1, 2]), where budding yeast Cdc14 and its fission yeast homolog Clp1 are regulated partly by their localization; both proteins are thought to be sequestered in the nucleolus in interphase. Cdc14 and Clp1 are released from the nucleolus in mitosis, and in late mitosis conserved signaling pathways termed the mitotic exit network (MEN) and the septation initiation network (SIN) keeps Cdc14 and Clp1, respectively, out of the nucleolus through an unknown mechanism [3-6]. Here we show that the most downstream SIN component, the Ndr-family kinase Sid2, maintains Clp1 in the cytoplasm in late mitosis by phosphorylating Clp1 directly and thereby creating binding sites for the 14-3-3 protein Rad24. Mutation of the Sid2 phosphorylation sites on Clp1 disrupts the Clp1-Rad24 interaction and causes Clp1 to return prematurely to the nucleolus during cytokinesis. Loss of Clp1 from the cytoplasm in telophase renders cells sensitive to perturbation of the actomyosin ring but does not affect other Clp1 functions. Because all components of this pathway are conserved, this might be a broadly conserved mechanism for regulation of Cdc14-family phosphatases.  相似文献   

The S. pombe Cdc14-related phosphatase Clp1p/Flp1p regulates G2/M transition by antagonizing CDK activity and is essential for coordinating the nuclear division cycle with cytokinesis through the cytokinesis checkpoint. At the G2/M transition, Clp1p/Flp1p is released from the nucleolus and SPB and distributes throughout the nucleus to the spindle and the contractile ring. This early relocalization is analogous to vertebrate Cdc14 homologs and stands in contrast to S. cerevisiae Cdc14p, which is not released from the nucleolus until metaphase/anaphase transition. Here, we report that Clp1p/Flp1p localizes to kinetochores in prometaphase and functions in chromosome segregation, since deletion of clp1/flp1 causes cosegregation of sister chromatids, when sister kinetochores are prone to mono-orientation. Genetic, cytological, and biochemical experiments suggest that Clp1p/Flp1p functions together with Aurora kinase at kinetochores. Together, these results suggest that Clp1p/Flp1p has a role in repairing mono-orientation of sister kinetochores.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, exit from mitosis occurs through the inactivation of the Cdk1-cyclin B kinase complex and the reversal of its phosphorylation events. These late mitotic events are tightly regulated to occur only after the onset of anaphase and prior to cytokinesis. Central to this regulation is the conserved Cdc14 family of protein phosphatases, whose activity reverses Cdk-dependent phosphorylation events. S. cerevisiae Cdc14 activity is restrained from dephosphorylating Cdk substrates and inactivating Cdk1 through its nucleolar sequestration prior to anaphase. Here, we describe a unique mode of Cdc14 regulation that operates prior to anaphase in fission yeast. Cdk1 phosphorylates and inhibits the catalytic activity of the Cdc14 family member, Clp1/Flp1. As Cdk1 activity declines during anaphase progression, Clp1/Flp1 autocatalytically reverses these phosphorylation events to stimulate its own activity. These findings point to a simple regulatory circuit that couples Cdk1 activation with its inactivation mediated through phosphorylation-dependent regulation of Clp1/Flp1 phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Flp1p serine-threonine phosphatase is required for the degradation of the mitotic inducer Cdc25p at the end of mitosis. Cdc25p degradation prevents Cdc2p-tyrosine 15 dephosphorylation and, thus, contributes to the timely inactivation of mitotic CDK-associated kinase activity. Both RING- and HECT-type protein-ubiquitin ligases are involved in Cdc25p destabilization. Flp1p function is required for Cdc25p ubiquitination via anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome or APC/C (RING-type) and the absence of Pub1p (HECT-type) stabilizes the mitotic inducer. In the present report, we study the functional relationship of Flp1p with Pub1p and Pub2p HECT-type-protein ubiquitin ligases. We show that Flp1p is required for the rapid degradation of Cdc25p while Pub1p is responsible for the long-term destabilization of the mitotic inducer. Accordingly, flp1 and pub1 mutants have a strong genetic interaction, correlating defects in the coordination of mitosis and cytokinesis with the stabilization of hyperactive Cdc25p. However, we also show that Flp1 and Pub2p proteins functionally interact in vivo suggesting that both proteins belong to the same regulatory network in S. pombe cells. Thus Flp1p appears to have an important role in integrating HECT- and RING-type ubiquitin ligases in cell cycle control.  相似文献   

Cdc14 phosphatases antagonize cyclin-dependent kinase-directed phosphorylation events and are involved in several facets of cell cycle control. We investigate the role of the fission yeast Cdc14 homologue Clp1/Flp1 in cytokinesis. We find that Clp1/Flp1 is tethered at the contractile ring (CR) through its association with anillin-related Mid1. Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching analyses indicate that Mid1, unlike other tested CR components, is anchored at the cell midzone, and this physical property is likely to account for its scaffolding role. By generating a mutation in mid1 that selectively disrupts Clp1/Flp1 tethering, we reveal the specific functional consequences of Clp1/Flp1 activity at the CR, including dephosphorylation of the essential CR component Cdc15, reductions in CR protein mobility, and CR resistance to mild perturbation. Our evidence indicates that Clp1/Flp1 must interact with the Mid1 scaffold to ensure the fidelity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 family of phosphatases specifically reverses proline-directed phosphorylation events. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cdc14p promotes Cdk1p inactivation at mitotic exit by reversing Cdk1p-dependent phosphorylations. Cdk1p is a proline-directed kinase whose activity is required in all eukaryotes for the transit into mitosis. At mitotic commitment, Cdk1p participates in its own regulation by activating the mitotic inducing phosphatase, Cdc25p, and inhibiting the opposing kinase, Wee1p. We have investigated the ability of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Clp1p, a Cdc14p homolog, to disrupt this auto-amplification loop. We show here that Clp1p is required to dephosphorylate, destabilize, and inactivate Cdc25p at the end of mitosis. Clp1p promotes recognition of Cdc25p by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Failure to inactivate and destabilize Cdc25p in late mitosis delays progression through anaphase, interferes with septation initiation network signaling, and additionally advances the commitment to mitotic entry in the next cycle. This may be a widely conserved mechanism whereby Cdc14 proteins contribute to Cdk1p inactivation.  相似文献   

The Cdc14p-like phosphatase Flp1p (also known as Clp1p) is regulated by cell cycle-dependent changes in its subcellular localization. Flp1p is restricted to the nucleolus and spindle pole body until prophase, when it is dispersed throughout the nucleus, mitotic spindle, and medial ring. Once released, Flp1p antagonizes Cdc2p/cyclin activity by reverting Cdc2p-phosphorylation sites on Cdc25p. On replication stress, ataxia-telangiectasia mutated/ATM/Rad3-related kinase Rad3p activates Cds1p, which phosphorylates key proteins ensuring the stability of stalled DNA replication forks. Here, we show that replication stress induces changes in the subcellular localization of Flp1p in a checkpoint-dependent manner. Active Cds1p checkpoint kinase is required to release Flp1p into the nucleus. Consistently, a Flp1p mutant (flp1-9A) lacking all potential Cds1p phosphorylation sites fails to relocate in response to replication blocks and, similarly to cells lacking flp1 (Deltaflp1), presents defects in checkpoint response to replication stress. Deltaflp1 cells accumulate reduced levels of a less active Cds1p kinase in hydroxyurea (HU), indicating that nuclear Flp1p regulates Cds1p full activation. Consistently, Deltaflp1 and flp1-9A have an increased percentage of Rad22p-recombination foci during HU treatment. Together, our data show that by releasing Flp1p into the nucleus Cds1p checkpoint kinase modulates its own full activation during replication stress.  相似文献   

In order to identify regulators of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation initiation network (SIN), which signals the onset of cell division, we have isolated extragenic suppressors of mutations in the GTPase spg1p, which is a central element in this pathway. One of these encodes the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) B'-regulatory subunit par1p. Loss of par1p function rescues mutants in cdc11, cdc7, and spg1, but no other SIN mutants. Our data suggest that PP2A-par1p acts as a negative regulator of SIN signalling.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 phosphatase family antagonizes Cdk1 phosphorylation and is important for mitotic exit. To access their substrates, Cdc14 phosphatases are released from nucleolar sequestration during mitosis. Clp1/Flp1, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc14 orthologue, and Cdc14B, a mammalian orthologue, also exit the nucleolus during interphase upon DNA replication stress or damage, respectively, implicating Cdc14 phosphatases in the response to genotoxic insults. However, a mechanistic understanding of Cdc14 phosphatase nucleolar release under these conditions is incomplete. We show here that relocalization of Clp1 during genotoxic stress is governed by complex phosphoregulation. Specifically, the Rad3 checkpoint effector kinases Cds1 and/or Chk1, the cell wall integrity mitogen-activated protein kinase Pmk1, and the cell cycle kinase Cdk1 directly phosphorylate Clp1 to promote genotoxic stress–induced nucleoplasmic accumulation. However, Cds1 and/or Chk1 phosphorylate RxxS sites preferentially upon hydroxyurea treatment, whereas Pmk1 and Cdk1 preferentially phosphorylate Clp1 TP sites upon H2O2 treatment. Abolishing both Clp1 RxxS and TP phosphosites eliminates any genotoxic stress–induced redistribution. Reciprocally, preventing dephosphorylation of Clp1 TP sites shifts the distribution of the enzyme to the nucleoplasm constitutively. This work advances our understanding of pathways influencing Clp1 localization and may provide insight into mechanisms controlling Cdc14B phosphatases in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Krapp A  Cano E  Simanis V 《FEBS letters》2004,565(1-3):176-180
The initiation of cytokinesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is signalled by the septation initiation network (SIN). Signalling originates from the spindle pole body (SPB), where SIN proteins are anchored by a scaffold composed of cdc11p and sid4p. Cdc11p links the other SIN proteins to sid4p and the SPB. Homologues of cdc11p have been identified in Saccharomyes cerevisiae (Nud1p) and human cells (Centriolin). We have defined functional domains of cdc11p by analysis of deletion mutants. We demonstrate that the C-terminal end of cdc11p is necessary for SPB localisation. We also show that the N-terminal domain is necessary and sufficient for signal transduction, since tethering of this domain to the SPB will substitute for cdc11p in SIN function.  相似文献   

The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) regulates various events in cell division. This complex is composed of a catalytic subunit, Aurora B kinase, and three nonenzymatic subunits, INCENP, Survivin, and Borealin. Together, these four subunits interdependently regulate CPC function, and they are highly conserved among eukaryotes. However, a Borealin homologue has never been characterized in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, we isolate a previously uncharacterized S. pombe protein through association with the Cdc14 phosphatase homologue, Clp1/Flp1, and identify it as a Borealin-like member of the CPC. Nbl1 (novel Borealin-like 1) physically associates with known CPC components, affects the kinase activity and stability of the S. pombe Aurora B homologue, Ark1, colocalizes with known CPC subunits during mitosis, and shows sequence similarity to human Borealin. Further analysis of the Clp1–Nbl1 interaction indicates that Clp1 requires CPC activity for proper accumulation at the contractile ring (CR). Consistent with this, we describe negative genetic interactions between mutant alleles of CPC and CR components. Thus, this study characterizes a fission yeast Borealin homologue and reveals a previously unrecognized connection between the CPC and the process of cytokinesis in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Nrf1p was first identified in a screen for negative regulators of the Cdc42p GTPase. Overexpression of Nrf1p resulted in dose-dependent lethality, with cells exhibiting an ellipsoidal morphology and abnormal vacuolar phenotypes including an increase in vacuolar fusion. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Cdc42p and GFP-Nrf1p colocalized to vacuolar membranes and GFP-Nrf1p vacuolar localization depended on Scd1p, the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homolog of the Cdc24p guanine nucleotide exchange factor. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was conducted on Nrf1p to determine its functional domains. Mutations in the three putative transmembrane domains resulted in mislocalization of GFP-Nrf1p and an inability to induce lethality, suggesting a loss of function. Mutations in the second extramembranous loop of Nrf1p also resulted in a loss of function and altered the ability of GFP-Nrf1p to localize to vacuolar membranes. Analysis of Deltanrf1 and Deltascd1 mutants revealed defects in endocytosis. In addition, overexpression of constitutively active Cdc42(G12V)p resulted in an increase in endocytosis and an ability to rescue the endocytic defects in Deltanrf1 and Deltascd1 cells. These data are consistent with Nrf1p and Scd1p being necessary for efficient endocytosis, possibly through the regulation of Cdc42p.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is complexed with inhibitor 2 (I-2) in the cytosol. In rabbit muscle extract PP1.I-2 is activated upon preincubation with ATP/Mg. This activation is caused by phosphorylation of I-2 on Thr(72) by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). We have found that PP1.I-2 in bovine brain extract is also activated upon preincubation with ATP/Mg. However, blocking GSK3 action by LiCl inhibited only approximately 29% of PP1 activity and indicated that GSK3 is not the sole PP1.I-2 activator in the brain. When bovine brain extract was analyzed by gel filtration PP1.I-2 and neuronal Cdc2-like protein kinase (NCLK), a heterodimer of Cdk5 and the regulatory p25 subunit, co-eluted as a approximately 450-kDa size species. The NCLK from the eluted column fractions bound to PP1-specific microcystin-Sepharose and glutathione S-transferase (GST)-I-2-coated glutathione-agarose beads. Similarly, PP1 from the eluted column fractions was pulled down with GST-Cdk5-coated glutathione-agarose beads. In vitro, NCLK phosphorylated I-2 on Thr(72) and activated PP1.I-2 in an ATP/Mg-dependent manner. NCLK bound to PP1 through its Cdk5 subunit and the PP1 binding region was localized to Cdk5 residues 28-41. Our data demonstrate that in brain extract PP1.I-2 and NCLK are associated within a complex of approximately 450 kDa and suggest that NCLK is one of the PP1.I-2-activating kinases in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc42(+) regulates cell morphology and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Scd1p/Ral1p is the only described guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Cdc42p in S. pombe. We have identified a new GEF, named Gef1p, specifically regulating Cdc42p. Gef1p binds to inactive Cdc42p but not to other Rho GTPases in two-hybrid assays. Overexpression of gef1(+) increases specifically the GTP-bound Cdc42p, and Gef1p is capable of stimulating guanine nucleotide exchange of Cdc42p in vitro. Overexpression of gef1(+) causes changes in cell morphology similar to those caused by overexpression of the constitutively active cdc42G12V allele. Gef1p localizes to the septum. gef1(+) deletion is viable but causes a mild cell elongation and defects in bipolar growth and septum formation, suggesting a role for Gef1p in the control of cell polarity and cytokinesis. The double mutant gef1delta scd1delta is not viable, indicating that they share an essential function as Cdc42p activators. However, both deletion and overexpression of either gef1(+) or scd1(+) causes different morphological phenotypes, which suggest different functions. Genetic evidence revealed a link between Gef1p and the signaling pathway of Shk1/Orb2p and Orb6p. In contrast, no genetic interaction between Gef1p and Shk2p-Mkh1p pathway was observed.  相似文献   

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