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Calcium influx was studied in monolayers of HeLa cells to determine the number of exchangeable and nonexchangeable pools and the rate constant of the different fluxes. Of the two exchangeable pools, one has a very fast rate of exchange with a half-time of 1.54 min, a compartment size of 1.06 mµmoles/mg cell protein, and an exchange rate of 474 µµmoles/(mg protein\·min). This compartment is likely to be extracellular and could represent calcium exchange between the extracellular fluids and surface binding sites of the cell membrane. The second exchangeable pool has a half-time of exchange of 31 min, a compartment size of 2.69 mµmoles/mg cell protein (0.224 millimole calcium/kg cell water), and a flux rate of 0.0546 µµmole cm-2 sec-1. This compartment can be considered to be the intracellular pool of exchangeable calcium. An unexchangeable intracellular pool of calcium of 3.05 mµmoles/mg cell protein was detected implying that only 45% of the intracellular calcium is exchangeable. In addition, a large extracellular pool of calcium has been found to be unexchangeable, probably a part of the cell glycocalix. Finally, dinitrophenol 10-3 M does not affect the slow component of the calcium uptake curve which brings new evidence that calcium entry into the cell is not a metabolically dependent process.  相似文献   

Explants isolated from Jerusalem Artichoke tubers are stimulatedto divide when placed in contact with a nutrient medium containingsucrose, mineral salts, coconut milk, and 2: 4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid. The first two or three cell divisions, which only occurin the outer layers of the explant, do not occur uniformly withtime but are, at least, partially synchronous. This synchrony,which decreases with successive divisions, is inherent. DNAsynthesis, which is an essential prerequisite for division inthese cells, is also partially synchronous. These conclusions,while being of some significance in relation to the interpretationof the early development of the callus, are also of some interestin relation to the possible exploitation of this system forthe study of cell division.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus erythropolis N1-36, a desulfurization strain, was grown in continuous culture at 10 different dilution rates with 50 (mu)M dibenzothiophene sulfone (DBTO(inf2)) as the growth-limiting nutrient. The steady-state biomass, concentrations of substrate (DBTO(inf2)) and product (monohydroxybiphenyl), saturation constant (0.39 (mu)M DBTO(inf2)), and cell yield coefficient (9 mg of biomass(middot)(mu)M(sup-1) DBTO(inf2)) were measured. Continuous cultures at five temperatures allowed calculation of activation energy (0.84 kcal(middot)mol(sup-1) [ca. 3.5 kJ(middot)mol(sup-1)]) near the optimal temperature (30(deg)C) for growth. A washout technique was used to calculate the maximum specific growth rate (0.235 h(sup-1)), a value equivalent to a minimum generation time of 2.95 h.  相似文献   

Experimental proof is given that the volume distribution spectrum of mammalian cells in suspension culture can be determined accurately with a Coulter spectrometer. Stable spectra corresponding to the predictions of a mathematical model are observed under favorable conditions of growth. Cell volume spectrometry appears to be a useful method for diagnosing the state of the culture with respect to past uniformity of growth rate and present population age distribution. In addition, it offers a method for quantitative study of the laws governing cell growth and division.  相似文献   

The DbtS(sup+) phenotype (which confers the ability to oxidize selectively the sulfur atom of dibenzothiophene [DBT] or dibenzothiophene sulfone [DBTO(inf2)]) of Rhodococcus erythropolis N1-36 was quantitatively characterized in batch and fed-batch cultures. In flask cultures, production of the desulfurization product, monohydroxybiphenyl (OH-BP), was maximal at pH 6.0, while specific productivity (OH-BP cell(sup-1)) was maximal at pH 5.5. Quantitative measurements in fermentors (in both batch and fed-batch modes) demonstrated that DBTO(inf2) as the sole sulfur source yielded a greater amount of product than did DBT. Specifically, 100 (mu)M DBT maximally yielded (apprx=)40 (mu)M OH-BP, while 100 (mu)M DBTO(inf2) yielded (apprx=)60 (mu)M OH-BP. Neither maintaining the pH at 6.0 nor adding an additional carbon source increased the yield of OH-BP. The presence of SO(inf4)(sup2-) in growth media repressed expression of desulfurization activity, but SO(inf4)(sup2-) added to suspensions of cells grown in DBT or DBTO(inf2) did not inhibit desulfurization activity.  相似文献   

l-Tyrosine decarboxylase (EC activity was induced in cell suspension cultures of Thalictrum rugosum Ait. and Eschscholtzia californica Cham. with a yeast polysaccharide preparation (elicitor). The highest l-tyrosine decarboxylase activity in extracts from 7-day-old cell cultures of E. californica was observed 5 hours after addition of 30 to 40 micrograms elicitor per gram cell fresh weight. The enzyme extracted from cells of E. californica was purified 1540-fold to a specific activity of 2.6 micromoles CO2 produced per minute per milligram protein at pH 8.4 and 30°C. Purified enzyme from T. rugosum showed a specific activity of 0.18 micromoles per minute per milligram protein. The purification procedure involved ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography, ultrafiltration, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the enzyme from the two plant cell cultures had subunits of identical molecular weight (56,300 ± 300 daltons.  相似文献   

Analysis of time-lapse cinemicrographs of X-irradiated HeLa S3 cells has shown that the incidence of cell fusion was increased from 0.9% (following 1267 divisions) in control cells to an average of 22% (following 655 divisions) in cells irradiated with 500 rad doses of 220 kv X-rays. The incidence depended on the stage of the generation cycle at which the parent cells were irradiated. It was nearly constant in the first three postirradiation generations. Fusion occurred at all stages of the generation cycle, but preferentially during the first 20%. Cells undergoing fusion progressed more slowly through the generation cycle and had a higher probability of disintegrating than did irradiated cells that did not fuse. The occurrence of fusion was clonally distributed in the population. It took place only between sister (or closely related) cells. Protoplasmic bridges were often visible between sister cells prior to fusion. Giant cells arose only as a result of fusion. The incidence of multipolar divisions, though higher than in unirradiated cells, was only 5.5% in cultures irradiated with 500 rads. Fusion occurred following 85% of the multipolar divisions and was often followed by a multipolar division.  相似文献   

Abstract: The biosynthesis of angiotensin II-like peptide was measured in primary cultured brain cells from the fetal rat. Cells from the whole brains of 20-day gestational age Sprague-Dawley rats were dissociated by mild trypsinization and grown for 5 days in supplemented (serum-free) medium prior to experimental analysis. The time-dependent incorporation of [3H]proline into newly synthesized angiotensin II-like peptide was measured by radioimmunoassay using specific angiotensin II antisera. Analysis of radioimmunoassay data revealed an increase in the amount of tritium-labeled angiotensin II in the crude extract of the brain cells during the first 24 h in culture. The chromatographic character of the angiotensin II-like peptide was further identified by high pressure liquid chromatography. Elution profiles for newly synthesized angiotensin II were identical to those profiles generated for [3H]angiotensin II and nonradiolabeled angiotensin II standards. To determine the bioactivity of the angiotensin II-like peptide, fractions of the column-purified peptide were injected into the region of the rat lateral ventricle via an indwelling cannula. Systolic pressure increased up to 20 mm Hg depending upon the amount of peptide injected. These data clearly support the existence of an endogenous renin-angiotensin system in dissociated brain cell cultures from the fetal rat, and provide an experimental model for further analysis of the regulatory mechanisms of angiotensin II synthesis.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase activity was assayed in cell homogenatesfrom wild or domestic carrot (Daucus carota L.) suspension culturesusing the tritium-release method. The specific activity measuredwas lower than that previously reported for bacterial extracts,and its level did not change a great deal during a 14 day growthcycle. The enzyme was partially purified (about 9 fold) by ammoniumsulfate fractionation and ion-exchange chromatography. Kineticparameters such as pH optimum, Km values for substrate and cofactor,and degree of inhibition by 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine monophosphatewere characterized. The apparent mol wt, evaluated by gel-filtration chromatography,was 185 kDa, which was much higher than that reported for enzymesof bacterial and vertebrate origins and somewhat higher thanthat reported for the thymidylate synthase-dihydrofolate reductasebifunctional polypeptide of some protozoa. (Received April 20, 1987; Accepted February 15, 1988)  相似文献   

We examined the fine structure of migrating granule cell neurons in cerebellar microexplant cultures. Radially migrating bipolar cells extended microspikes or small filopodia from their soma and processes and frequently made contact with neighboring cells. These microspikes contained microfilaments but no microtubules. At the later phase of the migration, in which they had symmetrical bipolar long processes, filopodia extending from perikarial region of cells contained microtubules, suggesting that they are precursors of the future thick perpendicular processes. When cell bodies changed orientation from radial to perpendicular, microtubules that were nucleated from perinuclear centrioles frequently extended into both thick radial and perpendicular processes from the perikarial region. Bundles of 10nm intermediate filaments also appeared in these processes. During migration by the perpendicular contact guidance, many filopodia extending from both the thick leading processes and thin trailing processes made close contacts with the radial parallel neurite. These findings suggest that; 1) The direct contact of the filopodia from both the growth cones and their processes of the granule cells to the neurite bundle plays roles in both the parallel and perpendicular contact guidances. 2) The spacial and temporal changes of cytoskeletons and the association of microtubules with perinuclear centrioles are important for the formation of perpendicular processes and initiation of the perpendicular contact guidance.  相似文献   

The kinetic properties of the nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent Ca sequestering mechanism in disrupted nerve terminal (synaptosome) preparations have been investigated with radioactive tracer techniques; all solutions contained DNP, NaN3, and oligomycin, to block mitochondrial Ca uptake. The apparent half-saturation constant, KCa, for the nonmitochondrial Ca uptake is approximately 0.4 micrometer Ca; the Hill coefficient is approximately 1.6. Mg is also required for the Ca uptake, and the apparent KMg is approximately 80 micrometer. ATP and deoxy-ATP, but not CTP, GTP, ITP, UTP, ADP, or cyclic AMP, promote Ca uptake; the KATP, is approximately 10 micrometer. ATP analogs with blocked gamma-phosphate groups are unable to replace ATP. Particulate fractions from the disrupted synaptosomes possess Ca-dependent ATPase activity in the presence of Mg; the apparent KCa for this activity is 0.4--0.8 micrometer Ca, and the Hill coefficient is approximately 1.6. The Ca uptake and ATPase kinetic data suggest that the hydrolysis of 1 ATP may energize the transport of two Ca2+ ions into the storage vesicles. The second part of the article concerns the intraterminal distribution of Ca in "intact" terminals. When the terminals are disrupted after 45Ca loading, about one-half of the 45Ca is retained in the particulate material; some of this Ca, presumably stored in mitochondria, is released by the uncoupler, FCCP. Some of the 45Ca is released by A-23187, but not by FCCP; this fraction may be Ca stored in the nonmitochondrial sites described above. The proportion of 45Ca stored in the nonmitochondrial sites is increased when the Ca load is reduced or when the mitochondria are blocked with ruthenium red. These data indicate that the nonmitochondrial Ca storage sites are involved in intraterminal Ca buffering; they may play an important role in synaptic facilitation and post-tetanic potentiation, which result from Ca retention after neural activity.  相似文献   

Tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum) are capable of growth on ammonia as a sole nitrogen source only when succinate, malate, fumarate, citrate, α-ketoglutarate, glutamate, or pyruvate is added to the growth medium. A ratio between the molar concentrations of ammonia to succinate (as a complementary organic acid) in the growth medium of 1.5 was optimal. Succinate had no effect on the rate of uptake of ammonia from the medium into the cells although it did affect the intracellular concentration of ammonia. However, the changes were not sufficient to explain inhibition of growth as being due to ammonia toxicity. The radioactivity from 14C-succinate was incorporated into malate, glutamate, and aspartate within 2 minutes.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that iron enters cardiomyocytes via the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC). The neuronal VGCC may also provide iron entry. As with calcium, extraneous iron is associated with the pathology and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. VGCCs, ubiquitously expressed, may be an important route of excessive entry for both iron and calcium, contributing to cell toxicity or death. We evaluated the uptake of 45Ca2+ and 55Fe2+ into NGF-treated rat PC12, and murine N-2α cells. Iron not only competed with calcium for entry into these cells, but iron uptake (similar to calcium uptake) was inhibited by nimodipine, a specific L-type VGCC blocker, and enhanced by FPL 64176, an L-VGCC activator, in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, these data suggest that voltage-gated calcium channels are an alternate route for iron entry into neuronal cells under conditions that promote cellular iron overload toxicity. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Moussa Youdim.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3)-induced cell death in two suspension-cultured cell lines of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) derived from Bel-W3 (hyper-sensitive to O3) and Bel-B (highly tolerant to O3) varieties were studied. By exposing the newly prepared cell lines to the pulse of ozonized air, we could reproduce the conditions demonstrating the difference in O3 sensitivity as observed in their original plants, depending on the exposure time. Since O3-induced acute cell death was observed in the dark, the requirement for photochemical reactions could be eliminated. Addition of several ROS scavengers and chelators inhibited the cell death induced by O3, indicating that singlet oxygen (1O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radical and redox-active metals such as Fe2+ play central roles in O3-induced acute damages to the cells. As expected, we observed the generation of 1O2 and H2O2 in the O3-treated cells using chemiluminescent probes. On the other hand, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and some SOD mimics showed no inhibitory effect. Thiols added as antioxidants unexpectedly behaved as prooxidants drastically enhancing the O3-induced cell death. It is noteworthy that some ROS scavengers effectively rescued the cells from dying even treated after the pulse of O3 exposure, confirming the post-ozone progress of ROS-dependent cell death mechanism. Since one of the key differences between Bel-B and Bel-W3 was suggested to be the capacity for ROS detoxification by catalase, the endogenous catalase activities were compared in vivo in two cell lines. As expected, catalase activity in Bel-B cells was ca. 7-fold greater than that in Bel-W3 cells. Interestingly, Ca2+ chelators added prior to (not after) the pulse of O3 effectively inhibited the induction of cell death. In addition, increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration sensitive to Ca2+ chelators, ion channel blockers, and ROS scavengers were observed in the transgenic Bel-W3 cells expressing aequorin, suggesting the action of Ca2+ as a secondary messenger initiating the oxidative cell death. The O3-induced calcium response in Bel-W3 cells was much greater than Bel-B cells. Based on the results, possible pathways for O3-dependent generation of the lethal level of ROS and corresponding signaling mechanism for induction of cell death were discussed.Key Words: calcium, cell death, Nicotiana tabacum L., ozone, reactive oxygen species  相似文献   

Abstract: Calcium/calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II (CaMPK II). a major kinase in brain, has been established to play an important role in neurotransmitter release and organization of postsynaptic receptors, and it is known to be involved in long-term potentiation and memory. Less is known about the function of this enzyme in nonneural cells. Here we report on the production, presence, and phosphorylation of the α-subunit of CaM-PK II in primary cultures of cerebral endothelial cells. These results raise the possibility that α-CaM-PK II can act as one of the key enzymes of calcium-mediated intracellular signaling in the cerebral endothelial cells and suggest that α-CaM-PK II may participate in such basic cellular processes as permeability in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The growth of molluscan shell crystals is generally thought to be initiated from the extrapallial fluid by matrix proteins, however, the cellular mechanisms of shell formation pathway remain unknown. Here, we first report amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) precipitation by cellular biomineralization in primary mantle cell cultures of Pinctada fucata. Through real-time PCR and western blot analyses, we demonstrate that mantle cells retain the ability to synthesize and secrete ACCBP, Pif80 and nacrein in vitro. In addition, the cells also maintained high levels of alkaline phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase activity, enzymes responsible for shell formation. On the basis of polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, we observed intracellular crystals production by mantle cells in vitro. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the crystals to be ACC, and de novo biomineralization was confirmed by following the incorporation of Sr into calcium carbonate. Our results demonstrate the ability of mantle cells to perform fundamental biomineralization processes via amorphous calcium carbonate, and these cells may be directly involved in pearl oyster shell formation.  相似文献   

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