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Summary The difference in colour intensity between flowers of sporogenic revertants of the white flowering lines W17 and W28 is caused by an incompletely dominant gene Inl. This gene is not linked to the anthocyanin gene Anl. In the dominant state Inl causes a 50% decrease in colour intensity of selfcoloured red flowers.Chromatographic analysis of anthocyanins of plants homozygous recessive or dominant for Inl showed that the same anthocyanins are produced in both genotypes (cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-diglucoside). Anthocyanin synthesis starts at the same stage of development of the flower in both genotypes. When the bud reaches a length of approximately 45 mm, however, anthocyanin synthesis in the Inl Inl line slows down.No influence of the gene Inl on the concentration of dihydroquercetin-7-glucoside in buds and flowers could be observed, which indicates that the influence of Inl on flower colour development is restricted to the last part of the biosynthesis of anthocyanins, i.e. the conversion of dihydroflavonols into anthocyanins.In addition to Inl having a decreasing effect on flower colour intensity, evidence is produced that the gene Inl also influences the reversion frequency of unstable alleles of the gene Anl.  相似文献   

The NEC1 gene, previously isolated from Petunia hybrida, is expressed at high levels in nectaries, and in a very localized fashion in stamens, particularly in the anther stomium cells and the upper part of the filament. To elucidate the function of the NEC1 gene, co-suppression was employed for down-regulation of NEC1 expression, and transposon insertion mutagenesis was used to knock out the NEC1 function. Among the transgenic plants and plants carrying dTph1 inserted in the NEC1 gene, an "early open anther" phenotype was observed. In this mutant phenotype, the anthers already open in young flower buds (1.8 cm) that still contain immature pollen, resulting in poor pollen quality and impaired pollen release. The results obtained indicate that NEC1 might be involved in the development of stomium cells, which are ruptured during the normal process of anther dehiscence to release mature pollen. Southern analysis revealed the presence of a highly homologous NEC1-like gene, named NEC2, in the P. hybrida genome. The presence of NEC2 was confirmed by segregation analysis and sequencing of genomic clones. The implications of these results and possible reasons why no visually obvious phenotype in nectaries could be produced by co-suppression or transposon insertion mutagenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

FT-IR and X-ray analyses were employed to determine the relative ratio of cellulose Ialpha and Ibeta crystalline phases present in each developmental stage of coniferous tracheid cell wall formation. The IR spectra showed that initially the Ialpha phase occupies 50% of the crystalline regions in the primary cell wall cellulose and this value drops to 20% after ceasing of the cell enlarging growth for the formation of the secondary wall cellulose (the remaining regions are composed of the Ibeta phase). Although it is reasonable that the content for Ibeta, which is stress-reduced crystalline form, was higher in the secondary wall formation (Kataoka Y, and Kondo T. Macromolecules 1996;29:6356 6358) it is more interesting that during the crystallization of stress-induced Ialpha cellulose for the primary wall the stress-reduced Ibeta, is also possible to be crystallized in an alternative way. This means that throughout the period the Ialpha-causing stress may not be necessarily kept loaded. In light of our previously reported hypothesis (Kataoka Y. and Kondo T. Macromolecules 1998;31:760-764) for the formation of Ialpha phase due to cellular growing stresses in the primary wall cellulose, such an alternating on-off stress effect to account for the occurrence of both Ialpha and Ibeta phases might be related to a biological growth system in coniferous wood cells.  相似文献   

In Petunia hybrida cv. Violet 30 cell suspensions the phenylpropanoid pathway can be induced to produce lignin and anthocyanins. Orthovanadate addition leads to lignin accumulation, subculturing the cells using small inoculum sizes (<2 g fresh weight l-1) gives rise to both anthocyanin and lignin production. Orthovanadate has a negative effect on cell growth. By replacing the medium, one day after orthovanadate addition, by medium without elicitor, we were able to restore growth without disturbing the lignin accumulation. The activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) increased immediately after orthovanadate addition; this increase stopped upon medium replacement without affecting the lignin production. Reduction of the NAA concentration from 2 mg l-1 to 0.1 mg l-1, subsequent to the elicitation by orthovanadate or dilution stress, gave rise to a further increase in the production of lignin and anthocyanins respectively. Decreasing the NAA concentration without a prior elicitation, didn't have any effect on either PAL activity or product formation.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BSA bovine serum albumine - FW fresh weight - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - PPP phenyl propanoid pathway  相似文献   

Summary ThePetunia hybrida mutant RL01 is white flowering due to a genetic block in the anthocyanin pathway. The introduction of the maize Al cDNA under the control of the CaMV 35S RNA promoter leads to the production of pelargonidin derivatives, resulting in a brick red flower phenotype. Among the transgenic petunia plants the pigmentation of the petals exhibited different expression patterns which could be categorized into the red, the variegated, and the white phenotype. This system proved to be especially suitable for the investigation of gene expression by simply looking at the pigmentation pattern of the petals. The uniformity of floral pelargonidin pigmentation is inversely correlated with the number of integrated Al copies. Furthermore, a correlation was found between the methylation status of the 35S RNA promoter and the instability of the floral pelargonidin coloration. The status of promoter methylation controlling the expression of the Al gene seems to be influenced by the copy number and the chromosomal position of the transferred gene.  相似文献   

NEC1, a novel gene, highly expressed in nectary tissue of Petunia hybrida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To study the molecular regulation of nectary development, we cloned NEC1, a gene predominantly expressed in the nectaries of Petunia hybrida, by using the differential display RT-PCR technique. The secondary structure of the putative NEC1 protein is reminiscent of a transmembrane protein, indicating that the protein is incorporated into the cell membrane or the cytoplast membrane. Immunolocalization revealed that NEC1 protein is present in the nectaries. Northern blot analyses showed that NEC1 is highly expressed in nectary tissue and weakly in the stamen. GUS expression driven by the NEC1 promoter revealed GUS activity in the outer nectary parenchyma cells, the upper part of the filament and the anther stomium. The same expression pattern was observed in Brassica napus. GUS expression was observed as blue spots on the surface of very young nectaries that do not secrete nectar and do accumulate starch. GUS expression was highest in open flowers in which active secretion of nectar and starch hydrolysis had taken place. Ectopic expression of NEC1 resulted in transgenic plants that displayed a phenotype with leaves having 3-4 times more phloem bundles in mid-veins than the wild-type Petunia. The possible role of NEC1 gene in sugar metabolism and nectar secretion is discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The family of MADS box genes is involved in a number of processes besides controlling floral development. In addition to supplying homeotic functions defined by the ABC model, they influence flowering time and transformation of vegetative meristem into inflorescence meristem, and have functions in roots and leaves. Three Gerbera hybrida At-SOC1-like genes (Gh-SOC1–Gh-SOC3) were identified among gerbera expressed sequence tags.


Evolutionary relationships between SOC1-like genes from gerbera and other plants were studied by phylogenetic analysis. The function of the gerbera gene Gh-SOC1 in gerbera floral development was studied using expression analysis, protein–protein interaction assays and reverse genetics. Transgenic gerbera lines over-expressing or downregulated for Gh-SOC1 were obtained using Agrobacterium transformation and investigated for their floral phenotype.

Key Results

Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the closest paralogues of At-SOC1 are Gh-SOC2 and Gh-SOC3. Gh-SOC1 is a more distantly related paralogue, grouping together with a number of other At-SOC1 paralogues from arabidopsis and other plant species. Gh-SOC1 is inflorescence abundant and no expression was seen in vegetative parts of the plant. Ectopic expression of Gh-SOC1 did not promote flowering, but disturbed the development of floral organs. The epidermal cells of ray flower petals appeared shorter and their shape was altered. The colour of ray flower petals differed from that of the wild-type petals by being darker red on the adaxial side and greenish on the abaxial surface. Several protein–protein interactions with other gerbera MADS domain proteins were identified.


The At-SOC1 paralogue in gerbera shows a floral abundant expression pattern. A late petal expression might indicate a role in the final stages of flower development. Over-expression of Gh-SOC1 led to partial loss of floral identity, but did not affect flowering time. Lines where Gh-SOC1 was downregulated did not show a phenotype. Several gerbera MADS domain proteins interacted with Gh-SOC1.  相似文献   

The definition of the patterns of cell division and expansion in plant development is of fundamental importance in understanding the mechanics of morphogenesis. By studying cell division and expansion patterns, we have assembled a developmental map of Petunia hybrida petals. Cycling cells were labelled with in situ markers of the cell cycle, whereas cell expansion was followed by assessing cell size in representative regions of developing petals. The outlined cell division and expansion patterns were related to organ asymmetry. Initially, cell divisions are uniformly distributed throughout the petal and decline gradually, starting from the basal part, to form a striking gradient of acropetal polarity. Cell areas, in contrast, increased first in the basal portion and then gradually towards the petal tip. This growth strategy highlighted a cell size control model based on cell-cycle departure time. The dorso-ventral asymmetry can be explained in terms of differential regulation of cell expansion. Cells of the abaxial epidermis enlarged earlier to a higher final extent than those of the adaxial epidermis. Epidermal appendage differentiation contributed to the remaining asymmetry. On the whole our study provides a sound basis for mutant analyses and to investigate the impact of specific (environmental) factors on petal growth.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids are known to promote cell elongation in a wide range of plant species but their effect on cell division has not been as extensively studied. We examined the effect of brassinolide on the kinetics and final division frequencies of regenerating leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Petunia hybrida Vilm v. Comanche. Under optimal auxin and cytokinin conditions, 10–100 nM brassinolide accelerated the time of first cell division by 12 h but had little effect on the final division frequencies after 72–120 h of culture. One micromolar brassinolide showed the same acceleration of first cell division but inhibited the final division frequency by approximately 20%. Under sub-optimal auxin conditions, 10–100 nM brassinolide both accelerated the time of first cell division and dramatically increased the 72- to 120-h final division frequencies. Isolated protoplasts may provide a useful model system to investigate the molecular mechanisms of brassinosteroid action on cell proliferation. Received: 1 December 1997 / Revision received: 13 February 1998 / Accepted: 24 April 1998  相似文献   

The location of heterochromatin in the chromosomes of Petunia hybrida (2n=14) is presented. C-banded mitotic metaphase chromosomes and carmine-stained pachytene bivalents have been studied. It is shown that the heterochromatin is predominantly located near the centromeres and at the secondary constrictions of the satellite chromosomes. The distribution of chromomeres in pachytene bivalents also reveals that heterochromatin is not restricted to distinct blocks, as is the case in tomato, but occurs in smaller chromomeres which gradually decrease in size towards the ends. Conspicuous telomeres have not been observed. Both C-banding technique and pachytene analysis demonstrate large variation of heterochromatin between different lines of Petunia. The study of pachytene morphology has been hampered by a high degree of non-specific stickiness of the bivalents. Both techniques prove to be unsuitable tools for large-scale chromosome identification of Petunia lines.  相似文献   

The selective detection of crystalline cellulose in biomass was demonstrated with sum-frequency-generation (SFG) vibration spectroscopy. SFG is a second-order nonlinear optical response from a system where the optical centrosymmetry is broken. In secondary plant cell walls that contain mostly cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin with varying concentrations, only certain vibration modes in the crystalline cellulose structure can meet the noninversion symmetry requirements. Thus, SFG can be used to detect and analyze crystalline cellulose selectively in lignocellulosic biomass without extraction of noncellulosic species from biomass or deconvolution of amorphous spectra. The selective detection of crystalline cellulose in lignocellulosic biomass is not readily achievable with other techniques such as XRD, solid-state NMR, IR, and Raman analyses. Therefore, the SFG analysis presents a unique opportunity to reveal the cellulose crystalline structure in lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

The CYP2E1 protein belongs to the P450 enzymes family and plays an important role in the metabolism of small molecular and organic pollutants. In this study we generated CYP2E1 transgenic plants of Petunia using Agrobacterium rhizogenes K599. PCR analysis confirmed that the regenerated plants contained the CYP2E1 transgene and the rolB gene of the Ri plasmid. Southern blotting revealed the presence of multiple copies of CYP2E1 in the genome of transgenic plants. Fluorescent quantitative PCR revealed exogenous CYP2E1 gene expression in CYP2E1 transgenic plants at various levels, whereas no like expression was detected in either GUS transgenic plants or wild-types. The absorption of benzene and toluene by transgenic plants was analyzed through quantitative gas chromatography. Transgenic plants with high CYP2E1 expression showed a significant increase in absorption capacity of environmental benzene and toluene, compared to control GUS transgenic and wild type plants. Furthermore, these plants also presented obvious improved resistance to formaldehyde. This study, besides being the first to reveal that the CYP2E1 gene enhances plant resistance to formaldehyde, also furnishes a new method for reducing pollutants, such as benzene, toluene and formaldehyde, by using transgenic flowering horticultural plants.  相似文献   

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