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Neuroimaging research over the past decade has revealed a detailed picture of the functional organization of the human brain. Here we focus on two fundamental questions that are raised by the detailed mapping of sensory and cognitive functions and illustrate these questions with findings from the object-vision pathway. First, are functionally specific regions that are located close together best understood as distinct cortical modules or as parts of a larger-scale cortical map? Second, what functional properties define each cortical map or module? We propose a model in which overlapping continuous maps of simple features give rise to discrete modules that are selective for complex stimuli.  相似文献   

One of the most widely used functional brain mapping tools is blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This method has contributed to new understandings of the functional roles of different areas in the human brain. However, its ability to map cerebral cortex at high spatial (submillimeter) resolution is still unknown. Other methods such as single- and multiunit electrophysiology and intrinsic signal optical imaging have revealed submillimeter resolution of sensory topography and cortical columnar activations. However, they are limited either by spatial scale (electrophysiology characterizes only local groups of neurons) or by the inability to monitor deep structures in the brain (i.e., cortical regions buried in sulci or subcortical structures). A method that could monitor all regions of the brain at high spatial resolution would be ideal. This capacity would open the doors to investigating, for example, how networks of cerebral cortical columns relate to or produce behavior. In this article we demonstrate that, without benefit of contrast agents, at a magnetic field strength of 9.4 tesla, BOLD fMRI can reveal millimeter-sized topographic maps of digit representation in the somatosensory cortex of the anesthetized squirrel monkey. Furthermore, by mapping the "funneling illusion," it is possible to detect even submillimeter shifts in activation in the cortex. Our data suggest that at high magnetic field strength, the positive BOLD signal can be used to reveal high spatial resolution maps of brain activity, a finding that weakens previous notions about the ultimate spatial specificity of the positive BOLD signal.  相似文献   

Human connectome describes the complicated connection matrix of nervous system among human brain. It also possesses high potential of assisting doctors to monitor the brain injuries and recoveries in patients. In order to unravel the enigma of neuron connections and functions, previous research has strived to dig out the relations between neurons and brain regions. Verbal fluency test (VFT) is a general neuropsychological test, which has been used in functional connectivity investigations. In this study, we employed convolutional neural network (CNN) on a brain hemoglobin concentration changes (ΔHB) map obtained during VFT to investigate the connections of activated brain areas and different mental status. Our results show that feature of functional connectivity can be identified accurately with the employment of CNN on ΔHB mapping, which is beneficial to improve the understanding of brain functional connections.  相似文献   

We review here a new approach to mapping the human cerebral cortex into distinct subdivisions. Unlike cytoarchitecture or traditional functional imaging, it does not rely on specific anatomical markers or functional hypotheses. Instead, we propose that the unique activity time course (ATC) of each cortical subdivision, elicited during natural conditions, acts as a temporal fingerprint that can be used to segregate cortical subdivisions, map their spatial extent, and reveal their functional and potentially anatomical connectivity. We argue that since the modular organisation of the brain and its connectivity evolved and developed in natural conditions, these are optimal for revealing its organisation. We review the concepts, methodology and first results of this approach, relying on data obtained with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) when volunteers viewed traditional stimuli or a James Bond movie. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to identify voxels belonging to distinct functional subdivisions, based on their differential spatio-temporal fingerprints. Many more regions could be segregated during natural viewing, demonstrating that the complexity of natural stimuli leads to more differential responses in more functional modules. We demonstrate that, in a single experiment, a multitude of distinct regions can be identified across the whole brain, even within the visual cortex, including areas V1, V4 and V5. This differentiation is based entirely on the differential ATCs of different areas during natural viewing. Distinct areas can therefore be identified without any a priori hypothesis about their function or spatial location. The areas we identified corresponded anatomically across subjects, and their ATCs showed highly area-specific inter-subject correlations. Furthermore, natural conditions led to a significant de-correlation of interregional ATCs compared to rest, indicating an increase in regional specificity during natural conditions. In contrast, the correlation between ATCs of distant regions of known substantial anatomical connections increased and reflected their known anatomical connectivity pattern. We demonstrate this using the example of the language network involving Broca's and Wernicke's area and homologous areas in the two hemispheres. In conclusion, this new approach to brain mapping may not only serve to identify novel functional subdivisions, but to reveal their connectivity as well.  相似文献   

The human visual cortex enables visual perception through a cascade of hierarchical computations in cortical regions with distinct functionalities. Here, we introduce an AI-driven approach to discover the functional mapping of the visual cortex. We related human brain responses to scene images measured with functional MRI (fMRI) systematically to a diverse set of deep neural networks (DNNs) optimized to perform different scene perception tasks. We found a structured mapping between DNN tasks and brain regions along the ventral and dorsal visual streams. Low-level visual tasks mapped onto early brain regions, 3-dimensional scene perception tasks mapped onto the dorsal stream, and semantic tasks mapped onto the ventral stream. This mapping was of high fidelity, with more than 60% of the explainable variance in nine key regions being explained. Together, our results provide a novel functional mapping of the human visual cortex and demonstrate the power of the computational approach.  相似文献   

Epilepsy, affecting about 1% of the population, comprises a group of neurological disorders characterized by the periodic occurrence of seizures, which disrupt normal brain function. Despite treatment with currently available antiepileptic drugs targeting neuronal functions, one third of patients with epilepsy are pharmacoresistant. In this condition, surgical resection of the brain area generating seizures remains the only alternative treatment. Studying human epileptic tissues has contributed to understand new epileptogenic mechanisms during the last 10 years. Indeed, these tissues generate spontaneous interictal epileptic discharges as well as pharmacologically-induced ictal events which can be recorded with classical electrophysiology techniques. Remarkably, multi-electrode arrays (MEAs), which are microfabricated devices embedding an array of spatially arranged microelectrodes, provide the unique opportunity to simultaneously stimulate and record field potentials, as well as action potentials of multiple neurons from different areas of the tissue. Thus MEAs recordings offer an excellent approach to study the spatio-temporal patterns of spontaneous interictal and evoked seizure-like events and the mechanisms underlying seizure onset and propagation. Here we describe how to prepare human cortical slices from surgically resected tissue and to record with MEAs interictal and ictal-like events ex vivo.  相似文献   

Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is a light-gated, cation-selective ion channel isolated from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Here, we report the generation of transgenic mice that express a ChR2-YFP fusion protein in the CNS for in vivo activation and mapping of neural circuits. Using focal illumination of the cerebral cortex and olfactory bulb, we demonstrate a highly reproducible, light-dependent activation of neurons and precise control of firing frequency in vivo. To test the feasibility of mapping neural circuits, we exploited the circuitry formed between the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex in anesthetized mice. In the olfactory bulb, individual mitral cells fired action potentials in response to light, and their firing rate was not influenced by costimulated glomeruli. However, in piriform cortex, the activity of target neurons increased as larger areas of the bulb were illuminated to recruit additional glomeruli. These results support a model of olfactory processing that is dependent upon mitral cell convergence and integration onto cortical cells. More broadly, these findings demonstrate a system for precise manipulation of neural activity in the intact mammalian brain with light and illustrate the use of ChR2 mice in exploring functional connectivity of complex neural circuits in vivo.  相似文献   

Non-invasive functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has opened a unique window into human and animal brain function, with a spatial resolution of a few millimeters and a temporal resolution of a few seconds. To further improve the current technical limitations of fMRI, various post-processing and data acquisition schemes were developed. Improved fMRI methods include variations of a conventional fMRI technique, mapping a single physiological parameter such as cerebral blood flow or cerebral blood volume, and direct mapping of neural activity. Advances in fMRI techniques allow scientists to map submillimeter columnar and laminar functional structures and to detect tens of millisecond neural activity in certain specific tasks.  相似文献   

The extent to which brain functions are localized or distributed is a foundational question in neuroscience. In the human brain, common fMRI methods such as cluster correction, atlas parcellation, and anatomical searchlight are biased by design toward finding localized representations. Here we introduce the functional searchlight approach as an alternative to anatomical searchlight analysis, the most commonly used exploratory multivariate fMRI technique. Functional searchlight removes any anatomical bias by grouping voxels based only on functional similarity and ignoring anatomical proximity. We report evidence that visual and auditory features from deep neural networks and semantic features from a natural language processing model, as well as object representations, are more widely distributed across the brain than previously acknowledged and that functional searchlight can improve model-based similarity and decoding accuracy. This approach provides a new way to evaluate and constrain computational models with brain activity and pushes our understanding of human brain function further along the spectrum from strict modularity toward distributed representation.  相似文献   

Current approaches to high-field functional MRI (fMRI) provide 2 means to map hemodynamics at the level of single vessels in the brain. One is through changes in deoxyhemoglobin in venules, i.e., blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD) fMRI, while the second is through changes in arteriole diameter, i.e., cerebral blood volume (CBV) fMRI. Here, we introduce cerebral blood flow–related velocity-based fMRI, denoted CBFv-fMRI, which uses high-resolution phase contrast (PC) MRI to form velocity measurements of flow. We use CBFv-fMRI in measure changes in blood velocity in single penetrating microvessels across rat parietal cortex. In contrast to the venule-dominated BOLD and arteriole-dominated CBV fMRI signals, CBFv-fMRI is comparable from both arterioles and venules. A single fMRI platform is used to map changes in blood pO2 (BOLD), volume (CBV), and velocity (CBFv). This combined high-resolution single-vessel fMRI mapping scheme enables vessel-specific hemodynamic mapping in animal models of normal and diseased states and further has translational potential to map vascular dementia in diseased or injured human brains with ultra–high-field fMRI.

This study presents a phase contrast-based, high field MRI-based approach for the functional mapping of cerebral blood velocity in individual cortical arterioles and venules in the rat cortex; this approach can be combined with previously established approaches to map BOLD, CBV, and blood velocity from penetrating microvessels.  相似文献   

For the first time, the relationship between secretin and autism has been demonstrated by one of us. Intravenous administration of secretin in autistic children caused a fivefold higher pancreaticobiliary fluid secretion than in healthy ones and, at least in some of the patients, better mental functions were reported after the secretin test. Because the precise localization of secretin in the brain is still not completely known, the abovementioned observation led us to map secretin immunoreactivity in the nervous system of several mammalian species. In the present work, the distribution of secretin immunoreactivity in cat and human nervous systems was compared with that of rats using an immunohistochemical approach. Secretin immunoreactivity was observed in the following brain structures of both humans and in colchicine-treated rats: (1) Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex; (2) central cerebellar nuclei; (3) pyramidal cells in the motor cortex; and (4) primary sensory neurons. Additionally, secretin immnoreactive cells were observed in the human hippocampus and amygdala and in third-order sensory neurons of the rat auditory system. In cats, secretin was only observed in the spinal ganglia. Our findings support the view that secretin is not only a gastrointestinal peptide but that it is also a neuropeptide. Its presence or the lack of its presence may have a role in the development of behavioral disorders.  相似文献   

Carnosine-related dipeptides have been demonstrated to occur in the nervous tissue of many vertebrates, including humans. Although several hypotheses have been formulated, to date their precise physiological role in the nervous system remains unknown. This article will review the studies on the presence and distribution of these dipeptides in the nervous system of different classes of vertebrates. It will focus on the most recent data on their cellular localization and potential functions in mammals. The studies on localization of carnosine-related dipeptides show a complex pattern of expression that involves both neuronal and glial cell types. The glial localization, widely distributed throughout the whole brain and spinal cord, includes a subset of both mature astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, whereas the neuronal localization is restricted to a particular type of neurons (the olfactory receptor neurons), and to restricted populations of putative migrating neurons and neuroblasts. There is no definitive demonstration of the function of these dipeptides in the various cell types. However, a wide array of evidence suggests that carnosine-related dipeptides could act as natural protective agents. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that, as previously postulated for the olfactory receptor neurons, in mature functional glial cells as well, carnosine-related dipeptides could be implicated in a neuromodulatory functional mechanism.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to explore the utility of dipole tracing (DT) of a scalp-skull-brain (SSB) head model in preoperative functional localization of the human brain. Nine patients who underwent surgery of mass lesions around the central sulcus (CS) were employed. By using SSB/DT, dipole source location of early cortical components of the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) was estimated before surgery. Motor cortex, CS and primary somatosensory cortex were determined by cortical SEP during surgery. After surgery precise functional mapping was reproduced in MRI, and the accuracy of DT was evaluated by measuring the distance between estimated dipole source and the posterior bank of the CS. We defined this distance as localization error of DT. In 4 cases without structural change around the sensorimotor cortex, localization error ranged from 1 to 4 mm with an average of 2 mm. In 5 cases with structural alteration of sensorimotor cortex, localization error ranged from 6 to 10 mm with an average of 8 mm. The difference in localization error between the two groups was statistically significant, and may have been caused by changes of conductance near sensorimotor cortex in the latter group. Functional localization by DT was accurate and useful. But localization error could not be ignored in cases with structural alteration in the sensorimotor cortex.  相似文献   

The study of functional brain connectivity alterations induced by neurological disorders and their analysis from resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rfMRI) is generally considered to be a challenging task. The main challenge lies in determining and interpreting the large-scale connectivity of brain regions when studying neurological disorders such as epilepsy. We tackle this challenging task by studying the cortical region connectivity using a novel approach for clustering the rfMRI time series signals and by identifying discriminant functional connections using a novel difference statistic measure. The proposed approach is then used in conjunction with the difference statistic to conduct automatic classification experiments for epileptic and healthy subjects using the rfMRI data. Our results show that the proposed difference statistic measure has the potential to extract promising discriminant neuroimaging markers. The extracted neuroimaging markers yield 93.08% classification accuracy on unseen data as compared to 80.20% accuracy on the same dataset by a recent state-of-the-art algorithm. The results demonstrate that for epilepsy the proposed approach confirms known functional connectivity alterations between cortical regions, reveals some new connectivity alterations, suggests potential neuroimaging markers, and predicts epilepsy with high accuracy from rfMRI scans.  相似文献   

The appearance of oscillatory modes of 'gamma' activity in many cortical areas of different species has generated interest in understanding their underlying mechanisms and possible functions. This paper reviews evidence from studies on primate motor cortex showing that oscillatory activity entrains many neurons during periods of exploratory manipulative behavior. These oscillatory episodes synchronize widely spread neurons in sensorimotor cortex bilaterally, including descending corticospinal neurons, as evidenced by correlated modulations in EMG activity. The resulting neural synchronization involves task-related and -unrelated neurons similarly, suggesting that it is more likely to play some global role in attention than mediating any obvious interactions involved in coordinating movements. Intracellular recordings have elucidated the strength and types of synaptic interactions between motor cortical neurons that are involved in both normal and oscillatory activity. Spike-triggered averages (STAs) of intracellular membrane potentials have revealed serial connections in the form of unitary excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs). More commonly, STAs showed large synchronous excitatory or inhibitory potentials (ASEPs and ASIPs) beginning before the trigger spike and composed of multiple unitary events. ASEPs involved synchronous activity in a larger and more widespread group of presynaptic neurons than ASIPs. During oscillatory episodes synchronized excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials occurred in varying proportions. EPSPs evoked by stimulating neighboring cortical sites during the depolarizing phase of spontaneous oscillations showed evidence of transient potentiation. These observations are consistent with several functional hypotheses, but fit best with a possible role in attention or arousal.  相似文献   

Some reviews on theories of recovery in aphasia put an emphasis on neural network models based on empirical data from evoked-potentials in aphasia as an approach to mapping recovery of cognitive function to neural structure. We will focus here on what we call an "anatomical" approach to look at recovery in aphasia. "Anatomical" theories of recovery stated by classical aphasiologists have contributed to the understanding of language representations in the human brain. But many aspects of these theories can only be investigated by using modern techniques of lesion analysis, psychometric assessment and functional imaging. Whereas structure-function relations have been primarily established by looking for the association of deficit symptoms with certain lesions, functional activation methods offer a means to study more directly the functional anatomy of recovered or retained functions in neuropsychological patients. To falsify or build up anatomical theories of recovery we will propose a stepwise approach of inference. The methodological pitfalls of this approach will be discussed by focussing on anatomical hypotheses of semantic word comprehension and its impairment and recovery in aphasia.  相似文献   

Precision grasping in humans: from motor control to cognition   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the past decade, functional neuroimaging has proved extremely useful in mapping the human motor circuits involved in skilled hand movements. However, one major drawback of this approach is the impossibility to determine the exact contribution of each individual cortical area to precision grasping. Because transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) makes it possible to induce a transient 'virtual' lesion of discrete brain regions in healthy subjects, it has been extensively used to provide direct insight into the causal role of a given area in human motor behaviour. Recent TMS studies have allowed us to determine the specific contribution, as well as the timing and the hemispheric lateralisation, of distinct parietal and frontal areas to the control of both the kinematics and dynamics of precision grasping. Moreover, recent researches have shown that the same cortical network may contribute to language and number processing, supporting the existence of tight interactions between processes involved in cognition and actions. The aim of this paper is to offer a concise overview of recent studies that have investigated the neural correlates of precision grasping and the possible contribution of the motor system to higher cognitive functions such as language and number processing.  相似文献   

Brain mapping has evolved considerably over the last century. While most emphasis has been placed on coordinate-based spatial atlases, coordinate-independent parcellation-based mapping is an important technique for accessing the multitude of structural and functional data that have been reported from invasive experiments, and provides for flexible and efficient representations of information. Here. we provide an introduction to motivations, concepts, techniques and implications of coordinate-independent mapping of microstructurally or functionally defined brain structures. In particular, we explain the problems of constructing mapping paths and finding adequate heuristics for their evaluation. We then introduce the three auxiliary concepts of acronym-based mapping (AM), of a generalized hierarchy (GM ontology), and of a topographically oriented regional map (RM) with adequate granularity for mapping between individual brains with different cortical folding and between humans and non-human primates. Examples from the CoCoMac database of primate brain connectivity demonstrate how these concepts enhance coordinate-independent mapping based on published relational statements. Finally, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of spatial coordinate-based versus coordinate-independent microstructural brain mapping and show perspectives for a wider application of parcellation-based approaches in the integration of multi-model structural, functional, and clinical data.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies of human cognitive, sensory, and motor processes are usually based on noninvasive techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography or functional magnetic-resonance imaging. These techniques have either inherently low temporal or low spatial resolution, and suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio and/or poor high-frequency sensitivity. Thus, they are suboptimal for exploring the short-lived spatio-temporal dynamics of many of the underlying brain processes. In contrast, the invasive technique of electrocorticography (ECoG) provides brain signals that have an exceptionally high signal-to-noise ratio, less susceptibility to artifacts than EEG, and a high spatial and temporal resolution (i.e., <1 cm/<1 millisecond, respectively). ECoG involves measurement of electrical brain signals using electrodes that are implanted subdurally on the surface of the brain. Recent studies have shown that ECoG amplitudes in certain frequency bands carry substantial information about task-related activity, such as motor execution and planning1, auditory processing2 and visual-spatial attention3. Most of this information is captured in the high gamma range (around 70-110 Hz). Thus, gamma activity has been proposed as a robust and general indicator of local cortical function1-5. ECoG can also reveal functional connectivity and resolve finer task-related spatial-temporal dynamics, thereby advancing our understanding of large-scale cortical processes. It has especially proven useful for advancing brain-computer interfacing (BCI) technology for decoding a user''s intentions to enhance or improve communication6 and control7. Nevertheless, human ECoG data are often hard to obtain because of the risks and limitations of the invasive procedures involved, and the need to record within the constraints of clinical settings. Still, clinical monitoring to localize epileptic foci offers a unique and valuable opportunity to collect human ECoG data. We describe our methods for collecting recording ECoG, and demonstrate how to use these signals for important real-time applications such as clinical mapping and brain-computer interfacing. Our example uses the BCI2000 software platform8,9 and the SIGFRIED10 method, an application for real-time mapping of brain functions. This procedure yields information that clinicians can subsequently use to guide the complex and laborious process of functional mapping by electrical stimulation.

Prerequisites and Planning:

Patients with drug-resistant partial epilepsy may be candidates for resective surgery of an epileptic focus to minimize the frequency of seizures. Prior to resection, the patients undergo monitoring using subdural electrodes for two purposes: first, to localize the epileptic focus, and second, to identify nearby critical brain areas (i.e., eloquent cortex) where resection could result in long-term functional deficits. To implant electrodes, a craniotomy is performed to open the skull. Then, electrode grids and/or strips are placed on the cortex, usually beneath the dura. A typical grid has a set of 8 x 8 platinum-iridium electrodes of 4 mm diameter (2.3 mm exposed surface) embedded in silicon with an inter-electrode distance of 1cm. A strip typically contains 4 or 6 such electrodes in a single line. The locations for these grids/strips are planned by a team of neurologists and neurosurgeons, and are based on previous EEG monitoring, on a structural MRI of the patient''s brain, and on relevant factors of the patient''s history. Continuous recording over a period of 5-12 days serves to localize epileptic foci, and electrical stimulation via the implanted electrodes allows clinicians to map eloquent cortex. At the end of the monitoring period, explantation of the electrodes and therapeutic resection are performed together in one procedure.In addition to its primary clinical purpose, invasive monitoring also provides a unique opportunity to acquire human ECoG data for neuroscientific research. The decision to include a prospective patient in the research is based on the planned location of their electrodes, on the patient''s performance scores on neuropsychological assessments, and on their informed consent, which is predicated on their understanding that participation in research is optional and is not related to their treatment. As with all research involving human subjects, the research protocol must be approved by the hospital''s institutional review board. The decision to perform individual experimental tasks is made day-by-day, and is contingent on the patient''s endurance and willingness to participate. Some or all of the experiments may be prevented by problems with the clinical state of the patient, such as post-operative facial swelling, temporary aphasia, frequent seizures, post-ictal fatigue and confusion, and more general pain or discomfort.At the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at Albany Medical Center in Albany, New York, clinical monitoring is implemented around the clock using a 192-channel Nihon-Kohden Neurofax monitoring system. Research recordings are made in collaboration with the Wadsworth Center of the New York State Department of Health in Albany. Signals from the ECoG electrodes are fed simultaneously to the research and the clinical systems via splitter connectors. To ensure that the clinical and research systems do not interfere with each other, the two systems typically use separate grounds. In fact, an epidural strip of electrodes is sometimes implanted to provide a ground for the clinical system. Whether research or clinical recording system, the grounding electrode is chosen to be distant from the predicted epileptic focus and from cortical areas of interest for the research. Our research system consists of eight synchronized 16-channel g.USBamp amplifier/digitizer units (g.tec, Graz, Austria). These were chosen because they are safety-rated and FDA-approved for invasive recordings, they have a very low noise-floor in the high-frequency range in which the signals of interest are found, and they come with an SDK that allows them to be integrated with custom-written research software. In order to capture the high-gamma signal accurately, we acquire signals at 1200Hz sampling rate-considerably higher than that of the typical EEG experiment or that of many clinical monitoring systems. A built-in low-pass filter automatically prevents aliasing of signals higher than the digitizer can capture. The patient''s eye gaze is tracked using a monitor with a built-in Tobii T-60 eye-tracking system (Tobii Tech., Stockholm, Sweden). Additional accessories such as joystick, bluetooth Wiimote (Nintendo Co.), data-glove (5th Dimension Technologies), keyboard, microphone, headphones, or video camera are connected depending on the requirements of the particular experiment.Data collection, stimulus presentation, synchronization with the different input/output accessories, and real-time analysis and visualization are accomplished using our BCI2000 software8,9. BCI2000 is a freely available general-purpose software system for real-time biosignal data acquisition, processing and feedback. It includes an array of pre-built modules that can be flexibly configured for many different purposes, and that can be extended by researchers'' own code in C++, MATLAB or Python. BCI2000 consists of four modules that communicate with each other via a network-capable protocol: a Source module that handles the acquisition of brain signals from one of 19 different hardware systems from different manufacturers; a Signal Processing module that extracts relevant ECoG features and translates them into output signals; an Application module that delivers stimuli and feedback to the subject; and the Operator module that provides a graphical interface to the investigator.A number of different experiments may be conducted with any given patient. The priority of experiments will be determined by the location of the particular patient''s electrodes. However, we usually begin our experimentation using the SIGFRIED (SIGnal modeling For Realtime Identification and Event Detection) mapping method, which detects and displays significant task-related activity in real time. The resulting functional map allows us to further tailor subsequent experimental protocols and may also prove as a useful starting point for traditional mapping by electrocortical stimulation (ECS).Although ECS mapping remains the gold standard for predicting the clinical outcome of resection, the process of ECS mapping is time consuming and also has other problems, such as after-discharges or seizures. Thus, a passive functional mapping technique may prove valuable in providing an initial estimate of the locus of eloquent cortex, which may then be confirmed and refined by ECS. The results from our passive SIGFRIED mapping technique have been shown to exhibit substantial concurrence with the results derived using ECS mapping10.The protocol described in this paper establishes a general methodology for gathering human ECoG data, before proceeding to illustrate how experiments can be initiated using the BCI2000 software platform. Finally, as a specific example, we describe how to perform passive functional mapping using the BCI2000-based SIGFRIED system.  相似文献   

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