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In Drosophila melanogaster suppression of oviposition results in an aging of both mature and immature oocytes. When oviposition was suppressed for four days, the incidence of X-chromosomal nondisjunction (XXY exceptions) in mature oocytes was more than doubled, whereas in immature oocytes the nondisjunction frequency was not increased. It is shown that this special susceptibility of mature oocytes to aging-induced nondisjunction has to be considered in experiments on the induction of nondisjunction by chemical agents.  相似文献   

Using an FLP/FRT-based method to create germline clones, we screened Drosophila chromosome arms 2L and 3R for new female meiotic mutants. The screen was designed to recover mutants with severe effects on meiotic exchange and/or segregation. This screen yielded 11 new mutants, including six alleles of previously known meiotic genes (c(2)M and ald/mps1). The remaining five mutants appear to define at least four new genes whose ablation results in severe meiotic defects. Three of the novel meiotic mutants were identified at the molecular level. Two of these, mcm5(A7) and trem(F9), define roles in meiotic recombination, while a third, cona(A12), is important for synaptonemal complex assembly. Surprisingly, five of the nine mutants for which the lesion has been identified at the molecular level are not the result of mutations characteristic of EMS mutagenesis, but rather due to the insertion of the transposable element Doc. This study demonstrates the utility of germline clone-based screens for the discovery of strong meiotic mutants, including mutations in essential genes, and the use of molecular genetic techniques to map the loci.  相似文献   

Xiang Y  Hawley RS 《Genetics》2006,174(1):67-78
Bridges (1916) observed that X chromosome nondisjunction was much more frequent in XXY females than it was in genetically normal XX females. In addition, virtually all cases of X nondisjunction in XXY females were due to XX <--> Y segregational events in oocytes in which the two X chromosomes had failed to undergo crossing over. He referred to these XX <--> Y segregation events as "secondary nondisjunction." Cooper (1948) proposed that secondary nondisjunction results from the formation of an X-Y-X trivalent, such that the Y chromosome directs the segregation of two achiasmate X chromosomes to opposite poles on the first meiotic spindle. Using in situ hybridization to X and YL chromosomal satellite sequences, we demonstrate that XX <--> Y segregations are indeed presaged by physical associations of the X and Y chromosomal heterochromatin. The physical colocalization of the three sex chromosomes is observed in virtually all oocytes in early prophase and maintained at high frequency until midprophase in all genotypes examined. Although these XXY associations are usually dissolved by late prophase in oocytes that undergo X chromosomal crossing over, they are maintained throughout prophase in oocytes with nonexchange X chromosomes. The persistence of such XXY associations in the absence of exchange presumably facilitates the segregation of the two X chromosomes and the Y chromosome to opposite poles on the developing meiotic spindle. Moreover, the observation that XXY pairings are dissolved at the end of pachytene in oocytes that do undergo X chromosomal crossing over demonstrates that exchanges can alter heterochromatic (and thus presumably centromeric) associations during meiotic prophase.  相似文献   

A model system for increased meiotic nondisjunction in older oocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For at least 5% of all clinically recognized human pregnancies, meiotic segregation errors give rise to zygotes with the wrong number of chromosomes. Although most aneuploid fetuses perish in utero, trisomy in liveborns is the leading cause of mental retardation. A large percentage of human trisomies originate from segregation errors during female meiosis I; such errors increase in frequency with maternal age. Despite the clinical importance of age-dependent nondisjunction in humans, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unexplained. Efforts to recapitulate age-dependent nondisjunction in a mammalian experimental system have so far been unsuccessful. Here we provide evidence that Drosophila is an excellent model organism for investigating how oocyte aging contributes to meiotic nondisjunction. As in human oocytes, nonexchange homologs and bivalents with a single distal crossover in Drosophila oocytes are most susceptible to spontaneous nondisjunction during meiosis I. We show that in a sensitized genetic background in which sister chromatid cohesion is compromised, nonrecombinant X chromosomes become vulnerable to meiotic nondisjunction as Drosophila oocytes age. Our data indicate that the backup pathway that normally ensures proper segregation of achiasmate chromosomes deteriorates as Drosophila oocytes age and provide an intriguing paradigm for certain classes of age-dependent meiotic nondisjunction in humans.  相似文献   

Three types of male larvae, normal X males and two types with structurally abnormal X chromosomes (ring X and short X sc 4 sc 3, y) were treated during the third instar with 0.5 per cent caffeine in nutrient medium. Upon eclosion, these males were mated to yellow and Oregon-R wild type females. The F1 generation of each cross was scored for normal (XX and XY) and abnormal (XO and XXY) progeny. Statistical analyses of data demonstrate that caffeine increases chromosomal loss for all genotypes tested. The effect of caffeine on nondisjunction, however, is not clear. There are at least marginal increases in all cases when Oregon-R females are used. Slight increase and decreases noted for offspring of yellow females appear to be dependent upon the genotype of the inseminating male.  相似文献   

Reversion mutagenesis of three single P elements located in the cytogenetic interval 1E-2A at the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was used to recover new deletions in this chromosomal region. The deletions obtained include small aberrations within region 2A and larger lesions extending from 2A into 1E and 1B. All three screens also yielded terminal deficiencies. The new deficiencies, together with previously characterized rearrangements, were analyzed for their complementation behaviour with the maternal effect locus fs(1)Nasrat and lethal loci in the region. These analyses provide an overall genetic map of the interval 1E-2A. In addition, the smaller deletions were physically mapped within cloned genomic DNA of the 2A region.  相似文献   

Resistance to low temperatures can vary markedly among invertebrate species and is directly related to their distribution. Despite the ecological importance of cold resistance this trait has rarely been studied genetically, mainly because low and variable fitness of offspring from cold-stressed mothers makes it difficult to undertake selection experiments and compare cold resistance of parents and offspring. One measure of cold resistance that varies geographically in Drosophila melanogaster and that is amenable to genetic analysis is chill-coma recovery. Three replicate lines of D. melanogaster were selected every second generation, for over 30 generations, for decreased recovery time following exposure to 0 degrees C. Correlated responses were scored to characterize underlying physiological traits and to investigate interactions with other traits. Lines responded rapidly to the intermittent selection regime with realized heritabilities varying from 33% to 46%. Selected lines showed decreased recovery time after exposure to a broad range of low temperatures and also had a lower mortality following a more severe cold shock, indicating that a general mechanism underlying cold resistance had been selected. The selection response was independent of plastic changes in cold resistance because the selected lines maintained their ability to harden (i.e. a short-term exposure to cool temperature resulted in decreased recovery time in subsequent chill-coma assays). Changes in cold resistance were not associated with changes in resistance to high temperature exposure, and selected lines showed no changes in wing size, development time or viability. However, there was a decrease in longevity in the selected lines due to an earlier onset of ageing. These results indicate that chill-coma recovery can be rapidly altered by selection, as long as selection is undertaken every second generation to avoid carry-over effects, and suggest that lower thermal limits can be shifted towards increased cold resistance independently of upper thermal limits and without tradeoffs in many life-history traits.  相似文献   

The induction of sex chromosomes meiotic nondisjunction (ND) by hydroquinone (HQ) given orally was investigated in Drosophila melanogaster 2-7, 8-22, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h-old females. ND was assessed by a system where exceptional females (XXY) and only 1/4 of the expected regular progeny are viable. Oocytes were treated at different stages of development. 4% HQ tested only in 72 h-old females induced ND in oocytes sampled in brood I (mostly mature oocytes at metaphase I). 6% HQ increased ND in brood I of 8-22 h-old females, while other broods, (including cells treated at early prophase) were also affected in older flies, the highest significance being attained in the 48 h-old series. Newly hatched females (2-7 h-old) were refractory to the treatment, though oocytes sampled in the first three subcultures are comparable to cells showing enhancement of ND in series run with older females. Toxicity of 2, 4 and 6% HQ increased with concentration and females' age: (a) 2% was not toxic; (b) 4% was toxic only to 72 h-old females; (c) 6% was increasingly toxic to females 24, 48 and 72 h-old. The results indicate that age plays a significant role on both chromosomal segregation and toxicity and suggest that in Drosophila HQ is metabolized to its reactive species. The lack of toxic and aneugenic effect in very young females could reflect a more efficient detoxification due to the known high specific activity of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) after eclosion. The decline in GST activity around day 2 of adult life coincides with the high effect of HQ in 48 h-old females.  相似文献   

In the mature oocyte C(1)-4 and Y-4 interchanges do not direct disjunction of the centromeres of the involved heterologs. C(1)-4 detachments are recovered in either sex and almost every time (1314) with a free fourth chromosome that is the sister of the involved four. Y-4 fragments are recovered preferentially in males (2828) and with a free, sister four (2628). In the mature oocyte segregation patterns are determined and C(1)-4 and Y-4 interchange usually involve heterologs segragating to the same pole.  相似文献   

Spontaneous interchange between the X chromosomes and the C(2L) autosomal compound in their centromeric regions was studied in y/XY;C(2L);C(2R) and In(1)dl-49+BM1/XY;C(2L);C(2R) Drosophila melanogaster females. These females were mated with F(2L)/F(2L);C(2R) males. Interchange occurrence was recorded as the appearance of an F1 individual with a half-translocation of either X . 2L or Y . 2L type. 37 interchanges were recovered in y/XY and 67 in In(1)/XY females. The majority of the interchanges were of meiotic origin. The interchanges were mainly C(2L)-XY; the most frequent type of half-translocation was Y . 2L;dl-49+BM1. Inversion increased about 5-fold the interchange frequency. In the course of C(2L)-XY interchange, the other X chromosome and C(2R) compound regularly paired and disjoined. In y/XY females, 8 crossover half-translocations of meiotic origin were recovered. The results obtained indicate that meiotic pairing between the X's and C(2L) occurred in the females examined. According to our estimates, XY-C(2L) pairing is associated with interchange in the heterochromatic centromeric regions with a frequency of 10(-3). The recovery of crossover half-translocations supports the chromocentral model of non-homologous pairing and allows us to assume that a chromosome may simultaneously pair with a homologue and a non-homologue. The disjunction pattern of this trivalent depends on its structure in each particular case. The chromosome-segregation pattern resulting from spontaneous interchanges was similar to that resulting from radiation-induced interchanges in the immature oocytes described by Parker. This similarity suggests that non-homologue pairing occurs in the immature oocytes too. The non-homologue-pairing pattern established by the interchange test conformed well with that previously established in y/XY and In(1)XY females by the distribution test.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae are used to examine habitat choice behavior and its effect on a component of preadult fitness (pupal survivorship). We established strains of flies by collecting pupae from two microhabitats from an orchard. Strain differences in pupation site choice (on versus off fruit) persisted in a field-like laboratory assay without artificial selection. To produce heterogeneous environments, air temperature and soil water content were varied in these assays. A habitat suitability difference measure was used to determine for each environment, which microhabitat (on or off fruit) resulted in greater pupal survivorship. We found 1) that habitat choice behavior had both plastic and heritable components, 2) that strain-by-environment interactions influenced habitat choice behavior and pupal survivorship and, 3) a significant positive correlation between habitat suitability and larval habitat choice behavior.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait, an example of naturally occurring X-linked meiotic drive, has been reported in a dozen Drosophila species. Males carrying a sex-ratio X chromosome produce an excess of female offspring caused by a deficiency of Y-bearing sperm. In Drosophila simulans, such males produce approximately 70-90% female offspring, and 15-30% of the male offspring are sterile. Here, we investigate the cytological basis of the drive in this species. We show that the sex-ratio trait is associated with nondisjunction of Y chromatids in meiosis II. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using sex-chromosome-specific probes provides direct evidence that the drive is caused by the failure of the resulting spermatids to develop into functional sperm. XYY progeny were not observed, indicating that few or no YY spermatids escape failure. The recovery of XO males among the progeny of sex-ratio males shows that some nullo-XY spermatids become functional sperm and likely explains the male sterility. A review of the cytological data in other species shows that aberrant behavior of the Y chromosome may be a common basis of sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila and the signal that triggers differential spermiogenesis failure.  相似文献   



Drug resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum severely compromises the treatment and control of malaria. A knowledge of the critical mutations conferring resistance to particular drugs is important in understanding modes of drug action and mechanisms of resistances. They are required to design better therapies and limit drug resistance. A mutation in the gene (pfcrt) encoding a membrane transporter has been identified as a principal determinant of chloroquine resistance in P. falciparum, but we lack a full account of higher level chloroquine resistance. Furthermore, the determinants of resistance in the other major human malaria parasite, P. vivax, are not known. To address these questions, we investigated the genetic basis of chloroquine resistance in an isogenic lineage of rodent malaria parasite P. chabaudi in which high level resistance to chloroquine has been progressively selected under laboratory conditions.


Loci containing the critical genes were mapped by Linkage Group Selection, using a genetic cross between the high-level chloroquine-resistant mutant and a genetically distinct sensitive strain. A novel high-resolution quantitative whole-genome re-sequencing approach was used to reveal three regions of selection on chr11, chr03 and chr02 that appear progressively at increasing drug doses on three chromosomes. Whole-genome sequencing of the chloroquine-resistant parent identified just four point mutations in different genes on these chromosomes. Three mutations are located at the foci of the selection valleys and are therefore predicted to confer different levels of chloroquine resistance. The critical mutation conferring the first level of chloroquine resistance is found in aat1, a putative aminoacid transporter.


Quantitative trait loci conferring selectable phenotypes, such as drug resistance, can be mapped directly using progressive genome-wide linkage group selection. Quantitative genome-wide short-read genome resequencing can be used to reveal these signatures of drug selection at high resolution. The identities of three genes (and mutations within them) conferring different levels of chloroquine resistance generate insights regarding the genetic architecture and mechanisms of resistance to chloroquine and other drugs. Importantly, their orthologues may now be evaluated for critical or accessory roles in chloroquine resistance in human malarias P. vivax and P. falciparum.  相似文献   

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