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Y Miwa  Y Fujita 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(23):7049-7053
The mechanism underlying catabolite repression in Bacillus species remains unsolved. The gluconate (gnt) operon of Bacillus subtilis is one of the catabolic operons which is under catabolite repression. To identify the cis sequence involved in catabolite repression of the gnt operon, we performed deletion analysis of a DNA fragment carrying the gnt promoter and the gntR gene, which had been cloned into the promoter probe vector, pWP19. Deletion of the region upstream of the gnt promoter did not affect catabolite repression. Further deletion analysis of the gnt promoter and gntR coding region was carried out after restoration of promoter activity through the insertion of internal constitutive promoters of the gnt operon before the gntR gene (P2 and P3). These deletions revealed that the cis sequence involved in catabolite repression of the gnt operon is located between nucleotide positions +137 and +148. This DNA segment contains a sequence, ATTGAAAG, which may be implicated as a consensus sequence involved in catabolite repression in the genus Bacillus.  相似文献   

Nutrient conditions which trigger sporulation also activate expression of the Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase gene, amyL. Glucose represses both spore formation and expression of amyL. A fusion was constructed between the B. licheniformis alpha-amylase regulatory and 5' upstream sequences (amyRi) and the Escherichia coli lacZ structural gene to identify sequences involved in mediating temporal activation and catabolite repression of the amyL gene in Bacillus subtilis. amyRi-directed expression in a variety of genetic backgrounds and under different growth conditions was investigated. A 108-base-pair sequence containing an inverted repeat sequence, ribosome-binding site, and 26 codons of the structural gene was sufficient to mediate catabolite repression of amyL. spo0 mutations (spo0A, spo0B, spo0E, and spo0H) had no significant effect on temporal activation of the gene fusion when the recipient strains were grown in nonrepressing medium. However, in glucose-grown cultures the presence of a spo0A mutation resulted in more severe repression of amyRi-lacZ. In contrast, a spo0H mutation reduced the repressive effect of glucose on amyRi-lacZ expression. The spo0A effect was relieved by an abrB mutation. Initiation of sporulation is not a prerequisite for either temporal activation or derepression of alpha-amylase synthesis. Mutations causing resistance to catabolite repression in B. subtilis GLU-47, SF33, WLN30, and WLN104 also relieved catabolite repression of amyRi-lacZ.  相似文献   

Strain SF22, a glutamine-requiring (Gln-) mutant of Bacillus subtilis SMY, is likely to have a mutation in the structural gene for glutamine synthetase, since this strain synthesized 22 to 55% as much glutamine synthetase antigen as did wild-type cells in a 10-min period but had less than 3% of wild-type glutamine synthetase enzymatic activity. The expression of several genes subject to glucose catabolite repression was altered in the Gln- mutant. The induced levels of alpha-glucosidase, histidase, and aconitase were 3.5- to 4-fold higher in SF22 cells than in wild-type cells grown in glucose-glutamine medium, and citrate synthase levels were 8-fold higher in the Gln- mutant than in wild-type cells. The relief of glucose catabolite repression in the Gln- mutant may result from poor utilization of glucose. Examination of the intracellular metabolite pools of cells grown in glucose-glutamine medium showed that the glucose-6-phosphate pool was 2.5-fold lower, the pyruvate pool was 4-fold lower, and the 2-ketoglutarate pool was 2.5-fold lower in the Gln- cells than they were in wild-type cells. Intracellular levels of glutamine were sixfold higher in the Gln- mutant than in wild-type cells. Measurements of enzymes involved in glutamine transport and utilization showed that the elevated pools of glutamine in the Gln- mutant resulted from a threefold increase in glutamine permease and a fivefold decrease in glutamate synthase. The pleiotropic effect of the gln-22 mutation on the expression of several genes suggests that either the glutamine synthetase protein or its enzymatic product, glutamine, is involved in the regulation of several metabolic pathways in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The resABCDE operon of Bacillus subtilis encodes a three-protein complex involved in cytochrome c biogenesis as well as the ResE sensor kinase and the ResD response regulator that control electron transfer and other functions in response to oxygen availability. We have investigated the mechanism of CcpA-mediated control of res operon expression which occurs maximally in the stationary phase of growth. Two CcpA-binding (CRE) sites were found in the res operon, one (CRE1) in the control region in front of the resA promoter, the other (CRE2) in the resB structural gene. Both CRE sites proved to be essential for full CcpA-mediated glucose repression of res operon expression. We propose that both looping and road block mechanisms are involved in res operon control by CcpA.  相似文献   

A Kraus  C Hueck  D Grtner    W Hillen 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(6):1738-1745
Catabolite repression (CR) of xylose utilization by Bacillus subtilis involves a 14-bp cis-acting element (CRE) located in the translated region of the gene encoding xylose isomerase (xylA). Mutations of CRE making it more similar to a previously proposed consensus element lead to increased CR exerted by glucose, fructose, and glycerol. Fusion of CRE to an unrelated, constitutive promoter confers CR to beta-galactosidase expression directed by that promoter. This result demonstrates that CRE can function independently of sequence context and suggests that it is indeed a generally active cis element for CR. In contrast to the other carbon sources studied here, glucose leads to an additional repression of xylA expression, which is independent of CRE and is not found when CRE is fused to the unrelated promoter. This repression requires a functional xylR encoding Xyl repressor and is dependent on the concentrations of glucose and the inducer xylose in the culture broth. Potential mechanisms for this glucose-specific repression are discussed.  相似文献   

A pleiotropic mutant of Bacillus subtilis was isolated which overproduced in the presence of glucose several enzymes whose synthesis is subject to glucose catabolite repression. Examination of intracellular metabolites suggested that the mutation may have resulted in a defect in glycolysis, increasing phosphoenolpyruvate and decreasing pyruvate, 2-ketoglutarate, and oxaloacetate.  相似文献   

In response to nutrient limitations, Bacillus subtilis cells undergo a series of morphological and genetic changes that culminate in the formation of endospores. Conversely, excess catabolites inhibit sporulation. It has been demonstrated previously that excess catabolites caused a decrease in culture medium pH in a process that required functional AbrB. Culture medium acidification was also shown to inhibit sigmaH-dependent sporulation gene expression. The studies reported here investigate the effects of AbrB-mediated pH sensing on B. subtilis developmental competence. We have found that neither addition of a pH stabilizer, MOPS (pH 7.5), nor null mutations in abrB blocked catabolite repression of sporulation. Moreover, catabolite-induced culture medium acidification was observed in cultures of catabolite-resistant sporulation mutants, crsA47, rvtA11, and hpr-16, despite their efficient sporulation. These results suggest that AbrB-mediated pH sensing is not the only mechanism regulating catabolite repression of sporulation. The AbrB pathway may function to channel cells toward genetic competence, as opposed to other postexponential differentiation pathways.  相似文献   

Catabolite repression of Bacillus subtilis catabolic operons is supposed to occur via a negative regulatory mechanism involving the recognition of a cis-acting catabolite-responsive element (cre) by a complex of CcpA, which is a member of the GalR-LacI family of bacterial regulatory proteins, and the seryl-phos-phorylated form of HPr (P-ser-HPr), as verified by recent studies on catabolite repression of the gnt operon. Analysis of the gnt promoter region by deletions and point mutations revealed that in addition to the ere in the first gene (gntR) of the gnt operon (credown), this operon contains another ere located in the promoter region (creup). A translational gntR-lacZ fusion expressed under the control of various combinations of wild-type and mutant credown and creup was integrated into the chromosomal amyE locus, and then catabolite repression of p-galac-tosidase synthesis in the resultant integrants was examined. The in vivo results implied that catabolite repression exerted by creup was probably independent of catabolite repression exerted by credown; both creup and credown catabolite repression involved CcpA. Catabolite repression exerted by creup was independent of P-ser-HPr, and catabolite repression exerted by credown was partially independent of P-ser-HPr. DNase I footprinting experiments indicated that a complex of CcpA and P-ser-HPr did not recognize creup, in contrast to its specific recognition of credown. However, CcpA complexed with glucose-6-phosphate specifically recognized creup as well as credown, but the physiological significance of this complexing is unknown.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed an exiting unveiling of numerous molecular mechanisms that characterize signal transduction by protein-protein interaction. The recent findings encouraged an increasing effort to understand the sequential metabolism of different sugars available as energy sources at the same time. It seems probable that at least three principle mechanisms which act together or separately, mediate carbon catabolite repression (CCR) depending on the system which is under metabolic control: i) by the main signal transducing chain via the ATP-dependent HPr-kinase, HPr(Ser46-P) or alternatively Crh via the central component CcpA and its interaction with cre, ii) by signals sensed from the specific regulators directly or via phosphorylation by HPr, iii) by inducer exclusion based on the concurrence of the enzyme IIA(Glc) domain of the glucose permease, and other PTS-dependent permeases composed only of the B and C domains and lacking the enzyme IIA domain.  相似文献   

In Bacillus subtilis, CcpA-dependent carbon catabolite repression (CCR) mediated at several cis-acting carbon repression elements (cre) requires the seryl-phosphorylated form of both the HPr (ptsH) and Crh (crh) proteins. During growth in minimal medium, the ptsH1 mutation, which prevents seryl phosphorylation of HPr, partially relieves CCR of several genes regulated by CCR. Examination of the CCR of the histidine utilization (hut) enzymes in cells grown in minimal medium showed that neither the ptsH1 nor the crh mutation individually had any affect on hut CCR but that hut CCR was abolished in a ptsH1 crh double mutant. In contrast, the ptsH1 mutation completely relieved hut CCR in cells grown in Luria-Bertani medium. The ptsH1 crh double mutant exhibited several growth defects in glucose minimal medium, including reduced rates of growth and growth inhibition by high levels of glycerol or histidine. CCR is partially relieved in B. subtilis mutants which synthesize low levels of active glutamine synthetase (glnA). In addition, these glnA mutants grow more slowly than wild-type cells in glucose minimal medium. The defects in growth and CCR seen in these mutants are suppressed by mutational inactivation of TnrA, a global nitrogen regulatory protein. The inappropriate expression of TnrA-regulated genes in this class of glnA mutants may deplete intracellular pools of carbon metabolites and thereby result in the reduction of the growth rate and partial relief of CCR.  相似文献   

The organization and function of the Bacillus subtilis YsiA regulon involved in fatty acid degradation were investigated. Northern and primer extension analyses indicated that this regulon comprises five operons, i.e. lcfA-ysiA-B-etfB-A, ykuF-G, yhfL, yusM-L-K-J, and ywjF-acdA-rpoE. YusJ and AcdA, YsiB and YusL, and YusK presumably encode acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, 3-hydroxyl-CoA dehydrogenase/enoyl-CoA hydratase complexes, and acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase, respectively, which are directly involved in the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle. In addition, LcfA and YhfL are likely to encode long chain acyl-CoA ligases. On gel retardation and footprinting analyses involving the purified YsiA protein, we identified cis-sequences for YsiA binding (YsiA boxes) in the promoter regions upstream of ysiA, ykuF, yusL, yhfL, and ywjF, the equilibrium dissociation constants (K(d)) for YsiA binding being 20, 21, 37, 43, and 65 nm, respectively. YsiA binding was specifically inhibited by long chain acyl-CoAs with 14-20 carbon atoms, acyl-CoAs with 18 carbon atoms being more effective; out of long chain acyl-CoAs tested, monounsaturated oleoyl-CoA, and branched chain 12-metyltetradecanoyl-CoA were most effective. These in vitro findings were supported by the in vivo observation that the knock-out of acyl-CoA dehydrogenation through yusJ, etfA, or etfB disruption resulted in YsiA inactivation, probably because of the accumulation of long chain acyl-CoAs in the cells. Furthermore, the disruption of yusL, yusK, yusJ, etfA, etfB, or ykuG affected the utilization of palmitic acid, a representative long chain fatty acid. Based on this work, ysiA, ysiB, ykuF, ykuG, yhfL, yusM, yusL, yusK, yusJ, and ywjF can be renamed fadR, fadB, fadH, fadG, lcfB, fadM, fadN, fadA, fadE, and fadF.  相似文献   

The presence of the heat stress response-related ATPases ClpC and ClpX or the peptidase ClpP in the cell is crucial for tolerance of many forms of stress in Bacillus subtilis. Assays for detection of defects in protein degradation suggest that ClpC, ClpP, and ClpX participate directly in overall proteolysis of misfolded proteins. Turnover rates for abnormal puromycyl peptides are significantly decreased in clpC, clpP, and clpX mutant cells. Electron-dense aggregates, most likely due to the accumulation of misfolded proteins, were noticed in studies of ultrathin cryosections in clpC and clpP mutant cells even under nonstress conditions. In contrast, in the wild type or clpX mutants such aggregates could only be observed after heat shock. This phenomenon supports the assumption that clpC and clpP mutants are deficient in the ability to solubilize or degrade damaged and aggregated proteins, the accumulation of which is toxic for the cell. By using immunogold labeling with antibodies raised against ClpC, ClpP, and ClpX, the Clp proteins were localized in these aggregates, showing that the Clp proteins act at this level in vivo.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis can be triggered by carbon catabolite limitation. Conversely, carbon source excess can repress the production of extracellular enzymes, motility, and sporulation. Recent studies have implicated a pH-sensing mechanism, involving AbrB, the TCA cycle, Spo0K, and sigmaH in controlling the catabolite repression of sporulation gene expression. In an accompanying paper, we demonstrate that the AbrB-dependent pH-sensing mechanism may not be the only means by which carbon catabolites affect sporulation. In the studies reported here, we have examined the molecular basis underlying the catabolite repression phenotype of mutations in the hpr (scoC), rpoD (crsA47), and spo0A (rvtA11) loci. Loss of function mutations in hpr (scoC) restored sporulation gene expression and sporulation in the presence of excess catabolite(s), suggesting that Hpr (ScoC) has a pivotal role in mediating catabolite repression. Moreover, hpr gene expression increased substantially in the presence of excess catabolite(s), further supporting the involvement of Hpr (ScoC) in the carbon catabolite response system. We suggest that alterations in the phosphorelay response to catabolites may be one mechanism by which catabolite-resistant mutants such as crsA and rvtA are able to sporulate in the presence of excess glucose.  相似文献   

The genetic material of all retroviruses examined so far consists of two identical RNA molecules joined at their 5' ends by the dimer linkage structure (DLS). Since the precise location of the DLS as well as the mechanism and role(s) of RNA dimerization remain unclear, we analyzed the dimerization process of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) genomic RNA. For this purpose we derived an in vitro model for RNA dimerization. By using this model, murine leukemia virus RNA was shown to form dimeric molecules. Deletion mutagenesis in the 620-nucleotide leader of MoMuLV RNA showed that the dimer promoting sequences are located within the encapsidation element Psi between positions 215 and 420. Furthermore, hybridization assays in which DNA oligomers were used to probe monomer and dimer forms of MoMuLV RNA indicated that the DLS probably maps between positions 280 and 330 from the RNA 5' end. Also, retroviral nucleocapsid protein was shown to catalyze dimerization of MoMuLV RNA and to be tightly bound to genomic dimer RNA in virions. These results suggest that MoMuLV RNA dimerization and encapsidation are probably controlled by the same cis element, Psi, and trans-acting factor, nucleocapsid protein, and thus might be linked during virion formation.  相似文献   

The glucose effect in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An analysis of the glucose downshift mechanism in Bacillus subtilis has shown that the depression of catabolic enzymes characteristic of the 'glucose effect' includes isocitrate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Additionally, phosphofructokinase undergoes what appears to be a reversible modification regulated by glucose transport.  相似文献   

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