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Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. It is essential to identify new genes for effective resistance against the disease. Durum wheat PI 480148, originally from Ethiopia, was resistant in all seedling tests with several predominant Pst races in the US under controlled greenhouse conditions and at multiple locations subject to natural infection for several years. To map the resistance gene(s) and to transfer it to common wheat, a cross was made between PI 480148 and susceptible common wheat genotype Avocet S (AvS). Resistant F3 plants with 42 chromosomes were selected cytologically and by testing with Pst race PST-100. A total of 157 F4 plants from a single F3 plant with 2n = 42 tested with PST-100 segregated in a 3 resistant: 1 susceptible ratio, indicating that a single dominant gene from PI 480148 conferred resistance. Using the F3:4 population and the resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, the gene was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 2B. SSR marker Xwmc441 and RGAP marker XLRRrev/NLRRrev 350 flanked the resistance gene by 5.6 and 2.7 cM, respectively. The effective resistance of the gene to an Australian Pst isolate virulent to Yr5, which is also located on 2BL and confers resistance to all US Pst races, together with an allelism test of the two genes, indicated that the gene from PI 480148 is different from Yr5 and should be a new and useful gene for resistance to stripe rust. Resistant common wheat lines with plant types similar to AvS were selected for use in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat worldwide. Resistance is the best approach to control the disease. High-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) stripe rust resistance has proven to be race non-specific and durable. However, genes conferring high-levels of HTAP resistance are limited in number and new genes are urgently needed for breeding programs to develop cultivars with durable high-level resistance to stripe rust. Spring wheat germplasm PI 183527 showed a high-level of HTAP resistance against stripe rust in our germplasm evaluations over several years. To elucidate the genetic basis of resistance, we crossed PI 183527 and susceptible wheat line Avocet S. Adult plants of parents, F(1), F(2) and F(2:3) progeny were tested with selected races under the controlled greenhouse conditions and in fields under natural infection. PI 183527 has a single dominant gene conferring HTAP resistance. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in combination with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify markers linked to the resistance gene. A linkage map consisting of 4 RGAP and 7 SSR markers was constructed for the resistance gene using data from 175 F(2) plants and their derived F(2:3) lines. Amplification of nulli-tetrasomic, ditelosomic and deletion lines of Chinese Spring with three RGAP markers mapped the gene to the distal region (0.86-1.0) of chromosome 7BL. The molecular map spanned a genetic distance of 27.3?cM, and the resistance gene was narrowed to a 2.3-cM interval flanked by markers Xbarc182 and Xwgp5258. The polymorphism rates of the flanking markers in 74 wheat lines were 74 and 30?%, respectively; and the two markers in combination could distinguish the alleles at the resistance locus in 82?% of tested genotypes. To determine the genetic relationship between this resistance gene and Yr39, a gene also on 7BL conferring HTAP resistance in Alpowa, a cross was made between PI 183527 and Alpowa. F(2) segregation indicated that the genes were 36.5?±?6.75?cM apart. The gene in PI 183527 was therefore designed as Yr52. This new gene and flanking markers should be useful in developing wheat cultivars with high-level and possible durable resistance to stripe rust.  相似文献   

‘Express’, a hard red spring wheat cultivar that has been widely grown in the western United States, is used to differentiate races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal fungal pathogen of wheat stripe rust. To identify genes conferring race-specific, overall resistance to stripe rust, Express was crossed with ‘Avocet S’. The parents and F1, F2, F3 and F5 populations were tested with races PST-1, PST-21, PST-43, and PST-45 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in the seedling stage under controlled greenhouse conditions. Two dominant genes for resistance to stripe rust were identified, one conferring resistance to PST-1 and PST-21, and the other conferring resistance to all four races. Linkage groups were constructed for the resistance genes using 146 F5 lines to establish resistance gene analog and chromosome-specific simple sequence repeat marker polymorphisms. The gene for resistance to races PST-1 and PST-21 was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1B, and that conferring resistance to all four races was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 5B. We temporarily designate the gene on 1BL as YrExp1 and the gene on 5BL as YrExp2. Polymorphism of at least one of the two markers flanking YrExp2 was detected in 91% of the 44 tested wheat genotypes, suggesting that they would be useful in marker-assisted selection for combining the gene with other resistance genes into many other wheat cultivars. Knowledge of these genes will be useful to understand recent virulence changes in the pathogen populations.  相似文献   

Leaf rust is a widespread and commonly occurring rust disease of wheat. Genetic resistance is the most economical method of reducing losses due to leaf rust. Lr15 has been shown to be present on wheat chromosome 2D and is reported to be a seedling resistance gene. However, tightly linked markers associated with Lr15 have not been reported to date. To identify molecular markers linked to Lr15, an F2 mapping population of Thatcher × Thatcher-Lr15 was generated. Available wheat simple sequence repeat markers were utilized in parental screening and polymorphic markers were used to analyze the entire population of 221 plants. Phenotypic evaluations of the F2-derived F3 progenies with Puccinia triticina Eriks. pathotype 162A (93R15) confirmed the monogenic inheritance of Lr15. The linkage group representing chromosome 2DS was constructed at LOD 4.0 which revealed the closest flanking markers Xgwm4562 and Xgwm102 at a distance of 3.1 and 9.3 cM, respectively. Furthermore, utilization of these flanking markers in combination has successfully identified wheat lines with or without Lr15. These markers could potentially be useful in gene pyramiding with other genes to enhance rust resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), is one of the most devastating diseases in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. The objectives of this study were to map a stripe rust resistance gene in Chinese wheat cultivar Chuanmai 42 using molecular markers and to investigate its allelism with Yr24 and Yr26. A total of 787 F2 plants and 186 F3 lines derived from a cross between resistant cultivar Chuanmai 42 and susceptible line Taichung 29 were used for resistance gene tagging. Also 197 F2 plants from the cross Chuanmai 42×Yr24/3*Avocet S and 726 F2 plants from Chuanmai 42×Yr26/3*Avocet S were employed for allelic test of the resistance genes. In all, 819 pairs of wheat SSR primers were used to test the two parents, as well as resistant and susceptible bulks. Subsequently, nine polymorphic markers were employed for genotyping the F2 and F3 populations. Results indicated that the stripe rust resistance in Chuanmai 42 was conferred by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated YrCH42, located close to the centromere of chromosome 1B and flanked by nine SSR markers Xwmc626, Xgwm273, Xgwm11, Xgwm18, Xbarc137, Xbarc187, Xgwm498, Xbarc240 and Xwmc216. The resistance gene was closely linked to Xgwm498 and Xbarc187 with genetic distances of 1.6 and 2.3 cM, respectively. The seedling tests with 26 PST isolates and allelic tests indicated that YrCH42, Yr24 and Yr26 are likely to be the same gene.G.Q. Li and Z.F. Li contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   


Key message

We report a new stripe rust resistance gene on chromosome 7AS in wheat and molecular markers useful for transferring it to other wheat genotypes.


Several new races of the stripe rust pathogen have established throughout the wheat growing regions of China in recent years. These new races are virulent to most of the designated seedling resistance genes limiting the resistance sources. It is necessary to identify new genes for diversification and for pyramiding different resistance genes in order to achieve more durable resistance. We report here the identification of a new resistance gene, designated as Yr61, in Chinese wheat cultivar Pindong 34. A mapping population of 208 F2 plants and 128 derived F2:3 lines in a cross between Mingxian 169 and Pindong 34 was evaluated for seedling stripe rust response. A genetic map consisting of eight resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP), two sequence-tagged site (STS) and four simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was constructed. Yr61 was located on the short arm of chromosome 7A and flanked by RGAP markers Xwgp5467 and Xwgp5765 about 1.9 and 3.9 cM in distance, which were successfully converted into STS markers STS5467 and STS5765b, respectively. The flanking STS markers could be used for marker-assisted selection of Yr61 in breeding programs.  相似文献   

An uncharacterized source of seedling resistance to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici was identified in an advanced wheat breeding line WAWHT2046. Genetic analysis based on a WAWHT2046/Carnamah-derived double haploid (DH) population demonstrated monogenic inheritance of seedling stripe rust resistance in WAWHT2046. The gene controlling stripe rust resistance in line WAWHT2046 was tentatively designated YrWA. The chromosome 5AL located awn inhibitor gene B1, possessed by WAWHT2046, also showed monogenic inheritance when the DH population was scored for the presence and absence of awns. Joint segregation analysis at the B1 and YrWA loci indicated genetic linkage between the two loci. A recombination value of 12.2 cM was computed using Mapmanager. This association located YrWA in the chromosome arm 5AL. Molecular mapping using microsatellite markers placed YrWA distal to B1. All molecular markers mapped proximal to the awn inhibitor locus B1. As no other stripe rust resistance gene is reported to be located in the chromosome arm 5AL, YrWA was permanently designated as Yr34. Yr34 produced an intermediate (23C) seedling infection type and expressed very low stripe rust response (10R-MR) on adult plants in the field, similar to the resistance gene Yr17. In addition to Yr34, this mapping population segregated for three genetically independent adult plant stripe rust resistance genes. The detection of DH lines with completely susceptible response, higher than that shown by the Yr34-lacking parent Carnamah, suggested that both parents contributed adult plant resistance. The use of WAWHT2046 as a parent in breeding programs would also contribute APR in addition to Yr34.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, a major disease in areas where cool temperatures prevail, can strongly influence grain yield. To control this disease, breeders have incorporated seedling resistance genes from a variety of sources outside the primary wheat gene pool. The wheat line C51, introduced from the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria, confers resistance to all races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST) in China. To map the resistant gene(s) against stripe rust in wheat line C51, 212 F 8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross X440 × C51 were inoculated with Chinese PST race CYR33 (Chinese yellow rust, CYR) in the greenhouse. The result showed that C51 carried a single dominant gene for resistance (designated YrC51) to CYR33. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and resistance gene-analogue polymorphism (RGAP) markers that were polymorphic between the parents were used for genotyping the 212 F 8 RILs. YrC51was closely linked to two SSR loci on chromosome 2BS with genetic distances of 5.1 cM (Xgwm429) and 7.2 cM (Xwmc770), and to three RGAP markers C51R1 (XLRR For / NLRR For), C51R2 (CLRR Rev / Cre3LR-F) and C51R3 (Pto kin4/ NLRR-INV2) with genetic distances of 5.6, 1.6 and 9.2 cM, respectively. These RGAP-linked markers were then converted into STS markers. Among them, one STS marker, C51STS-4, was located at a genetic distance of 1.4 cM to YrC51 and was closely associated with resistance when validated in several populations derived from crosses between C51 and Sichuan cultivars. The results indicated that C51STS-4 can be used for marker assisted selection (MAS) and would facilitate the pyramiding of YrC51 with other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

Wollaroi, an Australian durum wheat cultivar, produced a low stripe rust response and the alternative parent Bansi was highly susceptible. The Wollaroi/Bansi recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was phenotyped across three consecutive crop seasons. A genetic map of the Wollaroi/Bansi RIL population comprising 799 markers (diversity arrays technology and simple sequence repeat markers) was used to determine the genomic location of stripe rust resistance genes carried by the cultivar Wollaroi. Composite interval mapping detected three consistent quantitative trait loci (QTL) in chromosomes 2A, 3B and 5B. These QTL were named QYr.sun-2A, QYr.sun-3B and QYr.sun-5B. Another QTL, QYr.sun-1B, was detected only in the 2009 crop season. QTL in chromosomes 1B, 2A, 3B and 5B explained on average 6, 9.3, 26.7 and 8.7 %, respectively, of the variation in stripe rust response. All QTL were contributed by Wollaroi. RILs carrying these QTL singly produced intermediate stripe rust severities ranging from 46.2 to 55.7 %, whereas RILs with all four QTL produced the lowest disease severity (34.3 %). The consistently low stripe rust response of Wollaroi for 20 years demonstrated the durability of the resistance loci involved. The QTL combination detected in this study is being transferred to common wheat.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most widespread and destructive wheat diseases worldwide. Growing resistant cultivars is the preferred means of control of the disease. The winter wheat cultivar Xiaoyan 54 has high-temperature resistance to stripe rust. To identify genes for stripe rust resistance, Xiaoyan 54 was crossed with Mingxian 169, a winter wheat genotype susceptible to all Chinese races of the pathogen. Seedlings and adult plants of the parents and F1, F2, F3 and F4 progeny were tested with Chinese race CYR32 under controlled greenhouse conditions and in the field. Xiaoyan 54 has two recessive resistance genes, designated as Yrxy1 and Yrxy2, conferring high-temperature resistance. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were used to identify molecular markers flanking Yrxy2 using 181 plants from one segregating F3 line. A total of nine markers, two of which flanked the locus at genetic distances of 4.0 and 6.4 cM on the long arm of chromosome 2A were identified. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and SSR techniques were used to identify molecular markers linked to Yrxy1. A linkage group of nine RGAP and two SSR markers was constructed for Yrxy1 using 177 plants of another segregating F3 line. Two RGAP markers were closely linked to the locus with genetic distances of 2.3 and 3.5 cM. Amplification of a set of nulli-tetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with RGAP markers M8 and M9 and the two SSR markers located Yrxy1 on the short arm of chromosome 7A. The SSR markers Xbarc49 and Xwmc422 were 15.8 and 26.1 cM, respectively, from the gene. The closely linked molecular markers should be useful for incorporating the resistance genes into commercial cultivars and combining them with other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   


Key message

Genome-wide association mapping in conjunction with population sequencing map and Ensembl plants was used to identify markers/candidate genes linked to leaf rust, stripe rust and tan spot resistance in wheat.


Leaf rust (LR), stripe rust (YR) and tan spot (TS) are some of the important foliar diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). To identify candidate resistance genes for these diseases in CIMMYT’s (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) International bread wheat screening nurseries, we used genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in conjunction with information from the population sequencing map and Ensembl plants. Wheat entries were genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing and phenotyped in replicated trials. Using a mixed linear model, we observed that seedling resistance to LR was associated with 12 markers on chromosomes 1DS, 2AS, 2BL, 3B, 4AL, 6AS and 6AL, and seedling resistance to TS was associated with 14 markers on chromosomes 1AS, 2AL, 2BL, 3AS, 3AL, 3B, 6AS and 6AL. Seedling and adult plant resistance (APR) to YR were associated with several markers at the distal end of chromosome 2AS. In addition, YR APR was also associated with markers on chromosomes 2DL, 3B and 7DS. The potential candidate genes for these diseases included several resistance genes, receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinases and defense-related enzymes. However, extensive LD in wheat that decays at about 5?×?107 bps, poses a huge challenge for delineating candidate gene intervals and candidates should be further mapped, functionally characterized and validated. We also explored a segment on chromosome 2AS associated with multiple disease resistance and identified seventeen disease resistance linked genes. We conclude that identifying candidate genes linked to significant markers in GWAS is feasible in wheat, thus creating opportunities for accelerating molecular breeding.

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most important diseases of wheat worldwide. The best strategy to control stripe rust is to grow resistant cultivars. One such cultivar resistant to most races in North America is ‘IDO377s’. To study the genetics of its resistance this spring wheat cultivar was crossed with ‘Avocet Susceptible’ (AvS). Seedlings of the parents, F2 plants, and F3 lines were tested under controlled greenhouse conditions with races PST-43 and PST-45 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. IDO377s carries a single dominant gene for resistance. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) techniques were used to identify molecular markers linked to the resistance gene. A total of ten markers were identified, two of which flanked the locus at 4.4 and 5.5 cM. These flanking RGAP markers were located on chromosome 2B with nulli-tetrasomic lines of ‘Chinese Spring’. Their presence in the ditelosomic 2BL line localized them to the long arm. The chromosomal location of the resistance gene was further confirmed with two 2BL-specific SSR markers and a sequence tagged site (STS) marker previously mapped to 2BL. Based on the chromosomal location, reactions to various races of the pathogen and tests of allelism, the IDO377s gene is different from all previously designated genes for stripe rust resistance, and is therefore designated Yr43. A total of 108 wheat breeding lines and cultivars with IDO377s or related cultivars in their parentage were assayed to assess the status of the closest flanking markers and to select lines carrying Yr43. The results showed that the flanking markers were reliable for assisting selection of breeding lines carrying the resistance gene. A linked stripe rust resistance gene, previously identified as YrZak, in cultivar Zak was designated Yr44.  相似文献   

MA Asad  X Xia  C Wang  Z He 《Hereditas》2012,149(4):146-152
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a serious yield-limiting factor for wheat production worldwide. The objective of this study was to identify and map a stripe rust resistance gene in wheat line Shaannong 104 using SSR markers. F(1) , F(2) and F(3) populations from Shaannong 104/Mingxian 169 were inoculated with Chinese Pst race CYR32 in a greenhouse. Shaannong 104 carried a single dominant gene, YrSN104. Six potential polymorphic SSR markers identified in bulk segregant analysis were used to genotype F(2) and F(3) families. YrSN104 was closely linked with all six SSR markers on chromosome 1BS with genetic distances of 2.0 cM (Xgwm18, Xgwm273, Xbarc187), 2.6 cM (Xgwm11, Xbarc137) and 5.9 cM (Xbarc240). Pedigree analysis, pathogenicity tests using 26 Pst races, haplotyping of associated markers on isogenic lines carrying known stripe rust resistance genes, and associations with markers suggested that YrSN104 was a new resistance gene or an allele at the Yr24/Yr26 locus on chromosome 1BS. Deployment of YrSN104 singly or in combination to elite genotypes could play an effective role to lessen yield losses caused by stripe rust.  相似文献   

Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks.), stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. tritici Eriks.) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) cause major production losses in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). The objective of this research was to identify and map leaf, stripe and stem rust resistance loci from the French cultivar Sachem and Canadian cultivar Strongfield. A doubled haploid population from Sachem/Strongfield and parents were phenotyped for seedling reaction to leaf rust races BBG/BN and BBG/BP and adult plant response was determined in three field rust nurseries near El Batan, Obregon and Toluca, Mexico. Stripe rust response was recorded in 2009 and 2011 nurseries near Toluca and near Njoro, Kenya in 2010. Response to stem rust was recorded in field nurseries near Njoro, Kenya, in 2010 and 2011. Sachem was resistant to leaf, stripe and stem rust. A major leaf rust quantitative trait locus (QTL) was identified on chromosome 7B at Xgwm146 in Sachem. In the same region on 7B, a stripe rust QTL was identified in Strongfield. Leaf and stripe rust QTL around DArT marker wPt3451 were identified on chromosome 1B. On chromosome 2B, a significant leaf rust QTL was detected conferred by Strongfield, and at the same QTL, a Yr gene derived from Sachem conferred resistance. Significant stem rust resistance QTL were detected on chromosome 4B. Consistent interactions among loci for resistance to each rust type across nurseries were detected, especially for leaf rust QTL on 7B. Sachem and Strongfield offer useful sources of rust resistance genes for durum rust breeding.  相似文献   

Stripe rust and leaf rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Erikss. and P. triticina, respectively, are devastating fungal diseases of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64 has maintained acceptable adult-plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew for more than 10?years. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci/locus (QTL) for resistance to the two rusts in a population of 179 doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from Bainong 64?×?Jingshuang 16. The DH lines were planted in randomized complete blocks with three replicates at four locations. Stripe rust tests were conducted using a mixture of currently prevalent P. striiformis races, and leaf rust tests were performed with P. triticina race THTT. Leaf rust severities were scored two or three times, whereas maximum disease severities (MDS) were recorded for stripe rust. Using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, five independent loci for APR to two rusts were detected. The QTL on chromosomes 1BL and 6BS contributed by Bainong 64 conferred resistance to both diseases. The loci identified on chromosomes 7AS and 4DL had minor effects on stripe rust response, whereas another locus, close to the centromere on chromosome 6BS, had a significant effect only on leaf rust response. The loci located on chromosomes 1BL and 4DL also had significant effects on powdery mildew response. These were located at the same positions as the Yr29/Lr46 and Yr46/Lr67 genes, respectively. The multiple disease resistance locus for APR on chromosome 6BS appears to be new. All three genes and their closely linked molecular markers could be used in breeding wheat cultivars with durable resistance to multiple diseases.  相似文献   

Z X Shi  X M Chen  R F Line  H Leung  C R Wellings 《Génome》2001,44(4):509-516
The Yr9 gene, which confers resistance to stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici (P. s. tritici) and originated from rye, is present in many wheat cultivars. To develop molecular markers for Yr9, a Yr9 near-isogenic line, near-isogenic lines with nine other Yr genes, and the recurrent wheat parent 'Avocet Susceptible' were evaluated for resistance in the seedling stage to North American P s. tritici races under controlled temperature in the greenhouse. The resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique was used to identify molecular markers for Yr9. The BC7:F, and BC7:F3 progeny, which were developed by backcrossing the Yr9 donor wheat cultivar Clement with 'Avocet Susceptible', were evaluated for resistance to stripe rust races. Genomic DNA was extracted from 203 BC7:F2 plants and used for cosegregation analysis. Of 16 RGAP markers confirmed by cosegregation analysis, 4 were coincident with Yr9 and 12 were closely linked to Yr9 with a genetic distance ranging from 1 to 18 cM. Analyses of nullitetrasomic 'Chinese Spring' lines with the codominant RGAP marker Xwgp13 confirmed that the markers and Yr9 were located on chromosome 1B. Six wheat cultivars reported to have 1B/1R wheat-rye translocations and, presumably, Yr9, and two rye cultivars were inoculated with four races of P. s. tritici and tested with 9 of the 16 RGAP markers. Results of these tests indicate that 'Clement', 'Aurora', 'Lovrin 10', 'Lovrin 13', and 'Riebesel 47/51' have Yr9 and that 'Weique' does not have Yr9. The genetic information and molecular markers obtained from this study should be useful in cloning Yr9, in identifying germplasm that may have Yr9, and in using marker-assisted selection for combining Yr9 with other stripe rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

Over 100 genes of resistance to rust fungi: Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici, (47 Lr - leaf rust genes), P. striiformis (18 Yr - yellow rust genes) and P. graminis f. sp. tritici (41 Sr - stripe rust genes) have been identified in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its wild relatives according to recent papers. Sixteen Lr resistance genes have been mapped using restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) markers on wheat chromosomes. More than ten Lr genes can be identified in breeding materials by sequence tagged site (STS) specific markers. Gene Lrk 10, closely linked to gene Lr 10, has been cloned and its function recognized. Available markers are presented in this review. The STS, cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) and sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) markers found in the literature should be verified using Triticum spp. with different genetic background. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers for Lr resistance genes are now also available.  相似文献   

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