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Deregulated MAP kinase (MAPK) signaling plays key roles in developmental and adult disease processes, but the experimental activation of MAPK is a currently unresolved task. For the reversible induction of MAPK signaling, we generated transgenic mice harboring a tamoxifen inducible BRAFV637EERT2 fusion protein. The expression of the inducible BRAF kinase can be directed by Cre/loxP‐mediated recombination to selected cell types and enables the highly specific activation of MAPK signalling in vivo. We show that MAPK signaling can be transiently activated in the brain, liver, or kidney of BrafV637EERT2 mice by a single injection of tamoxifen. BrafV637EERT2 mice provide a new versatile tool to study disease mechanisms elicited by MAPK activation, complementing gene knockout technology that is restricted to the analysis of loss‐of‐function phenotypes. genesis 51:448–455. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Human remains from peat bogs, called "bog bodies," have yielded valuable insights into human history because of their excellent preservation of soft tissue. On the other hand, the acidic environment of the peat leads to an extensive demineralization of skeletal elements, complicating their analysis. We studied the skeleton of the bog body "Moora" dated to approximately 650 B.C. Nondestructive evaluation of the bone was made using contact X-rays, peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) analysis, multislice computed tomography (CT) and high resolution micro computed tomography (microCT) imaging. Two thousand seven hundred years in the acidic environment of the bog led to a loss of 92.7% of bone mineral density. Despite this demineralization and in contrast to other bog bodies, the spatial structure of the bones of "Moora" is exceptionally well preserved. We found Harris lines and were able to obtain the first three-dimensional data on the trabecular microstructure of the bone of a young woman from the early Iron Age.  相似文献   

This article describes the reproductive biology and developing young of Amphiura capensis, a small brooding brittle star found in the intertidal zones of Namibia and South Africa. Each month from October 2014 to September 2015, 20 specimens were collected from Mouille Point, Cape Town, South Africa, and dissected for internal examination of brooding characteristics. Disc diameters of 238 analyzed adults ranged 2.5–8.7 mm, with a mean of 6.15 mm (SD = 1.10 mm). Brooding was exhibited in 60.5% of all sampled individuals, of which 30.6% contained young of only one of six subjectively chosen size classes, 31.9% contained two size classes, and the rest (37.5%) contained more than two size classes at the same time. Young within the same bursa were commonly of the same size class, which suggests sequential brooding. However, multiple size classes of young were often present within different bursae of the same parent, which thus exhibited characteristics of both sequential and simultaneous brooding. Of 584 brooded young retrieved from dissections, an average of 2.5 (SD = 3.2) and a maximum of 14 young were recorded within a single parent. As no larval stages were observed, development was assumed to be direct. Three‐dimensional visualizations of μCT scans revealed the positions of the brooded young to be quite different from those in other species, facing with their mouths downwards instead of upwards, and not all pressed against the adult's bursal wall. Brooding occurred throughout the year, but numbers of young peaked in austral winter, coinciding with warmer water temperatures at this site. The duration of brooded development was estimated to be ~6 months, comparable with other species with similar reproductive biology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the stromal and epithelial distribution of AR, ERα and ERβ reactivities in the different accessory sex glands of elderly rats and during strong hormonal changes. Ten month old male rats were divided into six senile groups and submitted to treatment: Senile/Control group (SC); Senile/Testosterone group (ST): Senile/Estrogen group (SE); Castrated group (CA); Castrated/Testosterone group (CT); Castrated/Estrogen group (CE). After a 30-day treatment, the prostatic ventral lobe (VL), dorsal lobe (DL) and coagulating gland (CG) samples were processed for immunohistochemistry and Western Blotting. The results showed that AR immunoreactivity was characterized in the epithelium of VL and DL in senile/control rats and senile rats submitted to exogenous hormonal therapy. AR reactivity in the coagulating gland was verified predominantly in the stromal cells in the different experimental groups. ERα reactivity occurred predominantly in the stromal compartment in all accessory sex glands. In the DL and CG, ERα immunoreactivities were intense in the groups which received testosterone (ST) and estrogen (SE). ERβ immunoreactivity in the CG was verified in the stromal compartment in the different experimental groups, showing a positive response to both increased testosterone and estrogen levels. ERβ reactivity, in the DL, was intensified in the stroma of senile rats with higher serum testosterone levels, and in senile rats with increased serum estrogen levels, especially in the glandular epithelium. Thus, the results revealed different distribution pattern of steroid hormone receptors in each one of the prostatic lobes in senescence, especially in the prostate dorsal lobe and coagulating gland, which is a fundamental factor due to the fact that major prostatic diseases occur in a later period of life.  相似文献   

单配制和多配制动物社会行为有差异,这些差异可能与雌激素受体类型有关(ERs)。虽然多配制大鼠和小鼠中枢神经雌激素受体α(ERα)和β(ERβ)免疫反应在大脑的分布已有报道,单配制雄性草原田鼠中枢神经ERα的分布也有报道,但单配制田鼠ERα和(或)ERβ在雌性和雄性分布差异未见报道。本研究对雄性和雌性棕色田鼠前脑区域ERα和ERβ免疫反应(IR)细胞数量进行比较。研究结果表明:(1)免疫反应主要分布在细胞核中。 (2)ERα-IR和ERβ-IR细胞广泛分布于整个雌性和雄性前脑区域,在许多脑区表达有重叠。然而,不同受体在雌雄不同脑核中的分布数量是不同的。(3)ERα 和ERβ的分布存在性别差异。例如,雌性ERα在视前核中部(MPN),终纹床和(BNST)和杏仁内侧核(MeA)比雄性多,相反雄性ERβ在MPN和BNST比雌性多。这些研究结果可能为我们理解如何通过ERα和ERβ调节动物的社会行为,及雌性和雄性社会行为的差异提供一个重要的神经解剖学基础。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate effects of restricted calcium intake on cortical and trabecular bone density in white rats. Low Ca diet was fed for six weeks, and bone density and bone metabolism parameters were assessed in blood. This study was carried out on 12 male white rats aged 12 weeks (Sprague-Dawley; SD). These rats were bred for 1 week and randomly assigned to the standard calcium diet group (SCa group, n = 6) and the low calcium diet group (LCa group; n = 6). The SCa group was given a modified AIN-93M mineral mix (with 0.5% Ca), which was made by adding calcium to a standard AIN93 diet, and the LCa Group was fed a modified AIN-93 Mineral mix (with 0.1% Ca). Femoral BMD and BMC were measured by DEXA in each rat. After trabecular bone was separated from cortical bone, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) was measured using pQCT. Serum Ca and P levels were measured as parameters of bone metabolism, and S-ALP, S-TrACP and-Dpd levels were also measured. The results revealed no significant differences in weight, growth rate, feed consumption and feed efficiency between the two groups before and after calcium-restricted diet (p > .05). No significant differences were also observed in bone length and bone mass between the two groups (p > .05). Although bilateral femoral BMDs were not significantly different between the two groups, bilateral femoral BMCs significantly decreased in the LCa group, compared with the SCa group (p = .023, p = .047). Bilateral cortical MDs were not significantly different between the two groups, either. However, trabecular BMD significantly decreased in the LCa group, compared with the SCa group (p = .041). U-Dpd and S-TrACP levels significantly declined in the LCa group, compared to the SCa group (p = .039, p = .010). There were no significant differences in serum Ca and P levels between the two groups (p > .05). However, a significant decrease in urinary Ca level (p = .001) and a significant increase in urinary P (p = .001) were observed in the LCa group, compared to the Sca group. These findings described that six-week low calcium diet led to decreased trabecular bone density, reduced urinary excretion of Ca and increased urinary excretion of P. As a result, Ca hemeostasis can be maintained.  相似文献   

There is great interest in soy isoflavones as alternatives to endogenous estrogens not only in hormonal pathologies, but also in inflammatory, neurodegenerative diseases, and pain. We investigated the effect of the isoflavone genistein on neuropathic pain. Genistein binds estrogen receptors (ER) with higher affinity for the ERbeta particularly expressed in neuronal and immune cells. Neuropathy was induced in mice by means of chronic sciatic nerve constriction, and the subcutaneous administration of genistein from the third day after the lesion reversed pain hypersensitivity in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This effect may have been due to the activation of classical nuclear receptor and/or anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulating properties of genistein. The fact that a specific ERbeta antagonist prevented both its anti-allodynic and anti-hyperalgesic action, whereas a specific ERalpha antagonist was ineffective and a non-selective ER antagonist only reversed the anti-allodynic effect, suggests the involvement of ERbeta. Antioxidant effects are also involved as the anti-nociceptive dose reversed the increase in reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde in injured paw tissues, and increased the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes. The phytoestrogen had immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activities as it reduced peripheral and central nuclear factor-kappaB, nitric oxide system and pro-inflammatory cytokine over-activation. Taken together, our results suggest that genistein could ameliorate painful neuropathy by multiple mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hair differentiation and growth are controlled by complex reciprocal signaling between epithelial and mesenchymal cells. To better understand the requirement and molecular mechanism of BMP signaling in hair follicle development, we performed genetic analyses of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A (BMPR-IA) function during hair follicle development by using a conditional knockout approach. The conditional mutation of Bmpr1a in ventral limb ectoderm and its derivatives (epidermis and hair follicles) resulted in a lack of hair outgrowth from the affected skin regions. Mutant hair follicles exhibited abnormal morphology and lacked hair formation and pigment deposition during anagen. The timing of the hair cycle and the proliferation of hair matrix cells were also affected in the mutant follicles. We demonstrate that signaling via epithelial BMPR-IA is required for differentiation of both hair shaft and inner root sheath from hair matrix precursor cells in anagen hair follicles but is dispensable for embryonic hair follicle induction. Surprisingly, aberrant de novo hair follicle morphogenesis together with hair matrix cell hyperplasia was observed in the absence of BMPR-IA signaling within the affected skin of adult mutants. They developed hair follicle tumors from 3 months of age, indicating that inactivation of epidermal BMPR-IA signaling can lead to hair tumor formation. Taken together, our data provide genetic evidence that BMPR-IA signaling plays critical and multiple roles in controlling cell fate decisions or maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation during hair morphogenesis and growth, and implicate Bmpr1a as a tumor suppressor in skin tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Embryonic or neonatal lethality of mice with targeted disruption of critical genes preclude them from further characterization of specific roles of these genes during postnatal development and aging. In order to study the molecular roles of such genes in teeth, we generated transgenic mouse lines expressing bacteriophage Cre recombinase under the control of the mouse dentin sialophosphoprotein (dspp) gene promoter. The expression of Cre recombinase protein was mainly detected in the nucleus of the odontoblasts. The efficiency of Cre activity was analyzed by crossing the Dspp-Cre mice with ROSA26 reporter (R26R) mice. The offspring with both genotypes have shown specific deletion of intervening sequences flanked by loxP sites upstream of the reporter gene, thereby facilitating the expression of the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) gene in the teeth. The activity of beta-gal was initially observed in the odontoblasts of 1-day-old mice and increased with tooth development. Almost all of the odontoblasts have shown lacZ activity by 3 weeks of age. We could not detect Cre recombinase activity in any other cells, including ameloblasts. These studies indicate that the Dspp-Cre transgenic mice will be valuable to generate odontoblast-specific gene knockout mice so as to gain insight into the molecular roles of critical genes in the odontoblasts during dentinogenesis.  相似文献   

The classical model of 17beta-estradiol action has been traditionally described to be mediated by the estrogen receptor (ER) localized exclusively in the nucleus. However, there is increasing functional evidence for extra nuclear localization of ER. We present biochemical, immunological and molecular data supporting mitochondrial-microsomal localization of ER alpha in the C2C12 skeletal muscle cell line. We first established [(3)H]17beta estradiol binding characteristics in whole cells in culture. Specific and saturable [(3)H]17beta estradiol binding sites of high affinity were then detected in mitochondrial fractions (K(d) = 0.43 nM; B(max) = 572 fmol/mg protein). Immunocytological studies revealed that estrogen receptors mainly localize at the mitochondrial and perinuclear level. These results were also confirmed using fluorescent 17beta estradiol-BSA conjugates. The immunoreactivity did not translocate into the nucleus by 17beta-estradiol treatment. Western and Ligand blot approaches corroborated the non-classical localization. Expression and subcellular distribution of ER alpha proteins were confirmed in C2C12 cells transfected with ER alpha siRNA and by RT-PCR employing specific primers. The non-classical distribution of native pools of ER alpha in skeletal muscle cells suggests an alternative mode of ER localization/function.  相似文献   

Bone mass is controlled through a delicate balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. We show here that RNA editing enzyme adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) is critical for proper control of bone mass. Postnatal conditional knockout of Adar1 (the gene encoding ADAR1) resulted in a severe osteopenic phenotype. Ablation of the Adar1 gene significantly suppressed osteoblast differentiation without affecting osteoclast differentiation in bone. In vitro deletion of the Adar1 gene decreased expression of osteoblast-specific osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein genes, alkaline phosphatase activity, and mineralization, suggesting a direct intrinsic role of ADAR1 in osteoblasts. ADAR1 regulates osteoblast differentiation by, at least in part, modulation of osterix expression, which is essential for bone formation. Further, ablation of the Adar1 gene decreased the proliferation and survival of bone marrow stromal cells and inhibited the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells towards osteoblast lineage. Finally, shRNA knockdown of the Adar1 gene in MC-4 pre-osteoblasts reduced cyclin D1 and cyclin A1 expression and cell growth. Our results identify ADAR1 as a new key regulator of bone mass and suggest that ADAR1 functions in this process mainly through modulation of the intrinsic properties of osteoblasts (i.e., proliferation, survival and differentiation).  相似文献   

Embioptera (webspinners) are unique among insects in that juvenile and adults of both sexes spin silk. They possess spinning apparatuses in the basitarsomeres of their prothoracic legs, which they use to build galleries as habitat and protection. Embioptera are primitively social and cooperate in building the galleries. They also show sexual dimorphism that comprises modifications of the mandibles in males, the winglessness of the females and differences in the morphology of the forelegs. In the present investigation we address the correlation of spinning behaviour and sexual dimorphism in the spinning apparatus of Aposthonia ceylonica (Enderlein, 1912). To analyse spinning behaviour we conducted video observations of Ap. ceylonica in artificial habitats. We observed females and males alone as well as female-male pairs to cover possible effects of interactions between sexes. The morphology of the spinning apparatus was analysed and reconstructed using high resolution X-ray computed tomography (SRμCT). The observations show that during trials of 24 h adult males and females produce similar amounts of silk per body weight, despite the fact that adult males do not feed, perhaps due to modifications of their mandibles related to courtship that interfere with feeding. Spinning glands in males are distinctly smaller than in females in absolute values, which reflect the general size difference in females and males. Despite their smaller body size, the volumes of reservoirs of spinning glands are larger in males in relative as well as in absolute values. Together with spinning behaviour and the amount of silk production, this indicates that males produce and store gland secretions in the large reservoirs prior to their final moult for later use.  相似文献   

Bone mass increase (BMI; i.e. osteosclerosis with possible additional pachyostosis) is characteristically displayed by many Late Cretaceous squamates that adapted to shallow marine environments—plesiopelvic mosasauroids, stem‐ophidians and pachyophiids. A combined morphological and microanatomical analysis of vertebrae and, to a lesser extent, ribs of these fossil squamates provides new data about the distribution and variability of this osseous specialization in these taxa. Classical thin sections and third generation synchrotron microtomography and laminography were used for the microanatomical analysis. Following the explanation of the likely involvement of this specialization in the control of buoyancy, body trim and Carrier's constraint, new palaeoecological inferences and new hypotheses about the locomotor abilities and life environment of these organisms are produced. The taxa displaying BMI are considered to have undertaken long dives, hovering slowly and maintaining a horizontal trim, in shallow and protected water environments. Conversely, marine stem‐ophidians deprived of this specialization are regarded as slow surface swimmers able to live in more open marine environments. This study highlights the importance of microanatomical data for palaeoecological studies. It also discusses the significance of the use of this specialization as a character in phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

tNOX (ENOX2), a cancer-specific and growth-related cell surface protein with protein disulfide-thiol interchange and hydroquinone (NADH) oxidase activities was overexpressed in a transgenic mouse model. Female transgenic mice grew faster than wild type as did embryonic fibroblast cells prepared from the transgenic mice. The tissue expression of tNOX mRNA was greatest in heart, lung and liver. When these tissues were analyzed for cell size, the cells from the tissues of transgenic animals were, on average, 20% larger in surface area than cells from corresponding wild-type tissues. Also analyzed were cells of intestine, spleen and kidney in which tNOX overexpression was observed but to a lesser extent. Cell size was increased as well with intestine and kidney but less so with spleen. At the end of the study, carcass weights of the transgenic animals were greater than those of wild type. This increase in carcass weight was reflected in an increase in femur weight and thickness in both male and female transgenic mice but not in femur length. Other carcass parameters such as skin weight and body fat or body fluids were unchanged or changes were insufficient to account for the increased carcass weight. The findings are consistent with the property of tNOX observed in studies with cultured cells as contributing to the enlargement phase of cell growth.  相似文献   

The Fto gene locus has been linked to increased body weight and obesity in human population studies, but the role of the actual FTO protein in adiposity has remained controversial. Complete loss of FTO protein in mouse and of FTO function in human patients has multiple and variable effects. To determine which effects are due to the ability of FTO to demethylate mRNA, we genetically engineered a mouse with a catalytically inactive form of FTO. Our results demonstrate that FTO catalytic activity is not required for normal body composition although it is required for normal body size and viability. Strikingly, it is also essential for normal bone growth and mineralization, a previously unreported FTO function.  相似文献   

Forty-seven years ago, the parathyroid hormone (PTH) in one injection of Lilly's old bovine parathyroid extract, PTE, was found to greatly increase the 30-day survival of heavily X-irradiated rats when given from 18 h before to as long as 3 h after irradiation but no later. This was the first indication that PTH might stimulate hematopoiesis. Recent studies have confirmed the relation between PTH and hematopoiesis by showing that hPTH-(1-34)OH increases the size of the hematopoietic stem cell pool in mice. The peptide operates through a cyclic AMP-mediated burst of Jagged 1 production in osteoblastic cells lining the stem cells' niches on trabecular bone surfaces. The osteoblastic cells' Jagged 1 increases the hematopoietic stem cell pool by activating Notch receptors on attached stem cells. PTH-triggered cyclic AMP signals also directly stimulate the proliferation of the hematopoietic stem cells. However, the single PTH injection in the early experiments using PTE probably increased the survival of irradiated rats mainly by preventing the damaged hematopoietic progenitors from irreversibly initiating self-destructive apoptogenesis during the first 5 h after irradiation. It has also been shown that several daily injections of hPTH-(1-34)OH enable lethally irradiated mice to survive by stimulating the growth of transplanted normal bone marrow cells. If the osteogenic PTHs currently entering or on the verge of entering the market for treating osteoporosis can also drive hematopoiesis in humans as well as rodents, they could be potent tools for reducing the damage inflicted on bone marrow by cytotoxic cancer chemotherapeutic drugs and ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Offspring of women with diabetes are at increased risk for congenital malformations and disturbed growth compared with infants from nondiabetic pregnancies. The precise biological process behind these effects is not yet completely clarified. Previous studies have suggested that diabetic embryopathy is associated with increased level of oxidative stress and disturbed arachidonic acid metabolism. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a diabetes-like environment both in vivo and in vitro increases embryonic levels of isoprostanes and alters embryonic prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) concentration. Furthermore, we studied whether vitamin E and folic acid treatment rectify such alterations. METHODS: Embryos from diabetic and nondiabetic rats at gestational days (GDs) 10 and 11 were used. In the in vitro experiments, we used whole embryo culture, which mimics pregnancy. GD 9 embryos from nondiabetic rats were cultured for either 24 hr (corresponding to GD 10) or 48 hr (corresponding to GD 11) and exposed to 10 or 30 mM glucose concentration with or without folic acid. RESULTS: Embryos from diabetic rats and embryos cultured in a high glucose concentration showed increased malformation rates. Dietary treatment with vitamin E in vivo and supplementation of folic acid in the culture medium with 30 mM glucose in vitro decreased the malformation rate, decreased embryonic isoprostane levels, and increased PGE(2) concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes-induced oxidative stress and disturbance of PGE(2) production may contribute to the embryonic dysmorphogenesis in the offspring of diabetic rodents and, thereby, may also have a role in human diabetic embryopathy.  相似文献   

(3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) was isolated from the endogenous fungus, Fusarium oxysporum J8-1-2. Previous studies showed that (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) has anti-oestrogen properties which make it cytotoxic to ER (oestrogen receptor)-positive breast cancer cells (MCF-7) by cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis. (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) suppresses mRNA and protein expression of the ERα and oestrogen responsive genes of cyclin D1 and PR. We have investigated the interaction between (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) and ERα and followed the roles of ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase), Akt and GSK3β (glycogen synthase kinase 3β) during (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1)-induced apoptosis of MCF-7 cells. (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) competed with E2 (17β-estradiol) for ERα active sites to inhibit ERα activation. However, while ERK1/2 and Akt were activated, GSK3β was inactivated during (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1)-induced apoptosis, suggesting that this compound is indeed an anti-oestrogen agent that can also activate the survival signalling pathway. Apoptosis caused by (3R,6R)-bassiatin(1) may be related to activation of ERK.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen is one of the major drugs used for the hormonotherapy of estrogen receptor positive breast cancers. However, its therapeutic efficacy can be limited by acquired resistance and tumor recurrence can occur after several years of treatment. Tamoxifen is known as the prototypical modulator of estrogen receptors, but other targets have been identified that could account for its pharmacology. In particular, tamoxifen binds with high affinity to the microsomal antiestrogen binding site (AEBS) and inhibits cholesterol esterification at therapeutic doses. We have recently shown that the AEBS was a hetero-oligomeric complex composed of 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ(8)-Δ(7)-isomerase and 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ(7)-reductase, that binds different structural classes of ligands, including selective estrogen receptor modulators, several sigma receptor ligands, poly-unsaturated fatty acids and ring B oxysterols. We established a link between the modulation of cholesterol metabolism by tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands and their capacity to induce breast cancer cell differentiation, apoptosis and autophagy. Moreover, we showed that the AEBS carries out cholesterol-5,6-epoxide hydrolase activity and established that cholesterol-5,6-epoxide hydrolase is a new target for tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands. Finally in this review, we report on recent data from the literature showing how the modulation of cholesterol and oxysterol metabolism can be linked to the antitumor and chemopreventive properties of tamoxifen, and give new perspectives to improve the clinical outcome of the hormonotherapy of breast cancers.  相似文献   

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