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An understanding of the diversity spatial organization in plant communities provides essential information for management and conservation planning. In this study we investigated, using a multi-species approach, how plant–plant interactions determine the local structure and composition of diversity in a set of Mediterranean plant communities, ranging from semi-arid to subalpine habitats. Specifically, we evaluated the spatial pattern of diversity (i.e., diversity aggregation or segregation) in the local neighborhood of perennial plant species using the ISAR (individual species–area relationship) method. We also assessed the local pattern of beta-diversity (i.e., the spatial heterogeneity in species composition among local assemblages), including the contribution of species turnover (i.e., species replacement) and nestedness (i.e., differences in species richness) to the overall local beta-diversity. Our results showed that local diversity segregation decreased in the less productive plant communities. Also, we found that graminoids largely acted as diversity segregators, while forbs showed more diverse neighborhoods than expected in less productive study sites. Interestingly, not all shrub and dwarf shrub species aggregated diversity in their surroundings. Finally, an increase in nestedness was associated with less segregated diversity patterns in the local neighborhood of shrub species, underlining their role in creating diversity islands in less productive environmental conditions. Our results provide further insights into the effect of plant–plant interactions in shaping the structure and composition of diversity in Mediterranean plant communities, and highlight the species and groups of species that management and conservation strategies should focus on in order to prevent a loss of biodiversity.


Nearly 1400 Bacillus strains growing in the plant rhizosphere were sampled from different sites on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Forty-five of the isolates, selected due to their biocontrol activity, were genome-sequenced and their taxonomic identification revealed that they were representatives of the Bacillus subtilis species complex (20) and the Bacillus cereus group (9). Majority of the remaining strains were found closely related to Bacillus pumilus, but their average nucleotide identity based on BLAST and electronic DNA/DNA hybridization values excluded closer taxonomic identification. A total of 45 different gene clusters involved in synthesis of secondary metabolites were detected by mining the genomes of the 45 selected strains. Except eight mesophilic strains, the 37 remaining strains were found either cold-adapted or psychrophilic, able to propagate at 10°C and below (Bacillus wiedmannii NMSL88 and Bacillus sp. RJGP41). Pot experiments performed at 10°C with winter wheat seedlings revealed that cold-adapted representatives of B. pumilus, B. safensis and B. atrophaeus promoted growth of the seedlings under cold conditions, suggesting that these bacilli isolated from a cold environment are promising candidates for developing of bioformulations useful for application in sustainable agriculture under environmental conditions unfavourable for the mesophilic bacteria presently in use.  相似文献   

Studies of community assembly focus on finding rules that predict which species can become member of a plant community. Within a community, species can be categorized in two ways: functional groups classify species according to their functional traits, whereas generalized guilds group species based on their (co-)occurrence, spatial distribution and abundance patterns. This study searches for community assembly rules by testing for coherence among functional groups and generalized guilds, as well as for correlations between the individual functional traits and assembly features, in two wetland plant communities in South Africa. The classifications of functional groups and generalized guilds were not consistent. However, rhizome internode length was related to fine-scale spatial pattern, suggesting that in systems dominated by clonal species (including wetlands, where recruitment sites are strongly limited) community assembly may be strongly linked to colonization ability. Functional groups do not predict guilds in wetland plant communities, precluding their use as the basis for assembly rules. However, an explicit consideration of clonal strategies and their effect on species’ spatial patterns appears to be important for understanding community assembly in systems dominated by clonal plants.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plant species diversity and functional composition (the identity of the plant functional groups) on ecosystem stability of Stipa communities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The research work was based on a 12-year study (from 1984 to 1995) of species abundance, diversity, and primary productivity of four Stipa communities, i.e. S. baicalensis Roshev., S. grandis P. Smirn., S. krylovii Roshev., and S. klemenzii Roshev. respectively. The Shnnon-Wiener index was used as a measurement of plant diversity, while functional composition was used to differentiate the functional groups that were included in the communities. The plant species of four Stipa communities were classified into functional groups based on the differences in life forms and ecological groups, which influence their performance in resource requirements, seasonality of growth, tolerance to water stress, and life history. Plant species were classified into five functional groups based on their differences in life form, shrubs and half shrubs, perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses, forbs, annuals and biennials. Based on their differences in water requirement these species were classified into four functional groups: xerads, intermediate xerads, intermediate mesophytes, and mesophytes. The results showed: 1) Plant species diversity stabilized ecosystem processes. Shannon-Wiener index were 2.4014, 2.1720, 1.6248, 0.3543 from S. baicalensis community to S. grandis, S. krylovii and S. klemenzii community, respectively. The dynamics of the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) for a 12-year's period showed a reverse pattern, the coefficients of variation of the four communities were 21.94%, 20.63%, 29.21% and 39.72% respectively. 2) The life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity. The effects of perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses and forbs on community stability were highly significant. 3) The ecological group component of diversity was also a great determinant of the ecosystem processes. The effects of xerads, intermediate xerads, and mesophytes on community stability were also very strong.  相似文献   

AimsAlpine plants have to cope with intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation and its altitudinal changes. It has been argued that leaf UV reflectance and absorbance should play a central role in acclimation and adaptation to changes in UV radiation, but evidence is limited from high altitudinal ecosystems. In this study, we assessed whether leaf UV reflectance and leaf pigments jointly vary with altitude in alpine broadleaved herbaceous species. The primary hypothesis is that leaves with higher UV reflectance should have lower UV absorbance and/or lower contents of photosynthetic pigments.  相似文献   

Different conceptions of disturbance differ in the degree to which they appeal to mechanisms that are general and equivalent, or species‐, functional group‐, or interaction‐specific. Some concepts of disturbance, for example, predict that soil disturbances and herbivory have identical impacts on species richness via identical mechanisms (reduction in biomass and in competition). An alternative hypothesis is that the specific traits of disturbance agents (small mammals) and plants differentially affect the richness or abundance of different plant groups. We tested these hypotheses on a degu (Octodon degus) colony in central Chile. We ask whether native and non‐native forbs respond differently to degu bioturbation on runways versus herbivory on grazing lawns. We ask whether this can explain the increase in non‐native plants on degu colonies. We found that biopedturbation did not explain the locations of non‐native plants. We did not find direct evidence of grazing increasing non‐native herbs either, but a grazing effect appears to be mediated by grass, which is the dominant cover. Further, we provide supplementary evidence to support our interpretation that a key mechanism of non‐native spread is the formation of dry soil conditions on grazing lawns. Thus, ecosystem engineering (alteration of soil qualities) may be an outcome of disturbances, in which each interacts with specific plant traits, to create the observed pattern of non‐native spread in the colony. Based on these results, we propose to extend Jentsch and White (Ecology, 100, 2019, e02734) concept of combined pulse/ disturbance events to the long‐term process duality of ecosystem engineering/ disturbance.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi‐model information‐theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics, and by testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C‐S‐R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility, and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions, and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub‐sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land‐use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub‐sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.  相似文献   

The stages of the early Neolithic and the spread of agriculture in northern Italy are difficult to determine and basically still unclear, since this region was influenced by deeply different cultures coming from both the Mediterranean coasts and the Balkans. The complex interrelations due to the contributions from both cultures are reinterpreted here thanks to recent data, modifying a picture which 15 years ago was believed to be definite. According to radiocarbon chronology, the appearance of the earliest farming communities in northern Italy should be dated around 5600–5500 cal b.c. Early farmers cultivated several cereal and pulse taxa, of which the more important were Hordeum vulgare/distichum, Triticum dicoccum, T. monococcum, T. aestivum/durum/turgidum, Lens culinaris and Pisum sp. In addition they gathered many wild plants. The spread of agriculture was a rapid phenomenon and within a few centuries agriculture was established into the Alps. Little is known about the middle and late Neolithic, with the Square-mouthed pottery culture “Bocca Quadrata”, from c. 5100 cal b.c. onwards, since most of the archaeological features discovered up to the present have produced only a few plant remains. We demonstrate the introduction of poppy and a few other innovations like a slightly increased cultivation of free-threshing cereals and flax. Archaeobotanical analyses from Chalcolithic or Copper Age settlements, from c. 3500 cal b.c. onwards, are even scarcer and a comparison with the earlier Neolithic settlements does not yet seem possible.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and phylogeographical history of the alpine shrubs Sibiraea angustata (Rosaceae) and Sibiraea laevigata from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) were investigated to identify alpine plant responses to changes in the QTP and glaciations. Fifty-five populations were analyzed using four chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions and (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer) nrITS sequence data. In all, 21 cpDNA haplotypes and 13 nrITS sequence types were detected. Analyses of the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships detected two rarely reported glacial refugia. One was the Yushu–Nangqian area, and the other consisted of the area from the Songpan Plateau to the southeastern margin of the QTP. Sibiraea species populations experienced divergent evolution and founder effects when they recolonized the QTP platform and adjacent high-altitude regions following glaciations. The divergence times of the main lineages and haplotypes were in the range of 1.60–2.58 Ma. The population size of Sibiraea species in the QTP decreased approximately 23-fold during the last 0.12 Ma, indicating that Sibiraea species were significantly affected by environmental changes in the QTP. Therefore, the rapid uplift of the QTP and subsequent glaciations likely played an important role in driving genetic divergence and population size changes of Sibiraea species in the QTP.  相似文献   

A comprehensive database, containing biological and chemical information, collected in the framework of the bilateral interdisciplinary MARS project (”biological indicators of natural and man-made changes in marine and coastal waters”) during the years 1995–1997 in the coastal environment of the North Sea, was subjected to a multivariate statistical evaluation. The MARS project was designated to combine a variety of approaches and to develop a set of methods for the employment of biological indicators in pollution monitoring and environmental quality assessment. In total, nine ship cruises to four coastal sampling sites were conducted; 765 fish and 384 mussel samples were analysed for biological and chemical parameters. Additional information on the chemical background at the sampling sites was derived from sediment samples, collected at each of the four sampling sites. Based on the available chemical data in sediments and black mussel (Mytilus edulis) a pollution gradient between the selected sites, was established. The chemical body burden of flounder (Platichthys flesus) from these sites, though, did not reflect this gradient equally clear. In contrast, the biological information derived from measurements in fish samples displayed significant a regional as well as a temporal pattern. A multivariate bioindicator data matrix was evaluated employing a factor analysis model to identify relations between selected biological indicators, and to improve the understanding of a regional and temporal component in the parameter response. In a second approach, applying the k-means algorithm on the data matrix, two significantly different clusters of samples, characterised by the current health status of the fish, were extracted. Using this classification a temporal, and in the second order, a less pronounced spatial effect was evident. In particular, during July 1996, a clear sign of deteriorating environmental conditions was extracted from the biological data matrix. Received: 20 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 8 November 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

Researches about the influences of the nutritional conditions on body-height need interdisciplinary co-operation of Anthropology, History, and Dietetics. Such a team will be difficult succeed in joining. Especially interesting for human sciences are nutritional-constitutional researches on German populations in the 19th century, because in this century multifarious varieties exist within the German settlement. Author hopes, that preliminary original researches and first trends in results facilitate the joining of such an interdisciplinary team. In part I of this inquiry, the necessity for nutritional-constitutional researches are justified, problems are treated and mustering-statistics, the most important data-material, are collected for the political regions of that time from North to the kingdom Württemberg. The kingdom Württemberg of course is the political region with the most continuous data-series, but the data-material is poor on body-height-means and needs new statistical treatments. Less data are particularly available from the middle of the German settlement.  相似文献   

Aims Little information has been available on the soil nitrogen transformation process of alpine scrubland under global warming and changing climate. This study aimed at clarifying seasonal dynamics of the soil nitrate and ammonium contents and their responses to increased temperature under different plant treatments. Methods We conducted a field experiment including two plant treatments (removal- or unremoval-plant) subjected to two temperature conditions (increased temperature or control) in Sibiraea angustata scrub ecosystem on the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The contents of soil nitrate and ammonium were measured at the early, middle and late growing seasons. Important findings The results showed that soil nitrate and ammonium contents exhibited obvious seasonal dynamics. Throughout the entire growing season, the soil nitrate contents increased firstly and then decreased, while the soil ammonium contents increased continually. Particularly, in the early and middle growing season, the soil nitrate contents were significantly higher than those of ammonium, regardless of increased temperature and plant treatments; however, in the late growing season, the soil nitrate contents were significantly lower than those of ammonium. These results implied that soil nitrification was the major process of soil nitrogen transformation in the early and middle growing season; soil ammonification contributed mostly to soil nitrogen transformation in the late growing season. Furthermore, different responses of soil nitrate and ammonium contents to increased temperature and plant removal treatments were observed at the different stages in the growing season. The effects of increased temperature on soil nitrate contents mainly occurred in the middle and late growing season, but the effects varied with plant treatments. Increased temperature only significantly increased soil ammonium contents in the unremoval-plant plots during the middle growing season. The effects of plant treatments on soil nitrate contents only occurred in the control plots (controlled temperature). Plant removal only increased soil nitrate contents in the early and middle growing season, but significantly decreased soil nitrate contents in the late growing season. Plant removal significantly decreased soil ammonium contents in the increased temperature plots during the middle growing season. Probably, in the early and middle growing season, scrub vegetation mainly absorbed soil nitrate and the absorption process was not affected by increased temperature. These results would increase our understanding of the soil nitrogen cycling process in these alpine scrub ecosystems under global warming and changing climate. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In natural forests, hundreds of fungal species colonize plant roots. The preference or specificity for partners in these symbiotic relationships is a key to understanding how the community structures of root‐associated fungi and their host plants influence each other. In an oak‐dominated forest in Japan, we investigated the root‐associated fungal community based on a pyrosequencing analysis of the roots of 33 plant species. Of the 387 fungal taxa observed, 153 (39.5%) were identified on at least two plant species. Although many mycorrhizal and root‐endophytic fungi are shared between the plant species, the five most common plant species in the community had specificity in their association with fungal taxa. Likewise, fungi displayed remarkable variation in their association specificity for plants even within the same phylogenetic or ecological groups. For example, some fungi in the ectomycorrhizal family Russulaceae were detected almost exclusively on specific oak (Quercus) species, whereas other Russulaceae fungi were found even on “non‐ectomycorrhizal” plants (e.g., Lyonia and Ilex). Putatively endophytic ascomycetes in the orders Helotiales and Chaetothyriales also displayed variation in their association specificity and many of them were shared among plant species as major symbionts. These results suggest that the entire structure of belowground plant–fungal associations is described neither by the random sharing of hosts/symbionts nor by complete compartmentalization by mycorrhizal type. Rather, the colonization of multiple types of mycorrhizal fungi on the same plant species and the prevalence of diverse root‐endophytic fungi may be important features of belowground linkage between plant and fungal communities.  相似文献   

Summary Several factors influencing the steroiddehydrogenase histochemistry were investigated: diffusion of enzyme; inactivation of enzyme; effects of the steroid solvents commonly used; the validity in localization of the enzyme activity; nothing dehydrogenase reaction. 1. The importance in controlling the diffusion of each enzyme system to be studied is emphasized. Provided that the presence of SH-groups in the active centre of the dehydrogenase can be proved, a control experiment using a double-section incubation method should be carried out. 2. A comparison between the use of unfixed and briefly prefixed sections is recommended in order to avoid a possible distortion of the tissue during the incubation. The influence of prefixation on diffusion of enzymes or reaction products as well as on inactivation of enzymes must be studied. 3. The steroid solvents—especially dimethyl formamide caused a morphological distortion, and an inactivation and/or extraction of reaction products (the red monoformazan) in fresh frozen sections, these solvents should therefore be handled with caution. A special mixture of dimethyl formamide and propylene glycol is recommended. 4. The steroid should be completely soluble in the incubation medium in order to secure zero order kinetics. 5. Avoidance of sulphydryl nothing dehydrogenase reaction, since the reaction predominantly manifests itself as a red formazan obscuring sites with low dehydrogenase activity. 6. The localization of the NAD(P)H oxidase systems must be controlled, in order to ensure that they should not be a limiting factor in the detection of the dehydrogenase activity. Secondly, this investigation may act as a control on diffusion of dehydrogenase and/or reduced coenzyme. 7. That the investigation of the incubation time needed for initial visual reaction allows a certain quantitative estimation of the concentration of enzyme localized at different sites in the same section. The investigation should also include the red formazan, since it has recently been proved to be an intermediary step in the enzymic reduction of Nitro BT, and as such may reflect sites with low enzyme concentration.Further, some of the functional aspects of the activity of 11-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenaseNAD(P)H oxidase systems in the thymus were discussed, and lastly the localization of these systems in the kidney was revised.This work was supported by a grant from Statens almindelige Videnskabsfond, Copenhagen.  相似文献   

Interheme electrostatic interaction can explain the acceleration of the electron transfer (ET) rate from the highest potential heme (C38o) to the photooxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P+) which takes place after the reduction of neighbouring heme(s) of the cytochrome subunit in the reaction center of Rps. viridis. The electrostatic interaction energies calculated for neighbouring hemes, 7.0 Å apart (edge-to-edge), and for two high potential hemes, 21.5 Å apart are found to be 0.110 eV and 0.040 eV respectively. The reorganisation energy of the C380-P+ transition of about 0.290±0.030 eV is calculated using the Marcus theory of electron tunneling. An empirical relation for the rate of ET is given. The low temperature restriction of the C380-+ transition is caused by an energetic inhibition which originates from an opposite shifting of the energy levels of C380 and P+ due to the freezing of protein dynamics and protein-bound water mobility. The freezing of the protein dynamics is revealed by the Mössbauer effect and correlates with the efficiency of the ET.Abbreviations RC reaction center - P+ cation-radical of bacteriochlorophyll dimer - C380, C20, C310, C–60, hemes indexed by the values of their individual redox potentials (in mV) - ET electron transfer  相似文献   

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