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Avila  Marcela  Otaíza  Ricardo  Norambuena  Ricardo  Nuñez  Mario 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):245-252
The present paper describes growth dynamics in a natural bed of the resource luga negra (Sarcothalia crispata) in Guapilinao, southern Chile (41°57 S, 73°31 W). This resource is currently harvested and exported as raw material for the production of carrageenan. Seasonal variation in biomass, frond size, density and phenology was determined by periodic sampling. Natural recruitment was evaluated on different substrata added to the field; at the same time, substrata were inoculated under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that luga negra has seasonal growth: biomass increased from a minimum in spring to a maximum in mid to late summer. On the other hand, density was minimal in winter (200 ind. m–2) and increased to 2000 ind. m–2 in late spring. Peak abundance of mature tetrasporic fronds occurred in late summer, whereas that of cystocarpic fronds occurred in winter. Recruitment began in summer and extended into winter. Survival on different substrata were compared. Gametophytes had better survival rates on clam shells and 5 mm rope while tetrasporophytes had the best survival rate on clam shells and secondarily on boulders.  相似文献   

Callophyllis variegata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) is an edible species used in salads and soups in Asian countries. Research into its early stages and growth is required to develop cultivation. This study evaluated the effect of temperature and photoperiod on viability and germination in the laboratory and, subsequently, growth in the sea. Carpospores collected during different seasons from the localities of Chauman (41°47′S) and Puñihuil (41°55′S), in southern Chile, were grown in Provasoli medium at 10 and 15 °C. After 7 days, viability was higher in the photoperiod of 16:08 h (light/darkness) and 10 °C, while germination was higher at 15 °C in the same photoperiod. Viability was over 65 % in both localities in winter and spring, and germination was 74.6 and 87.5 %, respectively. Daily growth rates in the laboratory fluctuated between 2 and 10 %. Tetrasporophytic juveniles settled on cotton nets were grown on long lines at 3.5 m deep in the sea for 8 months. Growth and density of fronds were evaluated monthly. Epiphytic seaweeds such as Ulva sp. and Polysiphonia sp. were observed on the nets. C. variegata fronds grew up to approximately 8 cm, and the final density was between 10 and 40 ind/10 cm. A preliminary evaluation of culture costs is also presented.  相似文献   


The occurrence of extensive populations of the carrageenophyte Solieria filiformis in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Italy, Ionian Sea) has prompted this review of the literature on the subject. S. filiformis is a subtidal alga that inhabits both sheltered and exposed habitats. Interpretation of the literature leads us to classify it as an euryecious species showing high tolerance of a broad range of temperature, irradiance and salinity. S. filiformis grows in both the attached form capable of sexual reproduction and unattached only capable of vegetative propagation. The morphology of both forms as well as of the reproductive organs have been studied in detail. Laboratory and tank cultures are being carried out to estimate growth rates and elucidate its physiological ecology. For the Mediterranean specimens fast-growing strains have been selected and the optimal growth conditions have been established. S. filiformis is a potential candidate for cultivation because of the high quality of its carregeenan and the modest requirements of its thallus.  相似文献   

The use of a range of modern analytical techniques has facilitated the structural characterisation of the polysaccharide from the New Zealand endemic red alga, Callophyllis hombroniana. The native polysaccharide contains a number of structural units with the largest proportion consisting of 3-linked beta-D-galactopyranosyl 2-sulfate units, alternating with 4-linked 3,6-anhydro-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl 2-sulfate units, that is, theta-carrageenan (36 mol%). C. hombroniana is the first red seaweed reported to naturally contain such a large proportion of theta-carrageenan.  相似文献   

Kappaphycus alvarezii which is endemic to the Indo-Pacific region is the main raw material for kappa carrageenan production. A seedling that was cultivated in Japan (originally from the Philippines) was introduced in a trial, for aquaculture purpose, in 1995, in São Paulo State, southeastern region of Brazil. It was later introduced in Santa Catarina State, in Southern Brazil. In 1998, another seedling that was brought from Venezuela, also originally from the Philippines, was commercially introduced at Ilha Grande Bay and later on at Sepetiba Bay, both in Rio de Janeiro State. The aim of this study was to characterize 21 samples from different farms (Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina States) and verify if they are K. alvarezii or other species. Based on the intergenic spacer cox2-3 sequences, phylogenetic relationships were inferred through neighbor joining, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. The topology of the trees suggests that all samples from the different farms form a monophyletic group of K. alvarezii. Statistical analysis of the cox2-3 marker calculated with median-joining network showed 38 variable positions defining 15 haplotypes for the studied samples of Kappaphycus. The most frequent K. alvarezii haplotype grouped the samples cultivated worldwide with the Brazilian samples. These results are important for better productivity and are environmentally desirable for introduction purposes since the species introduced is known and will help focusing the research on this species. This knowledge can be of assistance to the government in setting up environmental and cultivation protocols to achieve sustainability in macroalgae aquaculture.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundances of phototrophic picoplankton (PP) and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in Lake Biwa were studied from 1994 to 1998. Seasonal variation in cell volume and biomass of the phototrophic picoplankton were also studied. PP were counted using disposable glass microscopic plates, which gave superior accuracy to sample filtration onto membrane filters. Phycoerythrin-rich rod-shaped cyanobacteria (PEC), one of the major components of the picoplankton community, were sparse (about 104 cells ml –1) in winter and began to increase in April. Several PEC peaks were observed during the period of thermal stratification, and a rapid fall took place after October or November. In the northern basin, PEC peaked during late June and early July in 3 of the 5 years, and in late summer in the remaining years. Phycocyanin-rich rod-shaped cyanobacteria (PCC) were abundant in the southern basin and were present in smaller numbers in the eutrophic nearshore area of the northern basin; they peaked several times during the period from July to October. Seasonal variations of these two kinds of picoplankton were correlated with seasonal changes in water temperature. Phycoerythrin-rich cylinder-shaped cyanobacteria exhibited narrow peaks in July, their abundance declining as the year progressed. The density of heterotrophic nanoflagellates was greatest in early spring. Average cell volume of PEC was largest in winter, then decreased gradually to a minimum in late summer; after the fall, it recovered to the winter cell volume. This change can likely be attributed to the depletion of nitrogen in the warmer seasons.  相似文献   

In the Seno de Reloncaví, southern Chile, seasonal changes in dry weight (DW) and elemental composition (CHN) were studied in embryo (initial embryonic stage), newly hatched zoeae, and newly settled megalopae of a porcelain crab, Petrolisthes laevigatus. Samples were taken throughout the seasons of egg laying (March-December), hatching (August-February), and settlement (October–February). Values of DW and CHN per embryo or larva, respectively, were consistently minimum in the middle of each season and maximum near its beginning and end. Patterns of seasonal variation in early embryonic biomass may thus be carried over to larvae at hatching and, possibly, to the settlement stage. Such carry-over effects may be selectively advantageous, as zoeae released at the beginning or near the end of the hatching season face conditions of poor planktonic food availability in combination with low winter temperatures or decreasing temperatures at the end of summer (enforcing long development duration). Hence, an enhanced female energy allocation into egg production may subsequently translate to enhanced yolk reserves remaining at hatching, allowing for a larval development under unfavourable winter conditions. In summer, by contrast, plankton productivity and temperatures are generally high, allowing for fast larval growth and development. This coincides with minimal biomass and energy contents both at hatching and settlement. In conclusion, our data suggest that seasonal patterns in the biomass of early developmental stages of P. laevigatus may reflect phenotypic variability as an adaptive response to predictable variations in environmental conditions, allowing this species to reproduce in temperate regions with marked seasonality in water temperature and plankton productivity.  相似文献   


The life cycle of the Batrachospermales (freshwater florideophyte red such as Batrachospermum, Lemanea) is a shortened variant of the ‘normal’ marine florideophyte life cycle. The perennial Chantransia diploid phase is microscopic and encrusting. Each winter it produces one or more semi-erect haploid gametophytes by vegetative meiosis. Gamete production and fertilization is followed by production of diploid carposporophytes; these produce diploid carpospores which disperse, and regenerate the Chantransia phase. The question of the extent to which the Chantransia phase contributes resources to the gametophyte was approached by physiological-hydrodynamic modelling. These computations suggest that the photosynthetic rates in situ on an area basis are 20 times greater for the gametophyte than the Chantransia phase; this agrees with the observed ratios of peak biomass. The conclusion is that the Chantransia phase has a negligible role in provisioning the growing gametophyte, and that the role of the Chantransia phase is to occupy space with living biomass throughout the year, including exposure at summer drawdown, and (perhaps) by dispersal via production of monospores. A similar conclusion is arrived at on the basis of biomass data for the role of the perennial ‘mushroom’ phase of the semelparous marine Fucalean brown alga Himanthalia elongata in relation to the short-lived but much larger reproductive receptacles.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ice-ice disease in farmedKappaphycus spp. has tremendous implication on thecarrageenan industry in the Philippines. To elucidate the effect of thisdiseaseon the carrageenan quality, the chemical profile of carrageenan extracted fromhealthy and diseased Kappaphycus striatumsacol strain, was investigated using 13C and1H NMR, FT-IR and GPC methods of analysis. The native carrageenanextracts were composed predominantly of kappa carrageenan with trace amounts ofiota and 6-O-methylated carrageenan. Structural evidence indicatesdepolymerization of carrageenan from the ice-ice infectedportion of the thallus (whitish and soft part) lowered levels of iota andmethylconstituents. This finding was correlated to its low number average molecularweight (30 kDa) value. Accordingly, appreciable decreases incarrageenan yield, gel strength and viscosity and increase in syneresis indexwere noted. On the other hand, archetype quality of kappa-carrageenan wasobserved from both healthy and uninfected portion of the diseased thalli.  相似文献   

Capsule: The diet of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus is variable and comprises the most available prey at a given time of the season. We found no evidence for a relationship between diet and land-use in the core foraging zone.

Aims: We investigated whether the diet of the Montagu’s Harrier reflects the available prey and how it changes across the breeding season and in relation to land-use.

Methods: We analysed pellets collected at nests between 2007 and 2011. We looked for nonlinear patterns in the occurrence of prey categories in the pellets as a nonlinear function of the Julian date. Moreover, we tested whether the diet is affected by land-use within a radius of 2299 m from the nest.

Results: Four thousand four hundred and sixty-five prey items were found in 880 pellets and 76 prey remains collected at 63 sites. The diet did not depend on the land-use structure but showed a significant temporal variation.

Conclusions: The diet of the Montagu’s Harrier follows the availability of the prey in the foraging habitat. We conclude that the type of land-use in the vicinity of the nesting habitat has a rather weak effect on the diet of the Montagu’s Harrier.  相似文献   

Apple exhibits gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) that is controlled by the multiallelic S-locus. This S-locus encodes polymorphicS ribonuclease (S-RNase) for the pistil-part 5 determinant. Information aboutS-genotypes is important when selecting pollen donors for fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. We determined the 5-genotypes of ‘Charden’ (S2S3S4), ‘Winesap’ (S1S28), ‘York Imperial’ (S2S31), ‘Stark Earliblaze’ (S1S28), and ‘Burgundy’ (S20S32), byS-RNase sequencing and S-allele-specific PCR analysis. Two newS-RNases, S31 and S32, were also identified from ‘York Imperial’ and ‘Burgundy’, respectively. These newS-alleles contained the conserved eight cysteine residues and two histidine residues essential for RNase activity. Whereas S31 showed high similarity to S20 (94%), S32 exhibited 58% (to S24) to 76% (to S25) similarity in the exon regions. We designed newS-allele-specific primers for amplifying S31- and S32-RNasc-specific fragments; these can serve as specific gene markers. We also rearranged the apple S-allele numbers containing those newS-RNases. They should be useful, along with anS-RNase-based PCR system, in determining S-genotypes and analyzing new alleles from apple cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary A wide range of phenotypic variation occurred among protoplast — derived plants of tetraploid potato cultivar Bintje. The variant plants had alterations in growth and vigour, and in leaf and stem characteristics. The results suggest that the altered morphologies are caused predominantly by changes in ploidy levels. Some alterations could be attributed typically to octoploidy and aneuploidy. The occurrence of mixoploidy indicates that at least part of the observed variation arose during culture stage. The exogeneous cytokinin or auxin level and their combination during in vitro phase influenced the frequency of the variants observed. The origin of variation is discussed.  相似文献   

Population density (number of propagules/l) of Pythium in the irrigation water has been studied in the reservoirs of the Poniente Almeriense (Almería, Spain). These reservoirs are habitually used in the watering of the greenhouse crops of the district. From October 1994 to August 1997, 17 sampling campaigns were carried out, 23 reservoirs were visited and three of them were sampled during three years. 300 ml of superficial water were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory by means of filtration with paper Whatman number 1, placed on Ponchet selective medium and incubated at 20 degrees C. Data of the physical-chemical characteristics of the water (temperature, pH, CE, anions and cations) were taken. The geographical and seasonal distributions of the population were correlated with the analyzed characteristics. The more frequent densities were among 0-100 propagules/l. A population's seasonality was observed, with a maximum in winter and a minimum in summer. When Cl- concentration was higher, the number of propagules/l was smaller.  相似文献   

Summary The transmission of variation from protoplast-derived plants of tetraploid potato cultivar Bintje to tuber progeny was examined. The morphological alterations of a majority of the variant protoclones were transmitted to corresponding tuber progeny. Some of the normal and variant protoclones gave new phenotypes, or segregated into parental and new phenotypes after vegetative propagation. The ploidy levels of almost all these clones remained unchanged after propagation. It was concluded that the occurrence of variation after vegetative propagation was due to somatic segregation of chimeras resulting from gene mutations or chromosome structural rearrangements in only part of the regenerated plant. The origin of variation is discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Three species of diatoms, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve, Thalassiosira gravida Cleve, and T. pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, were grown in in situ dialysis culture in the Trondheimsfjord at depths of 0.5 and 4 m. The rates of growth and the chemical composition of exponentially growing cells were monitored and related to seasonal changes in illumination and temperature. Functions correlating growth rate with temperature were deduced. Growth took place from February to November. During this period temperature ranged from ?1 to 16°C, the average photon flux density (ifI) (per 24 h) from 9 to 570 μE · m?2 · s?1 (0.5 m depth), and the length of the days (I > 1 μE · m?2 · s?1) from 6 to 24 h. Light-limited growth was evident when the product of the average daily light and the chlorophyll/N ratio was < 10; this occurred mostly in early spring and late autumn. Peak densities (> 800 for the Thalassiosira spp. and > 1300–1400 μE · m?2 · s?1 for Skeletonema) seem to inhibit growth. The highest rates recorded were ≈1.6 doubl. · day?1 (July, 15–16°C).The three species exhibit different ecological behaviour. Skeletonema is eurythermal (Q10 = 1.8), whereas Thalassiosira pseudonana favours high temperatures, and T. gravida temperatures < 10°C. Moreover, Skeletonema has generally less chlorophyll and more phosphorus and ATP (≈ 1.4 ×) than the other two species. In Skeletonema, the ATP level seems related to the light-governed growth rate, and independent of temperature. In Thalassiosira no such correlation was found.  相似文献   


The larva and pupa of Notonesius aucklandicus Kuschel, living in saturated peat soil on the Auckland Islands, some 500 km south of New Zealand, are described and figured. The ‘rat-tail’ type of aquatic adaptation in the larva appears to be unique among Coleoptera, although an evolutionary progression towards it can be traced among Indian weevils.  相似文献   

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