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Petasiphenol, a bio-antimutagen isolated from a Japanese vegetable, Petasites japonicus, selectively inhibits the activities of mammalian DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) in vitro. The compound did not influence the activities of replicative DNA polymerases such as alpha, delta, and epsilon but also showed no effect even on the pol beta activity, the three-dimensional structure of which is thought to be highly similar to pol lambda. The inhibitory effect of petasiphenol on intact pol lambda including the BRCA1 C-terminus (BRCT) domain was dose-dependent, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 7.8 microM. The petasiphenol-induced inhibition of the pol lambda activity was noncompetitive with respect to both the DNA template-primer and the dNTP substrate. Petasiphenol did not only inhibit the activity of the truncated pol lambda including the pol beta-like core, in which the BRCT motif was deleted in its N-terminal region. BIAcore analysis demonstrated that petasiphenol bound selectively to the N-terminal domain of pol lambda but did not bind to the C-terminal region. On the basis of these results, the pol lambda inhibitory mechanism of petasiphenol is discussed.  相似文献   

A new gene (POLL) encoding a novel DNA polymerase (Pol lambda) has been identified at mouse chromosome 19. Murine Pol lambda, consisting of 573 amino acid residues, has a 32% identity to Pol beta, involved in nuclear DNA repair in eukaryotic cells. It is interesting that Pol lambda contains all the critical residues involved in DNA binding, nucleotide binding and selection, and catalysis of DNA polymerization, that are conserved in Pol beta and other DNA polymerases belonging to family X. Murine Pol lambda, overproduced in Escherichia coli, displayed intrinsic DNA polymerase activity when assessed by in situ gel analysis. Pol lambda also conserves the critical residues of Pol beta required for its intrinsic deoxyribose phosphate lyase (dRPase) activity. The first 230 amino acid residues of Pol lambda, that have no counterpart in Pol beta, contain a BRCT domain, present in a variety of cell-cycle check-point control proteins responsive to DNA damage and proteins involved in DNA repair. Northern blotting, in situ hybridization analysis and immunostaining showed high levels of Pol lambda specifically expressed in testis, being developmentally regulated and mainly associated to pachytene spermatocytes. These first evidences, although indirect, suggest a potential role of Pol lambda in DNA repair synthesis associated with meiosis.  相似文献   

Tocotrienols, vitamin E compounds that have an unsaturated side chain with three double bonds, selectively inhibited the activity of mammalian DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) in vitro. These compounds did not influence the activities of replicative pols such as alpha, delta, and epsilon, or even the activity of pol beta which is thought to have a very similar three-dimensional structure to the pol beta-like region of pol lambda. Since delta-tocotrienol had the strongest inhibitory effect among the four (alpha- to delta-) tocotrienols, the isomer's structure might be an important factor in the inhibition of pol lambda. The inhibitory effect of delta-tocotrienol on both intact pol lambda (residues 1-575) and a truncated pol lambda lacking the N-terminal BRCA1 C-terminus (BRCT) domain (residues 133-575, del-1 pol lambda) was dose-dependent, with 50% inhibition observed at a concentration of 18.4 and 90.1microM, respectively. However, del-2 pol lambda (residues 245-575) containing the C-terminal pol beta-like region was unaffected. Tocotrienols also inhibited the proliferation of and formation of tubes by bovine aortic endothelial cells, with delta-tocotrienol having the greatest effect. These results indicated that tocotrienols targeted both pol lambda and angiogenesis as anti-cancer agents. The relationship between the inhibition of pol lambda and anti-angiogenesis by delta-tocotrienol was discussed.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta: a second eukaryotic DNA replicase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the past few years significant progress has been made in our understanding of the structure and function of the proteins involved in eukaryotic DNA replication. Data from several laboratories suggest that, in contrast to prokaryotic DNA replication, two distinct DNA polymerases are required for eukaryotic DNA replication, i.e. DNA polymerase delta for the synthesis of the leading strand and DNA polymerase alpha for the lagging strand. Several accessory proteins analogous to prokaryotic replication factors have been identified and some of these are specific for pol delta whereas others affect both DNA replicases. The replicases and their accessory proteins appear to be highly conserved in eukaryotes, as homologous proteins have been found in species ranging from humans to yeast.  相似文献   

Beard WA  Wilson SH 《Mutation research》2000,460(3-4):231-244
DNA polymerase beta, the smallest eukaryotic DNA polymerase, is designed to synthesize DNA in short DNA gaps during DNA repair. It is composed of two specialized domains that contribute essential enzymatic activities to base excision repair (BER). Its amino-terminal domain possesses a lyase activity necessary to remove the 5'-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) intermediate generated during BER. Removal of the dRP moiety is often the rate-limiting step during BER. Failure to remove this group may initiate alternate BER pathways. The larger polymerase domain has nucleotidyl transferase activity. This domain has a modular organization with sub-domains that bind duplex DNA, catalytic metals, and the correct nucleoside triphosphate in a template-dependent manner. X-ray crystal structures of DNA polymerase beta, with and without bound substrates, has inferred that domain, sub-domain, and substrate conformational changes occur upon ligand binding. Many of these conformational changes are distinct from those observed in structures of other DNA polymerases. This review will examine the structural aspects of DNA polymerase beta that facilitate its role in BER.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda is a member of the X family of polymerases that is implicated in non-homologous end-joining of double-strand breaks in DNA and in base excision repair of DNA damage. To better understand the roles of DNA polymerase lambda in these repair pathways, here we review its structure and biochemical properties, with emphasis on its gap-filling polymerization activity, its dRP lyase activity and its unusual DNA synthetic (in)fidelity.  相似文献   

5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural (HMF), a pyrolysate of carbohydrate isolated from instant coffee (Coffea arabica L.), selectively inhibits the activities of mammalian DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) which are family X pols, in vitro. The compound influenced neither the activities of replicative DNA polymerases such as alpha, delta, and epsilon, nor even the activity of pol beta which is from the same family and thought to have a very similar three-dimensional structure to the pol beta-like region of pol lambda. Since parts of HMF such as furan, furfuryl alcohol, and 2-furaldehyde did not influence the activities of any enzymes tested, the substituted form of furan with a hyroxymethyl group and a formyl group might be important for the inhibition of pol lambda and TdT. The inhibitory effect of HMF on intact pol lambda (i.e., residues 1-575), a truncated pol lambda lacking the N-terminal BRCA1 C-terminus domain (133-575, del-1 pol lambda) and another truncated pol lambda lacking the N-terminal proline-rich region (245-575, del-2 pol lambda) was dose-dependent, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 26.1, 10.3, and 4.6 microM, respectively. The IC(50) value of HMF for TdT was the same as that for del-2 pol lambda (5.5 microM). The HMF-induced inhibition of both pol lambda and TdT activities was competitive with respect to both the DNA template-primer and the dNTP substrate. On the basis of these results, HMF was suggested to bind to the pol beta-like region of pol lambda and TdT.  相似文献   

Hymenoic acid (1) is a natural compound isolated from cultures of a fungus, Hymenochaetaceae sp., and this structure was determined by spectroscopic analyses. Compound 1 is a novel sesquiterpene, trans-4-[(1′E,5′S)-5′-carboxy-1′-methyl-1′-hexenyl]cyclohexanecarboxylic acid. This compound selectively inhibited the activity of human DNA polymerase λ (pol λ) in vitro, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 91.7 μM. Compound 1 did not influence the activities of the other seven mammalian pols (i.e., pols , γ, δ, ε, η, ι, and κ), but also showed no effect even on the activity of pol β, which is thought to have a very similar three-dimensional structure to the pol β-like region of pol λ. This compound also did not inhibit the activities of prokaryotic pols and other DNA metabolic enzymes tested. These results suggested that compound 1 could be a selective inhibitor of eukaryotic pol λ. This compound had no inhibitory activities against two N-terminal truncated pol λ, del-1 pol λ (lacking nuclear localization signal (NLS), BRCA1 C-terminus (BRCT) domain [residues 133–575]), and del-2 pol λ (lacking NLS, BRCT, domain and proline-rich region [residues 245–575]). The compound 1-induced inhibition of intact pol λ activity was non-competitive with respect to both the DNA template-primer and the dNTP substrate. On the basis of these results, the pol λ inhibitory mechanism of compound 1 is discussed.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mismatch extension by human DNA polymerase lambda   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
DNA polymerase lambda (Pol λ) is one of several DNA polymerases suggested to participate in base excision repair (BER), in repair of broken DNA ends and in translesion synthesis. It has been proposed that the nature of the DNA intermediates partly determines which polymerase is used for a particular repair reaction. To test this hypothesis, here we examine the ability of human Pol λ to extend mismatched primer-termini, either on ‘open’ template-primer substrates, or on its preferred substrate, a 1 nt gapped-DNA molecule having a 5′-phosphate. Interestingly, Pol λ extended mismatches with an average efficiency of ≈10−2 relative to matched base pairs. The match and mismatch extension catalytic efficiencies obtained on gapped molecules were ≈260-fold higher than on template-primer molecules. A crystal structure of Pol λ in complex with a single-nucleotide gap containing a dG·dGMP mismatch at the primer-terminus (2.40 Å) suggests that, at least for certain mispairs, Pol λ is unable to differentiate between matched and mismatched termini during the DNA binding step, thus accounting for the relatively high efficiency of mismatch extension. This property of Pol λ suggests a potential role as a ‘mismatch extender’ during non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), and possibly during translesion synthesis.  相似文献   

A new gene (POLL), has been identified encoding the novel DNA polymerase lambda and mapped to mouse chromosome 19 and at human chromosome 10. DNA polymerase lambda contains all the critical residues involved in DNA binding, nucleotide binding, nucleotide selection, and catalysis of DNA polymerization and has been assigned to family X based on sequence homology with polymerase beta, lambda, mu, and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase. Here we describe a purification of DNA polymerase lambda from calf thymus that preferentially can replicate damaged DNA. By testing polymerase activity on non-damaged and damaged DNA, DNA polymerase lambda was purified trough five chromatographic steps to near homogeneity and identified as a 67-kDa polypeptide that cross-reacted with monoclonal antibodies against DNA polymerase beta and polyclonal antibodies against DNA polymerase lambda. DNA polymerase lambda had no detectable nuclease activities and, in contrast to DNA polymerase beta, was aphidicolin-sensitive. DNA polymerase lambda was a 6-fold more accurate enzyme in an M13mp2 forward mutation assay and 5-fold more accurate in an M13mp2T90 reversion system than human recombinant DNA polymerase beta. The biochemical properties of the calf thymus DNA polymerase lambda, described here for the first time, are discussed in relationship to the proposed role for this DNA polymerase in vivo.  相似文献   

Dehydroaltenusin was found to be an inhibitor of mammalian DNA polymerase alpha (pol alpha) in vitro. Surprisingly, among the polymerases and DNA metabolic enzymes tested, dehydroaltenusin inhibited only mammalian pol alpha. Dehydroaltenusin did not influence the activities of the other replicative DNA polymerases, such as delta and epsilon; it also showed no effect even on the pol alpha activity from another vertebrate (fish) or plant species. The inhibitory effect of dehydroaltenusin on mammalian pol alpha was dose-dependent, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 0.5 microm. Dehydroaltenusin-induced inhibition of mammalian pol alpha activity was competitive with the template-primer and non-competitive with the dNTP substrate. BIAcore analysis demonstrated that dehydroaltenusin bound to the core domain of the largest subunit, p180, of mouse pol alpha, which has catalytic activity, but did not bind to the smallest subunit or the DNA primase p46 of mouse pol alpha. These results suggest that the dehydroaltenusin molecule competes with the template-primer molecule on its binding site of the catalytic domain of mammalian pol alpha, binds to the site, and simultaneously disturbs dNTP substrate incorporation into the template-primer.  相似文献   

The simple deletion of nucleotides is common in many organisms. It can be advantageous when it activates genes beneficial to microbial survival in adverse environments, and deleterious when it mutates genes relevant to survival, cancer or degenerative diseases. The classical idea is that simple deletions arise by strand slippage. A prime opportunity for slippage occurs during DNA synthesis, but it remains unclear how slippage is controlled during a polymerization cycle. Here, we report crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations of mutant derivatives of DNA polymerase lambda bound to a primer-template during strand slippage. Relative to the primer strand, the template strand is in multiple conformations, indicating intermediates on the pathway to deletion mutagenesis. Consistent with these intermediates, the mutant polymerases generate single-base deletions at high rates. The results indicate that dNTP-induced template strand repositioning during conformational rearrangements in the catalytic cycle is crucial to controlling the rate of strand slippage.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases (pols) catalyse the synthesis of DNA. This reaction requires a primer-template DNA in order to grow from the 3'OH end of the primer along the template. On the other hand terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyses the addition of nucleotides at the 3'OH end of a DNA strand, without the need of a template. Pol lambda and pol micro are ubiquitous enzymes, possess both DNA polymerase and terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase activities and belong to pol X family, together with pol beta and TdT. Here we show that pol lambda, pol micro and TdT, all possess the ability to synthesise in vitro short fragments of DNA in the absence of a primer-template or even a primer or a template in the reaction. The DNA synthesised de novo by pol lambda, pol micro and TdT appears to have an unusual structure. Furthermore we found that the amino acid Phe506 of pol lambda is essential for the de novo synthesis. This novel catalytic activity might be related to the proposed functions of these three pol X family members in DNA repair and DNA recombination.  相似文献   

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