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G protein beta-gamma (Gβγ) subunits anchor to the plasma membrane (PM) through the carboxy-terminal (CT) prenyl group in Gγ. This interaction is crucial for the PM localization and functioning of Gβγ, allowing GPCR-G protein signaling to proceed. The diverse Gγ family has 12 members, and we have recently shown that the signaling efficacies of major Gβγ effectors are Gγ-type dependent. This dependency is due to the distinct series of membrane-interacting abilities of Gγ. However, the molecular process allowing for Gβγ subunits to exhibit a discrete and diverse range of Gγ-type–dependent membrane affinities is unclear and cannot be explained using only the type of prenylation. The present work explores the unique designs of membrane-interacting CT residues in Gγ as a major source for this Gγ-type–dependent Gβγ signaling. Despite the type of prenylation, the results show signaling efficacy at the PM, and associated cell behaviors of Gβγ are governed by crucially located specific amino acids in the five to six residue preprenylation region of Gγ. The provided molecular picture of Gγ–membrane interactions may explain how cells gain Gγ-type–dependent G protein-GPCR signaling as well as how Gβγ elicits selective signaling at various subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Representing ∼5% of the human genome, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a primary target for drug discovery; however, the molecular details of how they couple to heterotrimeric G protein subunits are incompletely understood. Here, I propose a hypothetical initial docking model for the encounter between GPCR and Gβγ that is defined by transient interactions between the cytosolic surface of the GPCR and the prenyl moiety and the tripeptide motif, asparagine–proline–phenylalanine (NPF), in the C-terminus of the Gγ subunit. Analysis of class A GPCRs reveals a conserved NPF binding site formed by the interaction of the TM1 and H8. Functional studies using differentially prenylated proteins and peptides further suggest that the intracellular hydrophobic core of the GPCR is a prenyl binding site. Upon binding TM1 and H8 of GPCRs, the propensity of the C-terminal region of Gγ to convert into an α helix allows it to extend into the hydrophobic core of the GPCR, facilitating the GPCR active state. Conservation of the NPF motif in Gγ isoforms and interacting residues in TM1 and H8 suggest that this is a general mechanism of GPCR–G protein signaling. Analysis of the rhodopsin dimer also suggests that Gγ–rhodopsin interactions may facilitate GPCR dimer transactivation.  相似文献   

The pheromone response in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is mediated by a heterotrimeric G protein. The Gbetagamma subunit (a complex of Ste4p and Ste18p) is associated with both internal and plasma membranes, and a portion is not stably associated with either membrane fraction. Like Ras, Ste18p contains a farnesyl-directing CaaX box motif (C-terminal residues 107 to 110) and a cysteine residue (Cys 106) that is a potential site for palmitoylation. Mutant Ste18p containing serine at position 106 (mutation ste18-C106S) migrated more rapidly than wild-type Ste18p during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The electrophoretic mobility of wild-type Ste18p (but not the mutant Ste18p) was sensitive to hydroxylamine treatment, consistent with palmitoyl modification at Cys 106. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation of the Gbetagamma complex from cells cultured in the presence of [(3)H]palmitic acid resulted in two radioactive species on nonreducing SDS-PAGE gels, with molecular weights corresponding to Ggamma and Gbetagamma. Substitution of serine for either Cys 107 or Cys 106 resulted in the failure of Gbetagamma to associate with membranes. The Cys 107 substitution also resulted in reduced steady-state accumulation of Ste18p, suggesting that the stability of Ste18p requires modification at Cys 107. All of the mutant forms of Ste18p formed complexes with Ste4p, as assessed by coimmunoprecipitation. We conclude that tight membrane attachment of the wild-type Gbetagamma depends on palmitoylation at Cys 106 and prenylation at Cys 107 of Ste18p.  相似文献   

Calcium sensing receptor, a pleiotropic G protein coupled receptor, activates secretory pathways in cancer cells and putatively exacerbates their metastatic behavior. Here, we show that various CaSR mutants, identified in breast cancer patients, differ in their ability to stimulate Rac, a small Rho GTPase linked to cytoskeletal reorganization and cell protrusion, but are similarly active on the mitogenic ERK pathway. To investigate how CaSR activates Rac and drives cell migration, we used invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. We revealed, by pharmacological and knockdown strategies, that CaSR activates Rac and cell migration via the Gβγ-PI3K-mTORC2 pathway. These findings further support current efforts to validate CaSR as a relevant therapeutic target in metastatic cancer.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12079-021-00662-y.  相似文献   

DNA from individuals heterozygous for (G)gamma(deltabeta)(o) thalassaemia has been studied by restriction endonuclease analysis. The results reveal a new molecular defect associated with this condition. A total of three defects is now responsible for the one single phenotype, thereby emphasising the complex relationship between genotype and phenotype among the disorders of beta-like globin synthesis in man.  相似文献   

The assembly in living cells of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins from their constituent α, β, and γ subunits is a complex process, compounded by the multiplicity of the genes that encode them, and the diversity of receptors and effectors with which they interact. Monoclonal anti-β antibodies (ARC5 and ARC9), raised against immunoaffinity purified βγ complexes, recognize β subunits when not associated with γ and can thus be used to monitor assembly of βγ complexes. Complex formation starts immediately after synthesis and is complete within 30 min. Assembly occurs predominantly in the cytosol, and association of βγ complexes with the plasma membrane fraction starts between 15–30 min of chase. Three pools of β subunits can be distinguished based on their association with γ subunits, their localization, and their detergent solubility. Association of β and α subunits with detergent-insoluble domains occurs within 1 min of chase, and increases to reach a plateau of near complete detergent resistance within 30 min of chase. Brefeldin A treatment does not interfere with delivery of βγ subunits to detergent-insoluble domains, suggesting that assembly of G protein subunits with their receptors occurs distally from the BFA-imposed block of intracellular membrane trafficking and may occur directly at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in Gαq/11 are a major driver of uveal melanoma (UM), the most common intraocular cancer in adults. While progress has recently been made in targeting Gαq/11 for UM therapy, the crucial role for these proteins in normal physiology and their high structural similarity with many other important GTPase proteins renders this approach challenging. The aim of the current study was to validate whether a key regulator of Gq signaling, regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2), can inhibit Gαq-mediated UM cell growth. We used two UM cell lines, 92.1 and Mel-202, which both contain the most common activating mutation GαqQ209L and developed stable cell lines with doxycycline-inducible RGS2 protein expression. Using cell viability assays, we showed that RGS2 could inhibit cell growth in both of these UM cell lines. We also found that this effect was independent of the canonical GTPase-activating protein activity of RGS2 but was dependent on the association between RGS2 and Gαq. Furthermore, RGS2 induction resulted in only partial reduction in cell growth as compared to siRNA-mediated Gαq knockdown, perhaps because RGS2 was only able to reduce mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling downstream of phospholipase Cβ, while leaving activation of the Hippo signaling mediators yes-associated protein 1/TAZ, the other major pathway downstream of Gαq, unaffected. Taken together, our data indicate that RGS2 can inhibit UM cancer cell growth by associating with GαqQ209L as a partial effector antagonist.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that a fine-tuned integrin cross talk can generate a high degree of specificity in cell adhesion, suggesting that spatially and temporally coordinated expression and activation of integrins are more important for regulated cell adhesive functions than the intrinsic specificity of individual receptors. However, little is known concerning the molecular mechanisms of integrin cross talk. With the use of beta(1)-null GD25 cells ectopically expressing the beta(1)A integrin subunit, we provide evidence for the existence of a cross talk between beta(1) and alpha(V) integrins that affects the ratio of alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) integrin cell surface levels. In particular, we demonstrate that a down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) and an up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) occur as a consequence of beta(1)A expression. Moreover, with the use of GD25 cells expressing the integrin isoforms beta(1)B and beta(1)D, as well as two beta(1) cytoplasmic domain deletion mutants lacking either the entire cytoplasmic domain (beta(1)TR) or only its "variable" region (beta(1)COM), we show that the effects of beta(1) over alpha(V) integrins take place irrespective of the type of beta(1) isoform, but require the presence of the "common" region of the beta(1) cytoplasmic domain. In an attempt to establish the regulatory mechanism(s) whereby beta(1) integrins exert their trans-acting functions, we have found that the down-regulation of alpha(V)beta(3) is due to a decreased beta(3) subunit mRNA stability, whereas the up-regulation of alpha(V)beta(5) is mainly due to translational or posttranslational events. These findings provide the first evidence for an integrin cross talk based on the regulation of mRNA stability.  相似文献   

Cellular adenosine accumulates under stress conditions. Few papers on adenosine are concerned with its function in the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the essential mechanism by which all living things reproduce and the target machinery when cells encounter stresses, so it is necessary to examine the relationship between adenosine and the cell cycle. In the present study, adenosine was found to induce G2/M cell‐cycle arrest. Furthermore, adenosine was found to modulate the expression of some important proteins in the cell cycle, such as cyclin B and p21, and to inhibit the transition of metaphase to anaphase in mitosis.  相似文献   

Background: In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitotic-exit network (MEN) functions in anaphase to promote the release of the Cdc14p phosphatase from the nucleolus. This release causes mitotic exit via inactivation of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk). Cdc14p-like proteins are highly conserved; however, it is unclear if these proteins regulate mitotic exit as in S. cerevisiae. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe a signaling pathway homologous to the MEN and termed the septation initiation network (SIN) is required not for mitotic exit, but for initiation of cytokinesis and for a cytokinesis checkpoint that inhibits further cell cycle progression until cytokinesis is complete.Results: We have identified the S. pombe Cdc14p homolog, Clp1p, and show that it is not required for mitotic exit but rather functions together with the SIN in coordinating cytokinesis with the nuclear-division cycle. As cells enter mitosis, Clp1p relocalizes from the nucleolus to the spindle and site of cell division. Clp1p exit from the nucleolus does not depend on the SIN, but the SIN is required for keeping Clp1p out of the nucleolus until completion of cytokinesis. Clp1p, in turn, may promote the activation of the SIN by antagonizing Cdk activity until cytokinesis is complete and thus ensuring that cytokinesis is completed prior to the initiation of the next cell cycle. In addition to its roles in anaphase, Clp1p regulates the G2/M transition since cells deleted for clp1 enter mitosis precociously and cells overexpressing Clp1p delay mitotic entry. Unlike Cdc14p, Clp1p appears to antagonize Cdk activity by preventing dephosphorylation of Cdc2p on tyrosine.Conclusions: S. pombe Clp1p affects cell cycle progression in a markedly different manner than its S. cerevisiae homolog, Cdc14p. This finding raises the possibility that related phosphatases in animal cells will prove to have important roles in coordinating the onset of cytokinesis with the events of mitosis.  相似文献   

Uterine leiomyoma (UL) is the most common gynaecologic tumour, affecting an estimated 70 to 80% of women. Leiomyomas develop from the transformation of myometrial stem cells into leiomyoma stem (or tumour‐initiating) cells. These cells undergo self‐renewal and differentiation to mature cells, both are necessary for the maintenance of tumour stem cell niche and tumour growth, respectively. Wnt/β‐catenin and TGF‐β/SMAD pathways, both overactive in UL, promote stem cell self‐renewal, crosstalk between stem and mature cells, cellular proliferation, extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation and drive overall UL growth. Recent evidence suggests that simvastatin, an antihyperlipidemic drug, may have anti‐leiomyoma properties. Herein, we investigated the effects of simvastatin on UL stem cells. We isolated leiomyoma stem cells by flow cytometry using DyeCycle Violet staining and Stro‐1/CD44 surface markers. We found that simvastatin inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in UL stem cells. In addition, it also suppressed the expression of the stemness markers Nanog, Oct4 and Sox2. Simvastatin significantly decreased the production of the key ECM proteins, collagen 1 and fibronectin. Finally, it inhibited genes and/or proteins expression of TGF‐β1, 2 and 3, SMAD2, SMAD4, Wnt4, β‐Catenin, LRP6, AXIN2 and Cyclin D1 in UL stem cells, all are key drivers of the TGF‐β3/SMAD2 and Wnt4/β‐Catenin pathways. Thus, we have identified a novel stem cell‐targeting anti‐leiomyoma simvastatin effect. Further studies are needed to replicate these findings in vivo.  相似文献   

Wei Y  Multi S  Yang CR  Ma J  Zhang QH  Wang ZB  Li M  Wei L  Ge ZJ  Zhang CH  Ouyang YC  Hou Y  Schatten H  Sun QY 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21557
Errors in chromosome segregation or distribution may result in aneuploid embryo formation, which causes implantation failure, spontaneous abortion, genetic diseases, or embryo death. Embryonic aneuploidy occurs when chromosome aberrations are present in gametes or early embryos. To date, it is still unclear whether the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is required for the regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression to ensure mitotic fidelity during preimplantation development. In this study, using overexpression and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches, we analyzed the role of SAC components (Bub3, BubR1 and Mad2) in mouse preimplantation embryos. Our data showed that overexpressed SAC components inhibited metaphase-anaphase transition by preventing sister chromatid segregation. Deletion of SAC components by RNAi accelerated the metaphase-anaphase transition during the first cleavage and caused micronuclei formation, chromosome misalignment and aneuploidy, which caused decreased implantation and delayed development. Furthermore, in the presence of the spindle-depolymerizing drug nocodazole, SAC depleted embryos failed to arrest at metaphase. Our results suggest that SAC is essential for the regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression in cleavage stage mouse embryos.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the Golgi complex is organized into a continuous membranous system known as the Golgi ribbon, which is formed by individual Golgi stacks that are laterally connected by tubular bridges. During mitosis, the Golgi ribbon undergoes extensive fragmentation through a multistage process that is required for its correct partitioning into the daughter cells. Importantly, inhibition of this Golgi disassembly results in cell-cycle arrest at the G2 stage, suggesting that accurate inheritance of the Golgi complex is monitored by a "Golgi mitotic checkpoint." Here, we discuss the mechanisms and regulation of the Golgi ribbon breakdown and briefly comment on how Golgi partitioning may inhibit G2/M transition.  相似文献   

Platelet agonists increase the affinity state of integrin αIIbβ3, a prerequisite for fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation. This process may be triggered by a regulatory molecule(s) that binds to the integrin cytoplasmic tails, causing a structural change in the receptor. β3-Endonexin is a novel 111–amino acid protein that binds selectively to the β3 tail. Since β3-endonexin is present in platelets, we asked whether it can affect αIIbβ3 function. When β3-endonexin was fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and transfected into CHO cells, it was found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus and could be detected on Western blots of cell lysates. PAC1, a fibrinogen-mimetic mAb, was used to monitor αIIbβ3 affinity state in transfected cells by flow cytometry. Cells transfected with GFP and αIIbβ3 bound little or no PAC1. However, those transfected with GFP/β3-endonexin and αIIbβ3 bound PAC1 specifically in an energy-dependent fashion, and they underwent fibrinogen-dependent aggregation. GFP/β3-endonexin did not affect levels of surface expression of αIIbβ3 nor did it modulate the affinity of an αIIbβ3 mutant that is defective in binding to β3-endonexin. Affinity modulation of αIIbβ3 by GFP/β3-endonexin was inhibited by coexpression of either a monomeric β3 cytoplasmic tail chimera or an activated form of H-Ras. These results demonstrate that β3-endonexin can modulate the affinity state of αIIbβ3 in a manner that is structurally specific and subject to metabolic regulation. By analogy, the adhesive function of platelets may be regulated by such protein–protein interactions at the level of the cytoplasmic tails of αIIbβ3.  相似文献   

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