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Flexible substrata for the detection of cellular traction forces   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
By modulating adhesion signaling and cytoskeletal organization, mechanical forces play an important role in various cellular functions, from propelling cell migration to mediating communication between cells. Recent developments have resulted in several new approaches for the detection, analysis and visualization of mechanical forces generated by cultured cells. Combining these methods with other approaches, such as green-fluorescent protein (GFP) imaging and gene manipulation, proves to be particularly powerful for analyzing the interplay between extracellular physical forces and intracellular chemical events.  相似文献   

Thoracic traction on the trachea: mechanisms and magnitude   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Both inspiratory increases and tonic thoracic traction (pull of the thorax) on the trachea [Ttx(tr)] have been shown to improve patency of the upper airway. To evaluate the origins and magnitude of Ttx(tr), we studied 15 anesthetized tracheotomized dogs. We divided the midcervical trachea and attached the thoracic stub to a strain gauge. Ttx(tr), esophageal pressure, and carinal displacement were observed during various conditions. These included unobstructed and obstructed spontaneous breathing, mechanical ventilation at various levels of positive end-expiratory pressure, and progressive hypercapnic stimulation. Observations during spontaneous breathing were performed before and after vagotomy. We found that inspiratory increases in Ttx(tr) were substantial, averaging 81 +/- 8 g force and increasing to 174 +/- 22 g force at an end-expiratory CO2 concentration of 10%. Ttx(tr) did not result simply from the pull of mediastinal and pulmonary structures transmitted through the carina. Changes in intrathoracic pressure acted independently to either draw the trachea into or push the trachea out of the thorax. Thus Ttx(tr) could be explained as the sum of mediastinal traction and force generated by changes in intrathoracic pressure.  相似文献   

In amoebae of the cellular slime molds (mycetozoans) Acrasis rosea and Protostelium mycophaga, bundles of F-actin radiate from the endoplasm-ectoplasm interface into the pseudopodia, where G-actin is also located. We conclude that these actin bundles form a core scaffold driving pseudopod extension which is subsequently completed by filling with a more loosely organized meshwork of F-actin. Some bipolar, elongate amoebae of A. rosea also contained long bundles of F-actin that traverse the cells lengthwise and remotely resemble stress fibers. Rodlets of F-actin were scattered in the body of amoebae of A. rosea or formed star-shaped or polygonal complexes near or around contractile vacuoles, where they may play a role in contraction. In total protein extracts analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblots the actins migrated like the rabbit skeletal muscle control. The relative proportion of actin in total protein extracts was 7.9% for A. rosea and 34.5% for P. mycophaga. We detected four or five isoactins in extracts of both species and we determined that the genome of each species contains approximately six actin genes. Whether they are all expressed or if posttranslational modifications occur remains to be determined. Myosin II was enriched in actomyosin extracts; its Mr was 187.8 kDa for A. rosea and 220.7 kDa for P. mycophaga. Cell models ("ghosts") contracted upon the addition of ATP. We conclude that amoebae of A. rosea and P. mycophaga, although behaving differently from those of Dictyostelium discoideum, contain the basic repertoire of molecules that enable pseudopod extension by actin polymerization and ATP-induced contraction of the cell cortex. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Cells sense and react on changes of the mechanical properties of their environment and, likewise, respond to external mechanical stress applied to them. However, whether the gravitational field as overall body force modulates cellular behavior is unclear. Different studies demonstrated that micro- and hypergravity influences the shape and elasticity of cells, initiate cytoskeleton reorganization, and influence cell motility. All these cellular properties are interconnected and contribute to forces that cells apply on their surrounding microenvironment. Yet, studies that investigated changes of cell traction forces under hypergravity conditions are scarce. Here, we performed hypergravity experiments on 3T3 fibroblast cells using the large-diameter centrifuge at the European Space Agency - European Space Research and Technology Centre. Cells were exposed to hypergravity of up to 19.5 g for 16 h in both the upright and the inverted orientation with respect to the g-force vector. We observed a decrease in cellular traction forces when the gravitational field was increased up to 5.4 g, followed by an increase of traction forces for higher gravity fields up to 19.5 g independent of the orientation of the gravity vector. We attribute the switch in cellular response to shear thinning at low g-forces, followed by significant rearrangement and enforcement of the cytoskeleton at high g-forces.  相似文献   

Motile cells can use and switch between different modes of migration. Here, we use traction force microscopy and fluorescent labeling of actin and myosin to quantify and correlate traction force patterns and cytoskeletal distributions in Dictyostelium discoideum cells that move and switch between keratocyte‐like fan‐shaped, oscillatory, and amoeboid modes. We find that the wave dynamics of the cytoskeletal components critically determine the traction force pattern, cell morphology, and migration mode. Furthermore, we find that fan‐shaped cells can exhibit two different propulsion mechanisms, each with a distinct traction force pattern. Finally, the traction force patterns can be recapitulated using a computational model, which uses the experimentally determined spatiotemporal distributions of actin and myosin forces and a viscous cytoskeletal network. Our results suggest that cell motion can be generated by friction between the flow of this network and the substrate.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of Steric repulsion which may originate between the surface glycoproteins of interacting cells, has been considered with particular reference to cellular cohesion. By employing recently available analytical expressions, the magnitude of the Steric energy has been estimated and compared with the electrostatic and electrodynamic interaction energies.In an attempt to illustrate the characteristics of the repulsive steric force relative to the electrostatic force, the surfaces of three mammalian cell lines were defined in terms of surface carbohydrate and zeta potential.It has been shown that the steric force is very large relative to the force arising from the overlap of the electrical double layers and is critically dependent on the amount and density of glycoprotein on the cell surface. In this respect the true cell surface area is an important parameter.The introduction of the steric force does not however unambiguously explain the relative cohesiveness of the cells examined.  相似文献   

A total of 50 catalase-positive campylobacters from human and animal sources were studied. The nomenclatural type strains ofCampylobacter coli, C. jejuni, C. fetus, andC. fetus subsp.venerealis, a typical strain of the nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic group, and various clinical isolates were characterized by bacteriological tests and by gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of their cellular fatty acids. The tests most useful in the differentiation of the various catalase-positive species were growth at 25 and 42°C, H2S production, tolerance to nalidixic acid and to 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride, and hippurate hydrolysis. The latter test was the only reliable means to differentiate betweenC. coli andC. jejuni. Differences between.C. fetus andC. jejuni/coli were confirmed by cellular fatty acid compositions. The bacteriological results indicated thatC. fetus andC. jejuni were distinct species, although within the thermophilic campylobacters there were several related taxa that included bothC. coli andC. jejuni strains with typicalC. coli and some thermophilic strains ofC. fetus subsp.fetus at the extremes.  相似文献   

Tissue vascularization is critical to enable oxygen and nutrient supply. Therefore, establishing expedient vasculature is necessary for the survival of tissue after transplantation. The use of biomechanical forces, such as cell-induced traction forces, may be a promising method to encourage growth of the vascular network. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting, which offers unprecedented versatility through precise control over spatial distribution and structure of tissue constructs, can be used to generate capillary-like structures in vitro that would mimic microvessels. This study aimed to develop an in vitro, 3D bioprinted tissue model to study the effect of cellular forces on the spatial organization of vascular structures and tissue maturation. The developed in vitro model consists of a 3D bioprinted polycaprolactone (PCL) frame with a gelatin spacer hydrogel layer and a gelatin–fibrin–hyaluronic acid hydrogel layer containing normal human dermal fibroblasts and human umbilical vein endothelial cells printed as vessel lines on top. The formation of vessel-like networks and vessel lumens in the 3D bioprinted in vitro model was assessed at different fibrinogen concentrations with and without inhibitors of cell-mediated traction forces. Constructs containing 5 mg/ml fibrinogen had longer vessels compared to the other concentrations of fibrinogen used. Also, for all concentrations of fibrinogen used, most of the vessel-like structures grew parallel to the direction the PCL frame-mediated tensile forces, with very few branching structures observed. Treatment of the 3D bioprinted constructs with traction inhibitors resulted in a significant reduction in length of vessel-like networks. The 3D bioprinted constructs also had better lumen formation, increased collagen deposition, more elaborate actin networks, and well-aligned matrix fibers due to the increased cell-mediated traction forces present compared to the non-anchored, floating control constructs. This study showed that cell traction forces from the actomyosin complex are critical for vascular network assembly in 3D bioprinted tissue. Strategies involving the use of cell-mediated traction forces may be promising for the development of bioprinting approaches for fabrication of vascularized tissue constructs.  相似文献   

The cellular composition of individual hemopoietic spleen colonies has been studied using techniques which tested primarily for cell function rather than cell morphology. Erythroblastic cells were recognized by their capacity to incorporate radioiron, granulocytic cells by their content of peroxidase-positive material, and hemopoietic stem cells by their ability to form spleen colonies in irradiated hosts. It was found that, 14 days after the initiation of spleen colonies, the distribution of these cell types among individual colonies was very heterogeneous, but that most colonies contained detectable numbers of erythroblasts, granulocytes and colony-forming cells. An appreciable proportion of the cells in the colonies could not be identified as any of these three cell types. No strong correlations between numbers of erythroblasts, granulocytes and colony-forming cells in individual colonies were observed, though there was a tendency for colonies containing a high proportion of erythroblasts to contain a low proportion of granulocytes, and for colonies containing a high proportion of granulocytes to contain a higher proportion of colony-forming cells. An analysis of colonies which contained cells bearing radiation-induced chromosomal markers indicated that 83–98% of the dividing cells within 14-day spleen colonies were derived from single precursors.  相似文献   

The composition of the cement of Lepas fascicularis Ellis & Solander in terms of carbohydrate, lipid, and amino-acid composition of the protein has been determined: in this species the cement acts as a float. The major constituent is protein. The lipid content lies between that given for Balanus spp. while the protein contains a larger proportion of glutamic acid and smaller proportions of lysine and histidine.  相似文献   


Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) usually express a contractile phenotype in the healthy aorta. However, aortic SMCs have the ability to undergo profound changes in phenotype in response to changes in their extracellular environment, as occurs in ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms (ATAA). Accordingly, there is a pressing need to quantify the mechanobiological effects of these changes at single cell level. To address this need, we applied Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) on 759 cells coming from three primary healthy (AoPrim) human SMC lineages and three primary aneurysmal (AnevPrim) human SMC lineages, from age and gender matched donors. We measured the basal traction forces applied by each of these cells onto compliant hydrogels of different stiffness (4, 8, 12, 25 kPa). Although the range of force generation by SMCs suggested some heterogeneity, we observed that: 1. the traction forces were significantly larger on substrates of larger stiffness; 2. traction forces in AnevPrim were significantly higher than in AoPrim cells. We modelled computationally the dynamic force generation process in SMCs using the motor-clutch model and found that it accounts well for the stiffness-dependent traction forces. The existence of larger traction forces in the AnevPrim SMCs were related to the larger size of cells in these lineages. We conclude that phenotype changes occurring in ATAA, which were previously known to reduce the expression of elongated and contractile SMCs (rendering SMCs less responsive to vasoactive agents), tend also to induce stronger SMCs. Future work aims at understanding the causes of this alteration process in aortic aneurysms.


Dendritic cells (DCs) migrate from sites of inflammation to secondary lymphoid organs where they initiate the adaptive immune response. Although motility is essential to DC function, the mechanisms by which they migrate are not fully understood. We incorporated micropost array detectors into a microfluidic gradient generator to develop what we consider to be a novel method for probing low magnitude traction forces during directional migration. We found migration of primary murine DCs is driven by short-lived traction stresses at the leading edge or filopodia. The traction forces generated by DCs are smaller in magnitude than found in neutrophils, and of similar magnitude during chemotaxis and chemokinesis, at 18 ± 1.4 and 16 ± 1.3 nN/cell, respectively. The characteristic duration of local DC traction forces was 3 min. The maximum principal stress in the cell occurred in the plane perpendicular to the axis of motion, forward of the centroid. We illustrate that the spatiotemporal pattern of traction stresses can be used to predict the direction of future DC motion. Overall, DCs show a mode of migration distinct from both mesenchymal cells and neutrophils, characterized by rapid turnover of traction forces in leading filopodia.  相似文献   

从海滨的淡水池沼中分离得到单生卵囊藻(Oocystis solitaria)和月牙藻(Selenastrum sp.),分别研究了温度、光照强度、盐度对2种微藻生长繁殖的影响,分析了2种微藻的细胞组成、脂肪酸组成及盐度对2种微藻脂肪积累的影响.结果表明:单生卵囊藻和月牙藻的适宜生长温度分别为35.9℃~40.5℃和29.7℃~32.8℃;单生卵囊藻和月牙藻的适宜光照强度分别为46~70μmol · m-2·s-1和17 ~54 μmol·m-2·s-1;单生卵囊藻在淡水培养液中生长最好,月牙藻在盐度为2的半成水培养液中生长最好;在适宜培养条件下,单生卵囊藻细胞蛋白、总糖和总脂肪分别为27.61%、22.00%和3.84%;月牙藻细胞的蛋白、总糖和总脂肪分别为28.06%、21.99%和12.53%;单生卵囊藻的脂肪酸组成中含有丰富的18∶3n3;月牙藻的脂肪酸组成中含有DHA;盐度影响2种微藻的总脂肪含量;单生卵囊藻和月牙藻分别在盐度4和10的半咸水培养液中细胞总脂含量最高.  相似文献   

The effect of measurement errors on quantitative calculation of temporomandibular joint reaction force was investigated in a two-dimensional, two-muscle model. A computer program using the model incremented the magnitude of the bite force and muscle forces and the lengths of their moment arms, and calculated the joint reaction force at each increment. Computation of the joint reaction force is most sensitive to the relative lengths of the bite force and muscle forces moment arms. Absolute values for each muscle force are not required and errors in the magnitudes of the muscle forces have only a minor effect on calculation of the total joint reaction force.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed in albino random-bred adult male rats with pneumoconiosis. Fibrotic reaction in the lungs was induced by inhalation coal dust during 6 months. BAL comprised 90.9 +/- 1.2% of macrophages; 4.4 +/- 0.8% of neutrophils and 4.5 +/- 1.0% of lymphocytes. The total cell number in BAL was higher (over 59%) in animals with pneumoconiosis. The number of cells on alveolar surface of the lungs was also higher. Fibrotic reaction in the lungs is probably directly related with the increased number of vital macrophages in the lung.  相似文献   

The distribution of forces exerted by migrating Dictyostelium amebae at different developmental stages was measured using traction force microscopy. By using very soft polyacrylamide substrates with a high fluorescent bead density, we could measure stresses as small as 30 Pa. Remarkable differences exist both in term of the magnitude and distribution of forces in the course of development. In the vegetative state, cells present cyclic changes in term of speed and shape between an elongated form and a more rounded one. The forces are larger in this first state, especially when they are symmetrically distributed at the front and rear edge of the cell. Elongated vegetative cells can also present a front-rear asymmetric force distribution with the largest forces in the crescent-shaped rear of the cell (uropod). Pre-aggregating cells, once polarized, only present this last kind of asymmetric distribution with the largest forces in the uropod. Except for speed, no cycle is observed. Neither the force distribution of pre-aggregating cells nor their overall magnitude are modified during chemotaxis, the later being similar to the one of vegetative cells (F(0) approximately 6 nN). On the contrary, both the force distribution and overall magnitude is modified for the fast moving aggregating cells. In particular, these highly elongated cells exert lower forces (F(0) approximately 3 nN). The location of the largest forces in the various stages of the development is consistent with the myosin II localization described in the literature for Dictyostelium (Yumura et al.,1984. J Cell Biol 99:894-899) and is confirmed by preliminary experiments using a GFP-myosin Dictyostelium strain.  相似文献   

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