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Dumas  Pascal 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):63-76
The temporal stability of interstitial crustacean communities was investigated in relation to environmental variability in a perched aquifer, characterized by limited connection with surface waters. The author hypothesized that strong physico-chemical stability would enhance persistence and affect dominance patterns for groundwater fauna. Fifteen wells were sampled four times over a two-year period in order to assess the global stability of ground waters and to evaluate temporal changes in species assemblages. For each station, environmental patterns displayed only minor changes, while between-site differences were much larger. At the scale of the aquifer, strong temporal stability was found for groundwater physical and chemical variables. Interstitial crustaceans displayed diverse assemblages dominated by cyclopoid taxa. High persistence characterized community composition and structure (species relative abundance patterns, species richness, Shannon's diversity index) over the study period. Most well faunas were dominated numerically by a single species, whether micro- or macrocrustacean assemblages were considered. Faunal persistence observed in the aquifer was greater than that reported in many surface waters and was probably related to the strong environmental stability.  相似文献   

The macrocrustacean fauna from an alluvial aquifer in the French Pyrénées was investigated using 15 wells scattered over the floodplain. Wells were sampled at three contrasting periods for faunal, phy‐sical and chemical variables to investigate relationships between amphipod, isopod distributions and environmental factors. The assemblages, dominated by stygobite amphipod species, showed an overall persistence between the sampling dates. Groundwater quality exhibited between‐site variations related to agriculturally‐induced pollution. Low correlations existed between water quality and fauna distribution patterns. At the scale of the aquifer, groundwater contamination did not influence the macrocrustacean distribution. The spatial distribution of amphipods and isopods was clearly related to hydrogeology and hydrodynamics: strong relationships were found between the assemblages composition and the hydrological context of the stations (wells from the alluvial plain and from the alluvial terrace). With respect to spatial and temporal scales and providing adequate sampling methods, macrocrustaceans then constitute natural indicators of groundwater hydrodynamics in the Ariège aquifer.  相似文献   

The boundaries of river systems: the metazoan perspective   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
1. This overview of metazoans associated with the riparian/groundwater interface focuses on the fauna inhabiting substratum interstices within the stream bed and in alluvial aquifers beneath the floodplain. The objective is to integrate knowledge of habitat conditions and ecology of the interstitial fauna into a broad spatiotemporal perspective of lotic ecosystems. 2. Most aquatic metazoans of terrestrial ancestry, secondarily aquatic forms including insects and water mites (Hydracarina), are largely confined to surface waters (epigean), most of the time penetrating only the superficial interstices of the stream bed. 3. Primary aquatic metazoans include crustaceans and other groups whose entire evolutionary histories took place in water. Some species are epigean, whereas other members of the primary aquatic fauna are true subterranean forms (hypogean ) , residing deep within the stream bed and in alluvial aquifers some distance laterally from the channel. 4. The hypogean/epigean affinities of interstitial animals are reflected in repetitive gradients of species distribution patterns along vertical (depth within the stream bed), longitudinal (riffle/pool), and lateral (across the floodplain) spatial dimensions, as well as along recovery trajectories following floods (temporal dimension). 5. Fluvial dynamics and sediment characteristics interact to determine hydraulic conductivity, oxygen levels, pore space, particle size heterogeneity, organic content and other habitat conditions within the interstitial milieu. 6. Multidimensional environmental gradients occur at various scales across riparian/groundwater boundary zones. The spatiotemporal variability of hydrogeomorphological processes plays an important role in determining habitat heterogeneity, habitat stability, and connectivity between habitat patches, thereby structuring biodiversity patterns across the riverine landscape. 7. The erosive action of flooding maintains a diversity of hydrarch and riparian successional stages in alluvial floodplains. The patchy distribution patterns of interstitial communities at the floodplain scale reflect, in part, the spatial heterogeneity engendered by successional processes. 8. Interstitial metazoans engage in passive and active movements between surface waters and ground waters, between aquatic and riparian habitats, and between different habitat types within the lotic system. Some of these are extensive migrations that involve significant exchange of organic matter and energy between ecosystem compartments. 9. The generally high resilience of lotic ecosystems to disturbance is attributable, in part, to high spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Habitat patches less affected by a particular perturbation may serve as ’refugia ‘; from which survivors recolonize more severely affected areas. Mechanisms of refugium use may also occur within habitats, as, for example, through ontogenetic shifts in microhabitat use. Rigorous investigations of interstitial habitats as refugia should lead to a clearer understanding of the roles of disturbance and stochasticity in lotic ecosystems. 10. Development of realistic ’whole river ‘; food webs have been constrained by the exclusion of interstitial metazoans, which may in fact contribute the majority of energy flow in lotic ecosystems. A related problem is failure to include groundwater/riparian habitats as integral components of alluvial rivers. A conceptual model is presented that integrates groundwater and riparian systems into riverine food webs and that reflects the spatiotemporal complexity of the physical system and connectivity between different components. 11. Interstitial metazoans also serve as ’ecosystem engineers, ‘; by influencing the availability of resouces to other species and by modifying habitat conditions within the sediment. For example, by grazing on biofilm, interstitial animals may markedly stimulate bacterial growth rates and nutrient dynamics. 12. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the role of interstitial animals in running waters, the knowledge gaps are vast. For example, basic environmental requirements of the majority of groundwater metazoans remain uninvestigated. Virtually nothing is known regarding the role of biotic interactions in structuring faunal distribution patterns across groundwater/riparian boundary zones. Interstitial metazoans may contribute significantly to the total productivity and energy flow of the biosphere, but such data are not available. Nor are sufficient data available to determine the contribution of groundwater animals to estimates of global biodiversity. 13. Effective ecosystem management must include groundwater/riparian ecotones and interstitial metazoans in monitoring and restoration efforts. Evidence suggests that a ’connected ‘; groundwater/riparian system provides natural pollution control, prevents clogging of sediment interstices and maintains high levels of habitat heterogeneity and successional stage diversity. River protection and restoration should maintain or re-establish at least a portion of the natural fluvial dynamics that sustains the ecological integrity of the entire riverine–floodplain–aquifer ecosystem. Keywords: groundwater/riparian ecotones, hyporheic habitat, epigean, hypogean, interstitial fauna, biodiversity, food webs  相似文献   

Compound eyes, nauplius eyes, frontal organs, intracerebral ocelli, and caudal photoreceptors are the main light and darkness detectors in crustaceans, but they need not be present all at once in an individual and in some crustaceans no photoreceptors whatsoever are known. Compound eye designs reflect on their functions and have evolved to allow the eye to operate optimally under a variety of environmental conditions. Dark-light-adaptational changes manifest themselves in pigment granule translocations, cell movements, and optical adjustments which fine-tune an eye's performance to rapid and unpredictable fluctuations in ambient light intensities as well as to the slower and predictable light level changes associated with day and night oscillations. Recycling of photoreceptive membrane and light-induced membrane collapse are superficially similar events that involve the transduction cascade, intracellular calcium, and membrane fatty acid composition, but which differ in aetiology and longterm consequence. Responses to intermittant illumination and linearly polarized light evoke in the eye of many crustaceans characteristic responses that appear to be attuned to each species' special needs. How the visual responses are processed more centrally and to what extent a crustacean makes behavioural use of e-vector discrimination and flickering lights are questions, however, that still have not been satisfactorily answered for the vast majority of all crustacean species. The degree of light-induced photoreceptor damage depends on a large number of variables, but once manifest, it tends to be progressive and irreversible. Concomittant temperature stress aggravates the situation and there is evidence that free radicals and lipid hydroperoxides are involved.  相似文献   

The current interest in Mediterranean temporary wet habitats, considered to be habitats of European Community Interest, is mainly due to their characteristic flora and fauna. Several contributions characterize each of these two components separately, but considering them simultaneously could reveal possible interactions and a more complete view of the habitat that would be useful to improve conservation measures. This paper investigates crustacean and plant assemblages in six Mediterranean temporary ponds and their relationship with several environmental variables. Significant positive relationships were found between species richness and Shannon diversity index of plant and crustacean assemblages. Crustaceans had a higher similarity among ponds than plants and, consequently, each pond had a more characteristic assemblage of plants than of crustaceans. The two groups showed a different sensitivity to environmental factors and only two factors affected both: altitude and surface area of the wet system. Disturbances (e.g. grazing by cattle) and pond size were very important for plants, whereas they were irrelevant for crustaceans. On the other hand, distance to the nearest pond, hydroperiod length, and water nitrogen were only important for crustaceans. Although similar trends on richness and diversity were observed for both biotic groups, the use of only one of them for conservation programs would not be sufficient. Our results suggest that simultaneously taking into account several community components would result in a better understanding of ecosystem functionality.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance was related to hydrological and environmental variables in a hydrologically dynamic lake fed by a pseudokarstic aquifer. The study period (2002–2006) in Lake Tovel covered different hydrological situations with water residence time (WRT) having the lowest values in 2002 and the highest values in 2003. WRT was negatively correlated with silica concentrations and algal biovolume. Furthermore, the biovolume of small algae was highest in spring and summer, while large algae did not show any pattern. In multivariate analysis, high abundance of crustacean species in autumn and winter was positively related to WRT and negatively to algal biovolume, while high abundance of rotifer species in spring and summer was negatively related to WRT and positively to algal biovolume. With the exception of Keratella cochlearis and Gastropus stylifer, rotifers showed a pattern of crustacean avoidance, and three groups were distinguished: (i) Ascomorpha ecaudis and Polyarthra dolichoptera, (ii) Asplanchna priodonta and Synchaeta spp., and (iii) Filinia terminalis and Keratella quadrata. These groups were associated with different food sources and depths. We suggest that WRT influenced the rotifer–crustacean relationship by wash-out effects and competition for food resources. The dynamics of single rotifer species were attributable to specific feeding requirements and adaptations. In summary, WRT determined the platform for abiotic and biotic interactions that influenced population dynamics of crustaceans and rotifers.  相似文献   

The sources of groundwater and the patterns in groundwater dissolved N and DOC concentration in the floodplain of a subtropical stream (Wollombi Brook, New South Wales) were studied over a 2-year period using three piezometer transects. While the stream was generally a discharge area for regional groundwater, this source represented only a small contribution to either the water or N budget of the alluvial aquifer. Groundwater–surface water interactions appeared mostly driven by cycles of bank recharge and discharge between the stream and the alluvial aquifer. DON and NH4+ were the principal forms of dissolved N in groundwater, consistent with the primarily suboxic to anoxic conditions in the alluvial aquifer. A plume of groundwater NO3 was found at one transect where oxic conditions persisted within the riparian zone. The origin of the NO3 plume was hypothesized to be soil NO3 from the riparian zone flushed to the water table during recharge events. When present, NO3 did not reach surface water because conditions in the alluvial aquifer in the vicinity of the stream were always reduced. The concentration of groundwater DOC was variable across the floodplain and may be related to the extent of the vegetation cover. Overall, transformation and recycling of N during lateral exchange processes, as opposed to discharge of new N inputs from regional groundwater, appears to primarily control N cycling during groundwater–surface water interactions in this subtropical floodplain.  相似文献   

The micro-scale spatial distribution patterns of a demersal fish and decapod crustacean assemblage were assessed in a hard-bottom kelp environment in the southern North Sea. Using quadrats along line transects, we assessed the in situ fish and crustacean abundance in relation to substratum types (rock, cobbles and large pebbles) and the density of algae. Six fish and four crustacean species were abundant, with Ctenolabrus rupestris clearly dominating the fish community and Galathea squamifera dominating the crustacean community. Differences in the substratum types had an even stronger effect on the micro-scale distribution than the density of the dominating algae species. Kelp had a negative effect on the fish abundances, with significantly lower average densities in kelp beds compared with adjacent open areas. Averaged over all of the substrata, the most attractive substratum for the fish was large pebbles. In contrast, crustaceans did not show a specific substratum affinity. The results clearly indicate that, similar to other complex systems, significant micro-scale species–habitat associations occur in northern hard-bottom environments. However, because of the frequently harsh environmental conditions, these habitats are mainly sampled from ships with sampling gear, and the resulting data cannot be used to resolve small-scale species–habitat associations. A detailed substratum classification and community assessment, often only possible using SCUBA diving, is therefore important to reach a better understanding of the functional relationships between species and their environment in northern temperate waters, knowledge that is very important with respect to the increasing environmental pressure caused by global climate change.  相似文献   

Newly established ponds, which are highly dynamic systems with changing levels of biological interactions among species, are common larval mosquito habitats. We investigated the impact of crustacean abundance and taxa diversity on mosquito oviposition and larval development. The effects of the biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) on mosquito larvae were monitored according to fluctuations in crustacean communities. Populations of the mosquito Culex pipiens colonized artificial ponds that contained crustacean communities at different time points of colonization by crustaceans: 1) ‘no colonization’ (no crustaceans), 2) ‘simultaneous colonization’ by crustaceans and mosquitoes, and 3) ‘head‐start colonization’ by crustaceans (preceding colonization by mosquitoes). All types of ponds were treated with three concentrations of Bti (10, 100, or 1,000 µg/liter). Colonization of all ponds by Cx. pipiens (in terms of oviposition, larval abundance, and larval development) decreased significantly with increasing diversity of crustacean taxa. The total abundance of crustaceans had a minor effect on colonization by Cx. pipiens. The presence of crustaceans increased the sensitivity of Cx. pipiens larvae to Bti treatment by a factor of 10 and delayed the time of recolonization. This effect of Bti was relevant in the short term. In the long term, the presence of Cx. pipiens was determined by crustacean biodiversity.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
刘宝贵  刘霞  吴瑶  钟正  陈宇炜 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8205-8213
鄱阳湖是中国第一大淡水湖,具有"丰水为湖,枯水为河"的独特特点。为探讨鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构及其时空分布的特征,于2009年全年采集其不同季节、不同水位期的浮游甲壳动物样品进行定量分析。结果显示,鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构总体与河流浮游甲壳群落具有相似性。无节幼体、象鼻溞、剑水蚤等河流优势类群在鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物中占优势;而哲水蚤和溞属仅在低水位季节占优势,枝角类丰度仅在高温、高水位、流速缓的季节高过桡足类。丰水期浮游甲壳动物平均丰度和生物量远远高于枯水期,可达枯水期的50倍,差异极其显著(P0.01)。温度和水位变化引起的环境因子改变是导致鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物发生季节演替的主要原因;而营养盐对浮游甲壳动物的影响并不显著。空间上浮游甲壳动物群落构成明显不同,年均丰度最高和最低的点均出现在河口地区。因此:对于换水周期短,水交换速率快的水体,应该充分考虑水文条件对生物的影响。  相似文献   

The subphylum Crustacea includes the most successful species among aquatic alien invaders. The impacts of invasive alien crustaceans (IAC) are often substantial, due to the complex trophic role of most of these species leading to cascading effects throughout the invaded ecosystems. IAC also have the potential to cause a shift in the ‘keystone’ ecosystem functions, changing energy flux and nutrient cycles which together affect critical ecosystem services such as biodiversity, fisheries yield and water quality. Although no individual trait appears to be a good predictor of invasion success, a combination of some characteristics such as eurytolerance, omnivory and certain r-selected life-history traits results in a high probability of alien crustacean species becoming invasive. Both environmental factors, such as habitat heterogeneity in the invaded ecosystems, and evolutionary factors, such as adaptations to new environmental conditions, also play important roles during establishment. Therefore, individual environmental niche models, including genetic algorithm, have the highest likelihood of providing useful predictive information about invasion success and spread of alien Crustacea. Attempts to control IAC through biocides or mechanical removal have had mixed success in the past but a strategic combination of different methods may lead to some success in the future.  相似文献   

Bacterially mediated iron redox cycling exerts a strong influence on groundwater geochemistry, but few studies have investigated iron biogeochemical processes in coastal alluvial aquifers from a microbiological viewpoint. The shallow alluvial aquifer located adjacent to Poona estuary on the subtropical Southeast Queensland coast represents a redox-stratified system where iron biogeochemical cycling potentially affects water quality. Using a 300 m transect of monitoring wells perpendicular to the estuary, we examined groundwater physico-chemical conditions and the occurrence of cultivable bacterial populations involved in iron (and manganese, sulfur) redox reactions in this aquifer. Results showed slightly acidic and near-neutral pH, suboxic conditions and an abundance of dissolved iron consisting primarily of iron(II) in the majority of wells. The highest level of dissolved iron(III) was found in a well proximal to the estuary most likely a result of iron curtain effects due to tidal intrusion. A number of cultivable, (an)aerobic bacterial populations capable of diverse carbon, iron, or sulfur metabolism coexisted in groundwater redox transition zones. Our findings indicated aerobic, heterotrophic respiration and bacterially mediated iron/sulfur redox reactions were integral to carbon cycling in the aquifer. High abundances of dissolved iron and cultivable iron and sulfur bacterial populations in estuary-adjacent aquifers have implications for iron transport to marine waters. This study demonstrated bacterially mediated iron redox cycling and associated biogeochemical processes in subtropical coastal groundwaters using culture-based methods.  相似文献   

We examined taxonomic and geographic patterns of the obligate groundwater fauna (i.e. stygobiotic fauna) by assembling in a distributional data base all species occurrences reported from France since 1805. A simulated annealing algorithm was used to identify conservation targets. Until the 60s, biological surveys were restricted to caves but the proportion of sampling sites in unconsolidated sediments increased from 1 to 16% over the last 40 years. A total of 380 species and subspecies in 40 families were collected, 70% of which being restricted to France. As observed in other temperate regions, the stygobiotic fauna was dominated by crustaceans (65% of species) and molluscs (22%). The cumulative number of species did not level off over time, clearly showing that biodiversity was underestimated. Temporal trends in the cumulative number of obligate groundwater and surface water species suggested that groundwater comprised more crustaceans than surface freshwater. Endemism was high although the geographic range size of species increased as distributional data accumulated. Of 380 species, 156 were known from a single 400-km2 cell, among which 73% were located in the southern third of France. The distribution map of species richness changed dramatically over time, indicating that the location of richness hotspots was sensitive to sampling effort. Less than 2% of the French landscape was needed to capture 60% of known species. Thus, a large proportion of species could be protected by focusing habitat conservation efforts on a few complementary species-rich aquifers located in distinct regions.  相似文献   

The New Zealand International Polar Year–Census of Antarctic Marine Life (NZ IPY-CAML) project added to previous benthic studies in the Ross Sea by extending sampling north from the continental shelf to previously unsampled areas of the shelf break, slope, abyssal plain and seamounts in the region. The aim of the current study is to give first insights into the deep-sea community structure of the Ross Sea focussing on a component of the benthic boundary layer that is macrofaunal crustaceans collected one metre above the seafloor. We assess changes in Ross Sea crustacean community composition from the shelf break (474 m) to the abyss (3,490 m) and compare the Ross Sea crustacean fauna to areas elsewhere in the Southern Ocean. Analyses reveal high relative abundances, suggesting an important role in the food web. Among the peracarid crustaceans, there was a decline in the proportion of amphipods with increasing depth. Three of 15 isopod families (Acanthaspidiidae, Nannoniscidae and Desmosomatidae) were identified to species level and about 72 % of the species were new to science. Isopod diversity in the Ross Sea abyss appears to be comparable to that in the highly speciose Weddell deep sea. Standardised sampling of these crustacean communities allows setting the biodiversity of the Ross Sea into a global context.  相似文献   

Halse  S. A.  Shiel  R. J.  Williams  W. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,381(1-3):15-29
Lake Gregory is a large semi-permanent lake system in arid north-western Australia. Its catchment extends into humid areas and as a result the lake has dried only twice in the last 25 years. Although the system is mostly fresh, parts of it become saline as they dry. We identified aquatic invertebrates and undertook chemical analysis of water samples from several sites at Lake Gregory in 1989, when the main water-body was saline, and in 1991 and 1993, after the system had flooded and was fresh. During the period 1989–1993, salinities varied from 0.1‰ to 82‰, and ionic composition ranged from strong sodium chloride dominance, in saline water and fresh water of the eastern part of the system, to bicarbonate dominance in fresh water of the western area. At least 174 invertebrate species were recorded, including two mollusc species that were never collected live. This species richness is much higher than that recorded from other Australian arid zone lakes, probably owing to long periods of inundation with fresh water. The fauna was dominated by insects (42 per cent of total species richness), crustaceans (27 per cent) and rotifers (22 per cent). Most species (160) were restricted to fresh water; only 12 species were found in saline water. Only one ostracod occurred in saline conditions, although ostracods are a dominant group in Australian saline lakes. Among species restricted to fresh water, the proportion of rotifer and protozoan fauna that occurred in bicarbonate-dominated water was greater than the proportion of insect, crustacean and hydracarine fauna that did so. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tang Y J  Yu S X 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1703-1714
The spatial zonation of macrobenthic fauna in the core region of Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve was studied with two transects vertical to the shoreline. The first transect was near Deyao Village where three faunal zones of the mangrove swamp could be divided into the following types from the high tide part to the low tide part: the Assiminea lutea-Uca arcuata-Paracleistostoma crassipilum zone, the Cleistostoma dilatatum-Macrophthalmus erato-Littoraria melanostoma zone, and the Paracleistostoma depressum-Cerithidae cingulata zone. Mollusck and crustacean exhibited the highest individual density in this transect. Mollusck mainly influenced the dynamics of community biomass as well as the species diversity index. In the second transect near Hongzhai Village, the following four faunal zones could be determined: the Littoraria melanostoma-Pseudoringicula sinensis-Ceratonereis burmensis zone, the Assiminea lutea-Cleistostoma dilatatum zone with a dominant species belonging to the Ellobiidae, Upogebia sp.-Paracleistostoma depressum zone, and the Metaplax sheni-Cerithidae cingulata zone. The crustacean showed the highest individual density in this transect. Similar to the Deyao transect, dynamics of community biomass and the species diversity index of the Hongzhai transect were mainly influenced by mollusck. By hierarchical clustering and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the macrobenthic fauna communities could be divided into three and four groups in the Deyao and Hongzhai transects, respectively. These groups corresponded to different types of vegetation of the mangrove swamp. Taken together, our observations indicated that the spatial zonation of the macrobenthic fauna was mainly affected by the characteristics of the mangrove community, sediment characteristics and the tidal line.  相似文献   

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