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自然条件变化和人类活动不仅加剧了土壤酸化,扩大了酸性土壤面积,而且严重影响了土壤氮循环。氨氧化过程作为硝化作用的限速步骤,是全球氮循环的核心环节,受到国内外研究者的广泛关注。探究酸性土壤氨氧化作用及其功能微生物对完善氮循环机制和促进土壤养分循环具有重要意义。本文主要综述了土壤中氨氧化代谢途径,对比了氨氧化细菌(ammoniaoxidizing bacteria, AOB)、氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea, AOA)和全程硝化菌(complete ammoniaoxidizers,Comammox)对酸性土壤氨氧化作用的相对贡献,分析了微生物内源功能差异及pH、底物浓度等外部环境因素对氨氧化微生物丰度、活性和群落结构的影响,最后对氨氧化微生物研究进行了展望,以期为酸性土壤氨氧化作用研究和微生物修复技术应用与实践提供科学参考。  相似文献   

长期施肥对土壤氨氧化微生物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期施肥可改变土壤碳氮等养分供应,进而影响微生物数量与群落组成。本研究基于棕壤长期定位实验站,分析不同施肥方式下(不施肥,CK;低量无机氮肥,N2;高量无机氮肥,N4;有机无机氮肥配施,M2N2)土壤氨氧化古菌(AOA)和细菌(AOB)的变化,为土壤氮素转化的微生物学机制和培肥土壤提供依据。结果表明:不同施肥方式下,土壤AOA与AOB的数量比值为2.28~61.95。与CK相比,施肥后土壤AOA数量降低了1.6%~13.6%。N4处理AOB数量随土壤深度增加呈先降低后升高的趋势,其他处理则相反。土壤AOB群落Shannon多样性指数、均匀度指数和Simpson指数均高于AOA。M2N2处理0~20 cm土层土壤AOB多样性增加,但AOA多样性降低。土壤AOB主要因土壤深度发生聚类,AOB和AOA均未因施肥方式发生聚类。综上,长期施肥改变了土壤AOA和AOB的构成状况,AOA对环境变化较为敏感,AOB较为丰富和稳定。  相似文献   

以长期施加氮肥及添加氧化钙调节的酸性土壤为研究对象,运用定量PCR和DGGE技术,探讨了土壤氨氧化微生物及硝化作用对不同施肥处理及氧化钙调节的响应。长期施化学氮肥导致酸性土壤p H(KCl)值(3.35—3.47)和硝化潜势(0.02—0.14μg NO-2-N g-1土壤h-1)进一步降低,而添加Ca O后土壤酸化得以缓解(p H值4.10—4.46),土壤硝化潜势(0.22—0.34μg NO-2-N g-1土h-1)显著增加。同时,添加Ca O处理对氨氧化古菌(AOA)的群落结构无明显影响,但明显提高了各施肥处理土壤中氨氧化细菌(AOB)的群落多样性,加Ca O处理的土壤中,AOA的数量降低而AOB的数量增加。这些结果表明虽然酸性土壤中AOA在数量和活性上占主导优势,AOB在功能上冗余,但当添加Ca O后,AOA和AOB对环境变化迅速作出响应,并根据其不同的生态位需求重新分配优势地位,二者交替作用共同驱动酸性土壤硝化作用。  相似文献   

3 次连续重复提取DNA 能较好反映土壤微生物丰度   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】研究同一个土壤需要反复提取几次才能在最大程度上反映土壤微生物的丰度,探讨风干土壤代替新鲜土壤用于微生物丰度研究的可行性。【方法】针对两种理化性质具有较大差异的旱地和稻田新鲜土壤及其风干土壤,分别对土壤微生物进行5次连续裂解提取DNA。通过实时荧光定量PCR技术分析连续反复提取对土壤古菌和细菌16S rRNA gene数量、氨氧化古菌和细菌功能基因amoA数量的影响。【结果】3次连续提取DNA占5次提取DNA总量的76%以上,氨氧化古菌、氨氧化细菌、古菌和细菌4类微生物的3次连续提取最低回收率为77.5%;与新鲜土壤相比,风干处理导致氨氧化古菌、氨氧化细菌、古菌、细菌的数量分别降低84.3%、81.2%、12.5%和90.3%,然而,2种土壤风干过程中主要微生物类群的数量变化规律基本一致,表明土壤微生物对风干处理的响应可能受土壤类型的影响较小。【结论】土壤微生物连续3次裂解能较好反映微生物丰度。与新鲜土壤相比,风干过程显著降低了土壤微生物丰度,然而,通过风干土壤中微生物丰度的变化趋势反映新鲜土壤中微生物数量变化规律具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

长江三峡大坝两侧水体中氨氧化微生物种群结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究自然界中的氨氧化微生物对于理解全球氮元素循环至关重要,而人们对于人工坝体对氨氧化微生物种群生态的影响还知之甚少。本工作旨在分析三峡大坝两侧水体中浮游和附着在颗粒表面的氨氧化微生物种群构成的多样性,并试图分析其潜在的控制因素。【方法】在靠近三峡坝体的上游水体及下游水体中各选取1个取样点,在取样点现场测量水体理化参数并收集生物量,采用氨氧化功能基因的mRNA逆转录产物构建克隆文库等技术分析样品中氨氧化微生物种群的多样性。【结果】坝下水体中浊度、溶氧量和氧化还原电位略高于坝上水体。坝体两侧的氨氧化菌以氨氧化古菌(AOA)为主,没有检测到氨氧化细菌(AOB)。坝体两侧水体不同存在方式的AOA组群存在差异:坝上水体中附着在颗粒表面的AOA多样性较高,而坝下水体中浮游的AOA多样性更高;坝上水体中附着在颗粒表面与浮游的AOA种群间的差异明显大于坝下水体。【结论】三峡大坝对坝体两侧水体中AOA种群主体构成的影响不是很明显,但三峡大坝产生的水动力条件改变影响了坝体两侧水体中浮游和附着在颗粒表面的AOA组群分布。  相似文献   

陈梨  郑荣波  郭雪莲  侯亚文 《生态学报》2020,40(7):2321-2332
氨氧化由氨氧化细菌(AOB)和氨氧化古菌(AOA)共同执行,是土壤硝化过程的第一步和限速步骤。放牧过程中,动物啃食、排泄和践踏等行为将影响土壤氨氧化微生物群落,但目前关于不同类型放牧对湿地氨氧化微生物群落结构及其多样性的影响尚不清楚。利用Illumina Mise高通量测序技术,对比研究牦牛放牧和藏香猪放养两种放牧类型对泥炭沼泽土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构及其多样性的影响。结果表明,牦牛放牧显著增加土壤容重,显著降低土壤pH、TN、TOC、NH+4-N和NO-3-N含量;藏香猪放养显著增加土壤NO-3-N含量和硝化潜势(PNR)。牦牛放牧显著降低土壤AOA的丰富度和AOB的α多样性,藏香猪放养降低土壤AOA的α多样性和AOB的丰富度。放牧显著降低泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota)的相对丰度。AOA的α多样性与土壤NO-3-N含量和PNR呈显著负相关。AOB的α多样性与pH、TOC、TN和NH+  相似文献   

农田温室气体减排已成为农业绿色发展的重要内容,驱动温室气体氧化亚氮(N2O)产生的氨氧化微生物受到了研究者们的广泛关注。为探究轮作模式对土壤氨氧化微生物群落的影响,基于田间定位试验,研究了夏红小豆-冬小麦、夏绿豆-冬小麦、夏花生-冬小麦、夏大豆-冬小麦和夏玉米-冬小麦5种轮作模式中冬小麦根际和非根际土壤氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的群落组成和多样性变化特征。结果表明:与夏玉米-冬小麦模式相比,豆禾轮作模式增加了根际土中有机碳和硝态氮含量,以及非根际土中全氮和铵态氮含量。豆禾轮作模式降低了非根际土壤中AOA群落的ACE指数和Chao1指数,并显著降低根际土中AOB群落的ACE指数和Chao1指数(P<0.05)。豆禾轮作显著增加AOA群落中泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota)和AOB群落中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)某些类群的相对丰度(P<0.05)。根际土中豆禾轮作模式与麦玉模式的AOA群落结构发生明显分离,而非根际土中豆禾轮作模式与麦玉模式的AOB群落发生分离(P<0.05)。研究结果表明:豆禾轮作种植改变了AOA和AOB的群落结构和多样性,土壤pH值和速效氮含量是驱动AOA和AOB群落结构变化的重要因子,且根际与非根际土壤中氨氧化微生物存在生态位分离。  相似文献   

亚热带不同林分土壤氨氧化菌群落特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示亚热带不同森林类型对土壤氨氧化菌群落特征的影响,采用荧光定量PCR以及PCR-DGGE技术研究了阔叶林、杉木林、马尾松林和毛竹林土壤氨氧化古菌和细菌丰度及古菌群落结构特征.结果表明:不同林分土壤中氨氧化古菌数量(1.62×106~1.88×107个·g-1干土)高于相应土壤中的氨氧化细菌(2.41×105~4.36×105个·g-1干土);毛竹林土壤氨氧化古菌数量显著高于杉木林,而后者又显著高于阔叶林和马尾松林,但氨氧化细菌数量在不同林分之间没有显著差异.DGGE图谱分析表明,不同林分土壤中氨氧化古菌的物种有所差异,且毛竹林和杉木林土壤古菌群落结构迥异.氨氧化古菌在亚热带主要林分土壤中表现出明显优势,且除植被类型外,土壤速效钾、pH和有机质是引起土壤氨氧化古菌群落结构及多样性变异的主要因素.  相似文献   

祝贵兵 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1487-1493
随着海洋生态系统中的厌氧氨氧化反应和氨氧化古菌的发现,自然生态系统的氮循环过程被重新认识,但是目前尚无在陆地深层的相关报道。结合同位素示踪与分子生物学技术探索了稻田深层土壤中anammox与AOA的存在及特性。结果表明,在沼渣处理废水浇灌的高含氮稻田深层土壤中,anammox与AOA共存。通过构建克隆文库发现,此土壤中厌氧氨氧化菌的生物多样性相对较低,35个克隆序列只分为4个独立操作单元(OTU),代表序列与Genebank数据库中已探明的厌氧氨氧化菌Candidatus 'Kuenenia stuttgartiensis’的同源性超过95%;对氨氧化古菌的分析发现,20个克隆子共得到5个OTU,其与基因库中土壤/沉积物进化分支关系最近,序列的同源性部分超过98%。同位素示踪的初步结果表明,anammox产生的氮气占此土壤总氮气生成量的24.1%-29.8%。AOA与anammox的共存为anammox反应的广泛存在与发生提供了新思路。  相似文献   

【目的】以内蒙古辉腾锡勒草原九十九泉湿地为对象,研究湖泊干涸过程中氨氧化微生物的群落结构及其变化。【方法】通过MPN-PCR定量测定氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的数量;构建amoA基因克隆文库,进行系统发育分析;结合土壤环境因子,探讨湿地退化过程中影响氨氧化微生物的潜在因素。【结果】依湖泊湿地退水梯度的不同样点中,有75%的样点AOB的数量高于AOA,AOB与AOA的数量比率为0.3-18.1。从湖心到湖岸草原带,AOA和AOB的数量有明显增加,但生物多样性呈降低趋势,二者没有呈现正相关。研究发现,AOB的数量与土壤中NH 4+-N的变化存在良好响应。系统发育分析显示,退化湖泊湿地AOA克隆序列均来自于泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota);AOB的amoA基因的克隆序列大部分与亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)有一定同源性,较少部分与亚硝化螺菌属(Nitrosospira)有一定同源性。【结论】湖泊退水过程增加了湿地土壤氨氧化微生物的数量,而氨氧化微生物的种群丰度有所降低。AOA和AOB群落对湖泊湿地的退化过程做出了响应,其中AOB的响应较为明显,氧化条件和土壤铵浓度的改变可能是促成这种响应的重要原因。  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was investigated in three different meadow soils. Two of the soils (OMS and GMS) were acidic (pH 5.0 to 5.8) and from sites in Germany with low annual mean temperature (about 10 degrees C), while KMS soil was slightly alkaline (pH 7.9) and from a site in Israel with a high annual mean temperature (about 22 degrees C). The soils were fertilized and incubated for up to 20 weeks in a moist state and as a buffered (pH 7) slurry amended with urea at different incubation temperatures (4 to 37 degrees C). OMS soil was also incubated with less fertilizer than the other soils. The community structure of ammonia oxidizers was analyzed before and after incubation by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the amoA gene, which codes for the alpha subunit of ammonia monooxygenase. All amoA gene sequences found belonged to the genus Nitrosospira. The analysis showed community change due to temperature both in moist soil and in the soil slurry. Two patterns of community change were observed. One pattern was a change between the different Nitrosospira clusters, which was observed in moist soil and slurry incubations of GMS and OMS. Nitrosospira AmoA cluster 1 was mainly detected below 30 degrees C, while Nitrosospira cluster 4 was predominant at 25 degrees C. Nitrosospira clusters 3a, 3b, and 9 dominated at 30 degrees C. The second pattern, observed in KMS, showed a community shift predominantly within a single Nitrosospira cluster. The sequences of the individual DGGE bands that exhibited different trends with temperature belonged almost exclusively to Nitrosospira cluster 3a. We conclude that ammonia oxidizer populations are influenced by temperature. In addition, we confirmed previous observations that N fertilizer also influences the community structure of ammonia oxidizers. Thus, Nitrosospira cluster 1 was absent in OMS soil treated with less fertilizer, while Nitrosospira cluster 9 was only found in the sample given less fertilizer.  相似文献   

Rice paddy fields are characterized by regular flooding and nitrogen fertilization, but the functional importance of aerobic ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers under unique agricultural management is poorly understood. In this study, we report the differential contributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) to nitrification in four paddy soils from different geographic regions (Zi-Yang (ZY), Jiang-Du (JD), Lei-Zhou (LZ) and Jia-Xing (JX)) that are representative of the rice ecosystems in China. In urea-amended microcosms, nitrification activity varied greatly with 11.9, 9.46, 3.03 and 1.43 μg NO3-N g−1 dry weight of soil per day in the ZY, JD, LZ and JX soils, respectively, over the course of a 56-day incubation period. Real-time quantitative PCR of amoA genes and pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes revealed significant increases in the AOA population to various extents, suggesting that their relative contributions to ammonia oxidation activity decreased from ZY to JD to LZ. The opposite trend was observed for AOB, and the JX soil stimulated only the AOB populations. DNA-based stable-isotope probing further demonstrated that active AOA numerically outcompeted their bacterial counterparts by 37.0-, 10.5- and 1.91-fold in 13C-DNA from ZY, JD and LZ soils, respectively, whereas AOB, but not AOA, were labeled in the JX soil during active nitrification. NOB were labeled to a much greater extent than AOA and AOB, and the addition of acetylene completely abolished the assimilation of 13CO2 by nitrifying populations. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that archaeal ammonia oxidation was predominantly catalyzed by soil fosmid 29i4-related AOA within the soil group 1.1b lineage. Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB performed most bacterial ammonia oxidation in the ZY, LZ and JX soils, whereas the majority of the 13C-AOB in the JD soil was affiliated with the Nitrosomona communis lineage. The 13C-NOB was overwhelmingly dominated by Nitrospira rather than Nitrobacter. A significant correlation was observed between the active AOA/AOB ratio and the soil oxidation capacity, implying a greater advantage of AOA over AOB under microaerophilic conditions. These results suggest the important roles of soil physiochemical properties in determining the activities of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers.  相似文献   

Forest fertilization in British Columbia is increasing, to alleviate timber shortfalls resulting from the mountain pine beetle epidemic. However, fertilization effects on soil microbial communities, and consequently ecosystem processes, are poorly understood. Fertilization has contrasting effects on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB and AOA) in grassland and agricultural ecosystems, but there are no studies on AOB and AOA in forests. We assessed the effect of periodic (6-yearly application 200 kg N ha?1) and annual (c. 75 kg N ha?1) fertilization of lodgepole pine and spruce stands at five long-term maximum productivity sites on potential nitrification (PN), and the abundance and diversity of AOB, AOA and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira-like nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Fertilization increased AOB and Nitrobacter-like NOB abundances at some sites, but did not influence AOA and Nitrospira-like NOB abundances. AOB and Nitrobacter-like NOB abundances were correlated with PN and soil nitrate concentration; no such correlations were observed for AOA and Nitrospira-like NOB. Autotrophic nitrification dominated (55–97%) in these forests and PN rates were enhanced for up to 2 years following periodic fertilization. More changes in community composition between control and fertilized plots were observed for AOB and Nitrobacter-like NOB than AOA. We conclude that fertilization causes rapid shifts in the structure of AOB and Nitrobacter-like NOB communities that dominate nitrification in these forests.  相似文献   

Some observations on the microbial activity in remoistened air-dried soils   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary Comparative studies on the respiration of four air-dried and fresh soils show that in all cases a higher level of metabolic activity is attained in the air-dried soils following remoistening. The degree by which metabolic activity increases in remoistened air-dried soils varies directly with the concentrations of free amino acids and other nitrogenous materials released by the air drying process. No appreciable gas exchange was noted through chemical action alone and it is felt that the increased respiration of air-dried samples over fresh soils is due mainly to biological activity.Quantitative studies of the bacterial flora of air-dried soils indicate a short lag period followed by a phase of logarithmic increase during the early stages following remoistening. These results are discussed in terms of the bacterial population existing after air drying and its relationship to the high respiratory activity observed.Contribution No. 411.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of urea as a source of ammonia has been proposed as a mechanism for the nitrification of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in acidic soil. The growth of Nitrososphaera viennensis on urea suggests that the ureolysis of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) might occur in natural environments. In this study, 15N isotope tracing indicates that ammonia oxidation occurred upon the addition of urea at a concentration similar to the in situ ammonium content of tea orchard soil (pH 3.75) and forest soil (pH 5.4) and was inhibited by acetylene. Nitrification activity was significantly stimulated by urea fertilization and coupled well with abundance changes in archaeal amoA genes in acidic soils. Pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes at whole microbial community level demonstrates the active growth of AOA in urea-amended soils. Molecular fingerprinting further shows that changes in denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprint patterns of archaeal amoA genes are paralleled by nitrification activity changes. However, bacterial amoA and 16S rRNA genes of AOB were not detected. The results strongly suggest that archaeal ammonia oxidation is supported by hydrolysis of urea and that AOA, from the marine Group 1.1a-associated lineage, dominate nitrification in two acidic soils tested.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Forests are essential biomes for global biogeochemical cycles, and belowground microorganisms have a key role in providing relevant ecosystem services. To...  相似文献   

由氨氧化微生物驱动的氨氧化过程是硝化作用的限速步骤,在土壤氮素循环过程中扮演着重要角色.以湖南省宁乡县长达30 a定位试验水稻土壤为研究对象,采用荧光定量PCR和Illumina MiSeq高通量测序分析方法,以amoA基因为靶标,研究了4种施肥制度[不施肥(CK)、化肥(CF)、70%化肥+30%有机肥(CFM1)和40%化肥+60%有机肥(CFM2)]水稻土壤氨氧化微生物的数量和群落结构变化.结果表明: 不同施肥处理氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB) amoA基因拷贝数分别为3.09×107~8.37×107和1.04×107~7.03×107 copies·g-1干土.施肥显著提高了AOA和AOB数量,但处理CFM2中AOB数量与CK差异不显著.有机肥配施比例对AOB群落α多样性指数的影响强于AOA,处理CFM1中AOA群落的多样性指数(Shannon)和AOB群落的丰富度指数(ACE和Chao1)均显著高于CK.奇古菌门和泉古菌门是AOA群落的优势门类群,占AOA amoA基因总序列的83.4%;亚硝化螺菌属、environmental_samples_norank、Bacteria_unclassified和Nitrosomonadales_unclassified是AOB群落的优势属类群,占AOB amoA基因总序列的97.8%.维恩分析结果显示,有机肥配施比例对AOB群落操作分类单元(OTU)数量的影响强于AOA,但对各处理共有AOA和AOB amoA基因序列条数的影响均较小.冗余分析结果显示,不同施肥处理AOB群落结构差异强于AOA,且所有土壤理化性质均与AOA和AOB群落结构存在显著相关关系.综上可知:有机肥配施比例显著改变了AOA和AOB数量、多样性和群落结构,配施30%有机肥时,AOA群落的Shannon指数最高,AOB群落数量、ACE和Chao1指数均最高.研究结果可为进一步探讨农业系统中氨氧化微生物对不同施肥制度的响应机制及其在氮素转化中的作用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Root controls on soil microbial community structure in forest soils   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Brant JB  Myrold DD  Sulzman EW 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):650-659
We assessed microbial community composition as a function of altered above- and belowground inputs to soil in forest ecosystems of Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Hungary as part of a larger Detritus Input and Removal Treatment (DIRT) experiment. DIRT plots, which include root trenching, aboveground litter exclusion, and doubling of litter inputs, have been established in forested ecosystems in the US and Europe that vary with respect to dominant tree species, soil C content, N deposition rate, and soil type. This study used phospholipid fatty-acid (PLFA) analysis to examine changes in the soil microbial community size and composition in the mineral soil (0–10 cm) as a result of the DIRT treatments. At all sites, the PLFA profiles from the plots without roots were significantly different from all other treatments. PLFA analysis showed that the rootless plots generally contained larger quantities of actinomycete biomarkers and lower amounts of fungal biomarkers. At one of the sites in an old-growth coniferous forest, seasonal changes in PLFA profiles were also examined. Seasonal differences in soil microbial community composition were greater than treatment differences. Throughout the year, treatments without roots continued to have a different microbial community composition than the treatments with roots, although the specific PLFA biomarkers responsible for these differences varied by season. These data provide direct evidence that root C inputs exert a large control on microbial community composition in the three forested ecosystems studied.  相似文献   

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