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Two new monotypic genera,Didonica andUtleya, are described, withD. pendula from Panama andU. costaricensis from Costa Rica.Disterigma trimera (Panama),D. utleyorum (Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador),Lateropora santafeensis (Panama),Lysiclesia panamensis (Panama),Macleania talamancensis (Costa Rica),Themistoclesia costaricensis (Costa Rica) andT. horquetensis (Panama),Vaccinium costaricense andV. orosiense (both from Costa Rica) and V.jefense (Panama) are all described as new. New combinations are provided for the PanamanianVaccinium floccosum (=Symphysia floccosa) and the West IndianVaccinium racemosum (=Symphysia racemosa). Keys are provided for the Central American species ofDisterigma andThemistoclesia, the species ofLateropora andLysiclesia, and the Costa Rican and Panamanian species ofVaccinium. Six new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Vicki M. Baum 《Brittonia》1982,34(4):424-434
Six new species ofOdontonema are described:Odontonema album, O. amicorum, O. breedlovei, O. laxum, O. mortonii andO. speciosum. In addition two new combinations are proposed forOdontonema,O. glaberrimum andO. nitidum var.album, and nine species are transferred fromOdontonema to other acanthaceous genera, namelyAnisacanthus ramosissimus, Buceragenia foliaceo-bracteata, Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum, P. hookerianum, P. interruptum, P. paniculatum, P. stenostachyum, Stenostephanus longistaminus andStreblacanthus dubiosus.  相似文献   

Three new species ofDasylirion and a new variety ofD. longissimum Lem. from the mountains of northern Mexico are described and illustrated. Two of the new species are from northwestern Mexico:D. gentryi, with large, rosecolored fruits and glossy, non-waxy leaves; andD. sereke, characterized by roundish fruits with an unusuall large style.Dasylirion miquihuanense is a new species from northeastern Mexico with narrow, strictly upright leaves and widely separated marginal prickles. TheDasylirion longissimum complex consists of two species,D. quadrangulatum S. Wats andD. longissimum Lem., characterized by narrow, quadrangulate leaves with reduced or absents marginal prickles. Distinguishing features of these two species, which have often been confused, are presented andD. longissimum var.treleasei, characterized by small flowers and fruits, is described.  相似文献   

J. McNeill 《Brittonia》1979,31(3):399-404
Most North American botanists includeDiplachne inLeptochloa but good evidence for this treatment has never been provided. The diagnostic characters of these two closely related genera of the tribe Eragrosteae are presented and the seven species ofDiplachne and six ofLeptochloa occurring in America north of Mexico are distinguished. Three new combinations are made inDiplachne:D. sect. Ipnum, D. panicoides andD. monticola and the generic disposition of all the Central and North American species noted.  相似文献   

Two new monotypic genera are proposed:Karnataka, based uponSchultzia? benthamii C. B. Clarke (=K. benthamii) from southern Peninsular India andKedarnatha, based onK. sanctuarii, recently obtained from the Himalaya. Neither genus appears to be closely related to other apioid genera of our area.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1981,33(4):556-563
Eriodon is reduced from five species to two.Eriodon radicalis is recognized asEntodontopsis radicalis;Eriodon longipes asPorotrichodendron longipes; andE. brevisetus as synonymous withLindigia debilis. Mandoniella, Stenocarpidiopsis andLepyrodontopsis are discussed and illustrated.Lepyrodontopsis is transferred to the new familyLe pyrodontopsidaceae, near the Meteoriaceae. The following nomenclatural trans fers are proposed for Rozea:R. andrieuxii f.chrysea andR. andrieuxii var.bour gaeana. Sciuroleskea is transferred to an alliance withStereophyllum,Juratzkaea, Entodontopsis, Stenocarpidium andJuratzkaeella. The following transfers are proposed:Sciuroleskea roseorum (Williams asRozea) Buck andJuratzkaea argentinica (Thér. asJ. seminervis var.argentinica) Buck. A key to the erect-capsuled South American genera retained in the Brachytheciaceae is provided.  相似文献   

Paul A. Fryxell 《Brittonia》1978,30(4):447-462
Three genera are segregated out ofSida as natural units,viz. Sidastrum E. G. Baker, enlarged from one species to seven,Krapovickasia nom. nov. including four species, andRhynchosida gen. nov. including two species, one described as new from Bolivia,R. kearneyi. Mericarp and calyx morphology are emphasized in delimiting these genera and in defining the residual genusSida, which now assumes a more natural character.  相似文献   

Paul A. Fryxell 《Brittonia》1971,23(3):231-237
Dendrosida, here described as new, comprises three taxa:D. batesii Fryxell,D. sharpiana (Miranda) Fryxell ssp.sharpiana, andD. sharpiana ssp.occidentalis Fryxell. The genus is interpreted as a primitive representative of the tribe Malveae, and its relationship to other genera of theAbutilon alliance is discussed. An analysis of mericarp morphology in relation to seed dissemination mechanisms indicates that theAbutilon alliance may be divided into an Abutiloid and a Sidoid group.Dendrosida is included in the latter.  相似文献   

Sandra Knapp 《Brittonia》1986,38(3):273-301
Fourteen new species ofSolanum sectionGeminata are described and illustrated. Eight of these,S. erosomarginatum, S. foetens, S. lasiocladum, S. lucens, S. ombrophilum, S. tanysepalum, S. tenuiflagellatum, andS. turgidum are from Venezuela.Solanum cucullatum andS. bellum are from Ecuador,S. abitaguense from Ecuador and northeastern Peru,S. amnicola andS. yanamonense from eastern Peru, andS. mapiricum from eastern Bolivia. Relationships of each of the species to others in its geographical area are discussed. Chromosome numbers are reported for ten of these new species.  相似文献   

Lynn G. Clark 《Brittonia》1992,44(4):387-422
The 13 high altitude/latitude, dwarf species ofChusquea in Brazil are described, illustrated, and mapped, and their morphology, habitats, distributions, and taxonomic affinities are discussed. Two keys to species are provided, one based solely on vegetative characters, and the other on vegetative and flowering characters.Chusquea erecta, C. nutans, C. riosaltensis,C. windischii, C. caparaoensis, andC. nudiramea are described as new, andC. microphylla is elevated to specific status. Two subspecies are recognized within the variableC. mimosa: C. mimosa subsp.australis and subsp.mimosa. Seven species are formally classified withinChusquea sect.Swallenochloa; the remaining six species are classified into two informal categories, theNudiramea andHeterophylla groups. A list of all the species currently included withinChusquea sect.Swallenochloa is provided.  相似文献   

Limnanthes floccosa Howell is a variable autogamous species of recent origin. The phenetic relationships of a large number of populations ofL. floccosa were studied using taximetric techniques. Five subspecies are recognized inL. floccosa on the basis of the taximetric results.Limnanthes floccosa ssp.californica andL. floccosa ssp.grandiflora are described as new, andL. floccosa ssp.pumila andL. floccosa ssp.bellingeriana are proposed as new combinations. Aspects of autogamy responsible for the highly discrete pattern of variation inL. floccosa are discussed.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1983,35(4):327-330
Three new tropical American species ofSematophyllum are described with relatively broad leaves and short upper leaf cells:S. cubense, S. cataractae, andS. oedophysidium. The Central AmericaS. apaloblastum andS. barnesii are new combinations.Sematophyllum galipense, S. amnigenum, andS. cochleatum are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Alwyn H. Gentry 《Brittonia》1973,25(3):226-242
Generic delimitations in the Bignoniaceae are discussed, a number of Central American genera are reduced to synonymy, and a new genusPseudocatalpa is proposed. Generic mergers includeLevya withCydista, Saldanhaea withCuspidaria, Doxantha withMacfadyena, Pseudocalymma withPachyptera, andPhaedranthus withDistictis. New combinations necessitated by these mergers include the following:Arrabidaea costaricensis (Kränzl.) Gentry,A. pubescens (L.) Gentry,Cuspidaria floribunda (DC.) Gentry,C. weberbaueri (Spr.) Gentry,Cydista aequinoctialis var.hirtella (Benth.) Gentry,Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) Gentry,Macfadyena unguiscati (L.) Gentry,Melloa quadrivalvis (Jacq.) Gentry,Pachyptera alliacea (Lam.) Gentry,P. hymenaea (DC.) Gentry,P. kerere var.incarnata (Aubl.) Gentry,P. standleyi (Steyerm.) Gentry, andPseudocatalpa caudiculata (Standl.) Gentry. In addition, the fruits of several species are described for the first time, and their taxonomic significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera of Chrysobalanaceae are described.Hunga distributed in New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands and Papua and New Guinea, contains eight species, three new, and five formerly placed in the generaAngelesia, Licania andParinari.Kostermanthus is described to accommodate two species with united filaments formerly placed inParinari andAcioa. Both new genera are quite as distinct as others of the family and have been overlooked by undue emphasis placed on the single character of a bilocular ovary.Licania palawanensis Prance is also described; it is the second species of its genus from Malesia.  相似文献   

In preparation for the treatment of Chrysobalanaceae forFlora Malesiana, New and critical taxa are discussed and described. Two new species were found,Atuna cordata andParastemon grandifructus.Hunga fusicarpa is transferred to the genusLicania asL. fusicarpa. Species complexes aroundParinari costata andP. papuana are discussed; in both cases previously recognized species are reduced to subspecific rank within rather polymorphic species.  相似文献   

As presently known, the genusSiphonoglossa can be divided into two “subgenera,” one of which is here divided into two sections,Pentaloba andSiphonoglossa. Two new species are described from a locality in Durango, Mexico :S. durangensis in sect.Siphonoglossa andS. linearifolia in sect.Pentaloba. Three other species are transferred intoSiphonoglossa:S. canbyi from northeastern Mexico;S. buchii from Haiti and the Dominican Republic andS. incerta from southern Baja California, Mexico.  相似文献   

Sandra Knapp 《Brittonia》1992,44(1):61-68
Five new species of South AmericanSolanum are described:S. morii from French Guiana,S. superbum andS. tumescens from Bolivia,S. platycypellon from southern Bolivia and northern Argentina andS. gertii from southeastern Brazil. An illustration and distribution map for each species is provided and relationships to close relatives are discussed.  相似文献   

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