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Benthic invertebrates, litter decomposition, andlitterbag invertebrates were examined in streamsdraining pine monoculture and undisturbed hardwoodcatchments at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in thesouthern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Bimonthlybenthic samples were collected from a stream draininga pine catchment at Coweeta during 1992, and comparedto previously collected (1989–1990) benthic data froma stream draining an adjacent hardwood catchment. Litter decomposition and litterbag invertebrates wereexamined by placing litterbags filled with pine ormaple litter in streams draining pine catchments andhardwood catchments during 1992–1993 and 1993–1994. Total benthic invertebrate abundance and biomass inthe pine stream was ca. 57% and 74% that of thehardwood stream, respectively. Shredder biomass wasalso lower in the pine stream but, as a result ofhigher Leuctra spp. abundance, shredderabundance was higher in the pine stream than thehardwood stream. Decomposition rates of both pine andred maple litter were significantly faster in pinestreams than adjacent hardwood streams (p<0.05). Total shredder abundance, biomass, and production weresimilar in maple bags from pine and hardwood streams. However, trichopteran shredder abundance and biomass,and production of some trichopteran taxa such asLepidostoma spp., were significantly higher in maplelitterbags from pine streams than hardwood streams(p<0.05). In contrast, plecopteran shredders(mainly Tallaperla sp.) were more important inmaple litterbags from hardwood streams. Shredderswere well represented in pine litterbags from pinestreams, but low shredder values were obtained frompine litterbags in hardwood streams. Resultssuggest conversion of hardwood forest to pinemonoculture influences taxonomic composition of streaminvertebrates and litter decomposition dynamics. Although the impact of this landscape-leveldisturbance on invertebrate shredder communitiesappeared somewhat subtle, significant differences indecomposition dynamics indicate vital ecosystem-levelprocesses are altered in streams draining pinecatchments.  相似文献   

1. We compared fungal biomass, production and microbial respiration associated with decomposing leaves in one softwater stream (Payne Creek) and one hardwater stream (Lindsey Spring Branch). 2. Both streams received similar annual leaf litter fall (478–492 g m?2), but Lindsey Spring Branch had higher average monthly standing crop of leaf litter (69 ± 24 g m?2; mean ± SE) than Payne Creek (39 ± 9 g m?2). 3. Leaves sampled from Lindsey Spring Branch contained a higher mean concentration of fungal biomass (71 ± 11 mg g?1) than those from Payne Creek (54 ± 8 mg g?1). Maximum spore concentrations in the water of Lindsay Spring Branch were also higher than those in Payne Creek. These results agreed with litterbag studies of red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves, which decomposed faster (decay rate of 0.014 versus 0.004 day?1), exhibited higher maximum fungal biomass and had higher rates of fungal sporulation in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek. 4. Rates of fungal production and respiration per g leaf were similar in the two streams, although rates of fungal production and respiration per square metre were higher in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek because of the differences in leaf litter standing crop. 5. Annual fungal production was 16 ± 6 g m?2 (mean ± 95% CI) in Payne Creek and 46 ± 25 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. Measurements were taken through the autumn of 2 years to obtain an indication of inter‐year variability. Fungal production during October to January of the 2 years varied between 3 and 6 g m?2 in Payne Creek and 7–27 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. 6. Partial organic matter budgets constructed for both streams indicated that 3 ± 1% of leaf litter fall went into fungal production and 7 ± 2% was lost as respiration in Payne Creek. In Lindsey Spring Branch, fungal production accounted for 10 ± 5% of leaf litter fall and microbial respiration for 13 ± 9%.  相似文献   

1. Breakdown of four leaf species ( Platanus orientalis , Populus nigra , Salix atrocinerea , Rubus ulmifolius ) was studied in a Mediterranean second-order stream characterised by abundant travertine precipitation, a history of fire in its catchment, and a recently revegetated alluvial corridor.
2. Compared to breakdown rates reported in the literature for congeneric species, breakdown of the four species was slow (k = 0.0024–0.0069 day−1 for the tree species, and 0.0103 and 0.0111 day−1 for Rubus ), in spite of high water temperatures, indicating that the travertine layer that quickly covered submerged leaves impeded decomposer activity and physical fragmentation losses.
3. Breakdown rates nevertheless differed between leaf species in a predictable manner, suggesting that the observed mass loss was largely due to biological processes.
4. The observed tendency towards increasing leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations during breakdown suggests that microorganisms were actively involved in leaf breakdown; however, this interpretation must be viewed with caution because of potentially confounding effects by nutrients contained in the travertine layer.
5. Leaf breakdown of the three indigenous species was faster than that of the exotic species P. orientalis . Due to the recalcitrance of its leaves, the frequent use of Platanus in revegetation schemes following the destruction of indigenous vegetation by fire, exacerbates the negative effect of travertine precipitation on leaf breakdown and, by extension, energy flow in Mediterranean karst streams.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Heterotrophic microorganisms are crucial for mineralising leaf litter and rendering it more palatable to leaf‐shredding invertebrates. A substantial part of leaf litter entering running waters may be buried in the streambed and thus be exposed to the constraining conditions prevailing in the hyporheic zone. The fate of this buried organic matter and particularly the role of microbial conditioning in this habitat remain largely unexplored. 2. The aim of this study was to determine how the location of leaf litter within the streambed (i.e. at the surface or buried), as well as the leaf litter burial history, may affect the leaf‐associated aquatic hyphomycete communities and therefore leaf consumption by invertebrate detritivores. We tested the hypotheses that (i) burial of leaf litter would result in lower decomposition rates associated with changes in microbial assemblages compared with leaf litter at the surface and (ii) altered microbial conditioning of buried leaf litter would lead to decreased quality and palatability to their consumers, translating into lower growth rates of detritivores. 3. These hypotheses were tested experimentally in a second‐order stream where leaf‐associated microbial communities, as well as leaf litter decomposition rates, elemental composition and toughness, were compared across controlled treatments differing by their location within the streambed. We examined the effects of the diverse conditioning treatments on decaying leaf palatability to consumers through feeding trials on three shredder taxa including a freshwater amphipod, of which we also determined the growth rate. 4. Microbial leaf litter decomposition, fungal biomass and sporulation rates were reduced when leaf litter was buried in the hyporheic zone. While the total species richness of fungal assemblages was similar among treatments, the composition of fungal assemblages was affected by leaf litter burial in sediment. 5. Leaf litter burial markedly affected the food quality (especially P content) of leaf material, probably due to the changes in microbial conditioning. Leaf litter palatability to shredders was highest for leaves exposed at the sediment surface and tended to be negatively related to leaf litter toughness and C/P ratio. In addition, burial of leaf litter led to lower amphipod growth rates, which were positively correlated with leaf litter P content. 6. These results emphasise the importance of leaf colonisation by aquatic fungi in the hyporheic zone of headwater streams, where fungal conditioning of leaf litter appears particularly critical for nutrient and energy transfer to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

1. To assess the impact of metal mixtures on microbial decomposition of leaf litter, we exposed leaves previously immersed in a stream to environmentally realistic concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) (three levels), alone and in all possible combinations. The response of the microbial community was monitored after 10, 25 and 40 days of metal exposure by examining leaf mass loss, fungal and bacterial biomass, fungal reproduction and fungal and bacterial diversity.
2. Analysis of microbial diversity, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and identification of fungal spores, indicated that metal exposure altered the structure of fungal and bacterial communities on decomposing leaves.
3. Exposure to metal mixtures or to the highest Cu concentration significantly reduced leaf decomposition rates and fungal reproduction, but not fungal biomass. Bacterial biomass was strongly inhibited by all metal treatments.
4. The effects of Cu and Zn mixtures on microbial decomposition of leaf litter were mostly additive, because observed effects did not differ from those expected as the sum of single metal effects. However, antagonistic effects on bacterial biomass were found in all metal combinations and on fungal reproduction in metal combinations with the highest Cu concentrations, particularly at longer exposure times.  相似文献   

1. Faecal pellets of Gammarus (shredders) and Simulium larvae (suspension feeders) are bound by exopolymers. Immediately after egestion, Gammarus pellets are covered by a peritrophic membrane that breaks up within hours, although pellets remain intact because of internal binding materials. 2. Although they expand soon after egestion, the faecal pellets of Gammarus and Simulium remain intact for more than 30 days. Their internal structure is altered and the main agents of this change are bacteria that have survived passage through the gut (and become bound within pellets). 3. When disrupted physically, freshly egested (1‐ to 2‐day old) Simulium faecal pellets break up into relatively large pieces whereas freshly egested Gammarus faecal pellets break apart into much smaller pieces. Disruption of 30‐day old Simulium faecal pellets results in similar sized pieces to those from freshly egested pellets, but disruption of 30‐day old Gammarus pellets produces pieces that are two orders of magnitude larger than those resulting from disruption of freshly egested pellets. 4. Faecal pellets of Gammarus and Simulium are eaten by stream invertebrates and are sites of microbial breakdown. Faecal pellets are a source of organic matter for benthic invertebrates, bacteria and, indirectly, for plants.  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter breakdown rates were assessed in 23 boreal streams of varying size (first–seventh order) in central and northern Sweden. 2. Shredders were most abundant in small streams, while shredder species richness showed a hump-shaped relationship with stream order, with most species in fourth order streams. 3. In a partial least-squares regression analysis, year, water temperature, shredder species richness and shredder abundance were those factors correlating most strongly with leaf breakdown rates. Shredder species richness was more strongly correlated with leaf litter breakdown rates than shredder abundance, and shredder biomass showed no such correlation. 4. These data suggest that shredder species richness is an important variable in terms of leaf litter dynamics in streams.  相似文献   

Tropical montane ecosystems of the Andes are critically threatened by a rapid land‐use change which can potentially affect stream variables, aquatic communities, and ecosystem processes such as leaf litter breakdown. However, these effects have not been sufficiently investigated in the Andean region and at high altitude locations in general. Here, we studied the influence of land use (forest–pasture–urban) on stream physico‐chemical variables (e.g., water temperature, nutrient concentration, and pH), aquatic communities (macroinvertebrates and aquatic fungi) and leaf litter breakdown rates in Andean streams (southern Ecuador), and how variation in those stream physico‐chemical variables affect macroinvertebrates and fungi related to leaf litter breakdown. We found that pH, water temperature, and nutrient concentration increased along the land‐use gradient. Macroinvertebrate communities were significantly different between land uses. Shredder richness and abundance were lower in pasture than forest sites and totally absent in urban sites, and fungal richness and biomass were higher in forest sites than in pasture and urban sites. Leaf litter breakdown rates became slower as riparian land use changed from natural to anthropogenically disturbed conditions and were largely determined by pH, water temperature, phosphate concentration, fungal activity, and single species of leaf‐shredding invertebrates. Our findings provide evidence that leaf litter breakdown in Andean streams is sensitive to riparian land‐use change, with urban streams being the most affected. In addition, this study highlights the role of fungal biomass and shredder species (Phylloicus; Trichoptera and Anchytarsus; Coleoptera) on leaf litter breakdown in Andean streams and the contribution of aquatic fungi in supporting this ecosystem process when shredders are absent or present low abundance in streams affected by urbanization. Finally, we summarize important implications in terms of managing of native vegetation and riparian buffers to promote ecological integrity and functioning of tropical Andean stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Interregional comparisons of sediment microbial respiration in streams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 The rate of microbial respiration on fine‐grained stream sediments was measured at 371 first to fourth‐order streams in the Central Appalachian region (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia), Southern Rocky Mountains (Colorado), and California's Central Valley in 1994 and 1995.
  • 2 Study streams were randomly selected from the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) River Reach File (RF3) using the sample design developed by USEPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP).
  • 3 Respiration rate ranged from 0 to 0.621 g O2 g‐1 AFDM h‐1 in Central Appalachian streams, 0‐0.254 g O2 g‐1 AFDM h‐1 in Rocky Mountain streams, and 0‐0.436 g O2 g‐1 AFDM h‐1 in Central Valley streams.
  • 4 Respiration was significantly lower in Southern Rocky Mountain streams and in cold water streams (< 15 °C) of the Central Appalachians.
  • 5 Within a defined index period, respiration was not significantly different between years, and was significantly correlated with stream temperature and chemistry (DOC, total N, total P, K, Cl, and alkalinity).
  • 6 The uniformity of respiration estimates among the three study regions suggests that sediment microbial respiration may be collected at any number of scales above the site‐level for reliable prediction of respiration patterns at larger spatial scales.

Streams and rivers are important conduits of terrestrially derived carbon (C) to atmospheric and marine reservoirs. Leaf litter breakdown rates are expected to increase as water temperatures rise in response to climate change. The magnitude of increase in breakdown rates is uncertain, given differences in litter quality and microbial and detritivore community responses to temperature, factors that can influence the apparent temperature sensitivity of breakdown and the relative proportion of C lost to the atmosphere vs. stored or transported downstream. Here, we synthesized 1025 records of litter breakdown in streams and rivers to quantify its temperature sensitivity, as measured by the activation energy (Ea, in eV). Temperature sensitivity of litter breakdown varied among twelve plant genera for which Ea could be calculated. Higher values of Ea were correlated with lower‐quality litter, but these correlations were influenced by a single, N‐fixing genus (Alnus). Ea values converged when genera were classified into three breakdown rate categories, potentially due to continual water availability in streams and rivers modulating the influence of leaf chemistry on breakdown. Across all data representing 85 plant genera, the Ea was 0.34 ± 0.04 eV, or approximately half the value (0.65 eV) predicted by metabolic theory. Our results indicate that average breakdown rates may increase by 5–21% with a 1–4 °C rise in water temperature, rather than a 10–45% increase expected, according to metabolic theory. Differential warming of tropical and temperate biomes could result in a similar proportional increase in breakdown rates, despite variation in Ea values for these regions (0.75 ± 0.13 eV and 0.27 ± 0.05 eV, respectively). The relative proportions of gaseous C loss and organic matter transport downstream should not change with rising temperature given that Ea values for breakdown mediated by microbes alone and microbes plus detritivores were similar at the global scale.  相似文献   

1. We measured responses in macroinvertebrate secondary production after large wood additions to three forested headwater streams in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These streams had fine‐grained sediments and low retention capacity due to low amounts of in‐channel wood from a legacy of past logging. We predicted that wood addition would increase macroinvertebrate secondary production by increasing exposed coarse substrate and retention of organic matter. 2. Large wood (25 logs) was added haphazardly to a 100‐m reach in each stream, and a 100‐m upstream reach served as control; each reach was sampled monthly, 1 year before and 2 years after wood addition (i.e. BACI design). Macroinvertebrate secondary production was measured 1 year after wood addition in two habitat types: inorganic sediments of the main channel and debris accumulations of leaf litter and small wood. 3. Overall macroinvertebrate production did not change significantly because each stream responded differently to wood addition. Production increased by 22% in the main‐channel of one stream, and showed insignificant changes in the other two streams compared to values before wood addition. Changes in main‐channel macroinvertebrate production were related to small changes in substrate composition, which probably affected habitat and periphyton abundance. Macroinvertebrate production was much greater in debris accumulations than in the main‐channel, indicating the potential for increased retention of leaf litter to increase overall macroinvertebrate production, especially in autumn. 4. Surrounding land use, substrate composition, temperature and method of log placement are variables that interact to influence the response of stream biota to wood additions. In most studies, wood additions occur in altered catchments, are rarely monitored, and secondary production is not a common metric. Our results suggest that the time required for measurable changes in geomorphology, organic matter retention, or invertebrate production is likely to take years to achieve, so monitoring should span more than 5 years, and ecosystem metrics, such as macroinvertebrate secondary production, should be incorporated into restoration monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Breakdown of leaves from three native riparian tree species, and their colonisation by shredding and collecting insect larvae, were investigated in three streams on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Leaves were introduced in baskets at the time of leaf fall. Breakdown rates of leaves were faster than previously recorded in New Zealand streams and were comparable to those of many northern hemisphere deciduous species. Shredder and total detritivore densities and biomass in leaf baskets were also greater than previously found in New Zealand streams. Peaks of shredder biomass on red beech and mahoe leaves were found when only about 20% of leaf biomass remained. No shredder peak was recorded on fuchsia leaves, and no collector peaks occurred in any of the streams. Relative shredder and collector biomass (per g DW leaf) in leaf baskets did not exceed or was smaller than in leaf litter accumulations of mixed origin and conditioning throughout the streams during leaf breakdown although absolute shredder and collector biomass (per m2 stream bottom) was occasionally larger in baskets than in the rest of the stream. These findings support contentions that spatial and temporal relationships between detrital inputs and detritivore biomass and life histories are weak in New Zealand streams.  相似文献   

1. Large-scale invasions of riparian trees can alter the quantity and quality of allochthonous inputs of leaf litter to streams and thus have the potential to alter stream organic matter dynamics. Non-native saltcedar ( Tamarix sp.) and Russian olive ( Elaeagnus angustifolia ) are now among the most common trees in riparian zones in western North America, yet their impacts on energy flow in streams are virtually unknown.
2. We conducted a laboratory feeding experiment to compare the growth of the aquatic crane fly Tipula (Diptera: Tipulidae) on leaf litter from native cottonwood ( Populus ) and non-native Tamarix and Elaeagnus . Tipula showed positive growth on leaf litter of all three species; however, after 7 weeks, larvae fed Tamarix leaves averaged 1.7 and 2.5 times the mass of those fed Elaeagnus and Populus , respectively. Tipula survival was highest on Populus , intermediate on Tamarix and lowest on Elaeagnus .
3. High Tipula growth on Tamarix probably reflects a combination of leaf chemistry and morphology. Conditioned Tamarix leaf litter had intermediate carbon : nitrogen values (33 : 1) compared to Populus (40 : 1) and Elaeagnus (26 : 1), and it had intermediate proportions of structural carbon (42%) compared to Elaeagnus (57%) and Populus (35%). Tamarix leaves are also relatively small and possibly more easily ingested by Tipula than either Elaeagnus or Populus .
4. Field surveys of streams in the western U.S.A. revealed that Tamarix and Elaeagnus leaf packs were rare compared to native Populus , probably due to the elongate shape and small size of the non-native leaves. Thus we conclude that, in general, the impact of non-native riparian invasion on aquatic shredders will depend not only on leaf decomposition rate and palatability but also on rates of leaf litter input to the stream coupled with streambed retention and subsequent availability to consumers.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. A 2‐year study of the life histories, production dynamics and resource utilisation of five mayfly species was undertaken in two forest streams in Hong Kong [Tai Po Kau Forest Stream (TPKFS) and Shing Mun River (SMR)]. Afronurus sp. and Cinygmina sp. (Heptageniidae), Procloeon sp. and Baetiella pseudofrequenta (Baetidae), and Choroterpes sp. (Leptophlebiidae) were abundant in both streams and contributed more than 50% of the total mayfly populations. 2. All species had asynchronous larval development with recruitment occurring throughout the year. Mean annual production (all mayflies combined) was 3.1 and 2.0 g dry weight m?2 year?1 in SMR and TPKFS, respectively – the higher value at SMR reflecting greater mayfly densities – with more than 70% of production occurring during the wet season. Mayfly production varied between years, decreasing by 5% in TPKFS and 43% in SMR during 1996–97, reflecting lower densities of heptageniids relative to 1995–96. Annual biomass turnover rates (P/B) were high in both sites ranging from 27.2 to 94.6 in TPKFS (Cinygmina sp. and Procloeon sp.) and from 31.8 to 109.8 in SMR (Cinygmina sp. and B. pseudofrequenta). 3. Patterns of daily production in both streams showed that Afronurus sp., Cinygmina sp. and Choroterpes sp. were most productive during the wet season, while Procloeon sp. maintained high production levels throughout the year. The highest daily production of B. pseudofrequenta occurred during the wet season in TPKFS, but in the dry season at SMR. Temporal overlap in production and hence resource utilisation in both streams, calculated using the proportional similarity index (PS), ranged from 0.39 to 0.81. It was highest (0.63–0.81) between pairs of species of Heptageniidae and Baetidae, and lowest between Choroterpes sp. and other mayflies (0.39–0.61). No clear temporal segregation was observed among any species. However, when using the fraction of production attributable to each food, lower PS values were obtained for all species in both sites. In SMR, trophic segregation may have occurred between the two species pairs Procloeon sp.–Cinygmina sp. and Procloeon sp.–Choroterpes sp. (PS=0.17 and 0.03, respectively). 4. A combination of production data and information on the stable isotope signature of mayflies revealed that, during both the wet and dry seasons, more than 50% of total mayfly production in TPKFS was derived from autochthonous foods. In SMR, 68% of production was supported by allochthonous foods during the wet season, and 72% by autochthonous sources in the dry season. Considering that more than 70% of the total production occurred in the wet season, the trophic basis of mayfly production in SMR is mostly allochthonous (58%) while in TPKFS it is mainly of autochthonous origin (66%). The year‐round importance of autochthonous foods in shaded streams such as TPKFS is surprising, but the wet season contribution of allochthonous foods (especially in SMR) may have resulted from depletion of algal biomass during spates.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate colonization dynamics were examined on artificial substrata in a stream with terrestrial litter inputs excluded, downstream of the litter-exclusion treatment, and in a reference stream. 2. Short-term examination of the rates of organic matter accrual and invertebrate colonization demonstrated significantly lower accumulation of leaf detritus and invertebrates in the litter-excluded reach and a short distance downstream of that reach. 3. All major fractions of organic matter and invertebrates declined on artificial substrata during the 3-year litter exclusion. Further, secondary production on artificial substrata in the litter-excluded reach decreased from 6.2 to 1.5 g AFDM m−2 year−1 from pretreatment to the third year of litter exclusion, respectively. 4. Downstream, fine particulate organic matter on artificial substrata decreased during litter exclusion, and there was a significant reduction in colonization of collector-filterers. Total secondary production downstream of the litter exclusion declined >70%, demonstrating that downstream colonization dynamics are linked to upstream detritus inputs and processing by stream invertebrates.  相似文献   

The response of Potamogeton crispus L. breakdown to controlled doses of different levels of chlorine and chlorine + ammonia was investigated over two years in outdoor experimental streams. In 1985, downstream riffles of 2 streams were dosed (observed in-stream concentrations) at ca. 10 μg/L Total Residual Chlorine (TRC), one stream at 64 μg/L TRC and one stream at 230 μg/L TRC. Two control streams were not dosed and the upstream riffles of each stream served as within stream controls. In 1986, the downstream riffle of one stream was dosed at 70 μg/L TRC and a second stream was dosed at 200 μg/L TRC. Four streams were also dosed with 2.5 mg/L NH3-N: one stream with no chlorine, one stream with ca. 10 μg/L TRC, one with 56 μg/L TRC, and one with 150 μg/L TRC. A seventh stream was dosed for 2 h at 2000 μg/L TRC and 2.5 mg/L ammonia and then allowed to recover (recovery stream). Each year, litter decomposition (degree day k values) was measured during two 35 day trials (Jun–Jul and Aug–Sep). In 1985, when streams were dosed with chlorine alone, decomposition was significantly reduced with the high (230 μg/L TRC) chlorine dose. Downstream decomposition was 27% (Jun–Jul) and 59% (Aug–Sep) of the upstream (control) rate. No other chlorine effects were found during this period. In Jun–Jul 1986, there was significantly lower decomposition in the downstream dosed sites of the 200 μg/L TRC alone stream, the 146 μg/L TRC + ammonia stream and the recovery stream; downstream decay rates were (respectively) 56%, 42% and 64% of the upstream control sites. No other up-down pairs were different in July 1986. In Aug–Sep, all three streams with chlorine + ammonia (6, 56 and 146 μg/L TRC + 2,5 mg/L ammonia) and the 70 μg/L TRC alone stream had significantly lower decomposition rates in the downstream dosed sites. For these streams, downstream decay rates ranged from 46% (high chlorine + ammonia) to 73% (low chlorine + ammonia) of the upstream control rates. No other up-down pairs were different during this trial. Up and downstream sites of the stream dosed with 2.5 mg/L ammonia alone were nearly identical for both trials (< 3% difference). These results indicate that TRC at less than 250 μg/L can significantly reduce litter decomposition and strongly suggest that addition of ammonia to chlorinated water can increase the toxic effect of chlorine. currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   

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