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A new virus previously arose in BALB/c females mated repeatedly to C57BL/6 (B6) males and then injected with fixed, activated B6 male spleen cells (V. S. Ter-Grigorov, O. Krifuks, E. Liubashevsky, A. Nyska, Z. Trainin, and V. Toder, Nat. Med. 3:37-41, 1997). In the present study, BALB/cJ mice inoculated with virus-containing plasma from affected mice developed splenomegaly, which was caused by increased numbers of Sca-1(+) Lin(-) hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and their differentiated progeny. Biological and molecular analyses of a new virus revealed a mixture of murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs). These MuLVs comprised ecotropic and mink lung cell focus-forming (MCF) virus classes and are termed Rauscher-like MuLVs because they bear numerous similarities to the ecotropic and MCF viruses of the Rauscher MuLV complex but do not include a spleen focus-forming virus. The ecotropic virus component alone transferred some disease characteristics, while MCF virus alone did not. Thus, we have described a novel virus mixture, termed Rauscher-like MuLV, that causes an increase in hematopoiesis due to activation of pluripotent HSC. Experiments using mice and a protocol that replicated the pregnancy and immunization strategy of the original experiment demonstrated that endogenous BALB/c mouse ecotropic and xenotropic MuLVs are activated by these treatments. Emv1 was expressed in the spleens of multiparous mice but not in those of virgin mice, and Bxv1Emv1-pseudotyped MuLVs were recovered following injection of fixed, activated B6 cells. Thus, multiple pregnancies and allostimuli appear to have provided the signals required for activation of and recombination among endogenous viruses and could have resulted in generation of the Rauscher-like MuLV mixture.  相似文献   

In HTG2 hamster cells infected with the replication-defective Gazdar murine sarcoma virus only immature virus particles are formed, with the uncleaved gag precursor Pr65 as the only major protein in the virion. We have investigated the structure of these particles by using in situ cross-linking followed by chemical and enzymatic cleavages of Pr65 to localize sites of lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions. Lipid-protein cross-links were localized within a 10-kDa fragment in the p15 region of Pr65. Homotypic protein-protein cross-links between Pr65 units were localized within the p15 regions and also within the p10 regions of Pr65. Similar data for processed gag proteins in Rauscher murine leukemia virus, a prototype of a mature C-type virus, suggest that these interactions of the gag precursor are not altered during maturation. To identify the sites of cross-linking within Pr65, we have developed a two-dimensional peptide mapping technique that is based on nearest neighbor analysis of fragments released by cyanogen bromide treatment of partial cleavage products in gel slices. In conjunction with cross-linking, the peptide mapping technique is a powerful means for localizing specific interactions on a polypeptide backbone.  相似文献   

Regulated degradation of cellular components by lysosomes is essential to maintain biological homeostasis. In mammals, three forms of autophagy, macroautophagy, microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), have been identified. Here, we showed a novel type of autophagy, in which RNA is taken up directly into lysosomes for degradation. This pathway, which we term “RNautophagy,” is ATP-dependent, and unlike CMA, is independent of HSPA8/Hsc70. LAMP2C, a lysosomal membrane protein, serves as a receptor for this pathway. The cytosolic tail of LAMP2C specifically binds to almost all total RNA derived from mouse brain. The cytosolic sequence of LAMP2C and its affinity for RNA are evolutionarily conserved from nematodes to humans. Our findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying RNA homeostasis in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A DNA-joining activity associated with a murine retrovirus, the Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV), has been identified. DNA-joining by the virus associated enzyme, as measured by the circularization of d(A-T)n, did not require the addition of ATP. The enzyme was partially purified by glycerol gradient centrifugation and its molecular weight was determined to be about 40 000.  相似文献   

S S Rhee  E Hunter 《Cell》1990,63(1):77-86
Two different morphogenic processes of retroviral capsid assembly have been observed: the capsid is either assembled at the plasma membrane during the budding process (type C), or preassembled within the cytoplasm (types B and D). We describe here a gag mutant of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, a type D retrovirus, in which a tryptophan substituted for an arginine in the matrix protein results in efficient assembly of capsids at the plasma membrane through a morphogenic process similar to that of type C retroviruses. We conclude that a type D retrovirus Gag polyprotein contains an additional, dominant signal that prevents immediate transport of precursors from the site of biosynthesis to the plasma membrane. Instead, they are directed to and retained at a cytoplasmic site where a concentration sufficient for self-assembly into capsids occurs. Thus, capsid assembly processes for different retroviruses appear to differ only in the intracellular site to which capsid precursors are directed.  相似文献   

APOBEC3G (A3G) is an antiretroviral host factor that functions by deaminating dC to dU in retroviral cDNA. HIV-1 Vif protein counteracts A3G via a ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In the case of a simple retrovirus such as the murine leukemia virus (MLV), it remains unclear why it can replicate in cells expressing APOBEC3 (A3) even though it doesn't possess any accessory proteins such as Vif. In this study, we demonstrate that MLV escapes from murine A3 (mA3) via two distinct novel mechanisms. First, viral RNA (vRNA) blocks the binding of mA3 to Gag, resulting in the exclusion of mA3 from MLV virions. Second, viral protease (vPR) cleaves mA3 after maturation of virions. Here, we suggest that each virus has its own strategy to escape from A3 proteins and that these mechanisms might be used by other viruses that do not possess Vif-like protein. On the other hand, mice possess another form of mA3, delta exon5, that escapes from the cleavage by vPR to show more antiviral activity than the wild type mA3. This also suggests that battles between host intrinsic immunity and viruses have led to the evolution of proteins on both sides.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge that arises in biomedicine is the need to characterize compounds in a relevant cel-lular context in order to reveal potential on-target ...  相似文献   

Transfection by exogenous and endogenous murine retrovirus DNAs.   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
N G Copeland  G M Cooper 《Cell》1979,16(2):347-356
A low molecular weight (LMW) protein phosphokinase enzyme that binds to actin has been isolated from murine sarcoma virions; this kinase activity is not present in nontransforming murine leukemia viruses. Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and affinity chromatography on actin-Sepharose conjugates allow a significant level of purification of this enzyme. The enzyme associates with microtubular proteins and inhibits the in vitro polymerization of microtubules. This study represents the first isolation of a sarcoma virus-associated protein that possesses the ability to interact directly with two major components of the cytoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Clustering analysis has been an important research topic in the machine learning field due to the wide applications. In recent years, it has even become a valuable and useful tool for in-silico analysis of microarray or gene expression data. Although a number of clustering methods have been proposed, they are confronted with difficulties in meeting the requirements of automation, high quality, and high efficiency at the same time. In this paper, we propose a novel, parameterless and efficient clustering algorithm, namely, correlation search technique (CST), which fits for analysis of gene expression data. The unique feature of CST is it incorporates the validation techniques into the clustering process so that high quality clustering results can be produced on the fly. Through experimental evaluation, CST is shown to outperform other clustering methods greatly in terms of clustering quality, efficiency, and automation on both of synthetic and real data sets.  相似文献   

Infection by LP-BM5 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) produces an AIDS-like condition in mice. The viral infection suppressed the percentage of peripheral blood cells showing surface markers for macrophages, activated macrophages, T lymphocytes and activated lymphoid cells. High dietary vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) caused increased numbers of activated macrophages. It also increased the percentage of cells with markers for Ia+ cells and macrophages in the retrovirally infected mice compared to infected controls. In uninfected mice retinyl palmitate stimulated the percentage of cells with activated lymphocytes bearing IL-2R, and T cytotoxic cells. These were associated with a retarded death rate during infection with LP-BM5 murine leukemia in C57BL/6 mice. By 25 weeks of infection and 20 weeks of retinyl palmitate supplementation 71.3% survived, while 45.0% virally infected controls survived. The mice also had elevated numbers of B cells measured in the blood after 4 and 8 weeks of dietary treatment. Vitamin A stimulation may play a role in the slower death rate for retrovirally infected mice.  相似文献   

W K Yang  D M Yang    J O Kiggans  Jr 《Journal of virology》1980,36(1):181-188
Formation of viral closed circular supercoiled DNA duplexes and production of progeny virus were both inhibited in cultured mouse cells treated with cycloheximide in the first 4 h of type C retrovirus infection. With different doses of cycloheximide to cause different degrees of inhibition, the number of viral supercoiled DNA duplexes detected in the cells at 11 h showed an apparent correlation with the amount of progeny virus produced in the 12- to 22-h period of infection. A slight accumulation of the full-genome linear duplex and an open circular duplex of viral DNA intermediate was observed in the cycloheximide-treated cells. Cycloheximide given to the cells during the time of conversion of viral DNA from linear to supercoiled duplex forms (6 to 11 h after virus inoculation) did not inhibit the conversion. These kinetic data suggest that a cycloheximide-sensitive metabolic process, probably early viral protein synthesis, is required for retrovirus replication and supercoiled viral DNA formation in the cell.  相似文献   

Recently, we isolated from the blood of lymphoproliferative disease (LPD)-affected turkeys a type C retrovirus distinct from the avian leukosis-sarcoma virus complex and the reticuloendotheliosis virus group. We present molecular evidence for the implication of this virus in the LPD of turkeys. Using complementary DNA of LPD viral RNA, we found that the LPD viral genome is specifically and efficiently transcribed (2,500 copies per cell) in LPD tumor cells. Moreover, the LPD tumor cells contained newly inserted LPD viral information (5 to 10 copies per haploid genome), which was not present before the infection. From the absence of LPD virus-specific sequences in the normal cell genome of turkeys, it was concluded that the LPD virus is not an endogenous virus of turkeys. DNA-DNA annealing experiments revealed that the degree of sequence homology between LPD viral complementary DNA and cellular DNA of turkeys was not higher than that between LPD viral complementary DNA and cellular DNA of other species, thus indicating that the virus does not originate from turkeys.  相似文献   

Identification of genes encoding type III polyketide synthase (PKS) superfamily members in the industrially useful filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, revealed that their distribution is not specific to plants or bacteria. Among other Aspergilli (Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus), A. oryzae was unique in possessing four chalcone synthase (CHS)-like genes (csyA, csyB, csyC, and csyD). Expression of csyA, csyB, and csyD genes was confirmed by RT-PCR. Comparative genome analyses revealed single putative type III PKS in Neurospora crassa and Fusarium graminearum, two each in Magnaporthe grisea and Podospora anserina, and three in Phenarocheate chrysosporium, with a phylogenic distinction from bacteria and plants. Conservation of catalytic residues in the CHSs across species implicated enzymatically active nature of these newly discovered homologs.  相似文献   

W Sun  M O'Connell    N A Speck 《Journal of virology》1993,67(4):1976-1986
Mammalian type C retrovirus enhancer factor 1 (MCREF-1) is a nuclear protein that binds several directly repeated sequences (CNGGN6CNGG) in the Moloney and Friend murine leukemia virus (MLV) enhancers (N. R. Manley, M. O'Connell, W. Sun, N. A. Speck, and N. Hopkins, J. Virol. 67:1967-1975, 1993). In this paper, we describe the partial purification of MCREF-1 from calf thymus nuclei and further characterize the binding properties of MCREF-1. MCREF-1 binds four sites in the Moloney MLV enhancer and three sites in the Friend MLV enhancer. Ethylation interference analysis suggests that the MCREF-1 binding site spans two adjacent minor grooves of DNA.  相似文献   

P J Dillon  J Lenz    C A Rosen 《Journal of virology》1991,65(8):4490-4493
A replication-competent Akv murine leukemia virus-based vector encoding the human immunodeficiency virus tat cDNA under control of the simian virus 40 early promoter sequences was constructed. The simian virus 40 tat sequences were placed within the U3 region of the 3' long terminal repeat. The resulting virus, derived by transfection, replicated efficiently in mouse NIH 3T3 cells and maintained the tat cDNA insert. It has been suggested that Tat function requires the presence of a human-specific cofactor, which is absent in murine cells. However, infection of murine cells with the Akv virus encoding tat resulted in significant transactivation of a human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat-driven reporter gene, indicating that human cofactors are not always required for Tat function. The vector system described may be useful for introduction of foreign genes in vivo and in whole animals when virus spread is required for efficient infection and levels of gene expression.  相似文献   

Analyses of microbial genome sequences reveal numerous examples of gene clusters encoding proteins typically involved in complex natural product biosynthesis but not associated with the production of known natural products. In Streptomyces coelicolor M145 there are several gene clusters encoding new nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) systems not associated with known metabolites. Application of structure-based models for substrate recognition by NRPS adenylation domains predicts the amino acids incorporated into the putative peptide products of these systems, but the accuracy of these predictions is untested. Here we report the isolation and structure determination of the new tris-hydroxamate tetrapeptide iron chelator coelichelin from S. coelicolor using a genome mining approach guided by substrate predictions for the trimodular NRPS CchH, and we show that this enzyme, which lacks a C-terminal thioesterase domain, together with a homolog of enterobactin esterase (CchJ), are required for coelichelin biosynthesis. These results demonstrate that accurate prediction of adenylation domain substrate selectivity is possible and raise intriguing mechanistic questions regarding the assembly of a tetrapeptide by a trimodular NRPS.  相似文献   

The phosphoprotein p12 and the nucleoprotein p10 of Rauscher murine leukemia virus have been isolated by extraction of aqueous virus suspensions with neutral chloroform-methanol followed by centrifugation to separate the phases. The procedure involves, first, extraction with neutral chloroform-methanol under conditions of low ionic strength. The phosphoprotein p12 and the RNA partition to the aqueous phase and the viral lipids to the organic phase, and the remainder of viral proteins form an interphase layer. In the second step, extraction of the interphase resuspended in high ionic strength buffer selectively partitions p10 to the aqueous phase. The antigenicity of p10 and p12 proteins is preserved and their N-terminal amino acid sequences and compositions were found to be identical with published data. By extraction of the interphase with acidic chloroform-methanol, viral proteins p30, p15, and p15(E) can be solubilized.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase is known as the key enzyme for melanin biosynthesis, which is effective in preventing skin injury by ultra violet (UV). In past decades, tyrosinase has been well studied in the field of cosmetics, medicine, agriculture and environmental sciences, and a lot of tyrosinase inhibitors have been developed for their needs. Here, we searched for new types of tyrosinase inhibitors and found phenylbenzoic acid (PBA) as a unique scaffold. Among three isomers of PBA, 3-phenylbenzoic acid (3-PBA) was revealed to be the most potent inhibitor against mushroom tyrosinase (IC50 = 6.97 μM, monophenolase activity; IC50 = 36.3 μM, diphenolase activity). The kinetic studies suggested that the apparent inhibition modes for the monophenolase and diphenolase activities were noncompetitive and mixed type inhibition, respectively. Analyses by in silico docking studies using the crystallographic structure of mushroom tyrosinase indicated that the carboxylic acid group of the 3-PBA could adequately bind to two cupric ions in the tyrosinase. To prove this hypothesis, we examined the effect of modification of the carboxylic acid group of the 3-PBA on its inhibitory activity. As expected, the esterification abrogated the inhibitory activity. These observations suggest that 3-PBA is a useful lead compound for the generation of novel tyrosinase inhibitors and provides a new insight into the molecular basis of tyrosinase catalytic mechanisms.  相似文献   

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