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A Chromosome (Chr) 16 segment of the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat was shown by linkage to contain a blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait locus (QTL). To verify and further narrow down the region harboring the QTL, we made two congenic strains by replacing two segments of the S rats with the homologous segments of the Lewis (LEW) rats. The construction of these congenic strains was facilitated by a genome-wide marker screening. The two congenic strains contained a segment in common, and BPs of both were significantly lower than that of the S strain. Consequently, a BP QTL could be localized to the overlapping region of about 49.4 centiRay (cR) including the telomere on a radiation hybrid map. Heart weights, left and right ventricular weights, kidney weights, and aortic weights over length were all significantly decreased in the congenic strains compared with the S strain. Thus, there appeared to exist an association between the effects of the QTL on BP and on cardiac, renal, and vascular hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Cicila GT  Garrett MR  Lee SJ  Liu J  Dene H  Rapp JP 《Genomics》2001,72(1):51-60
It was previously shown using Dahl salt-sensitive (S) and salt-resistant (R) rats that a blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) was present on rat chromosome 7. In the present work, this QTL was localized to a region less than 0.54 cM in size on the linkage map using a series of congenic strains. This region was contained in a single yeast artificial chromosome that was 220 kb long. This small segment still contained the primary candidate locus Cyp11b1 (11beta-hydroxylase), but the adjacent candidate genes Cyp11b2 (aldosterone synthase) and Cyp11b3 were ruled out. It is concluded that 11beta-hydroxylase, through its known genetic variants altering the production of 18-hydroxy-11-deoxy corticosterone, is very likely to account for the blood pressure QTL on chromosome 7 in the Dahl rat model of hypertension. This QTL accounts for about 23 mm Hg under the condition of 2% NaCl diet for 24 days.  相似文献   

A region on rat Chromosome (Chr) 2 of the Dahl salt-sensitive rat (S) was shown previously to contain a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for blood pressure (BP). This was achieved first by linkage, followed by the use of congenic strains. A congenic strain, designated S.MNS-D2Mit6/Adh, contained a segment of Chr 2 from the Milan Normotensive (MNS) rat in the S genetic background. Since the region containing the QTL was roughly 80 cM in size, a further reduction was needed towards the positional or candidate gene cloning. Currently, two congenic substrains were made from the original strain S.MNS-D2Mit6/Adh. One of these two substrains showed a BP-lowering effect, whereas the other substrain did not. Deducing the segment not shared in the two substrains, the BP QTL has to be present in a chromosome region of roughly 5.7 cM between the marker D2Rat303 and the locus for the neutroendopeptidase gene (Nep). Nep is not included within the segment. This region does not seem to contain any candidate genes well known for the BP control. Thus, the final identification of the QTL will most likely lead to the discovery of a brand new gene for the BP regulation. Received: 14 December 2000 / Accepted: 18 January 2001  相似文献   

Several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for important reproductive traits (age of puberty, ovulation rate, nipple number and plasma FSH) have been identified on the long arm of porcine chromosome 10. Bi-directional chromosome painting has shown that this region is homologous to human chromosome 10p. Because few microsatellite or type I markers have been placed on SSC10, we wanted to increase the density of known ESTs mapped in this region of the porcine genome. Genes were chosen for their position on human chromosome 10, sequence availability from the TIGR pig gene indices, and their potential as a candidate gene. The PCR primers were designed to amplify across introns or 3'-UTR to maximize single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery. Parents of the mapping population (one sire and seven dams) were amplified and sequenced to find informative markers. The SNPs were genotyped using primer extension and mass spectrometry. These amplification products were also used to probe a BAC library (RPCI-44, Roswell Park Cancer Institute) for positive clones and screened for microsatellites. Six genes from human chromosome 10p (AKR1C2, PRKCQ, ITIH2, ATP5C1, PIP5K2A and GAD2) were mapped in the MARC swine mapping population. Gene order was conserved within these markers from centromere to telomere of porcine chromosome 10q, as compared with human chromosome 10p. Four of these genes (PIP5K2A, ITIH2, GAD2 and AKR1C2), which map under QTL, are potential candidate genes. Identification of porcine homologues near important QTL and development of a comparative map for this chromosome will allow further fine- mapping and positional cloning of candidate genes affecting reproductive traits.  相似文献   

The brains of rats and humans express the enzymes required for the synthesis of aldosterone from cholesterol, including the 3beta-steroid dehydrogenase that catalyzes the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone in the pathway of adrenal steroid synthesis. Salt-induced hypertension in the Dahl inbred salt-sensitive (SS/jr) rat is associated with normal to low levels of circulating aldosterone, yet it is abrogated by the central infusion of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. To test the hypothesis that de novo synthesis of aldosterone in the brain has a pathophysiological role in the salt-induced hypertension of the SS rat, the 3beta-steroid dehydrogenase antagonist trilostane was infused continuously intracerebroventricularly or subcutaneously in two different cohorts of Dahl SS/jr rats, one female, the other male, during and after the development of salt-induced hypertension. The doses of trilostane used had no effect on blood pressure when infused subcutaneously. Animals receiving vehicle intracerebroventricularly experienced a 30- to 45-mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure measured by tail cuff. The intracerebroventricular, but not subcutaneous, infusion of 0.3 microg/h trilostane effectively blocked the increase in systolic blood pressure and reversed the hypertension produced by drinking 0.9% saline. Trilostane was equally effective in female and male rats. Weight gain, serum aldosterone and corticosterone concentrations, and behavior assessed subjectively and by elevated plus maze were unchanged by the trilostane treatment. These studies suggest that the synthesis in the brain of a mineralocorticoid receptor agonist, probably aldosterone, is responsible in part for the salt-induced hypertension of the inbred Dahl SS/jr rat.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis previously demonstrated a blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) on rat Chromosome 2 (Chr 2) in crosses utilizing Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rats. The present work dissects this QTL by using congenic strains in which segments of Chr 2 from Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) are placed on the S genetic background. Two distinct QTLs were found where one QTL was anticipated. These each accounted for a blood pressure of 15–20 mm Hg in rats fed 2% NaCl diet for 24 days. One QTL was in the <9-cM interval between D2Rat35 and D2Wox18 (Fgg), and the other was in the <7-cM interval between D2Wox18 (Fgg) and D2Mgh10. A third tentative QTL was suggested, but not clearly established, in the <3-cM interval between D2Mgh10 and D2Rat259. Received: 26 July 2001 / Accepted 6 September 2001  相似文献   

Meng H  Garrett MR  Dene H  Rapp JP 《Genomics》2003,81(2):210-220
A blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait locus (QTL) was previously found on rat chromosome 9 using Dahl salt-sensitive (S) and Dahl salt-resistant (R) rats. A congenic strain, S.R(chr9), constructed by introgressing an R chromosomal segment into the S background, previously proved the existence of a BP QTL in a large 34.2-cM segment of chromosome 9. In the current work congenic substrains were constructed from the progenitor congenic strain, S.R(chr9). BP and heart weight comparisons between these congenic substrains and their S control localized the BP QTL to a 4.6-cM interval. Two solute carrier (Na(+)/H(+) exchanger) genes, Nhe2 and Nhe4, were excluded as candidates based on their map locations. A second iteration of congenic substrains was used to localize the QTL further to a 2.4-cM interval. Another solute carrier (Cl(-)/HCO3- exchanger) gene, Ae3, is in this reduced interval and was sequenced for both S and R strains, but no coding sequence variations were found. Ae3 mRNA was not differentially expressed in the kidney of congenic compared to S rats. Although the identity of the QTL remains unknown its map location has been reduced from an interval of 34.2 to 2.4 cM.  相似文献   

The renin locus (Ren) on rat Chromosome (Chr) 13 had previously been shown to cosegregate with blood pressure in crosses involving Dahl salt-sensitive (S) and Dahl salt-resistant (R) rats. In the present work, interval mapping of blood pressure on Chr 13 with a large F2 (S × R), n = 233, population yielded a maximum LOD = 4.2 for linkage to blood pressure, but the quantitative trait locus (QTL) was only poorly localized to a large 35-centiMorgan (cM) segment of Chr 13. In the linkage analysis, the S-rat QTL allele (S) was associated with higher, and the R-rat QTL allele (R) with lower blood pressure, the difference between homozygotes being about 20 mm Hg. A congenic strain was made by introgressing the R-rat Ren allele into the recipient S strain. This congenic strain showed a 24 mm Hg reduction (P = 0.004) in blood pressure compared with S rats for rats fed 2% NaCl diet for 24 days; this difference was confirmed by two other independent tests. Two congenic substrains were derived from the first congenic strain with shorter R Chr 13 segments on the S background. Comparisons among these congenic strains showed that a blood pressure QTL was in the 24-cM chromosomal segment between Syt2 and D13M1Mit108. This segment does not include the renin locus, which is thus excluded from being the gene on rat Chr 13 responsible for genetic differences in blood pressure detected by linkage analysis. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   

Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in rats closely mimics the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). As in MS, genetic predisposition to MOG-EAE is regulated by both MHC and non-MHC genes. Based on disease regulatory influences on MOG-EAE on chromosome 10 in an F2 cross between susceptible DA and resistant ACI rats, we have now isolated this locus in a congenic rat strain to enable further dissection of disease mechanisms. This region is of particular interest, since it is homologous to human 17q for which human whole-genome scans have indicated harbors genes regulating susceptibility to MS. Phenotypic comparison between DA and the congenic DA.ACI-D10Rat2-D10Rat29 strain confirms that the chromosomal segment harbors gene(s) conferring strong protection against MOG-EAE. Furthermore, resistance to EAE in this congenic strain is associated with absence or a low level of inflammation and demyelination in the central nervous system. Levels of anti-MOG antibody isotypes did not differ between parental and congenic rats, thus an action on Th1/Th2 differentiation is unlikely. In conclusion, this is the first example of an EAE-regulating locus isolated in a congenic rat strain with retained phenotype. The mechanism by which gene(s) in the region act is still unclear and will require further studies with this congenic rat strain as a tool.  相似文献   

The effects of high-sodium (HS) and normal-sodium (NS) diets on ovarian hormone modulation of mean arterial pressure (MAP) were examined in Dahl salt-resistant (DR) and salt-sensitive (DS) rats. Ovariectomy increased MAP (OVX-Sham) to a greater extent in DS rats maintained for 2 wk on a HS (22 mmHg) compared with a NS (6 mmHg) diet. Ovariectomy had no effect on MAP in DR rats on NS but did increase MAP in rats on HS (10 mmHg) diets. On HS diets, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was 36% less in the DS-Sham than DR-Sham animals; ovariectomy increased GFR in both strains by 1.4-1.5-fold; glomerular angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) densities were 1.6-fold higher in the DS-Sham than in the DR-Sham group; ovariectomy increased glomerular AT(1)R densities by 1.3-fold in DR rats but had no effect in DS rats; 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) downregulated adrenal AT(1)R densities in both strains on either diet; ovariectomy reduced estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-alpha) protein expression in the renal cortex by 40-50% although renal ER-alpha expression was 34% lower in DS than in DR rats. These observed effects of gonadectomy were prevented by E(2) treatment, suggesting that E(2) deficiency mediates the effects of ovariectomy on MAP, GFR, AT(1)R densities, and renal ER-alpha protein expression. In conclusion, ovariectomy-induced increases in MAP are augmented by HS diet in both strains, and this effect is not mediated by a reduction in GFR. Aberrant renal AT(1)R regulation and reduced renal ER-alpha expression are potential contributors to the hypertensive effects of E(2) deficiency in DS rats. These findings have implications for women with salt-sensitive hypertension and women who are E(2) deficient, such as postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous studies in mice have detected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosome 7 that affect body composition. As a step toward identifying the responsible genes, we compared a chromosome 7 substitution strain C57BL/6J‐Chr7129S1/SvImJ/Na (CSS‐7) to its host (C57BL/6J) strain. Methods and Procedures: Fourteen‐week‐old mice were measured for body size (weight, length), organ weight (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and spleen), body and bone composition (fat and lean weight; bone area, mineral content, and density), and individual adipose depot weights (gonadal, retroperitoneal, mesenteric, inguinal, and subscapular). Differences between the CSS‐7 strain and the host strain were interpreted as evidence for the presence of one or more QTLs on chromosome 7. Results: Using this criterion, we detected QTLs for body weight, bone area, bone mineral content, brain, and heart weight, most adipose depot weights and some indices of fatness. A few strain differences were more pronounced in males (e.g., most adiposity measures) and others were more pronounced in females (e.g., bone area). QTLs for body length, lean weight, bone mineral density, and kidney, spleen, and liver weight were not detected. Discussion: This study found several associations that suggest one or more QTLs specific to the weight of select tissues and organs exist on mouse chromosome 7. Because these loci are detectable on a fixed and uniform genetic background, they are reasonable targets for high‐resolution mapping and gene identification using a congenic approach.  相似文献   

Estimates of heritability (h2) of blood pressure level and the number of loci controlling the trait were derived from two genetic crosses involving the Milan hypertensive strain of rat and its control with normal blood pressure. In the genetic cross involving backcrosses, the estimates were h2 = 64% and the number of loci was two or three; there was some evidence of dominance of the alleles for normal blood pressures. In the other cross with only F2's, the degree of genetic determination (heritability in the broad sense) was 45%, involving at least three loci.  相似文献   

Our purposes were to develop a linkage map for rat Chromosome (Chr) 10, using chromosome-sorted DNA, and to construct congenic strains to localize blood pressure quantitative trait loci (QTL) on Chr 10 with the map. The linkage mapping panel consisted of three F2 populations totaling 418 rats. Thirty-two new and 29 known microsatellite markers were placed on the map, which spanned 88.9 centiMorgans (cM). The average distance between markers was 1.46 cM. No markers were separated by more than 6.8 cM. Four congenic strains were constructed by introgressing various segments of Chr 10 from the Milan normotensive strain (MNS) onto the background of the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) strain. A blood pressure QTL with a strong effect on blood pressure (35–42 mm Hg) when expressed on the S background was localized to a 31-cM region between D10Mco6 and D10Mcol. The region does not include the locus for inducible nitric oxide synthase (Nos2), which had been considered to be a candidate locus for the QTL. Received: 25 September 1996 / Accepted: 9 November 1996  相似文献   

Transfer of chromosome 13 from the Brown Norway (BN) rat onto the Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) genetic background attenuates the development of hypertension, but the genes involved remain to be identified. The purpose of the present study was to confirm by telemetry that a congenic strain [SS.BN-(D13Hmgc37-D13Got22)/Mcwi, line 5], carrying a 13.4-Mb segment of BN chromosome 13 from position 32.4 to 45.8 Mb, is protected from the development of hypertension and then to narrow the region of interest by creating and phenotyping 11 additional subcongenic strains. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) rose from 118 ± 1 to 186 ± 5 mmHg in SS rats fed a high-salt diet (8.0% NaCl) for 3 wk. Protein excretion increased from 56 ± 11 to 365 ± 37 mg/day. In contrast, MAP only increased to 152 ± 9 mmHg in the line 5 congenic strain. Six subcongenic strains carrying segments of BN chromosome 13 from 32.4 and 38.2 Mb and from 39.9 to 45.8 Mb were not protected from the development of hypertension. In contrast, MAP was reduced by ~30 mmHg in five strains, carrying a 1.9-Mb common segment of BN chromosome 13 from 38.5 to 40.4 Mb. Proteinuria was reduced by ~50% in these strains. Sequencing studies did not identify any nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the coding region of the genes in this region. RT-PCR studies indicated that 4 of the 13 genes in this region were differentially expressed in the kidney of two subcongenic strains that were partially protected from hypertension vs. those that were not. These results narrow the region of interest on chromosome 13 from 13.4 Mb (159 genes) to a 1.9-Mb segment containing only 13 genes, of which 4 are differentially expressed in strains partially protected from the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

11β-hydroxylase (Cyp11b1) mutations were previously linked to altered steroid biosynthesis and blood pressure in Dahl salt-resistant (R) and Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rats. In the present work, interval mapping identified a putative blood pressure quantitative trait locus (QTL) near Cyp11b1 in an F1(S×R)×S population (LOD = 2.0). Congenic rats (designated S.R-Cyp11b) were constructed by introgressing the R-rat Cyp11b1 allele into the S strain. S.R-Cyp11b rats had significantly lower blood pressure and heart weight compared with S rats, proving the existence of a blood pressure QTL on Chromosome (Chr) 7 despite the fact that QTL linkage analysis of blood pressure never achieved stringent statistical criteria for significance. To test the effects of the introgressed region on blood pressure and survival, S.R.-Cyp11b and S rats were maintained on a 4% NaCl diet until they died or became moribund. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant strain differences in blood pressure and days survived (P < 0.0001 for both) as well as gender differences in days survived (P = 0.0003). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis also found significant strain (P < 0.0001) and gender (P = 0.007) differences in days survived. However, when the effects of blood pressure were removed, significant strain differences in survival essentially disappeared. This suggests that the increased survival of S.R-Cyp11b rats was largely due to their decreased blood pressure and thus strongly corroborates the existence of a blood pressure QTL on Chr 7 near or at Cyp11b1. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 10 August 1997  相似文献   

The gene responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A) has been localized to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 10. Several markers that fail to recombine with MEN2A have been identified, including D10Z1, D10S94, D10S97, and D10S102. Meiotic mapping in the MEN2A region is limited by the paucity of critical crossovers identified and by the dramatically reduced rates of recombination in males. Additional approaches to mapping loci in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 10 are required. We have undertaken the generation of a detailed physical map by radiation hybrid mapping. Here we report the development of a radiation hybrid panel and its use in the mapping of new DNA markers in pericentromeric chromosome 10. The radiation-reduced hybrids used for mapping studies all retain small subchromosomal fragments that include both D10S94 and D10Z1. One hybrid was selected as the source of DNA for cloning. One hundred five human recombinant clones were isolated from a lambda library made with pp11A DNA. We have completed regional mapping of 22 of those clones using our radiation hybrid mapping panel. Seven markers have been identified and, when taken together with previously meiotically mapped markers, define eight radiation hybrid map intervals between D10S34 and RBP3. The identical order is found for a number of these using either the radiation hybrid mapping panel or the meiotic mapping panel. We believe that this combination cloning and mapping approach will facilitate the precise positioning of new markers in pericentromeric chromosome 10 and will help in refining further the localization of MEN2A.  相似文献   

This study examined whether substitution of chromosome 5 containing the CYP4A genes from Brown Norway rat onto the Dahl S salt-sensitive (SS) genetic background upregulates the renal production of 20-HETE and attenuates the development of hypertension. The expression of CYP4A protein and the production of 20-HETE were significantly higher in the renal cortex and outer medulla of SS.5(BN) (chromosome 5-substituted Brown Norway rat) consomic rats fed either a low-salt (LS) or high-salt (HS) diet than that seen in SS rats. The increase in the renal production of 20-HETE in SS.5(BN) rats was associated with elevated expression of CYP4A2 mRNA. MAP measured by telemetry rose from 117 ± 1 to 183 ± 5 mmHg in SS rats fed a HS diet for 21 days, but only increased to 151 ± 5 mmHg in SS.5(BN) rats. The pressure-natriuretic and diuretic responses were twofold higher in SS.5(BN) rats compared with SS rats. Protein excretion rose to 354 ± 17 mg/day in SS rats fed a HS diet for 21 days compared with 205 ± 13 mg/day in the SS.5(BN) rats, and the degree of glomerular injury was reduced. Baseline glomerular capillary pressure (Pgc) was similar in SS.5(BN) rats (43 ± 1 mmHg) and Dahl S (44 ± 2 mmHg) rats. However, Pgc increased to 59 ± 3 mmHg in SS rats fed a HS diet for 7 days, while it remained unaltered in SS.5(BN) rats (43 ± 2 mmHg). Chronic administration of an inhibitor of the synthesis of 20-HETE (HET0016, 10 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1) iv) reversed the antihypertensive phenotype seen in the SS.5(BN) rats. These findings indicate that the transfer of chromosome 5 from the BN rat onto the SS genetic background increases the renal expression of CYP4A protein and the production of 20-HETE and that 20-HETE contributes to the antihypertensive and renoprotective effects seen in the SS.5(BN) consomic strain.  相似文献   

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