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The natural nutrient component Curcumin with anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity has previously been shown to stimulate apoptosis of several nucleated cell types. The present study has been performed to explore whether Curcumin could similarly induce suicidal death of erythrocytes or eryptosis, which is characterized by cell shrinkage and cell membrane scrambling with phosphatidylserine exposure at the erythrocyte surface. Phosphatidylserine exposing cells are phagocytosed and thus rapidly cleared from circulating blood. Erythrocyte membrane scrambling may be triggered by increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) activity or formation of ceramide. To test for eryptosis, erythrocyte phosphatidylserine exposure has been estimated from annexin V binding, and erythrocyte volume from forward scatter in FACS analysis. Exposure of erythrocytes to Curcumin (= 1 microM) increased annexin V binding and decreased forward scatter, pointing to phosphatidylserine exposure at the cell surface and cell shrinkage. According to Fluo3 fluorescence Curcumin increased cytosolic Ca(2+) activity and according to immunofluorescence Curcumin increased ceramide formation. As shown previously, hypertonic shock (addition of 550mM sucrose), chloride removal and glucose depletion decreased the forward scatter and increased annexin V binding. The effects on annexin binding were enhanced in the presence of Curcumin. Exposure to Curcumin did, however, not significantly enhance the shrinking effect of hypertonic shock or Cl(-) removal and reversed the shrinking effect of glucose withdrawal. The present observations disclose a proeryptotic effect of Curcumin which may affect the life span of circulating erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Amyloid peptides are known to induce apoptosis in a wide variety of cells. Erythrocytes may similarly undergo suicidal death or eryptosis, which is characterized by scrambling of the cell membrane with subsequent exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) at the cell surface. Eryptosis is triggered by increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) activity and by activation of acid sphingomyelinase with subsequent formation of ceramide. Triggers of eryptosis include energy depletion and isosmotic cell shrinkage (replacement of extracellular Cl(-) by impermeable gluconate for 24 h). The present study explored whether amyloid peptide Abeta (1-42) could trigger eryptosis and to possibly identify underlying mechanisms. Erythrocytes from healthy volunteers were exposed to amyloid and PS-exposure (annexin V binding), cell volume (forward scatter), cytosolic Ca(2+) activity (Fluo3 fluorescence) and ceramide formation (anti-ceramide antibody) were determined by FACS analysis. Exposure of erythrocytes to the amyloid peptide Abeta (1-42) (> or = 0.5 microM) for 24 h significantly triggered annexin V binding, an effect mimicked to a lesser extent by the amyloid peptide Abeta (1-40) (1 microM). Abeta (1-42) (> or = 1.0 microM) further significantly decreased forward scatter of erythrocytes. The effect of Abeta (1-42) (> or = 0.5 microM) on erythrocyte annexin V binding was paralleled by formation of ceramide but not by significant increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) activity. The presence of Abeta (1-42) further significantly enhanced the eryptosis following Cl(-) depletion but not of glucose depletion for 24 hours. The present observations disclose a novel action of Abeta (1-42), which may well contribute to the pathophysiological effects of amyloid peptides, such as vascular complications in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte injury such as osmotic shock, oxidative stress or energy depletion stimulates the formation of prostaglandin E2 through activation of cyclooxygenase which in turn activates a Ca2+ permeable cation channel. Increasing cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations activate Ca2+ sensitive K+ channels leading to hyperpolarization, subsequent loss of KCl and (further) cell shrinkage. Ca2+ further stimulates a scramblase shifting phosphatidylserine from the inner to the outer cell membrane. The scramblase is sensitized for the effects of Ca2+ by ceramide which is formed by a sphingomyelinase following several stressors including osmotic shock. The sphingomyelinase is activated by platelet activating factor PAF which is released by activation of phospholipase A2. Phosphatidylserine at the erythrocyte surface is recognised by macrophages which engulf and degrade the affected cells. Moreover, phosphatidylserine exposing erythrocytes may adhere to the vascular wall and thus interfere with microcirculation. Erythrocyte shrinkage and phosphatidylserine exposure ('eryptosis') mimic features of apoptosis in nucleated cells which however, involves several mechanisms lacking in erythrocytes. In kidney medulla, exposure time is usually too short to induce eryptosis despite high osmolarity. Beyond that high Cl- concentrations inhibit the cation channel and high urea concentrations the sphingomyelinase. Eryptosis is inhibited by erythropoietin which thus extends the life span of circulating erythrocytes. Several conditions trigger premature eryptosis thus favouring the development of anemia. On the other hand, eryptosis may be a mechanism of defective erythrocytes to escape hemolysis. Beyond their significance for erythrocyte survival and death the mechanisms involved in 'eryptosis' may similarly contribute to apoptosis of nucleated cells.  相似文献   

Diabetes increases the percentage of circulating erythrocytes exposing phosphatidylserine (PS) at the cell surface. PS-exposing erythrocytes are recognized, bound, engulfed and degraded by macrophages. Thus, PS exposure, a feature of suicidal erythrocyte death or eryptosis, accelerates clearance of affected erythrocytes from circulating blood. Moreover, PS-exposing erythrocytes bind to the vascular wall thus interfering with microcirculation. The present study explored mechanisms involved in the triggering of PS exposure by methylgloxal, an extra- and intracellular metabolite which is enhanced in diabetes. PS exposure, cell size and cytosolic Ca(2+)-activity after methylglyoxal treatment were measured by FACS analysis of annexin V binding, forward scatter and Fluo-3-fluorescence, respectively, and it was shown that the treatment significantly enhanced the percentage of PS-exposing erythrocytes at concentrations (0.3 microM) encountered in diabetic patients. Surprisingly, methylglyoxal did not significantly increase cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration, and at concentrations up to 3 microM, did not decrease the forward scatter. Instead, exposure to methylglyoxal inhibited glycolysis thus decreasing ATP and GSH concentrations. In conclusion, methylglyoxal impairs energy production and anti-oxidative defense, effects contributing to the enhanced PS exposure of circulating erythrocytes and eventually resulting in anemia and deranged microcirculation.  相似文献   

Ceramide is known to trigger apoptosis of nucleated cells and eryptosis of erythrocytes. Eryptosis is characterized by cell shrinkage and cell membrane scrambling with phosphatidylserine translocation to the erythrocyte surface. Besides ceramide, stimulators of eryptosis include increase of cytosolic Ca2+‐activity ([Ca2+]i) and oxidative stress. Ceramide is degraded by acid ceramidase and inhibition of the enzyme similarly triggers apoptosis. The present study explored, whether ceramidase inhibitor Ceranib‐2 induces eryptosis. Flow cytometry was employed to quantify phosphatidylserine‐exposure at the cell surface from annexin‐V‐binding, cell volume from forward scatter, [Ca2+]i from Fluo3‐fluorescence, reactive oxygen species (ROS) from DCF dependent fluorescence, and ceramide abundance utilizing specific antibodies. Hemolysis was estimated from hemoglobin concentration in the supernatant. A 48 h exposure of human erythrocytes to Ceranib‐2 significantly increased the percentage of annexin‐V‐binding cells (≥50 μM) and the percentage of hemolytic cells (≥10 μM) without significantly modifying forward scatter. Ceranib‐2 significantly increased Fluo3‐fluorescence, DCF fluorescence and ceramide abundance. The effect of Ceranib‐2 on annexin‐V‐binding was not significantly blunted by removal of extracellular Ca2+. Ceranib‐2 triggers phospholipid scrambling of the erythrocyte cell membrane, an effect at least in part due to increase of ceramide abundance and induction of oxidative stress, but not dependent on Ca2+ entry. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Blebbistatin, a myosin II inhibitor, interferes with myosin-actin interaction and microtubule assembly. By influencing cytoskeletal dynamics blebbistatin counteracts apoptosis of several types of nucleated cells. Even though lacking nuclei and mitochondria, erythrocytes may undergo suicidal cell death or eryptosis, which is characterized by cell shrinkage and cell membrane scrambling with phosphatidylserine exposure at the cell surface. Triggers of eryptosis include energy depletion and osmotic shock, which enhance cytosolic Ca(2+) activity with subsequent Ca(2+)-sensitive cell shrinkage and cell membrane scrambling. The present study explored the effect of blebbistatin on eryptosis. Cell membrane scrambling was estimated from binding of annexin V to phosphatidylserine at the erythrocyte surface, cell volume from forward scatter in fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration from Fluo3 fluorescence. Exposure to blebbistatin on its own (1-50 μM) did not significantly modify cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration, forward scatter, or annexin V binding. Glucose depletion (48 h) was followed by a significant increase of Fluo3 fluorescence and annexin V binding, effects significantly blunted by blebbistatin (Fluo3 fluorescence ≥ 25 μM, annexin V binding ≥ 10 μM). Osmotic shock (addition of 550 mM sucrose) again significantly increased Fluo3 fluorescence and annexin binding, effects again significantly blunted by blebbistatin (Fluo3 fluorescence ≥ 25 μM, annexin V binding ≥ 25 μM). The present observations disclose a novel effect of blebbistatin, i.e., an influence on Ca(2+) entry and suicidal erythrocyte death following energy depletion and osmotic shock.  相似文献   

Similar to nucleated cells, erythrocytes may undergo suicidal death or eryptosis, which is characterized by cell shrinkage, cell membrane blebbing and cell membrane phospholipid scrambling. Eryptotic cells are removed and thus prevented from undergoing hemolysis. Eryptosis is stimulated by Ca(2+) following Ca(2+) entry through unspecific cation channels. Ca(2+) sensitivity is enhanced by ceramide, a product of acid sphingomyelinase. Eryptosis is triggered by hyperosmolarity, oxidative stress, energy depletion, hyperthermia and a wide variety of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. Eryptosis is inhibited by nitric oxide, catecholamines and a variety of further small molecules. Erythropoietin counteracts eryptosis in part by inhibiting the Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels but by the same token may foster formation of erythrocytes, which are particularly sensitive to eryptotic stimuli. Eryptosis is triggered in several clinical conditions such as iron deficiency, diabetes, renal insufficiency, myelodysplastic syndrome, phosphate depletion, sepsis, haemolytic uremic syndrome, mycoplasma infection, malaria, sickle-cell anemia, beta-thalassemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-(G6PD)-deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and Wilson's disease. Enhanced eryptosis is observed in mice with deficient annexin 7, cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI), AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK, anion exchanger AE1, adenomatous polyposis coli APC and Klotho as well as in mouse models of sickle cell anemia and thalassemia. Eryptosis is decreased in mice with deficient phosphoinositide dependent kinase PDK1, platelet activating factor receptor, transient receptor potential channel TRPC6, janus kinase JAK3 or taurine transporter TAUT. If accelerated eryptosis is not compensated by enhanced erythropoiesis, clinically relevant anemia develops. Eryptotic erythrocytes may further bind to endothelial cells and thus impede microcirculation.  相似文献   

Liu  Jibin  Bhuyan  Abdulla Al Mamun  Ma  Ke  Zhang  Shaqiu  Cheng  Anchun  Lang  Florian 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(7):5025-5032
Molecular Biology Reports - Pyrogallol, a polyphenolic component of Acacia nilotica has previously been reported to induce apoptosis of diverse cell types. Pyrogallol is in part effective by...  相似文献   

Antivitamin K anticoagulants have been commonly used to control rodent pest all over the world for more than 50 years. These compounds target blood coagulation by inhibiting the vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1), which catalyzes the reduction of vitamin K 2,3-epoxide to vitamin K. Resistance to anticoagulants has been reported in wild rat populations from different countries. From these populations, several mutations of the rVkorc1 gene have been reported. In this study, rat VKORC1 and its most frequent mutants L120Q-, L128Q-, Y139C-, Y139S- and Y139F-VKORC1 were expressed as membrane-bound proteins in Pichia pastoris and characterized by the determination of kinetic and inhibition parameters. The recombinant rVKORC1 showed similar properties than those of the native proteins expressed in the rat liver microsomes, validating the expression system as a good model to study the consequences of VKORC1 mutations. The determination of the inhibition parameters towards various antivitamin K anticoagulants demonstrated that mutations at Leu-120, Leu-128 and Tyr-139 confer the resistance to the first generation AVKs observed in wild rat populations.  相似文献   

The prostaglandin PGE(2), a metabolite of the cyclooxygenase pathway, activates Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels in erythrocyte cell membranes leading to entry of Ca(2+) with subsequent eryptosis, i.e. cell shrinkage, breakdown of phosphatidylserine (PS) asymmetry and membrane blebbing, all features typical for apoptosis in nucleated cells. PS exposing cells are recognized by macrophages, engulfed, degraded and thus cleared from circulating blood. The present study explored whether the specific lipoxygenase inhibitor Bay-Y5884 influences eryptosis. As determined by competitive ELISA, Bay-Y5884 (20 microM) enhanced the release of PGE(2) from human erythrocytes. According to whole-cell patch-clamp, Bay-Y5884 (20 microM) activated nonselective cation channels. The effect of Bay-Y5884 on cation channels was abolished by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor diclophenac (10 microM). Bay-Y5884 (30-40 microM) significantly increased erythrocyte free Ca(2+) concentration and PS exposure as analyzed in flow cytometry by Fluo3 fluorescence and annexin-V binding, respectively. PS exposure triggered by 20 microM (but not by 40 microM) Bay-Y5884 was blunted by cyclooxygenase inhibitors acetylsalicylic acid (50 microM) and diclophenac (10 microM). In conclusion, the lipoxygenase inhibitor Bay-Y5884 enhances erythrocyte PGE(2) formation with subsequent activation of non-selective cation channels, Ca(2+) entry and phospholipid scrambling.  相似文献   

Listeriolysin, the secreted cytolysin of the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, is its major virulence factor. Previously, non-lytic concentrations of listeriolysin were shown to induce Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channels in human embryonic kidney cells. In erythrocytes, Ca2+ entry is followed by activation of K+ channels resulting in K+-exit as well as by membrane scrambling resulting in phosphatidylserine exposure at the cell surface. Phosphatidylserine-exposing erythrocytes are recognized by macrophages, engulfed, degraded and thus cleared from circulating blood. Phosphatidylserine exposure is a key event of eryptosis, the suicidal death of erythrocytes. The present study utilized patch-clamp technique, Fluo3-fluorescence, and annexin V-binding in FACS analysis to determine the effect of listeriolysin on cell membrane conductance, cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, and phosphatidylserine exposure, respectively. Within 30 minutes, exposure of human peripheral blood erythrocytes to low concentrations of listeriolysin (which were non-hemolytic for the majority of cells) induced a Ca2+-permeable cation conductance in the erythrocyte cell membrane, increased cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, and triggered annexin V-binding. Increase of extracellular K+ concentration blunted, but did not prevent, listeriolysin-induced annexin V-binding. In conclusion, listeriolysin triggers suicidal death of erythrocytes, an effect at least partially due to depletion of intracellular K+. Listeriolysin induced suicidal erythrocyte death could well contribute to the pathophysiology of L. monocytogenes infection.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid     
《Current biology : CB》2008,18(7):550-552

Our understanding of the means by which the left-right axis is patterned is not fully understood, although a number of key intermediaries have been recently described. We report here that retinoic acid (RA) excess affects heart situs concomitant with alterations in the expression of genes implicated in the establishment of the left-right axis. Specifically, RA exposure during a specific developmental window evoked bilateral expression of lefty-1, lefty-2, nodal, and pitx-2 in the lateral plate mesoderm. Time course experiments, together with analysis of midline markers, suggest that nascent mesoderm constitutes a predominant RA target involved in this process. These events are likely to underlie the perturbations of heart looping provoked by excess RA and suggest a means by which retinoids influence the early steps in establishment of the left-right embryonic axis.  相似文献   

F. W. Danby 《CMAJ》1978,119(8):854-856

Loss-of-function mutations in human adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) lead to multiple colonic adenomatous polyps eventually resulting in colonic carcinoma. Similarly, heterozygous mice carrying defective APC (apc(Min/+)) suffer from intestinal tumours. The animals further suffer from anaemia, which in theory could result from accelerated eryptosis, a suicidal erythrocyte death triggered by enhanced cytosolic Ca(2+) activity and characterized by cell membrane scrambling and cell shrinkage. To explore, whether APC-deficiency enhances eryptosis, we estimated cell membrane scrambling from annexin V binding, cell size from forward scatter and cytosolic ATP utilizing luciferin-luciferase in isolated erythrocytes from apc(Min/+) mice and wild-type mice (apc(+/+)). Clearance of circulating erythrocytes was estimated by carboxyfluorescein-diacetate-succinimidyl-ester labelling. As a result, apc(Min/+) mice were anaemic despite reticulocytosis. Cytosolic ATP was significantly lower and annexin V binding significantly higher in apc(Min/+) erythrocytes than in apc(+/+) erythrocytes. Glucose depletion enhanced annexin V binding, an effect significantly more pronounced in apc(Min/+) erythrocytes than in apc(+/+) erythrocytes. Extracellular Ca(2+) removal or inhibition of Ca(2+) entry with amiloride (1 mM) blunted the increase but did not abrogate the genotype differences of annexin V binding following glucose depletion. Stimulation of Ca(2+) -entry by treatment with Ca(2+) -ionophore ionomycin (10 μM) increased annexin V binding, an effect again significantly more pronounced in apc(Min/+) erythrocytes than in apc(+/+) erythrocytes. Following retrieval and injection into the circulation of the same mice, apc(Min/+) erythrocytes were more rapidly cleared from circulating blood than apc(+/+) erythrocytes. Most labelled erythrocytes were trapped in the spleen, which was significantly enlarged in apc(Min/+) mice. The observations point to accelerated eryptosis and subsequent clearance of apc(Min/+) erythrocytes, which contributes to or even accounts for the enhanced erythrocyte turnover, anaemia and splenomegaly in those mice.  相似文献   

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